FCS Lower School New Family Guide 2024-2025

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Getting-to-Know-You Conferences

Thursday, Aug. 29 & Tuesday, Sept. 3

You will receive a communication in mid-August with registration details.

Orientation Day

All NEW students and returning Nursery, Pre-K, and K students (if they would like a refresher)

Tuesday, September 3, 8:30 am

• Nursery/Pre-K/K:

Last Name A-L, 8:30-9:00 am

Last Name M-Z, 9:15 am-9:45 am

• Grade 1-5: 8:30-9:30 am

First Day of School – All Students

(Noon dismissal for Nursery, Pre-K, and K)

Wednesday, September 4, 8:30 am

Parent & Caregiver Welcome Coffee during drop-off, starting at 8 am

PSOC (Parents of Students of Color)

Welcome Event

Saturday, September 14, 2-4 pm

Lower School Picture Day Monday, September 23

Lower School Curriculum Night

Thursday, September 26, 6:30 pm

Grades N/Pre-K/K parents & caregivers are invited to come early for a meet-and-greet from 5:30 to 6:30 pm

Pumpkin Fair Sunday, October 20, 1-4 pm

All-School Parent/Caregiver-Teacher Conferences Friday, Nov. 8 (no classes)

During the summer, if you have any questions, please email Melody Acinapura, Lower School Principal and Rowena Lesher, Assistant Principal.

Melody Acinapura, Lower School Principal melody@friendscentral.org

Rowena Lesher, Assistant Principal rowena@friendscentral.org

Andrea D. Lubrano, Lower School Admission Director alubrano@friendscentral.org

Bethann DiGiovanni , Director of Lower School Operations bdigiovanni@friendscentral.org

Dear New Lower School Families,

It’s a true privilege to welcome you to our Lower School community! This booklet was developed to help you learn more about the ins and outs of Lower School, including important dates and details, as well as ways to become involved and connect with a community that is eager to get to know you and your family. As the first day approaches, please know that we are here to support you along the way. Feel free to reach out at any time with your questions or for more information about your child that can help us to ensure their first days, weeks, and months at FCS are a success!

We can’t wait to get to know your child as a learner, as a unique individual, and as a community member who will have an incredible impact on who we are as a school. I am joined by a devoted team of teachers and professionals, as well as our amazing current families, who look forward to welcoming you in person.



w School begins promptly at 8:30 am

w Early Care starts at 7:30 am (registration required)

w Car loop opens at 8:00 am

w N & Pre-K classrooms open at 8:00 am; K-5 classrooms open at 8:20 am

w School ends and PPU starts at 2:50 pm

w Extended Day ends at 5:45 pm

w If your child is absent or has a change to their transportation plan, please complete the Student Attendance + Transportation Changes form (the big green button found on the Veracross portal)

w Back-to-School information is on Veracross (myfcs.org)


w JtF - Just the FaCtS (weekly newsletter)

w PPU - People pick-up at the end of the day

w MfW - Meeting for Worship

w HSA - Home & School Association, FCS parent and caregiver group

w PSOC - Parents of Students of Color, affinity group

w Light Lab - Lower School makerspace

w Raptor - Security check-in system

w School Mascot - The Phoenix

w School Colors - Blue and gray


q Review contact information in Veracross (myfcs.org)

q Submit health forms using the Magnus Health Portal

q Submit transportation plan

q Review Back-to-School page and prepare school supplies

q Mark important fall dates

q Put your child’s name on their water bottle, book bag, lunch box, and on all their jackets and sweatshirts

q Complete PA state clearances for chaperones and volunteers (Start now! This may take up to 14 days to clear.)

New Student and Family Orientation

In late August, look for a Back-to-School email that will provide your child’s teacher assignment and more details about Orientation Day on Tuesday, September 3 and the first day of school on Wednesday, September 4. For all new Nursery, Pre-K, and Kindergarten students with last names A-L, Orientation Day time is 8:30-9 am; for all Nursery, Pre-K, and K students with last names M-Z, the time is 9:15-9:45 am. Returning Nursery, Pre-K, and Kindergarten are invited to join their orientation group if they would like a refresher. All new students in grades 1-5 will attend from 8:30-9:30 am on September 3.

On Wednesday, September 4, the first full day of school (noon dismissal for Nursery, Pre-K, and K), stop by the Welcome Tent from 8-9 am for coffee with fellow FCS parents and caregivers. Your Home and School Grade Representatives will reach out by email during the first week of school to introduce themselves to you. Please feel free to ask them any questions as you settle into the school year.

Information & Communication


For FCS parents and caregivers, the Veracross parent portal is the central online information hub for the School. This is where you can view back-to-school information, indicate if your child is ill and staying home, and change your daily transportation plan. You can also use it to see your child’s schedule, attendance records, and report cards as well as to schedule your conference in November. Veracross also keeps a log of the emails that have been sent to you by the School and is the link to the Magnus Health portal and tech help. Veracross contains the School directory and allows you to search for families who live nearby, a helpful tool for finding rideshares and babysitters.

You can continue to use the Veracross credentials you used to sign in to the Admissions and Enrollment portals. If you are not new to the School, the credentials you used previously will contin-

ue to work. We recommend you visit the Veracross portal, myfcs.org, before the start of the school year to make sure the contact information we have for your household is correct. If you have forgotten your password, go to the Veracross portal, myfcs.org, and click on the “forgot username or password?” link to receive an email with your username and a link to use to reset your password.


Just the Facts (JtF), the FCS weekly electronic newsletter, is sent out every Friday and is a must-read for all parents and caregivers. It will keep you informed about upcoming events and provide important news about the Lower School and the larger FCS community. It also includes letters from the Head of School and the Principals as well as links to the monthly calendar and the Important Dates Calendar.


Teachers will email parents and caregivers regularly with information regarding their specific classes. Students, with the help of their teachers, maintain Seesaw or Google Classroom accounts where parents and caregivers can view their work. More details will be coming from your classroom teacher.

Specific announcements about upcoming events or important news will be sent as an email from the School. In the event of a weather-related closing or other urgent communication, you will be notified via text and email.


Each class has three to four Home and School Association parent and caregiver volunteers who facilitate communication between the grade-level teachers and families. They will be contacting you about chaperoning field trips, in-class celebrations, and other class events where volunteers may be needed. If you have any questions, please email home-school@friendscentral.org.


Follow Friends’ Central on social media to see what’s happening on campus, support student/faculty achievements, and to stay engaged with the community no matter your location. Take some time to look at the Friends’ Central website, friendscentral org. There, you will find lots of interesting articles and information about cool and exciting things happening at FCS. In the FCS Extras section, you will also find information on transportation, dining services, Extended Day, and after-school clubs.

Arrival & Dismissal Procedures


In early August, you will be asked to provide the School with your child’s daily dismissal plan. It will be sent to you as an electronic form and will be due in mid-August. It is very important that the School has your child’s plan before the school year begins. If you plan on using public school district transportation, you must also complete your district’s transportation request forms found on their website.

During the school year, if there is a change to your child’s transportation plan for that day, please complete the Student Attendance + Transportation Changes form on Veracross by noon that same day; it’s the big green button on the Veracross portal (myfcs.org). If you have questions, please email the Director of Lower School Operations Bethann DiGiovanni at bdigiovanni@friendscentral.org.


Morning Supervision 7:30-8:30 am

Early Care begins at 7:30 am for families with schedules that necessitate an early drop-off. Registration is required in order to attend. Upon registration, you will receive an Early Care placard with additional details prior to the start of school. Families can park in the gravel lot or pull into the carloop to drop-off their students in the gym. Students will transition to their morning care locations at 8:00 am.

From 8:00-8:30 am, there are teachers and administrators on duty in front of the gym. Grades K-5 families can drive through the car loop – where drop-off is facilitated by the FCS faculty on duty – and we ask that parents and caregivers remain in their cars. Alternatively or if students need additional support in transition into school, families can park in the gravel lot and walk up. All Nursery and Pre-K families must park in the gravel lot and walk their child to the designated entrances. There is no parking in the car loop.

Students transition from the morning care locations into their classrooms at 8:20 am. Our bell will ring at 8:30 am to signal the start of the academic day. Students arriving to their classrooms after 8:30 am will be marked late.

Car Loop Guidelines:

w Drivers do not exit the car.

w All children using the car loop must be able to independently unbuckle their carseats, boosters, or seat belts to exit the car. FCS staff members can help with opening and closing doors but are not permitted to unbuckle your children.

w Children must be ready to exit when an FCS staff member opens the door. Children should not be eating, their jackets should be on, and their bags should be close by.

w All children exiting should be in the curbside seat or be ready to exit curbside.

w Children should not be let out on the opposite side from the curb.

w Parents and caregivers must wait until the car in front of them has pulled away before moving.

w There is no cell phone use during drop-off or pick-up.

w There is no parking in the car loop.

If you need extended drop-off time or your child needs assistance buckling or unbuckling their car seat, we ask that you park in the gravel lot during drop-off and pick-up instead of going through the car loop. This procedure is designed to keep your children safe by ensuring the adult who is transporting them properly secures each child into their individual car seat as it is designed.

As you enter the LS campus, the loop and parking lot on the left is for faculty, staff, and FCS visitors only. During pick-up and drop-off time, this area is used by the buses. Parents and caregivers are not permitted to drop off their children or park in this area.

w School Begins at 8:30 am

All FCS staff members will leave the car loop at 8:30 am so they can begin their daily responsibilities.

Please note: when there is a two-hour delayed opening, school begins at 10:30 am, and there is no Early Care. Drop-off will begin at 10 am.

Late Arrivals

From 8:30-8:45 am, FCS security officers will be at the entrance door next to the gym to make sure children get inside the building, but they will NOT be curbside to aid children getting out of the car. If your child can get out of the car independently, you can drop your child off at the curb of the car loop. If your child cannot exit without assistance, please park in the gravel lot and walk them in. Students will then go directly to their classrooms where attendance will be taken by classroom teachers and they will be marked late.

After 8:45 am, all families must park in the gravel lot, walk to the main Lower School Office door, and check in with the Lower School Receptionist. The parking spaces closer to the Lower School Office entrance are reserved for FCS staff and Admission visitors only, and parents are not to park or drive in this area.


w Dismissal is at 2:50 pm

PPU (People Pick-Up) for grades K-2 starts at 2:50 pm. Families with children in these grades park and walk up to the gym entrance for pick-up. Children in Nursery can be picked up at the Nursery playground, and Pre-K children can be picked up at the mural door. We ask that students in grades 3-5 (or families with siblings across grade levels) exclusively use the car loop for pick-up starting at 2:50 pm. Please have your PPU placard in hand or visible from your car dashboard for all pick-ups.

PPU (People Pick-Up) Car Loop Guidelines:

w Please do not exit the car.

w Please ensure that the person picking up your child has the FCS pick-up sign clearly displayed in the car. You will be given two pick-up signs on Orientation Day.

w Electronic device use is strictly prohibited in the car loop.

w Parents and caregivers must wait until the car in front of them has pulled away before moving.

w All children using the car loop at pick-up must be able to independently buckle their carseats, boosters, or seat belts when they enter the car. FCS staff members can help with closing doors but are not permitted to buckle your children into their seats. This procedure is designed to keep your children safe by ensuring the adult who is transporting them properly secures each child into their individual car seat as it is designed.

If your child needs assistance buckling or unbuckling their car seat, you need to park in the gravel during drop-off and pick-up instead of going through the car loop.

Early Dismissals

If you need your child to leave school early, please indicate this on the Student Attendance + Transportation Changes form on Veracross. Choose “Attendance” as your request to change. Your child will be sent to the main lobby to wait for pick-up.

Late to Dismissal

PPU ends at 3:20 pm, and any remaining children are escorted to Extended Day, and there will be a drop-in fee.

Changes to Afternoon Transportation Plan

If there is a change to your child’s afternoon transportation plan for that day – such as a playdate or if you will be late to pick-up – please complete the Student Attendance + Transportation Changes form (myfcs.org) by 2 pm that same day. Choose “Transportation from School” as your request to change. If you have questions, please email the Director of Lower School Operations, Bethann DiGiovanni, bdigiovanni@friendscentral. org. Any changes made after 2 pm must be communicated to Bethann and to all classroom teachers via email.


The Friends’ Central Lower School Extended Day Program (EDP) seeks to create a settled, supervised environment for Lower School students who need to arrive early or stay on campus beyond the regular school day. Each day, there are planned activities as well as time for free play and time for homework. There is a fee associated with this program. Registration will be made available later this summer. Please see the FCS Extras section in the Campus Life portion of the website for more information (friendscentral.org/extras)


The Lower School offers a vibrant After-School Clubs program for students in Kindergarten through grade 5. Featuring various exciting activities such as basketball, dance, painting, and farming, After-School Clubs provide many opportunities to learn a new skill or nurture a budding passion. There is a fee associated with this program. Stay tuned for registration in the Campus Life portion of the website for more information (friendscentral.org/extras).

If you have any questions about extended day or after school clubs, please contact Sabrina Johnson, Director of Extended Day, at extendedday@friendscentral.org.

School Absences

Parents and caregivers are expected to keep sick children at home. A child with a cough or cold is usually more comfortable at home, and children who have experienced fevers or vomiting should not return to school until 24 healthy hours have passed.

If you are keeping your child at home, please notify the School using the Student Attendance + Transportation Changes form by 9 am; it is the big green button in the Veracross portal (myfcs.org).


Friends’ Central students travel to School by private vehicles, school district buses, and FCS buses. There is also a free shuttle for students in Pre-K through 5th grade that runs between the two campuses. In August, you will be sent the LS Transportation form to indicate your long-term transportation plans for the morning and afternoon. It is very important you complete this in a timely manner.

If you have any questions about your student’s transportation, please contact Mark Dodds, Director of Transportation, at mdodds@friendscentral.org or 267.698.0587. During the summer, specific transportation options may change, so look for communications from the School! For the most current and detailed transportation information, see the FCS website at friendscentral.org/transportation.

Inclement Weather & School Closings

In the event of a closing, a modification of regular school hours, or a school emergency, you will receive an alert by text and email. The School will also post a notification on the homepage of our website, friendscentral.org. Visit the Veracross portal, myfcs.org, to make sure the contact information we have for you is correct. Please check with your local school district regarding weather-related changes in transportation, if your child uses public school bus service. Please note: when there is a two-hour delayed opening, school begins at 10:30 am and there is no Early Care. Drop-off will begin at 10:00 am.

Campus Safety & Security

Friends’ Central is fortunate to have a wonderful team of campus safety and security officers who patrol our campus daily and assist in the event of emergencies. We also have layers of campus security that include our card access system, radio system, cameras, alarms, and more. All staff and faculty members are required to wear identification cards on blue lanyards while on campus.

Visitors to campus – including parents and caregivers – must go to the reception desk in the Lower School Office to sign in on our Raptor check in system. Once you have submitted your ID and


w Lower School Main Number: 610.642.7575

w Transportation: Mark Dodds • mdodds@friendscentral.org

w Extended Day Program & After-School Clubs: Sabrina Johnson • extendedday@friendscentral.org

w Director of Lower School Operations: Bethann DiGiovanni • bdigiovanni@friendscentral.org

w FCS Extras: friendscentral.org/extras

w Nurse: Jennie Nemroff • healthservices@friendscentral.org

have been cleared, you will be given a lanyard (green for parents and caregivers) and a temporary ID badge that you must wear while on campus. When your visit is complete, please return your lanyard to the reception desk in the Lower School Office. Your lanyard will not give you access to buildings, so you must be admitted into buildings by a member of the FCS security, faculty, or staff. Please do not ask students to give you access into the buildings.

Lower School Campus

Student Support Services

We believe an intentional and collaborative partnership between home and school is essential for student success. Beyond the expertise of classroom teachers, there is a team of specialists who provide support to students both within learning and social emotional development


Our student support team (SST) consists of our Learning and Literacy Specialist and our Math Specialist. In Pre-K-grade 5, our Learning and Literacy Specialist coordinates efforts in reading and writing and our Math Specialist supports our Context for Learning Math Curriculum with students in Kindergarten-grade 5.

Our School Counselor works with all Lower School students to support their emotional growth and help them to thrive socially. This support can be provided with students individually or in small groups, and the School Counselor closely consults with families. The team is overseen by our Director of Student Services who works closely with our Lower School Principal and Assistant Principal. If you have any questions or want to know more about how this team can support your child, please contact Lower School Principal Melody Acinapura at melody@friendscentral.org or Lower School Assistant Principal Rowena Lesher at rowena@friendscentral.org.


The Lower School campus has one full-time Registered Nurse, Jennie Nemroff, who can be reached at healthservices@friendscentral.org. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to contact her with questions about managing illnesses, allergies, or medications at school. All necessary and required health information is found through our secure Magnus Health Portal that you can access through Veracross. Regular email reminders are automatically sent for any outstanding information related to your student.

A physical examination is required for every student every year. It is due on the month of your child’s birthday or on the anniversary of your child’s last physical examination. For new students, physical examination information is required before your child may attend the first day of school. For all the details about required medical information, consent forms, medication procedures, emergency health care plans, allergies, and immunizations, please visit the Health Services page of our website at friendscentral.org/healthservices. If there is information you would like to share with Jennie, or if you have questions, please feel free to contact her. Open communication will help give your child the best care possible.


w PA State Clearances for Volunteers & Chaperones: Bethann DiGiovanni • bdigiovanni@friendscentral.org

w Director of Campus Safety and Security: Dave Sexton • dsexton@friendscentral.org

w CulinArt: friendscentral.org/dining

w Nurse: Jennie Nemroff • healthservices@friendscentral.org


The Lower School is excited to be partnering with CulinArt for the 2024-2025 school year. CulinArt is a leader in private school dining programs and is committed to serving wholesome, nutritious meals. Menus will be shared each month in JustTheFacts. Daily meals include a beverage, main course, sides, salad bar, and a healthy dessert. There will also be an alternative to the main course each day, as well as gluten-free and vegetarian options. Families can choose from either a five-day sign-up or Pizza Friday meal plans. You can sign up for the full year or by semester (September through December, and January through June).

More information regarding dining services can be found on the Campus Life section of the Friends’ Central School website, friendscentral.org. For questions about the CulinArt program, please contact Bethann DiGiovanni at bdigiovanni@friendscentral.org


Students should bring a healthy snack and a labeled water bottle to School for snack time. You will get more information from your classroom teacher at the start of the school year.


The children have busy and active days at school, spending a great deal of time inside and outside. Comfortable clothes and, most importantly, shoes with closed toes are necessary so they can fully enjoy all daily activities.

On days when there is snow, children are still able to go outside to play. They need to be appropriately clothed with boots, gloves/ mittens, hats/hoods, and snowpants.


The Back-to-School page on the Veracross portal has a list of supplies by grade. During the first week of school, teachers will provide families with a list of any additional supplies needed.


Permission forms are completed online using the Informed K12 Document system. Each form will be sent to parents and caregivers as an email with a link to the online document that requires an electronic signature.


If you are having concerns about your child either academically or socially, teachers are always available to speak with you and

encourage you to schedule a meeting with them. The first conference will be a Getting-to-Know you conference on either August 29 or September 3 with your child’s teacher. They look forward to getting to know more about your child and your family, as well as sharing information about what to expect from your child in the first weeks of school. More formal parent/caregiver-teacher conferences will take place on November 8 and, in the spring, on March 21 to specifically discuss your child’s progress. Conference sign-up information will be sent via email. If these dates are not convenient, classroom teachers will provide other dates and times.

Report Cards will be available on Veracross in late January and June. You’ll receive an email notifying you when report cards are posted.


Friends’ Central School encourages the use of technology to enhance and support student learning. Students need to exercise responsible behavior when using technology and understand that by using any device on campus, they are expected to adhere to the community values. This includes only taking pictures, video, and audio of community members after permission is granted and, for grade 5 students, using School email for School purposes only, checking it daily, and maintaining the privacy of passwords. Students are permitted to have cell phones and smart watches, but they must remain off and in their backpacks during the school day. This is also true of any kind of earbuds or headphones, which must be put away once a student arrives on campus and remain stored until they leave campus at the end of the day. If you wish to communicate a message to your child during the day, please do so by calling the Lower School Office at 610.642.7575

Meeting for Worship at the Lower School

Quakers believe that one needs to come to Meeting for Worship with “heart and mind prepared” to listen to the “still, small voice” of the Spirit within each and every person. Learning to use the time meaningfully in Meeting for Worship involves the development of skills such as centering one’s body and mind, reflecting, and listening. Weekly Meeting for Worship consists of 25 minutes of quiet reflection and truth seeking that are an essential part of life at the Lower School.

Our School is enriched and strengthened by the weekly Meeting for Worship. The special silence that distinguishes a Quaker service is evident as students and teachers work to still the body and mind and open themselves to the Spirit and to the community.


Queries are reflective questions that prepare our hearts and minds for Meeting for Worship.


As Meeting comes to a close, we sing a song and then shake hands with those around us. We affirm our connection to one another and the importance of community in our lives at school.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity

Friends’ Central strives to be a deeply respectful and loving environment rooted in Quaker values and committed to supporting individuals to have what they need to thrive. We foster a community where all members feel a strong sense of belonging and are celebrated across race and ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, class background, religion, ability, family structure, and other social identities. We are engaged in an ongoing journey to become more aware of institutional and interpersonal barriers and provide learning opportunities that foster greater equity and create an increasingly healthy, diverse, and inclusive environment for everyone.

Grounded in Quaker tradition and practice, we strive to embody our commitment to justice and equity through our policies, practices, and the culture we build together. We call upon all members of our community – faculty, staff, students, administrators, parents, trustees, and alumni/ae – to join us.

At Friends’ Central, the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Justice aims to (1) close opportunity gaps; (2) advance critical conversations and initiatives that promote equity, inclusion, and social justice; and (3) enhance our community’s commitment to eliminating harmful bias and discrimination. This department is central to the coordination and implementation of our Strategic Plan’s diversity goals. John Daves (jdaves@friendscentral.org), our Director of Diversity, Equity, Belonging, and Inclusivity, leads these efforts through his inclusion, belonging and equity work. He provides


Quaker Testimonies, key principles that guide Quaker practice and lives, are sometimes grouped into the acronym “SPICES.”

This acronym helps children remember them and provides a common vocabulary for all of us at Friends’ Central to use when talking about the shared Quaker values that guide our religious education.

training and support to colleagues with respect to curriculum and programming, and he offers education and support to all of our families through workshops and affinity and alliance group work. Alongside our Lower School Ambassadors for Justice Education – teachers Tanya Muse and Christie Kapothanasis – John spends time with our youngest students teaching them about fairness, equity, and empathy and supports our older students in Justice Core Team activities. Our Lower School team serves as students’ cheerleaders and guides as we encourage them to find and share their inner voice.

Getting Involved


The Friends’ Central Home & School Association (HSA) is the vibrant and vital FCS parent and caregiver volunteer organization that works collaboratively with the School to strengthen communication and foster enriching opportunities between parents and caregivers and the School. If you are new to FCS, please feel free to reach out to the HSA division co-chairs Kiana Muhly, Eva Greenberg, Karen Brein, and Morgan Gandal with any questions you may have. They are parent volunteers who are happy to help you as you transition to FCS. You can play an important role as a volunteer helping in many ways, from being a grade representative to a committee chair to helping at All-School events. HSA believes that parents and caregivers are essential for the development and success of our students. We encourage you to find a role or event that’s right for you. If you have any questions, contact Elisha Snedeker or Corbett Shinn, HSA Co-Clerks.


For parents of students of color, our PSOC Affinity Group fosters communication within the School community between administration, faculty, staff, parents, and children. PSOC supports efforts to develop greater awareness of the needs and values of children of color and to empower children of color within the FCS community as part of a unified whole. Every year, we build on our ongoing work creating a space for parent and caregiver leadership development, building capacity, engaging in meaningful partnerships, and working together for our students’ success. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our PSOC Co-clerks, Osaru Anyumba and Sherrie Jograj. Please save the date for our first meeting on Tuesday, October 8 at 7 pm.

Mark your calendar! Saturday, September 14 at 2 pm on the City Avenue campus - Welcome Social sponsored by Parents of Students of Color. All families of students of color across all FCS grade levels are invited to enjoy community time with friends!



Grade Representatives

Parents and caregivers can volunteer to be a Grade Representative to support their child’s class and teacher. As Grade Reps, volunteers send communications from HSA and their grade-level teachers to the parents and caregivers in their grade to help keep everyone connected and informed about activities and events. They also help with classroom activities during the year.

HSA Events

These are annual events that need a large number of parent and caregiver volunteers to help plan and run.

w Pumpkin Fair - FCS Fall Festival

w Service Committee

v ElderNet Basket Service Project

v MLK Day of Service

w Lower School Book Fair

w Spirit Night

Get your sitters now! Thursday, September 26, 5:30 pm Grades N/Pre-K/K Meet-and-Greet with other parents and caregivers right before Curriculum Night. We look forward to seeing you there!


Pumpkin Fair is our annual fall festival where the entire Lower School comes to join in the family fun. There are arts and crafts, a face painter, jugglers, carnival games and prizes, and the always-popular haunted house. And, of course, pumpkins to purchase for your autumn needs. It takes the entire community to make this afternoon such a special day. Look for communications in September for ways you can help.


The state of Pennsylvania requires that all adult volunteers who are responsible for a child’s welfare or have direct volunteer contact with children need to provide clearances to the organization where they are volunteering. At FCS, all parents and caregivers who will be volunteering – Grade Representatives, library volunteers, child-event coordinators, and field-trip chaperones – need to have their clearances. We encourage any parent and caregiver interested in volunteering or going on a field trip with their child to get their clearances before the school year begins. For a link to the documents, please go to the Veracross portal and locate the Clearances button. Once you have your clearance documents, please email them to Bethann DiGiovanni, Director of Lower School Operations, at bdigiovanni@friendscentral.org. If you have any questions, please contact Bethann.


w Lower School HSA Co-Chairs:

Kiana Muhly

Eva Greenberg

Karen Brein

Morgan Gandal

w PSOC Co-Clerks: Osaru Anyumba

Sherrie Jograj

w HSA Co-Clerks: Elisha Snedeker Corbett Shinn

w HSA Coordinators: home-school@friendscentral.org


Gifts to the Friends’ Central Fund are an important way for families, alumni/ae, faculty, staff, and friends to demonstrate their commitment to the School. There is a strong tradition of giving at FCS, and the generosity of our community allows the legacy of support to continue year after year. Annually, over 1,500 generous community members contribute to the School’s operating budget.

These contributions impact the people and programs that make an FCS education extraordinary. Specifically, gifts to the Friends’ Central Fund include – but are not limited to – tuition assistance for qualified students, faculty and staff support, diversity, equity, and inclusion programming, student life initiatives, such as athletics and the arts. Participation in the Friends’ Central Fund at any and all levels makes a difference because it affirms belief in our mission and models the way for all members of our community to show support.

Additionally, Annual Fund volunteers are vital to the success of the Annual Giving Campaign. Responsibilities may include connecting with community members (grade specific) through making phone calls, sending emails or texts, or connecting through social media. Typically, volunteers are asked to participate for community-wide Giving Days in the fall and the spring. Serving as an Annual Fund volunteer has an immediate impact on the School and our ability to fulfill our mission of excellence at every level. To become an Annual Fund volunteer, contact Jennifer Chu, Annual Fund Manager, at jchu@friendscentral.org or call 610.645.4493.


We are here to help! Feel free to contact us with any questions. To call the Lower School, dial 610.642.7575, and your call will be directed to the appropriate person.

Melody R. Acinapura, Lower School Principal melody@friendscentral.org

Rowena C. Lesher, Lower School Assistant Principal rowena@friendscentral.org

Andrea D. Lubrano, Lower School Admission Director alubrano@friendscentral.org

Bethann DiGiovanni, Director of Lower School Operations bdigiovanni@friendscentral.org

Lisa Whitaker, Lower School Receptionist 610.642.7575

Frederick Pratt, Director of Support Services fpratt@friendscentral.org

Jenn Curren, Lower School Counselor jcurren@friendscentral.org

The Home and School Association home-school@friendscentral.org

Veracross Parent Portal and Back-to-School Page myfcs.org

Student Attendance + Transportation Changes myfcs.org

Parent & Caregiver Website Page friendscentral.org/parents

Veracross Help ParentHelp@friendscentral.org

FCS Extras: Transportation, Dining Services, Music Programs, Extended Day, and After-School Clubs friendscentral.org/extras

Technology Assistance parenthelp@friendscentral.org

Mark Dodds, Director of Transportation mdodds@friendscentral.org, 267.698.0587

Jennie Nemroff, Nurse healthservices@friendscentral.org

John Daves, Director of Equity, Belonging, and Inclusivity jdaves@friendscentral.org

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