The Magazine of Student Opinion
T d e at
S P R I N G 2 0 1 0
Ebony VS. Oprah
REVOLUTION Spring 2010 Rated-T
This Could Be You! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to create your own news magazine, website, radio or television program? Well, here's your chance. Join Friendship News Network, better known as FNN, a media enterprise run by students with guidance from working media professionals. Friendship News Network students have traveled the world from Fiji to China to New York City and have had their stories and photos posted by The Washington Post, MTV, The Washington Informer and WAMU—to name a few. It's free and open to any student in any Friendship Public Charter School program in DC and Baltimore. In the summer it's open to students in the District of Columbia.
As a member of Friendship News Network, you can: • join our online news and TV broadcast teams at • create news, videos and photos for • enter contests to win prizes and money • create your personal web page where you can post your own art, photos, music, poetry and stories. • learn about scholarships, trips, summer and college opportunities
Friendship News Network “News From the Teen Point of View” To join or for more information go to, email or call 240-426-7685.
FROM: Editor-In-Chief 04/09/10 6:00 pm
Photo and graphic design by Ahmed Davis, a graduating senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
2 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Table of Contents 3 Text From The Editor 6 Contributors
Revolution Evolution
8 Revolution Evolution 10 American Rallies For Healthcare 12 Obama’s Health Care Bill Gets an A+ 14 Alpha Kappa Alpha 15 The Legalization of Gay Marriage in DC 16 Freedom of Speech 18 Karltonism vs. Canaanism
Our Race
27 Dark or Light 28 The N Word 29 Black People: Trendsetters or Niggas 30 African American Ghosts
17 24 26 49 54
Teen Issues
Textual Harrassment Juvenile Detention Interview with the Mayor on Teen Violence The DC Summer Youth Employment Program What’s Happened to TV?
Rated-T is the magazine of Friendship News Network (FNN), a media enterprise run by students located at Friendship Public Charter School, 120 Q Street NE, Washington, DC 20002. FNN is free and open to any student ages 11-18 in the District of Columbia. For more information, or to inquire about becoming an advertiser for our next issue, email: info@ For more information about Friendship News Network, visit our website at For more information about Friendship Public Charter School, visit our website at or call 202.281.1700. Rated-T, The Magazine of Student Opinion, expresses the views of individual students and does not necessarily represent the views of Friendship Public Charter School. Copyright © Friendship News Network, April, 2010. For permission to reprint articles, please e-mail Photo this page by Ahmed Davis.
4 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Teen Otaku
38 Teen Otaky 40 Death of Anime 42 Wanted: Hollywood for Killing Anime 43 Check This Out 44 The Black Lagoon and Real Life Pirates 46 Yugioh vs Pokemon
47 DSi vs PSP 48 Games Don’t Infect
The Underworld
50 Could You Survive a Zombie Attack 52 The Underworld Bookstore
32 The Grand Canyon 34 Architectural Photography 36 With This Kidney... 37 Does Your Nose Run and Do Your Feet Smell? 56 365 : A Photoessay 58 My Dreams in the Pan 59 Engineering: A Trade of Task 60 The Fantasy Factory 62 Nationals vs DC United 63 The Brick Wall
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Contributors The Spring 2010 Editorial Staff
Courtney Shackelford, Editor-In-Chief Karlton Chapman, Creative Director Shaquanda Nobel, Senior Editor, Graphic Designer Ahmed Davis, Art Director, Photographer Maurice Williams, Senior Editor Nina Graham, Senior Editor Darin Davis, Photographer Canaan Walker, Reporter, Commentator Adonis Miller, Photograper Anthony Green, writer Mychal Sheow, Writer Pamela Chatman, Writer Kevin Lewis, Writer Ravon Gaines, Photographer, Graphic Designer Davon Green, Writer, Graphic Designer Jarell Davis, Writer Alicia Weston, Writer Kallice Foye, Writer Erica Davis, Writer Eugene Carson, Writer Vionna Carson, Writer Christina Hall, Writer Bennett Gamble, Writer Briana, Writer Pamela Chatman, Writer Anesha Weaver, Writer Juwaun Sullivan, Writer, Reporter Anthony Green, Writer Brittany Brown, Writer Jeffrey Daise, Writer Kadesha Ransom, Writer, Reporter Phillip Tyler, Muse Rated-T Advisors: Marilyn Kaufman, Director, Friendship News Network, Writing Instructor Brian Young, Graphic Design Instructor Flonora Merritt, College Intern, Writer, Editor-In-Chief Emeritus Student Instructors: Karlton Chapman, Darin Davis, Shaquanda Noble, Ahmed Davis, Maurice Williams, Nina Graham, Courtney Shackelford Principals: Peggy Pendergrass, Woodson Collegiate Academy Ralph Neal, Blow Pierce Junior Academy Publisher: Friendship Public Charter School Chairman: Donald L. Hense Thank You: Carl Reeverts, Desiree Girelle, Larry Bradshaw, Adnaan Wasey, Yolonda Coleman, Carol Knopes, Alicea Placedo; Angela Chapelle, Kim Jones, Christian Schaeffer, Jo Bedney, Ms. Sanders, Ms. Shakelford and the entire office staff at Friendship Collegiate Academy; Ms. Crowe, Barry Lofton, Eddie Williams, Mr. Bush, Smitty, the entire cleaning and security staffs at Woodson Collegiate Academy, Khalil Braswell, Mr. Aellio, Anita Proctor, Sharnise Boyd, Linda Wright, Cathy Reeverts, Dorothy Gilliam, Lois Page, DC Council Member David Catania, Mayor Adrian Fenty, Jack Pfeiffer, And a very special thank you to Patricia Brantley, Carol Seifert and Donald Hense whose continued vision and support makes all this possible. Photo and graphic design on this page by Ahmed Davis
6 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Evolution Revolution F
rom George Washington to Malcolm X, all the way back to Mohandas Ghandi and Mao Zedong and all the way forward to to Barack Obama—revolutions begin, they end and make change. And that’s what I, Karlton Chapman, want to do—start a revolution. A cultural revolution to be exact and I don’t want any of the perks either. I don’t want clothing, or wallpaper, or posters with my face on them, or any schools, libraries, streets, or hospitals named after me either. I just want the ignorance to stop—the hatred, the crime, the depression, all of it! Forget the other countries right now. We have a serious problem that we, in the United States have to deal with and if anyone is to blame right now it’s “We, the people” for allowing this to go on for so long. We’re in a recession because no one is buying, because there’s nothing to buy. We keep our mattresses. But we don’t realize that change is important in many ways, because, mattresses expire too. They wear down; causing our backs to hurt. They become polluted from the toxins of our daily grind and
Karlton Chapman is a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
8 Spring 2010 Rated-T
give us our salty looks and our depressing moods. Depression then turns into the kind of anger that ultimately breeds the hatred that makes children shoot up their schools, beat each other up and make fun of one another. And the hatred causes adults to destroy hard-earned establishments and breed a new generation built up from hate, ignorance and misinterpreted rebellion. This is a lot bigger than anyone thinks. So, pick up trash, go green, do something! Because a revolution is my option for change. Another option would be straight anarchy—destroying the entire world with few survivors to start all over again! And most of us shouldn’t want that! So rise! Fight with tools! Realize what everything is truly worth and realize that we shouldn’t want to be generation “horror” and we shouldn’t have to be. Stand up, and let’s get this revolution started. -Karlton Chapman
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Healthcare Rallies For
...And Gets It!
10 Spring 2010 Rated-T
For the past year, President Obama and his supporters rallied across America to gain support for his healthcare bill which was finally signed into law on March 23, 2010. FNN photographers Ahmed Davis and Darin Davis caught two of the rallies that lead to this historic event. On the opposite page: Obama speaks to a packed crowd at the University of Maryland in College Park. On this page: Students from Friendship Public Charter School joinied the Children’s Defense Fund for a rally on November 4, 2009 at the Capitol to raise awareness about the need to have healthcare for all children. Watch the video highlighting the importance of these events atSpring 2010 Rated-T 11
Obama’s Healthcare + Bill Gets An
Photos courtest of
Graphic Design by Shaquanda Noble
Students at Friendship Collegiate Academy express their opinions on President Barack Obama’s Healthcare Bill signed into law on March 23, 2010. If my mother died because she couldn’t get the proper care, I would be really upset. So for Obama to sign this bill is very great and a smart idea. Many lives will be saved. A lot of people will now have the opportunity to live happy and healty lives. I know this is a good idea because 219 voted “Yeah” and 212 voted “No”. Majority rules. This bill provides new affordable health insurance options for everyone by guaranteeing eligibility for all health insurance plans. We now have a brighter future for our children. -Dominique Washington, Junior Obama’s health care plan is a great idea because until now affordable heath insurance wasn’t offered to everyone. It gives those who are sick but don’t have medical insurance a chance to go to the hospital and have a second chance at life and I’m all for it. I think those who disagree only disagree with the bill because we as a country are in a financial hole and can’t afford to spend such a large amount of money. But, I say that would be hypocritical compared to continued U.S. spending to support our never ending wars. -Christina Hall, Junior To me, what stands out the most about Obama is that out of all the presidents who have been in office, he was the first to get a health care plan passed. So, not only is he the first black president in the
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White House, he’s made history once again by passing the first successful healthcare plan. He still has much more work to do and problems to solve related to health care, but just to have his foot in the door will have a huge impact and will change a lot for a lot of people. Now, everybody will get the same treatment and equal access to healthcare. People will no longer be denied medical help because of financial hardship. -Vionna Carson, Senior
I think that the Health Care bill is one of the most historic things to happen to our country. Our president is not only AfricanAmerican, but is making excellent progress. It is said that the Health Care bill took ten years to make possible, could cost 950 billion dollars and might increase taxes. It requires everyone to buy insurance or else pay a penalty; but it adjusts for certain workers. It doesn’t include a public option (meaning the government offers the plan) as some Democrats wanted, but would make sure that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions. It offers tax assistance to help small businesses buy insurance. Although it does not require companies to provide insurance, it penalizes those that don’t. These are some of the promises we’re getting as American citizens. And quite frankly, I like them a lot, even if I am a bit too young to understand it all. -Angel McCormick, Junior
Obama’s health care reform will guarantee lower health care costs for everyone. Health care reform will also give coverage to people who change or lose their jobs. It protects families from bankruptcy and dept due to health care costs. It guarantees all people the right to choose doctors and health plans. This health care bill has a lot of great benefits. Past presidents could not achieve the passage of a health care bill, yet Obama did. And he’s providing a lot of great things with it. -Bennett Gamble, Jr., Junior Universal health care should be looked at as an investment for Republicans and Democrats alike and not like a type of demon that eats up America’s economy. The bill will allow many more people to live longer, healthier and with less debt. More people will be well enough to contribute to the workforce, which would benefit the economy in the long run. The health bill will allow people under the age of 26 to stay on their parents policies. It will allow anyone to get coverage for whatever medical condition they have. The one thing that isn’t in the bill is the avaliability of abortions for women who weren’t raped, faced incest or immeadiate death. President Obama sent out an executive order proclaiming that federal funds will not be used for abortion. This would mean that any woman who wants to get an abortion would have to pay for the proceedure herself. What would this mean for the woman who doesn’t have the funds to pay for an abortion or who definitely cannot provide for a child or want it? Is pleasing anti-abortion Democrats and Republicans in order to pass the health care bill important enough to have any number of unwanted kids born into this world when the mother really doesn’t want them? -Kallice Foye, Senior
President Barrack Obama’s health care plan, passed and signed on March 23, 2010, helps all Americans. I feel as though the health care bill will be a success that will help many people—especially ones who are not fortunate enough to be able to pay for healthcare. I remember when one of my cousins had a doctor’s appointment and didn’t have health insurance. His mother had to pay a large amount of money (that many people with health insurance don’t have to pay) for her child to be seen by his doctor. We should not have to stress about expensive health care. Healthcare should be a given to everyone. A person should not be lying in the hospital and have to worry about how he/she will be able to afford surgery or a stay in the hospital. I commend President Obama for the accomplishments he has made on healthcare. In this economy, we, as Americans, are already stressing about enough things such as home foreclosure and the loss of jobs. Now, a least healthcare will not be an added weight on anyone’s shoulders. -Briana Gilbert, Junior
President Barrack Obama kept senator Kennedy’s dream alive by passing the health reform bill. He’s made history by passing this bill. Now that the bill has passed, a lot of things in our society will be affected. People who own small businesses can now afford health insurance for their employees with tax credits. It will improve Medicare. Many people are amazed that Obama was able to pass the bill. Before the bill was passed, people who were laid off from their jobs due to budget cuts lost their health insurance. Now they’ll be able to have it. Now, people can have affordable health options, including subsidies for working families and hardship waivers. Thanks to President Obama, health care will be more affordable for all people across America. Obama has made an improvement in our modern day society. I feel as though this is just the beginning of what will bring our nation out of this bad recession. -Jawaun Sullivan, Junior Why does health care matter to me? In my eyes health care is very important because now that the health care bill has passed, I can now stay on my parents’ health care plan until I am 26 years old just as long as I stay in school. This is very important to me and all those people who don’t have health care. I feel as though it helps all Americans and they should greatly appreciate what our president did for us on March 23 2010. One thing that stuck out to me is how the health care bill covers every American in the United States. To me that’s amazing because honestly not every body can afford health coverage. It’s good to see we have a president who can make things happen. -Eugene Carson, Senior The new health care plan was conceived of by president Barack Obama, a man who took an oath to ensure the well being of the country and its individuals. With the passage of the health care bill, many people think he didn’t live up to the oath he took a year ago on January 20th 2009. For instance, Oklahoma Tea Party members held a meeting at the state capitol to persuade state lawmakers to take action against the new health care law. Protesters (even little children) made comments on the matter. Al Gerhart, a member of the Sooner Tea Party Movement commented, “ This is not about health care. This is about control. You’ve got the federal government wanting to seize one-sixth of our economy”. -Anesha Weaver, Sophomore I completely agree with Obama’s health care plan. However before I read about it I could have cared less. His plan is to help those who need health insurance the most, but can’t afford it. I think it is so right if he does help those who can’t possibly help themselves. It shows how much he really cares about his people. He is willing to provide a system that can meet everyone’s needs. -Erica Davis, Junior
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Photo: Ludovic Bertron, New York City.
Ivy Grows On The Branches Of Sisterhood “Alpha Kappa Alpha Was One Of The First African-American Soror-
Story and Graphic Design by Courtney Shackelford When you think of sisterhood you might think of your sister or your best friend. Well, when I think of sisterhood I think about a sorority... a sorority of girls who are together as one sister hood. When I go to college, I want to join the sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha. The history of AKA goes back to the beginning of the 19th century, It was the first Greek lettered sorority for African American women. AKA was founded in January 1908 at Howard University in Washington, DC, incorporated in January 1913. AKA helps to improve social and economic conditions through community service programs. The members of AKA help create community building and help support education. During the 60’s AKA developed programs to help inner-city kids and teens by capitalizing on political connections with in the White House. On August 20 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Economic Opportunity Act to create Job Corps for students. AKA helped with job training. In addition, they help people all over United States. At our school, we have many AKA sorority sisters. I had a chance to interview a teacher who is an AKA sister and her name is Ms. Kamil Hazel. When
I interviewed her, she told me that she was initiated into AKA in spring 2001 and that she was inspired to join a sorority because she grew up without any sisters. In addition, her mother was a Delta and since she was always around her mother and her mother’s sorority sisters, she decided that was the relationship she wanted with her sorority sisters. Today, she has many sorority sisters here at Friendship Collegiate Academy like Ms. Franklin, Ms. Reynolds, Ms.Ennis, Ms.Clark, Ms.Pollard and Ms.Freeman. Ms. Hazel also explained to me that you don’t have to step to join AKA. She said they do fundraisers, community service projects and step. Next year at Friendship Collegiate Academy they are starting a AKA program similar to the male mentoring group “Kappa League” . The program is a mentoring group for high school students to give them an idea of what it’s like to be in a sisterhood and includes stepping and community service projects. I can’t wait to join the AKA . Courtney Shackelford is a junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy and an Achievers Scholarship winner.
Courtney Shackelford is a 16 year old soropmore at Friendship Collegiate Academy
14 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Wedding o& Rainbows Will come together Legalization of Gay Marriage in the District of Columbia Lev 18:22-23 “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” Lev 20:13 “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death.” Oh really?… I believe otherwise. I believe that gay people should be allowed to get married and be able to “lie” with whomever they choose. Are they really going against God’s plan? Is it the unholy thing to do? And even so, our government is a Democracy not a Theocracy. Churches don’t run our government. “We, the people” run our government. Many gay people still don’t have all the same rights as straight people. For example, in Australia, if a gay couple adopted a child or if one parent used a sperm or egg donor and that parent who gave birth died, the other parent wouldn’t have custody over the child. Personally, I think it’s wrong. How can you take a child away from its parent just because the parent is homosexual? And most of the time, homosexual couples don’t have the same healthcare rights as straight married couples. Really, what is wrong with gay marriage? Why should it matter to people who aren’t gay, lesbian, transgender, or confused about their sexuality? When I was younger, I was taught never to hate anyone for who they are. I am a supporter of gay rights. I find nothing wrong with gay marriage, because my sister is gay and I support her a billion percent. I am glad to report that the city council in the place where I live, Washington, D.C recently passed a law allowing
by Courtney Shackleford
gay people to get married. I want to give thanks to D.C Councilman David Cantina, a member of the gay community who sponsored the bill. And lucky me, I had a chance to meet him to find out about the new same-sex marriage law in the District. I asked him if gay couples now have the same rights as straight couples? His answer was very interesting and honest. He said that the new law refers to two people getting married but never refers to gender. Opponents of the same sex law get very excited when they read into the plain meaning of this law. Councilman Catania went on to say that there had never been anything in our law that prohibited same-sex couples from getting married. It was judicial activistism in 1994 that brought about a court decision opposing the meaning of the words that were there. But why shouldn’t D.C.’s same-sex couples who marry be able to mainstream like heterosexual couples with all the rights and more importantly the responsibilities of marriage? The council passed a measure last spring that recognizes lawful marriages performed in other jurisdictions. So as of July 7, 2009, same sex couples who are lawfully married in other states can have their marriage recognized in D.C. The last step for gay rights is you don’t have to get on a plane, car, or bus to get married. You will be able to get married where you pay your taxes.” Finally, on March 3, 2010, the first marriage liscenses were issued to gay couples in the District of Columbia. With the passage of the new law, I will now be able to see my sister walk her bride down the aisle.
Courtney Shackleford is a 17-year-old, junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy. To see her full interview with Councilman Catania, go to
Spring 2010 Rated-T
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
e all as Americans understand that we have the freedom to say whatever it is that we’d like. However, we as teens fear this gift. Teens across America are lazy and refuse to partake in the change that’s happening around us. When the changes come, we complain. We do not seem to recognize that just by voicing our opinion, we can influence what happens around us. We just allow anything to happen, when we can actually change it. Of course, important things like what our parents forbid us to do shouldn’t be protested against. However, most of the time, when we try to protest against a rule our parents have put in place, we wrongly approach the situation. We storm around with attitudes and slam doors, when all we have to do is approach them respectfully with a good solution. I’m not saying overwhelm them with a plethora of concerns and ideas, but explain to them how you feel about a situation
and hopefully you’ll be able to come to an agreement that satisfies you all. The problem arises when we use our “freedom of speech” in an ineffective way or we don’t know how to use it at all. Attitudes and harmful rebellion gets us absolutely nowhere. Handling things in a positive manner has proven to be more successful. Here are some ways you can successfully exercise your freedom of speech: • Talk to your city council about problems that take place in your school or community. • Speak in a calm and respectable tone. • Speak your mind through your clothing. (T-shirt insignias etc;) • Organize meetings with you parents at which you state your arguments with valid evidence. Shaquanda Noble is a member of the 2010 graduating class at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
Written and Designed by Shaquanda Noble
Freed o m o f
S p e e c h
Textual Harrasment
Almost 3 0 percent of teens in the US ( 5.7 millio or over n) are es timated to be involv ed in school bu llying as either a bully, a target of teen bullying or both.
photo by Ahmed Davis
Text Messaging is one of the most popular forms of communication between teens. Three good reasons to text are: 1) to remind friends, 2) to contact each other and 3) to respond faster than calling. However, sometimes people send text messages containing negative rumors. Many who send them think they're harmless and a joke. But it's really not. It can really hurt someone emotionally. For example, 18-yearold Jessica Logan sent nude pictures of herself to a boyfriend. When they broke up, he sent them to other high school girls. They harrassed her, calling her a slut and a whore. She became miserable and scared to go to school. On May 2008, two months later, Jessica Logan hung herself in her bedroom. Although I am not Jessica, on May 17th, 2009, I received a text message about me that I didn't like. It read "Today is National I Hate Quaniece Day. Please, in order to have a good day laugh, cough or sneeze when you see her". Most responsible people might have considered how this would make me feel, but since they didn’t, all I can ask is, “Does that make them feel good inside? What if it were them? How would you feel if someone did this to you? If this were to happen to one of my friends, I would have also been upset but it was me! Please! Not that I care about what people think about me! Or like me and my
Written by Quaniece Frazier Designed by Shaquanda Noble friends say,"That Dead!" To me, the whole incident was an honor, because someone took time out of his/her day just to make me feel bad. In actuality, it made me feel like royality. Here's the thing. Only 2 or 3 people participated in the immature act. Other people found it ridiculous and disrespectful. There's more readers! When the texter(s) found out their message didn't work, another text message went out that said "Unfortunately we couldn't make Quaniece’s life a living hell but the festivities will continue same conditions with a new perk paperball throwing”. Wow! No comma. I so love grammar. They just couldn't wait to throw something at me. But, wait. No one except for one person out of the 268 kids in my junior class threw anything (we all know it’s overcrowded at Collegiate). You guys kill me. Better yet, you rock my socks!!! One last thing...someone was really nice and sent around another message, "How would you feel if this text was about you? Passed round, talked about and just plain out hurtful. Let's stop textual harrassment.'' I thought this was the sweetest thing. Yes, I was upset at first when I read the first messages. But now I embrace them. So, for all the people who want to stand up for themselves and don’t know how...Calm down, you don’t have to yell to be heard.
Shaquanda Noble, Quaniece Frazier and Ahmed Davis are members of the 2010 graduating class at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
16 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Pitting minds against one another is probably one of the oldest forms of combat since man vs. man, religion vs. religion, sport vs. sport, fighter vs. fighter—all to decide the better of the two. There will be no twist to this, because if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! Karlton Chapman’s mind will be bled onto the page when his viewpoints are revealed and made public! Canaan Walker’s soul will be spilled as his viewpoint fills you readers with shock and awe! Two great minds pitted against one another to decide the fate of your world—with two different viewpoints both valid and invalid. Biased and unbiased, we will battle against one another on the most, teen related, controversial issues! You make the call. I make the call. It’s all for all! So, read on, and choose: Canaanism, or Karltonism?
18 Spring 2010 Rated-T
As blue and red...
Years of ideological conflict in the company of one another, has set the stage in which we throw everything on the table. Canaan Walker, Karlton Chapman, playing for keeps in this game of idealistic fellowship regarding the outcome of our peers as well as the minds of those in the free world that we live in today. One of us fights for the public that has abandoned the idea of a social reform, and the other wants to get rid of government alltogether and start over to get this nation, and eventually this world, right. A Pokémon trainer with a revolution on his mind and a Yu-GiOh duelist who believes in a full reset. Read on as we swing philosophical swords at one another; you might tear down some illusions; you might build some new ones…who knows? Though an attempt to change minds, only you are responsible for your actions after reading this article. So enough of this counting of my shells, turn the page and choose!
Spring 2010 Rated-T
What’s Wrong With You?
Informing you of the obvious problems that you’re not doing anything about. Infection, revolution, slavery, war, freedom, more war, death, depression, and need I go on? Point is, there is too much bad in this country, and not enough good. Forget the rest of the world we need to help ourselves. By doing something! Instead of expecting other persons to fix this country for you while you complain and do nothing, get up, do something! What the hell is wrong with you?!
We sit around doing nothing, and then yell at the ones next to us doing the same thing! “We just want someone to blame!” But that’s the problem! While people are busy blaming, other people are being killed, robbed, tricked, and abused. No one is helping anyone with that type of thinking and that “all for one” mindset is exactly why we’re in this mess in the first place! The HIV/AIDS epidemic has already driven by, and decided to stay. But while the media rants about how it’s very true, not a lot of teens realize it because teens are having more sex than
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going to school! Man, there is so much going on, I don’t know where to start…
So, my fellow African American, what the hell is wrong with you? Why is it that every time I walk through my own school hallways I hear 9th graders talking about sex, drugs, or money? Or even worse, sexy drug money! The majority of African Americans in my community swear they’re Christian, but it seems as through the parents allow the children to worship the ignorant side of our culture more than God itself! (And I say itself with the most liberal mind toward any religion and it’s practice) With the billions of fake money that gives off the illusion of access to the hired women shaking their plastic selves over drugs and cocaine; Truthfully, fear of “Hell” should not be the driving force behind keeping our race from genocide! It all starts with parents and ends with us.
Advancement of Self “You can’t yours unless I get mines”. Camaraderie: He who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.
In times past, this world, this nation, embraced the man and woman beside one another. As a 90’s baby, I can say that there was a little more…unity and love in the world right before the 2000’s and on to the present. Even when kids were still teasing my hair and calling me “ugly dreads”, there was a proportionate ratio of people at the schools I attended during my elementary years who were just born to hate and the ones who were born to simply coexist with those around them.
As it is, those days are over and the nostalgia only makes being alive in these trying times all the more unbearable. Nowadays, it’s all about “me”. That’s right, “me”, and if you are someone who looks out for #1 every day, I’m talking to you. To reverse quote Snoop Dogg’s famous Gin & Juice line: “I gots to gets mine before you gets yours”. What might that mean? Ask yourself about the outside world, the favors done for you. The kindness of man is coming at a premium these days, what with the ever-expanding gap between the rich and the poor, lack of respect for another regardless of age, disparities in levels of education. None of it should matter to you anymore. Why? Because unless you’re
an elected official with power to stop any of the world’s problems, the world’s problems belong to those individuals involved. This isn’t to be taken as some call to Satanism, or some sociopathic rant about why some people have to suffer. I’m simply pointing out, when you hear about what everybody went through in Haiti, what did you do? Donations are precociously given with the blindest hope that something will be done for those many, many, many kids separated from their parents and people feel good about themselves until one of the many charity organizations turns out to be a scam.
Say you want about morality, but those people understand what’s going on here where people pay attention. They had a financially sound idea in the midst of this recession that is driving an ever-growing wedge between classes. If they had another idea, or succeeded with that one, I could only learn from them to set something a little more legit, and well-thought out in motion so that I could rake in some money myself.
Use what you have around you to advance yourself, because times are changing, and nothing is like it was before now.
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Blame the Government! Yes, blame the people!
Humpty Dumpty Smith sat on a governmentally funded wall. The wall fell, and now everyone is complaining about how they want the wall back, and they blame the government. Reality check. The people is the true government, and it (the government) is designed to allow the people’s voices to be heard, and their wishes to come true. So if anyone is to blame, it’s the people who choose not to take action when their own country is in peril. So yes! Blame the people!
Why do people have to be so lazy? Almost the entire East of the World hates America, and even the people in America preach about their hatred every once and awhile. Everyone seems to have a problem with something or other in America nowadays, and most people who don’t like something just “whines” and complains. But when I ask them, “well why aren’t you doing something about it?” I get the same answer I always get, “I don’t feel like it…” terrible…Just
22 Spring 2010 Rated-T
terrible. Why can’t whining Americans talk the talk and walk the walk? If you have a problem with public service, then take public action! Why can’t people realize that just doing, or not doing it, is a lot easier than whining about it. People who make organizations make petitions, and use their first amendments to express their ninth amendment, are much more likely to be heard by the big guys upstairs, than American whiners who are basically hobos on the streets with signs that say “Da End is HERE!” Now, you’re not a whiner are you? Of course not! Want to make your country truly free? Than stand up! Have a problem with current fuels? Raise your fist! Not liking what your government is doing? Than blame yourself for allowing so many things to be messed up in your free country! March your lazy selves down to congress to protest and demand! I want this Revolution! If you don’t, then you do have another option…
ANARCHY You want change? (click, click) Here it is. The textbook definition of the word Anarchy: a state of government without authority, or leadership. Other definitions include: absence of government where one has absolute liberty without implication of disorder, absence or non-recognition of authority in any given sphere. My definition of anarchy: the solution to the American people with a chaotic means to a peaceful end. Many will always disagree with the idea, calling it barbaric, ignorant, and cliché. The one thing people always forget, is that nothing that anyone has ever had, or owned has not been attained without bloodshed. This is a point that few pacifists can argue against. After all, what conflicts were fought for people that didn’t achieve a better understanding between people?
The World Wars, the Civil Wars and even the situations that by some are perceived as smaller conflicts (desegregation, abortion, gay rights); were all initiated to gain some arbitrary right or liberty. If one had ever gotten angry, or just decided that calmly talking things out was the right solution all the time, where would we
be? Would we still be argueing about the same conflicts? For those regarding the things that were pacified in the past, aren’t we still fighting the same wars? Now this is where the next question arises, “Canaan, this is a totally ignorant view, and I cannot accept it. What do you even plan to do with all of this anger, that you say can be used for peace?” Well, my Anarchy draws inspirations from the days when Civil Rights activists fought the injustices of the government. We refused them.
We can once again refuse their facilities, energy, and transportation to get them to pay attention to the fact that it’s not just minorities who are tired are sick of the B.S. that we’ve had to put up with for such a long time—the time of lining the pockets of the rich, the time of falling prey to the IRS and FBI and everyone in between who betrays the rules and ideals of the constitution of this nation owned by the United Snakes of America. My anarchy is not a product of moral psychosis, but a simply a quiet weapon that will erupt into a loud and just war.
Spring 2010 Rated-T
All over America. there are organizations devoted to improving juvenile detention centers. They are planning mentoring programs, improving literacy skills and aiding youth with mental health needs. In support of this social good, D.C. is trying to give back to the community by reforming misguided youth instead of just throwing them back into the streets to be slaughtered. But D.C. seems to be coming up short even though many people are trying to change all of this with more efficient programs. Although D.C has an idea of what it wants to help troubled youth, it has failed to execute a plan. From what I observed in my neighborhood, many juveniles have been arrested, tried, sentenced and sent to juvenile detention centers. When they come out, nothing has changed. They come back and do the same thing all over again. The problem is figuring out what to do with the troubled youth. People feel the need to take pity on juvenile offenders because they are so young. But, when you just slap children on the wrist for joy riding, they think they can do it again without suffering greater consequences. Yes, these juveniles come from broken homes and crime-infested environments, but if you don’t show them proper discipline how are they going to know what’s right. It’s hard providing a social good like juvenile rehabilitation if you don’t know what the child needs. According to the article, “D.C. Juvenile Reform Official Quickly Shakes Up Attitudes” by Lindsay Ryan, in D.C over 32% of juvenile offenders end up in adult prisons. Once they are released from detention centers, they have to go back to that mess. That’s why in D.C. there are programs in detention centers to give the juveniles guidance so they can get on the right track. Vincent Schiraldi of The District’s Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services has made steps towards correcting the problem. According to the Washington Post, Schiraldi believes that you cannot punish the evil out of them. Family therapy, job opportunities and after school activity will better keep juveniles from criminal activity and make them functional citizens. The programs may work while juveniles are incarcerated, but what will happen once they come out? They can’t go back to the slums that made them criminals. They need to get away from the slums in order to get a fresh start. Schiraldi suggested that the released juveniles not go back to their homes, but instead go into a group homes or foster care. That could work. From what I learned in my Juvenile Justice class,
Graphic design and photograpy by Ahmed Davis,
24 Spring 2010 Rated-T
if you keep adolescents busy with school, church, and sports, they’ll be too busy to commit crime. Plus taking a child out of a negative environment could prevent that child from a life of crime. An effective juvenile justice system is hard to obtain. Do we truly know how to help a troubled youth, especially if the youth doesn’t want it? The juvenile justice system in D.C. doesn’t provide its citizens with the right kind of social good. Look at D.C.’s reputation. This city is known for having high drop out rates and low grade point averages. We’re looking at this problem from the wrong angle. The government has the responsibility of providing this social good but what about the juvenile? Don’t they have equal responsibity when it comes to providing this social good? I was told all my life that you can lead the horse to water but you can’t make it drink. The child has to want to change and have a better life. You could put juveniles in mentoring programs and family therapy all
you want, but if they refuse to take part in it, what can you do about it? In short, the child has to care. Otherwise he/she is just another negative statistic. In order for this social good to be effective in any way, we have to form a collaborative that includes the government for proper funding, the parents for being there for the child and the children themselves who are trying to reform. When you put them all together, then the Juvenile Detention Center has a better chance at reforming a young delinquent into a law-abinding citizen. The author of this piece, Flonora Merritt is an honors graduate of Friendship Collegiate Academy and a criminal justice major at Trinity University.
Does Juvenile Detention Really Provide Any Social Good? by Flonora Merritt
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Teen Violence:
No Solution
Written by Juwan Savoy
Designed by Shaquanda Noble
een violence has been infecting our society for a long time and nothing is being done, it’s just being talked about. Nobody has ever tried to stop it they just talk about the issue. Most of the time it’s not the kid’s fault if shooting, beating up, and jumping people is all they know how to do. Talking to the parents doesn’t work because even if you talk to them, it doesn’t stop the outside influence from the neighborhoods and from school. Teen violence has risen because of the recession. I say this because many people have lost income. Since they can’t buy what they want, they take it from other people. I think teen violence both continues and has risen in Washington, DC especially because certain teens feel that they have to respect their
Juwan interviews Mayor Adrian Fenty hoping to find a solution to teen violence. Photo by Rayvon Gaines
26 Spring 2010 Rated-T
“HOOD”. I interviewed the mayor of Washington, DC Adrian Fenty and I told him why I thought there was no solution to teen violence. The mayor responded by saying “The solution to teen violence is kids staying in school and good community programs. We have a lot of programs like Fica Hall and Rope”. The mayor then went on to say, “I don’t know the current rate of teen violence, but I know that is has dropped and I have been working hard and that we will continue to fund these programs. In my own opinion I believe that the programs don’t really work because if they were there would be more teens participating in the programs instead of being out on the streets at all hours of the night wanting to fight other everyone.
Juwan is a tenth grader and Shaquanda Noble is a graduating senior a Friendship Collegiate Academy.
Dark or Light? Prejudice Within Our Race: By Courtney Shackelford Graphic Design By Karlton Chapman
“Oh she thinks she’s better than us just because her skin is lighter.” Do you know how many times I’ve heard that from girls with darker skin? I grew up in a house full of beautiful brown-skinned females and I was teased a lot for being lighter. They always called me “white girl” and I always wished I was darker. Even though I am not dark, I am still an African American. And after decades and centuries of prejudice from the whites we’re doing the same thing to our people that whites were doing to us years ago. It’s not just light-skinned people who are being made fun of. Dark-skinned people are being made fun of by light-skinned people, too. Many times I hear a light-skinned person call a dark skinned person “blackness” or “darkness fall”. It’s wrong to even think or say anything like that. We don’t choose our shades. It’s genetics. The term for this is “colorism”. Colorism is a form of discrimination in which human beings are accorded a certain social status and treatment based on skin color. The term “colorism” usually means that lighter skin is more desirable than darker skin or vice verse. Colorism is well-known in our black community—even during slavery. The slave with the lighter complexion (most likely the offspring of a slave and a master), worked in the house and ate with the master and his family while the slaves with darker complexions had to work in the fields and eat in their shacks with other slaves. In the 80’s and 90’s colorism was still alive and well,
Courtney Shackleford is a 16-year-old junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy and an Achievers Scholarship winner. Karlton Chapman is 17-year-old senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
but white people weren’t doing it to blacks. We African Americans were doing it to each other. At Howard University, they did what is called the “brown bag test”, a ritual once practiced by certain AfricanAmerican and Creole fraternities and sororities who discriminated against people who were too dark. Simply put, they wouldn’t let anyone who was darker then a brown paper lunch bag join their sororities or fraternities. Along with the brown paper bag test, there was the “comb test”, which tested the type of hair a person had and the “flashlight test” which tested a person’s profile to see if it measured up to white standards. Spike Lee’s movie “School Daze” was based on the colorism that occurred at Howard that depicted a social hierarchy within the African American race whereby light-skinned people maintain a higher social standing than dark-skinned people. There’s a perception that dark-skinned people are less educated, have a Image courtesy of lower income, and that the women are less desirable. If that is what people really think about dark-skinned African Americans then, I get mad because I know many dark-skinned African Americans that are well educated like Oprah, MLK, Michele Obama, and Robert ”Bob” Marley. So that proves the theory wrong. All of my sisters are dark skinned. They’re educated, intelligent and pretty. It’s wrong to have any type of discrimination among African Americans when we’ve experienced decades of discrimination.
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Commentary by Darin Davis
The “N word”—used in today’s conversations, is one of the most disrespectful words known to mankind. It was first used in the 17th century but thought to be abolished in the 19th century by the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). For years, the “N word” left its mark on many minds, especially African American slaves. It was used by John Rolfe in 1619, to describe slaves being shipped to Virginia. Until the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s, the “N word was used freely by whites and some black people including Troy in the play, “Fences”, as he talks to his friend Bono. Today, the “N word” is still used and abused by multiple races, especially Caucasians. In the United States, the “N word” was not always considered to be negative or derogatory. In 1897, authors Charles Dickens and Joseph Conrad used the “N word” without racist intent. Conrad’s book, “The Nigger of the Narcissus” is a good example. During the 1960’s, civil rights activist Dick Gregory said “The “N word” robs younger generations of the full history of black people”, which I can agree with. I also recall a time when Dr Cornell West used it when he was speaking to me and few of my peers about African American culture. But, today’s African Americans have changed what used to mean a word of utmost disrespect to a word of friendship and slang, taking the word from “nigger” to “nigga”. Does this variation have the same meaning as the old one? And how do African Americans feel when a Caucasian calls them either word? No. The “N word” shouldn’t have a place in anyone’s mind or conversation, even though we hear it being used by rappers and other hip hop artists today. The “N word” has its negative and positives meanings depending on how one uses it. It can and has started fights and argments. When ever I hear the “N word” being used and someone starts to get offended and start a fight, I try to break it up. I believe the “N word” should be abolished for good. When I hear the “N word”, it aggravates me.
Graphic Design by Shaquanda Noble
One place the “N word” is seldom used on X-Box Live, a gaming network that connects gamers together from all over the world via the internet. At times when I’m playing a team death match on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, when the game is over someone will call another player the “N word”, even if the gamer isn’t African American. Hearing the “N word” being used by the other player followed by laughter upsets me. I asked several different gamers (African American, Caucasian, Hispanic and Scottish) about how they feel when they hear the “N word” and its spinoffs and here’s what they said: “When someone of another race says the “N word” it makes me feel upset to the point I feel like flipping out on the person who said it, but when I here someone use “N word” variations I don’t have a problem with it”. “It ticks me off because in my area, racism seems not to exist, but I don’t see any difference between the “N word” and its variations. Both of them offend me.” “Whenever I hear the “N word” it doesn’t affect me, but I do feel like it disrespects my African American friends. When I hear them say the variation of the “N word” it doesn’t bother me at all.” “Whenever the “N word” reaches my ears, it makes me so angry and upset because I have a few African American friends from the states and they’ve told me what the “N word” means. For someone to part their lips to say a word of such disrespect to someone else is just appalling to me. When I hear African Americans call each other the “N word” variation, it still upsets me and makes me wonder why they say it when in all actuality it gives Caucasians and other races a reason to call them the “N word”.” In conclusion, I believe the “N word” should be abolished for good because of its disrespectful meaning. When used on X-Box live or anywhere, it makes all races look bad.
Darin Davis and Shaquanda Noble are members of the 2010 graduating class at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
28 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Black People:
Trend Setters
Commentary by Maurice Williams Graphic Design by Courtney Shackelford Photos by Courtney Shackelford and Ahmed Davis
Many notable black people, over the course of history, have performed actions and experienced events that have significantly changed our lot since times past. People such as Martin Luther King, Jesse Jackson, George Washington Carver, etc. have been key. Others such as Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks have also contributed. However, many African Americans have put all that hard work to shame. Within the current mindset of the average African American, our race is assured to become a mockery. This path of racial destruction needs to stop immediately, if not sooner. This is not meant to completely bash the black people of today, because many do perform some good for the community. We African Americans can be very creative; we are intelligent on a wide variety of subjects; and we set a lot of trends in America including some that reach into other countries. Furthermore, African Americans are the driving force behind many accomplishments in all facets of society. African Americans are a proud race but we’ve yet to reach the the surface when it comes to our potential and the realization of our actions. Today, there is a growing lack of positive recognition especially in the media; films, music, local news etc. In the local news, we mainly hear negative stories about Black people. In the movies we see only how poorly an African American is doing or how someone’s emotionally unstable. We are barraged with a repetition of the same movies dealing with black families who are in horrible situations such as families from the House of Pain television series, everthing else from Tyler Perry Productions, Raisin in the Sun, You Got Served and many others. Even though these shows and movies portray black families, this doesn’t mean they portray every single black person in America or other countries. What’s also portrayed are Black artists beating their girlfriends, black rappers talking about negative subjects, half-naked black women on television,
black rappers getting put in jail for caring illegal guns and so on. Showing these examples of black people can and does negatively influence the average black teenager into thinking he/she can’t do any better than what the media portrays. So they act out in a negative manner with a nonchalant attitude towards almost everything outside of what they actually care about. Now, not every African American has this attitude, but there’s way too many for the problem to be overlooked. The point of this article is not to bash the black race, but to bring it to the realization that the attitude of some of our colleagues and associates is not acceptable. This attitude is what James Watson, one of the world’s most respected scientists, had used to claim that black people are less intelligent than white people. Blacks are creative, but lately with these current attitudes, it seems that many of us are helping Watson justify his point... thus, sending us on the destructive path that people around us have predicted for years. We can disprove this and show everyone that we are a positive force worthy of adulation with countless qualities that can be admired or at least recognized such as: persistence, conservativeness and overall the motivation to get what we want even if some goals can be a little misguided. Black people have always been trendsetters. But, when it comes to being “niggas” we set another standard with drug dealing, getting chased by police or just messing with people all day (even strangers). This ignorance is incomparable and not in a good way—especially when our peers talk disrespectfully to authority figures or when they’re more worried about the next dance than their grades. As I mentioned before, I’m not here to bash. I’m just telling my fellow African Americans, it’s time for a reality check. Maurice Williams and Ahmed Davis are seniors at Friendship Collegiate Academy. Courtney Shackelford is a junior.
Spring 2010 Rated-T
African American Ghosts of the Capitol Story by and Davon Green Graphic design by Davon Green and Rayvon Gaines There are African American ghosts inside the U.S. Capitol, but no one ever talks about them. We recently found out about three, but I’m sure there’s more. There was a barber, a cleaning lady and a carpenter who was put inside a wall. Mychal Sheow, Rayvon Gaines, Juwan Savoy, Anthony Green and I wanted to find out more, because we had never heard about any African American ghosts anywhere. We asked our FNN advisor, Ms. Kaufman, and before we knew it, we were at the Capitol of the United States with Mr. Steve Livengood. Mr. Livengood works as a historian for the Capitol. He knew stories about all the African American ghosts in the Capitol and he’s also encountered a few ghosts on his job. The first ghost story we heard was about a brick mason who was working to build the foundation of the Capitol. One day, on the job, he and a carpenter got into a fight. The brick mason hit the carpenter over the head with a brick and he passed out. Then, the brick mason dragged the carpenter to the wall and built the wall back in front of him. I know everyone was scared when we heard this story because we were standing by the wall where the brickmason put the carpenter (pictured here). People can still can hear the carpenter banging on the wall at night trying to get out. I mean, the brick mason just left the carpenter in the wall to rot. Next we heard the story about the ghost of the singing barber. Well, we don’t exactly know how he died. Supposedly he died of old age. He worked in the Capitol in the 1800’s. I wondered, “How could a barber be working in the Capitol?” Well, there used to be a barber shop there for the members of Congress. After the barber died, people could hear his clippers or hear him singing at night. I’d probably be scared out of my pants if I heard him singing. I’ll bet you would too. Finally we come to the story of the cleaning woman. We don’t know exactly how she died either, but we do know that she was a worker at the Capitol. Mr. Livengood said she was so dedicated to her work at the Capitol, that when she died, she came back at night to finish working. People who work in the Capitol on the late night shift can still hear her brush going across the floor. If it were me, personally, well, I would think, “Hey, I’m dead. I don’t want to come back to work at the Capitol.” Maybe she died so quickly that she thought she was still alive and came back to the Capitol to work. The one thing these ghosts have in common is that they are all dead and the do not know it. Our ghost tour was scary, but fun. And, if you go at night, it’s real fun because that’s when everything happens: the banging in the wall, the scrubbing on the floors and the singing barber with his clippers. I strongly recommend this trip because I think you’ll like it as much as I did. If you want to take a ghost tour of the Capital here’s information about Mr. Livengood, our tour guide, who will arrange a tour free of charge. He’s an excellent guide and he has all the information on African American ghosts at the Capitol and anything else you’d like to know about the Capitol. Steve Livengood, Chief Guide, US Capitol Historical Society, 200 Maryland Avenue NE, 4th floor Washington DC 20002, 202-253-8133 Davon Green and Rayvon Gaines are freshman at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
30 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Spring 2010 Rated-T
T h e
Grand Canyon Written, designed and photographed by Shaquanda Noble
Shaquanda Noble is an Achiever’s Scholar and a member of the 2010 graduating class at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
32 Spring 2010 Rated-T
he Grand Canyon in northern Arizona is known as one of the seven wonders of the world. This extravagant natural formation has possibly the most beautiful scenery on earth and I, as well as some of my fellow students had the chance to witness it all on a field trip sponsored by Friendship News Network at Friendship Public Charter School. Randyn Fullard, Ceyanne Foye, Darin Davis, and I hiked the Kaibab trail of the Grand Canyon. After journeying one mile down and one mile back up, we were extremely drained but had enjoyed every minute of it. The entire trail to the bottom of the canyon is ten miles long. It takes about one day to reach the bottom. The canyon is 277 miles long. It’s full of wildlife, plants, and even caves. Our trip to Arizona as well as to the Grand Canyon was a trip to remember and we enjoyed every minute of it. Spring 2010 Rated-T
Architectural Photography By Kadesha Ransom Graphic Design by Davon Green
On February 25, 2010, our FNN news crew went to the Newseum, a museum filled with historic facts and current events of the world to learn about architectural photgraphy from professional photographer, Alan Karchmer. Mr. Karchmer told us about what it takes to be an architectural photographer and showed us a special camera that takes great photos of architecture. The camera has a different number of lenses to use for a different size of pictures. I couldn’t see through the lenses, even while standing on my toes until I had help from one of the guys on our team. After the description, we were able to take pictures with the camera. Then Mr. Karchmer showed us how to “clean up” the pics in the computer using Photoshop so they looked like an architectural picture. Then we packed up and went home. It was cool!
34 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Why does your nose run
With This Kidney... I Do Thee Wed By Canaan Walker
Graphic Design by Canaan Walker and Ahmed Davis
hate love stories, plain and simple. Whether they’re fictional stories or not, I’m a little too cynical to believe in or care about what I consider a rather corny tale told to make couples hold each other and girls say “I can’t wait to find true love like she did.” All the swooning and tearing up and the going “AWWWW” just makes me sick. That’s why I still can’t believe when I left the hospital, last year after my father’s surgery, I was doing just those things. Several months before, my dad told me that he was going to be donating his kidney to his girlfriend, Cori (my unofficial but really awesome stepmother). At that time, I knew that it was pretty big to be giving someone one of your own organs, but the gravity of the situation didn’t hit me till later in the year. My father had reminded me of the surgery and the more I thought about it the more it seemed to weigh
36 Spring 2010 Rated-T
on my mind. I flashed back to one of my relatives (my great-grandmother) and how carelessness in the hospital resulted in her death. The idea of something similar happening to my dad just really threw me off. But anyway, I tried to calm myself down and say that everything would be alright. I guess that’s why everything kind of hit me hard the night my grandparents and I went to go see my father. My father was awake when we entered his room. He was pleased to see everyone (even though my grandparents were the first to see him earlier in the day). On the way I was thinking about how much I had seen in the decade or so that Cori and my dad were together. After all, no couple goes that long without having some arguments, lover’s spats and all that other stuff. And I had noticed, that through everything, it was literally when they found out that he and Cori’s blood types were compatible, that he decided
to donate the organ she had needed for over three years. It really shook me up and I don’t know how to describe it, but eventually I ended up writing the absolutely most SAPPY poem I had ever written. My dad was in excruciating pain for the entirety of the visit (as well as the following three days or more), and I, in the most metaphorical sense possible, felt it as well. I felt it in the sense that there are things that people do for each other out of the most base want and feeling in all human beings—Love. Despite this situation, there are some movies and stories (real and unreal) that might not move me as much as they move the next man. Although if this situation was ever brought up in the most arbitrary conversation, I have more than just something in my eye.
Caanan Walker and Ahmed Davis are members of the 2010 graduating class at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
and your feet smell? and...other silly stuff Story by Alicia Weston
Graphic Design by Courtney Shackleford
Here’s some enigmas (silly stuff) and questions that have always made me wonder. I’ve never really found legitimate answers for them. As a child I was taught that every question deserves an answer and was encouraged to have an inquisitive mind to broaden my horizon. I wish to do the same for you by introducing you to these interesting mysteries. Do you know the answers or have other crazy questions? If you do, go to our website at and let us know. 1. If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?
13. If the professor on Gilligan’s Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can’t he fix a hole in a boat?
3. Did you know that Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia means fear of long words.
15. If you can’t drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
2. If a cow laughed real hard would milk come out of its nose?
4. We’re born with 300 bones but only make it to adulthood with 206.
5. Why does dirty snow melt faster than clean snow? 6. How permanent are permanent markers?
7. Why does mineral water that ‘has trickled through mountains forever’ have a ‘use by’ date?
8. Why does fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing? 9. Why is there Braille on a drive-up ATM window?
10. If a mute swears, does his mother make him wash his hands with soap? 11. Why does your nose run and your feet smell?
12. Why is it called “Alcoholics Anonymous” if the first thing you do when you join is to stand up and say, “My name is _________ and I am an alcoholic”?
14. Why does Goofy stand up while Pluto remains on all fours? They’re both dogs!
16. If a black box in a plane is indestructible, why can’t they make the whole plane out of the same material? 17. Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
18. Why are there flotation devices under plane seats? Shouldn’t that be parachutes?
19. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
20. Why is a person that handles your money called a ‘Broker’? 21. How can some frogs and fish survive after being frozen solid? 22. Is it possible to collect all the cookie dough in chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and actually bake cookies from it?
Alicia Weston is a 17-year-old junior at Central High School in Prince George’s County, Maryland and a former student at Friendship Collegiate Academy. Courtney Shackleford is a 17-year-old junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Otaku (oh-tah-k00) is a Japanese term for a person with an obsessive like of anime, video games and mangas.
t’s been a year since our beloved magazine had an anime section and we decided to bring it back this year! We’re bringing it back with the title ‘Teen Otaku”. For those who don’t know what otaku (oh-ta-ku) means, it’s a Japanese term for a person with an obsessive like of anime, video games and mangas. This year we are going to do something a little different, we won’t be reviewing an anime con or anime shows. Instead this year we are going to recommend animes to you, dear reader, to expand your anime consciousness. But that’s not all…we are going after Hollywood as well. Maybe the anime section isn’t as big as last time, but I can tell you now it will be an awesome return.
38 Spring 2010 Rated-T
! N R BO
Spring 2010 Rated-T
The Rated-T
Death Note
Speed Racer
Blood +
Dragonball died in Japan on March 13th, 2009 from cardiac arrest. Dragonball spent five hours in the hospital before giving out to heart failure. Its last words were “Don’t… do another movie… Hollywood sucks…” The actors for this movie are signed on for two more movies.
Death Note has been in a coma since May 2009. So far as we know, Death Note is being held by the Warner Brothers studios with script being produced at the moment. We also have Otakus debating about whether Light Yagami should be played by Zac Efron. We here at Rated-T hope not.
Speed Racer died May 3, 2008 in a car accident. The explosion wiped out half of Los Angeles. Hollywood was thought to be part of a conspiracy dealing with the accident but there were no confirmed sources. Speed Racer’s last words were “I’m going fast!”
Blood+ died due to a blood transfusion gone wrong. Blood+ was trying to save its father from dying but it turned out its blood is poisonous to humans as well. Blood+ had no last words as it went blissfully to death.
America Begins the Hunt for Ash Ketchem By Karlton Chapman Associated Press
Since the major takeover of Pokemon, America has been on the hunt for Pokemon star, Ash Ketchem. Sources say that when Ash was tipped off about America’s anime hunt, he quickly ended his contract with the Pokemon series after eight seasons (in the ninth season Ash is replaced by
digital animation) and was said to have disappeared from the country. America, now partnered up with Hollywood, has made plans for a live-action Pokemon movie starring the star. But like we here at Rated-T know, the movies are actually assassination sites for casts of hit-anime. The assasinations are something that cannot be stopped.
All we can do is pray.
“Let’s dance the jitterbug baby!” BOOM!
The boat goes up in smoke and the pirate men on it are nowhere to be found, obliterated by the wellplaced grenade shell. Having seen their comrades’ vessel blown to pieces, the other pirates start to reconsider engaging their enemy in
nautical combat. That’s when the harbinger of their destruction wrapped up in the form of a beautiful Chinese-American woman wielding an automatic machine gun and grenade launcher lands on the starboard side of the boat. She grins sadistically before emptying the clip into two more of her aggressors before swinging the grenade launcher around to meet the
Astro Boy
Hollywood Continues to Kill Hit Anime By Jarrell Davis Associated Press
We gather here today to honor those great Japanese productions that were brought to an untimely end by Hollywood. These productions were loved by many and were the Gods for us Otakus. Being sacrificed to the Hollywood directors in attempt to raise the awareness of anime: may these animes regain fans through the failed attempts of Hollywood. Though the greatest triumph must always be followed by the epic fail such as: The Civil
Fans weep for Hit Anime killed in their live-action movies
War, MLK, Diamonds and now Japanese Productions. We will miss you, great beings, and will forever treasure the joy you brought us. “Let’s dance the jitterbug
40 Spring 2010 Rated-T
baby!” BOOM!
The boat goes up in smoke and the pirate men on it are nowhere to be found, obliterated by the wellplaced grenade shell. Having seen their comrades’ vessel
blown to pieces, the other pirates start to reconsider engaging their enemy in nautical combat. That’s when the harbinger of their destruction wrapped up in the form of a beautiful Chinese-American woman wielding an automatic machine gun and grenade launcher lands on the starboard side of the boat. She grins sadistically before emptying the clip into two more of her aggressors before swinging the grenade launcher around to meet the
This awesome show fell into a coma in June of 2009. Keanu Reeves wants to play the lead character, Spike, and according to research he’s set to have the part. The script is finished, but considering the fact that they have to find Faye, Ed and Jet…I hope that it doesn’t lose ratings.
Astroboy has been in a coma since May 2009. The condition has yet to change but we expect the worst. We’ll bring you more as we learn about it. Astroboy is being held by Disney Studios…I fear for their ratings.
Well this anime is going to its grave all right, just not by a gunshot. While I never personally saw this anime, I can say that it will be killed in the live action. An anime following a zombie bent on revenge is good. But not a live action movie zombie bent on revenge? I don’t think even the ability to wake the dead will resurrect the main character of this show.
This anime is one that everyone or their parents can vaguely recall as being on TV. Remember those catlike humans that would ride around on motorcycles screaming “THUNDERCATS HOOOOOOO!” before going after the bad guys. Well these Thundercats are about to lose their leader to the not-so-awesome world of American live action movies. The live action movie is being planned out to follow the leader of the Thundercats. As of now Lion-O (the leader) is in a coma.
Spring 2010 Rated-T
CHECK THIS OUT! Black Cat: by Jarrell Davis
Live Action what? Stop Hollywood, You’re killing us otakus!! Remember that Dragonball Evolution movie? Or what about that upcoming Astroboy movie? Then there are the rumors about a Death Note live action. Notice how Hollywood has taken interest in comics and to the horror of most die-hard Otaku, live action anime. What the heck is wrong with Hollywood? Turning a precious treasured violent anime into what-the-heck-happened-to-the-plot high school movies…if you choked when you heard about Dragonball Evolution and then had the nerve to attempt to watch it please keep reading. Dragonball Evolution is the movie that should have never happened…ever. What could I possibly mean? Goku Son, the idiot main character of the great for-over-20-episodes-and-then-some Dragonball series, is in high school. Now most Dragonball fans know Goku did not in anyway have a formal education. He also did not meet Bulma or Chi-Chi in high school. In fact we remember he met her when he was in Dragonball and thought marriage meant food. Every Otaku I knew was so frustrated and annoyed with the commercials that they didn’t bother to watch it. Then there were the few Otaku friends that did see it, they said: “Dude it was like Goku used the Force from Star Wars to open his locker.” “Vegeta didn’t even appear in the movie.” It was a Dragonball movie so I would disregard that one.
“Piccolo looked like he was a vampire more than an alien. He was so pale I thought he was from Twilight or something.”
That movie was an epic fail. I’d suggest that we tell Hollywood to stop with their attempts to stay alive. The Astroboy live action is being done by Disney… Walt motherlovin Disney. Okay the commercials aren’t that bad, but considering the fact that Disney is making the movie I find myself slightly weary of the movie. Let’s hope it doesn’t end like Speed Racer…a movie that shouldn’t have happened.
Most Otakus have heard rumors of the Death Note movies being Americanized. The worst part is that some Otakus want Zac Efron to play Light Yagami. That idea fails, can anyone see why? Let me explain, Zac is an actor that has for the most part starred only in musical or high school movies. Now while Light started off as a high school I would not cast Zac Efron to play a character that has mental issues and a warped sense of justice, especially in a movie that should start with Light as a college student. Hollywood has taken a turn into comic and anime movies and I for one do not want to see what America does to a good anime. Jarrell Davis is a 2009 graduate of Friendship Collegiate Academy.
Ral Grad: by Karlton Chapman
Genre – Adventure, Fantasy Author – Tsuneo Takano Illustrator – Takeshi Obata (from works like Death Note and Hikaru no Go) Publisher - Viz Media Original run – December 2006–July 2007 Volumes – 4 Why do they die so young? Ral Grad (Or Blue Dragon) is a short story about the main character, Ral, and his adventures with a shadow creature known as Grad. But truthfully, the story begins at Ral’s birth. Shadow creatures like Grad, can only live in the real world by attaching themselves to a living organism with a enough brain capacity. After attaching themselves to an organism, the shadow creatures go through a series of stages that ultimately lead to the consuming of the host, allowing the shadow creature to manifest themselves as people and walk around freely. Ral was one of the few who were locked away in a dome of complete darkness to seal away his guest, and was finally released in the first volume of the story to begin his adventure. This manga is very inspirational for all of you up-and-coming artists out there. And all of you action lovers should pick this up as well.
Genre – Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction Author – Kentaro Yabuki Illustrator – Kentaro Yabuki Publisher – Viz Media Original run – 2000-2004 Volumes – 20 Black Cat…how could it be a manga for boys with a title like that? Meet Train Heartnet, a former member of an assassination team with the title of 13/Black Cat. “I’ve come to deliver some bad luck,” is this former assassin’s catch phrase. Train is a run-of-the-mill sweeper who works with Sven to figure out how to stop Apostles of the Stars and to keep his past as an Eraser from haunting him. This manga has action, violence and just plain quirky humor especially with the randomly appearing white cat that seems to have no purpose. Funimation has released 20 Black Cat mangas and 24 anime episodes in the USA.
Gurren Lagann: by Maurice Williams
Genre – Adventure, Comedy-drama, Mecha Author – Gainax Illustrator – Kotaro Mori Publisher – Bandai Entertainment Original Run – April 1, 2007–Ongoing Volumes – 2 Gurren Lagann is about a kid named Simon who lives in an underground city and has literally been “digging ditches” his whole life. One day he finds a mysterious face buried in the ground. The face turns out to be a mechanical robot that has the ability of adaption. That same day, two things happen: One, a gun-wielding woman bursts into the underground city from the ceiling along with a monster, and two, the first day of the rest of his life begins. Gurren Lagann is a one-of-a-kind anime that doesn’t know the meaning of cliché. Gurren Lagann is a potential Hall of Famer that Rated-T recommends with five stars and beyond.
3, 000, 000, 000
Written by Jarrell Davis Graphic Design by Flonora Merritt and Karlton Chapman
42 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Spring 2010 Rated-T
BLACK LAGOON Review of an explosive manga/anime by Canaan Walker Graphic Design by Karlton Chapman
“Let’s dance the jitterbug baby!” BOOM!
The boat goes up in smoke and the pirates on it are nowhere to be found...obliterated by a well-placed grenade shell. Having seen their comrades’ vessel blown to pieces, other pirates start to reconsider engaging their enemy in nautical combat. That’s when the harbinger of their destruction in the form of a beautiful Chinese-American woman wielding an automatic machine gun and grenade launcher lands on the starboard side of the boat. She grins sadistically before emptying the clip into her aggressors before swinging the grenade launcher around to meet the last man sending him to kingdom come. BOOM!
Enter, the femme fatale (sporting nothing more than combat boots, a black shirt, and daisy dukes). She leaps to the next boat to continue her spree. Her name is Revy (though she also goes by Rebecca or Two-Hands) She’s a mercenary, courier, and muscle of the boat that shares it’s name with the anime you’re reading about, Black Lagoon. Set in the waters off the coast of Thailand in the mid-90’s, Black Lagoon is an unabashedly cruel delight of an anime series that follows the adventures of the crew of the Black Lagoon and their exploits from the fictional Thailand
city, Roanapur (a rather literal hell-on-earth for the faint of heart) to Tokyo, Japan and everywhere in between. The story starts with our main character Rock, a Japanese businessman whose life is rather pathetic for someone who attained a college education and a good job. He gets nothing out of bending over backwards to please his boss, and basically lives a boring and unfulfilling existence. Everything turns around however, when a business trip/delivery goes awry thanks to the Lagoon Company. Then, through a series of events, (Bacardi drinking contests, gunfights, and a torpedo being launched into a helicopter), Rock joins the Lagoon Company. Living in Roanapur, he works for a character called Dutch. The series focuses on their exploits through the various jobs they take, as well as Rock’s adjustment and development in his new life in the Thai underworld. Black Lagoon is very dark in theme, humor, and subject matter. It explores the concepts of existentialism and free will in a similar fashion to shows like Death Note. The majority, if not all of the characters have lives that have led them to cast away any and all beliefs in religion and in the world that betrayed them. Revy makes note of this in the “Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise” story arc:
“Dutch, Chang, Balalaika and just about everyone else in Roanapur are the walking dead. If there’s any difference between us it’s whether or not we’re allowed to crawl to our graves.” The characters of Black Lagoon, on the whole, are likable and though Rock is the protagonist, the spotlight is more on the dwellers of Roanapur (C.I.A. agent Eda, Mister Chang of the 14k Triad, Hotel Moscow, Leader Balalaika) and the more the series progresses, the more of a presence they have. If you’re like me, as well as the many other people I’ve introduced Black Lagoon to over the course of this year, it’s Revy that’ll have your attention more than any other character. It’s odd that even though her bad traits and attitude (chain-smoking, ridiculous use of profanity, alcoholism, and love of killing), Revy has a rather large group of admirers as far as female anime characters go. Of course, with a figure and
THE PLIGHT OF THE PIRATE While Black Lagoon exercises a healthy amount of realism, the cause of their pursuit through hails of gunfire differs from what goes on with their real-life counterparts. In Somalia, where some 16 years of war have made refugees out of hundreds of thousands of people, the lack of power in central government has allowed a number of ships to dump their chemicals or fish illegally. Using these evils as an excuse, pirates dub themselves as sorts of un-official coast guards: hijacking ships and kidnapping crews for large sums of money allegedly in order to stop the dumping and fishing. They seem to blind to the fact that such actions are causing their homeland to suffer. For example, on September 25, 2008, the M.V. Faina was hijacked by 50 Somali Pirates and a 14-year-old boy. Reports say the ship was heading to Mombasa, Kenya from Ukraine with tanks, guns and ammunition on board. The pirates threatened to blow up the ship, killing the crew and themPhoto: Soviet Command Ship SSV-3 Ural United States Department of Defense
44 Spring 2010 Rated-T
a voice like hers, I’m not complaining. About the only things I really have against the series is its dialogue (which is a little hit and miss compared to its anime counterpart) and the fact that it has taken several three to four part arcs before getting a non-non-sequitur story. Not to mention the cursing. There is a lot of it, which is why I recommend not watching this with the wrong family members. For the faint at heart, Black Lagoon is a far cry from any children’s anime or to a lesser extent, a teen anime unless you’re older than sixteen (or at least that’s what it says on the DVD boxes), but for those who can stomach the violence and depictions of the worst kinds of murder, you’ll either hate it or love it. And if you like Black Lagoon, chances are you will love it. You can check out Black Lagoon by the complete series, on DVD or on the SyFy channel on cable.
selves if their ransom demands weren’t met. The ransom started out at $35 million in U.S dollars but through the weeks following the capture, the price was lowered to $5 million U.S dollars. The threat was eventually withdrawn, but the ransom was not dropped. These pirates were later pursued by the U.S. Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, Howard, to prevent them handing off the 33 T-72 tanks, AA guns, and RPG’s to Islamist insurgents on land. Other countries followed suit and ships from Russia and France showed up to form a blockade against the ship. After an unsuccessful revolt by the hostages in December 2009, two of the pirates were captured from the Faina while heading for shore. Not much later, on February 5, 2009, the ship was released, after a ransom $3,200,000 was paid the day before. The only casualty was the captain, who was taken to a local morgue awaiting a shipment to Russia.
Spring 2010 Rated-T
PSP vs. DSi
Yu-Gi-Oh! vs. Pokemon
To design is one thing, to revolutionize is a whole other platform. I’m gonna be a Master!
by Maurice Williams, Canaan Walker, Karlton Chapman, and Kevin Lewis Graphic Design by Karlton Chapman Maurice: Ah the age-old question, do we duel or have a battle? Okay, not really, but many people have different opinions on both these series. From where I stand, I’ll duel before battling cause let’s face it when it comes to Pokemon battling, it’s basically a steroids match in the video games and television series. The real skill comes with dueling—finding different strategies and combos to overcome just about any type of opponent in a deck with limitless possibilities and creativity that spares no expense, like Yu-Gi-Oh. Even the television series has more storylines and changes for every generation, unlike Pokemon where the only thing that changes is the female main character and the animals you collect. I mean even the episodes are repetitive. Don’t get me wrong Pokemon is good anime, but it just can’t compete with Yu-Gi-Oh’s ever-changing mood and array of various characters, plots and settings.
Karlton: Yeah, the age-old question, with the age-old answer, Pokemon is better. We can talk about no change, but like what has always been said “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it!” Pokemon has the winning formula. Yu-Gi-Oh! (like your series spells it, not Yugioh or anything that doesn’t have the exclamation point), unfortunately has seen many changes, in both it’s game and show all the way down to it’s very formula—proving that in order to keep up with Pokemon’s popularity, it has to go on its infinite search for the winning formula. The card game formula itself wears thin as opposed to Pokemon’s videogame, which to this day is remembered. And the latest game, there, done that... “Pokemon Platinum, neared one million dollars, in only two days,”says Point is, change is needed when change is needed. I include both meanings (monetary and literal).
Maurice: “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it…” Sorry but Pokemon’s “formula” should get a muchneeded tune up. I see how it infects children of the world with the same old story and the same old characters. It’s not a matter of when change is needed, it’s the new age and change was
46 Spring 2010 Rated-T
needed five years ago. Yugioh understands this and let’s just say a Pokémon evolution isn’t the only thing the series needs to focus on.
Canaan: To begin, I have a fierce dislike of both franchises as shows go (with the exclusions of the Battle City Tournament and the Orange League saga). Both contain no real substance in terms of plot to keep me entertained. For me, it’s about the core mechanics of both series as a whole. I was once a Poke-fan. At one time, I supported that series to the fullest while shunning Yu-Gi-Oh to the fullest because of my severe dislike of its blatant disregard for the rules and no real knowledge of how to play the game. I also owned one of the first titles in the series, Pokémon Blue. I loved that game dearly. But due to the fact that whatever God there is in this world is against me having any kind of handheld system, I lost it. That, along with a brief lull in keeping up with the series, took just enough time for Kazuki Takahashi’s train wreck-ofa-plotline (yet masterfully designed card game) to strike. The shift took its time to work. I tried to keep both in my heart. Eventually though, Pokémon lost its appeal to me, and I took up the mantle of the Duelist. Both series to me, have a great many highs and lows that will only appeal to who they appeal to. There really isn’t any right or wrong answer. But for the record Karlton, I think you’re just bitter and spiteful towards Yu-Gi-Oh because it deviates from your way of thinking. Karlton: “Change has been needed…” Okay, Yu-Gi-Oh! does not teach…anything.
Kevin: First of all, I come from a perspective that loves both Yugioh and Pokemon. All my life I have been involved with both franchises, having spent my life savings on both. Both make me happy, but now I, of course, choose Yugioh…That’s what I would have said in opposite world because Pokemon is the way to go. Its increase in Pokémon and adventures that the characters can go on continues to amaze me. I would much rather bond closely with my Pokemon that were meant to continue to love me more (Pokémon Games), than try to bond with pieces of cardboard paper that I will most likely trade away (Yugioh trading cards). Maurice, by the way, I believe there are two reasons why you turned to Yugioh. One, I destroyed and owned you in Pokémon and two; your resolve is too weak.
Review and graphic design by Karlton Chapman and Maurice Williams Sony vs. Nintendo: a battle that has gone on since the Playstation and the Nintendo 64 made their debut. Both were strong competitors and had some great games. Next, it was the Playstation 2 vs. Nintendo GameCube; two of the most dominating game systems in the world. During this era of home consoles, Nintendo came out with a few portable systems such as Gameboy, Gameboy Color and Gameboy Advance, to name a few. These portable systems were fun and inexpensive with Grade-A material games that were for both casual and hardcore gamers. Sony wanted in on the portable gaming market as a chance to make more money and to prove that they were better than Nintendo. So ten days after the Nintendo DS’s release, the Playstation Portable was released (both were released in Japan). Since the PSP’s debut, it has sold more than 50 million units worldwide as of February 13, 2009. However, the Nintendo DS trumped out the PSP as of March 3, 2009, when it sold a devastating 101.78 million units. The Nintendo DS success was a result of two key factors: its simplicity and the overall the fun you have playing it. The PSP’s downfall was attributed to the fact that it was overpriced and had a horrible library without a decent game until a year after its release. Since the PSP-1000 release, Sony came out with newer versions of the PSP. These newer versions came in many different colors, “Ooooo pretty colors…” and included upgrades such as better Internet browsing, a USB charger (which should’ve been on the first one) and several redesigns to the look of the system. Despite the flaws with the PSP, it has many redeeming qualities such as music and video playback, it’s ability to playback different audio formats, internet browsing, remote play for the PS3, Skype capabilities, downloading and playing demos, a personalized menu, photo viewing, game sharing, camera adaptability and the presence of a mic on the face of the PSP. The PSP made history with this system—the first ever portable gaming system to play music and games. The Nintendo DS could play video games, use download play (to play games with friends using a single game card), use Nintendo Wi-fi (a free online game service run by Nintendo), backwards compatibility (ability to play games), and PictoChat. Since the DSi’s release, its features include music playback (.MPA, MP4, and 3GP type files only), a functioning camera, an ability to review photos, voice recording, a SD card slot, and access online to the Nintendo
DSi shop where you can download games and save them on a SD card. The Nintendo DSi took some of the ideas the PSP had and made them better. The music playback feature lets you literally play with your music. You can adjust the pitch and even change the sound you hear to an 8-bit version of the song. It attached a camera to the device instead of making you pay to buy an extra piece. Pictures can be edited to look like just about anything. The PSP never gave up. In fact Sony took it to a whole new level with the PSP Go. In my personal opinion, the PSP Go is a failed project. The system failed in its role to be a portable gaming console. Leaving behind UMD reading from its functions severely hindered its marketing. It made a good attempt at being Next Gen, but it failed. Maybe it was the $250 price tag or maybe it was because you couldn’t use UMD’s to play games anymore. I would rather buy an iPhone at $300 than buy this piece of junk portable device because at least the cell phone knows what it is and does it well. PSP Go needs to follow that example and give us a decent console and not a computer or mp3. On the other hand though Nintendo did come out with a new system called the DSi XL, which seems to be nothing more than a size upgrade, I still want to purchase it because of those upgrades. Even with those upgrades it has not lost its purpose, but improved upon it. And there you have it… a side-by-side comparison of two systems. It’s left up to you to decide if you want to continue or discontinue the path that takes you to Nintendo or Sony. Based on the information, it is clear which company creates the better system but all that really matters is opinions and your opinion. Just remember that your thoughts are your own. They’re unique and shouldn’t be hindered because you fear being different or you’re influenced by others. You can choose for yourself who is better and not be dissuaded by propaganda. Learn, Live, and Grow. Karlton Chapman and Maurice Williams are seniors at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Games Don’t Infect
Commentary by Jarrell Davis and Flonora Merritt
Brain” by Eleni Kardaras
Commentary and Graphic Design by Maurice Williams
48 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Department Of Employment Services
-- From “The Effect of Video Games on the
Wow another cliché attempt at trying to blame the youth. For example, female reporter, Eleni Kardaras, wrote a story called “The Effect of Video Games on the Brain”. I read her story and I completely disagree with it on all levels. Here’s why. Video games do not affect kids, but just about everything else does. See, what Ms. Eleni Kardaras failed to realize was video games are just competition between two or more gamers or even the gamer versus the game. So what if people get a little competitive over a game it just harmless fun. As for those eight and ten year-olds, did it ever occur to you that maybe just maybe little kids throw temper tantrums when they don’t get their way? No one tells professional athletes not to start a fight or not to cry when they loose a game. They get paid either way. Yet, you hear about some guy biting another guy’s ear off, team vs. team brawls, grown men crying because they lost one game. And yet, you don’t care because it’s competition and sometimes it brings out the worst in us all. We mentally get lost in the moment because we’re concentrating on what we need to do to get the “win”. That goes for gaming, writing, college applications, and sports.
DD . OI E. SE etailed
“Oh how video games affect gamers. It’s down right madness. They curse, scream, and act as if their life is on the line. I don’t know if I can take it anymore. I saw little eight and ten-year-old boys playing a game and when one of them lost, the other kicked and insulted the one who won. I just can’t take it anymore. Someone help me!!!”
Aggressive behavior is common for boys because as the saying goes “Boys will be boys”. But, you don’t hear Eleni Kardaras talking about female gamers in her story. Possibly because it’s not the games, it’s the gender. And as much as I hate to set my gender back a thousands years, boys do get aggressive when they’re winning, losing, or taking a sip of tea. Point is, her research came from investigating male gamers not the girls. And same thing goes for her experiences. My experiences with video games include me getting mad at my brother temporarily because he beat me. But at the same time I was having fun and wanted to keep playing. I also have a friend (who is good at Halo) who beats me every time I play him. We are still friends because we don’t let a video game rule our lives. And many other people don’t either. My other friend gets mad whenever he loses a game. This includes not only video games, but board games and children’s card games. But he always comes back for more so he can increase his own skill. Now, sure we can put down the controller and move away from the so-called “aggressive behavior”. But why should we just because research says that we could basically kill ourselves from playing a video game? Yeah, that sounds ridiculous and opinionated. So I will keep that controller in my hands and move on as a gamer who is moderately educated and strong in mind...end of story. Games don’t affect the minds of a gamer or any person, competition does.
Maurice Williams is a Senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
eens of D.C, you were played by DC government last summer when they had us running around the city with limited resources. Teens beware of the dreaded red tape at the Department of Employment Services (DOES). It’s a mess. Last year, many teens didn’t even know how or when to sign up for the summer youth employment program. Many of the teens didn’t know how or where to get certified. People that were on holding lists were deleted out of the system in June. We, the teens, need summers jobs in order to buy basic necessities. Some are going to college in the Fall and need the money for books and transportation. We believe Mayor Fenty and the DC Council failed to support DC youth in this most critical time in our country. The DOES program needs to be scraped and redone so that this year the teens of DC can have a nice summer. Last summer, while I was working for Friendship News Network at my school, there was a serious lack of communication between my school and DOES. I got nothing but negative attitudes by the DOES representatives on their 311 line. They didn’t want to help me. They just wanted to get me off the phone. When I spoke to one of them on the phone, they gave me the “attitude”. At first I thought, I wasn’t explaining my problem to them right. But when I explained the situation to one of my teachers, she got it right away. The Summer Youth Employment office needs to hire people who have better comprehension skills. Dealing with DOES really set our program backwards. Because of DOES confusion, we lost our best writers, designers and photographers. Even though they signed up for our program, they were placed somewhere else. It feels like students are paying for someone else’s mistakes and it’s unfair.
Graphic Design by Shaquanda Noble
I think DOES should have advertised a little bit better. They could have sent letters in the mail about the program. Those who were in the program the previous years should already be in the system and shouldn’t have to do the whole process again each year. They should list all the work sites on the websites to help limit the confusion and frustration. Then it made no sense when DOES tried to keep our school from being a worksite at the last minute. Some of our students had summer school and the only place they could work was at our school. I suggest that DOES thinks before it acts. Conclusion: this year, I’m going into the FBI because dealing with dead people is so much easier than dealing with DOES. If some of their employees hadn’t been on Twitter bragging about loafing and how ghetto Anacostia is, maybe things could have worked out a lot better. Jarrell Davis and Flonora Merritt are honors graduates of Friendship Collegiate Academy. Shaquanda Noble is a member of the 2010 graduating class.
hi ng t of T
s Wr
ith o ng w
n ic at io n u m c om c ro s s ce s • Po o r i n u te n o t i c at te re d a ss tm • L a s c a t i o n s i te g e t t o ifi o • C e rt a n d h a rd t t i ve s y est ta t re s e n e ve r y re q u n s t he ci p e r s le s on t io • C l ue s t i n a t i o n S loc a E O D a in r • Pro c a n t ch a nge e s t k m s ’t wo r • C o n I n & O u t Ti n d i d at c k• C h e ay c a rd s t h i o n C o r p s? p at • Ne w r ’s C o n s e r v ayo • MSpring 2010 Rated-T 49
How Would You Survive A
Zombie Attack?! W
Rule ONE: Cardio-
Make sure your body is in shape so you can outrun those flesh-eating zombies.
Rule Two: Ideal Protection-
Wear tight clothes and keep your hair short because those flesh eating monsters love to pull on you to get you.
Review and graphic design by Courtney Shackleford
hat would you do if there was an outbreak of zombies? How would you react? Where would you go? Basically, how would you survive a zombie attack? You may think this is a stupid question to ask but the way Hollywood is setting up Zombie flicks, they’re more about survival than horror. So what exactly is a zombie? A zombie is a dead body that has been brought back to life by a supernatural force. It’s basically the walking dead. Most Zombie flicks show a zombie apocalypse, which is a zombie outbreak that has occured among the majority of the people living in the world who could become a part of the living dead. Of course it is human survival that’s involved in zombie flicks. And now there’s actual rules to follow in order to survive in case of a zombie apocalypse during our lifetimes on this earth. Movies like Zombieland give basic rules to follow. But, its not just movies that have attracted the eyes of the fans of the living dead, it’s also books. Author, Max Brooks wrote a book called The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protections From the Living Dead. Between, Zombieland, the movie and this book, I now know many ways to survive in case of an apocalypse. Both give you a a series of rules to follow. But The Zombie Survival Guide gives you more details into the ways of survival. For example, Max Brooks tells you what weapons to use and where you can find a safe house during the apocalypse. If there isn’t enough time to read this book during an outbreak, you might still have time to pop in the movie, Zombieland, a comedy about how to survive a zombie apocalypse. It may or may not keep your mind off the zombie clawing at you window. 50 Spring 2010 Rated-T
The Rules of Survival Rule Three: When In Doubt Know Your Way Out - When you go into an abandoned building and may be unsure about your surroundings, make sure you have a way out.
Rule Four: Blades Dont Need Reloading-
How long would it take you to reload a gun if a group of zombies were coming at you? Think About It...Think Smart.
Rule Five: Double Tap - After shooting a zombie, make sure that you give it another shot in the head for extra luck.
Rule Six: Keep Moving, Keep low, Keep Quiet and Keep Alert - Do I really need to
explain what it means....Just Stay Alive.
Rule Seven: Enjoy The Little Things Ln Life- Even if you know that there is a crisis, never let
that get you down. You can still have a killer time getting rid of zombies.
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Underworld Bookstore Book reviews by Pamela Chatman
Graphic Design by Karlton Chapman
Welcome all ghouls, girls and demons of the night. In this bookstore you won’t find prissy fairy tales filled with rainbows and unicorns a’frolicking through meadows with cupcake-filled bushes. No, in this store you”ll find tales of werewolves and vampires falling in love and killing to survive during events of epic proportion. Now, take a walk through the dark chapters of these books and indulge yourself as you travel into the minds of vamps and lycans. Welcome to the Underworld Bookstore!
by Maggie Stiefvater
by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
I applaud Maggie Stiefvater on her novel, Shiver: The Wolves of Mercy Falls. The story, is about a girl named Grace who has a fascination (more like an obsession) with the wolves who live in the woods beyond her backyard. But there’s one particular wolf that catches her attention more than the other wolves. His name is Sam. He’s a boy who lives two different lives. In the summer he lives the life of an ordinary teenage guy. But when the winter starts licking at his heels, he struggles to retain the life he had before his accident.
The story is very touching. It’s like Twilight but with different circumstances. For one Sam doesn’t drink blood and he doesn’t need to hide from the sunlight (thank God). And plus, Sam has the personality that makes you wanna fall head over heels for the guy. Even though this is just my fan girl persona talking, it’s true. Sam is a sensitive, multi-cultured type dude. And Grace is almost the complete opposite of Bella because when her boyfriend leaves for a while (Sam didn’t leave for six months) she doesn’t try to almost kill herself in order to see him. I recommend this book to those who just started reading supernatural romances. The story, it really holds your attention until the end and would probably keep you guessing what the next story will be. (If there is another book). Oh! And if you would like to buy this book, you can either get it from your nearby library or bookstore.
52 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Marked is a novel about a girl named Zoey Montgomery (recently changed to Zoey Redbird). Zoey was an ordinary high school girl until she was chosen to begin the “change”. When she was chosen to begin the “change” it meant that she had to change schools and move away from home.
The number one rule Zoey knew was that if she didn’t complete the “change” she would either die or disappear. When she finally arrives at her new school and house, she learns that she’s destined for greatness. Along the way Zoey ends up making friends with the most unlikely characters who don’t make a big deal over how different she is from them. At first the book, Marked, starts out as almost every other story would (Depends if anyone knows how not to make every beginning of a story sound the same). It starts out with a semi-good day. Then in the middle things start getting weird on you. But, if you like a book that is as unpredictable as Marked, then this should be the book for you. And as I’ve mentioned before, you can find this book at any bookstore or local library ( if you want your book for free great) .
Unleashed by Kristopher Reisz
Unleashed, a story about a boy named Daniel Morning, your typical straight “A” student who follows all the rules. He’s the golden boy in his family. One day he notices a girl, named Misty, who neither respects the rules, nor cares about what other people think of her or her crew. At some point Daniel decides he wants to join Misty’s group. Along the way he finds out that her group turns into wolves. As the days pass Daniel starts to develop feelings for Misty and has to decide if he wants to live according to his parent’s will or travel with someone who truly understands him.
she’s in danger because she is an a illegally made vampire (not born a vampire). And vampires made without the Vampire Council permission would be killed. He tells Poppy and her brother they will have to leave. Then, James hears that the rest of his cousins are all gathering for a special event that might help him keep Poppy by his side.
If you enjoy a book that’s filled with danger and romance, then this is defiantly the book for you. Trust me, you’ll never want to put this book down until you finish it. Once again if you want to get your hands on this book either go to a bookstore or library.(But I highly recommend you buy it).
Night World #1: Beastly Secret Vampire by Alex Flinn by L. J. Smith
Secret Vampire is story about a sixteenyear-old girl named Poppy who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. And when Poppy’s best friend James (secretly a vampire) finds out about her situation, James decides to do anything to save her life, even if he has to turn her into a vampire to do it. After James
finally convinces Poppy to become a vampire, her twin brother Phil, tries to them but it’s too late. She’s already changed. Then James explains to Poppy that
The story ”Beastly” is about a guy named Kyle Kingsbury who has everything a teenager could ask for; money, good looks and a perfect life overall—at least for a while. But, one day Kyle’s entire english class decides to place a curse on him. After that his life will never be the same. Is anyone is familiar with Beauty and the Beast? Well this is the modern remake. In order to be human again, Kyle has to care about someone else, beside himself, and to show compassion to others.
I recommend this book to those who enjoy reading fairy tales and anyone who wants to read a remake of Beauty and the Beast. If you want a fairy tale that’s got a little more spin on it than the original story, then this book is for you. And if you want to get your hands on this book, you can either get it from your local library or from a bookstore—whatever you prefer.
Spring 2010 Rated-T
What In Blazes Happened To by Courtney Shackelford
This is for all the children and teenagers who grew up during the 90s and got to watch the best cartoons known to man as well as real MTV when it actually played music videos all day and all night. All I got to ask is “What the h*** happened to television?” All of the good shows got cancelled. Remember when we were younger and the best channels were Nick, Cartoon Network and MTV? What happened to those channels? Now the only good shows on Nickelodeon are Spongebob Squarepants and iCarly. What happened to all the good shows like Rugrats, Johnny Bravo, Doug, Rocko’s Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter’s Lab, and so many more? The problem with Cartoon Network is that just like MTV it’s starting to air reality shows. I don’t get it. Isn’t the key word in its name CARTOON? The cartoons aren’t bad. They’re actually funny and kind of cool, but it’s the fact that Cartoon Network is also airing reality shows. I remember when I was younger and I couldn’t wait until Friday night at 7 or 8 pm for the cartoon line up that included Dexter’s Laboratory (1996), Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, I Am Weasel, The Powerpuff Girls, Ed, Edd n Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog and Mike, Lu & Og. But since summer of 2009,
54 Spring 2010 Rated-T
when they decided to go reality and call the network, “CN Real” (Cartoon Network Real) they included reality shows like The Othersider, Survive This, BrainRush, Destroy Build Destroy, and Bobb’e Says. Like I stated earlier, cartoon network should be for cartoons. The cartoons on cartoon network are actually good. Chowder and The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack bring back the old style of past cartoons. And what about MTV? The thing about MTV is that it is called, “Music Television” and it is so ironic because it rarely plays music anymore. The only time it does play music is early in the morning between 4 am and 9 am. This time is okay with me when I am getting ready in the morning for school at 6 am, but what’s going to happen when it is the summer time or the weekend? Let’s be real here. Who is going to get up at 8 am to watch some videos. MTV should play music videos all day instead of airing shows like Teen Cribs (really, who cares about some rich kids and the way the live), dating shows, and Real World (it’s been on for like 20 years), but NO MUSIC VIDEOS. The only show that played music videos from the time it was launched is TRL. But TRL got cancelled on September 15, 2008 and was replaced with
FNMTV, hosted by Pete Wentz. Unfortunately in January, 2009, it was cancelled, leaving the channel virtually devoid of music-related programming. Again, all I got to ask is, “What the h*** happened to television? Next is Nickelodeon. The issue with Nickelodeon (as of today know as “NICK”) is that in the past it had cartoon shows and shows that included real people like, All That, Kenan and Kel, Cousin Skeeter, and The Amanda Show. They are all great shows but they do not show any of the older shows or cartoons anymore except for Spongebob and iCarly. I still wonder what happened to Nick Gas, the program that was for kids who loved games and sports. They had some of the best show that ever aired on television like Slime Time Live, Double Dare, Legends of The Hidden Temple, and Global GUTS. Even though I don’t like the Disney Channel, I will admit that channel has stayed true to what it really is. They’ve kept the original characters like Mickey Mouse, Mini Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, and Pluto. Disney shows like Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly Place, Suit Life on Deck, and Phineas and Ferb attract children and teenagers. It is kind of funny when I ask my friends what they watch on television and the majority of them say Disney. I thought they might say MTV or something else. It’s not just Nick, Cartoon Network or MTV that went reality. It is all of television. All of television went reality because of the writers’ strike that occurred from November 5, 2007-February 12, 2008. The writers’ strike was a strike by most of the major television and film writers who were members of the Writer Guild of America, East (WGAE) and the Writer Guild of America, West (WGAW). They went on strike because they were not making money off the sales from the shows they were writing when they came out on DVD and iTunes. The strike affected most of the hit TV shows like Grey’s Anatomy, Smallville, CSI, Desperate Housewives, and 24. At that time the writers’ strike
also affected big blockbuster movies too like Transformers 2 and Spiderman 4. In short, the Writer Strike caused television to go reality. To find out what other people think, I interviewed some of the kids at my school and one teacher. I asked them what they think about television now compared to how television was when they were growing up. The majority of the students I interviewed like Alexis Moore, class of 2011 said this “Some of the shows aren’t as good as they were when we grew up”. I heard a lot of comments about Nick. 11th grader Angel Jackson said, “I don’t watch Nick since they took all the good shows off. I miss Chalk Zone, Rugrats, and Ren and Stimpy.” Corey Hall, class of 2012 had this to say about MTV “They need more African Americans on MTV”. Teacher Shawn Edwards, who grew up in the 90s, had this to say, “MTV is useless. They used to play music but now it’s all that reality.” Keneshia Cooper who’s in the 11th grade, said “ Cartoon Network was good when Tsuisana was on.” 11th grader, Cyril Williams said, “If they showed the old cartoons I would watch TV more” And, 11th grader Kierra Lucas summed it all up when she said, “Television is based on Reality”. Finally, I am not going to lie, but some of those reality shows are really good and keep me entertained on the weekdays. Some of the good shows that come on are Bad Girls Club, Teen Mom, and 16 and Pregnant. When I look at all of those opinions it makes me realize that I am not the only person who feels or thinks that way about television. I guess now that reality in and television is not worth watching, we’ll need a new hobby when we get home from school and work. Or maybe television is like this because it’s a sign to tell Americans to stop watching TV and get up and do something with our lives at home other than watching a bunch of lame shows. In conclusion, I leave you with the same question I asked you in the beginning, “WHAT THE H*** HAPPENED TO TELEVISION?
Courtney Shackleford is 16-year-old junior at Friednship Colleigate Academy and an Achievers Scholarship winner.
Spring 2010 Rated-T
Ahmed Davis’s
3 6 5
A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm, waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm like worship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, their songs never cease. -John Muir
Wow! Look at our new puppy. Isn’t it so cute. Yes, let’s here your ohhs and awws. Yes it’s nice. But right now let him sleep and enjoy his sweet puppy dreams. -Ahmed Davis
Every day we wonder what it's like to be in someone else’s shoes. My photography will take you on a trip that will show you the life that is me, Ahmed Davis...for better or worse. So sit back and enjoy, for the next year you can follow me into my life and know what it means to be a______! You fill in the blank! You can see most of my photos at, just search for the keyword, Ahmed Davis. You can also see my photos in the galleries at -Ahmed Davis
Children! The love of their parents is overwhelming! “To raise a child is so much work,” says the parent. But the outcome of this investment always turns out great. Watching your child grow and learn, and then the joy of sending them out into the world is amazing! Our children, our dreams, our inspiration! -Ahmed Davis
Award-winning photographer, Ahmed Davis is a member of the 2010 graduating class at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
56 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Spring 2010 Rated-T
My Dr e
n a p
by Mychal N. Sheow Graphic design by Karlton Chapman
dreams in the pan is a phrase that brings back so many memories; the most vivid memory is the moment that I chose to become a chef. The moment I most remember is the moment when I first cooked. But it hurt so much, because back then the world was so simple and it was so easy to be hurt. I believe I am the story of scraps turned into a five-star meal. The images of recipies are etched in the back of my mind. The smell of vegetable oil and the dusty gritty feel of wet flower are the hinges of my dream. These memories are the fuel that keep my dream burning in my heart. That moment I decided that I wanted to become a chef is what I base my whole life around. I will never forget when someone asked me “What do you want to be in the future?” I said, “I will be a chef— the best chef there is”. I’ve now come to the point of no return in my dream. I will follow my dream as long as I am alive and able and I will never stop learning because I am going to be the best chef in the world.
My dream is carried on by the waves of my family and the staff at Friendship. The Friendship family is carved into my dream. The staff has tried to help me find my dream and also create a back up plan just in case my dream does not go the way I wanted. I could also make a job of this back up plan. My “second dream” would be to receive a masters in the English language arts. I choose this as a back up because I love English and I am good at it. But the greatest reason to master the English language is because the studying involved should help me improve my recipe- creating skills. Good recipe-creating and editing skills will make me a better chef. These skills will aid me in my barrage on the culinary world. Mychal Sheow is a sophomore at Frienship Collegiate Academy. Karlton Chapman is a senior.
Trade of Task “The Life Of An Engineer”
Story by Anthony Green
Graphic Design by Courtney Shackleford
I am Anthony Green and I have been on a robotics team since middle school. My first exposure to engineering was in the 7th grade when my team entered the First Lego League Tournament which included a presentation, exhibition of the robot and engineering competition. We came in 3rd place and I was hooked from that point on. Then came the best experience of my life when Ms. Adams the Smart Lab facilitator at Blow Pierce Junior Academy entered us into another tournament sponsored by NSBE, The National Society of Black Engineers. The tournament was in Norfolk, VA with the best teams on the east coast competing. We were the best because we won. We were awarded a free chance to go to the championships in Las Vegas, NV. We came out on top again and became the World Champions for 2008-2009. Now that I’m in high school, I am a part of Friendship Collegiate Academy robotics team. We went to North Carolina for the preliminary rounds of the tournament. Our team of seven won 1st place this time. We won a trip to represent Region 2 in Toronto Canada. For now and forever Anthony Green will be an engineer. The engineering life style is a long process consisting of 4-8 years of college. In robotic engineering the most prestigious colleges are MIT, Stanford University,
University of Illinois and Carnegie Mellon. These schools have classes like Aeronautics, Astronautics, Robotics, Electrical Engineering, Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering. They can help develop a person’s engineering skills and provide a strong base for an engineering career. The average robotic engineer makes a salary of $49,000-53,000 a year. An engineer uses science and math to solve every day problems. Without the engineers that we have today, we would not have items like cellphones, computers, laptops or any type of electronics. All were invented by some sort of engineer. In conclusion, because of my experience on the robotics team, I now know what I want to be in life and what I want to do for my career. I know that I can be the best at anything in life and robotics is just one thing that can help me. It has opened a new way of thinking for me that is hard to put down on paper. But, my emotions will help continue my dream of being a robotic engineer and boost not only me, but also my fellow team mates. I think that everyone should be a part of an engineering program during school. It’s a great way to learn about a world that most people don’t even know about. Just think how would our world be without engineers???
photo courtesy of Ahmed Davis
Robotics engineer Anthony Green is a freshmen at Friendship Collegiate Academy. Courtney Shackelford is an Achievers Scholarship winner and a junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy. Award-winning photographer, Ahmed Davis is a member of the 2010 graduating class at Friendship Collegiate Academy
58 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Spring 2010 Rated-T
ince the 1950s people have been skateboarding. The first skateboards were actually used more like scooters, with the undercarriage consisting of skate wheels attached to a wooden board. Now, people look at skateboarding in a whole new way. People are now jumping off stairs, doing tricks like kick flips, grinds on rails and pop shoves. Over time, the culture of skateboarding has been changed by professional skaters like Rob Dyrdek. Rob Dyrdek lives in Los Angeles California. He skates for companies such as DC shoes and Monster Energy—his sponsors. He was sponsored because he wins tournaments and the judges liked him. In February 2009, he opened the Fantasy Factory, one of the best indoor skate parks you could ever imagine. It’s also home to one of the best and most famous skateboard legends of all time, Rob Dyrdek, his cousin Chris “Drama” Pfaff, and Rob’s Enterprise staff. The “Fantasy Factory” is a converted warehouse where Rob runs his many entrepreneurial ventures such as skate parks
and investments. It also features a large indoor skate plaza, “bat cave” parking garage, a foam pit of soft cubes, and numerous basketball hoops in various places around the inside of the factory. He built a “hands of God” music studio for his cousin, “Drama”, inside the factory. And the “Factory” is featured on a TV reality show called Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory on MTV. During the first season, Rob opened his first Safe Spot Skate Spot sponsored by his friend, Carl Jr. Safe Spot Skate Spots are places in cities where it’s legal and safe for kids to skate. On the show, Rob also set the record for building the largest skateboard in the world. Last, but not least is Rob Drydek’s Skate 2 game. With it, you are able to purchase an early version of the Fantasy Factory as an add-on so that you’re able to skate within the premises of the Fantasy Factory.
Skateboarding Empire
Rob Dyrdek’s
Graphic Design By Ahmed Davis
Jeffrey Daise is a 15-year-old 9th grade student at Phelps Architecture, Construction and Engineering High School.
By Jeffrey Daise 60 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Spring 2010 Rated-T
United We Stand Nats We Fall
DC United Deserves a New Stadium Not the Nationals!
The Brick Wall Revolution: The Theory In Practice
by Canaan Walker Graphic design and illustration by Karlton Chapman
by Flonora Merritt
hen I first heard that DC was getting a baseball team, I said to myself, “This is going to be another DC team that is going to suck.” Turns out I was right. About fives years later, the Nationals has the worst record in the league and yet they have a brand spanking new stadium. Do you see what’s wrong with this picture? The Nationals suck and the mayor gave them a new stadium so they can stay as DC’s baseball team. You see I don’t approve of awarding failure. The Nationals’ record is 26-61. They should have their new stadium taken away. Give the new stadium to a winning team like DC United. Their record is 5-3-9 and they are currently standing number 3 in the Eastern Conference. DC United has won 12 domestic and international trophies. They are 4 time MLS Cup Champions (1996, 1997, 1999 and 2004). The Nationals have never won a championship or even made it to the World Series. In recent news, DC United officials have threatened to leave DC and go to Prince George’s County unless they get a new stadium. PG United doesn’t even sound right (they might call it MD United or leave D.C. in the name all together). I don’t want to lose a great team like DC United. They are a much more deserving of a $611 million stadium than the Nationals. The Nationals should get RFK stadium and they can get the new stadium when they get a championship. I personally believe that DC never needed a baseball and we should all go back to routing for the Orioles .
Readers, you have reached the back of the book, the end of the line, the last page. Meaning there is no more of this magazine’s content to read afterwards (the ad on the back doesn’t count).
I have just both lied to you and told you the truth, presenting a paradox of sorts. What else is there after the end of the book? It’s the last page. You’ve read up to this point and cannot go any further. Much like a brick wall in front of you, the end of the magazine halts your progress.
Oddly enough, this page is where the next first page begins. Eventually there will be another Rated-T Magazine in your hands (assuming you’re a regular reader) and you’ll be starting out on a new first page again. This is all part of the first defini-
tion of the word “revolution”, which means to circle around completely. A 360 if you will.
When you get the next issue, with new articles, and fresh new blood to grace the pages after the seniors of this issue leave…you’ll find our second definition of revolution: “a complete upheaval, reinvention, and rededication: TO MAKE SOMETHING NEW ONCE MORE. There have been many revolutions throughout the history of this world initiating so many changes in thought, influence, and culture. It’s always a privilege to take part in the change of life. And it only gets better every time. Even though at the end of the day, it’s just a full circle, it could turn out to be a better way to do something else. Caanan Walker and Karlton Chapman are seniors at Friendship Collegiate Academy.
Flonora Merritt is a Sophomore at Trinity University
62 Spring 2010 Rated-T
Spring 2010 Rated-T
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