Wholeness in Living Peaceful Journey
September 2013
In Continuous Publication Since 1994
Number 58
“Blessed are they who give without expecting even thanks in return, for they shall be abundantly rewarded.” Peace Pilgrim
Wholeness in Living: Kindling the Inner Light Focusing in the Present “Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such ...” Henry Miller
“A golden stepping stone to wholeness comes from making the now, and giving our full attention to this moment, the principal focus of life. By living in the present we open wide our hearts to the wonders that manifest each moment. What is of the past is of value as it is alive in the present and contributes to our current effort and to real opportunity for effort in the here and now. The past has meaning as we appreciate it and experience profound gratefulness for its contribution to new understanding. The future is vibrantly here and now in its potential for spiritual quickening, filled with everlasting hope. We create our future as we live.”
Affirmation for Contemplation ✴ Health, prosperity and happiness have their root in the eternal now.
Welcome A warm welcome to our newest friends in the Wholeness in Living circle in Uganda, Malta, India, Namibia, Canada, United States, South Africa, Bahamas, Malaysia, Venezuela, Latvia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Nigeria, Brazil, Mauritius, Cyprus, Singapore, Ethiopia and Ireland.
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International Day of Peace 2013
We invite you to join a day of celebration in the world: the International Day of Peace which will be observed around the planet on September 21. The United Nations has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Events range in scale from private gatherings to public concerts and forums where hundreds of thousands of people participate. Special activities and celebrations this year will take place over the 2013 Peace Day Weekend; there will be festivals, concerts and the observation of a global Peace Wave with moments of silence at noon in every time zone. Since 2002, Peace Day has marked our personal and planetary progress toward peace and it has grown to include millions of people in all parts of the world.”
News from Friends of Peace Pilgrim 60th Anniversary of Peace Pilgrim’s First Trek Peace Pilgrim’s birth place will host the sixth annual celebration of her life and work on September 20 to 22, this year commemorating the 60th anniversary of Mildred Lisette Norman’s transformation from a small town farm girl to a being who made the decision to work for inner peace and in the world. She was born in 1908 in Egg Harbor City, New Jersey in the United States and grew up on a small farm on the outskirts of town. She was valedictorian of Egg Harbor High School. After fifteen years of reflection, she relinquished her personal identity to become Peace Pilgrim. On January 1, 1953, with just the clothes on her back, a toothbrush and comb, she started her cross-country pilgrimage for peace at the head of the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California, USA. A penniless pilgrim, she crossed the United States seven times, and vowed to continue with her mission until mankind has learnt the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food. Her spirit touched the lives of thousands of people through the 28 years of pilgrimage. She transcended to a freer life in 1981 and the core of her mission has continued through the inspiration that has come to many people who have encountered her message: “when enough of us have inner peace, we will have peace in the world.”
Messages from our Friends around the World “Dissonance may be converted into consonance and become harmonious in our daily life.”
Sam Nava, México
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Messages from our Friends around the World
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"Knowledge is power, but wisdom is peace.” Alan Cohen shared by Peg Gast, United States
“Peace is our original strength, our eternal tranquility of being.” “Thought for Today” Shared by Guillermo Jáuregui, Argentina
Core Values in Japan
Purity Harmony Tranquility Respect Four Rules of Rikyū - Japan photo by: Bob Kline
Nesting Peace: Creating Infrastructures to Sustain Diversity The Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace celebrates this week {September 16-20} its sixth summit in Geneva, Switzerland. A preevent presented a restorative system, providing a deeper experience of this approach, and an understanding of how it supports healing, reconciliation and the creation of a culture of peace. This conference is designed as a space to hold a dialogue about infrastructures for peace. The program itself has been designed to exemplify an
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Nesting Peace: Creating Infrastructures to Sustain Diversity (from page 3) approach that can be expanded to the global communities. To complete this event, the group will look at their experience during the week, define future directions and launch any joint initiatives to support their work further. After closing, participants will go over to the United Nations Palais des Nations for a ceremony on the side of the 24th session of the Human Rights Council. The ceremony will celebrate the International Day of Peace by discussing concepts and practices related to the sustainable realization of peace, including meaningful infrastructures and a presentation of the outcomes of the Summit.”
Philosophy Corner “Let us have that melody in the heart that causes a life to resound to the tunefulness of every heart.” Marc Edmund Jones Founder of the Sabian Assembly www.Sabian.org
Please send your comments about inner peace, contributions and artistic expressions to Mayte Picco-Kline. Peaceful Journey is published quarterly. If
this is the first time you’ve received it and wish to be a part of our circle of friends, please click here. I also invite you to explore Words of Inspiration and Mayte’s Musing. In the Light of Peace,
Mayte Picco-Kline