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IN THIS (ISSUE) News from your class agent News From Your Class Agent What’s New With You? MFGP Outpatient Programs Keeping Time Homecoming 2011 Family of the Year More News From Your Agent Football Game Coupon Fall Alumni Events From the Desk of Lisa Tilma
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Dear fellow MFT’s,
For the last few months, I have been going through my parents’ things in my garage. I packed up all their belongings when my mother died in 2003 and moved them to my place. Well, I got this idea that I needed to have a garage/estate sale in order to reduce the accumulation in the garage. That means over the summer I’ve been looking through boxes to determine what to keep, what to throw away and what to sell. One of the most interesting things I have found has been the correspondence between aunts and uncles on my mom’s side. The letters begin with Bible verses and then the verse is applied to events in their lives. I realized that the verses were there in order to cover how mad they were at each other. It was all very subtle but it could cut deep.
Lu Duerksen, M’01 MFGP Class Agent luandu@sbcglobal.net
Read about Homecoming 2011 inside!
Correspondences on my dad’s side had a few surprises in them as well. I had an uncle who lived in Washington, D.C., who wrote me letters dated about the time when I was five years old. There are many letters from him to my entire family and we loved to visit him because we went to the Mall, the White House, zoo and the Capital. Security was not very tight during those days, so we were
able to go into prominent senators’ offices, sit down at their desks and take pictures. I also got to hear Vice President Nixon report to the House about his trip to Russia. I also found a letter I wrote my parents when I was about 13 years old. It described going to Colorado with my uncle and aunt and my aunt’s parents. They spoke Low German, which I understand and can speak, and I observed that this would probably be the one and only Low German trip to Colorado I would ever experience. (I had wanted to go along with the church bus kids BUT my parents said “it would do me good...”) I laughed out loud when I read the letter. Now, how does this all fit into marriage and family therapy? Although it has been difficult at times to read the letters, I have found the experience enlightening. I learned about my mom and dad’s relationship, about my dad going to a lawyer and trying to get a man from stalking him, and my dad resigning from a community board due to continued criticism.
(Continued on page 3)
Friends University is more than just getting a degree, but developing a lifelong friendship, which is why we want to stay connected with you as a member of the Friends University Alumni Association. If you have some exciting news that you would like to share with your classmates, let us know! You can update your information online at www.friends.edu/update-your-information. Use your ID number to process the changes quicker.
MFGP Outpatient Programs As Marriage and Family Therapists, we like to know what is out there for us to help our clients. Via Christi Outpatient Programs offers numerous resources. •Adult partial day hospital and intensive out patient programs •Adolescent partial day hospital and intensive out patient programs Our multi-disciplinary staff offers: •Age-appropriate care for adolescents aged 12 to 17 and adults 18 years and older. •Group therapy •Wellness education, healthy communication skills and goal-setting strategies •Levels of care between inpatient and traditional outpatient therapy •Treatment in least-restrictive environment •Symptom-awareness education and early intervention •Medication monitoring •Minimal disruption of family schedules. •Supportive structure to prevent and reduce inpatient days Patients may benefit from Via Christi outpatient programs if they have: •A primary psychiatric diagnosis (Axis 1) other than substance abuse/ dependence •Adequate cognitive ability to benefit from educational and therapeutic offerings •Evening and weekend support •Access to transportation The patients who need an intensive, short term day program must be: •Willing to participate •Expecting progress within a specified time period •Able to function safely without 24-hour medical/psychiatric care •Not a threat to self or others For admission to the programs call 316-858-0218 to schedule an outpatient program assessment.
Fall 2011 • (MFGP)
KEEPING TIME Once again, Wichita students at Friends University can tell the time by sound at the beginning of the hour and at each half hour. After more than two years of silence, the Davis Administration Building clock tower bell received a much-needed repair and began ringing again June 23, 2011. Funded by money set aside by the Student Government Association starting 2009, the repair included a digital device that bypasses the original gears, keeping the clock on time while preserving the historical components of the 80-year-old clock. As an additional bonus, the digital component adjusts automatically for daylight saving time and standard time. The project experienced a few setbacks, but fortunately, the clock tower repair cost around $8,000, which was less than the amount that SGA planned for in 2009.
HOMECOMING 2011 Milestone Class Reunions • 2:30 Davis Admin. Bldg. (1961, 1971, 1986) • Check-in at 2 p.m., first floor. • Visit during Class Reunions from 2:304:30 p.m. (campus tours included). Parade • 5 p.m. University Ave. & Hiram St. • Motorcyclists and classic car enthusiasts wanted for parade. • Bring the family to enjoy the floats and collect candy! Block Party • 5:30 p.m. Garvey Practice Field • FREE carnival games and inflatables.
FAMILY of the YEAR Friends University established the Family of the Year Award in 2010 as a way to recognize the legacy of those families who: 1. Have shown longevity in the number of years their family has attended Friends; 2. Are able to document that multiple members of their family tree have attended Friends; and 3. Have a history of dedicated service to the University. The Alumni Office is pleased to announce that members of the Joseph and Olive Schoonover family tree have been named the 2011 Family of the Year. They will be recognized at halftime of the Sept. 24 home football game vs. the McPherson Bulldogs.
FREE (ADMISSION) Present this coupon after the Alumni Appreciation Tailgate for free admission to the Sept. 24, 2011, Falcons football game! (Limit two free admissions per coupon.)
• FREE tailgate dinner of hamburgers, hot dogs and all the fixin’s! Football Game vs. Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes • 7 p.m. • Halftime - crowning of Homecoming Royalty
Page 1 continued What’s going to happen to treasures like these when we rely on using our new technology? We don’t save emails and we seldom write letters. We text. We phone. We fax. Journaling may turn out to not only be good for our clients but also to record family joys and sorrows. Even though I usually have a hearty laugh when I read someone’s annual Christmas letter, this may turn out to be another way to keep lasting updates we keep and can reread to help us understand our family’s history. With that said, our class newsletter is another great way to memoralize our professional accomplishments, personal triumphs and network with one another no matter when we graduated or where we live. I encourage you to send me an email about what’s new with you so I may share your news with our fellow classmates. This way we can all celebrate our MFT family’s history - past, present and future.
Alumni Appreciation Tailgate & Distinguished Family of the Year Award Presentation
1974 & 1976 Alumni Football Athletes Reunion
Homecoming 2010
Stay up-to-date with Friends Flash! at www.friends.edu/friends-flash!
Saturday, Sept. 24 Tailgate: 5 p.m. • Garvey Practice Field Falcon Football: 7 p.m. Adair-Austin Stadium on Hoyt Athletic Field Family of the Year Award Presentation: Halftime
Saturday, Oct. 1 • www.friends.edu/homecoming See page 3 for more information.
You may have noticed that Campus Connection has taken on a whole new look! By updating this newsletter, we hope that you not only find out about activities at your alma mater but also learn about achievements by your fellow classmates – those who you remember from your time as a student as well as those who you interact with through work, church or social circles but had no idea they were also Friends alumni.
Alumni Office
316.295.5900 800.794.6945 ext. 5900 alumni@friends.edu www.friends.edu/alumni
Friends University does not discriminate against academically qualified students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, or without regard to disability. Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association, 230 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604; www.ncahlc.org; 1-800-621-7440.
Saturday, Oct. 15 Lunch: 11:30 a.m. • Garvey Physical Education Center Falcon Football: 1:30 p.m. Adair-Austin Stadium on Hoyt Athletic Field
In each issue, we will also ask for your help with the information we have on file about you. (See the top of page 2.) Please, don’t think of it as homework, but as our way of keeping your information up-to-date for future reunions and networking opportunities both on and off campus. As your Alumni Director, I want to make sure that we continue to serve you in the best way possible! If you have additional ideas as to how we can make your class newsletter better, please feel free to let your class agent or me know. We’d love to hear from you!
Lisa Tilma, G’01/M’04 Executive Director of Alumni Relations