2 minute read
Mark Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p
Mark Arts 1307 N. Rock Rd. Wichita, KS 67206
Mark Arts Preregistration: Teachers enrolled in this offering for credit must hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree . Tuition fee for credit through Friends University is above any fees required of Mark Arts . In addition, teachers must pre-register and provide all required payments through Mark Arts by going to www .markartsks .com .
All materials will be provided, although participants can bring their own tools and materials if they prefer to do so . A lab fee will be included in the registration price through Mark Arts, no other fees will be required . If you are enrolling for Graduate Level Credit, you must also apply and register through Friends University and provide a tuition fee . If you have questions about credit, please contact Friends University Graduate Workshops at 316-295-5516 .
Prerequisites: Participants must register through Mark Arts prior to enrollment for credit by going to www .markartsks .com . Teachers enrolled in this offering for credit must hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree . Tuition fee for credit is above any fees required by Mark Arts fees . In addition, teachers must register and provide all required payments through Mark Arts .
Teachers enrolling in workshops through Mark Arts are eligible to apply for scholarships at Mark Arts, if done so 2 weeks before workshop begins . In-Depth Exploration of Relief Printmaking Instructor: Douglas Billings 1 credit
Grade Levels: ALL Tuition: $85
Delivery: On-Ground Instructor Fee: N/A
K-12 educators will enjoy this in-depth exploration of the methods and techniques of the many variations of Relief Printmaking . Development includes a focus on skills in carving, inking, and printing relief blocks; inking and printing relief plates, and using stencil techniques for relief monoprinting .
Through workshop/studio time, educators will deepen their knowledge base while expanding their portfolio and best practices to foster and construct creative activities that support student success in the classroom . Investigation and discussion of the history, and current status of the original hand pulled relief print, as well as proper methods for conservation and exhibition of prints . Participants will engage in several relief printmaking techniques, individually and in combination . This offering is open to all experience levels .
For course information, contact Douglas at douglas_billings@friends.edu.
Learning Forward Standards: 1 KEPPS Standards: 4 Book: N/A Materials Fee: N/A Supplies: N/A
CRN: 11220 Meeting Dates: 10/07/2022-10/08/2022 (10:00 am-4:30 pm) Enrollment Ends: 10/17/2022 Location: Mark Arts, Printmaking Studio