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Millennials driving growth of organic ‘bio-wines

Health-conscious West Auckland millennials are behind a rapid growth in organic, sustainable and vegansuitable wines, but more needs to be done to foster this market as demand for traditional New Zealand wine slows, according to industry experts.

Data from The Trusts West Auckland shows a 45% lift in naturally produced or organic wines over the past 12 months compared to only a 3% growth in sales of traditional wine.


The Trusts hospitality development manager Jenny Mukerji says the organic wine category is growing even faster globally with estimates suggesting consumption will reach a billion bottles per annum by 2022.

Jenny says one in every 20 bottles sold in their stores is organic, sustainable or vegan and they are particularly popular with millennials looking for wines which are aligned with their lifestyle and philosophies. She says there is a diverse range of niche wines and subcategories emerging to cater to this new market. “In addition to the organic wines which have been certified as made from grapes grown without chemical additives, we also have ‘natural wines’ which are fermented without commercial yeast or chemicals. There are also new biodynamic wines which are grown under a set of holistic biodynamic principles and practices that regard the whole vineyard as one big living organism.

“Similarly, sustainable wines are governed by production practices that are ecologically responsible and economically viable.

“There are also vegan wines which are free from contact with any animal products, such as gelatin or egg white sometimes used in the fining process which softens the wine,” she says.

P r o f e s s i o n a l sommelier Valentina Verardo says that the production of organic wines has become more mainstream.

“With more customers looking for low-sulphite wines, wineries that were previously not producing organic wines are converting their vineyards or adding an organic wine to their portfolio,” she says. Mike Farrugia managing director of RM Wine Partners says their growth figures in the imported organic, veganfriendly and preservative-free wine categories mirror that of the Trusts and says it is a result of an increase in consumer awareness of how a wine’s origins impact its taste.

“There have been very good studies showing that organic grapes tend to have lower yields, which gives you a better grape with more concentrated flavour and, thus, a better wine,” he says. Jenny Mukerji: more needs to be done to support the organic wine market.


Sunday, 15 March 10am - 3pm

Parrs Park meadow behind The Waterhole, Glen Eden A fun family day to celebrate our kauri trees and environment! • Live music and performances • Children’s entertainment and activities • Environmental workshops • Food stalls A smoke-free and zero-waste event.

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