1 minute read
Places to go: Earth Festival; Clothing Swap
FRIDAY 25th SEPT. 6:30PM-9PM
Speaker & Supper Evening
A progressive and informative evening of leading edge speakers, as we weave together inspiration and solution into the topic of resilience with Niki Harré, John Lawry, Andrew Chin, Hone Edmonds, and Dr. Jaqs Clarke.
SATURDAY 26th SEPT. 8:45AM-8:30PM
Full day offering of workshops
Over 40 different workshops for the whole family, including: Circus, Stilt walking, Rongoa Plant Medicine, Water, Metal and Clay workshops, Wood Whittling, Bush Craft, Biodynamics, Permaculture, Seed Saving, Native Plant Propagation, Art and Sculpture, Story Telling, Dance, Drumming, Health and Wellbeing and much more...
Book now at eventbrite for day passes: Titirangi Earth Festival

Got something on your mind? Let The Fringe know: Email info@fringemedia.co.nz or write to PO Box 60-469, Titirangi
Proudly Supporting our Local Community
The merged practices of Thomas & Co Lawyers Ltd and Titirangi Law Centre are able to meet your every legal requirement.
Ray Ganda and Don Thomas have many years of experience working in the Titirangi and New Lynn areas. Now, along with the Directors and staff of the combined practices, a wider range of skills and resources is offered. See our website, www.thomas.co.nz, for more details of our history and personnel. We continue to maintain and improve our level of service for our community and clients. There is always someone here with the necessary knowledge and experience to assist with any legal matters that might arise. Give us a call, or come in and visit us. We welcome enquiries and are happy to answer any questions. Details of our office location and on-site parking can be found on our website. We have lift access and are also handy to the Bus/ Train Interchange. Visiting our offices is convenient and easy.
2nd Floor, 3 Totara Avenue, New Lynn (09) 827 5907 www.thomas.co.nz