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Moth plant still invasive in the Whau; Weather by the moon
Moth plant still most invasive in the Whau
The Whau River Catchment Trust’s Japanese honeysuckle and biodiversity survey is already underway tradescantia are other introduced for this year. Last year locals contributed plants that are increasing within the more than 1650 observations which Whau, whereas kahili ginger and were photographed and downloaded common pampas are on a reducing onto the iNaturalist app. trend.
The annual biodiversity survey has “Of the native New Zealand plants been running since 2016 and aims to observed from 2016 to 2020, the achieve an accurate picture on what cabbage tree (ti kouka) has been in the plants and wildlife live within the top 10 for most of the time and last catchment area. year it was the second most identified
“So far, the data collected has provided plant,” says Justine. us with some interesting findings,” says “Karo (a small pittosporum shrub) the Trust’s Justine Newnham. and mānuka observations have been
“As animals, birds, insects and reptiles increasing too over the years. In 2018 can move too quickly to be photographed, Each moth plant seed pod releases 250 to 1000 seeds. karo was the most observed plant and it’s no surprise that plants are the main species identified. appeared in the top three plants for 2020 with mānuka and karamū
“Of all the plants observed, the top species recorded (from 2016 to also in the top 10.” 2020) have varied only slightly with the moth plant the most common Justine says that the data collected has been very useful establishing invasive plant species recorded overall in the past two years.” areas where weeds are a significant issue. “It’s a great tool to
It’s one of Auckland’s most noxious plants: a woody vine that can distinguish where the weeds are thriving and where they continue to grow up to eight meters high, has sticky white sap, smothers native flourish year after year. We can find out if we’re successful with our war vegetation and produces large choko-like seed pods that dry and split, on weeds, or if we’re failing. releasing 250 to 1000 parachute-like seeds per pod. “We’re finding many parks with lots of weeds and the accurate
In 2017 the most identified plant was the wonga wonga vine that information we’re getting via the app will be very useful to present to forms dense layers in the low canopy and stops native plant seedlings Council to see if we can get something done about it. developing. 2016 saw woolly nightshade top the sightings survey. “The iNaturalist app collects photo images in real time and place, Also known as tobacco weed, flannel leaf or the kerosene plant, this records the GPS location of the image and presents the waypoint on a pest can grow to four metres inhibiting native vegetation and causing map. The more photos of wildlife downloaded onto the app or website, skin irritations and respiratory problems. Both of these plants are the more accurate the picture of what lives within the Whau River introduced species. Catchment area will be.” Justine says she’s looking for more people to get involved this year. “Do you think you’ve seen more invasive species than those identified on the iNaturalist website, or have you spotted more natives in your local area than the cabbage tree? “If so please contact us. We need all the help we can get for the benefit of our environment.” Short workshops on how to use the iNaturalist app are available. Contact Justine via email justine@whauriver.org.nz or text 021627864 or call 09 627 3372
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weather by the moon


*Offers on selected products and valid from 01 March 2021 - 31 May 2021 or while stocks last. Terms and conditions apply. See in-store or online for details.
Ken Ring’s predictions for March
March could be wetter than average, cloudier, and although overall temperatures are average, the nights may feel a bit warmer.
Just after the hottest day, an overnight downpour on the 13th may cause flooding, followed by the month’s heaviest rainfall a week later. The last week has the best weather.
Atmospheric pressures should average about 1016mbs, with winds averaging southwesterly.
For fishermen, the highest tides may be on the 1st and 30th. The best fishing bite-times in the west are at noon on the 11th-14th, and 26th-29th. Chances are also good for evenings on the 4th -6th, and 19th-22nd.
For gardeners, pruning is best on the 9th-12th (waning moon descending), and sowing is best on the 23rd-28th (waxing moon ascending). To avoid crop water-logging, and for longer shelf-life, harvest on neap tide days, the 8th and 23rd. Allow 24 hour error for all forecasting. For future weather for any date, visit www.predictweather.com. © Ken Ring 2021.