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EcoFest West Takes Off
EcoFest West 2021 is now in full swing. The annual festival began in March, despite Covid alert level changes, and will run to April 18. It celebrates our environment and what we can do to care for it.
EcoMatters Environment Trust (EcoMatters) aims to connect people and places and to nurture kaitiakitanga (guardianship). It supports the community with knowledge and tools to care for nature, reduce waste, ride and fix bikes, and live more sustainably. It runs workshops, hosts events, and provides opportunities for hands-on environmental action.
Organised by EcoMatters Environment Trust, EcoFest West features more than 140 events hosted by a range of organisations in West Auckland.
Covering a wide range of topics, many events are free or low-cost and whānau friendly. Highlights include night walks in nature, guided bike rides, DIY workshops, stream clean-ups and more. The festival presents many opportunities to care for the places we love, explore nature at our doorstep, and discover skills and ideas for a better future.
Among the local events coming shortly are:
The art of foraging Saturday April 3 and Sunday April 4, 10am-1pm and 2-5pm. Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School, 5 Helios Place, Titirangi.
Solar power or solar hot water? Wednesday 7 April, 6.30-8.30pm. Online and EcoMatters, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn.
Urban stream restoration project Saturday April 10, 10am-12.30pm. Atkinson walkway, 65 Atkinson Road, Titirangi.
Myrtle rust and our Ngahere Toi Taiao Whakatairanga
Saturday April 10, 2-4pm. Te Uru Learning Centre, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi.
Tai Haruru Lodge open day Sunday April 11, 9.30am-12.30pm. 92 Garden Road, Piha.
EcoFest West Speaker Series 2021: Ngā Karanga o Ngā Wāhine Toa
As part of EcoFest West 2021 and exactly one year on from the day Aotearoa/New Zealand moved into Alert Level 4, EcoMatters has launched a conversation series with four prominent women leaders in their fields, sharing their reflections on life in lockdown.
Ngā Karanga o Ngā Wāhine Toa (The Calls of the Women Leaders) is a unique opportunity to hear from four wāhine toa who are active in sustainability, science, environmentalism and carbon divestment. They will reflect on the rapid and fundamental changes Covid19 has brought, and share their thoughts on what we collectively need to face the profound social and environmental challenges of our time.
Dee West, Thursday March 25, 7-8.30pm. Dee is co-founder of ChargeNet, the largest privately-owned electric vehicle charging network in the world. Dee will share her story, going from globe-trotting EV champion to her new focus on hyper local sustainability solutions.
Dr. Nicole van der Laak, Thursday April 1, 7-8.30pm. Nicole holds a PhD in materials science from Cambridge University and is the senior commercialisation manager at Wellington UniVentures. Nicole will reflect on what she has learnt about innovation and her journey to sustainability.
Dr. Karlo Mila, Thursday April 8, 7-8.30pm.
Karlo is an award-winning poet whose work focuses on Pasifika culture, heritage and worldview. Her poems have been widely published. Karlo will reflect on what 2020 meant for her and read from her new work.
Robin Taua-Gordon, Thursday April 15, 7-8.30pm. Robin is the Heritage and Environment Manager at Te Kawerau ā Maki and has a deep knowledge of the history of her iwi. Robin will share her reflections about what Covid-19 meant for her and the tribe.
You can attend these talks in-person at the EcoMatters EcoHub in New Lynn or watch via Zoom webinar. Limited in-person tickets on sale for $10 via Eventbrite.
For full details of all EcoFest West events, including changes should alert levels change, visit www.ecofest. org.nz.
EcoFest West is brought to you by EcoMatters Environment Trust, with events hosted by a range of organisations, and is supported by the HendersonMassey, Waitākere Ranges, and Whau local boards.



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Linda CooperLinda Cooper
Councillor for WaitākereCouncillor for Waitākere
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