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At the Libraries
Whau Heritage Stories: Missing gun from a New Lynn church hall ... At the Libraries
Titirangi Library
Titirangi Library will be joining the We Read Auckland – Ka Pānui Tātau i Tāmaki Makaurau celebrations with three events in early June:
Wednesday June 2, 10.00-10.30am – Storytime fun and craft activity with author Dorothy Laing and her picture book What noise does a giraffe make?
Thursday June 3, 3.30-4.30pm – Tracey Waller, founder of Diverse Kids, will present a talk designed to give parents of dyslexic children the tools to turn their differences into strengths. Children are welcome to attend with parents.
Thursday June 10, 10.00am – A special story telling session with Kate Parker, author of Kōwhai and the Giants. Kate’s debut picture book will captivate children and adults alike following Kōwhai as she discovers a tiny seed’s hope to build a forest. The story is accompanied by 10 beautifully designed light boxes that follow Kōwhai’s journey and can be seen on display at Titirangi Library during the We Read Auckland celebrations.
Saturday June 19, 2-4pm – Over the last few weeks, nearly 2000 people have been killed or have disappeared in public demonstrations and rallies against corrupt government practices and punitive new tax laws in Colombia. Poetry has always been a vehicle for the development of a culture of peace in Colombia. Ron and Saray Riddell and other friends continue this tradition in Titirangi Library, through the sharing of poetry in Spanish and English, centred on the themes of peace and peaceful dialogue for just and positive change. All welcome.
Saturday June 26 to Saturday July 3 – After last year’s popular exhibition, the Titirangi Art Amble is back with nine artists – all local and super-talented – curated by Jill Perrott. You can view art for sale at the library and collect your Village Amble map that will lead you to further art in Village shops and eateries. The opening night is Friday June 25, 6 -7pm, and the exhibition runs for a week during normal library opening hours.
Glen Eden Library
Tuesday June 1, 3.30-5pm – Creative writing session for adults with award winning author Melinda Szymanik. This workshop will discuss how to create compelling characters, organise your ideas and experiences into gripping plots, and shape them both into engaging stories. A We Read Auckland event. All welcome.
Wednesday June 2, 10.00am – Traditional Samoan songs and dance presented by Kelston Intermediate School Samoan bi-lingual classes in celebration of Samoan Language Week. All welcome.
Wednesday June 2, 10.30-11.30am – the Book Chat group meets in the library’s meeting room. Everyone is welcome to share what they’ve been reading.
Wednesdays June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 10:30am – Pasifika Beatz, a Pasifika cultural music session delivered by Plunket. A fun filled session for kids under five.
Wednesday June 2, 3.30pm – Whanau Kahoot! We Discover Glen Eden, a fun, interactive online game that helps you discover more about Glen Eden and beyond. A We Read Auckland event.
Thursday 3rd June, 10.30am – Special Rhyme Time with guest author Joan Joass. A We Read Auckland event.
Friday June 11, 3.30-5pm – Kids Movie Time, a movie session, popcorn and a paper craft session.
Saturday June 19, 10am-1pm – Ahi Kaa. Visit the library and write your message to a loved one or send your wish to Hiwa i te rangi, the wishing star. Sing the waiata Maumahara with Te Wharekura o Hoani Waititi students – the lyrics are on the Matariki Festival Facebook page and website. Enjoy hākinakina (games and sports), poi-making, a guided walk on rongoā (traditional Māori healing) and live music by Junelle Kunin, Naughty Natives and Riki Bennett.
Regular library programmes include Rhymetime, Thursdays, 10.30-11am; Wriggle and Rhyme, Fridays, 11-11.30am, and Lego Club, Saturdays 2.30-3.30pm.
Every Wednesday, 1-3pm, Whau Ace Adult and Community Education offer free support and advice in the library. The drop-in session covers preparing a CV, career guidance, job search, online job applications, and cover letters. Tea, coffee, and biscuits provided.
New Lynn Library
Mondays, 4-5pm – Kids Knitting: learn to knit with the library’s expert knitters. Bring along your own project or start a new one. Ages 8 and older.
Tuesdays, 4-5pm – How Tuesday: Craft, design, create, and try something new. Ages 5 and older.
Thursday June 3, 4-5pm – Redesign Book Covers: Redesign your favourite book cover, using digital medium, collage, or any other art form you feel like using. Ages 14 and over.
Thursdays, 1-2.30pm – Beginners te reo Māori class: a chance to come together and build confidence in speaking te reo Māori in a relaxed and supportive environment.
Tuesdays 1, 15, and 29, 10-11am – Te Reo Playgroup, a community-led playgroup focused on speaking te reo Māori. Join in and help make it happen.
Tuesdays June 8 and 22, 10-11am – Huinga Kōrero: join library staff for a relaxed cuppa, bikkie and chat in te reo Māori. All levels welcome with a commitment to stay in te reo Māori as much as possible with support from the group. Fluent speakers most welcome to come and tautoko.
Friday June 11, 6-7pm – Poetry Slam: celebrate We Read Auckland with an open mic night at the library. Bring along your favourite New Zealand poem or your own original work to read in the library. Enjoy a hot drink and an evening snack. Register with library staff or email newlynn.library@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz.
Sunday June 13, 2pm – Whau Heritage Stories: Missing gun from a New Lynn church hall. Join Lisa Truttman as she discusses the1934 theft of a Vickers machine gun, the news that gripped a nation, and where and how it was eventually recovered. New Lynn library meeting room. Bookings required: newlynn. library@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz or talk to library staff.
Wednesday June 16, 11-12pm – Book Lovers Club: meet new friends and discuss your latest favourite reads.
Friday June 25, 4-5pm – Lego Build Session. Ages 5 and older.
New Lynn Library has also launched a Samoan Conversation Group. Check its Facebook page for details.