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Sustainable solutions: Sustainability initiatives at LynnMall
Sustainability initiatives at LynnMall
LynnMall was New Zealand’s first shopping centre, when it opened in 1963, and is continuing to lead the way with a range of sustainability initiatives.
Shoppers might remember LynnMall’s food court where all types of non-recyclable materials were used to serve food and beverages before being dumped into bins which went directly to landfill. Now there are no public rubbish bins in the food court area. Display stands and table coverings explain the change: “Why No Rubbish Bins? By not having rubbish bins in our food areas, we can better sort organic, recyclable and landfill waste to reduce impact on our earth, making food court dining more refined in the process.”
The shopping centre has also undertaken a range of other initiatives.
Electric Vehicle Charging: There are 10 electric vehicle charging stations available. Type 1 charging stations are located on the upper car park near the entry to Farmers and Type 2 charging stations are located in the lower car park underneath Reading Cinemas. There is also an e-bike charging station that holds up to 10 bikes, located near The Brickworks.
Water filling stations: The shopping centre’s free water filling stations have saved the use of more than 112,600 plastic water bottles.
Foodcourt renovations: In addition to removing the public rubbish bins the centre upgraded its furnishings and donated all the old food court tables and chairs (as well as some fittings and fixtures from stores that had left) and raised over $10,000 for the Habitat for Humanity charity.
LED replacement: The centre is close to changing all its lights to LEDs. 1,300 fittings have been replaced so far, saving enough energy to power over 80 homes.
Community programmes at LynnMall include Kiwibubs, a free club created to help parents and caregivers find support, practical advice and friendship; and Kiwifit, a programme to encourage customers to use the centre as a fun way of getting fit. Kiwifit members meet two mornings a week and walk and exercise their way around the centre under the guidance of trained professionals from Les Mills.
During the July school holidays the centre ran a campaign called Bee Wrappy to support Plastic Free July. Customers were invited to design and make their own beeswax wraps, an eco-alternative to plastic food wrap. Customers were also invited learn more about the honey bee. Over 1,800 children participated over the nine days.
Over the last year LynnMall’s recycling programmes have diverted: • 21.1 tonnes or 2,000 360-litre wheelie bins of mixed plastic containers • 19.5 tonnes of glass • 161.79 tonnes of cardboard: • 1 tonne of polystyrene, enough to provide underfloor insulation for 106 homes • 46.3 tonnes of organic waste • almost 2 tonne of coffee grinds
Large facilities such as shopping centres have traditionally been centres of consumerism and waste. It bodes well for our environment that LynnMall is promoting sustainability to its visitors. Hopefully this exposure will lead to improved practices in West Auckland homes.

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