The Fringe, Issue 238, July 2024

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ON OUR COVER: Fred Graham, Kōtuku Moana, 1976, courtesy the artist and Te Uru.

The ground floor gallery at Te Uru shows, until August 18, an exhibition that is a must-see, writes NAOMI MCCLEARY. Toi Whakaata / Reflections brings together a focused selection of works by esteemed Māori sculptor Fred Graham (Ngāti Korokī Kahukura, Tainui, b.1928). Reflecting on Graham’s art practice of over 70 years, this exhibition includes significant works made between 1965 and 2013. Words fail to convey the stunning beauty of these sculptures. Do not miss it!

Need help with your power bills?

A free energy coaching service that has already helped vulnerable households save hundreds of dollars on their power bills will double its capacity across the region with funding from Auckland Council. The grant will help EnergyMate, which employs specially trained communitybased mentors, provide additional support for electricity consumers experiencing financial hardship. For more information visit

Every issue of The Fringe (and the Tītīrangi Tatler before it) since April 2011 is on-line at Like us on Facebook ( to hear when each issue is available and get other updates.

There is a better way!

Way back in 1973, Jack Nilles, an employee of NASA, had a brainwave. He was sitting, stationary, in a Los Angeles traffic jam underneath a sign which said Maintain your speed and thought “if we have the technology to put a man on the moon, why can’t we use technology to replace all this traffic congestion.”

Jack invented the words telecommuting and telework. Now, over 50 years later, work from home (one form of telework) has become a lot more common.

It has been shown to increase worker productivity and morale while decreasing business costs. It increases flexibility and resilience, improves family life and lifestyle and creates better communities. Furthermore, it decreases traffic, congestion, fuel consumption and emissions.

Research in Auckland (25 years ago) showed that a 5% reduction in peak hour travel (effectively reducing congestion by over 15% across the region) could be achieved for only $3 million. This compared to the then $150 million Northern busway’s targeted trip reduction of only 2.5%.

So why are we still investing billions in travel infrastructure? Why haven’t we realised that there is a much smarter way to live and work: a way that can also achieve our climate change mitigation and community resilience objectives?

Of course, work from home is only one form of telework: working from a shared work space (or telecentre) is another. Would you like to see a telecentre in Tītīrangi?

Email to find out more.

Delivered free to letter boxes, post boxes, libraries and selected outlets throughout Tītīrangi, Glen Eden, Green Bay, New Lynn, Konini, Wood Bay, French Bay, Waima, Woodlands Park, Laingholm, Parau, Cornwallis, Huia, Oratia, and beyond.

Published by: Fringe Media Ltd, PO Box 60-469, Tītīrangi, Auckland 0642

Editor: Bevis England 817 8024, 027 494 0700


Writers and contributors: Moira Kennedy, David Thiele, Naomi McCleary, Fiona Drummond, Jade Reidy, John Goudge, Karen McCarthy, Kerry Lee

A passion for the environment

Simon Oosterman Beckers has an impressive knack of making things happen writes FIONA DRUMMOND.

His passion is to see his land in the Oratia floodplain restored as part of the Oratia-Sunnyvale Connection, one of the Waitākere Ranges Local Boards' planned shared cycle/ walkway paths.

Simon’s family bought the land three years ago and offered a third of it to Auckland Council. Council said it was interested but the Auckland Anniversary floods, followed by the Mayor's austerity plan, meant the offer was turned down.

Undeterred, Simon organised planting and stream clean-up days supported by locals, businesses and EcoMatters.

Then he got a tip from Forest & Bird Waitākere about a big planting project that was looking for land. After six months of negotiations through Cato Bolam, the planting project for restoration of the floodplain was agreed.

The agreement achieved Simon’s 20-year plan in just two years. It will remove invasive plant and animal species, including willow, privet and bamboo, and create a native corridor that will welcome back bird and stream life. The project will see over 10,000 native seedlings planted, 500m of fencing built, and pest control and maintenance for at least five years.

The project will significantly reduce erosion and flooding and help to mitigate climate change. It will also provide space for a future public shared cycle and walk pathway. Other benefits include restoration of stream cover to reduce erosion and stream temperatures benefiting a significant population of kākahi (the rarer Aucklandica sub-species of freshwater mussels) and even rarer freshwater crabs. It will also help tuna (eels) and kōura (freshwater crayfish).

Restoring the floodplain will minimise the effects of future

flooding for properties downstream from Oratia.

However, the project required a legal contract including access agreements, a covenant to protect the planting in perpetuity. and a liability clause.

Although half the lawyer’s fees were donated, there is still a $5000 lawyer’s bill to be paid. The money and time Simon should have been spending on the restoration of his home have been diverted to this project. His villa is yet to be gib-stopped, and has no floorboards in places. He needs a helping hand. If you can help go to to donate.

Water from the West is a new publication by Harvey Stewart, a former Watercare engineer and founder of the Rain Forest Express which operated until 2013. The book tells the story of the construction of the tramlines and four dams in the Upper Nihotupu valley, only one of which is still operational. The book is an insight into the origins of the water infrastructure in the Waitākere Ranges and contains a wealth of historical images. Book sales (at $35) are being managed by Friends of Arataki, and copies can be ordered by contacting Yvonne Pivac,, 0210 221 1563.

The Fringe has a copy of Water from the West to give away. To go into the draw, write your name, address and phone number on the back of an envelope and post it to Water, PO Box 60-469, Tītīrangi or email your details to with Water in the subject line.

Storm recovery work continues

Watercare is more than doubling the number of crews working on flood and cyclone recovery works around the Waitākere dams to deliver crucial repairs before the thick of winter sets in.

Last year’s Auckland Anniversary floods and Cyclone Gabrielle caused extensive damage with landslips taking out water mains and wastewater pipes and causing issues in the dam catchments.

Watercare asset upgrades and renewals manager Suzanne Lucas says teams are finishing off the construction of the retaining walls to protect the Upper Nihotupu and Upper Huia water mains from landslips.

“Having extra hands on deck will enable us to finish off the three new culverts and storm water lines, which will redirect flows from around the water main away from landslip-prone areas. We’re also reinstating streams and a storm water basin that was wiped out by the landslips,” she says.

Suzanne says ground crews have already cleared more

Do we need this distraction?

The ongoing stadium debate is distracting us from addressing the real issues at hand.

I walked out of the last confidential GB Stadium meeting because the proposed resolution prevented me from voting in a way that I considered positive and sensible.

It is common for councillors to request that the wording of resolutions be split into further subclauses, enabling them to vote for or against different portions.

I wanted to vote for the “status quo Eden Park 2.1” and against the other supposed option. This Stadium debate has been going on for years while our daily reality has been growing debt, evermore cost overruns, reduced services, and languishing maintenance.

Moreover, there is a long list of smaller but very worthwhile projects that should be prioritised for funding, like an Aquatic Centre and Pool for New Lynn (Whau). Not to mention hundreds of local sports fields across Auckland that desperately require some TLC.

In the light of all the work we have ahead of us to “Fix Auckland,” I can live with the cost of upgrading Eden Park (sometime in the future) but not another multi-billion-dollar mega project, with all its disruptions.

than 20 slips as well as built back many of the pipe bridges, culverts and retaining walls lost in the weather events.

“I am extremely impressed with our crews; they have put in an incredible effort to stabilise our sites and get the repairs done.”

The repairs have been challenging due to their remoteness and difficult accessibility. The solution was to helicopter in the specialist equipment and materials like gravel, pipework, and excavators but a standard helicopter could only safely transport equipment or machines up to 1.5 tonnes.

However, earlier this year, the teams were able to use a Black Hawk helicopter that could transport equipment weighing over three tonnes. With its assistance a 3.5 tonne excavator was brought in, enabling crews to complete the earthworks much more quickly and cost-effectively. The Black Hawk will be returning this month to remove equipment as the sites shut down for the winter.

And as far as saying this will be achieved with private venture capital funds, and therefore, Auckland ratepayers will incur no cost—Yeah, Right!

The Stadium Working Group has already employed an ‘Expert Consultant’ to support councillors with our thinking for this decision.

The wording of the resolution was such that if I voted against it, I would be inhibiting Eden Park from progressing, but a vote for it would give the green light to progress the Quay Stadium option. Moreover, it would pit the two against each other, further complicating and prolonging the saga and distraction.

I argued for a change to the resolution wording so I could support my one option. But missed my chance to move an amendment (hey, it was 6.30pm and at the end of 8 hours of meeting). I wasn’t about to abstain. That has another set of connotations. So, I walked out, in the belief that this leaves me totally unencumbered to fight another day (I’ve seen others use this tactic).

I challenged my fellow Councillors that “everyone knows that Eden Park was the only sensible and acceptable option to the public.” One councillor verbally agreed with me, but the decision was still prolonged for another six months.

Auckland Airport flight paths changing

From November, residents on the north coast of Manukau Harbour will notice a change to flights passing overhead. For some the change will be welcome, but those in South Tītīrangi are set to experience increased traffic.

Auckland Airport has been legally obliged to begin operating a dedicated ‘missed approach’ flight path for the very small number of flights that don’t land first time – 0.08% of the annual 140,000 flights, or about two per week.

This new flight path (set by a separate organisation, Airways New Zealand) heads towards Cornwallis and over Huia. As a result, the small propeller planes (called turboprops) that service Northland and the Gulf must move 30 degrees further north to keep the angle of separation between the flight paths. That means provincial flights will fly over South Tītīrangi instead of Armour Bay as they do at present.

Modelling of noise impacts on households is carried out by an independent company called Marshall Day Acoustics (MDA). At a recent meeting with the Waitākere Ranges Local Board, an airport delegation confirmed that MDA’s modelling of the revised flight paths was restricted to Orakei and that MDA had assumed the impact on the Ranges would be less, i.e. acceptable. The airport has accepted that and no further consultation will happen ahead of the change.

The airport delegation did, however, give the local board an undertaking that actual testing/monitoring would take place after the changes are in operation.

Local board member Mark Allen is also a member of the Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group (ANCCG) that meets quarterly to discuss issues. He is keen that residents know where to access the existing, fine-grained monitoring data, and where and how to make complaints.

“People can have confidence that their complaints will be heard,” he says. “We know since Covid that the noise from Auckland Airport is getting incrementally worse. I encourage residents affected by unreasonable noise to make notes on the details so this can be matched with the data.”

For more information about the work of the ANCCG, including MDA monitoring reports, visit https://corporate. aircraft%20noise/Community%20Engagement%20on%20 Aircraft%20Noise.

To make a complaint online, go to akl.flighttracking.casper. aero/complaint

Increasing tree canopy cover across the city brings cultural, social, economic, and environmental benefits, like improved water and air quality, greater biodiversity, shade and a reduction of carbon dioxide through carbon sequestration. Auckland presently has only 18% urban canopy cover: the goal is to increase this to 30% and we can help by planting more native trees in our gardens.

A diverse range of native plants and shrubs is the best way to attract native birds. The plants host seasonal fruit and nectar, and serve up insects that native birds have shaped their entire life cycles around. We can attract specific birds by planting the right plants, which helps support the region’s biodiversity and brings a wealth of birdsong to our gardens.

To find out more visit and search for “native birdsong”.

Kākā in a kawakawa tree. Photo by Tim Lovegrove.

Accolade for local science teacher

Green Bay High School can take credit for a great deal of achievement over the years in many fields but the pinnacle in recent years might be the announcement that science teacher Madeleine Collins has received the Prime Minister’s Science Teacher Prize.

Madeleine (pictured right) teaches chemistry and science at the 1,800-student school, and is also Associate Head of the science faculty.

The prize, valued at $150,000, is awarded as a way of raising the profile and prestige of science in Aotearoa and internationally, and Madeleine was chosen by the panel for her enthusiasm, energy, and ability to tailor her teaching for each student.

“One of the big things in my teaching is to make sure that every student feels valued, that they know I truly care about them. Obviously, when I see 120 students a day come through my door, that can be tricky. But every single human is unique and special and has so much to offer. So I think it’s really important that I reflect that in every interaction with my students as best I can.”

One group of students was very keen on going to the gym and comparing their muscle gains but weren’t so much into chemistry. So Madeleine got them to research the ingredients in their favourite nutrition supplements – and it worked!

“They were hooked,” she said. “I don’t think I could have hooked them a different way, but they were into it. They were excited to understand what all the things on the back of their bottles meant.” She was able to lead them through

Playhouse Theatre

Inc. will bring Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella to the stage in July.

The cast of 40 performers, all aged 18 and under, includes Amelia Stace as Cinderella, Ella Fletcher as Fairy Godmother, and Sushant Kaushal as the Prince, along with Lexie Fisher as stepmother and Brooke Lane and Megan Evans as stepsisters.

This magical journey of Cinderella, from a humble chambermaid to a beautiful princess is directed by Matt Billington, with musical consultant Mackenzie Wills and choreographer/vocal coach Heidi Schuler. Tickets are available now at Eventfinda.

the necessary learning and internal assessment based on what those powders and supplements contained.

“I believe that science is enchanting and exciting and full of joy and should provoke curiosity. It’s all about the world around us.”

Principal Fiona Barker says she is proud of the school’s science department

“It’s hugely exciting having someone like Madeleine as part of our school, as someone that’s got both passion for their subject, for science, and passion for our young people. She brings that magic every day, and our students get to benefit, and so do we all.”

What will the prize money be used for?

Madeleine says “we are developing a programme for our junior students to meet and work with scientists from University of Canterbury on projects that are relevant to our area and include some exciting, nitty gritty science investigations. These could include researching soil biodiversity in different urban areas and creating a hazard map for volcanic eruptions.”

towards a robust Coastline

West coast residents are being encouraged to provide feedback on draft Shoreline Adaptation Plans (SAPs) for Manukau North and Whatipū to South Head.

Both the Manukau North and the Whatipū to South Head plans look to set out a road map for how we can sustainably adapt Auckland Council owned coastal land and assets such as boat ramps, seawalls, coastal walkways and accessways. This will allow us to respond to coastal hazards and climate change across these coastlines over the next 100 years.

These plans also work to recognise coastal ecosystems along these coastlines and where possible, support the restoration of the coastal environment for future generations.

The severe weather events of early 2023 had a serious impact on many communities – particularly our west coast communities.

Following initial consultation, the draft SAPs for Manukau North and Whatipū to South Head, which collectively takes in the whole of the Waitākere Ranges coastline area are now ready for your feedback.

Consultation on the full draft Whatipū to South Head and Manukau North Shoreline Adaptation Plans will be open from 12 July – 12 August and will take place via online and in-person engagement.

The final draft plans, feedback forms and supporting documents will be available at

Places to go – Things to do

Out and About in the West

Event organisers: Do you have an upcoming event you’d like listed in The Fringe? Send the details, including a contact person and number, to

Readers: While we take care to ensure listings are correct, errors may occur. Check with the contact person if possible, especially over the festive and holiday season


w – August 4, Making do rhymes with poo: a new multimedia installation with video and live performance by Justene Williams (Australia); Te Uru, 420 Tītīrangi Road. Phone 817 8087.

w – August 4, Eternally Temporary: Landscape paintings from the Kelliher Art Trust Collection; Te Uru, 420 Tītīrangi Road. Phone 817 8087.

w – August 18, Toi Whakaata/Reflections: surveying the work of sculptor Fred Graham (Ngati Koroki Kahukura, Tainui); Te Uru, 420 Tītīrangi Road. Phone 817 8087.

w – August 25, Rehutai: works by Shannon Te Ao, Arapeta Hakura and Ngahuia Harrison; Te Uru, 420 Tītīrangi Road. Phone 817 8087.

w 6 – 21, Tītīrangi Primary School (Room 10) Group Exhibition. Room 10 would like to share their study of joy with their community and ask What does joy mean to you?; Upstairs Gallery, Level 1, Lopdell House, 418 Tītīrangi Road. Phone 817 4278.

w 30 – August 11, Desmond Burdon Solo Show. Creating art is the craft of bringing life to a canvas, and for Desmond Burdon, life has been extraordinary; Upstairs Gallery, Level 1, Lopdell House, 418 Tītīrangi Road. Phone 817 4278.

w 7, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732.

w 9, West Auckland Historical Society Family History Group meeting; Henderson Central Library West Auckland Research Centre; 10-11.30am. Phone Gary Snow 832 5098, 021 618 434 or email

w 12, West Auckland Men’s Rebus Club, guest speaker and morning tea; Friendship Hall, 3063 Great North Road, New Lynn; 10am-12noon. Phone Vince 021 189 6822.

w 12, Ladies’ Probus Club, fellowship, fun, speakers, and a monthly day trip; St John’s Hall, 247 Edmonton Road, Te Atatū South; 9.45am-Noon. Phone Betty 09 832 0484.

w 13, Tītīrangi Poets with a guest poet and readings by members; Tītīrangi War Memorial Hall, 500 South Tītīrangi Road; 2-4pm. Phone Ron Riddell 021 181 6698.

w 13, Tītīrangi Folk Music Club presents Barry and Lorna Swallow, floorsingers in first half; Tītīrangi Beach Hall, bottom of Tītīrangi Beach Road; 8pm; $15, members $10, under 18 free. or text Cathy on 021 207 7289.

w 15, Henderson Falls Combined Friendship Club – fun, friendship and fellowship with monthly speakers and frequent outings; Henderson Bowling Clubrooms, 2/20 Alderman Drive, Henderson; 10am-noon. Contact Joy 837 4646 or 021 267 3544.

w 17, Combined Waitākere Rebus Club; St John’s Hall, 247 Edmonton Road, Te Atatū South; 10am-Noon. Contact Philis on 838 5361.

w 18, Waitākere Forest and Bird presents Te Araroa – The Long Path, a talk by Jane Gilmore; Ranui Community Centre, 474 Swanson Rd, Ranui; 7.30pm; Koha appreciated Phone Liz 027 476 2732 or email

w 20, New Lynn Lions Club $1 Book Sale: Books, Magazines, CDs, DVDs, LPs and jigsaw puzzles; New Lynn Friendship Club Hall, 3063 Great North Road, New Lynn (down the driveway by the traffic lights); 8am-4pm. Contact Mary Hibberd on 027 487 0639.

w 23, Tītīrangi U3A – informal learning for people 50-years plus, guest speakers, study groups; West Lynn Garden, 73 Parker Avenue, New Lynn; 1pm. Contact Jan George, 027 478 4119 or www.u3a. nz.

w 26, Glen Eden Combined Probus Club: company and fellowship, interesting speakers, morning tea and monthly outings; Ceramco Park Function Centre, 120 Glendale Road, Kaurilands; 9.45am. Phone Brian Holt 838 5857.

w 26, Tītīrangi Folk Music Club presents Friday Folk, an informal gathering of musicians, singers and listeners; Tītīrangi Beach Hall, bottom of Tītīrangi Beach Road; 7.30pm; $5. or text Cathy on 021 207 7289.

w 27, New Lynn Repair Cafe organised and run by DEANZ (Doughnut

213 – 215 Woodlands Park Road, Titirangi, Auckland 0604

Phone: 09 817 8495 or 09 817 6188

Places to go – Things to do

Economics Advocates NZ). Bring your broken items and work with skilled volunteers to fix them; New Lynn Community Centre, Tōtara Avenue, New Lynn; 11am - 2pm; Koha. Phone Surbhi Gupta 022 507 0905.

w 28, Tītīrangi Village Market: art, craft, produce and music; Tītīrangi War Memorial Hall; 10am-2pm. Contact or phone 022 631 9436.


w August 3, German Winter Market – German food and music, stalls, craft grotto, face painting, pretzel and bouncy castle; The Crossing Community Centre, 30/44 Kaurilands Road; 3-7pm. Phone Katrin Staugaard 021 403 792.

w August 4, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732.

At Tītīrangi Library in July

w 9, CD Dot Art, School holiday art adventure for over 5s; 10-11. Register at

w 10, Interactive Drop-In session with Waste Wise and special guest Mermanda, our resident mermaid. Games, activities and tips for going plastic-free; 10am-1pm.

w 10, Codey Rocky Robots. An afternoon of problem-solving fun to see who can send the robot the furthest for over 7s; 2.30pm - 3.30pm. Register at

w 11, Marionette Craft. Make and decorate a marionette animal using paper towel rolls. Suitable for over 5s with parental help; 10.3011.30am.

w 16, Lego brick building followed by Milo and Marshmallows; 3-4pm.

w 17, Wiggles Dance Party; 9.30am-10.15am

w 18, Te Wheke Craft. Make an octopus friend using wool. Suitable for over 5s with parental help; 10.30-11.30am

w 27, Vegan presentation for those interested in incorporating more plant-based meals into their diet; 11am–12pm.

w 27, Mid-winter poetry with mulled wine and nibbles. Bring a poem to share (yours or someone else’s) and connect with other writers; 2-3.45pm.

Tītīrangi Community Library, 500 South Tītīrangi Road. Phone 817 0011.

A reader would like to know the history and story behind this carved gateway at the entrance to Shining Stars early education centre at 131 Atkinson Road, Titirangi. If you have any information please email info@fringemedia.

Takeaway | Dine in | Deliveries

Lunch 11am – 2.30pm

Dinner 4.30pm – 11pm

(Takeaway & Dine in discount offer: Monday – Thursday)

There is so much happening in and around our community, including many regular events, that we can’t fit everything into these listings. If you can’t see the event you’re interested in, visit:

Email: Website: 2/421 Titirangi Road, Titirangi, Auckland (Behind Gull Petrol Station, Titirangi Village) Kia Ora!

I recently watched a short news item on the parlous state of the wool industry in Aotearoa. The product that was once the backbone of our economy; the source of so many jokes about our tiny population and our monumental sheep numbers; our world famous celebrity shearers; the shearing shed songs and poems. It now costs more to shear a Romney and/or cross-breeds than its fleece is worth. How could it come to this?

It has nothing to do with quality. Our strong wool, which is 90% of the wool clip, is a beautiful natural product. It has everything to do with demand. In a world awash with synthetic carpets, clothing, home wares, we have fallen out of the market. But all is not lost. The growing awareness of the damage that petrochemical synthetics are doing to the environment, land, sea and air, is creating the possibility of alternative conversations. Much of this work must happen out there in the marketplace. But equally, if not more, important are the ‘small but perfectly formed’ interventions by passionate individuals.

Enter The Wool Revolution Studio! Newly established at the Corban Estate Arts Centre by none-other than fashion design icon, and wool activist, Liz Mitchell (MNZM), pictured above, it promises ‘an exploration into circular crafts’. My understanding of that somewhat unusual phrase? Working with a material that can have many lives through designing, repurposing and recycling and can eventually return to sustain the earth without causing any environmental damage.

Liz’s career spans over 30 years of creating bespoke couture collections with a strong focus on natural materials, particularly wool. It’s a long-held passion, but one that has been revitalised over the last few years as she has explored

more deeply the myriad qualities of strong wool, Romney and cross-breeds in particular.

In practical terms, the Wool Revolution Studio is a working space; a research and teaching space. Natural coloured fleeces are shelved awaiting transformation; there are work tables for hand felting alongside needle felting machines able to produce larger unique items.

Central to all this is Liz and with her a growing community of artists, students, designers and researchers. The buzz of excitement is palpable.

In Liz’s words: Addressing the challenges of today’s wool industry starts with community; sharing what knowledge and resources we have; promoting what this natural fibre can do for people and their environment.

At a recent open studio event Liz held court to a diverse crowd; film and theatre designers, professionals from across the spectrum, hobbyists and craft artists. Words tumbled out; beautiful samples of felted wool lifted from boxes. She talked eloquently about the future of wool as an interior design product; its insulation and fire retardant qualities; its lightness and comfort for stage and screen costuming; its organic qualities. We were mesmerised, passing one soft piece after another around, hand to hand. We all fell under the spell.

The Wool Revolution Studio offers workshops from time to time over a range of practices – all wool-based of course. Everything from felting small ‘animal friends’ to off-loom weaving and wet felting, flower felting, felted bags and crocheting.

The website is inspirational: www.woolrevolutionstudio. org


The Going West Books and Writers Festival was an annual highlight for Westie book lovers for 25 years. Covid put an end to it, but there were other factors at work in its demise. In its glory days Going West was unique in Aotearoa. Auckland Writers Festival had not yet been born, regional festivals non-existent. It was a thing of its time and I don’t believe it would survive the harsh light of our contemporary world. Which is not to say that the ‘mother-ship’, the Going West Trust*, is not gestating other literary inventions. There is already an online platform with podcasts of some of the best of the best; poetry videos and a couple of short films. Coming soon will be regular news updates. The trust is also focused on the Shadbolt House project. It’s a slow burn, but a writers’ residency is the end game.

One of the challenges has been the sheer bulk of the Going West Festival archives, held by our libraries, but not in an easily accessible form.

It is not only the broadcast-quality recordings of 25 years of festival sessions, but thousands of photos (mostly by the wonderful Gil Hanly), ephemera and ‘business records’. How to make sense of it, to allow access to it, in a logical way?

It is a painstaking process, and one that has just recently been made possible by partnership funding from the Auckland Library Heritage Trust and Lotteries Heritage. This will support an archivist to search, order and shape an online presence on KURA Heritage Collections Online. When completed it will be an easily navigated map into the landscape of the Going West Books and Writers Festival.

The way I see it, those 25 years of books, writers, food, wine and good company, are held in a bubble of nostalgia. It was part of the culture that was Waitākere City; liberal, arts rich, the Bob Harvey factor; an Eco-City years ahead of its time. There are those of us who shared that experience and may want to revisit. But more importantly, we want to invite a new audience to dive into this vital and important record of writers and public intellectuals. There is wisdom and solace in the magic of those years.

In the meantime there are brilliant podcasts and videos to explore on

*The writer is the chair of the Going West Trust.

Ever wanted to work in Tītīrangi but can’t afford your own office? Working from home but need a work place with fewer distractions (and better coffee)?

There are plans to create a new shared office space in Tītīrangi Village. Work spaces including WiFi, and shared services could be available for both casual and long term leases. Email to find out more.

Serving families in Green Bay, Titirangi and the surrounding areas, our focus is on learning that is relevant, exciting and meets the needs of all our students. At Green Bay High School, teachers know their students, they make time to foster strong relationships and support all students to achieve their best throughout the five years they are with us.

Come along to our Open Evening and see the great range of opportunities available. Tours are available from 3.30pm to 6.30pm. Our Principal, Fiona Barker, will talk in the Auditorium at 5pm and 6.30pm about what your child’s future could look like at Green Bay High School.

Charging your electric vehicle

The number of electric vehicle (EV) charger stations is continuing to increase although more are needed in the West, writes FIONA DRUMMOND.

There are five stations in New Lynn and a similar number in Henderson, yet few in the rest of the West.

As a rough guide, a 25kW DC charger will add 50km range in under 30mins, and a 50kW DC charger will add 50km in under 15mins. Public DC chargers have two cable options provided, to fit every kind of EV. There are also public AC chargers that offer a slower, cheaper charge, sometimes free. (You may need to supply your own cable.) Existing stations include:

• PaknSave, 224 Lincoln Road – 50kW CHAdeMO and CCS/ SAE

• Mitre 10, 186 Lincoln Road – JOLT 25 kW DC charger with CCS2 and CHAdeMO plugs

• BP Station, 136 Lincoln Road – 75kW CHAdeMO/CCS and 1x dual CCS charger

• Sullivan Hall Engineering Consultants, 4a Waipareira Avenue – Type 2 charger. BYO cable, requires the Parkable app.

• BP Larnoch, 223 Swanson Road – 75kW CHAdeMO / CCS2 Combo DC charger

• BP Station, Norcross Avenue – 75kw CHAdeMO and CCS/ SAE

• Z Waikumete, 4155 Great North Road – 180kW with Dual CCS and 1 x 50Kw CCS and CHAdeMO

• Mitre 10 Mega, 5 Astley Avenue – JOLT 25kW DC Charger with CCS2 and CHAdeMO plugs and Type 2 22kW Tesla

• New World, 2/6 Crown Lynn Place – 75kW CHAdeMO and CCS/SAE

• McCrae Way Carpark Level 2 – 7.36kw BYO cable

• LynnMall, by Farmers entrance from Totara Street –J-1772, 4 stations, non networked

• LynnMall, 4 Veronica Street – Type 2, 6 stations, non networked

• The Rise, 490 Titirangi Road – 22kW Type 2 socketed AC chargers. BYO cable

• 20 Seaview Road, Piha – 7kW Type 2 charger. BYO cable There are also two additional charging stations planned:

• Auckland Film Studio 5, 12 Hickory Avenue – 22kW CHAdeMO and CCS/SAE

• Z Avondale - 50 Ash Street - 75kW CHAdeMO and CCS/ SAE

By having your own ‘fuel station’ at home (wall-mounted is best) and charging overnight, you can start any trip with a full battery for as little as 40c per litre equivalent.

Once you’re on the road use a route-planning app. ABetterRoutePlanner can help you plan where to stop, and how much you need to top up when you do; Waka Kotahi”s EVRoam offers an interactive map of chargers around the country; PlugShare is an online EV driver community with station reviews and photos; and the AA’s Time and Distance Calculator can help find the most efficient route.

If you have to top up on your journey, add only as much as you need to get to your next charging destination. This will save time. As a rule, the most you should top up to on a public fast charger is 80%. This is because the last 20% of the battery takes much longer to charge.

Pack your charger on road trips, so you’re able to use AC chargers when you have more time to plug in. More and more accommodation providers also have chargers available for their guests.

Is your neighbourhood

in need of environmental love? A Love

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Your Neighbourhood grant from EcoMatters could help you love where you live. Funds are available to help with environmental and volunteer initiatives including organising a clean up of your street, local park or beach, community plantings or weeding bees, local food growing projects, installing composting or rain harvesting systems or setting up a pest trapping programme in your neighbourhood. Email or phone 09 826 4276 for more information.

The Fringe makes space on these pages available for current advertisers and non-commercial organisations, at no charge.

To be included in the August issue, email info@fringemedia. before July 12.

A passion for design

Keeping it local

Mann Kitchens and Bathrooms is a Tītīrangi-based business that really appreciates working in this beautiful part of Auckland with its bush, Village coffee and West Coast beaches.

The company offers a range of services, based on over 30 years of experience.

A free consultation at your property is offered before the design of your kitchen, bathroom or any other cabinetry requirements. Custom designs can also be developed for laundries, wardrobes, and bay window seating.

This small family-based company works on keeping it personalised and focusing on customer satisfaction and budgets while creating better spaces, for better modern living.

From design to hands-on project management and installation, the company works with a hand-picked team of tradies to make the magic happen.

Contact Andrew Mann 021 644 784 or visit mann-kitchens.

A conservation project to create a secure future for New Zealand’s rarest whitebait species, the shortjaw kōkopu, is getting a helping hand to increase its presence in the wild.

Auckland is home to just a handful of populations of shortjaw kōkopu (Galaxias postvectis) and all but two are found in the Waitākere Ranges. The Huia catchment has become home to up to 800 fingerlings (baby kōkopu). Bred in captivity, the fish were transported to the Upper Huia Reservoir in a fish tanker before being transferred by boat, then carried upstream to the release sites in streams feeding the reservoir.

The project will be monitored for several years to assess how well the species take to their new home and whether the fish are reproducing above the reservoir.

Reducing single-use plastic

Looking to reduce single-use plastic this Plastic Free July? Visit the EcoMatters Store in New Lynn.

The store is the local EcoStore refill hub for cleaning and personal care products. It’s quick, no mess and no fuss to get your refills. Just bring in your clean, empty EcoStore bottles and buy pre-filled replacements on the spot. You could also choose to refill your own bottles. You could even set up your own refill hub at home, as five-litre containers and pump dispensers are available.

Another small change is to swap from plastic toothpaste tubes to solid oral care, a thicker dentist-style toothpaste in a reusable glass jar. There’s a wide range of flavours: whether you prefer traditional mint or cinnamon is more your thing, there’s something for everyone. Return 12 empty jars and you’ll get a free toothpaste to thank you for your recycling efforts!

There are many more options for reducing single use plastic at home, including beeswax wraps, reusable food covers, baking sheets, straws and much more in store. If you want to make a change, visit the store and have a chat about what will work for your lifestyle.

The EcoMatters Store is open Wednesday – Sunday, 10am-2pm at 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn. All profits help us to continue our local environmental work.

Photo by Shaun Lee.

Slowing down the sidewalk swingers

Yeah gidday. Lizard here. Happy Matariki to ya, or Subaru, if you want to impreza your mates.

Yesterday I dropped in on Mopey Jesus to check out his new rescue dog. He’s got a kind and caring heart has our Mopey. I found him sitting cross-legged on his front porch looking like someone's nephew about to go off to the beach. On his lap was a very cute puppy.

“Greetings Lizard. Meet Whoza Gudboy.”

"That’s what you’re gonna call him? Hopeful, man. How come his kennel is chocka full with all those sticks and bones and stuff? There’s hardly any room inside for the poor wee fella?”

‘You’re bang on Lizard. I reckon he might be a Hoarder Collie.”

“Haha. Good one.”

"I guess you’re wondering why I’ve got my wetsuit top and togs on eh. Well, I’m still an active surf life saver out at Karekare. I’m about to head out there now. Fancy a drive?"

“Nuh. She’s right mate. I’m still trying to sort those fitness freaks that keep flying past me driveway. I’ve talked to the bloody council till I’m blue in the face. Time to get it sorted. See ya Whoza Gudboy. Later Mopes.”

As I jumped in to White Van, I looked back to see Mopey Jesus heading inside with the pup. Across the bum of his togs was the word Speedo. Because he was so skinny, the S had disappeared around his hip. Whoah. That’s unfortunate wording.

The ‘problem’ being, well, I guess it’s mainly my problem, as mentioned to Mopey Jesus, was with these, probably good meaning people, racing past my driveway at annoying speeds.

Ever since ‘lock-down’, when the television encouraged folk trapped in tiny apartments to star-jump their way to mental

health, bunches of pilates-prepared, pelvis-perfect prancers, looking lovely in lycra, have continued with their dream, way after Covid, and are running past my letterbox. At way more than walking pace. On a footpath.

Actually, can we still call it a letterbox? It never has any hand-written letters in it and has become a propaganda pamphlet portal. It’s primary function appears to be to advise us on who we should vote for, which Word of God we should listen to and get free gossip on, and what our neighbour’s place sold for by perfect white-teethed estate couples who may or may not be sleeping with each other.

I rent, dang it all, so the financial strength of my landlady only makes me feel like perhaps me and Shaz might have missed the property ladder to a comfortable retirement village.

But I digress. The council has ignored my letters to address these sidewalk swingers. It is high time I took matters in to my own hands!

Yep. I’ve installed a series of pedestrian speed humps on my footpath.

Firstly, this has dramatically reduced the joggers pace but secondly, had quite an added unexpected positive effect. Mums with wide awake grizzly babies, bounce their prams past my gate, smiling as their wee darlings are rocked to sleep. Skate-boarders drop in doing ollys and tell me it’s ‘gnarly', ‘sick' and 'I can really feel ya man'. Shorter guys can stand on the humps, while their no longer awkwardly taller girlfriend stands in the kissable trough. I'm thinking I might manufacture indoor judder bars for hallways to stop kids running amok through the house.

Any who, be kind and remember, speed kills but quick humps bring communities together. Peace. Later, Lizard.

Community Liaison Group formed

Watercare’s consent for the replacement Water Treatment Plant to be built in Waima required them to establish a new Community Liaison Group (CLG) comprised of local community and business representatives, writes FIONA DRUMMOND.

The group had its first meeting recently and many of the organisations who were involved in the original CLG were represented including the Tītīrangi Protection Group, The Tree Council, Tītīrangi Ratepayers & Residents Association, Waitākere Ranges Protection Society, West Auckland Historical Society and Waitākere Ranges Local Board members.

A background presentation was given about the site of the proposed plant and the resource consent, granted by the Environment Court in December 2023 following

appeals by community groups. An programme outlines a 10-year time line for the project.

The CLG is to provide a regular forum through which information about the project can be conveyed and concerns and issues discussed, along with feedback and consultation on the numerous management plans relating to the project.

The next meeting of the group will be at Lopdell House on July 4 at 7pm. Watercare has indicated that they will provide an update on their progress developing the various management plans every six months at least in accordance with their consent conditions.

Anyone wishing to join the CLG should contact Paul Jones on

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West Auckland Retail & Hospitality Transformation Picks up National Awards

A transformation of the West Auckland liquor retail model which introduced new brands to the region for the first time in 50 years has been recognised with a national award.

The Trusts owned Liquorland Hobsonville store was named Franchise of the Year ahead of 200 other outlets from around New Zealand at a recent Foodstuffs Liquorland conference - just months after it was opened under the new brand.

The recognition is in addition to a win for The Trusts iTi restaurant in Titirangi which picked up the Outstanding Local Establishment in The West at the recent Lewisham Awards, the venue has also been named one of New Zealand’s Estrella Damm Top 50 Gastro Pubs in the 2024 awards.

Allan Pollard, CEO of The Trusts, which operates 25 restaurants, hotels, and liquor retail stores in West Auckland, says the re-branding of their liquor retail stores has also been well-received by locals.

He says feedback from the judges of the peerreviewed awards aligns with what they are hearing from customers at the point of sale throughout their store network.

“The intention of introducing new retail brands to West Auckland has always been to improve our service model and help increase the profits we return to the community.”

“What we have seen within the new stores is that by introducing greater choice to the region, we have brought customers back to West Auckland who may have previously shopped in other parts of the city.”

“It has meant we can continue to expand our footprint strategically in response to consumer demand and grow foot traffic at each store.”

“In just a few months since we moved to replace all Trusts stores with Liquorland and Super Liquor branded outlets, we have seen a significant increase in customer numbers and sales from across the region with our sites offering greater convenience for residents,” he says.

Pollard says iTi has crafted a local offering that has seen it become a vibrant dining destination for thousands of locals and foreign tourists visiting the area each year.

He says the gastropub is at capacity most days and they are planning further investment to increase the number of patrons they can accommodate.

“iTi has a dedicated following amongst Titirangi locals and a series of consistently positive reviews that help attract more international tourists to sample the food and beverage menu sourced from local craft breweries and producers wherever possible.

”“This offering changes frequently to add in seasonally abundant produce and we provide customers with a variety of cuisines dedicated to specialty dishes inspired from around the globe. This is helping to appeal to a wide range of palates and increasing the volume of visitors to the venue,” he says.

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