2017 Frisco Chamber Annual Report

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MOVING FORWARD TO THE NEW ERA Frisco Chamber of Commerce 2017 Annual Report 2017 Annual Report



Frisco Chamber of Commerce

Who We Are The Frisco Chamber of Commerce is the “Voice of Business” and a leader in the business community, partnering with almost 1,300 member businesses who represent over 75,000 employees. In 2014, the Frisco Chamber of Commerce received a 4-Star Accredita�on from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Accredita�on defines excellence in chamber planning and recognizes chambers for outstanding change in their communi�es. Currently, only 205 of over 7,000 chambers of commerce carry this dis�nc�on.

“While the Frisco Chamber of Commerce will always be a connector of people and a resource for businesses and non-profits of all sizes, the Frisco Chamber is best suited to be the ‘Voice of Business’ in Frisco and surrounding communities.” TONY FELKER, PRESIDENT AND CEO

Frisco Chamber of Commerce


What We Do The Frisco Chamber of Commerce is the “Voice of Business” in Frisco and North Texas. In order for the Frisco Chamber of Commerce to be successful, the members of the Frisco Chamber MUST be successful! We help our

“If there is anything keeping you up at night, we are here to help solve those problems.”

business community succeed by providing

advocacy, resources, and connec�ons.


The Chamber staff meets regularly with area business owners and leaders, local, state, and na�onal elected officials as well as our community partners, allowing the Frisco Chamber of Commerce to be not only a liaison but also a problem-solver, when needed, in the community.

The mission of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce is to protect and promote commerce through advocacy, resources, and connections.



The Frisco Chamber of Commerce keeps the lines of communication open with elected officials at the local, state, and national levels, voicing the needs of Frisco’s unique and rapidly growing community, thereby contributing to and improving the entire community.

The Frisco Chamber of Commerce provides services and programs to enhance and grow business. Professional development such as Leadership Frisco, efforts through Frisco Entrepreneur, and the marketing opportunities we provide are a few examples.

CONNECTIONS For over 48 years, Frisco businesses have leveraged the Chamber to build awareness, grow, and develop new business rela�onships. While it is true that you will make many great connec�ons at the Frisco Chamber of Commerce, you will find that connec�ng is more than just networking!


Frisco Chamber of Commerce

A Message from the President and CEO At the end/start of every year…we naturally look back to assess how everything went, where we stand, and to look forward to the following year. In doing so for 2017/2018, there is no doubt that the Frisco Chamber of Commerce has achieved new levels of accomplishment in many areas – telling our story, advoca�ng for our members and the business community, building our financial reserves, and more! There is no doubt that YOUR Frisco Chamber is a very good chamber! To use an analogy I came up with many years ago, there is no doubt we are no longer simply the “thermometer” of the business community…telling everyone what the business climate is and what is going on. No, in fact, we are now a “thermostat” for the business community…ac�vely engaging and being a strong part of what is happening in the business community and causing change to occur. As our Strategic Plan is �tled, we are becoming “Kick A** Problem Solvers”!

— Tony Felker, CCE, IOM President and CEO Frisco Chamber of Commerce

It is now time to not just be a GOOD chamber… it is time to become a GREAT chamber.

With that being said though, and to borrow from a famous book, it is now �me to not just be a GOOD chamber...it is �me to now become a GREAT chamber! As one member recently said...in order for the Frisco Chamber to succeed, the Chamber must work hard to make sure all of our members are successful. In order to do this over the coming year and more, though, we will NOT need to make changes to our underlying mission statement…our mission will con�nue to be “to protect and promote business through advocacy, resources, and connec�ons.” We just need to do MORE in these key areas. Advocacy will be an even bigger focus for us - problem-solving and conduc�ng governmental affairs to keep this business community strong and growing. Resources will be a much stronger component as we go forward to give our business owners and entrepreneurs the tools they need to succeed and share such with one another. And finally, yes…there will always be great connec�ons to be made which will, in turn, strengthen our business community. Good to GREAT….that is our mission and focus for 2018! Are you ready to be a part of making this happen?

Frisco Chamber of Commerce


A Message from the 2017 Chair of the Board It has been my sincere pleasure to serve as Board Chair for the Frisco Chamber of Commerce in 2017. Over the past several years, Frisco has experienced tremendous growth. At the core of Frisco’s success is a deeply rooted commitment to partnerships. Frisco would not be a successful community and the Frisco Chamber of Commerce would not be what it is today without leaders and partners willing to work together to do what is best for our community as a whole. In 2017, the major focus of the Frisco Chamber con�nues to be serving as the voice of business, and as the role of problem-solvers, when needed, advoca�ng for the business community, which in turn, benefits the en�re community. Governmental Affairs has been one area of par�cular interest to me this past year. This division of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce is ac�vely engaged at the local, state, and na�onal levesl on public policy issues that impact the business community and plays an ac�ve role in ensuring that our legislators and elected officials understand the needs of our business community. We have strengthened our presence in Aus�n with the hiring of a poli�cal consultant which allowed us to more closely follow the 2017 legisla�ve session. Governmental Affairs also serves to educate the business community on issues facing Frisco and North Texas as well as encouraging business members to get to know their elected officials and candidates and make their voice heard by par�cipa�ng in all elec�ons. Our number one guiding principle is that the government should do no harm to the Frisco business community. Engaging our businesses in the community has been another area of par�cular interest to me and working closely with our “Top 150”, businesses and organiza�ons that are poten�ally the top investors and leaders in the community. In addi�on, the Trustee Partner level which was added in 2017, engages partners that are viewed as influencers with a desire to give back to the Frisco community. Beginning with one Trustee Partner in May, the Frisco Chamber closed the year with five partners at this level. The staff of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce con�nues to be highly mo�vated and embraces change under the leadership and vision of Tony Felker. Staff members remain well connected in Frisco, engaging in the community by si�ng on boards, serving on various planning commitees, and by par�cipa�ng in various organiza�ons around town. I am excited to see what lies ahead for Frisco and the Frisco Chamber of Commerce in 2018!

— Karen Cunningham 2017 Chair of the Board The Hopkins Group

In 2017, the major focus of the Frisco Chamber continued to be serving as the voice of business, and as the role of problem-solvers, when needed, advocating for the business community, which in turn, benefits the entire community.


Frisco Chamber of Commerce


Continuing to find the best avenues of communication SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BLOG

Frisco and the Frisco business community are unique and there is so much to talk about! We continue to find the best avenues of communication to our members and our community.











We have introduced a more targeted approach to our communica�on efforts. Find a variety of topics and breaking news!

WEEKLY RADIO SHOW Join us each Wednesday at 8:00 AM to listen live on KVGIRadio.com or the KVGI radio app. You will find “Frisco - On Top of the World!” to be fun, funny, and informa�ve!

SOCIAL MEDIA Social media remains a strong avenue for the Frisco Chamber of Commerce to communicate with members and the community. WATCH FOR OUR NEW WEBSITE As we closed 2017, we began work on our new website. Stay tuned! We can’t wait to bring you informa�on that is up-to-date and easy to find!

We remain commited to provide events that educate and inform on topics that are relevant and vital to our business community. 2017 SIGNATURE EVENTS Frisco Number Ones Gala HR Summit CEO Power Panel Frisco 5-Star Corporate Challenge State of the City Luncheon Business Behind Sports Panel Discussion 31st Annual John Weinberg Golf Tournament Legisla�ve Luncheon: Open and Uncensored: What Did & Didn’t Happen in the 85th Session

Frisco Chamber of Commerce



9% 22%



54% 22%

5% Membership Dues









$900 $800

The Frisco Chamber of Commerce is grateful for the investment you make and is commited to remaining good fiscal stewards of our members’ investments.

$700 $600 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $0

The Frisco Chamber is primarily financed by membership dues, events, event sponsorships and other non-dues revenue such as publica�ons and commitees. Support from the business community is essen�al to finance the Chamber programs that are vital to community growth and development.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2014 2015 2016 2017

BUILDING NOTE PAYABLE 000's $500 $475 $450 $425 $400 $375 $350 $325 $300


Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2014



Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2016




Frisco Chamber of Commerce

Advocacy Efforts

Keeping Frisco and the North Texas business community pro-business is a priority for the Frisco Chamber of Commerce.

CANDIDATE FORUMS Frisco held its share of elections in 2017. From the Frisco ISD and Collin College Board of Trustee races to City Council seats, run-offs and a mayoral race. While the Frisco Chamber of Commerce does not endorse individual candidates, a pla�orm is provided in which ci�zens and business leaders can remain informed about candidates and the issues that they support.

“Engaging voters goes beyond just during elec�on �me. That’s part of what we’re trying to do, is to educate people in the business community about what is important,” Felker said. “So when we do have an elec�on come up, they do understand why it’s important to vote.” COMMUNITY IMPACT NEWSPAPER, APRIL 2017

CONNECTING BUSINESS LEADERS WITH ELECTED OFFICIALS Part of the legisla�ve efforts of the Governmental Affairs division is to create se�ngs for business leaders and elected officials to engage. A few examples of the Frisco Chamber’s legisla�ve efforts: • • • • •

Candidate forums Coffee with elected officials State of the City Luncheon “Open and Uncensored” Legisla�ve Panel Discussion Par�cipa�on in Collin County Days and Denton County Days in Aus�n

Frisco Chamber of Commerce



In order to fulfill the Chamber’s mission statement “to protect and promote commerce,” the Frisco Chamber of Commerce Governmental Affairs division, along with the Board of Directors, takes a strong and proac�ve stance on governmental issues. Governmental Affairs at the Frisco Chamber of Commerce is at the forefront of issues not only involving Frisco but the en�re North Texas Region. Over the last two years, the Frisco Chamber has strengthened its presence in Aus�n mee�ng directly with state elected officials and discussing issues important to the Frisco business community. The hiring of an Aus�n-based poli�cal consultant further strengthened the Chamber’s presence at the state capital in Aus�n.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbot signed Senate Bill 2118 into law that authorizes Texas community colleges to offer certain baccalaureate degrees. Once this happened, Collin College administra�on began the process to be able to provide a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree because of a serious nursing shortage in Texas. The Frisco Chamber has been involved in this discussion for 5 years.


In a nearly two-year long process, the Frisco Chamber of Commerce worked �relessly with intervenors to help find the best possible solu�on to overhead line issues on Main Street. Construc�on on west Main Street to bury power lines and widen the road began in October 2017.


The Frisco Chamber of Commerce took a stance to support the Collin College Bond Election to help fund the construction of six new facilities, including a workforce/university information technology center of excellence in the Preston Ridge campus in Frisco. In May 2017, Collin County voters approved a $600 million bond for Collin College.


The Frisco Chamber of Commerce joined more than 50 Texas business organiza�ons in September 2016 in filing a lawsuit against the Department of Labor regarding a proposed over�me rule that would nega�vely impact local small businesses and non-profits by more than doubling labor costs. In September 2017, a U.S. district judge in Sherman ruled in favor of mul�ple states and state officials over the U.S. Department of Labor’s controversial over�me rule.


The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) received and accepted the long-awaited federal permit needed to construct the Lower Bois d’Arc Creek Reservoir. The permit, issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is cri�cal due to tremendous popula�on growth in North Texas, coupled with a deficit of rain over the last decade, which has put the region at a serious risk of a water shortage without this new reservoir in place by 2022. The federal permit process was expedited thanks to Congressman Sam Johnson’s (TX-03) bipar�san amendment. The Frisco Chamber has been involved in this discussion for 4 years.

“We are pleased with the new ruling. The Frisco Chamber believes the DOL’s 2016 over�me rule proposal would have nega�vely impacted a large number of our local small businesses and nonprofits by more than doubling labor costs. Those costs would have been passed on to the consumer in the end, crea�ng a lose-lose situa�on for both small business and the consumer.” SHONA HUFFMAN, DIRECTOR OF GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS


Frisco Chamber of Commerce

While each committee at the Frisco Chamber provides an opportunity to meet others with similar interests, they also

provide the opportunity to come together to meet the needs of the community.

“I truly, truly, truly believe that one day I am going to drive past a building, and I’m going to say…That building, that company is being run by a student that was a former YEA! student.” PETER BURNS, PROGRAM MANAGER, FRISCO YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS ACADEMY

Members of Leadership Frisco Class XX rallied behind a local non-profit by raising over $60,000 to purchase a box truck for Frisco Fastpacs to haul groceries and donations. “You believe in our mission – you believe that these kids need to eat.” MARIAN SCHULZE, FOUNDER FRISCO FASTPACS

“Seniors are a huge population, and there are people that want to hire them because they’re loyal, hardworking, dedicated and they have a body of knowledge over the years that they’re able to share and impart upon younger workers that are in the workforce.” FLO RICKS, SSA JOB FAIR CHAIR, FRISCO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

Frisco Chamber of Commerce



By participating in one of our committees, you can add your voice to the conversations that shape business and get first-hand knowledge of the issues and initiatives that impact your business growth. For more information about our committees, visit FriscoChamber.com

Become Engaged!


Frisco Young Professionals

Healthcare Council

Interna�onal Business Council

Leadership Frisco

Senior Service Alliance

Team B2B

Women Enhanching Business

Young Entrepreneurs Academy


Frisco Chamber of Commerce

2018 Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

Keith Wright Chair BB&T

Ann Anderson Anderson Insurance Agency

C. John Scheef III Karen Cunningham Matthew Reiter Treasurer Chair-Elect Past-Chair Scheef & Stone, LLP The Hopkins Group Whitley Penn, LLP

Mike Barber BKM Sowan Horan, LLP

Heather Bowers Lone Star Benefits, Inc.

Lawrence Howorth Vik Jain Josh Meek HOWORTH Stonebriar Financial Meek Industries, International, LLC Services LLC

Craig Moen Secretary Wells Fargo Advisors

Peter Burns

Mary Jo Dean Texas Health Presbyterian Plano

Donnie Nelson Texas Legends

Randy Nichols Mossakowski & Nichols Wealth Management, LLC

Christal Howard At-Large Community Impact Newspaper

Paul Williams At-Large Bison Financial Group, Inc.

Kristin Grammar TIG Real Estate Services, Inc.

Kevin Hodes SWYPIT.com

Steve Zeigler Jersey Mike’s

2017 Outgoing Board of Directors Chris Johnson Frisco STYLE Magazine

Gary Carley North Dallas Bank & Trust Co.

Frisco Chamber of Commerce


Looking Ahead: A Message from the 2018 Chair of the Board I am honored to serve as Chair of the 2018 Frisco Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. The Board is comprised of an engaged and passionate group of business leaders working together to con�nue the great tradi�on of being advocates for the business community. In 2018, we will con�nue our efforts of proac�vely focusing on key issues that are impac�ul to our member businesses via our governmental affairs ini�a�ve. In addi�on, we will con�nue to pursue new ini�a�ves that posi�on the Chamber to be a great resource and partner for our member businesses in the future. As our city and surrounding area con�nues to evolve as a des�na�on point for families, events, organiza�ons, and businesses, it is impera�ve that we are “next genera�on ready,” and that vision starts now. In the year 2020, the Frisco Chamber will celebrate its 50th anniversary and it could not be coming up at a more exci�ng �me given the enhancements our great city has experienced - and an�cipates in years to come. Frisco con�nues to enjoy a collec�ve leadership and partnership commitment from the Frisco Chamber of Commerce, City of Frisco officials, Frisco Independent School District, Visit Frisco, Collin College, and the Frisco Economic Development Corpora�on, as well as enthusias�c and resourceful volunteers, businesses, and organiza�ons that are willing to devote their �me, talents, and resources to our great city. We embrace the development and growth of our great city with a “proac�ve” energy and passion that drives us to pass the “baton” to the next genera�on of leaders with transparency, accountability, integrity, and a vision that establishes a legacy of excellence. We will lead the way to be an excellent partner and neighbor with area chambers in being a resource for them and strengthening our alliance as a local and regional advocate for the business community. In addi�on, we will seek the guidance and exper�se of the business leaders of our community to help us cul�vate and navigate our future course as a chamber that thrives on advocacy, resources, and connec�ons.

— Keith Wright 2018 Chair of the Board BB&T

“In the year 2020, the Frisco Chamber will celebrate its 50th anniversary, and it could not be coming up at a more exciting time given the enhancements our great city has experienced and anticipates in years to come.”


Frisco Chamber of Commerce

The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” - Phil Jackson


Our staff members live, work, and play in our community! You will find our staff serving on Boards, Steering Committees, Local Organizing Committees for major sporting events in Frisco, and being involved in civic efforts to allow us to more effectively serve and communicate with our communnity. • NCAA Local Organizing Committee • Frisco Bowl Sales Committee • Conference USA Local Organizing Committee • Frisco Education Foundation • Frisco ISD Long-Range Planning Committee • Downtown Master Plan Tony Felker, CCE, IOM Tami Alexander, IOM MJ Pritchard, IOM Committee President/CEO Vice President Senior Vice President • Visit Frisco Board of Directors/Ex-Officio • Frisco ISD/NBCF Steeing Committee • Rotary Club • Frisco ISD Mentors • Leadership Frisco

Gina Cheek Executive Assistant

Kathy Erickson Director of Partner Relations

Shona Huffman Director of Governmental Affairs

Alicia Kasper Karen Kim Director of Business Development Director of Marketing & Communications

Roz Righetti Office Manager

Christi Wilson Director of Events

Frisco Chamber of Commerce


2017 Businesses and Citizens of the Year 2017 President's Award Paul Williams Bison Financial Group, Inc. 2017 Chairman's Award Ann Anderson Anderson Insurance Agency 2017 Ambassador of the Year David Cheek Transworld Business Advisors of North DFW 2017 Ambassador Team of the Year Suad B's Bees - Team Lead: Suad Bejtovic 2017 Frisco Number Ones Award Jody and Lori McCaghren Mortgage Financial Services 2017 Small Business of the Year Frisco Style Magazine 2017 Medium Business of the Year Eight11 Place 2017 Large Business of the Year Careington International 2017 Developer of the Year Newman Real Estate 2017 Employer of the Year SMD Consulting & Accounting, LLC 2017 Entrepreneur of the Year Jason Young - Verona Villa 2017 Non-Profit of the Year The North Texas Community Giving Foundation, Inc. 2017 Volunteer of the Year Mike Simmons - New York Life 2017 Young Professional of the Year Melanie Nance - Team Nance Homes 2017 Citizen of the Year Geneva Polster 2017 Silver Citizen of the Year Sammy Vaughn 2017 Spirit of Frisco Tammy Meinershagen


Frisco Chamber of Commerce

problem solvers!

What You Are Saying About Us

Now I wish that I had men�oned this issue to you 6 months ago. A good example of the Frisco Chamber being kick a** problem solvers! Steve Roberts Some�mes Spouse Frisco

Jennifer Blalock Collin College

Jack Elkhalayleh Frisco Dental Place

Jenny Dowdy Realtor Keller Villiams

Looking for an engaged community leadership advocate to empower you and your business to new levels of success? The Frisco Chamber is IT! From the dedicated and �reless leadership Chamber team, under the direc�on of CEO Tony Felker, to the top notch team, you and your business will be well-posi�oned for con�nued success. Be sure to take full advantage of all the benefits of your membership as well as the outstanding and transforma�onal programming! #highestrecommenda�on

Over the past four months, I have had the great pleasure and honor to meet with Frisco's Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Ambassadors and Partners through Frisco's Dental Place’s membership and partnership with the Frisco Chamber. The Chamber's commitment and dedica�on to ac�ve and future members, business owners, and the City of Frisco is exemplary and innova�ve in all aspects. Thank you dearly for your great support!

Frisco Chamber of Commerce is outstanding! Its outreach and support of the business community is uncomparable. Their resources and knowledge of the fastest growing town of Frisco is without ques�on the best plugged in chamber I have ever been associated with. Glad I am a member of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce!


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