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Wanted: help to save mining heritage
VOLUNTEERS are needed to help preserve Coalpit Heath’s 700-year mining heritage.
Friends of Ram Hill Colliery look after the 170 metre deep former coal mine at Broad Lane, Ram Hill.

Now they’d like people living in the area to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in and help.

The group has made its appeal as King Charles launches his Big Help Out appeal as part of the Coronation celebrations.
The Big Help Out aims to match up organisations all over the UK that need volunteers, with individuals who want to give their time.
Volunteers and organisations can register on a free app.
The Friends of Ram Hill are not on the app yet – the timing of their volunteer launch was a coincidence.

But they do need help, including a new treasurer, people to help with preserving the woodland walk area on site, and building a 'living wall' of herbs, flowers and vegetables.
On World Heritage Day in April, Metro Mayor Dan Norris was given a guided tour by Friends of Ram Hill Colliery Secretary Kate Kelliher.
The mine, which is now filled in, was first used in the 14th century. More recently it was used by the Coalpit Heath Colliery Company to transport coal to the River Avon and Keynsham between 1825 and 1865.
The site includes the old steam engine house, storage bunkers, and the Dramway– all key parts of a site that was one of the main suppliers of coal to Bristol during the Industrial Revolution.
Mr Norris, who is running an Explore Local campaign, said: “The Ram Hill Colliery has long been a firm favourite with locals wishing to drink in and learn more about the vital role mining played in our region’s story, and it’s no wonder.
“It’s all because of the extraordinary skills, talents and enthusiasm that the Friends of Ram Hill Colliery group, and other volunteer superheroes in the region, who continue to bring which genuinely never ceases to amaze me - we need more Kates!”
For more information about volunteering at Ram Hill email katekelliher@hotmail.co.uk.
Details of The Big Help Out can be found at thebighelpout. org.uk.