November, 2021 Issue 99
Have your say on new Council budget South Gloucestershire Council wants local people to have their say on its new draft budget for 2022 to 2023. The council provides hundreds of services from looking after vulnerable people, keeping the streets clean and collecting our waste to maintaining the road network and investing in our schools. The total net budget is more than £360 million in 2022/23 and proposals include increases to children’s services funding worth more than £10 million over the next four years. There are also proposals for continuing financial support for those hit by the impact of Covid-19, and investing in facilities and infrastructure to improve communities and travel. The moves are part of the council’s focus on supporting residents as the country emerges from the pandemic.
Social care
The budget includes a 1.99 percentage point rise in general Council Tax, and a two-percentage point Adult Social Care Levy. This will specifically help contribute towards the increasing demand for social care services. These services include helping older South Gloucestershire residents live safely and well in their own homes, or recover from a hospital stay.
The council is committed to making savings and ensuring it delivers value for money services to residents. It aims to make savings of £18 million over the next four years by: · Adapting to different ways of working, building on what the council has learned by working flexibly over the past two years.
· Adopting new technologies and automating systems where this can improve the way it works and improve its online offer, for example, so that more residents can access the support they need at any time. · Ensuring council charges reflect the cost of delivering services and are comparable with other local authorities’ charges, for example how it charges utilities companies to compensate for disruptive roadworks on commuter routes. · Implementing improved cost recovery, where the council can charge to cover the cost of providing some services, such as recovering its full overheads against pre-application planning fees on large developments.
View from the Leader of the Council, Cllr Toby Savage
Help to thrive South Gloucestershire Council Leader Cllr Toby Savage said: “These budget proposals outline in considerable detail how we will work to ensure that young people in South Gloucestershire get the best start in life; how we will work with communities, the voluntary sector and individuals to help them to help themselves to thrive; how we will promote sustainable, inclusive communities, supported by the infrastructure and growth they need; and how we will do this while continuing to demonstrate that we can deliver value for money. “We aim to do all of this while tackling the biggest challenges of our time, namely responding to the climate and ecological emergencies and to playing our part in eliminating the inequality gaps that exist in our society.”
WELCOME - We’re proud to partner with The Voice, a great local publication, for an autumn special edition that brings you our latest news. You can read about our new draft budget and how you can have your say, the work of our fantastic StreetCare teams, our record school buildings investment programme, and other important council news. We are looking forward positively to a post-pandemic future where we continue to support local residents, businesses and communities across the district. The draft budget is a significant part of planning how we will meet the needs of people in South Gloucestershire in the years ahead, so your feedback is important. Last year, residents’ comments made through our budget consultation also informed our new Council Plan priorities. We will continue to ensure that we fulfil our Council Plan commitments and work towards the priorities that you helped to shape, in ways that represent value for money. Please let us know what you think.
How to have your say on the draft budget: View the budget at budget and then send your comments by 9 January 2022: • By email:
• By completing an online survey or download from the council website: www.southglos. • By writing to: Freepost RTXL-YJXJ-BXEX, South
Gloucestershire Council, Corporate Research & Consultation Team, Council Offices, Badminton Road, Yate, Bristol, BS37 5AF • By telephoning 01454 868009.