David Hanks, from the group, said they were delighted with the news, as the land was home to many important and endangered species.
Tour is coming PEOPLE will have a chance to catch a glimpse of cycling's stars when the Tour of Britain speeds through the area this month. PAGE 11 Traveller site plan goes to appeal A PLANNING hearing is to be held over a proposal to turn a family caravan site in Frampton Cotterell into a general site for travellers and gypsies. PAGE 5 Your say on buses VOICE readers have told us what you think of our bus services, as meetings are held to discuss the future. PAGES 8&9 Busking on the move TWO musicians are planning to busk their way around the Bristol Half-marathon course to raise money for charity. PAGE 15 4 Flaxpits Lane, Winterbourne, BS36 1JX - Tel: 01454 252 140 Email: info@aj-homes.co.uk 4 Flaxpits Lane, Winterbourne, BS36 1JX - Tel: 01454 252 140 Email: info@aj-homes.co.uk www.fromevalleyvoice.co.uk September, 2022 Issue 109 FREE EVERY MONTH IN WINTERBOURNE, FRAMPTON COTTERELL, COALPIT HEATH, IRON ACTON & WINTERBOURNE DOWN fromevalleyvoice The results of hard work
THESE Winterbourne Academy A-level and BTEC students were among those celebrating after getting the grades they needed in their first national formal exams, having missed out on sitting GCSEs during the lockdown. Full story: Page 3 NEW habitats for otters and birds of prey could be created on a farm in Frampton Cotterell after a decision to turn it into a huge nature reserve. The future of Frampton End Farm was in doubt after South Gloucestershire Council put it on a list of potential sites for housing development. But now the council has confirmed plans to turn it into a 110-hectare nature reserve – a move welcomed by the Frampton Cotterell Nature group, which first suggested the idea last year.
Turn to page 4
Farm is saved for the future

Chief Fire Officer Simon Shilton said: "Whilst I know most of us are relieved to have seen some rain in recent days, we mustn’t forget that the ground around us is still very dry.
A total of seven fire crews came from as far as Pill in North Somerset and Keynsham to help tackle the blaze.
At the height of the heatwave on August 14 firefighters fought to stop a fire in a tree spreading to the Cottage Kennels business in Church Lane, Moorend, near Hambrook.
And on August 8 a combine harvester was destroyed and about 30 acres of fields containing cut straw went up in flames at Horton, near Chipping Sodbury.
puts fire service under strain
The fire, which is believed to have been started accidentally by nearby power lines, affected outbuildings and a nearby garage but did not reach the kennels.
The service said the hot, dry weather between July 18 and August 14 saw crews called to 117 incidents in fields, parks, roadsides and other grassy areas, compared to 33 on the same days in 2021.
On the previous day firefighters, residents and farmers had worked together to stop a large grass fire, which was started deliberately, reaching St Arilda's church in Oldbury on Severn.
"Where possible, we’d still advise people to avoid having fires of any kind."
September, 20222 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk n NEWS FromeValley Voice contacts Your Octoberviewsdeadline Richard PublisherDrew 01454 800 sales@fromevalleyvoice.co.ukForcontact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk120advertisingenquiries: Ken EditorMcCormick contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk Letters for publication can be sent to us via email: Wecontact@fromevalleyvoice.co.ukreservetherighttoedityour letter. Our October deadline is September 21. fromevalleyvoice www.fromevalleyvoice.co.uk Local information South Gloucestershire Council www.southglos.gov.uk01454868009 Safer Stronger team sscg@southglos.gov.uk01454868009 Anti social behaviour team asbreporting@southglos.gov.uk01454868582 Streetcare/litter/vandalism etc streetcare@southglos.gov.uk Environment/trading standards 01454 868001 Police www.avonandsomersetpolice.ukgeneralenquiries:101 Fire www.avonfire.gov.uk General enquiries: 0117 926 2061 NHS Health Call 111 Well Aware health & social care www.wellaware.org.ukinformation Tel: (freephone) 0808 808 5252 PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Frome Valley Voice Voice is independent. We cannot take responsibility for content or accuracy of adverts, and it is advertisers’ responsibility to conform to all relevant legislation. We cannot vouch for any services offered. Opinions are not necessarily those of the editor. Frome Valley Voice is distributed each month to local residents. If for some reason you do not get a copy, please get in touch or collect one from local pick-up points. Feedback is welcomed, call Richard On 01454 800 120 or richard@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk Complaints Despite our best efforts, we sometimes get things wrong. We always try to resolve issues informally at first but we also have a formal complaints procedure. If you have a complaint about anything in Frome Valley Voice, contact the publisher using the details below. We aspire to follow the Code of Conduct of the NUJ (National Union of Journalists), which holds journalists to a high standard of behaviour. Further details of the complaints process can be found on the Voice website here, or can be obtained by contacting the Publisher. A member of the FRAMPTON TAXIS ALL UK AIRPORTS, PORTS & STATIONS COVERED 4, 5 & 6 SEATERS AVAILABLE Executive Hire now available LADY DRIVER AVAILABLE ON REQUEST For a Friendly Prompt Service call or e-mail 01454 279517 07960 067 767 www.framptontaxis.co.ukframptontaxis@tiscali.co.uk Mobile footcare Deborah Williams – Diploma – accredited foot health practitioner Tel: 07866 548 174 Email: debwill9@hotmail.com Deborah’s Footcare Fully qualified foot health practitioner offering footcare in the comfort of your home. Toe nail cutting & filing Reduction of thickened toe nails Callus & Corn HardDiabeticreductionfootcareskinreduction Ingrowing toe nails (non-surgical) Fully insured, DBS checked, Age UK trade register
CALLS to firefighters more than doubled in a single week during the recentAvonheatwave.Fire&Rescue Service said the hot, dry weather saw the overall number of calls in the week from August 8 to 14 reach 1,306658 more than in the previous week. Firefighters had to deal with more than three times as many grass fires during the heatwave as they did during the same period last year.

The last two years of A-level results, awarded to the classes of 2020 and 2021, used assessments.AtWinterbourne Academy, results were described as "excellent" by outgoing head teacher Jason Beardmore, with 78% of all grades at A*-C or Distinction*-Merit, and 33% at A*- A or Distinction*Distinction.Twelveof the school's students attained all A* or A grades, or equivalent, and highlights included 100% of chemistry and arts candidates and 93% of physics candidates achieving grades A*-C.
This summer's Year 13 school and sixth form college candidates were sitting external formal exams for the first time: their GCSEs in 2020 were cancelled because of the lockdown. They also missed much face-to-face teaching during the pandemic.
*James Bennion, who achieved four A* in maths, further maths, German and psychology, plus an A* in the Extended Project Qualification, and is set to study psychological and behavioural sciences at Cambridge University.
"This year, Winterbourne students have once again come through with excellent A-level results.
Mr Beardmore said: "We are incredibly proud of the resilience and determination shown by our students throughout their time in post-16, as they adapted to the demands of Level 3 courses through such challenging times.
AMY Hewitt, of Frampton Cotterell, is preparing to attend Reading University to study a degree in psychology after achieving A* grades in psychology, sociology and photography A-levels.
Among the achievements highlighted by the school were:
Colleges serving students from the Frome Valley area are also reporting some "outstanding" results.
At St Brendan’s Sixth Form College, students managed to achieve a pass rate of 97%, with 59% of Level 3 BTEC and Applied General courses either Distinction or Distinction*. More than 500 St Brendan’s students applied to university, and the college said the majority will be going to their first choice university.StBrendan’s principal Marian Curran said: "This year our BTEC and A level benchmarks were higher than in 2019 and in some cases were higher than teacher-assessed grades in 2021."
"These results reflect the efforts of students, staff and families and the praise for Post 16 provision as well as the wider curriculum in the recent Ofsted inspection."
September, 2022 3fromevalley voice Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk n NEWS Tel: 01291 630063 | sales@evaframe.co.uk www.evaroof.co.uk WHATEVER THE SEASON . . . WHATEVER THE REASON EVAROOF.CO.UKVISIT HIGH QUALITY SOLID TILE ROOFS FOR CONSERVATORIES CONTACT US TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE
"There have been many standout achievements by individuals, whilst consistent and impressive achievement in a wide range of subjects across the board is testament to a solid and broad post-16 curriculum and strong teaching at Winterbourne.
*Emily Rosenberg (4 A* maths, further maths, physics and history) will study physical natural sciences at Cambridge University.
Amy said: "I wasn't expecting it - I'm over the moon with it and completely baffled!" This year's A-levels were the first time Amy had sat a formal exam, after her GCSEs were assessed by teachers during the pandemic.Shesaid: "It's been a bit of a weird experience - it doesn't feel quite"Wereal.weren't sure what to expect."
TOM Salmon, of Coalpit Heath, was weighing up two offers after being awarded an A* physics A-level, an A in further maths and a distinction* BTEC in engineering, to add to the A* in A-level maths he achieved last year.Tom was offered places on a combined maths and physics degree course at Warwick University and a pure maths course at Bath University. He said: "They were my first formal exams but I felt alright about them - I don't get nervous in exam conditions. "I would have liked an A* in further maths but I think I will be happy whichever course I choose."
A-level and BTEC success is celebrated
*Ruby Bailey-Proe (2A*, A grades in English Literature, history and maths, A* EPQ) will study English literature and language at Oxford University.
A-LEVEL and BTEC students are looking towards future courses or careers after receiving their results following the first national exams for three years.
At South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (SGS), 69% of students achieved grades A*-C, with an overall pass rate of 97%. The college said highlights included 73% of physical education students receiving A*-B grades, 70% A*-B for biology and 66% A*-B in psychology.Assistant principal Mark Anthony Jones said: "Our students have made exceptional progress and proved that through hard work, commitment and ambition, you can and will realise your dreams."

The farm is part-owned by South Gloucestershire Council, and is on land between Frampton End Lane and Bristol Road, north of Church Road in Frampton. The nature reserve site, on the council's portion of the farm, includes the remains of an old orchard where little owls have bred, and Roden Acre Woods, home to a large rookery.Aswell as yellowhammers, linnets and skylarks, there have been sightings of red kites, kestrel and peregrines. The river Frome passes through the site, and the report says it could provide a habitat for otters or even the managed release of beavers.
The group said: "New habitats should be created and managed to encourage new species and the return of those species which have been lost."
The decision to create a nature reserve was announced by council cabinet member Ben Burton, who said: "Working to tackle the climate and ecological emergencies is part of every decision this administration takes, so when we can do something that is directly related to that goal, it’s very special.
Farm's future secured as nature reserve Frampton End Farm
David highlighted the importance of the farm in a recent article in the Voice, citing its ancient lanes, hedgerows, old oak trees and populations of declining farmland birds and harvestFramptonmice. Cotterell Nature has published a 23-page proposal outlining its "vision for nature recovery" at the nature reserve.
Conservative and Liberal Democrat politicians have both claimed credit for the move, with local Tories presenting a proposal to their cabinet in June, while the Lib Dems said they had backed the idea since last year, when residents had been "horrified" to see the farm on a list of sites suitable for development.LibDemgroup leader and Frampton Cotterell ward councillor Claire Young said: "We said this land should be preserved for wildlife, not built on – and we have kept pressure on the council since then by reiterating this message and supporting Frampton Cotterell Nature Group’s ideas for theToland.”suggest ideas for the nature reserve or join Frampton Cotterell Nature email framptoncotterellnature@gmail.com.
From page 1
“We also want to see improved access to the area for everyone in the community. We really want local people to get involved in developing the proposal and looking after the reserve - it’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with the nature on our doorstep.”
September, 20224 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk n NEWS Eentials willowbrookshopping.co.uk B R A D L E Y S T O K E S H O P P I N G WB Essentials AW.qxp_Layout 1 09/02/2021 15:56 Page 1
"This is why I’m pleased we’re taking steps to let nature flourish at Frampton End farm."
David said: "This includes local food growing projects and the creation of new woodland, wetland and grassland habitats.
Under the plan, some farmland would remain - to continue “nature friendly” food production on a number of smallholdings.

In 2017 the council’s Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment said there was a need for 58 additional pitches by 2032.The council says this report is under review and an update is due to be published later this year. AT:
September, 2022 5fromevalley voice Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk n NEWS To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 28 thornbury voice ■ HALLLUKE MP MP for Thornbury, Yate and villagessurroundingthe Promoted by Luke Hall MP, House of Commons, SW1A 0AA. Write to Luke at: Luke Hall MP, 26 High Street, Chipping Sodbury, BS37 6AH e: luke.hall.mp@parliament.uk w: lukehall.org.uk openmenuFood Thursday,repeated,memberslastThornbury.isANYONEinvitedTheyearWith quartetbyfundHorns A phoningconcert,(Barnes),withMarchtheArmstrongprofessionalCONCERT Tickets Advertise
A PLANNING hearing is to be held over a proposal to turn a family caravan site in Frampton Cotterell into a general site for travellers and gypsies. The plan for land off Bristol Road, close to the Perrinpit Road crossroads, was refused by South Gloucestershire Council in June last year. Now the Planning Inspectorate has appointed an inspector to hear an appeal by occupant James Hegarty. In the meantime Mr Hegarty has submitted a new application to change another condition on the site. People living and farming nearby have lodged objections – and have called for the site to be returned to Green Belt.
The permission was subject to a condition they could only be used by five named members of the Hegarty family and their children.Atthe time the council said the development was inappropriate within the Green Belt and was only granted because Mr Hegarty was in chronic ill-health, and for the welfare of the children.
The site originally had permission for stables and a tack barn in 2006, but in 2017 the council gave permission for the Hegarty family to create pitches for five touring caravans and five mobile homes.
The extended family, who had previously lived at a site in Winterbourne, had been left with nowhere to pitch their caravans after a private traveller they lived on in Swindon closed down in 2016.Acouncil report in 2017 said refusal of the application was likely to result in the break-up of the extended family unit, a loss of support to Mr Hegarty and his wife, and significant disruption to the education of the children.
Hegarty family agent Dr Angus Murdoch, in a report to the council, said the change of conditions would help South Gloucestershire meet its shortfall of traveller and gypsy pitches.
In 2020 Mr Hegarty has applied to have the conditions lifted, to allow other travellers or gypsies to use the pitches.
Colin Armorgie said: "This area of the village has seen various recent piecemeal developments on Green Belt land and this would be just another example."
Traveller site plans go to appeal
After the council refused permission Mr Hegarty lodged the appeal which is due to be heard by the Planning Inspectorate this year.The latest application by Mr Hegarty, submitted in July, asks for the lifting of another condition, that the pitches should not be occupied by any person other than a traveller or gypsy. At the time of going to press, ten people had written on the council website objecting, with no-one writing in support. One objector, Karl Bowes, wrote: "If the family don't want it then it should be put back as green belt land."
Frampton Cotterell Parish Council has also objected, saying the new plan contravenes Green Belt policy.
Let us know your views EMAIL US

The annual NHS GP Patient Survey, published this summer, found that 45% of patients at Frome Valley Medical Centre in Frampton Cotterell said it was not easy to get through – up from 19% last year.
The proportion reporting difficulties at Yate’s West Walk Surgery, which includes Coalpit Heath Surgery, had also risen from 18% in 2021 to 23% this year, while at Kennedy Way surgery in Yate, the number saying it was not easy to get through had risen from just 8% last year to 33%. More than three quarters of patients at all three practices still said their overall experience of using their GP surgery was good, but percentages had fallen at two of the three surgeries.
At Frome Valley Medical Centre, 35% of patients were offered appointments on the day they called, down from 39% last year, with the number waiting a week or more for an appointment rising slightly, from 17% in 2021 to 21% this year.
September, 20226 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk n NEWS
Among Frome Valley Medical Centre patients, 77% said their experience was good – down from 94% last year, while 86% of patients at Kennedy Way gave it a good rating, down from 95% last year.West Walk also had an overall satisfaction level of 86% – but this was up from 84% in 2021.
At West Walk, 33% of patients were offered same-day appointments, up from 30% last year, but the number waiting more than a week had risen from 26% to 36%. At Kennedy Way, 73% of patients were offered a same-day appointment, down slightly from 75% last year. The number waiting a week or longer fell from 12% last year to just 5%. Most other patients waited between a day and a week, although some people responding to the survey couldn't remember the length of theirReceptionistswait. were rated as helpful at all surgeries, with Frome Valley given a 93% rating, West Walk 92% and Kennedy Way 92%.
The survey was carried out by polling group Ipsos MORI with NHS England, and was based on around 720,000 responses to questionnaires sent out nationwide between January and April.
A spokesperson for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board, which funds GP services, said: "Practices are working hard to make sure everyone can access the right support when they need it; whether that’s online or face-to-face.
Frome Valley Medical Centre
The survey uncovered a mixed picture on the length of time people waited for appointments.
"However, we also recognise there are some areas for improvement. We are continuing to share learning between practices about what works well, and are working to support practices to deliver high-quality services to patients."
PATIENTS are finding it harder to get through on the phone to surgeries in the Frome Valley area, latest figures show.

The spokesperson said NHS patients should regularly check the NHS website for updates on practices taking on new patients, call a practice to ask if it has a waiting list or call 111 if they need urgent treatment. dental patients
September, 2022 7fromevalley voice Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk n NEWS Direct Funeral for £1545Complete Funeral for £3459 Established independent Female Funeral Director 8 Badminton Road, Downend BS16 6BQ Home visits welcome Please call: 0117 9564796 24-hr service 7 days a week www.jamiesonfunerals.com Ear Wax Removal • Using latest micro suction techniques • Treatment carried out by experienced registered nurse practitioners • Home visits available • Very competitive prices hayley@hjtherapies.co.uk 07846 452 000 / 01454 314 460 www.hjtherapies.co.uk Foot Clinic • Assessment of feet • Diabetic foot care • Nail cutting • Thickened & fungal nails • Corns & callus • Cracked heels... and more! • Carried out by experienced and qualified foot health practitioners Clinic based in Brimsham Park, Yate Parking available right outside the clinic NHS dental services are facing a "tipping point" and will "die" without reform, says the profession's official body. A survey of dental practices across the region by the BBC found 98% of them were not offering appointments to new adult NHS patients – the joint highest proportion in the country.When the Voice checked the 50 dental practices in a sevenmile radius of the Frome Valley area in August using the NHS Find a Dentist website, just one – Oldland Dental Practice, more than six miles away in Oldland Common – said it was taking on any new NHS patients, and then only children or adults entitled to free dental care.
BDA general dental practice committee chair Shawn Charlwood said: "NHS dentistry is at a tipping point, with millions unable to get the care they need and more dentists leaving with every day that passes. "Nothing we’ve heard from government to date gives us any confidence this service has a future. Without real reform and fair funding NHS dentistry will die, and our patients will pay the price."
A spokesperson for NHS England South West said: "Access to NHS dental services in Bristol and South Gloucestershire has historically been challenging, with demand exceeding the capacity available, mainly due to workforce challenges and the capacity of practices to take on new patients.
It says recent "modest" changes came without any new investment, would not address patients' problems accessing services or keep dentists in the NHS.
"The NHS recently announced the first reforms to dentistry services since 2006, which will support practices to improve access including by giving high performing practices the opportunity to increase their activity and treat more patients – discussions around further changes that benefit patients and staff are ongoing."
The BDA says a "decade of savage cuts" has left NHS dentistry in need of an extra £880 million a year just to restore funding to 2010 levels.
Last year the Frampton and Flaxpits surgeries, in Park Lane, Frampton Cotterell and Flaxpits Lane, Winterbourne, stopped all NHS treatment, telling their 14,000 patients they would have to go private or go elsewhere.
Around a quarter of the 8,533 dental practices across the UK with an NHS contract contacted by BBC researchers had an open waiting list for new patients, with wait times of a year or longer for most of them.
The British Dental Association blames a "discredited" NHS contract it says "funds care for barely half the population and puts government targets ahead of patient care".
No places for new NHS
Entries for other local dentists on the NHS site, including the Apple practices in Winterbourne and Yate, Yate Dental Practice and the Yate Health Centre dental department, either said they were not taking any new NHS patients, only taking new NHS patients referred for specialist treatment by another dentist or GP, or had not given a recent update on their status.

September, 20228 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk n LETTERS SPECIAL - BUS SERVICES
Frustrated Winterbourneresident Y3 has wreckedbeen THE Y3 service over the years has been completely wrecked by First Bus, from when it was 27, X46 and Y3, First has altered the route, cutting off people who did catch the bus regularly. The route is now every two hours, no Saturday or Sunday service, people young or old, disabled or with health conditions cannot walk into Yate to the doctors, hospital appointments or catch the Y1 Y6, Y4, Y5 buses or others because of the distance. To make matters worse, when you return from Bristol on the Y3 you have to change at Yate, wait for a Y6 to come in, which then changes to a Y3. The journey has been made a lot longer and if the Y6 is cancelled or broken down, this affects our service, which only runs two-hourly now.Ihave complained to Luke Hall MP loads of times about problems over the years with the X46 and Y3 bus service, to get it improved - not taken off or made even worse.
First West of England managing director Doug Claringbold, pictured right with Mr Norris, apologised for unreliable services and said there would have to be changes to create a "robust" timetable. We asked Voice readers for your views about local services. Here's what you had to say:
"What do you think of local bus services?" In a word - awful. If I want to get to Cassell Road in Downend, I have to take the Y1, get off at Cuckoo Lane, walk half a mile to the Trident and get the 48 through Downend, because there is noOnY2.the way back I have to do the same and wait up to half an hour at Cuckoo Lane, where there is no bus shelter.
Last month the Voice reported that Metro Mayor Dan Norris had warned of impending cuts on bus routes serving the Frome Valley and Yate area, including the Y3, Y4 and Y5, as well as possible changes to the Y6.
Hazel Gurnett
There is no logic at all for passengers to get off the bus at the P&R and wait sometimes up to an hour for a Y1 to take them the rest of the way - no wonder this bus is now running empty! One of the most important routes is the Y6 which takes people to Southmead Hospital, Cribbs Causeway, UWE and Bristol Parkway. This service is vital and must be protected at all costs.
Chris Waller Dan Norris and Doug Claringbold launch the new tap-on tap off payment system for buses in July.
PEOPLE are foregoing buses in their droves because they are totally unreliable: a couple of weeks ago it took me two hours to get into Bristol from Yate, as the Y1 failed twice to turn up. This is totally unacceptable, as people have appointments and meetings, as I myself did. If they were reliable they would be used more. Who on earth thought it was a good idea to terminate the Y4 at the Park & Ride? This bus is used by people from Winterbourne, Frampton Cotterell and Coalpit Heath to get to Yate Shopping Centre, dentists and doctors.
I AM a 75-year-old widow living in Frampton Cotterell. I can no longer drive due to failing eyesight. I am totally reliant on the Y4, Y3 and Y6 buses.Life was made much more difficult when the Y4 was cut to every one-and-a-half hours and no longer going into Yate Shopping Centre.Ifour services are cut even more, Winterbourne and Frampton Cotterell will be isolated. I understand the bus company doesn’t want to run an unreliable service, however unreliable is better than no service at all. We are constantly being told by government and environmentalists to cut down on use of cars , but how is this possible without a bus service?
Jeanette Hancock Y6 must protectedbe
We are treatedbadly I WONDER why residents of Winterbourne and the surrounding area are being so badly treated with the local bus services. We have a Y3 that runs every two hours but not at weekends, and the Y4 is every 90 minutes and doesn't go all the way to Yate Shopping Centre anyWemore.keep hearing that passenger numbers are down - is it anySowonder?manypeople no longer use the Y4 due to the bus change required at the Park and Ride: easier to get the Y6 that goes all the Manyway. elderly people in Winterbourne shop in Yate but to make the journey back with bags of shopping via the Park and Ride is not an easy option given the current timetables.
The 49 bus through Staple Hill into Bristol runs approximately every 20 minutes and the 8 to Clifton runs every 10 minutes. How fortunate people are to live in theseAlthoughareas. I own a car I frequently used the bus to Yate or Chipping Sodbury for shopping now that petrol is so expensive. Sadly I no longer use the bus as it is so unreliable and time consuming. My neighbour recently spent two and half hours waiting for buses on a recent trip to Yate. If this situation continues or gets worse as is likely then many people will be isolated if they haven't got a car and passenger numbers will fall even lower.
Helen RobbinsYate Services are awful

There were calls for Mr Norris to be given the same power as the country's other metro mayors, to charge a precept on top of council tax to support local publicTransporttransport.campaigner David Redgewell said: "It’s a few pounds, it’s not a huge amount, but that pays for your local railway, local trams, local buses, and in the case of Liverpool the Mersey Tunnels and in Tyne the Tyne ferries."
Buses could still face cuts despite new funding
glasses available in store BUS services could
The Big Choices on Buses consultation runs until August 31 – surveys can be found online at bit.ly/3zsr8jc.Meeting report by Adam Postans, Local ReportingDemocracyService
Metro Mayor Dan Norris warned last month that the withdrawal of government support for commercial services, which was introduced during the lockdown, would push them over a "cliff-edge" from October. Mr Norris said the Y3 service from Yate to Bristol, via Iron Acton, Frampton Cotterell, Winterbourne and Hambrook, and the Y4, from Yate Park & Ride to Bristol via Coalpit Heath, Frampton Cotterell, Winterbourne and Hambrook, faced being cut, along with the Y5, serving Yate, Westerleigh and Pucklechurch. He said the Y6, from Chipping Sodbury to Southmead Hospital via Frampton and Winterbourne, could also see its route changed as part of a 'network review' by First, the area's main bus operator.Firstsaid this was "speculation" - but the West of England Combined Authority, which is led by Mr Norris and has responsibility for transport planning in the region, launched a consultation asking passengers to help set priorities for future services.OnAugust 19 the Department for Transport announced "up to £130 million" of further funding, to support bus services until next March.Asthe Voice went to press it was not clear how much of the money would come to the region and what effect it would have on local services.
Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk September, 2022 9fromevalley voice LOOKING FOR LEGAL ADVICE? We offer you friendly, professional expert advice BevanLynnBennettTina Meet the team Your LOCAL Solicitors offer you friendly professional expert advice • Family Law - Divorce & Separation • Child matters • Employment Law • Litigation & Legal Disputes CONTACT US TODAY 0333 320 www.bevanevemy.co.uk8600FLEXIBLETIMESFOR APPOINTMENTS FREE 30 MINUTE INITIAL MEETING n NEWS Call today to book an appointment 01454 775530 3 Whitegates, Flaxpits Lane, Winterbourne BS36 1JX For the best in eye care Full eye examinations and retinal photography Qualified optometrists and dispensing opticians
Mr Norris said a precept would be preferable to the current "complicated system" of transport levies paid to WECA by unitary authorities. He said the councils "provide a much lower amount of money than elsewhere in the country". However councillorGloucestershireSouthcabinetfortransport
A wide range of still face cuts, despite extra government funding to keep running another six
Steve Reade said this was not a "fair and direct comparison", as other combined authorities had networks such as trams to support.MrReade said the Big Choices consultation had "come far too late, given the number of vital bus services in South Gloucestershire that have been cut since May 2021". The Metro Mayor was also accused of giving bus passengers an impossible choice between reducing frequency or reliability by Emilia Melville, of pressure group West of England Shared Transport and Active Travel Network. She criticised WECA for launching the consultation "at very short notice" during a month when many people were on holiday.Around 500 people attended consultation meetings and by August 18, 940 people had responded to an online survey.
One Yate resident said: "The main problems are the unreliability and not knowing if the bus is going to come. The service is good when it does run but you can’t rely on it."
The Greater Manchester metro mayor charged a £22 precept this year.
WECA's consultation, called Big Choices on Buses, kicked off with a public meeting in Yate Parish Hall on August 1, with residents invited to thrash out ideas to save routes.
Metro Mayor Dan Norris and South Gloucestershire councillor Claire Young talk to residents at the Big Choices on Buses meeting in Yate in August
"The huge, huge problem is and remains that there are just not enough bus drivers to drive the buses, and that will continue to be the case even with more funding."
But Mr Norris said: "I should warn people that even with this new cash, which of course I welcome, it doesn’t necessarily follow that cuts won’t happen.
Mr Norris said afterwards: "What was very encouraging about the Big Choices meeting was how open people were to change. There was a lot of support for the idea of smaller minibuses and shuttle buses getting people onto a main route."

“Many of our clients who use the site are vulnerable, coming from deprived areas and suffering from mental health problems, such as autism, learning difficulties, ADHD, or specific learning difficulties and“Ourdisabilities.carefarm enables us to ensure people who come to us are able to enjoy green space, and with our innovative goat walking activities everyone also gets some exercise, whether they realise it or not.“We are excited to begin improving access around the care farm using the grant from Redcliffe, and very much appreciate their support.”Forfurther information on Empowering Futures visit www. empoweringfutures.co.uk.
Cllr Hunt said Coalpit Heath Cricket Club are set to receive £118,000 to fund installation of a sewerage treatment plant, drainage improvements, sports storage and car park improvements.
September, 202210 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk n NEWS Frampton Garage South Glos Ltd. 6 The Causeway, Coalpit Heath, Bristol BS36 2PD Tel: 01454 www.framptongarage.com777841 Your local choice for vehicle repairs and maintenance FreeMOT’swithRetest AVAILABLE:SERVICES Full SeasonalInterimserviceserviceserviceDiagnosticsTrackingAuto-electricsAir-conTyres•BulbsWipersEngineWork Free courtesycar available CHANGE?CAMBELT Do you need yourcambelt replaced?Each vehicle is given arecommended amount oftime or mileage before it isadvised to be changed.Thiscould prevent any damageto the engine. Council's £500,000 sports cash pledge MONEY from developers will be used to pay for more than £500,000 of upgrades to sports facilities in the Frome Valley area.
A CHARITY has been given funding to improve disabled access at its care farm near EmpoweringHambrook.Futureswill be able to install new wheelchairaccessible gates and paths at its farm at Moorend after being awarded a £3,455 by the Redcliffe Foundation, the charitable giving arm of Chipping Sodbury-based housebuilders Redcliffe Homes, via Quartet, which matches good causes to people who want to make donations.
“This is why their contribution is so amazing and enabling - albeit for a minority group of people, but a group that is often missed from mainstream provision. We are so grateful, and the users are elated.
Grant improves farm access
Frampton Cotterell Parish Council clerk Linda Squire confirmed that the council had been awarded funding, although a working group would now need to meet to decide which of its planned improvements could be funded from the award.
Coalpit Heath Cricket Club had not received confirmation of its award from South Gloucestershire Council as the Voice went to press.
“The mud control grids used to create safe pathways are very expensive, so Redcliffe have funded access for wheelchair users and people with mobility issues who would otherwise have been prevented from attending the farm.
The money has come from legal deals struck with developers as part of planning permission for Blackberry Park in Coalpit Heath.
A further £11,374 is going towards the fencing installed by the Manor C of E Primary School on playing fields in Coalpit Heath.
Empowering Futures founder and trustee Maria Needs said: "The grant will be spent on improving disabled access to the site so that everyone has access to the activities that take place, including putting in new gates to make it easier to move around the site.
Cllr Hunt said: "As we celebrate the continued success of the Lionesses on the international stage and the 10-year anniversary of the London 2012 Olympics, it is fantastic that we are in a position locally to provide the equipment and facilities to help keep people of all ages active.
South Gloucestershire Council cabinet member for communities Rachael Hunt said Frampton Cotterell Parish Council would receive receive just over £390,000 to fund improvements to the tennis court, a new 3G multi-use games area and new footpath at The Park playing fields.
"I am delighted that we are continuing our record investment into public open spaces with this funding having been negotiated from developers to improve playing areas and sports facilities."

From Dunkirk the Tour of Britain will pass along the A46 to Hall Lane, to Horton Road, St John’s Way and Wickwar Road to Chipping Sodbury High Street. The riders will then head along Bowling Hill to the A432 Station Road and Badminton Road in Yate, before turning up Stover Road to Yate Road, heading to Iron ThereActon.they will turn up the B4058 Wotton Road through Rangeworthy, Bagstone and Cromhall to Charfield. The race route, in blue, will pass through Horton, Chipping Sodbury, Yate and Iron Acton before a sprint section at Rangeworthy (marked with an S) on its way north to Charfield.
"Anything that displays local pride is always a nice touch, especially as the race is shown live in over 120 countries worldwide!"
A council spokesperson said:
For more information visit gov.uk/tour-of-britainstage-sixtourofbritain.co.uk/stages/andbeta.southglos.
The climax of a stage on SWPixPicture:2021thetour.
"We encourage residents to do all they can to make the race’s visit as memorable as ever: whether that’s decorating things in the Union flag, wearing red/ white/blue, or simply turning up to the roadside and making as much noise as possible!
A Tour of Britain spokesperson said: "We expect to have Olympic champions, Tour de France stars and the best of British competing.
The best viewing sites are expected to be on Chipping Sodbury High Street and Rangeworthy, where there will be a sprint section at around 2pm, with riders expected to pass through very quickly.
Although the names of riders had not been confirmed as the Voice went to press, leading British team INEOS Grenadiers, which includes 2018 Tour de France champion and Olympic gold medallist Geraint Thomas on its roster, is set to compete alongside five other top-level UCI WorldTeams, including BORA –Hansgrohe and Movistar.
"We are delighted that the UK’s most prestigious cycling event includes a section here in South Gloucestershire.
"The event is sure to have a fantastic atmosphere and offers a great opportunity for local communities to come together as they spectate in their own neighbourhoods and wave and cheer the cyclists on as they pass."
Tour of Britain to race through
The route
September, 2022 11fromevalley voice Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk n NEWS 5 DOORS FITTED FOR £479 ANY 5 WHITE PRIMED 6-PANEL ‘COLONIAL’ OR 5-PANEL ‘SUFFOLK’ DOORS WITH YOUR CHOICE OF 6 STYLES OF HANDLE, HINGES, MORTICE CATCH, FITTED IN YOUR HOME FOR £479* GLAZED DOORS EXTRA COST Additional Doors available DOOR EXPRESS 08000 973333 - 07767 376770 A PHONE CALL WILL SECURE YOUR FITTING ORDER DATE This offer applies to door sizes 78”x30” & 78”x27” Other sizes available for a small extra charge www.doorexpresssouthwest.co.uk F. FamilyWoodruffFuneralDirectors 2 High Street, Winterbourne BS36 1JN Tel: 01454 773776 192 Badminton Road, Coalpit Heath BS36 2SX Tel: 01454 778838 118-120 Station Road, Yate BS37 4PQ Tel: 01454 320005 Email: info@funerals.uk.net Web: www.funerals.uk.net PEOPLE will have a chance to catch a glimpse of cycling's stars when the Tour of Britain speeds through the area this month. Stage Six of the annual elite race will loop through South Gloucestershire on Friday September 9, arriving in Dunkirk shortly after 1.30pm and passing through Horton, Chipping Sodbury, Yate and Iron Acton before heading north on the B4058 through Rangeworthy, Bagstone, Cromhall and Charfield, where the competitors are expected to pass through at 2.15pm on their way to Wottonunder-Edge and the finishing line in RoadsGloucester.onandaround the race route will be closed to traffic by police escort vehicles for around 30 minutes as it passes through and South Gloucestershire Council will suspend parking at key points on the route.

Frampton Cotterell C of E Primary School Rectory Road, BS36 2BT at All prospective parents are welcome to attend. Guided tours will be provided by members of our Senior Leadership Team and our pupils. Please do not hesitate to contact us to for more information on 01454 867205 or email us o ce@fcceprimary.co.uk.
The school has consistently achieved excellent results at the end of Early Years, Key Stages 1 and 2 for many years. Our Christian values underpin everything we do as we work closely with our parents, St Peter’s Church and the community to help each child flourish in all aspects of their development. Our values are essential to our school’s success and our current SIAMS inspection grade is Outstand ing.Talent is identified, nurtured and celebrated in every child, as we work hard to ensure all our children reach their full potential. This is because we genuinely believe that all children can achieve anything they put their minds to. With this in mind, alongside our vibrant curriculum, we have many additional, enrichment opportu nities available of music, sport, art and perfor mance running alongside the core subjects. We have lots of useful information about our school on our website, please browse at your convenience and don’t forget to visit our school Facebook page. I hope that you will gain some insight into why I am so proud to be Headteach er of this fabulous school. However, the best way to truly see what we are all about is to come for a visit and meet our wonderful children and dedicated staff team in action.
I look forward to welcoming you to Frampton.
Mrs Hannah R. Hornig, Headteacher Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk
As the Headteacher of Frampton Cotterell C of E Primary School I passionately believe that all children, whatever their individual circum stances, should feel secure, valued, respected and challenged in all aspects of school life by being at the centre of every action and decision that is made. I strive to enable our children to leave primary school as skilled and well-round ed individuals, who consistently make the right choices, are successful learners and make a positive contribution at secondary school within an ever-changing society.
‘Pupils are proud to attend this happy and welcoming school’ - Ofsted February 2022.
Frampton Cotterell CE Primary School
Meet the Headteacher –Mrs Hannah R. Hornig, Frampton Cotterell CE Primary School
If you are looking for a Reception Space for September 2023, we will be holding two open mornings on Thursday 6th and Thursday 13th October from 9.15am -10.30am where you will have the opportunity to tour the classes, meet some of the Early Years Teachers and the Senior Leadership Team. Please register your interest by contacting the school office on 01454 867205.
Thursday October 6th from 9.15 – 10.30am and Thursday October 13th from 9.15 – 10.30am.
If you are unable to visit on these days, we can arrange a visit at another time.
September, 202212 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact
Frampton Cotterell C of E Primary is an extremely popular, caring and fully inclusive school offering choice, opportunity and success.
The highly skilled and experienced staff team empower all children to become the best they can be, with high expectations of themselves.

Kimberley Vallis and Kara Penney are setting up a centre to bring together home-educated children and their parents.
Co-founder Kara Penney, from Frampton Cotterell, said: “The aim of the project is to create an engaging learning environment for children who struggle with mainstream educational settings, somewhere parents can take their children for socialisation, exploration of learning activities as well as fun and play, whilst being able to maintain employment themselves.”
The centre hopes to have space for 30 children.
Kimberley and Kara are organising a family fun day on September 25 to raise funds for the project, at Henfield Hall, Coalpit Heath from 11am-3pm.
TWO are planning to set up a centre for home-educated children in Coalpit Heath. Edventure will open its doors at the Mafeking Hall scout headquarters in Serridge Lane in October if all goes to plan.
The event will include children's games, healthcare and beauty treatments, a bug hunt, refreshments, raffle – and a psychic medium.
For more details call Kara on 0753 100 9371 or email theedventureproject@gmail. com.
The centre will open for up to six hours a day, three days a week for children in three age groups, from five to 16.
Kimberley, from Yate, a former youth worker and higher level teaching assistant in a secondary school, said Hayden, who has autism, always struggled with mainstream school. She said: “During lockdown we did homeschooling and I noticed a huge shift in his way of learning, because he had freedom to learn in his way. It was incredible.
Kimberley said: "It is different from school because the kids will have a say in how they learn as much as the adults."
Director and co-founder of the non-profit community interest company, Kimberley Vallis, already home-educates her 12-year-old son Hayden and expects Adam, aged five, to join him soon. She feels there is a need for a resource for other home-schooling parents and a place their children can go.
Parents will pay towards sessions, as home education does not receive council funding, but Kimberley says she is applying for funding from other sources to support parents. She said: “We need to raise funds to buy kit and materials such as sports and forest skills equipment, ICT and DT tools, and basics like paper and pens.”
Mums plan centre for home-educating families
September, 2022 13fromevalley voice Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk n NEWS SH T 9am - 12pm FREEPHONE 0800 542 6066 Unit 4 Ram Hill Business TELEPHONE 01454 777 732 Park, Ram Hill, Coalpit Heath BS36 2TZ CONSERVATORIES SPECIALISING IN GUARDIAN AND GLASS ROOFS
Daily sessions will start with yoga and a communal breakfast, followed by 'free learning' in a Forest School-type setting, with 'child-led' projects to suit individual children.
“All kids like him, who don’t fit in, need a different learning environment and the freedom to learn in their style. "I found homeschooling daunting at first, but the more hands-on learning really worked for him and he flourished.”

“Our neighbourhood coaches, income colleagues and support workers continued to work in their communities and remained available for customers to contact via phone for any advice or support they may need. Customers have been able to make payments and to contact us via the Live Chat on our website.
A HOUSING association with thousands of tenants in South Gloucestershire had to take all of its computer systems offline after a cyberHackersattack.tried to access Bromford's systems on July 20, prompting it to take down its online services.
Hackers target housing association
"Taking the step of isolating ourselves while we investigated the incident regrettably caused some disruption to our services but by reopening our systems in a safe manner we have been able to return to our normal ways of working for most services.
Becoming a role model doesn't need a full-time commitment – we need volunteers in all sorts of roles. So, if you want to help behind the scenes, at special events or get involved every week, there’s loads of ways to inspire girls with GirlguidingBSG. Register your interest today by visiting org.uk/get-involved/become-a-volunteer/register-your-interest/https://www.girlguiding.We’dloveforyoutojoinus!
‘I enjoy it so much. The girls are lovely and I feel I’m doing something worthwhile. It’s amazing!’ Tayba, leader be an inspiration for girls and young women?
19_0000_VolunteerPostcard_Jan2022.indd 1 26/01/2022 23:29 htuognidiuglrilotsirB&GSerihsretsecuolG n ADVERTISING FEATURE Could you
The housing association has around 100,000 residents in 40,000 homes across England, around 8,000 of which are in South Gloucestershire.
"Since then, we have been working closely with our specialist data security partners and have found no evidence that any data has been accessed or that the attempts were successful.
n NEWS September, 202214 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk girlguiding.org.uk/interested withVolunteerus
Chief information officer Dan Goodall said: "Following a malicious attempt to access our systems we have now returned most of our services to normal.
"Immediately after identifying the attempt, we took all our systems offline in order to protect ourselves and our customers’ data.
AT GirlguidingBSG we help girls to realise their full potential and share some unforgettable moments along the way. By volunteering with us, you can help girls build their confidence, have adventures, learn new skills and have loads of fun – no matter your experience, your background or how much time you have spare.

The duo, who play local pubs and clubs as two-piece pop and rock band One Too Many, will strum their guitars as they run the 13.1 mile course on September 25. They will be raising money for Children’s Hospice South West.
TWO musicians from the Frome Valley are going on the run – to raise money for charity.
Darren Addicott, from Frampton Cotterell, and Tim Rice, from Winterbourne, plan to busk their way around the halfmarathon course during this year's Great Bristol Run.
September, 2022 15fromevalley voice n NEWS
"It’s such an amazing charity. They allow families to spend precious time togethermaking memories and having fun in the most difficult of circumstances.
Darren said: "We were drawn to CHSW when looking for a charity to support when we did our first Buskathon.
Darren said: “We both work full-time but have been playing in various bands for decades. As the duo One Too Many we have been together for around 17 years. "This year we will be attempting our third 'buskathon'.
Around 10,000 runners are expected to join the Great Bristol Run. Darren and Tim have set up a donation page to collect sponsorship, setting an initial target of £500. To donate, visit fundraising/One-Too-Many1justgiving.com/
Free valuations every Friday 9am-4pm at our saleroom, free home visits or email valuations@stroudauctions.co.uk
The charity offers respite and short breaks, emergency care, palliative care and end of life care at three locations, including a Bristol area hospice at Charlton Farm in Wraxall, North Somerset.
"We will be running the Bristol Halfmarathon course whilst carrying our guitars, and entertaining the crowds and fellow runners as we go!” Children’s Hospice South West provides hospice care for children with life-limiting conditions and their whole family, from across the region.
Buskathon challenge for musical duo
Darren and Tim running the course with their guitars Darren Addicott and Tim Rice playing their guitars to entertain fellow runners on a previous Bristol Half-marathon.
"The work CHSW do really is priceless for the families they support."

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Food to make you brainy!
Ann Murray founded the Cooking4 Cookery School based in Chipping Sodbury. She’s teamed up with Frome Valley Voice to pass on her wealth of experience in the kitchen.
1 x 150g skinless fillet of Scottish Olivesalmonoil for brushing and drizzling Squeeze of lemon juice Freshly ground black pepper 1/2 a ciabatta roll 1 clove garlic 1 small bunch of cherry tomatoes on the vine Flat leaf parsley and salad leaves for garnish Here's what you do Place the salmon fillet and cherry tomatoes on aluminium foil brushed with oil over a grill pan. Brush salmon with oil and season with black pepper, grill for 4 minutes each side. Halfway through cooking, place the ciabatta on the tray and toast eachRemoveside. from the heat. Lightly rub the ciabatta with garlic. Serve on a plate topped with the salmon. Serve with cherry tomatoes and salad leaves. Garnish with parsley and drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice. Cook's tips If you want to make this more exotic, add sliced mango, avocado and spring onions, finely sliced. The sweet/sour taste is delicious.
After the extreme heat of the summer, who knows what September will bring?
This grilled salmon recipe, perfect for a tasty lunch or light supper, is one of her favourites, especially since I told her that the salmon is brain food and will make her Sheclever.believes it has, and so I’m happy.Itis very quick and easy, and goes down a treat whatever the weather is like.
September, 2022 19fromevalley voice Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk ● a warm, safe and homely atmosphere with a beautiful garden ● your own comfortable room with en-suite facilities ● dedicated house manager on site daily ● two daily nutritious, home-cooked meals ● a calendar of social activities including regular entertainment, outings and events ● well established in the local community ● Supported Housing for over 55s in Chipping Sodbury availableRoom We are safely welcoming new residents. For more information please call Stacey Meadowcroft on 07368 135025 or email cs@abbeyfieldglos.org.uk Registered in England and Wales, Company 574816, Charity 200719, RSH No. H1046 Melbourne Drive, Chipping Sodbury Bristol, BS37 6LB Time to enjoy older age Sodbury ValeMakin g timeforoder people Chipping Sodbury advert_Nov2020_v3.indd 1 16/11/2020 15:55:27 www.gloucestershire.abbeyfield.com n RECIPE OF THE MONTH LIKE many grandparents, I enjoy cooking with my grandchildren. My eldest, Abi, is five in September and sadly off already to “bigWeschool”.both really enjoy our cooking sessions. She has become very competent and, although I have to watch her carefully for her own safety, she certainly knows what she’s doing.
Grilled salmon and cherry tomato

WEDNESDAY: BRISTOL SCRABBLE CLUB meets every Wednesday evening at 7pm until 10pm at Filton Community Centre, Elm Park, Filton BS34 7PS. New members welcome- first visit free so come along and give us a try. For further information contact Sheila on 01179570792 or 07435316458 or email shinett@ blueyonder.co.uk n WEDNESDAY: GENTLE SHIBASHI TAI CHI AND RELAXATION, accessible to all, 10.30-11.30am and 11.45am12.45pm, Winterbourne Medieval Barn, Church Lane, Winterbourne. Contact Jenny on 07855 560257or jksmith@blueyonder.co.uk for more information.
n FRIDAY: EXERCISE AND SOCIAL FOR SENIORS £5. Come and join us for a dose of weekly exercise! We aim to improve your strength, balance, posture and flexibility in a fun and friendly environment. To register your interest please contact Adam Dyer on 07875503586. Cambrian Green Court community centre 2:153:45pm Yate, Bristol BS37 5AD WE WOULD LOVE TO and activities in the following format: WHAT IT IS WHERE IT IS WHEN IT IS in no more than 40 words. Send by email, with 'what's on' as the subject, to fromevalleyvoice.co.ukcontact@
REGULAR EVENTS n MONDAY: WINTERBOURNE FLOWER CLUB now meets at WADCA in Watleys End Road, Winterbourne. Meetings are on the second Monday of the month between 2pm and 4pm. Call 01454 776753 for details. n MONDAY: GENTLE SHIBASHI TAI CHI AND RELAXATION, accessible to all, 6-7pm, St Michael's Rooms, High Street, Winterbourne. Contact Jenny on 07855 560257or jksmith@ blueyonder.co.uk for more information.
September 9-11 n ST PETER'S CHURCH ART EXHIBITION, Church Road, Frampton Cotterell. More than 180 pictures for sale. Friday 11am6pm, Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 1pm-6pm. Entry £2. Refreshments available. All proceeds towards the upkeep of the church.
n FRIDAY: FROME VALLEY ART GROUP meets at the Greenfield Centre, Winterbourne each Friday 2-4pm or 7-9pm. Thriving club with demonstrations and workshops from visiting professional artists. More details online at gmail.comfromevalleyartwinterbourne@wordpress.comfromevalleyartgroup.oremail
The Jays & Rosettes, 2-3.30pm, Main Hall, Crossbow House, School Road, Frampton Cotterell. £5 entry, carers free. Refreshments included. All profits to Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Contact Hilary on 07515 351813 for details and to book your place.
September 4 n BRISTOL & STATIONARYGLOUCESTERSHIRESOUTHENGINE CLUB vintage rally and tractor event, in conjunction with Sodbury Vale Tractor Club. Frog Lane Farm, Woodside Road, Coalpit Heath (opposite the Badminton Arms), 10am-5pm. Stationary engines, vintage tractors, cars and bikes, commercial vehicles, steam engines, stalls and displays, food and bar. Entry £4 per person, under-14s free. For more information call 01454 773232.
THURSDAY: EXERCISE AND SOCIAL FOR SENIORS £5. Come and join us for a dose of weekly exercise! We aim to improve your strength, balance, posture and flexibility in a fun and friendly environment. To register your interest please contact Adam Dyer on 07875503586. St Saviours Church , Coallpitt heath, every Thursday 10-11:30am Beesmoor Rd, Coalpit Heath, Bristol BS36 2RP n TUESDAY: WINTERBOURNE DOWN CHURCHMETHODIST Drop in for free cup of tea and chat or play board games, every Tuesday from 2-4pm. n TUESDAY: SUNRIDGE GOLF CROQUET CLUB meets on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in Coalpit Heath and has players at all levels. Learn how to play, club equipment is available to use. To find out more contact croquet@ wilko.eclipse.co.uk or call 07977 201440.
September 5 n FRAMPTON SINGALONG with
September 25 n FAMILY FUN DAY raising funds for the Edventure Project, a home education community group. Henfield Hall, Coalpit Heath from 11am-3pm. Children's games, psychic medium, healthcare and beauty treatments, bug hunt, refreshments and raffle. More details from Kara on 0753 100 9371 or com.theedventureproject@gmail.
September 11 n DODINGTON PARISH COUNCIL JUBILEE WALK at Wapley Bushes Local Nature Reserve. Guided tour around the flatter parts of the reserve. Meet at the Shire Way entrance to the reserve, opposite the entrance to Cherington, Yate, BS37 8US, at 2pm. Second walk covering hilly areas, same time on September 24. September 23 n FRAMPTON COTTERELL MALE VOICE CHOIR open rehearsal, 7.30pm, Zion United Church, Frampton Cotterell. Come and sing! Just turn up for fun and socialise afterwards if you like. Contact Steve on 0117 909 2510 or email sec.fcmvc@gmail.com for more details.
September, 202220 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk Loft Boarding & USEwww.useyourloftspace.co.ukInsulationYOURLOFTSPACEisthereliable,affordableandtrustedlocalcompanyforallyourloftboarding,andloftinsulationrequirements01172980810INFO@USEYOURLOFTSPACE.CO.UK n WHAT'S ON Until 4 September 2022. n DISHES OF DISCOVERY AT BRUNEL’S SS GREAT BRITAIN - Already known as the ‘world’s smelliest museum’ with hundreds of sights, sounds and smells, Brunel’s SS Great Britain is about to get tasty this summer. Embark on a global voyage of taste without leaving Bristol as you sample delicacies inspired by Victorian voyages to destinations visited by the ship.
September 10 n FREE CONCERT BY WINTERBOURNE WINDS WIND BAND, Kingsgate Park, Yate, 2-4pm. Playing a mix of music from the movies, musicals and some classical pop and jazz pieces. For more information winterbournewinds@yahoo.com.email
THURSDAY: WINTERBOURNE WINDS, a friendly amateur wind band who play a wide range of music including pop, musicals and classical, rehearse at Frenchay Village Hall from 7.40-9.30pm. New members, especially flute, oboe, trumpet, horn and percussion players, are welcome. For more information email winterbournewinds@yahoo.com.

The library welcomes everyone, whether browsing and borrowing from the shelves, using a computer, bringing children to the library or meeting friends.The library is open and staffed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 5pm, and on Saturday from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Open Access, between 8am and 7.30pm, enables you to use the library when staff are not there, including free Wi-Fi, PCs and printing, issuing and returning books. Library members need to complete a one-off induction session first to register.
Harry Grindell Matthews
The next 17-week course starts in September. For bookings or further questions call Cindy on 0117 909 2296 or email cindy.corbett@sgscol.ac.uk.
Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk September, 2022 21fromevalley voice Emergency Number: 07798 905337 KEEP IT IN YOUR MOBILE Lock Stuck and Barrels The complete door & window specialist Locked Out? Need to replace or change your locks? ■ Swift low cost emergency service to all home and commercial lock-outs ■ Non destructive entry methods gaining entry quickly and efciently from the initial call ■ Keys or handbag stolen? Burgled? Need your locks changed or re-keying on a new home? Call us. Call Dave on 07798 905337 www.thebristollocksmith.co.uk Based locally in South Glos ALSO: Low cost repair/replacement of uPVC ALUMINIUM WINDOW & DOOR: LOCKS, HINGES, HANDLES & MISTED UP/BROKEN DOWN DOUBLE GLAZED UNITS Full explanation and costs given before any works carried out. All work fully guaranteed. No call-out fee John quarrygardens@hotmail.co.uk01454079199Harris12966772502 n NEWS n WINTERBOURNE LIBRARY NEWS Winterbourne Medieval Barn A TALK about Winterbourne-born inventor Harry Grindell Matthews is one of the highlights of September at Winterbourne Medieval Barn. Did he really invent the world’s first mobile phone, a way of projecting images and messages into the sky, the fuel which propelled rockets to the moon, the forerunner of the microwave oven, and a 'death ray'? Or were some of his claims false? Why is our local scientist not a household name? Carole Darling will tell us more about this extraordinary inventor on September 20 at 7pm. The talk will also be livestreamed, for those who cannot get along to theBeforebarn.that, Heritage Open Days on September 10-11 between 11am and 4pm celebrate England’s fantastic architecture and culture by offering free access to properties that are usually closed to the public or charge for admission. This year's national theme is 'Astounding Inventions' and it is undeniable that the construction of our raised-cruck medieval roof was indeed an astounding invention. St Michael’s Church will also be open both days.
An adult craft group meets on September 3 and 10, from 10amnoon: join a friendly group of crafters to do your own work and chat –refreshments available. For more details, visit the library, email Winterbourne.library@southglos. gov.uk or phone 01454 868006.
Fused Glass Workshops with Rachael Durkan from The Glass Cabin take place on September 23,when you can make a balloon, a beach hut panel or your own freestyle fused glass hanging. On September 28 blues/jazz singer-songwriter and multiinstrumentalist Leonie Evans returns for another intimate performance in the Medieval Barn at 7.30pm. All events at the barn need to be pre-booked - this can be done online at www.winterbournebarn.org.uk.
Lego club next meets on September 24, from 10am to 11am – for children aged four and up. All children’s activities places need to be booked at www.southglos. gov.uk/childrenslibrary due to limited spaces and children must be accompanied by an adult.
Storytime sessions, on Fridays from 9.30-10am, restart on September 9. They are suitable for children aged 18 months to four years. Regular Rhymetimes take place on Wednesdays, 9.30am-10am, most suitable for 0-18 months – limited spaces.
WINTERBOURNE Library is hosting free computer courses with SGS College for anyone who wants to improve their computer skills and meet new people.Learn about safety and security when working online, how to video chat with friends and family, online shopping and how to buy groceries, comparing prices, email and messages, and using the internet to search for information.Sessionstake place at the library on Thursdays.

Free books for young children in care
September, 202222 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk Collegiate School, Bell Hill, Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1BJ Telephone: 0117 992 3194 Email: admissions@collegiate.org.uk SATURDAY 24th SEPTEMBER 2022 JOIN US AT OUR NEXT WHOLE SCHOOL OPEN MORNING We are Collegiate Visit collegiate.org.uk to register n LOCAL MP
I know how vital it is to have easy access to a regular mix of stories and books for children to enjoy. This is a brilliant project, which will support children who are receiving care, helping to boost literacy and reading skills and giving them lots of new and exciting stories to read and enjoy. Early education is essential for tackling the attainment gap between more advantaged and disadvantaged children. On average, by the time a disadvantaged child reaches the age of five, they are four months behind in their overall development.Whilemore support for childcare and early learning is available than ever before, it remains the case that most of a child’s time is spent at home, and home learning is therefore critical to a child’s development.Afreebook, every month, to every child currently in care in South Gloucestershire is the latest step in our positive plan for schools and families, and will help to keep our community the best place in the country to live, work and raise a family.
Luke Hall MP writes for Frome Valley Voice
AS a father to three young boys, I know that reading to children is powerful and has astonishing benefits. It builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and (I’m told) improves sleep patterns.So,Iam absolutely delighted to have come to an agreement with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to provide a free book, every month, to every child currently in care in South
There is a wide variety of books for children, and all those enrolled in the Imagination Library programme in South Gloucestershire will receive a free book in the post every month, from birth until they turn five years old. On behalf of local families, I reached out to South Gloucestershire Council to ask if efforts could be made to deliver this programme here. The council has accepted my proposal, and work is now underway to get this programme set up for some of our area’s most vulnerable children and families.

September, 2022 23fromevalley voice Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge. CALL US TODAY ON: 01454 740 034 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH EVERY DOOR: • EXPERT MEASURING & FITTING • 2 REMOTE CONTROLS • ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION • FREE DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD DOOR • AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS garagefifor£895From*afullyttedelectricdoor. *O er valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override. Call Liz Martin on 01454 300050 or 07956 liz.martin@ovengleamers.com750153www.ovengleamers.comSOUTHGLOS Your Reliable Local Oven Cleaner OVENS - RANGES - AGASHOBS - EXTRACTORS PROFESSIONAL - THOROUGH - ECO FRIENDLY Check out our 5 Reviews on Facebook & Google FREE Oven Liner & Bulb Replacement included in your service as standard n FRAMPTON COTTERELL NATURE WHEN I lived in inner city Bristol we had a small pond in our garden that became full of life, including someOnefrogs.year our neighbour spread slug pellets all over his garden to keep their patch free of the leafmunching pests. One snail, with a pellet embedded in its body, managed to scale the garden wall and, in its death throes, it fell into our pond. The next day the devastation was clear to see – a pond devoid of all life, and a dead frog floating in the Whetherwater. we use pesticides and herbicides on our gardens, sports pitches or farmland, these chemicals are a threat to our health, including our pets, and to nature.The Soil Association states that there is growing evidence the chemical constituents of pesticides and herbicides can increase risks of "cancers, such as leukaemia and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, as well as asthma; depression and anxiety; attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and the development of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease".
Pesticides and herbicides: bad for nature, and us
*Don’t use pesticides/herbicides in your garden or businesses. There are alternatives and they work well.
Bees are under threat.
*Writevegetables.toyour MP or councillor about changing our farming practices and banning the sale of these
What can we do about this?
Scientists increasingly believe there is no safe lower dose for humanBiodiversityexposure.has plummeted in the last 50 years, in part because of pesticide and herbicide use. Billions of bees and other insects have been killed, and the creatures that live in the soil are also severely affected: one gram of soil can contain over 100 million bacteria, a million actinomycetes and 100,000 fungi. The chemicals disrupt the ability of bees to regulate the temperature of their hives and larvae will die as a result. These chemicals stay in the ground for a long time, killing many plants and animals, including those in our rivers, because water carries the chemicals beyond where they were sprayed.
*Supporton. the work of the Pesticide Action Network.
*Ask South Gloucestershire Council to stop using pesticides – email the cabinet member for communities, Rachael (Rachael.hunt@southglos.gov.uk).Hunt
*Embrace nature as part of your garden. Who needs a perfect lawn anyway? It’s more interesting if you let it become a meadow.
"Buy food that is not produced using pesticides and herbicides – there are often residues on fruit and
*Tryproducts.tochange your perspective so that you see everything as part of nature and use natural solutions to find a way of protecting your crops. Ladybirds destroy aphids, hedgehogs eat slugs… the list goes
Julian Selman
Picture: Julian Selman

First to sign up were Wallace and Gromit’s creators, Aardman, the world famous, four-time Oscar-winning animation studio. They’re being joined by businesses and organisations big and small from across the West of England. Why? Because happy and healthy staff are also productive staff and mean a successful business. It’s a win-win for employees and employers.But,sadly, across our region there remains a less good side, with too many jobs not offering workers the respect, security, wages or future prospects they deserve, and their hard work and effortsShockinglymerit. today, one in six West of England workers take home less pay than the Real Living Wage and a record one in six families live in poverty.Inflation has hit a 40-year high, even as wages fall at their fastest rate in two decades. Plus, too many people don’t know what hours they will work and so what salary they’ll earn from week to week, as they languish on zero hours contracts when they would rather have certainty.Every company that signs up to the charter receives bespoke training organised by the West of England Combined Authority that I lead. I’m proud the West of England Good Employment Charter is making a difference in something so central to our lives. Please ask the place where you work to sign up too, at www.goodemploymentcharter.co.uk.
NEWS FROM THE METRO MAYOR MANY of us will be feeling refreshed from a summer break, perhaps far from home or maybe from a staycation, enjoying everything our amazing West of England has to offer. But now it’s back to work, which is where, astonishingly, we spend a whopping third of our lives. What that tells me is that having a decent job really matters. We’ve all done jobs that aren’t great. I was never a fan of 6am shifts at a factory job I did; nor of the particles of rust that irritated my eyes as a young scaffolder’s assistant; and there have been a few bosses that I met that would give fictional boss David Brent a run for his money. But equally, you remember those fantastic men tors in your career, the people that made time to invest in you, and where you felt every day was worthwhile.So,because we spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime, I am determined to try and make sure those hours are the very best they can be. That’s why, as part of my push for decent jobs, I have launched my Good Employment Charter, fulfilling a manifesto pledge I gave to you in the Metro Mayor election last year. The charter is a co-operative effort between employers, employees and trade unions.
It’s also about making sure people stay healthy.
Metro Mayor Dan Norris writes for the Voice
September, 202224 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk 37 SquadronCotterellFramptonRAFAC FIND OUT MORE: oc.37@rafac.mod.gov.uk n ADVERTISING FEATURE Join us 37 (Frampton Cotterell) Squadron RAFAC recently went on a trip to RAF Museum Hendon with other cadets from 2392 (Thornbury) and 2442 Squadrons.(Westbury-on-Trym)Thetripwashosted by 2392 Sqn who organised the coach as well as compiling a brilliant quiz which saw cadets running from hangar to hangar finding all of the answers to win the prizes. It was a greatWeday!get involved in a variety of activities throughout the year, from Flying to Fieldcraft, Shooting to Swimming, Navigation to Leadership exercises – to name but a few.We support, teach, and guide them throughout their cadet career in team working, leadership and give them experiences they might not get in civilian life. It is incredibly rewarding watching them grow into brilliant young people. We accept cadets from aged 12 (& Year 8) up to 20 years old, from any background, ethnicity or gender. To continue carrying out these amazing activities and watching our young people grow and thrive we really need adult volunteers to help us out. We can be incredibly flexible and although we parade on Monday and Thursday evenings between 19:00 – 21:30 your volunteering time could be as little as a few hours a month.Wehave a variety of paths you could chose whether it be on our Civilian Committee who meet 4 times a year, to a Civilian Instructor, Adult Senior NonCommissioned Officer (SNCO) or an Officer. You can also gain fantastic qualifications along the way from First Aid to Weapons Instructors, Mountain Leading to Fieldcraft, Cyber Instructor to Radio Communications Instructor and many more… If you are over 20 years of age and would like to find out more please drop us an email on oc.37@ rafac.mod.gov.uk. n
There are two tiers: “supporters” - working with aspiring organisations to help them raise employment standards – and “members”, where employers prove they are exemplars.
The tests are about secure work, where peo ple know when the next shift is coming; paying a real living wage; making sure workers are listened to and can get training and promotions.
Giving West of England workers a fair share

WE were lucky enough to have a very interesting and informative July talk and demo from local treatment specialist Sarah Weaver, on the subject of Holistic Health.Wehad a very enjoyable team trip to the Immersive Van Gogh Experience in Bristol on August 12, followed by a lovely lunch on the terrace at Poplars Farm cafe, and were also planning a picnic in Crossbow Fields (weather permitting).Ournext official members' meeting will be at St Peters Hall on September 27 from 7.45pm, when local aerial photographer Steve Slade is coming to talk to us and show examples of his work. Other confirmed events for the coming year, normally on the fourth Tuesday of every month, include a craft evening with demo on October 25 and our AGM and quiz on November 28. This year is our WI’s 70th birthday, so we’ll be celebrating in style on November 29! We have other events/socials lined up, including a visit to Organic Blooms in September and another theatre trip around Christmas time. Watch this space and our Facebook page for confirmation of future event dates and more details. Visitors and new members are welcome to our monthly meetings. There is a charge of £3.50 for the evening and any new members can also join by paying a membership fee. Visiting the Van Gogh Experience
Planters in bloom
If you would like to help, we’d love to hear from you. Please email us at floralfriendsofframpton@gmail.com.
September, 2022 25fromevalley voice Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk www.elm-online.co.uk Meet with one of our qualified estate planning consultants to discuss your needs. Protect your family's inheritance Single & joint Wills £99.00from*IncludingVAT Call us today on 0117 952 0698 or email info@elm-online.co.uk Home visits or online appointments are available. St Mary Redcliffe Church Stained Glass Design Competition And Who is My Neighbour? stmaryredcliffe.co.uk Free exhibition of five shortlisted designs to replace four small panels of one of the major stained-glass windows of St Mary Redcliffe Church Contact parish.office@stmaryredcliffe.co.uk or visit our website for further information SAT 20 AUGUST - MON 19 SEPTEMBER / MON - SAT 8AM-5PM • SUN 12:30PM-5PM n COMMUNITY NEWS Floral Friends of Frampton WE hope everyone is enjoying seeing the planters and hanging baskets flourishing around the village.Despite the very hot weather, our volunteers have been able to keep everything well watered, and the plants have responded with an abundance of flowers. We are holding our Autumn Fayre this year on Saturday October 29. It will be held at the Brockeridge Centre from 10am untilCoffee,noon.tea, and cakes will be available, together (hopefully) with a few surprises! Please make a note of the date. Floral Friends are entirely funded by donations and we would like to thank all those who have recently made donations either in person or online - it is very much appreciated.
If anyone else would like to help out by making a donation, either a one-off or a regular one is very much appreciated. Our bank details are: Floral Friends of Frampton, Lloyds, 30-98-97, account number 70582363. It takes time, effort and funds to maintain the planting around the village benefiting the local community, the environment, and the wildlife.
Frampton Cotterell WI

® FAMILY UPBUSINESSRUNTO 50% LESS THAN A NEW FITTED KITCHEN by simply replacing the doors and worktops MODERN CLASSIC TRADITIONAL CONTEMPORARY > Replacement kitchen doors > Cost effective made to measure solution > Worktops and appliances > Installation in as little as 2-3 days by local professionals 9.8/10 11/12 The GloucesterPromenade,Road,Bristol BS7 8AL Call us now for a free estimate: 0117 944 3223 THE UK’S # 1 KITCHEN MAKEOVER COMPANYdreamdoors.co.ukBEFORE AFTER UK MANUFACTURED September, 202226 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk n MESSAGE FROM AVON & SOMERSET PCC REFLECTING on this summer, it has been wonderful to see our area being able to showcase itself as a hub of things to do, especially following the pandemic. Now, with September upon us, everyone is getting ready for the busyness of the school run and returning back to work after summer breaks and holidays. After a particularly hot summer, I am looking forward to welcoming the autumn months. Last month, I held my second Performance and Accountability Board.The purpose of the meeting is to hold Chief Constable Sarah Crew to account and discuss the crime and policing concerns faced by Avon and Somerset. We spoke about a range of topics, including the National Police Race Action Plan and work being done to tackle violence against women and girls. The meeting was broadcast live and is still available on my website to watch back. I would also love your feedback on the meetings themselves: it’s important that we ensure our public meetings and events are accessible, informative and easy to follow.Wehave launched a survey for you to share your thoughts about the Performance and Accountability Board meeting, which can be completed via the feedback section of my website at Crimeeveryonecontact/feedback.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/Movingon,IwanttoremindthattheCommissioner’sPreventionFundisonce
With Police and Crime MarkCommissionerShelford
again open for applications. A partnership between my office, Somerset Community Foundation and Quartet Community Foundation, the fund aims to support community projects and activities across the force area that help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. Interested groups can apply for a grant of up to £5,000 until Friday September 30, with more details on my website. In the last round of funding, the Commissioner’s Crime Prevention Fund was able to support 18 brilliant local organisations, including children and youth charities such as Escapeline, Ignite Life and Youth Connect South West, as well as organisations like Opoka that support Polish women and girls with lived experiences of domestic abuse. I know these groups will find the additional funding really beneficial in supporting their work, which prevents crime in our organisationscommunitycommunities.Iactivelyencouragegroupsandtoapplyfor grants, as we want to support as many initiatives as possible.
Money on offer to groups preventing crime

n COMMUNITY NEWS September, 2022 27fromevalley voice Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk BUILD YOUR KNOWLEDGE BUILD YOUR NETWORK BUILD YOUR FUTURE Attend one of our FREE construction breakfast or lunch workshops ScantheQRcodetoregister FREE SUPPORT for small and medium sized construction business across the West of England Funded by Delivered by S O U T H W E S T
Caroline Johnston Lynne before and after her head shave
IT felt apt that for our August meeting we welcomed Susan Weaver, on behalf of Paul’s Place. Paul’s Place is a charity that enhances life for physically disabled adults. It is based in Coalpit Heath and supported our friend Annie to live life to the full. She enjoyed days out at the races, visiting schools and going on holidays with their help. Paul’s Place was set up to provide people with disabilities social activities like Boccia, photography and music, and became a registered charity in 1997.The day centre was launched in 2000 and also provides essential support for carers and a respite programme.Ourvice-president, Lynne, braved a head shave in Annie’s memory, with money raised being shared between Paul’s Place and Willow Riding for the Disabled. So far Lynne has raised £600, which is amazing! At our next meeting on September 7, Lamorna Hooker from St Mungos is talking to us about their work, and members are invited to bring along donations for those who are homeless. There will be a harvest raffle, with members being encouraged to bring items for the food bank, too.Also coming in September we have our first book club meeting. On October 5 we will welcome Robbie Hedges, from Junior Bake Off.Search @WICoalpitHeath on Facebook to find out any further information and updates. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month, in St Saviour’s church hall at 7.45pm. If you fancy coming along and seeing what we have to offer in 2022 you would be most welcome.
Coalpit Heath WI


September, 2022 29fromevalley voice Got News? Call Richard 0n 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk Stone Services we offer: • Restorations • New Builds • Structural Repairs • Carving • Columns • Rubble Walls • Dry Stone Walls • Block and Brick Work • Pillars • Stone Experienced,Cleaningfully insured, friendly and reliable stone masonry based in Frenchay, Bristol. Please get in touch for a free supremestonemasonry@outlook.com0117today!quote956643007398739478www.supremestonemasonry.co.uk n MESSAGE FROM SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNCIL Helping with the cost of living WHENEVER I speak to residents on the doorstep these days, the number one issue is without a doubt the cost of living, with everyone looking for ways to save money during these challenging times. We know people are feeling the pinch, and your council is working hard to help residents in managing their budgets. In addition to information on our website and links to other or ganisations who can offer help and advice, council officers have been getting out into communi ties to talk directly to residents about all the ways that we are providing assistance.
With Ben Burton, cabinet member for corporate resources
Practical, useful advice and tips to save money, access support available and get better at recycling can be found on our dedicated webpages: beta. southglos.gov.uk/financial-sup port-for-residents and beta. southglos.gov.uk/food-waste.
The roadshows also helped people understand more about how they can cut down on the amount of food waste from their home and how to recycle more, with some fantastic tips to not only reduce waste but save money at the same time.
In South Gloucestershire, 44 per cent of waste in the average black bin could be recycled at home, and we are keen to reduce that figure!
In the summer we held a series of pop-up events at shopping centres in Thornbury, Bradley Stoke, Kingswood and Yate, with our financial support team providing a wealth of help ful information and discussing the support on offer. But while the roadshows have come to an end, we are still keen to help residents find out about potential ways to reduce costs and provide answers to the questions we hear from people asking for help, whether it is on how to apply for funding or extra support, concerns over eligibility or whether the sup port is right for you. As well as this, there is a great deal of information out there about various council initiatives, such as the Commu nity Resilience Fund, Household Support Fund, as well as Council Tax rebates and guidance on Universal Credit. You can find more informa tion on these specific measures at the bottom of this column.

Sodbury promotionchase
The Ladies also had a busy summer which saw them play nearly double the amount of games as the Men. A mixture of the Men’s 1s and 2s beat Westbury 5-1 in our first preseason game on August 18. Recent individual achievements include Luke Berry representing Under-17 Bristol Performance Centre at the Challenge Cup in Nottingham - Luke also received the Men’s 1st Team best player and U21 player of the season awards for the club.
Sodbury’s Saturday league fixture programme comes to an end on September 3, with the first XI hosting Kingsholm and the 3rds entertaining Bedminster, both at 1pm.
Darren Ashley has headed to Nottingham to compete in the Masters Over-35s Hockey World Cup, where he’ll represent Wales as theirMikegoalkeeper.Wingent represented the England Lions Over-60s in the 125th anniversary of the Grand Masters hockey tournament.
Men’s 3s finished in a superb second place in Div 3, whilst the 4th team ended up bottom of the pile in Div 4.
Junior training is on Monday nights, Men's Performance Squad on Tuesdays and Ladies Jaspers on Wednesdays, with open training for all club members on Thursdays.
ONLY a handful of matches remain to be played as the cricket season enters its final chapter for 2022. It’s been a summer to remember for Chipping Sodbury teams across all age groups, led by the first XI, who, at the time of going to press, were closing in on promotion from the Gloucestershire County League and a much-anticipated return to the West of England Premier League.
All four senior sides have performed with distinction with the number of young players stepping up from the junior ranks to play on Saturdays, ensuring a sustainable future for one of the oldest clubs in South Gloucestershire.
Sodbury’s U13s squad performed particularly strongly this year, topping their group in the Bristol Youth League, with the U15s and U11s also impressing.
For details, visit chippingsodbury.play-cricket.com, the club’s Facebook page or Twitter @ChipSodCC Steve Hill
One piece of silverware has already been secured, as the midweek team clinched the Division Four title in the new Bristol Midweek League with a last over three-wicket defeat of Pucklechurch, which came on the back of a dramatic victory the week before against Jonboy's Juggernauts.
All training sessions and matches are held at Mangotsfield School, with post-match hospitality provided by Cleve Rugby Club.
For an efficient, friendly, reliable, local electrical service... call Oliver on 07747866436 or 01179602974 infowww.atomelectrical.co.uk@atomelectrical.co.uk All types of domestic electrical work undertaken, from changing a light fitting to full rewires. FREE Quotations specialist domestic installers atom electrical ELECTRICIANS CLEANING September, 202230 fromevalley voice To advertise, contact Richard on 01454 800 120 Email: contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk AERIAL MAN BATHROOM All work carried out by us One call is all you need Book now for your makeover OSBORNE & SONS All work guaranteed. Call Tony 0777 6188595 osborneandsonsFindtony1osborne@yahoo.co.ukusonFacebook Bathroom & Kitchen Specialists MK Building Services Alterations • Foundations/Drainage Works Extensions • Repairs/Insurance work Decking/Patios • Driveways - Block Paving Friendly Service & Competitive Rates Tel: 01454 822580 or Mobile: 07980 www.mkbuildingservicesbristol.co.ukmark.kembrey@hotmail.co.uk567726 BUILDING SERVICES n SPORT B&W are runners-up in summer hockey league BRISTOL & West Hockey Club's Men’s 1st team capped off a brilliant summer league with an impressive second-placed finish in Division 1.
The 2nd team, competing in the top division for the first time, fought well in each game but could only manage 3 points and will drop into Div 2 for next summer.
For training or membership enquiries email CommunicationsBAWHC@outlook.com.

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Flooring, Curtains, Shutters and Blinds