EDITOR’S NOTE {on the job}
THE BENEFITS OF DIVERSITY In this issue, we explore and celebrate diversity in our community. How do we define it? Not just by traits like race, ethnicity and gender, but by age, sexuality and points of view. People with disabilities are included as well as people of different economic means. There are some obvious benefits to our quality of life from living in a diverse, inclusive society that are supported by data. Plenty of research shows that diverse organizations are more vibrant and versatile. A 2016 Harvard Business Review article, “Why Diverse Teams Are Smarter,” found that not only were diverse companies more profitable, they were also more successful and innovative. It seems that working in a diverse environment combats cultural blind spots and brings new perspectives to the table. From jury panels to stock management teams, diverse groups outperformed homogeneous ones by every mark. Throughout this issue we shine a spotlight on inspiring people within our community. Our cover story profiles José Cárdenas and his son Dr. Javier Cárdenas, two brilliant minds who embrace their culture while working on everyone’s behalf. Tom Evans talks with Oscar De las salas and Mesha Davis about how Arizona is faring when it comes to being an inclusive, accepting place. And diversity of thought, mind and body
is a key message in Carey Peña’s piece about Joelle Hadley and her work supporting inclusiveness. We’ve only scratched the surface, of course. After all, diversity is more than a one-time subject for a special issue. Instead, we hope to continue to integrate more diversity into our pages in an authentic way, making Frontdoors a forum that encourages different viewpoints and people. By valuing inclusiveness, we can showcase and celebrate different members of our community so that we can — finally, wonderfully — see one another. In the end, we hope for two things from our work: professional success and personal satisfaction. When we incorporate the benefits of diversity, we put both goals within better reach. Enjoy the issue.
Karen Werner EDITOR