
10 minute read
Tay Valley Seeking To Promote Co-Housing, But Septic Issues Needs To Be Addressed
Last week, Noelle Reeve, the planner with Tay Valley Township, travelled to Toronto to appear on TVO’s Agenda, with Steve Paikin.
She was appearing as part of a twoperson panel with the General Manager of Health and Emergency Services from Simcoe County (population 500,000) to talk about “How to Age Well in Rural Ontario”.
As Reeve explained to Paikin, there are different kinds of rural in Ontario.
“Tay Valley is roughly the same size as the City of Toronto, but with a population of about 5,500.”
The population in Tay Valley is simi- lar to that of many rural Eastern Ontario Municipalities, and is also older than the Ontario average. The focus of Reeve’s appearance on the Agenda was to highlight efforts in Tay Valley to provide the kind of housing that will support seniors wanting to remain at home, in Tay Valley, as they age.
The township developed its “Age Friendly Community Plan” in 2017, which was based in part on a survey of residents that the township undertook, with a supporting grant from the Seniors Secretariat. The survey showed that housing, transportation, and social inclusion were top priorities.
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Notice of Special Council Meeting
take Notice that the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac will be conducting a Special Meeting of Council on February 22, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the proposed Fire Master Plan, and to receive presentations regarding the Risk Assessment and Firefighter Certification.
The agenda for the meeting will be posted by February 17, 2023, on the Township website at centralfrontenac.com. This meeting will be held in person at the Soldiers’ Memorial Hall 1107 Garrett St. Sharbot Lake ON. The meeting will also be livestreamed via our YouTube channel.
dated at the township of Central Frontenac this 3rd day of February 2023.
Cindy Deachman, Deputy Clerk
Township of Central Frontenac
1084 Elizabeth Street, P.O. Box 89
Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0
613-279-2935 x 237 cdeachman@centralfrontenac.com
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Help Wanted
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By Jeff Green
The pattern of development that is facilitated by zoning bylaws throughout rural Ontario, in line with the Provincial Policy statement, is to develop a single house on each rural lot, with its own well and septic system.
In order to address the housing and social inclusion needs of seniors, Tay Valley is looking to make changes to its zoning bylaw to permit co-housing developments.
As Noelle Reeve explained to Steve Paikin on the Agenda, there are a few models of co-housing developments that could address the needs of rural seniors.
One that was illustrated was a series of small buildings set up around a communal garden, patio and green space, with one larger building in the middle.
Each building is a small housing unit, with a bedroom, bathroom and living room, and the larger building houses a kitchen and living space to be shared by 8 or 10 co-housed seniors.
“We are looking at changes we need to make to our zoning bylaw to permit this kind of development, or other ways of sharing a single lot for a co-housing arrangement, but we also need to address the rules around water and septic,” Reeve said to Paikin.
She said that, if a developer wanted to build a co-housing project like the one she talked about, the municipality requires a surety from the developer to deal with the possibility that the system may eventually fail. And, that the responsibility to replace it may very well fall to the local township, if the developer who initially installed it has gone out of business.
“For a developer to invest in a water system, and then be told they need to, essentially, pay for it again, can be a dealbreaker for them,” she said.
“Our neighbours in Frontenac County have been working for 5 years on a communal servicing plan to cover off that risk to the township and make it easier to develop co-housing projects, perhaps even setting up a public utility to run the systems.”
Tay Valley Township received a grant from the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility to identify the changes they need to make to their Zoning By-Law to allow for co-housing development. The grant will also help the township to examine ways to better communicate with seniors and to make its facilities, trails and events more inclusive of seniors.
In a media release following the airing of the TVO program, Tay Valley Head of Council, Rob Rainer, also referenced the Frontenac County initiative.
“We are working with Frontenac County and the province to make servicing cohousing with communal septic systems more easily achieved,” he said.
And last week, South Frontenac Township Chief Administrative Officer Louise Fragnito represented Frontenac County at a pre-budget session with provincial ministry officials in Napanee. She pressed for provincial support to further Frontenac County’s Communal Servicing initiative.
Frontenac County is seeking provincial funding to help set up an arms length municipal corporation to handle surety and maintenance needs for communal water and sewer systems.
Frontenac County Council has already approved a plan to set up the corporation, which at is slated to be funded by the local Frontenac Municipalities on a voluntary basis.
To date, three of the four Frontenac municipalities are committed to providing the seed money, up to $500,000. North Frontenac is the only outlier, but their decision to decline was made in a close vote under the former council, and is subject to change as there are now 3 new members on the 7-member council.
The townships who opt in are committed to paying on the basis of weighted assessment, which would result in South Frontenac paying about 65%, Central Frontenac 25%, and Frontenac Islands 10%, assuming North Frontenac does not change its stance.
“The ask from the province is as much for them to signal their support for what we are doing as it is about the money,” said South Frontenac Mayor Ron Vandewal. “We made a presentation to the minister of housing and other provincial officials at the annual AMO (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) last August and all the people in the room said how great this project is and how it fit their plans, etc., and I guess we would like to see if they really mean it.”
The provincial budget will be tabled sometime this spring ■
Photocopy, Lamination & Fax Booklets, Brochures, Business Cards, Flyers, Forms the frontenac News, 1095 Garrett st. (rear Bldg) sharbot Lake oN T 613-279-3150 F 613-279-3172 info@frontenacnews.ca and Alex Killingbeck, etc. etc.) or anniversaries in December and January (Bob and Elaine DeLisle, Ruth and Morley Wark). Also belated sympathy to the many people who lost loved ones. rENoVatioNS, Framing, Drywall, painting, laminate & vinyl flooring, brush and tree removal, and more. Contact Todd Gursby for estimates, 613-278-1300

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We seem to be getting all the cold weather • at once this week. The only ones happy are the snowmobilers, but it sounds like warm weather is coming back again so enjoy the trails while you can. The Snow Road Snowmobile Club is holding their great breakfasts again and they served 107 on Saturday February 4th. A good number of sledders braved the cold and stopped in to eat. The next breakfast will be on February 18th so mark
Online Auction
Wed., February 8, 6:00pm Soft Close tues, Feb 14, 5pm Pick Up Thurs., February 16th, 10am-7pm 2245B Tennyson RD, Perth, ON K7H 3C8 Tack Store Liquidation, Livestock Supplies, Gates, Stall Mats, Camping Items, Quality Tools and Much More!!
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Things are happening at the Community • Centre. You can get more information on their Facebook page or the new website at www. snowroadcommunitycentre.com. Check it out for a list of events happening each month. Mark your calendars for Thursday, February 23rd at 730pm when Bill White will be returning to Snow Road with White Brothers Country Band. Tickets are $15. Call Mike at 613-278-1853. Another new event is the Musician's Circle held the last Tuesday of each month. If you play music and would like to jam with fellow musicians call Mike at 613278-1853 for more information.
linda rush lindarush@yahoo.com
Marily Seitz seitz@xplornet.ca
613-479-2855 we listened! gift Cards are now available at inverary Pharmasave! lnveraryPharmasave, 1B-3810 Perth Rd, lnverary • 613-653-6337
The next Birthday Bash Community Pot • Luck will be held on Wed., Feb. 15 at 6pm. As it's close to Valentine's Day, why not wear red?! Bring a pot luck dish to share and a toonie for hall rental. The Bash is always a wonderful opportunity to chat with friends, meet new neighbours and get caught up on the news in the village. Everyone is welcome.
Rural Frontenac Community Services will • present the Community Cafe at 11 on Wed, Feb. 22. The North Frontenac Fire Chief, Eric Korhonen, will speak on winter safety followed by a light lunch. All are welcome.

Northern Happenings
NORTHERN HAPPENINGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.
Friday February 10
SHarBot laKE - SHarBot laKE lEGioN
SuPPEr 3pm. Sharbot Lake Legion. Meatloaf.
Supper at 5:30pm
Saturday February 11 dENBiGH - ValENtiNE’S CraFt & StorY 10-11am. Denbigh Library. Please call to register 613-333-1426
VEroNa - StYlE rEViVal 10am-1pm. Verona Free Methodist Church. Free gently used clothing and footwear for all ages.
SYdENHaM - EuCHrE NiGHt 6pm. Sydenham Legion. In support of SHS Alumni.
$20/player. Light snacks served, cash prizes & small donations up for grabs! Info contact Jeremy Snider jer.snider@gmail.com
SHarBot laKE - turPiN’S trail & JESS
WEddEN LIVE 8pm. Sharbot Lake Country Inn. Book tickets on line. Info thecrossingpub@ gmail.com or call 613-279-2198.
Sunday February 12
HarroWSMitH - old tYME FiddlErS & oPEN MiKE 1-5pm. Harrowsmith Social & Athletic Club. $12, followed by dinner, bring dessert to share. Info 613-372-2410
BattErSEa - doG aNd CraNBErrY laKE WiNtErFESt 2-5pm. Gilmour Point Beach. Games, a bonfire, snacks and more. If weather permits, there will also be snowshoeing and cross country skiing. (bring your own equipment). Afterwards we’ll gather for dinner at The Creekside. Info-dogandcranberrylake@ gmail.com
SYDENHAM - SUPER BOWL SUNDAY 4pm. Sydenham Legion. Free event. Chili and a Bun $5. Licensed. Info 613-376-6806 or FB
Monday February 13 dENBiGH - dENBiGH rECrEatioN
CoMMittEE MEEtiNG 7pm. Denbigh Community Hall.
Tuesday February 14 dENBiGH - ValENtiNE’S daY BiNGo 6:30pm. Denbigh/Griffith Lions Club.
Wednesday February 15 dENBiGH - Food aNd FElloWSHiP 123pm. Denbigh/Griffith Lions Club. oMPaH - BirtHdaY BaSH Pot luCK
DINNER 6pm. Ompah Hall. Wear red since its close to Valentine’s Day! Bring a pot luck dish to share and $2 for hall retal. All welcome.
Friday February 17
SHarBot laKE - SHarBot laKE lEGioN
SUPPER 3pm. Sharbot Lake Legion. Pork Chops. Supper at 5:30 pm.
SoutH FroNtENaC - FroNtENaC
HEritaGE FEStiVal Fri Feb 17 6:30-
Monday Feb 20 3pm. Various Locations. Multiple activities including storytime, crokicurl demonstrations, winter fun activities, 3 on 3 hockey tournament & more. See FB for details.
Saturday February 18 ardEN - 11tH aNNual WiNtEr FuN daY
Kennebec Recreation Park. See posters or the Lakes’ Facebook page, for all of the details.
“bad weather day” Monday February 20
SHarBot laKE - CoMMuNitY BrEaKFaSt
7-10:30am. St. Andrew’s Anglican Church. $10
SNoW road - SNoW road SNoWMoBilE
CluB BrEaKFaSt 8-11am. Snow Road Snowmobile Clubhouse. Everybody welcome. MISSISSIPPI STATION - WINTERLAND
10am-4pm. Back Forty Artisan Cheese. A day of outdoor fun at the farm with great food, drink and winter activities. Details www. artisancheese.ca
SHarBot laKE - FaMilY FuN daY 10am2pm. The Child Centre. Snow Shoeing, Sensory Play, and Winter activities. Free to play and chili and bun lunch with donation.
VEroNa - StYlE rEViVal 10am. Verona
Free Methodist Church. Free gently used clothing and footwear for all ages.
HarloWE - HarloWE old tiME
FiddlErS 1-5pm. Harlowe Hall. Admission $5, entertainers $2. Snacks & food for purchase. All welcome,
Sunday February 19
HarroWSMitH - taKE-out turKEY diNNEr Harrowsmith Golden Links Hall. $20. Info 613-372-2410
Monday February 20
GodFrEY - FaMilY daY iN SoutH
FroNtENaC 11am-3pm. Frontenac Community Arena. Snowtubing, snow activities, free skating & more! Volunteers needed. Info recsupport@southfrontenac.net.
Tuesday February 21
FliNtoN - FliNtoN diNErS 11am-1:30pm. Flinton Hall. Ham Casserole, Salad, Roll, Dessert. $10 RSVP Katie 613-336-8934 x 229
FliNtoN - PaNCaKE diNNEr 4-8pm. Flinton Recreation Centre. Advance tickets- $6, at the door $8. Contact Maude 905-449-2160 for tickets or visit Finnegan’s General Store. BattErSEa - SHroVE tuESdaY PaNCaKE diNNEr 5pm. Battersea United Church. Meal $10 includes pancakes, sausages, fruit salad, tea & coffee. Free parking, everyone welcome!
SHarBot laKE - PaNCaKE SuPPEr
5-6:30pm. St. James Major Church. Proceeds to the food bank. $7 per person, $20 per family.
Wednesday February 22 oMPaH - CoMMuNitY CaFÉ 11am. Ompah Hall. Fire Chief Eric Korhonen regarding fire