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Rural Transit Survey

2023 Dog Tags

2023 Dog Tags are now available for purchase. Buy yours before February 28, 2023 and pay just $15 per tag. After that date, the fee increases to $30. You can find the form and a list of local retailers selling dog tags until the end of February on our website under Living Here/Animal Control. Kennel Licenses cost $125 until February 28 increasing to $150 for the rest of the year and must be purchased at our office at 4432 George Street.


Garbage Bag Tags

If you are running low on garbage bag tags, you can buy extra tags for $2 each at several local retailers or our municipal office. See the list of retailers on the Solid Waste section of our website. We’ll include a new supply for 2023 in the March tax mailing. Please remember to tag your bags and have them to the curb by 7 am.

Household Hazardous Waste Depot

The Household Hazardous Waste Depot located at 2491 Keeley Rd in Sydenham is open the second and fourth Thursdays during the winter months between 3-7 pm (next dates are Feb 9 and 23).

Winter Road Restrictions in Effect December 1

Just a reminder, there is no parking on Township roads and village streets from 12 midnight to 7 am until March 31, 2023. Sand and salt mix available

Residents can pick up sand/salt mix any time of the day, 24/7 from our public works yards. We ask residents to be mindful and just take two 5-gallon buckets at a time.

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