The official Frontiers Music s.r.l. Magazine
Editor-in-chief: Elio Bordi Concept, Graphics & Design: Elio Bordi Writers: Bruce E.J. Atkinson, Duncan Jamieson, Barry McMinn, Vitale Nocerino, Rob “Ezy” Bone, Primo Bonali, Fabiana Spinelli. Headquarters and general contacts: Frontiers Records - Via Gonzaga 18 80125, Napoli - Italy Tel: +39.081.2399340/7753 Fax: +39.081.2399794 E-mail: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Editor and publisher: Frontiers Records s.r.l. Copyright©2017 Frontiers Records. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Printed in Italy.
Band: Palace | Playing on: April 29th | Start: 15:00 | End: 15:35 | Duration: 35 min
[ENG] Founded by lead singer and guitarist Michael Palace (Find Me, First Signal, Cry Of Dawn), this Swedish Melodic Rock band is rounded out by Rick Digorio on guitar, Marcus Johansson on drums and Soufian Ma’Aoui on bass. Despite their young age, all four members have accumulated a wealth of experience, playing live and recording in the studio with several different acts. Heavily influenced by 80’s imagery and sounds, Palace amazing debut-album “Master Of The Universe” delivers massive AOR / Arena-Rock with great hooks, strong musicianship and nice arrangements. Don't miss them!
[ITA] Formata dal cantante/chitarrista Michael Palace (Find Me, First Signal, Cry Of Dawn), la band svedese annovera – oltre allo stesso Palace – Rick Digorio alla chitarra, Marcus Johansson alla batteria e Soufian Ma’Aoui al basso. Nonostante la loro giovane età, i quattro musicisti hanno al loro attivo importanti esperienze, sia dal vivo che in studio e propongono un AOR fortemente influenzato dall'80’s sound. Lo splendido debutto “Master Of The Universe”, uscito qualche mese fa, ha portato la band all'attenzione di pubblico e stampa specializzata, grazie ad un mix vincente di melodia, sapienza strumentale e classe cristallina negli arrangiamenti. Non perdeteli!
Band: One Desire | Playing on: April 29th | Start: 15:50 | End: 16:30 | Duration: 40 min
[ENG] A recent discovery of Frontiers’ A&R team, ONE DESIRE was formed in Finland as “OD” back in 2012, when drummer Ossi Sivula started gathering musicians and friends for his new project. Produced by Jimmy Westerlund (several platinum and gold albums to his credit as a producer, guitarist and songwriter) and with Andre Linman as singer (ex Sturm und Drang), ONE DESIRE debutalbum will be ready to storm the Melodic Rock / AOR charts in early Spring. Think a mix of H.E.A.T., Brother Firetribe, Journey and Def Leppard and you'll get the picture. This is going to be their first italian show and promises to be a moment to be remembered!
[ITA] Giovane band finlandese scoperta recentemente dal sempre attivissimo Serafino Perugino, A&R e presidente di Frontiers, gli One Desire (in precedenza noti semplicemente come OD) sono artefici di un sound di grande classe, tra AOR e Melodic Rock, incentrato su melodie di grande presa ed arrangiamenti de-luxe. Immaginate un mix di H.E.A.T., Brother Firetribe, Journey e classici Europe e non sarete lontani dal suono proposto dal quartetto scandinavo! Prodotti dal noto Jimmy Westerlund (con vari dischi di platino e d'oro all'attivo) e con l’ex singer dei Sturm Und Drang (altra band con vari dischi di platino vinti in patria) André Linman, i ONE DESIRE hanno appena realizzato un debut-album esplosivo, che sarà presentato, in esclusiva italiana al “Frontiers Rock Festival”.
Band: Crazy Lixx | Playing on: April 29th | Start: 16:45 | End: 17:40 | Duration: 55 min
[ENG] Coming out of the Swedish Hard-Rock Scene – with influences from bands like Guns N' Roses, Aerosmith, KISS, Def Leppard and Motley Crue – CRAZY LIXX always considered the stage as their “natural element.” Their last Live album, “Sound Of The LIVE Minority” (recorded at the “Bang Your Head Festival” in Balingen), could be easily considered an evident proof of it, with the band exploding on stage and leaving the German audience breathless. Their new studio-album will be released in conjunction with their show at “Frontiers Rock Festival” and it promises to be another Street/Sleazy Rock fans' favorite. As they sing... I wanna be 21 'til I die!!!
[ITA] Tra gli esponenti principali della scena Glam/Street Rock svedese, i Crazy Lixx hanno da sempre trovato negli shows dal vivo la loro dimensione naturale. Con un esplosivo live-album come il recente “Sound Of The Live Minority” ed il nuovissimo lavoro in studio, in uscita in concomitanza con la loro apparizione al“Frontiers Rock Festival”, il quintetto svedese porterà in dote la solita dose di energia, divertimento e tanto, tantissimo R'n'R... 21 'til I die!
Band: Eclipse | Playing on: April 29th | Start: 18:00 | End: 19:00 | Duration: 60 min
[ITA] Non si può negare il fatto che la band svedese sia una tra le più amate sia in casa Frontiers che presso i fans italiani. Questa sarà, infatti, la loro terza apparizione al “Frontiers Rock Festival”; ed ovviamente non vediamo l'ora di vederli nuovamente “on stage” a conquistarci con la loro incredibile carica ed i loro memorabili chorus. L'ultimo lavoro appena uscito “Monumentum” è uno dei migliori album di Melodic Hard-Rock europeo degli ultimi anni. Il Frontiers Rock Festival 4 sarà l'occasione giusta per godere anche dei nuovi brani nella solita cornice live, festosa e coinvolgente!
[ENG] We can't deny the fact that ECLIPSE are one of the most loved bands in the Frontiers camp and by the italian fans. This will be their third appearance at the Festival and we can't wait to welcome them once again over here and to be treated the Eclipse-way (with their unmistakable infectious hooks and killer guitar-riffs) when they'll storm the Trezzo-stage. Their last Work “Monumentum” is one of the best melodic rock album of the last years and it will be presented live at the “Frontiers Rock Festival 4”. Exciting and definitely worth the wait.
Band: Revolution Saints | Playing on: April 29th | Start: 19:20 | End: 20:25 | Duration: 65 min
[ENG] Considered by many journalists and Melodic Rock fans as the best Hard-Rock album of 2015, REVOLUTION SAINTS' awesome debut never had the chance 'till now to be brought on stage. The time has finally come. And it will be a real event in the event! This will be the very FIRST show EVER for the band. And it could not be other than on “Frontiers Rock Festival”!!!
[ITA] Considerato da molti giornalisti e Melodic Rock fans come il miglior album del 2015, i Revolution Saints non hanno finora avuto, purtroppo, la possibilità di esibirsi dal vivo e presentare gli strepitosi pezzi tratti dal loro disco d'esordio. Il momento è finalmente arrivato e sarà una sorta di evento nell'evento. Una PRIMA assoluta che aggiunge valore ed interesse ad un “bill” già di per sé ricchissimo.
Band: Tyketto | Playing on: April 29th | Start: 20:50 | End: 22:10 | Duration: 80 min
[ENG] After five years of relentless touring that included playing on some of the most prestigious stages on the planet, TYKETTO took their revitalized energy into the studio, during Spring 2016 and the result is the beautiful brand new album, “Reach”. With a stronger-than-ever line-up comprising of founding members vocalist Danny Vaughn and drummer Michael Clayton Arbeeny, plus wizard guitar-player Chris Green and TEN keyboards-player Ged Rylands, TYKETTO will co-headline “day 1” of the Festival and they've promised to play their historic debut-album “Don’t Come Easy” from start to end, along with some of their classic hits and a bunch of new songs taken from the recent and successful album “Reach”. Get ready to sing-along and party with them!
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[ITA] Il nuovo bellissimo album “Reach” ha visto nuovamente la band alle prese con un lavoro in studio, dopo cinque anni di ininterrotti liveshows in giro per il mondo. Con il funambolico chitarrista Chris Green a completare la line-up composta da Danny Vaughn, Michael Clayton Arbeeny e Ged Rylands, i TYKETTO sono in una forma strepitosa e non vedono l'ora di portare il loro show sul palco del “Frontiers Rock Festival 2017”. Quale co-headliner del Festival, la band ha annunciato una set-list ed uno show davvero speciale, con l’esecuzione per intero del debut album “Don’t Come Easy”! Preparatevi ad intonare tutti in coro le loro irresistibili melodie!
Band: Steelheart | Playing on: April 29th | Start: 22:40 | End: 24: 00 | Duration: 80 min
[ENG] Miljenko “Mike” Matijevic is – without a doubt – one of the best and most powerful singer ever seen in the Hard-Rock world. And STEELHEART has undoubtably been one of the biggest names in the early '90s, with their first two albums (“Steelheart” and “Tangled In Reins”) charting and selling tons of copies, becoming two of US Hard-Rock fans' favorites ever. After 10 long years, a brand new studio-album is in the making and it will be released worldwide in conjunction with their appearance at “Frontiers Rock Festival”. As Matijevic explains: "the vision and direction of the new album is to capture the energy we all enjoyed from the band’s first two albums and implement it with the energy and power of today's Rock music. It will be very melodic, but still heavy and hard hitting as well as featuring life lived, and tear jerking ballads with orchestral colors". Their live-show will be centered on their absolute classics, along with the best hits from the world-famous movie “Rockstar” and of course songs from the new album. In one word: unmissable.
[ITA] Miljenko “Mike” Matijevic. Uno dei cantanti più dotati e potenti di sempre. Steelheart. Una delle bands Hard-Rock più importanti degli anni '90: i loro primi due album sono ancora considerati tra i migliori lavori del genere. Protagonista di una carriera costellata da episodi sfortunati, Matijevic ha saputo sempre andare avanti, con caparbietà e fierezza. E – dopo quasi 10 anni – un nuovo studio-album è in dirittura di arrivo: "un ritorno al sound dei primi due album, con l'energia e la potenza di una produzione in linea con i tempi", come esplicitamente dichiarato dallo stesso singer. Il concerto sarà un vero e proprio tuffo nel passato, un viaggio nella memoria ed un'occasione UNICA di ascoltare molti irresistibili hits che hanno reso immortali capolavori come “Steelheart” e “Tangled In Reins,” insieme a brani della colonna sonora di “Rockstar” e del nuovissimo disco in uscita dopo l’estate! IMPERDIBILE.
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ECLIPSE “Monumentum” (Frontiers Music s.r.l.)
It was difficult to imagine a worthy successor to “Armageddonize”, but Erik Mårtensson seems to have a magic formula to sum up elements from the Eighties mixed with an extremely modern sound. The result is “Monumentum”, eleven sparkling tracks of melodic rock with a bunch of hard and heavy music, a captivating image with solid contents. “Vertigo” is a perfect opening track, spreading all the energy and the explosive vitality of this band, but the tracklist has a natural balance of power and finesse, with no fillers. Magnus Henriksson shines in all his splendor in a piece of art as “The Downfall Of Eden”, and a deeply emotional power ballad like “Hurt” shows the band’s state of grace. Eclipse are here to stay, harder than ever and it’s clear with “Black Rain”, perhaps the band’s heaviest song to date, with an awe-inspiring solo made by Henriksson. If you’re looking for hard rock without compromises, if you need a soundtrack to drive singing along in the sun, you’re in the right place: “Monumentum” hits a bull's-eye and Eclipse know how this game is played. FS (90/100)
ADRENALINE RUSH “Soul Survivor” (Frontiers Music s.r.l.)
The Swedish rockers return with their second album. Led by the head turning Tave Wanning the band has seen considerable change in their ranks since the debut. There’s a new guitarist Sam Soderlindh and bass player Joel Fox who make their presence known throughout. For their debut they had Eclipse’s wunderkind Eric Mathersson writing the songs, this time out they are doing it under their own steam (although Mathersson does lend a song). It remains eighties
hair metal with a Scandinavian sleaze undercurrent. High energy rockers like ‘Adrenaline Rush’, ‘Love Like Poison’, ‘Crash’ and the catchiest of the lot ‘Stand My Ground’ have a simple cocktail of big guitar and bass riffs and choruses that are simple and direct but it’s all good, undemanding fun. The title track has a darker less obvious arrangement and suggests that the need to write their own songs for this album is seeing them grow. Wanning’s vocals are OK but it’s telling that there are no ballads to stretch her. These guys are a good bet for the lower end of a festival bill, not bringing anything particularly new but by the time those choruses kick in you find yourself being entertained. DJ (88/100)
HOUSE OF LORDS “Saint of the Lost Souls” (Frontiers Music s.r.l.)
atmosphere is supercharged, to the point where we, as listeners, will be melted right into the song! They tug at our emotional musical heart. And the band, themselves, are not afraid to show their emotions either. They play with great emotion, and the same with the vocal delivery. All of this is present in each of the eleven offerings of this disc. “Saint Of The Lost Souls” is a stunning, shimmering, glistening tower of Progressive Melodic Power Rock and no-one does it better than “House Of Lords”! BA (90/100)
NIGHT RANGER “Don’t Let Up” (Frontiers Music s.r.l.)
The heart skips a bit faster when you know there’s a new Nightranger release. Great since the 80s and consistently strong since they reformed in 1996. They’ve kept the old fans happy and made some new friends along the way. This album continues the trend with their usual mix of heavenly melodic rock hooks, hard guitar rockers and wistful ballads. Classic upbeat, singalong Nightranger songs are here in ‘Somehow, Someday’, ‘Comfort Me’ and the title track. These tracks go down like a cool drink on a hot Californian day. The quirky ‘Running Out Of Time’, the heavier ‘Day And Night’ and the very hummable ‘Say What You Want’ deliver the balls. Of the ballads, the Shaw Blades sounding ‘We Can Work It Out’ works best. New member Keri Kelli equips himself well adding slide guitar to the atypical but likeable barroom knockabout ‘(Won’t Be Your) Fool Again’. There’s more Blades than Keagy input here and I’d have liked to hear Keagy’s singing presence more. It doesn’t eclipse recent efforts but it is still the kind of quality aor we’ve come to expect from one of the genre’s finest bands. DJ (94/100)
The much anticipated tenth studio album from “House Of Lords” is here!-and it is killer!! “Saint Of The Lost Souls” opens with an epic piece entitled “Harlequin”. James Christian’s vocals retain that soulful, fluid and rich timbre, and delivers this cut with strength. Setting the tone for the entire album, what follows will also surprise you. In addition to that classic and robust sound, one that we expect from these Masters, “Saint Of The Lost Souls” is so inspiring and fresh, sometimes it sounds like the group’s first record! As we progress through this disc, we can hear the power that these four very vital musicians possess! There is no weak track on this record! “Hit The Wall” bristles with melodic power. The trademark seamless and harmonious interplay of Jimi Bell’s guitar playing and James’ vocals are just stellar! The power of this song and every other performance is solidified by Chris Tristram on bass and drummer BJ Zampa. That power conduit is never broken, at times it may be subdued, however that is just what that particular song or movement needs. ONE DESIRE The title cut is full of har“One Desire” mony and power that it showcases how musical (Frontiers Music s.r.l.) silk and steel combined It really makes me proud can sound! When “House to be part of this rock Of Lords” break into a scene, when I'm introballad or power ballad the
duced to new bands, who are taking the Melodic and Hard Rock genre forward. So here's to another band, who are hotter than a desert sun and that band’s name is One Desire. This their selftitled debut album is a must for all fans of great melody rich rock. The brainchild of Ossi Sivula, who along with Jimmy Westerlund, Jonas Kuhlbeg and frontman Andre Linmeam, One Desire have mixed big licks and great rhythms, topped off with a top notch vocal. From the opener 'Hurt' the classy rock is here for all to hear, from the West Coast feel of 'Apologize', the straight up melodic rock of 'Whenever I'm Dreaming', down to the right little rocker of 'Buried Alive', this album has it all. If this is the debut then I for one can’t wait for the sophomore album. This is definitely a band to watch out for in 2017. BM (95/100)
LABYRINTH “Architecture of a God” (Frontiers Music s.r.l.)
Life moves pretty fast and seven years feel like an eternity, especially if you are a Labyrinth fan and you were waiting for a new chapter of this amazing saga. And then suddenly, the whole thing is set into motion: a call from Frontiers and founding members Andrea Cantarelli and Olaf Thorsen, try to bring back the magic. There was only a singer that can fits the idea, Roberto Tiranti: he is a shining light in the right center of this new album, “Architecture Of a God”. Nothing is left to chance: all the details are perfectly set into this masterpiece. Oleg Smirnoff’ keyboards are stunning in a constant duel with guitars: “Bullets” starts with withering power, releasing an unbelievable amount of energy, common thread of the whole album. There’s majesty in “Take On My Legacy”, a certain grace in songs like “Still Alive” and “Those Days”, and a high level of quality in songwriting and production. Enjoy a little funny jewel as Robert Miles’ cover “Children”, a clear way to show how the band can change everything into its own personal way. If you’re trying to find an
example of what progressive metal should be today, you can use the song “Architecture Of a God” to explain it: we have here the beating art of this come back, with sophistication and experience, in an exiting perof Nick formance Mazzucconi and John Macaluso. FS (95/100)
TERRY BROCK “Face in the Crowd - Live at FRF 2016” (Frontiers Music s.r.l.)
What a fantastic surprise from Frontiers Music! “Face in the Crowd” is the live recording of the Terry Brock show at the last Frontiers Rock Festival, the third edition. The album will be part of the FRF4 VIP package and will be available in exclusive limited edition at the Frontiers Music merch stand at the Live Music Club on April 29 and 30 during the FRF4. The set includes a sort of “Best Of” from Terry’s career. From Strangeways classics such as “Where Are They Now?,” “Only a Fool,” “Where Do We Go From Here” and “Love Lies Dying,” to songs taken from the solo albums and a brilliant extract from the only SLAMER album: “Jaded”. In this record you can truly find the quintessential artistic legacy of the legendary AOR singer. The performing band included experienced musicians such as Anna Portalupi on bass, Edo Sala on drums, Francesco Marras on guitars, with of course Alessandro Del Vecchio rounding up the lineup on keyboards and background vocals. It was truly an unforgettable and unique night – enjoy this special release! VN
TREAT “The Road More or Less Traveled” (Frontiers Music s.r.l.)
One of the highlights of 2016 for me was Frontiers Fest at Live Club at Trezzo sul'Adda in Milan, Italy and one of the many highlights of that weekend was Scandinavia's finest Treat, who with a new album under their belts,
really rocked the night away in superb style. That show was recorded for prosperity and now the live album and DVD ‘A Road More of Less Traveled’ is the result. The set was kicked off in impressive style with the title track of the new album 'Ghost of Graceland' and from here on in, the great rock just kept coming. This was a very special lineup, which featured H.E.A.T’s keyboardist Jona Tee taking the place of Patrik Appelgren for this exclusive performance, as the band not only featured songs from the new album, but also some firm fan favourites like from the past. Songs like 'Get You On The Run', as well as songs from one of my favourite albums from the band 'Coup De Grace'. Not only was the show spectacular, but the sound was just amazing, as you will hear when you purchase the CD/DVD (and you will). It’s great to see and hear this show again, as it brings back many great memories of a fantastic weekend of top class rock. BM (90/100 )
CRAZY LIXX “Ruff Justice” (Frontiers Music s.r.l.)
“Ruff Justice”, the 10track sleaze metal gem that harkens back to the best of ‘80s hard rock, draws inspiration from not only music, but 1980’s horror and action flicks and is a glowing reminder that pretty much everything was better in the 80’s. With its big choruses, memorable hooks and riffs, impressive guitar solos and a massive production by Danny Rexon and Chris Laney, this album is sure to resonate with old fans and new listeners alike. The album also includes two songs which have appeared on the “Friday The 13th” videogame soundtrack: “XIII” and “Live Before I Die”. Friday the 13th: The Game is an upcoming survival horror video game developed by Gun Media and IllFonic, and published by Gun Media. It is scheduled for release in early 2017 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. With this latest album, Crazy Lixx have set the bar very high and their live shows are going to take no prisoners! Don’t miss them while they’re on the road! VN (91/100)
PYRAMAZE “Contingent” (Ulterium Records)
‘Contingent’ is the fifth studio release from Pyramaze and the second to feature the vocal might of Terje Harø, along with Jacob Hansen (guitar/ bass) and stalwart members Jonah W.(keyboards), Toke Skjønnemand (lead guitar) and Morten Gade Sørensen (drums). ‘Contingent’ once again takes the bands mix of modern cinematic film score elements, mixed with progressive metal riffs and melodies to the next level. The album opens up with epic sounds 'Land Of Information' and you are taken on a journey through a veritable tsunami of sound. Big licks, a driven rhythm section and a real powerhouse vocal, that dominates not just to opener, but the entire album. Tracks of note for me are 'Star Men', the soaring 'Nemesis', the down tuned masterpeice that is ‘Obsession’, which reminds me of Evergrey. Even the mellower moments like ‘The Tides That Won’t Change', with the duetting Harø with Kristen Foss really stand out as special., before the album closes as it opened, with the massive 'Symphony of Tears'. A real monster of an album and one worthy of the Pyramaze name. BM (91/100)
BAI BANG “Rock Of Life” (AOR Heaven)
This is the long awaited new album from Swedish rockers Bai Bang, the bands 8th studio release and takes up where their ‘All Around The World’ album left off. The album gets underway in typical Bai Bang style with 'Crazy Night', a real party rocker that has been the staple of the band for the last seven studio album, so why change? This album is a pure down n’ dirty rock n’ roll, you know that stuff that was the staple of the 80's, but with a gritty modern edge, as 'Hey Hey You' shows, this grooved filled rocker will have you digging out your spandex
and strutting your stuff with the hairbrush in one hand like you used to. The edgy guitars of 'Heart and Soul' take you into the anthemic title track 'Rock of Life' and this continues with 'Stop Messing Around’. Diddi and the boys show their mellower side with the heart felt 'Only the Best Die Young', before rocking things back up with 'Smoking Hot' and the guitar rich licks of 'Gonna Rock You'. Then they hit it hard with the excellent 'Runaway', before rounding things off in style with another groove monster in 'Gimme All Your Love', with the icing on the cake being a great version of ELO's 'Telephone Line’. It may have been four years since their last album, but the boys are back and bringing the big guns. In many ways you could say they’re back with a BANG! BM (87/100)
This is the latest musical unit formed by the mastermind behind “Candlemass”. Bassist Leif Edling has found a new canvas to paint sonic rivers with vocalist Niklas Stalvind, drummer Andreas Johansson, and guitarist Marcus Jidell. What we hear before us is a heavy, yet colourful musical tapestry that exudes a muscular flow. The performances mesh brilliantly, laying out a rich vein filled with earthy tones. There is just enough classical passages that spice up each selection-whether created through instrumentation or vocally… and the results are deeply layered sonic slices of molten sound. Although this self-titled release is not technically the group’s debut, (as they released an EP last year), it is their first full length album. “The Doomsday Kingdom” have followed Leif Edling to a brand new musical plateau and it sounds that this Work has found this group of four with some very interesting discoveries. Rich soundscapes that shine through their heavy rock, like diamonds in the rough. Soundscapes that will resonant with us for a good long time! BA (90/100)
Heart, Femme Fatale, Saraya and Aerosmith all rubbed shoulders to create a sound that should have took this band to the top, their debut-album is finally released and it contains some of the best female Hard-Rock to come out of the ‘90s. Don't miss it!!!
REB (91/100) VIANA “S/T” (Street Symphonies Records)
Stefano Viana, is the guitarist. Creating beautiful music seems to be in his genes! Stefano was moved by music at an early age and he pursued his talent with dedication. On his own, he recorded and produced two CD’s, and all the while honing his talent and skills… expanding what he already had with composition as well. As Stefano journeyed, he met Alessandro Del Vecchio, perhaps Italy’s most prolific musician and producer! Surrounding themselves with some of the top musicians out of Italy, the two have produced a powerful Melodic Rock collection of tunes. Ten spirited slices of power, melody, and tasteful sounds throughout. Songs that are full of hope, propel a strong essence & spirit and are fresh as spring flowers in the morning sun! Stefano Viana is finally realizing a dream, a musical dream that he wants to share with all of us. One that is worthy of being shared and should prove to be a bright star in the Melodic Rock musical sky! BA (91/100)
BEG BORROW & STEAL “Push And Shove” (Steelheart Records)
BEG BORROW & STEAL debut-album have been criminally shelved for nearly 25 years and never released in any format. Formed during late '80s by drummer Ed Bettinelli, a member of cult AOR-act Preview, together with the hot, sexy and talented singer called Lauralei Combs and excellent guitarist Bob Dee, the band managed to get the interest of some major-labels and recorded this monster debut-album at the “Music Grinder” in L.A., under the watchful eye of no less than "Sir" Arthur Payson (Ratt, Robin Beck). Unfortunately for the band that was 1992, and they've experienced the same cruel treatment of many other Hard Rock acts: here today, gone tomorrow. A mixture of Witness,
ROCKETT LOVE “Grab The Rocket” (AOR Heaven)
A great band monicker (ROCKETT LOVE). A nice cover artwork. And the country where they come from (Sweden). I have to confess that I've been immediately conquered by these three points, so I wasn't expecting anything different than a great album; and I was right. Put together in early 2015 by singer/songwriter Daniel Samuelsson and guitarist Stefan Westerlund, fueled by mutual interest in the '80s Hard Rock music, ROCKETT LOVE sound might recall different BIG bands like Def Leppard, Extreme, Winger and Harem Scarem, still their songs manage to keep a sort of trademark. With one EP (“The best is yet to come”) released and the song “Rocket Love” being noticed by top producer Beau Hill, who took it to his studio and produced it, and after several gigs in front of a fast-growing audience, the Swedes hit the studio during winter 2016 to record their full debut-album. The result is “Grab The Rockett”, an explosive, fresh and infectious album of classic US Arena Rock, that will definitely please the fans of the genre. PB (88/100)
THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA “Amber Galactic” (Nuclear Blast)
“Amber Galactic” will mark “The Night Flight Orchestra’s third release. Contained within-we hear ten sparkling gems, with a few a little saucy, and all fantastical stories set to music! Music that is of course full of melody complete with great licks, pounding rhythms and interesting tapestries of
keyboard and guitar. There is even some ‘cheeky’ moments spread throughout this collection! The music? Simply, it is great! Created and performed by six highly talented musicians; and all with a keen sense of humour. I hear shades of “City Boy”, and “10cc”circa ‘Sheet Music’ and even North America’s “The Tubes”! In “Amber Galactic” we not only journey with these six, we enjoy the trip all the while toe-tapping, dancing and chuckling as well as being able to soar along with the whole musicality of the album. An absolute fantastic experience thanks to The Nigh Flight Orchestra! BA (89/100)
WOLFPAKK “Wolves Reign” (AFM Records)
This is the fourth album from Mark Sweeney and Michael Voss's Wolfpakk and once again the pair have brought in a Pakk of top notch rock wolfs for this all star gathering of rock and metal. Joining the pakk this time on the vocal front are the mighty Biff Byford, Claus Lessman, Ronnie Atkins, Steve Grimmett and Danny Vaughn to name just few. Mix in the musicianship of Brad Gillis, George Lynch, Chris Holmes, Rudi Sarzo and Alex Holwarth, again just to name a few, and you know you’re into something rather special. This collaboration between Sweeney and Voss has grown stronger from album to album and with chapter four, they have gone one step further. The mix of straight shooting hard rock and heavy metal is just sheer ear-candy, from the likes of 'Falling' with Lessman, the stunning 'Blood Brothers' with Byford at the helm and the eight minute epic 'Mother Earth', all worthy of you spending your cold hard cash on this album. So be prepared, the pakk is out once more and they are taking no prisoners. BM
from the Brazilian progressive, power metal band. It whips along at frenetic pace for the most part. Otivio Nunez’s drums whirr and the twin guitars and keyboards weave in and out like colourful kites in a storm on standouts ‘Maya’ and ‘I’m Alive’. At the front is Daísa Munhoz who has sung on previous Soulspell albums and the link sound-wise between the two bands is evident. Her voice has the power not to be overwhelmed by the battery of sound around her. She can soar and she can rein it in on the likes of the big ballads ‘Last Breath’ and ‘If I Forget Myself’. A lot of singers in this genre have operatic voices but she has a rock voice that fits the metal backing music better. The instrumental passages are technically strong and the production sound is large and bold, suiting the material. Where it falters is while the songs have strong musicianship and powerful vocals, the choruses don’t all hang around in your head. Nevertheless, For those prog power metal fans who favour bands like Symphony X and female voices this has lots of listening potential. DJ (85/100)
DANKO JONES “Wild Cat” (AFM Records) “Wild Cat” assures us that aggressive Rock n’ Roll is alive and well! Thanks to “Danko Jones”, it still can light a passionate fire in our musical soul! Danko and his band mates wear their influences on their collective musical sleeves, and this release displays, and magnifies these influences. The band’s talent shine throughout this high spirited disc. “Danko Jones is a straight forward rock band, and one that takes no prisoners. They are firmly footed in Classic Rock, with a liberal dose of Punk mixed in and covered with pres(95/100) ent day techniques. Snappy, fast-paced excursions that will undoubtedly make deep and lasting impressions on the tried and true body of Rock! Rocked out performances, Punked in delivery “Danko Jones” lives very comfortably in both musical worlds. And he moves VANDROYA us to do the same… Danko Jones: “Wild Cat” “Beyond The Human a most impressive slice of Mind” ‘Romp N’ Roll’. BA (Ulterium Records) It’s a solid second album (92/100)
food for their tastes here). I've been playing this gem for a couple of times in a row and I'm totally conquered. A great piece of Music. PB (90/100)
MINDMAZE “Resolve” (Ulterium Records)
I guess that when you approach an album of a band you don't know too much about and you play the first song of this new work and the first band that immediately comes to your mind is an huge act like Dream Theater, this is not a bad start, isn't it? The main difference lays on the vocals-department, as Mindmaze is led by a female vocalist, the talented Sarah Teets, who's providing a touch of theatricality and epicness to the whole band's offer. Almost 70 minutes long, "Resolve" takes the listener on an intriguing journey thru the scope of human emotions, with an epic, majestic and intense Progressive - Power Metal sound, that will definitely please all fans of the genre and beyond (also Savatage and Maiden fans could find some good
AVATARIUM “Hurricanes and Halos” (Nuclear Blast)
album really catches fire when the tracks slow down. ‘Road To Jerusalem’ is hypnotic with acoustic guitar amidst the electric guitar and a real opportunity for Smith to weave her magic. It’s then followed by the shape shifting album highlight ‘Medusa Child’ a darker track that whisks your mind off to a woozy, demonic place. The surprisingly jazzy vocal on ‘When Breath Turns To Air’ has Smith cast as a seductress leading a dying man over to the other side. With only 8 tracks and one a short instrumental it feels a bit brief but the tracks mentioned above are worth the price of admission alone. DJ Recommended. (88/100)
A lot of bands who mine this retro-feel copy rather than forge new ground but Swedish outfit the Avatarium have created their own niche with their mix of 1960s psychedelia, proto-metal, shamanic vibes and more modern doom elements. Started by Leif Edling of Candlemass fame (who writes 6 of the 8 songs but isn’t part of the band) and guitarist Marcus Jidell, ex-Evergrey and Royal Hunt, they create the brooding music while SINNER over the top, the band’s “Tequila Suicide” talismanic Jennie-Ann Smith takes you to far off (AFM Records) places with her voice. Mat Sinner returns with Although it starts with a the band that carries his couple of rockers the name and delivers a satis-
fying dose of hard rock on their eighteenth studio album. Musically, this adds some thumping German metal to a record that tips its hat to the artists from the 70s and 80s who have influenced Sinner along the way. On ‘Road To Hell’ he conjures up the spectre of Thin Lizzy and the Celtictinged ‘Battle Hill’ owes a debt to Gary Moore. The stoic ‘Dragon’ has Dio all over it including the preposterous lyrics. ‘Go Down Fighting’ has the street metal snarl of Twisted Sister. There’s some late night blues on ‘Sinner Blues’, subPrimal Fear heavy metal on ‘Loud And Clear’ and pop metal on the title track. Sinner’s vocals are serviceable and his band are adept at playing all the different styles here plus there’s strong production from the ever-reliable Dennis Ward. Solid. DJ (87/100)
ROULETTE “If Time...” (Steelheart Records)
Steelheart Records presents now a real rarity, the never-released 5-songs debut of Wheeler's band called ROULETTE (not to be confused with other bands with the same monicker). Formed in early '90s around the Dallasarea, ROULETTE was influenced by classic Hard / Arena Rock acts such as Triumph, Night Ranger and Van Halen, for a final result that might recall bands like Southgang, Roxy Blue and Slaughter. As the promo-sheet states "the ROULETTE mastertapes have been shelved for more than 25 years and they're now proudly presented for the very first time in all their melodic majesty, with a fully remastered sound and the usual de-luxe booklet". As bonus, the Cd adds the complete T.C. JESTER album (officially released on cassette-format in 1994), another band led by Bob Wheeler, featuring an harder edge-sound, similar in style to Skid Row and bands of that ilk. Being released in a 500 copies-Limited Edition, you've been warned... REB (88/100)
BLACK DIAMONDS “Once Upon A Time” (AOR Heaven)
“Once Upon A Time” is the quartet’s third full studio recording. An album steeped with tried and true hard rock structures combined with lyrics and subject matter that are full of twentyfirst century sensibilities. A Recorded Work that will keep you, the listener, paying attention and wanting to explore even more of their music. Hard Rock? Yes, but much more as well. Michael Kehl, Manuel Peng, andi restrain themselves to just this particular music plateau, they take this style to new and expanded heights! “Black Diamonds”, the group, are a breath of fresh air, fully energized and full of exciting surprises. Their new album “Once Upon A Time” should prove to be a breakthrough! Sought after by Rockers the world over! BA (90/100)
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Band: Cruzh | Playing on: April 30th | Start: 15:00 | End: 15:35 | Duration: 35 min
[ENG] An up and coming new band from the bottomless Swedish Hard-Rock scene, CRUZH released their debut-album in late august 2016. An amazing one, to say the least! With a sound recalling the spirit of Def Leppard, Danger Danger, Winger, Firehouse and Bryan Adams all melted together, and those great hooks that made the '80s such an unique era! They'll be the first band on the “day 2” of the Fest; the right way to re-open the doors to this incredible 2 days-long party that “Frontiers Rock Festival” actually is...
[ITA] Ennesima band proveniente dalla ultra-prolifica scena svedese, i CRUZH hanno esordito, qualche mese fa, con un album davvero convincente: un concentrato di chorus anthemici, riffs chitarristici di grande presa e “tappeti” di tastiere a rendere il loro sound così melodico ed, allo stesso tempo, energico. Tra le loro influenze, la band nordica cita – senza nascondersi – gruppi come Def Leppard, Danger Danger, H.E.A.T, Winger e Firehouse. Non vediamo l'ora di vederli on stage ad aprire un fantastico “day 2” del Festival!
Band: Adrenaline Rush | Playing on: April 30th | Start: 15:50 | End: 16:30 | Duration: 40 min
[ENG] Two years after the release of their selftitled debut and their first appearance at “Frontiers Rock Festival”, ADRENALINE RUSH are returning to the Trezzo stage, with more self-confidence. The band will present the new album “Soul Survivor” (expected to be released in spring) and they promise to drive any '80s Sleazy/Street Rockfan totally crazy. Fronted by one of the hottest and talented chicks in today’s Hard-Rock scene, Tåve Wanning, the guys will fire up the Festival, with their lethal dose of heavy guitars, infectious hooks and full blown R'n'R attitude.
[ITA] Quasi due anni dopo il convincente esordio della band guidata dalla bellissima Tåve Wanning, gli ADRENALINE RUSH tornano a calcare il palco del “Frontiers Rock Festival”. Già presente, infatti, alla prima edizione, il gruppo ha inanellato concerti ed esperienza live, avendo partecipato a vari festival e fatto tour, soprattutto in Svezia, e tornerà all'edizione n.4 più forte che mai. Con un nuovo studio-album in uscita, in concomitanza al Festival, la band svedese scalderà di certo il pubblico, con il suo tipico sound Sleazy/Street Rock, memore della scena '80s losangelina.
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Band: Lionville | Playing on: April 30th | Start: 16:45 | End: 17:30 | Duration: 45 min
[ENG] Since the first edition, fans have been asking for an italian band to join the line-up of “Frontiers Rock Festival.” We had to wait a minute before finding the right one, but now, here it is: LIONVILLE. Drawing inspiration from top-acts like Toto, Richard Marx, Giant, Bad English, Survivor and Boulevard, LIONVILLE has been started by songwriter/singer/guitarist Stefano Lionetti, as a studio-project dedicated to pure AOR with a touch of Westcoast and Melodic Rock. With the involvement of singer Lars Säfsund (Work Of Art), the band began to take shape and became what it is now. With two critically acclaimed releases under their belt and a new one (“A World Of Fools”) released on February 2017, their show will be definitely a real “treat” for all AOR fans!
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[ITA] C'é sempre una prima volta, no? Ed eccola qui – a grande richiesta – la prima band italiana a calcare le assi del “Frontiers Rock Festival”! Chiaramente influenzati da top-acts nell'AOR/Melodic Rock come Toto, Richard Marx, Giant, Bad English, Survivor e Boulevard, i LIONVILLE sono nati come studio-project del chitarrista/songwriter genovese Stefano Lionetti per trasformarsi ben presto in una vera e propria band, grazie all'arrivo dello straordinario singer Lars Säfsund (Work Of Art). Con all'attivo due grandiosi album, ed un nuovissimo lavoro in studio (“A World Of Fools”) appena uscito, la band tricolore porterà in alto la bandiera del più puro ed inadulterato AOR per la gioia dei tanti fans, italiani e stranieri.
Band: Kee Marcello | Playing on: April 30th | Start: 17:45 | End: 18:45 | Duration: 60 min
[ENG] With the superb new album “Scaling Up”, KEE MARCELLO decided to go back to his Melodic Hard Rock roots, delivering new music, firmly grounded in the tradition that made him a multiplatinum rockstar, but with a contemporary edge and production. Besides the obvious resemblances to EUROPE’s classic sound (particularly of the “Prisoners in Paradise” album, from whose original demos, Kee recouped two songs “Wild Child” and “Don’t Know How To Love”, which were rearranged and re-recorded from scratch), Kee winked his eye also to his past experiences, influences and genres. His live-performance will follow this path, giving all classic Hard Rock-sound fans what they could expect from an unique artist like Kee!
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[ITA] Il nuovissimo album, “Scaling Up”, ha indubbiamente riportato il nome di Kee Marcello sulla bocca di tutti i fans di melodic Hard-Rock; sorta di percorso a ritroso nel tempo, il disco ha visto il chitarrista svedese cimentarsi con sonorità più “classiche” e che aveva in parte trascurato, negli ultimi tempi. Prova più evidente ne è il ripescaggio di due brani scritti assieme agli Europe per le sessions di “Prisoners In Paradise”, ma poi mai utilizzati (“Wild Child” e “Don’t Know How To Love”). Grazie ad una ritrovata vena artistica e creativa, Kee ci condurrà attraverso un esaltante viaggio musicale che ripercorrerà la sua carriera, con molte sorprese!
Band: Unruly Child | Playing on: April 30th | Start: 19:05 | End: 20:20 | Duration: 75 min
[ENG] No introductions needed here. Marcie Free is considered by all AOR-fans as one of the of the world's finest, unique and most renowned vocalists of the genre. Following her successful career with King Kobra and Signal and her two milestone solo-albums, back in the early '90s Marcie put together, along with Bruce Gowdy (Stone Fury, World Trade), Guy Allison (Lodgic, World Trade, Doobie Brothers), Jay Schellen (Hurricane, World Trade, Asia) and Larry Antonino (Pablo Cruise), this legendary band called UNRULY CHILD. After a lot of line-up and style changes, the original members of the quintet finally decided to reunite to release a brand new album, on Frontiers, entitled “Can’t Go Home”, released on February 2017. The band's critically acclaimed self-titled debutalbum (originally released in 1992) is still one of fans’ favourite and it will be played pretty much in its entirety at the “Frontiers Rock Festival,” along with a selection of other classic songs from the other releases. 'Nuff said...
[ITA] Non servono tante presentazioni: Marcie Free è considerata dai molti cultori AOR come una tra le più rappresentative e espressive ugole del genere. Dopo le sue esaltanti esperienze con King Kobra e Signal, nonché lo storico album solista “Long Way from Home”, Marcie si unì, nei primi anni '90, a Bruce Gowdy (Stone Fury, World Trade), Guy Allison (Lodgic, World Trade, Doobie Brothers), Jay Schellen (Hurricane, World Trade, Asia) e Larry Antonino (Pablo Cruise) per dare vita a questa splendida band USA. Dopo una serie di cambi di lineup, evoluzioni stilistiche e collaborazioni varie, nel corso degli anni, gli UNRULY CHILD si sono recentemente riuniti nella line-up originale e sono tornati in casa Frontiers, con un nuovo studio-album “Can’t Go Home” uscito a Febbraio 2017 ed un de-luxe box-set, previsto in uscita in concomitanza del Festival. Il debut-album, uscito nel 1992, è tuttora considerato tra i migliori album del genere e – su specifica richiesta – sarà suonato pressocchè per intero al “Frontiers Rock Festival 2017”. 'nuff said....
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Band: L.A. Guns | Playing on: April 30th | Start: 20:45 | End: 22:00 | Duration: 75 min
[ENG] In a year that has seen reunions that were said could never happen, L.A. GUNS have saved the best for last, by closing out 2016 with a bombshell: band leaders PHIL LEWIS and TRACII GUNS decided to reunite – after a 15 years long break. 2017 will bring back the classic L.A. GUNS-sound that fans know and love, with Lewis and Guns not only returning to the road for their first full blown tour in over a decade but also writing new music for the first time since 2002 (a new album is scheduled forsummer 2017). Rounding out this line-up are longtime L.A. GUNS collaborators guitarist Michael Grant, bassist Johnny Martin and drummer Shane Fitzgibbon. With a live set-list that will definitely concentrate on their first three “classics” album, and delivering smash-hits such as “The Ballad of Jayne”, “Rip and Tear”, “No Mercy”, “Never Enough” and many more performed the way they are supposed to be, L.A. GUNS will bring on stage their unmistakable sound that made “Sunset Strip” so unique, back in the '80s!
[ITA] Tracii Guns e Phil Lewis hanno sempre incarnato la vera essenza degli L.A. Guns. Divisi per quasi 15 anni, a causa di scelte artistiche e personali differenti, la coppia ha deciso recentemente di riformarsi e ridare vita al sound vizioso ed energico che ha reso immortali album come il debutto, “Cocked And Loaded” ed “Hollywood Vampires”. Già al lavoro su un nuovo album (in uscita nell'estate del 2017), Tracii e Phil si prenderanno una pausa dal lavoro in studio per scatenare una vera e propria tempesta Street Hard-Rock sul palco del “Live Club”, rispolverando i loro “classici” e dando vita ad uno show che ci riporterà dritti sulle strade del Sunset Strip... Rip And Tear!
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Band: TNT | Playing on: April 30th | Start: 22:30 | End: 24:00 | Duration: 90 min
[ENG] Among the latest Frontiers signings, Norway's Rock superstars TNT - lately reunited with the amazing american singer Tony Harnell, along with the original members, extremely talented guitar-player Ronni Le Tekrø and drummer Diesel Dahl, plus bassist Ove Husemoen and keyboards-player Roger Gilton - promise a return to their classic sound. 2017 will mark the 30th anniversary of their album “Tell No Tales” and the band can't wait to perform live the best tracks out this "monster," plus many more hits. Their show will be the classic “going out with a bang” for a betterthan-ever edition of the "Frontiers Rock Festival"!
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[ITA] Tra gli ultimi signing in ordine di tempo in casa Frontiers, i norvegesi TNT hanno salutato il ritorno dello straordinario singer Tony Harnell tra i ranghi della band. Con l'ausilio dei membri originali della formazione, il funambolico chitarrista Ronni Le Tekrø ed il drummer Diesel Dahl, nonché il bassista Ove Husemoen ed il tastierista Roger Gilton, il nuovo materiale vede un ritorno alle sonorità che hanno reso così gloriosa la carriera del combo nordico. Il 2017 segnerà il 30esimo anniversario di uno dei loro album di maggior successo, “Tell No Tales”, e la band non vede l'ora di esibirsi dal vivo con questa line-up “stronger then ever” e proporre tutti i propri successi per il pubblico europeo. Il classico “finale con il botto”, il modo migliore per chiudere un'edizione ricca come non mai...