Rebuilding Zimbabwe

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2008 EDITION 3

ISSN 1018 - 144X


Zimbabwe is at a crossroads. What was once a bread basket of Africa, exporting food, became a basket case, with millions starving. 28 years of misrule by Marxist Robert Mugabe resulted in the greatest unemployment (85%), the highest inflation (over 2 million%) and the lowest life expectancy (31 years) in the world. More than half of the population have fled the country. How does one begin to rebuild a country that has been so thoroughly ruined? This is the challenge that we as Christians must respond to. It is imperative that Christians worldwide unite in prayer and action - to ensure that the long-suffering people of Zimbabwe are freed from the tyranny which has oppressed them for so long.

from office and replaced with the democratically elected legitimate government of President Morgan Ts v a n g i r a i ' s Movement for Democratic Change. A military coup is seeking to keep the truely elected government from office and perpetuate the disgraceful dictatorship of Mugabe's ZANU-PF.

Considering that Mugabe and his Marxists came to power through violence and deception, it is not surprising that they are endeavouring to stay in power through the same means.

A Time for Prayer and Action This is a time of great urgency when we need to mobilize our congregations to earnestly intercede for the Christians who are suffering in Zimbabwe. Civilians have been beaten in the streets and judges in their chambers. Pastors have been imprisoned for “subversive prayers.� Church buildings have been raided by police and bulldozed down. Mugabe's police have assaulted and arrested many members of parliament and independent election observers.

Pray for the Christians suffering in Zimbabwe.

right in response to persistant prayer and pressure (Luke 18). We need to pray and act now to ensure that the Zimbabweans attain the freedom that they have been praying and working for these many years. Then we need to be prepared to support them in rebuilding their country on Biblical principles. Mobilise your congregation to observe 9 November as the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted.

President Morgan Tsvangirai.

We need to contact our elected representatives to urge decisive action to ensure that the lawless ZANU-PF regime of Robert Mugabe is removed

We need to write letters to our leaders urging them to support the Zimbabwean people in their struggle for freedom and justice. Write letters to the editor of your favourite newspaper or magazine to encourage others to help our brethren in Zimbabwe.

The Marxist military junta behind Mugabe.

Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us that we ought always to pray and not give up. In the Parable of the Persistant Widow the Lord taught us that even an unjust judge will do what is

A Zimbabwean victim of xenophobic riots which broke out in South Africa after Mugabe was rejected at the polls.

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Frontline Missionaries Attacked


Leaders for Africa


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