2012 EDITION 1
ISSN 1018 - 144X
30 Years on the Frontline
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In this Issue 30 Years on the Frontline Honorary Members 60 Years in Missions Serving South Sudan Persecution Increases Mission to Zimbabwe William Carey Bible Institute Frontline Resources
Evangelising in War Zones “Some like to live within the sound of church or chapel bell I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell!” CT Studd 30 years ago Frontline Fellowship was a vision which many described as reckless, irresponsible, and impossible! It's too dangerous! It's illegal! You'll get killed! Are you crazy? These countries are at war with us! You can't go riding into these war zones on motorbikes with Bibles and the Jesus film! These were some of the reactions I encountered as I put forward the vision of Bible smuggling, serving persecuted C h u rc h e s a n d e va n ge l i s i n g i n Communist countries. At that time, Mozambique was in the grip of an anti-Christian dictatorship that had already desecrated, burned down, or confiscated over 8,000 churches. Bibles were banned. Evangelism was forbidden. All missionaries had been expelled. Mozambique was suffering the effects of a man made famine and a vicious civil war. Operation World described Mozambique as: The least evangelised country in the Southern Hemisphere. Mozambique was closed and unreachable. In April 1982, the Lord opened the way for me to ride on my off-road motorbike into Mozambique with a four-reel copy of the Jesus film and a thousand Gospels and New Testaments in Portuguese and Shangaan. Now, 30 years later we can praise God for His provision, guidance and
protection over hundreds of successful mission trips to 30 countries and tensof-thousands of services and outreaches. Hundreds-of-thousands of Bibles and New Testaments have been distributed in over 100 languages. Many tens-of-thousands of pastors, teachers, chaplains, medics and evangelists have been trained and more prayers have been answered, and miracles experienced, than we could possibly catalogue. As missionary Hudson Taylor declared: “God's work, done God's way, will never lack God's supply.” Yes, we have experienced aerial and artillery bombardments, we have had to drive over landmine endangered territory, ridden through ambushes, preached in communist military bases, sang in chains in prison cells and ministered under rocket fire. But God has protected us through all danger, guided us across unchartered territory and provided for our every need. On a recent ministry trip, I was able to see how much had changed since I was a prisoner in Maputo. The walls of Marxism in Mozambique have crumbled and many hundreds of missionaries and evangelists have poured into this land that was once the least evangelised and the most unreachable country in the Southern Hemisphere. Barely 4% of the country were Protestants when we began our mission into Mozambique in 1982. Today, over 30% are born-again Christians. When we first started swimming across the river into communist Angola, churches were being burned and bombarded. Today many of the churches which had been destroyed are now rebuilt, flourishing and overflowing with new converts. Peace has now come to war-devastated
Sudan. After enduring over five decades of Jihad, South Sudan has achieved its Independence. Hundreds of new churches have been established and Bible colleges are flourishing. We have seen so many momentous answers to prayer during the last three decades: The fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of communism in Romania, tens-of-thousands of Muslims won to Christ in Nigeria, communists coming to Christ in the Congo, Zambia has been transformed from a socialist nation (which used to host Marxist terrorists who ferried landmines, surface-to-air missiles and other weapons of death across the border into neighbouring countries) to commit itself to being a Christian nation. Now Zambia sends missionaries, evangelists and Bibles across the border, even smuggling in aid for Christians suffering in Marxist Zimbabwe. For these and so many answers to prayer we want to give all praise and thanksgiving to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. “And you know in all your heart and your soul that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God has spoken concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed.” Joshua 24:14 Please continue to pray for Frontline Fellowship as we seek to win Africa for Christ through Literature, Leadership training and Love in Action. Dr. Peter Hammond
Working for Reformation in Africa “Only one life, it will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” CT Studd
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA FAX: (021) 685-5884 Web: www.frontline.org.za
Serving persecuted churches “The will of God will never lead you, where the grace of God cannot keep you.” Hudson Taylor
Honorary Members R e v. ' D o c ' Wa t s o n served as a soldier in WWII, pioneered Scripture Union in Natal, pastored Baptist churches throughout the country and was General Secretary of the YMCA in C a p e To w n . ' D o c ' Watson discipled Peter Hammond and was the first Chairman of the B o a rd o f F ro n t l i n e Fellowship (1982 – 2002). Rev. Arthur Lewis was a graduate of Oxford University where he trained under C.S. Lewis. Rev. Arthur Lewis served as a Church of England missionary to Africa for over 50 years, first to Ta n g a n y i k a , t h e n Rhodesia and finally South Africa. Author of Christian Terror, Arthur Lewis exposed the World Council of Churches support of communist terrorists. Arthur Lewis founded the Rhodesia Christian Group, was a founder member of United Christian Action (now Christian Action Network), and a Board Member of Frontline Fellowship (1982 – 2010). Dr. Fritz Haus served as a soldier in the Africa Korps in WWII, and devoted 60 years to ministry in South Africa, planting Baptist c h u rc h e s t h ro u g h o u t t h e country. He mentored Peter Hammond and introduced him to the Reformation. Dr. Fritz Haus was a great friend of Frontline Fellowship and an honored Board Member and frequent guest speaker at Biblical Worldview Summits.
Dr. James Kennedy pastored Coral Ridge Presbyterian church for nearly 50 years. The Founder of Evangelism Explosion, Dr. Kennedy was a steadfast friend of Frontline Fellowship donating thousands of books and tapes to our work in Africa. Dr. Kennedy was a dynamic Reformer and an energetic Evangelist. Bishop Bullen Dolli was the first Bishop of the Episcopal Church of Sudan to be enthroned in liberated Sudan. His cathedral at Lui was repeatedly bombed by the Sudan Air Force. Bishop Bullen Dolli was a courageous co-worker in the Gospel and conducted numerous mission outreaches together with D r. P e t e r H a m m o n d , including the Mission to Yei in 2002, when both escaped and survived a plot to have them killed. Brigadier General Ben Partin is one of the w o r l d ' s fo r e m o s t authorities on weapons technology. General Partin is recognised as a pioneer behind the development of modern precision guided weapon systems. He has been a steadfast friend and Board Member of Frontline Fellowship since 1988.
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA Email: admin@frontline.org.za Web: www.frontline.org.za 5
60 Years in Missions Rev. B i l l B at h m a n h a s ministered in over 100 countries and served the Lord as a Missionary for over 60 years. 1. How did you come to the Lord? It was my first night at university. I was almost 21 years old, recently completed my service in the U.S. Navy, and now enrolled to study for the ministry at Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina. Each semester began with a series of evangelistic meetings. I am eternally grateful for that tradition. Having grown up in a spiritually-dead, modernistic church, I had never once heard the Gospel, the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The service that evening was full of joyful singing and concluded with a powerful message by Dr. Bob Jones, his words made the Bible come alive to me, in a way I had never before experienced. He identified sin, labeling its cause and pointing to its cure. After about 20 minutes, I thought he was preaching straight at me. I thought 'someone has told him all about me' and my discomfort changed to anger the Holy Spirit was convicting of sin, righteousness and judgment. I was almost ready to get up and leave when it dawned on me that he was right. Truly, "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." I couldn't argue with that. But if he was right, it meant that I was wrong. That was the moment – 9 p.m., September 8, 1948 – when I realized that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for my sins, and by faith I opened my heart and received Him as my Lord and Saviour. 2. How did you become involved in Missions to the persecuted Church? The Lord put Europe on my heart and 6
Christians living in communist or Muslim lands aren't "playing church" as many in the West are doing. Their very lives are on the line every day. Everyone I've met, across the past 60 years of ministry to persecuted Christians, is a hero to me. For example:
the next summer I spent three months traveling as an evangelist, through ten countries on the continent. That experience confirmed God's call to Europe. Harriett and I were married and following graduation we left for Europe. We lived and ministered in Western Europe for ten years before God opened the door for us to begin a serious ministry in the communist countries of Eastern Europe. My first trip behind the Iron Curtain was to Yugoslavia, in October 1961. On that trip I met a Baptist pastor in Zagreb, who implored, "You must come back. Even if the door is closed, try it, to see if it's locked!" Those words were like a clarion call from God. The Lord clearly showed me that my future ministry would be to preach the Gospel and ser ve persecuted Christians in restrictedaccess countries. 3. Who are some o f t h e u n fo rg e tt a b l e personalities that you have met amongst the persecuted Church? I've written a book that only touches the surface of that q u est io n . FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP NEWS 2012/1
Richard Wurmbrand, whom I met at the Vienna airport after his release from 14 years in Romanian prisons where he was brutally tortured for his faith in Christ and with whom I worked closely over the next 12 years. Andrew van der Bijl, better known as "Brother Andrew", whom I first met in Bensheim, Germany in 1957 after his initial trip to Poland and then on his way to Hungary. The Lord used him to open my eyes to the possibility of ministry behind the Iron Curtain. We worked closely together evangelising communist soldiers during the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and other times together in Eastern Europe, later developing a training program to prepare other missionaries to work in communist countries. Dr. Josif Tson, the Baptist Reformer of Romania. We worked very closely over many years. After his exile from Romania, he asked me to write a book about the Reformation in Romania. I will never forget Dr. Nick Gheorghita
was Romania's leading endocrinologist and an outspoken Christian witness. He refused to compromise. The communists did everything they could to destroy him. He and his co-pastor colleague, Dr. Paul Negrut, were constantly under persecution and threats of death from the atheist authorities. A man God used to challenge and inspire me to greater dedication is George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilization. I first met George in Madrid, Spain in October 1961. I thought I was a dedicated Christian until I stood next to this man and realized what true dedication really is. George has a worldwide ministry, including many restricted-access countries. Harriett and I worked in an OM team in Austria in 1963 and later moved our home to Salzburg to establish a Mission base for working behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War.
and is vital to reaching remote areas. There is hardly any category of vocation that is not needed to extend the Kingdom of God. In the early days of my missionary ministry, two-thirds of our financial support came from mission-minded c h u rc h e s a n d o n e - t h i r d f ro m individuals. Today it is reversed with most of our support coming from individuals. There is a 'trend' today for churches to "do missions." While the intention is admirable, it often results in poorly t ra i n e d , i l l - e q u i p p e d " 2 - w e e k wonders," devoid of any cross-cultural experience, or understanding of language skills. Full-time career missionaries are rare today. When we started out, the thought of setting a time-limit didn't occur to us.
4. What are some of the most outstanding answers to prayer that you have experienced? Living by faith is a constant experience of God answering prayer. He does not always answer "Yes," but He always answers. In the years we worked behind the Iron Curtain, during the Cold War, there were many occasions when we received a letter from someone in America telling us that at a certain hour on such and such a day the Lord awakened them to pray for us. When we compared the date and time it coincided with a very critical hour when we were facing certain danger or extreme need. God answered prayer in real time across 9 time-zones. This happened many times. 5. Missions must have changed a lot over the last 60 years. What are some of the changes that you have noticed? There is much more opportunity today for lay people to be involved, particularly in the area of technology and tech support. A whole aviation ministry has evolved since World War II
6. What advice do you have for someone wanting to get involved in Missions today? Be certain of God's call. Be willing to be misunderstood by those closest to you. Our Lord was misunderstood by His family, His disciples and the religious leaders. If the burden of your heart is to share the Gospel and preach Christ to precious souls in other lands or cultures, then you should prepare by proper training, education and discipline; raise your personal support (trusting the Lord for all of these) and then Go. 7. What do you believe are some of the greatest threats facing the Church today?
A shallow, superficial façade seems to have infiltrated many churches in the West, where entertainment has replaced worship. There are two crosses preached today: a modern, smooth, highly-polished cross, easy to bear, that makes no unpleasant lifechanging demands. This is in stark contrast to the Old Rugged Cross. The old Cross slew men; the new cross amuses them. As A.W. Tozer put it, "The flesh, smiling and confident, preaches and sings about the cross; before the cross it bows and toward the cross it points with carefully staged chorography – but upon that cross it will not die, and the reproach of that Cross it stubbornly refuses to bear." 8. What do you believe are our greatest priorities today? Obedience to the Great Commission. Taking the initiative to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Facilitating the national; he already understands the language and knows the culture. We multiply our ministry when we come alongside the national and work as his colleague, not as his commander. Putting some tools in his hand will help make disciples. 9. What are some of the most vital lessons that you have learned during your 60 years in Missions? First of all: God just loves to be trusted. In my 84 years, I've learned one thing about life: we never get out of it alive! We all have a Divine appointment. "It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the Judgment." Hebrews 9:27. The only way to live, is to be ready to die. The only way to be ready to die, is to know Jesus Christ as your own, personal Lord and Saviour. Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6 Rev. Bill Bathman is the Chairman of Frontline Fellowship. He is author of Going Through – Even if the Door is Closed; Angola by the Back Door and How did You Hurt Your Hand? Email: pennireef@cox.net;
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA FAX: (021) 685-5884 Web: www.frontline.org.za
Serving South Sudan Crossing Countries for Christ After an epic 2½ month 16,000km overland journey across 8 countries, our Frontline Fellowship Field Team completed a very successful and effective time of ministry in South Sudan. We bounced over rocky, bumpy, potholed, narrow, dusty roads heading for the newest country in the world, South Sudan. On 9 July 2011 South Sudan gained its independence from the North after many decades of war.
almost seizing up. These m e c h a n i ca l c h a l l e n ge s slowed us down a bit, but we were still able to make all our appointments. Our trailer was loaded to the maximum weight recommended by the manufacturer with two tonnes of Bibles, Gospel literature and audio visual Evangelistic, Discipleship, Leadership and Worldview Training material.
Having crossed the Tropic of Capricorn, the Equator and the great Nile R i v e r, w e h a d m a n y opportunities to see wildlife and enjoy the beauty of God's Creation. Mechanical Challenges Driving overland from South Africa through Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, and South Sudan certainly had a few challenges. Our trailer axles repeatedly broke loose, needing then to be welded back. The bull-bar, roof-rack rigging, and tow-hitchs rattling loose also demanded constant attention. The trailer lights got blasted out by the gravel stones from the tyres, and a wheel-bearing burned out
Evidences of War As we travelled in South Sudan we saw the evidence of war: ruins of churches that had been bombed, buildings and trees pock-marked with scars of shrapnel and bullets, men and women with terrible scars of wounds and torture from the war. Yet they were all rejoicing over the fact that they were now Free! But with freedom come many c h a l l e n g e s . To truly be free one needs to be re s p o n s i b l e to make the right choices.
Rich Heritage Frontline Fellowship has been working in Sudan since 1994. It was a great privilege for us to have gone in after Dr. Peter Hammond and the Frontline teams that had served so diligently during the years of war. The people r e m e m b e r e d D r. P e t e r Hammond as a true friend because he had been a friend during the hard times. They said, "Peter Hammond is a blood brother, because while our blood was being shed he was here risking his own life to serve us." Hymnbooks that Survived One of the most prized possessions of the Moru people is the Moru Hymn Books, which they received from Frontline Fellowship in 1996 and these very same Hymn Books are still being used in their churches. Even though they are worn out, tattered and torn, they are a very prized possession. Whenever we were
introduced by Canon Kenneth Baringwa, he would say, "You know those Hymn Books that we use in our churches every Sunday, it is Frontline Fellowship that gave them to us." Malaria Two of our team members, Daniel and Hunter suffered from malaria and I went down with high fevers and pounding headaches. By God’s grace, we recovered and continued to minister and carry out all responsibilities despite the discomfort of illness. Through Sickness and Health We persevered and pushed on through sickness and fatigue and saw many faces beaming with appreciation for the valuable training and vital materials received. Ministry In the 5 weeks we were in South Sudan, we presented more than 140 lectures, sermons, school meetings, outreaches and devotions. We held 5 Evangelism Workshops and Biblical Worldview Seminars, lectured at 3 Colleges, preached at 10 Churches, and we had some good opportunities to minister to about 2,000 believers at a Let your Light Shine Conference. We donated books and Bibles to 4 Bible College Libraries and a Teachers Training College Library. We also donated books to 8 Community Libraries and enriched the personal libraries of more than 220 pastors, leaders, evangelists, teachers and students.
Beloved Books The most appreciated book that we were able to give the people of South Sudan was Faith Under Fire in Sudan. This tells the story of their struggles for freedom and includes many pictures of the war. It was also a great privilege to distribute The Doctor Comes to Lui book amongst the Moru people on the very soil where Dr. Kenneth Fraser accomplished his ministry. The Moru people hold Dr Kenneth Fraser in high esteem because it was he who first brought the Gospel to them and started the first Church, the first hospital and the first school in Moruland.
experienced some of the scenes that they witnessed in the film. I heard one man say as he watched: "That is where I lost my uncle!" and another man said: "That is the conflict that destroyed our village!" There was a constant hum of excited chatter throughout the film as participants were recognizing faces and places, and at times in horror remembering the sufferings of the past. Celebrating Jesus We were encouraged by the way the Moru people responded to the Jesus film. They shouted with joy and the ladies jubilated in the traditional African way when they saw the Risen Lord Jesus appear to His disciples for the first time after His death and burial. Each time we've shown this film at different locations, we hear the same shouts of praise and spontaneous applause when it came to the Resurrection.
Film Ministry We screened films on 25 different occasions. Some nights there were as many as 1,000 people gathered to watch. The screenings of the films Sudan: The Hidden Holocaust, a n d Te r r o r i s m & Pe r s e c u t i o n we re undoubtedly a great encouragement to many of the folk there. Many of the people in the film were recognized by local Christians who had
Our team diligently took advantage of the opportunities to share the Gospel
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA FAX: (021) 685-5884 Web: www.frontline.org.za
We had Evangelism Workshops and Biblical Worldview Seminars with more than 220 Sudanese pastors, chaplains, evangelists and teachers. Personal Evangelism During the week, after each day of lectures, w e a n d t h e participants had the opportunity to go into the market places and local areas amongst the villages and do personal evangelism.
message to the many who gathered around our equipment after each film ministry. Sunday Services On Sundays each of our team members had various opportunities to minister at different parishes for Sunday morning Worship services each Sunday. Some of the parishes are very rural and were only accessed by some serious bundu-bashing.
Thank You Thank you for all your support and prayers which made our ministry in South Sudan possible. May God richly reward you for helping us serve this recovering war-torn country.
We were also able to take Devotions at the assemblies of a teacher training college and at Bible colleges.
Prison Ministry God provided opportunities for us to minister at a local prison and police station where we had the opportunity to share the Gospel with prisoners and saw many trust in Christ. School Ministry We also ministered at local Primary and Secondary Schools where often the students took refuge from the blazing heat of the sun under the shelter and shade of large trees. Military Mission We had the privilege of going to SPLA barracks to share the Gospel with soldiers. 10
After seeing the taking down of the flag, I was able to show the soldiers how their flag has the Gospel in it. The black on top speaks of how our hearts were dark with sin; the red in the middle shows how the Blood of Christ cleanses us and purifies us from sin; the white lines speak of how our hearts can be white as snow; the green shows us that we must grow in Grace, reading our Bibles, fellowshipping with other believers and praying; the royal blue shows us that we are now sons of the King; and the gold shows us that we can be in Heaven one day forever.
Michael Watson mike@frontline.org.za
Persecution Increases Nigeria The militant Islamic Boko Haram movement demanded that all Christians living in Northern Nigeria must leave. This amidst an escalation in terror attacks on churches throughout Northern Nigeria. Boko Haram claimed responsibility for at least 50 major terrorist attacks on Christians, including assassinations and bombings. Christmas Jihad On Christmas Day a series of coordinated terror attacks targeted churches across the country. Muslims set fire to the cars of Christians outside a church in Damaturu, the capital of Yobe state. A car bomb killed 42 worshippers at a Christmas day morning service at Madalla, just outside the federal capital of Abuja. Other churches targeted by Islamic terror attacks included Mountain of Fire and Miracles church in Jos. Churches in Maiduguri were burned down and Christians killed. In the wake of the lethal Christmas Day bombings across Northern Nigeria came reports of Muslim mobs blocking the path of ambulances and delaying their attempts to transport wounded victims from the churches to hospitals. What is Boko Haram? Boko Haram has been described as an African Taliban, with links to Al-Qaeda. Boko Haram started in Maiduguri over 15 years ago by Mohammed Yusuf as a Quaranic study group. It quickly
developed into a Jihadist group determined to establish a Muslim Caliphate throughout West Africa. In 2009, more than 700 people were killed in conflict between Nigerian soldiers and Boko Haram followers. Mohammed Yusuf was captured and summarily executed while in police custody at that time. Christians in Jos have recently lost over 150 people at the hands of Boko Haram terrorists. Boko Haram means: Western Education is forbidden, and they describe themselves as people committed to the propagation of the prophet's teachings and Jihad. Boko Haram demands the imposition of Islamic sharia law across Nigeria. The Nigerian government reports that Boko Haram is financing itself through bank robberies and receives oil money from neighbouring Islamic states. They have been credited with at least 465 killings in Nigeria in the last year. Under Siege Some churches now have military detachments entrenched with machine gun nests behind sandbags to protect the congregations from assault. In numerous towns motorbikes have been banned in fear of Boko Haram's repeated use of motorbikes for hit and run attacks. President Jonathan declared a State of Emergency on New Years Eve and closed Nigeria's borders with Niger, Cameroon and Chad.
assassinations. In Qena province, in the village of Rahmaniya-Kebly, Muslim mobs chanting Allah Akbar destroyed the homes and shops of Christians while security forces watched, but did not intervene. Homes and places of worship were torched, but the fire brigade arrived 90 minutes late. The Copts were forcibly prevented from voting. So only Muslim Brotherhood candidates were voted for. Intimidation In Bahteem, Qaliubia province, a mob of Muslim Brotherhood radicals stormed into a church and informed them that they no longer had any license and needed to vacate the building which would be turned into a mosque!
Egypt Christians throughout Egypt have been subjected to legal harassment, state persecution, mob violence, arson attacks, a r r e s t s a n d FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA FAX: (021) 685-5884 Web: www.frontline.org.za
Sudan into the newly independent South Sudan since the secession. Christians are facing growing threats from both Muslim communities and Islamic government officials in Sudan. C h u rc h p ro p e r t y i s ro u t i n e l y confiscated. The police and courts have been unjustly biased in favour of Muslims against Christians. Sudan police have arrested and beaten pastors and evangelists.
Cold-Blooded Murder An Egyptian policeman opened fire on a crowded train targeting Christian passengers as he shouted Allah Akbar! Since the removal of Hosni Mubarak from power, the Muslim Brotherhood has dominated the political landscape and their party has overwhelmingly won in recent elections. More than 100,000 Christian families have emigrated from Egypt in fear of violence from Islamic extremists. Iraq Midnight Christmas and New Year services were cancelled in Baghdad, Mosul and Kirkuk as a consequence of the never ending assassinations of Christians. A blunt statement from the Chaldean Archbishop, Louis Sako, explained that in future all Christian services had to be scheduled for the daylight hours for security reasons. In 1932, one out of every five Iraqi's was a Christian. Today the number has dwindled to one in 33. Close to a million Christians have emigrated from Iraq because of the anti-Christian persecution that has erupted since democracy came to Iraq. During one attack on a church in Bagdad, 52 were killed in what the terrorists described as a Jihad to exterminate Iraq Christians… an obscene nest of infidels…! Sudan Over 350,000 Christians have fled from 12
Under Fire Again Christians in the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan, in Blue Nile Province and in the oil rich Abyei, have come under aerial bombardment, ground attacks and devastating Scorched Earth campaigns. At least 130,000 Negok Dinka residents in Abyei have fled the fighting as Sudan armed forces have poured into the area, engaging in ethnic cleansing.
Massacres In Jonglei state, in South Sudan, severe inter-tribal warfare between the Nuer and Murle people has resulted in an estimated 3,000 deaths and the displacement of over 100,000 people. During the civil war, the National Islamic Front government of Sudan armed militias amongst the Nuer people to attack the neighbouring tribes and destabilise the situation. Entire families have been massacred in tribal violence. President Salva Kiir of South Sudan has declared the area in Jonglei state a disaster zone. India On Christmas Day, an angry mob of Hindus raided Christian homes, s m a s h i n g w i n d o ws , d a m a g i n g furniture and assaulting Believers. Thousands of Hindu protestors objected to the celebration of Christmas. Hindu militants also
attacked Evangelical Christians. Police we re re p o r te d l y re l u c ta nt to investigate the assaults, interrogating injured Christians as to what had motivated them to convert to Christianity! Reportedly the police sided with the attackers. In Karnataka, many of the injured Christians were arrested and thrown in jail for a week, while no action was taken against the assailants. Christians in India report that this illustrates the justice problem: somebody comes to beat you up, and then the police come and arrest you and accuse you of inciting that other person to violence! Christians are a minority of just over 2% in India, where Hindus are the overwhelming majority and Muslims constitute 13% of the population. Persecution Today Over 400 million Christians live under 66 governments which severely restrict religious freedom and persecute Believers. Every year an average of 200,000 Christians are killed for their Faith. “And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it… you are the Body of Christ and members individually.” 1 Corinthians 12:26-27 Serving the Persecuted During the last 30 years Frontline Fellowship has served persecuted churches throughout Africa, delivering hundreds-of-thousands of Bibles and Christian books to persecuted Christians, training pastors, teachers, chaplains and evangelists, helping to establish Christian schools, plant churches, develop Bible colleges and medical clinics – ministering to body, mind and spirit. “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – those who are mistreated – since you yourselves are in the body also.” Hebrews 13:3 Dr. Peter Hammond
PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE: Those wishing to reprint or quote from any edition of Frontline Fellowship News are encouraged to do so, provided that it is quoted in context and that due acknowledgement of source is given. Please also send a copy of any article to us. FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP NEWS 2012/1
Mission to Zimbabwe “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 Rebuilding Zimbabwe We have a vision to help rebuild the country of Zimbabwe upon the only sure foundation of Biblical principles. After the economic collapse of the Zimbabwean dollar, many people are eager to embrace questionable quickfix schemes and heresies that promise health and prosperity, rather than lifetransforming Biblical principles. Therefore, during our recent mission trip, we conducted Biblical Worldview Seminars addressing the battle for the mind. “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” Colossians 2:8 Hope The Zimbabwean people are weary and some feel defeated by injustice and lawlessness. Many churches were forced to close their doors during the economic collapse. Yet the country is
in a phase of change. It should therefore be a call to self-examination of personal lives, families, congregations, and society. It is easy to regard the status quo as right. “We have always done it this way.” Common practice should not be lifted above Scripture and popular approval does not have Divine authority! Heresies and cults that are threatening the church should be exposed and opposed. It is therefore a worthy time to be challenged by the great Biblical principles of the Reformation. The only hope for any nation is the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all areas of life. Seminars Because we have a Commission from our Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples and to teach obedience (Matthew 28:182 0 ) , w e presented B i b l i c a l Evangelism, Discipleship and Worldview conferences for p a s t o r s , chaplains and teachers at seven d i f f e r e n t locations.
Ministry We also had the opportunity to preach at several churches, a prison, an old age home, Bible Colleges, open-air and in a store. Our message always stressed Biblical holiness, Godliness, brotherly love, S p i r i t u a l f r u i t t h at f i t s repentance, perseverance, self-denial and a lifestyle that testifies of a Saviour living within. “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the Faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? - unless indeed you are disqualified.” 2 Cor. 13:5
The Jesus Film I have seen and presented the Jesus film many times, but I am still touched every time I see the powerful message of love, grace and Redemption. On four occasions we followed the film with an evangelistic message. Boxes with Love We were blessed to provide Boxes with Love to senior citizens who have no pension. I received letters expressing their gratefulness. Here’s one example: “I do not know how to express our deep heartfelt thanks to... All the folks who so generously donate and do packing, etc .May God, our Heavenly Father give each of you a special blessing. Those who have received their Love Boxes join with us expressing our deep appreciation. We MARVEL at the contents of those boxes.”
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA FAX: (021) 685-5884 Web: www.frontline.org.za
Challenges and Prayer items The electricity supply (ZESA) in Zimbabwe is still very unpredictable. Power failures are the norm. One of our friends gave us a generator which proved to be an indispensible part of our equipment. One evening while showing the Jesus film (using our valuable generator), a huge roar of joy announced that the electricity had suddenly came on in the township! Farmers, other land owners, and even residential home owners, are living in constant threat of their property being invaded and confiscated by “war veterans”. Frequent court hearings, corruption, bribes and high stress levels complicate their lives. Thank you Thank you to our families who stayed behind and prayed for us during this month of absence. Also to all those who faithfully prayed for us, those involved in arranging successful meetings, our hospitable hosts and those who sacrificially contributed financially towards the Mission. “To you it was shown, that you might know that the Lord Himself is God; there is none other besides Him.” Deuteronomy 4:35 David Frew david@frontline.org.za
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA FAX: (021) 685-5884 Web: www.frontline.org.za
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 SOUTH AFRICA Tel: (021) 689-4480 E-mail: admin@frontline.org.za Web: www.frontline.org.za