2012 EDITION 3
ISSN 1018 - 144X
ISLAMIC JIHAD AGAINST CHRISTIANITY Co-ordinated Attacks Hundreds of heavily armed gunmen, wearing military camouflage and bulletproof vests, attacked Christians at 12 villages on the outskirts of Jos, in Plateau State, in Northern Nigeria on Saturday, 7 July. 25 people are known to have been killed in these terrorist attacks and 19 of the gunmen were killed in follow-up operations by the Joint Task Force. The Deeper Life Bible Church in Otite was attacked by AK-47 wielding Islamicists at an evening service on Monday, 6 August. At least 19 people were killed, including a pastor in this attack. Muslims Kill Elected Representatives Among the victims of the terror attacks were a local senator and representative from Plateau State. Nigerian security forces have identified the assailants as Fulani tribesmen. The Fulani are an
overwhelmingly Muslim tribe in Northern Nigeria. Boko Haram State Their Objectives T h e B o ko H a ra m te r ro r i st organisation has issued a public statement declaring: "The Nigerian state and Christians are our enemies and we will be launching attacks on the Nigerian state and its security apparatus as well as churches, until we achieve our goal of establishing an Islamic state. We are responsible for the suicide attacks on churches..." Threats to the Media The spokesman for the group told reporters in Maiduguri: "We launched these attacks... We a r e ke e p i n g tabs on all comments being made about us… let no one make any entreaty to us when we perfect our plan and start our operation, especially against journalists." Kenyan Churches Attacked In Eastern Kenya, churches have been attacked by Somalian terrorists, killing pastors and worshippers. Mombasa, Garissa and other towns along the b o rd e r w i t h S o m a l i a , a re a l l predominantly Muslim areas and it is in these areas that a wave of violence has been unleashed against Christian churches in Kenya.
A convert to Christianity is buried up to his waist and stoned to death in Somalia.
Devastated Churches One report described the devastation at the Africa Inland Church in Garissa in the aftermath of the grenade and machinegun attack: "Dried blood still
Al-Shabaab claims responsibility for the attacks on churches in Kenya.
stained the floor, bullet holes pockmarked the walls and beams of light poured through the metal sheet roof punctured by flying shrapnel." The Somalian Connection Kenyan police report that they suspect that these attacks were the work of al-Shabaab, a Boko Haram-style African Taliban, who claimed that they are attacking targets in Kenya in retaliation for Kenya's peacekeeping operations under the African Union in Somalia. "God is Just. He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled… when the Lord Jesus is revealed from Heaven in blazing fire with His powerful angels. He will punish those who do not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the Majesty of His power on the Day He comes.” 2 Thess 1:6-10
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In this Issue Islamic Jihad Against Christianity Mission to Nigeria South Africa Mission Zimbabwe & Zambia Mission Remember the Persecuted Livingstone 200 Serving the Persecuted
Mission to Nigeria We praise God for a very successful and enlightening Mission to Nigeria. I was part of a team from Shalom Ministries (Mighty Men's Conferences) that had been invited to Nigeria.
factory, agricultural projects, and a vibrant vision to win Nigeria for Christ. Liberty to the Captives The first meeting of our three-day
Liberty To the Captives crusade lasted through the night until 4am in the morning. We had many opportunities to preach the Gospel, to challenge and encourage believers and to pray for those who were in bondage, or under conviction of sin. We also had Leadership training meetings with pastors, whom we equipped with valuable Discipleship and Evangelism training materials from Frontline Fellowship. We were privileged to be part of a baptism service, where 60 new believers went through the waters of baptism as a public testimony of their Faith in Christ. We had 11 opportunities to minister and visited 12 different ministry projects. We learned a lot and laid some good foundations for future ministry in this, the largest nation in Africa.
Churches Under Attack Our visit came amidst an intensive campaign of bomb attacks on churches in Nigeria. Because of the concern of Boko Haram terror attacks, our Mission team received extraordinary security. We were transported in a four-vehicle convoy with police and army escorts. Wherever we went we were accompanied by three soldiers and four policemen. Our host took us on a tour of an inspiring variety of ministry projects, including their new 5,000seater auditorium being
P l e a s e continue to uphold our beleaguered Brethren in Nigeria with fe r ve nt prayer.
constructed, with extraordinary security arrangements to protect Michael the church from Jihadist car bombs. Watson They have a Christian boarding school, a spring water bottling 2
South Africa Mission KwaZulu KwaSizabantu Mission is without doubt the most blessed and productive Mission Station on the continent of Africa. It is always a hive of activity, and most importantly, a place where God's blessings flow. The theme of this year's Christians For Truth Conference was Sound the Gospel Trumpet. I was invited to speak on The Christian and Secular Humanist Worldviews in Conflict. I also presented Arab Spring – Christian Winter at the KSB Sunday evening service and took chapels at the school and teacher training college. Mpumalanga At Africa School of Missions, I presented a week of lectures on Animism, Hinduism, Islam and Secular Humanism and taught principles and effective strategies for reaching adherents of these different religions and worldviews. Missions Conferences I was also invited to conduct a number of Missions Conferences, including the E q u i p p i n g Yo u t h B e y o n d Fishers of Men Conference in M p u m a l a n ga , a M i s s i o n s Conference at Blouberg, and a Biblical Worldview Seminar at Riversdale. After an Evangelism Workshop at Kriel, w e m o b i l i s e d t h e yo u n g people into the streets to engage in mass Gospel literature distribution and personal Evangelism. Many of
the young people came back with enthusiastic testimonies of challenging situations, t o u g h questions asked by people on the streets and at the shops, and of people who were brought u n d e r conviction of s i n a n d
Christians for Truth Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission.
The Christian and Secular Humanist Worldviews in Conflict.
s u r re n d e re d their lives to Christ. For most of them it was their f i r s t experience of Evangelism. Hospital Christian Fellowship I was also invited to speak at a Hospital Christian Fellowship Biblical Worldview Seminar at Riversdale.
Conference. HCF was my first Mission. I had the privilege of being mentored by the Founder of HCF International, Francis Grim. He pointed out that more people pass through the hospitals of the world than through the churches. His strategy was to Evangelise and Disciple doctors and nurses to reach patients for Christ. It was his mentorship and Missionary training which prepared me to use my military service as an opportunity to reach soldiers for Christ. Dr. Peter Hammond www.frontline.org.za
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA FAX: (021) 685-5884 Web: www.frontline.org.za
Zimbabwe & Zambia Mission “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before You. For the kingdom is the Lord's, and He rules over the nations.” Psalm 22:27-28 Love in Action in Zimbabwe We were blessed to be able to minister to the body, mind and spirit of pensioners. We took small boxes filled with everything from food to lotions to literature. The elderly folk of Zimbabwe are always so grateful to receive their Boxes with Love. After the huge economic downfall that took place in Zimbabwe they lost their savings and their pensions. Many of them don't have any family to look after them and rely solely on such gifts. Leadership Training in Zambia In Zambia, our first seminar was in a beautiful mountainous area. In one rural area we ran a discipleship conference that was almost the best conference that any missionary could ask for. The response was amazing as people were openly confessing that they were sinners in need of forgiveness from God. In one instance, we had just spent the day preaching on repentance and Salvation when someone informed us that there were people who wanted to give their lives to the Lord. We asked if there was anybody who wanted to confess their sins and place their trust in Jesus Christ. "Now when they heard this,
they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, ‘Men and brethren, what shall we do?’” Acts 2:37. A good number of people stood to their feet and confessed their sins as a sign of their faith towards Him. This was an incredible experience to see such openness to make a bold decision to surrender their lives to God. “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, 4
that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16 Children's Ministry Our team had many opportunities to minister to children. Despite what people may think, children can handle quite a lot of spiritual discussion. As we were preaching to children, we found that they were really grasping the issues of repentance and Salvation. “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the Kingdom of God’.” Luke 18:16 Education and Evangelism We presented Discipleship seminars at several rural churches, ministered at a Christian school, a nursing college, at a Bible study for the deaf, and met the police commissioner who invited us to conduct training for the chaplains. Dark Demonic Dealings While we were speaking to a police commissioner we heard of disturbing stories in one of the cities in Zambia. “Things seem calm on the surface, but there is a spiritual battle going on underneath” said the commissioner. We heard of Satanism going on underground, the likes of which include human sacrifices. Abductions take place for satanic rituals. Pastors and high ranking police officials told us of people who had tried to sell their own children to Satanists but thankfully were caught. Even though Zambia has m a n y missionaries and is supposed t o b e a predominantly Christian nation, there is
still much need for the Gospel and Discipleship. Money Hungry Zimbabwe is still full of many money hungry people, as they have come out of such an economic disaster. People were and still are physically starving and will go wherever they can find money, whether it be religion or business. No one, however, is more money hungry than the government. We recorded fifty police stops travelling through the country! Demands for bribes are frequent. Mugabe sells his natural resources to the Chinese at a great cost to his own people. We need to pray for the repentance, or removal, of this dictator. “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” Eph 5:11 Light for Zimbabwe and Zambia In both Zimbabwe and Zambia there is a glimmer of hope amidst financial and spiritual struggles. During the course of our ministry there were many pleas for more training. There was a hunger for the Word from the dedicated Christians. We were overwhelmed
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be hidden. ” (Matthew 5:14)
with further invitations to come and do more ministry. "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot
Hope for Africa “...Men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. For He is the living God, and steadfast forever; His Kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed, and His dominion shall endure to the end. He delivers and rescues, and He works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, Who has delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.” Daniel 6:26-27 Our hope for the people of Africa is in God Who “..shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth”. Psalm 72:8. God can save a soul in a moment, and in the same way He can also transform a continent. The Lord Jesus Christ gave
us the Great Commission and we are called and committed to obediently proclaim the Glory of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples and teaching obedience. Christians are engaged in a world war of ideas and beliefs. There are many casualties and defeats, but we will not retreat or be discouraged. Every soul saved by God causes the angels to rejoice and give glory to God (Luke 15:10).
David Frew and John Clifford
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA FAX: (021) 685-5884 Web: www.frontline.org.za
Remember the Persecuted S u n d a y, 4 N o v e m b e r i s t h e International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). Over 400 million Christians live under 66 governments which restrict religious freedom and persecute believers. Every year more than 200,000 Christians are killed for their Faith.
including: books, audio CDs and MP3s, DVD films and guest speakers. IDOP
Africa also recommends practical projects that you and your family, or church, can adopt to serve the suffering. "I was in prison and you came to Me… assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." Matthew 25:36-40
A bombed Church in Sudan. A Coptic child in Egypt outside his congregation.
"Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – those who are mistreated – since you yourselves are in the body also." Hebrews 13:3 IDOP Africa is hosted by Frontline Fellowship which has been dedicated to serving the persecuted church in Africa for over 30 years. Frontline Fellowship has been part of IDOP from the beginning. Frontline missionaries have served the suffering throughout Africa and Eastern Europe, including: Mozambique, Angola, the Congo, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan and Zimbabwe. To assist you in informing, inspiring and involving your congregation, school, co-workers, friends and family, in praying for persecuted Christians, IDOP Africa website provides articles, news and a wide range of resources,
www.frontline.org.za www.idop-africa.org
An Egyptian Christian is attacked.
Public hanging in Iran.
A burned out Church in Nigeria. A bomb damaged Church in South Sudan. 6
PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE: Those wishing to reprint or quote from any edition of Frontline Fellowship News are encouraged to do so, provided that it is quoted in context and that due acknowledgement of source is given. Please also send a copy of any article to us. FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP NEWS 2012/3
Livingstone 200
Missionary Milestone 19 March 2013, will mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of D a v i d Livingstone. Dr. David Livingstone was a great missionary pioneer pathfinder, who opened up Africa to the Gospel, exposed the horrors of the Islamic slave trade in Central and East Africa and set many captives free. Pioneer Pathfinder Dr. Livingstone walked across Africa from coast to coast. From the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, he walked across, what is today: Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. He walked throughout Malawi, Tanzania, into Burundi and the Congo. Before there were any roads, bridges, hospitals, or shops, he pioneered missionary outreaches, cared for the sick and suffering and mapped areas which had been large blank spaces on the maps at that time. Epic Endurance He survived fevers and infections, attacks by wild animals and Muslim slave raiders. Livingstone was the first person to bring medicine and the Gospel of Christ to many remote regions of Central Africa. Livingstone's great goal of bringing to the world's attention the scourge of the Islamic slave trade in Africa was achieved largely through the work of his convert, American journalist, Henry Morton Stanley. David Livingstone died in Zambia where his heart is buried under a tree, near Chitambo's Village. He gave his life so that Africans could be freed from slavery and liberated by the Gospel of Christ.
missionary zeal and self-sacrifice. He was described by many as "the best friend Africa ever had".
Bicentenary To mark the Livingstone bicentenary, we are planning special events next year. We have also launched a special www.Livingstone200.org website and a Dr. David Livingstone Facebook Page. In the Footsteps of Livingstone Frontline Fellowship will also be organising special PowerPoint presentations on David Livingstone and Mission outreaches in the footsteps of Livingstone, culminating on 16 November, when Livingstone discovered, mapped and named the Victoria Falls.
"The Salvation of men ought to be the chief desire and aim of every Christian", he wrote.
Presentations Available Those who are interested in arranging special Livingstone 200 presentations at your church, school, or college can book a speaker from Frontline Fellowship to present a special documentary film on the Life and Legacy of David Livingstone and/or PowerPoint presentation on the Pioneer Missionary and Explorer.
The Best Friend Africa Ever Had Inspired by Reformed Theology, Puritan devotion and a Post-millennial Eschatology of Victory, David Livingstone was a striking example of
Book and Film Project Those who would like to see a wellillustrated book celebrating The Life and Legacy of David Livingstone and a documentary film series: In the
Footsteps of Livingstone, are encouraged to designate support through Frontline Fellowship for these projects. At Livingstone House we have original copies of all of Livingstone's books - with his sketches and Thomas Baines artwork. We have scanned hundreds of contemporary pictures from Livingstone's explorations and ministry which would make great illustrations for the book and film.
Incredible Life and Impact The vision is to not only deal with the overwhelming obstacles overcome and incredible achievements of the man who has been described as Africa's greatest pioneer missionary, but to also record the ongoing spiritual impact of his legacy in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. The optimistic vision of victory of Livingstone the Liberator comes as a stern rebuke to our prevailing escapist and materialistic society of comfort, defeat and retreat. Inspiration David Livingstone's steadfast example has been used of the Lord to inspire many hundreds of men and women to devote their lives to African missions. Mary Slessor, for example, went to Calabar (present day Nigeria). Peter Cameron of the Africa Inland Mission was inspired to return to Africa after his first mission failed, when he read the inscription on the tomb of Livingstone in Westminster Abby: "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring and they shall hear My voice.� Challenge Before his last Mission to Africa, David Livingstone issued this challenge: "I beg to direct your attention to Africa. I know that in a few years I shall be cut off from that country, which is now open. Do not let it be shut again! I go back to Africa to try to make an open path for commerce and Christianity. Will you carry out the work which I have begun? I leave it with you!� Dr. Peter Hammond www.livingstone200.org
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA FAX: (021) 685-5884 Web: www.frontline.org.za
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA • admin@frontline.org.za • www.frontline.org.za