POTENTIAL SUITOR EVALUATION REPORT BY DAUGHTER Mark as many descriptions as apply to the potential suitor. Name of potential suitor: ___________________________ Date: ______________________________ 1. DESCRIBE APPEARANCE, ATTIRE & PERSONAL GROOMING: Neat _______ Smart _______ Formal _______ Presentable ________________________ Casual _______ Sloppy _______ Unkept _______ Dishevelled _______________________ Disgraceful ______ Frequently unshaven _______ 2. DESCRIBE STANDARD OF DRESS: High _______ Above average _______ Average _______ Unacceptable _________________________ 3. PUNCTUALITY FOR CHURCH SERVICES, MIDWEEK MEETINGS & DATES: Always on time _______ Sometimes late _______ Often late ____________________________ Almost always late _______ Frequently absent ___________________________________________ 4. DEPENDABILITY: Always does what he promises Normally gets the job done Frequently needs reminding Only works under supervision Consistently unreliable Excessive absence when needed
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
5. DEDICATION: Often goes above and beyond the call of duty _______ Duty orientated _____________________ Participates in most church activities _______ Hard working _____________________ Seldom participates in outreaches, conferences, protests, prayer vigils and rallies ___________________ Never does more than absolutely necessary _____________________________________________ 6. DETERMINATION: Once given an assignment diligently perseveres until duty is completed ___________________________ Needs some reminding and supervision ___________________________________________________ Tends to drift without close supervision ___________________________________________________ Often make excuses as to why the task could not be done ______________________________________ 7. DILIGENCE: Remarkable attention to detail ____________________________________________________________ Seldom needs reminding or correction _____________________________________________________ Generally careful, but still needs to be checked up on _________________________________________ Always needs close supervision and double checking _________________________________________ Frequently forgetful ____________________________________________________________________ Often procrastinates ____________________________________________________________________ 8. INTEGRITY: Scrupulously honest _______ High moral standards _______ Average ___________________________ In need of further discipleship and counseling _______ Questionable ___________________________ 9. INITIATIVE: Seizes the initiative frequently _______ Often creative in solving problems _____________________ Has initiated some improvements _______ Lacking in initiative ________________________________ 1