The Bridegroom Fast Q? Authentic Devotion is one of our core values – what practices do you enjoy the most to develop this? What practices do you find hard or avoid altogether? Living a ‘fasted lifestyle’, is choosing to suppress one appetite (watching TV / comfort / sleep) so we can nurture an appetite for more of God and his purposes. Definition of ‘fasting’ is ‘voluntarily abstaining from food’ A) Seven purposes to fast in scripture: 1) We fast to experience the power of God in personal ministry. Mat 17:21 / Mark 9:29 Power to see demonised boy set free (Jesus didn’t fast in that moment so he must have been talking about a lifestyle!) Mat 11:18 John the Baptist’s led a fasted lifestyle and Jesus said no one born of a woman was greater to that point (Luk 7:28). The early church fasted twice a week (Wednesdays and Fridays) for more power. Fasting was a regular part of Paul’s life (2 Cor. 6:5; 11:27; Acts 9:9) 2) We fast for prophetic revelation of the end times. Daniel sought God with fasting and prayer and received revelation (Dan. 9:1-3, 20-23; 10:1-3, 12-14). After fasting for 21 days, an angel told him that his prayers were heard because he set his heart to understand (Dan. 10:12). As he sought the Lord, the angel Gabriel gave him “skill to understand” (Dan. 9:20-23). Act 2:17-21 - unprecedented release of prophetic revelation before Jesus returns. 3) We fast for the fulfillment of God’s promises to our city or nation. Dan 9:1-3, 10:1-3 Daniel prayed and fasted for the fulfillment of God’s promises. Neh 1:3-11 Nehemiah fasted and prayed for God’s promises to his generation. 2 Cor 6:5, 11:27 Paul fasted for the release God’s purposes. 4) We fast to stop a crisis (individual or national). Fasting to seek God for mercy during a personal crisis is seen throughout Scripture. Hannah, the mother of Samuel, being distressed by her barrenness, prayed with fasting. God answered her by giving her a son who grew up to become a prophet (1 Sam. 1:7). On many occasions, God reversed Israel’s desperate situation after they turned to Him in corporate prayer and fasting. Joel prophesied that God would judge Israel using locusts, and then later by an invasion by the Babylonian army (Joel 1:2-18; 2:1-9). On both occasions, Joel called Israel to turn to God in prayer and fasting (Joel 1:13-14; 2:12-15). Jonah warned the wicked city of Nineveh that God was going to destroy them. When Nineveh repented with fasting, the Lord showed mercy and spared the city (Jon. 3:3-9). 5) We fast for protection. Before Ezra led a group of Jews from Babylon back to Israel to help rebuild their nation, he fasted and prayed to God for protection on the journey because it was so dangerous (Ezra 8:21-23). Travel was dangerous in the ancient world because bands of thieves often attacked groups to take money and supplies. Esther called the Jews in Persia to fast for three days after Haman set into motion a plan to kill all the Jews (Esth. 3:13; 4:7). Esther first needed protection because she was going to approach King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) without a royal summons (the penalty was death). Many cried out in prayer and fasting (Esth. 4:3, 16; 5:1-6). The Lord spared Esther’s life and then reversed the situation among the Jews concerning Haman’s evil plans (Esth 9:1). 6) We fast for direction. Throughout the New Testament, the church fasted for supernatural wisdom and direction. Paul and others fasted and prayed for direction for their ministry (Acts 13:1-2) and before selecting and commissioning elders of the new churches in Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch (Acts 14:23) 7) We fast to grow in intimacy with Jesus - the Bridegroom fast (Mt. 9:14-17). Q? Which of these 7 are new to you? Which might be helpful to you currently? B) Biblical fasting IS NOT: 1) A way to _________ God’s ___________ 2) A way to ___________ 3) A way to ___________ for __________ 4) A way to __________ you __________ God 5) A way to ________ _______ to _______ 6) Giving up _____, ______________, or _____________ ______________
C) Biblical fasting IS: 1) A way to ___________ yourself before God Ps 35:13 / Ps 69:10 / Ezr 8:21 / 2 Chron 7:14 – ‘If my people who are called by my name will HUMBLE THEMSELVES and pray …’ 1 Pet 5:6 / Luk 14:11 / Phil 2:8-9 Pride is the primary reason that we don’t pray and that when we do, we don’t get breakthrough. Fasting is a great antidote to pride as we humble ourselves and declare we want God’s way and will over our own. Food fasting has an inherent benefit in humbling us which positions us for partnership with God. 2) Normal _____________ __________ – fasting is not something reserved for spiritual superheroes! Mat 6:5-7 / Mat 6:16-17 ‘When you pray/fast’ – do not & do Mat 9:15 ‘the time will come when the bridegroom is taken from them; then they will fast’ 3) Distinct from __________. Is 58 says very little about prayer as part of your fast and Mat 6 Jesus doesn’t mention prayer. 4) An ________________ to spiritual growth. Is 58 talks about the fruit of fasting as including breakthrough / revelation / understanding Mat 17:21 / Mar 9:29 – ‘This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting.’ 5) A way to _____________ ourselves to receive _____________ from God Mat 6:18 When you are fasting ‘your Father… who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.’ Q? What are some of the Internal and External Rewards that God offers? D) The Bridegroom Fast Mat 9:14-17 - Unlike any other fast, focussed on humbling ourselves before God, here Jesus introduces a different reason for fasting – mourning / longing / lovesickness. God as a Bridegroom God in the Old Testament - Hos 2:16 & 19-20 / Is 62:5 / Jer 3:14 Rev 22:17 ‘The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come!’’ John the Baptist describes himself as the friend of the Bridegroom (John 3:29) Q? What ideas does Jesus outline in His answer in Mat 9:15? E) 5 Types of Food Fasting: NB - You should not fast if you are pregnant, have any underlying medical conditions or have any history of eating disorders. If in any doubt, seek medical advice! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
___________ Fast – going without food and drinking only water or calorie free drinks ___________ Fast – going without solid food but drinking juices / etc. ___________ Fast / ___________ Fast – eating only fruit and vegetables. (Dan 10:3) ___________ Fast – Saint Benedict (525AD) introduced a fast where you only eat one meal a day. ___________ Fast / ___________ Fast – no food or water (Est 4:16). NB – exercise extreme caution!
F) Getting started: Note four of the tips to getting started: 1) __________________________________________________________________________ 2) ___________________________________________________________________________ 3) ___________________________________________________________________________ 4) ___________________________________________________________________________ Q? Write below what might be a realistic next step for you so that you grow in the practice of fasting?