2016 12 06

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12 Sunday Services Wavertree 10.30am

Family Service

City Centre 5pm

Family Service

JUNE 2016

First time here? Welcome to our services today. Our friendly Stewards (in the bright blue t-shirts) are on hand throughout the service if you need any help. You can find out more about church activities in a welcome pack, at the Welcome Point or on our website - www.frontline.org.uk

Kids Zone Kids Zone Wavertree activities start at 10.45am and children for all groups need to register in the foyer by 10.30am A parent room is open at the back of the main hall with a live video feed of the meeting Twinkles (up to age 2)

Youth Church Sundays @ Frontline Wavertree


E2 (years 7 and 8) will be meeting today; they will be meeting after three worship songs. E2 need to be checked in at the registration point in the foyer by 10:30am

Explorers (age 2)

Week night youth

Sparklers (ages 3-5)

Wildfire (years 7 & 8) meets Fridays, 6-7:30pm @ Frontline Centre Legacy (years 9-11) meets Thursdays 4-8pm - email for venue Unstoppable (years 11-13) meets Fridays 7.15pm - 9.45pm email paulav@frontline.org.uk for venue

Transformers (school years 1-2) All Stars (school years 3-6) Kids Zone Central There are activities for children aged 0-11 at the 5pm service. Children need to be registered before the start of the meeting

For more info about youth see www.youthchurch.co.uk, email jonnyp@frontline.org.uk or ring 0151 733 3373

Food Bank Collections

Pastor John Harding’s Surgery Days

Foodbank supplies are currently running low and as a response we need your help to top up the essentials. Each month there will be two items that we will be targeting. If you feel you can donate food please bring it along on a Sunday and put it in the collection boxes. This month’s items are: Tinned Fish and UHT Milk

Senior Pastor John will be holding regular surgery days where there will be an opportunity for you to come and chat with him, to talk through anything or ask for prayer. The dates for the next surgery days are the 17th June 12-3pm or 6th July from 7.30pm. To book a time, email hebe@frontline.org.uk

Parking @ Frontline Wavertree

Joining a Community

We want to bless our neighbours around the Frontline Centre building and we do not always do this with our parking. Please can you make sure that you have parked safely and not in a way that will inconvenience them. We recommend parking at the shale car park by the Sports Centre and walking down.

Here at Frontline, we are passionate about being ‘family on mission’. That’s why we have our Missional Communities. Communities are a group of like-minded people who spend time together and spend time with God together. If you’re not in a community and would like to be, email jackm@frontline.org.uk

jun 17th 2016

Contact Details: 0151 733 3373 | info@frontline.org.uk | www.frontline.org.uk iTunes: Frontline Church Liverpool | Facebook: FrontlineUK | Twitter: FrontlineUK

Prayer For Ramadan

Family News

If you are interested in praying for Muslims during their month of fasting (from 6th June) or to find out more about the world; go to www.30daysprayer.org.uk for the ramadan prayer guide.


OWs in Summer: car loan needed

Mal and Trish who are overseas workers in Greece are back for a short while in the summer and are looking for the use of a car June 20th to July 1st. If anyone can help them out with this please contact Paula at go@frontline.org.uk

Jan june th 15

Safeguarding Training


If you volunteer with Kids Zone, Youth, Streetwise or Foodbank you need to have attended Safeguarding Training at least every three years (we will email you if this applies to you). Please try to make one of the following dates - 8-9pm on 15th June or 21st June, or 1.30-2.30pm on 28th June. For more information about the training or Safeguarding at Frontline please contact Hebe - hebe@frontline.org.uk or 0151 733 3373

Wine Tasting Fundraiser - postponed The Wine tasting event has been postponed to the Autumn term. We’ll advertise it here when the date is confirmed.

Frontline Wavertree

Frontline Wavertree meets at 10:30am @ Frontline Centre, 147 Lawrence Road, Wavertree, L15 3HA

Birthdays • • • • • • • •

Rachel Marshall Adaobi Ozongwu Myra Sloan Holly Ray Isaac Gilligan Rony Siagian Ste Robertson Jon Winnard

• • • • • • • •

Richard Harris Richie Ellis Akira Niagwan John Davies Winner Ayang Sophie Kerr Paul Smith Jon McCowen

We like to celebrate special occasions as a church family! To include something here email emmam@frontline.org.uk

Our OWs: News from Spain

June 12th 2016

Come and hear about the Pickfords' new role with CRM; supporting and caring for worldwide missionaries from a care hub in Spain. Sunday 12th June 8pm in the cafe at Frontline.

Story Telling Evening


24th june


Everyone is invited to an evening of light bites and story sharing in September 2015 our communities paused for 40 days as we set time aside to hear God. After re-launching in January this year we are gathering back together to hear what God has been doing and what we've been learning. If you'd like to come, contact jackm@frontline.org.uk by the 19th June.

Frontline Central

Frontline Central meets weekly at 5pm @ The Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Street, L3 5UL in the city centre

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