2016 01 05

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1 Services today Wavertree 10.30am

Family Service

City Centre 5pm

Family service

MAY 2016

First time here? Welcome to our services today. Our friendly Stewards (in the bright blue t-shirts) are on hand throughout the service if you need any help. You can find out more about church activities in a welcome pack, at the Welcome Point or on our website - www.frontline.org.uk

Kids Zone

Youth Church

Kids Zone Wavertree activities start at 10.45am and children for all groups need to register in the foyer by 10.30am

Sundays @ Frontline Wavertree

A parent room is open at the back of the main hall with a live video feed of the meeting

E3 (years 9-11) will be meeting today

Twinkles (up to age 2)


E2 (years 7 and 8) will be meeting today E2 and E3 need to be checked in at the registration point in the foyer by 10:30am

Explorers (age 2)

Week night youth

Sparklers (ages 3-5)

Wildfire (years 7 & 8) meets Fridays, 6-7:30pm @ Frontline Centre Legacy (years 9-11) meets Thursdays 4-8pm - email for venue Unstoppable (years 11-13) meets Fridays 7.15pm - 9.45pm email paulav@frontline.org.uk for venue

Transformers (school years 1-2) All Stars (school years 3-6) Kids Zone Central There are activities for children aged 0-11 at the 5pm service. Children need to be registered before the start of the meeting

Praying Easter for Invites the Nations

may th 19


For more info about youth see www.youthchurch.co.uk, email jonnyp@frontline.org.uk or ring 0151 733 3373

Lost Property: claim it now!

Interested in the world and mission? Interested in praying and hearing exciting stories of what God is doing. Come and pray with us on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Next gathering is the 19th May, 45 Wellington Avenue L15 @ 7:45pm

Frontline Wavertree lost property is in a box by the welcome table - please check to see if you have lost anything in the last few months. Anything unclaimed will go to the Imagine If Charity shop. Thank you

Weekday Devotionals @ Frontline Wavertree

NO Frontline Central Service next Sunday

We feel that spending time with God each day is a valuable thing. Come and join Frontline staff in meeting Monday to Friday 9.15am-10am to share God’s word, take communion and pray together. All Frontline members are welcome to join us at Frontline Centre, Wavertree - please use the main entrance.

Unfortunately we are not able to hold a service in the Adelphi next Sunday - 8th May. We'd encourage people to join the 10.30am service at Wavertree. We will also be meeting for a social and a drink/food together at the Weatherspoon's in Lime Street Station from 5pm. It would be great to see you there.

may 8th 2016

Contact Details: 0151 733 3373 | info@frontline.org.uk | www.frontline.org.uk iTunes: Frontline Church Liverpool | Facebook: FrontlineUK | Twitter: FrontlineUK

Kids Conference: Turn It Up

May 31st 2016

Get ready for ‘Turn It Up’ our Kids Zone conference for school years 1-6. Imagine two days packed full of fun, games, activities, music and discovery; that’s what we’re talking about. May 31stJune 1st 2016, 9am-3pm at Frontline Centre. Tickets are available at kidszone.eventbrite.com or for more information email jonnyp@frontline.org.uk If you would like to volunteer at the conference please email tashap@frontline.org.uk

Personal Assistant Position Available

may 5th 2016

Join us for an inspiring and equipping evening with Ying and Grace Kai. Over the past 15 years God has used Ying and Grace to start what could only be described as the world’s fastest growing church planting movement – a movement of God that has seen around 1.7 million baptisms and 150,000 new church starts over the past decade, both in China and North America. Ying will share inspiring stories of what God has done, and simple tools to equip ordinary believers to effectively share their faith and to make disciples. This will be held at Frontline Wavertree, starting at 7:30pm on Thursday 5th May. There will be an offering to support Ying’s ministry on the night

Finding a Community Here at Frontline, we are passionate about being ‘family on mission’. That’s why we have our Missional Communities. Communities are a group of like-minded people who spend time together and spend time with God together. If you’re not in a community and would like to be, email jackm@frontline.org.uk

Frontline Wavertree

Birthdays • • • • • • •

Toni Beaumont John Teare Deza Herve Samuel Clare Elizabeth Shudall Monique Kamwa Cindy Baek

• • • • • • • •

Margie Prior Noah White Cat Ravens Daniel Babu Tim Beaumont Serene Agboado Jon Nevill Cindy Deza-Nana

We like to celebrate special occasions as a church family! To include something here email emmam@frontline.org.uk

Nic Harding is looking for a new PA from August. Nic leads the national church network ‘Kairos Connexion’, of which Frontline is a part. The job, which is based at the Frontline Centre, will include general communication, organisation and administration, event management, and financial control. The role will grow and change over time as the network grows. It‘s a full time position but a job share around skill sets and responsibilities is possible. For more information, email nic@frontline.org.uk

An Evening With Ying and Grace Kai!

Family News

Frontline Wavertree meets at 10:30am @ Frontline Centre, 147 Lawrence Road, Wavertree, L15 3HA


John and Kirsten away

John and Kirsten Harding, along with some other Frontline members are away at The Pursuit worship gathering this weekend. Pray for them over this time, that they have a great encounter with Jesus and real fun building friendships.

Healing Rooms There will be no Healing Rooms this Monday (2nd of May) as it’s bank holiday, but it will run as usual 7.30-9pm from 9th of May.

Join The Crowd! We recently installed some solar panels – partly because we are responsible for God’s earth and partly to be responsible with the tithes and gifts people give. This installation cost £20k and we are looking forward to the benefit over the next 20 years. Phase 2 is now an option – some additional panels and a major overall of the internal lighting so that we can make use of far cheaper modern technologies. This phase would cost £20k and so we are starting a Crowd Funding appeal. It’s very simple – you either make a donation (any size) or you can make an interest free loan. If it’s a loan then it needs to be at least £100 and you can elect to lend us the money for 1, 2 or 3 years. If you’d like to find out more – contact John Gibson – 0151 7333373 or johngibson@frontline.org.uk

Frontline Central

Frontline Central meets weekly at 5pm @ The Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Street, L3 5UL in the city centre

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