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Sunday Services Wavertree 9am
Early Service
Family Service
Farsi service
Evening Service
First time here? Welcome to our services today. Our friendly Stewards (in the bright blue t-shirts) are on hand throughout the service if you need any help.
Toxteth 3pm
Family service
You can find out more about church activities at the Welcome Point or on our website -
City Centre 4pm
sept 2014
Central service
Kids Zone
Youth Church
Kids Zone activities start at 10.45am and children for all groups need to register in the foyer before 10.30am • Twinkles (up to age 2) • Explorers (age 2)
E2 - 11-14 year olds will be meeting at Harthill Youth Centre. They leave as a group from the foyer at 10:45am and return at 12 noon. All youth will need to be checked in with the new registration system though they will not have printed labels
• Sparklers (ages 3-5) • Transformers (school years 1-2)
Older youth (14-18 years) will be meeting in the Counselling Room during the preach today for Unstoppable!
• All Stars (school years 3-6) Parents Room - this is open from 10.30am with a live video feed of the meeting.
Pastor Dave Surgery Days
8th oct
Youth Communities meet Friday evenings and full details of them and youth plans for the year are available via the Frontline facebook page or the Youth church website
Connect with Frontline
oct 8th 2014
Pastor Dave holds regular surgery days the next one being on 8th October. This is an opportunity for you to come and chat with Pastor Dave, to talk through anything and to ask for prayer.
If you are new to Frontline, unfamiliar with our story so far and interested in our hopes for the future, please join us for 'Connect' on Wednesday 8th and 15th October, 8-9.30pm. Please email
Contact to book a time. if you are planning to come.
WELCOME STUDENTS! We want to give you a particularly warm welcome if you are new! Check out our student website or contact us at if we can do anything to help you settle in. (Or see facebook/studentchurchuk)
Contact Details: 0151 733 3373 | | iTunes: Frontline Church Liverpool | Facebook: FrontlineUK | Twitter: FrontlineUK
Kids Zone Xtra Wednesdays 4pm
Family News
Kids Zone Xtra runs every Wednesday, 4pm - 5.15pm at Frontline Centre for all children in Years 3-6. It’s a fun club for Church children and their friends to play games, have fun and learn about Jesus and his good news. Email:
Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
oct 5th 2014
On the first Sunday of every October, hundreds of millions of people around the world join together to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Unite with them at this special prayer meeting. Sunday 5th October, 2pm-4pm, classroom 1 - everyone welcome
Birthdays • Dave Connolly • Emma Morris • Jemimah James
• Julie Prince • Joseph Johnson • Anne Liu
• Harriet Niagwan • Juliet Cheung • Josh Catchpole
• Terry Wilson • Ashley Guidera • Matthew Pegram
• Jo Drury • Miriam Hogg
• Adela Deans • Jonah Doohan
We like to celebrate births, marriages, anniversaries, engagements, birthdays etc. as a church family! If you’d like to include something, please pop a note in the Feedback box or send it to
Volunteers for Unique Conference
oct 17th 2014
Men - we need you! Can you make time to help out at this year’s Unique Women’s conference on 17th and 18th October? Don’t miss this opportunity to lavish love on our ladies and guests. Sign
A Generous Life
Thank you!
up at the welcome table or email
We’ve just had our financial year end (Sep 13 – Aug 14) and last year Frontline members gave an incredible
Frontline Pastors: developing roles
If you caught the ‘Pastors on the Sofa’ interview back in June, you’ll know that our pastors’ roles are developing.
in regular tithes and offerings!!
Senior Pastor Nic Harding is beginning to take on leadership of
Thank you for your faithful generosity to the Frontline family!
the CKN (Covenant Kingdom Network) of churches in England, as well as continuing to oversee our Missional Communities. Senior Pastor Dave Connolly is investing more time in supporting churches and their leadership teams right across the region, as well as continuing to oversee pastoral care and the Toxteth site. Associate Pastor John Harding is now full time on staff, overseeing the Sunday Services, teaching programs and working with Nic and Dave in developing the vision and strategy of the church. Why not spend some time praying for them through the week, or why not join them to pray every Thursday at 7am @ Frontline Wavertree
Volunteers wanted: Design / Christmas Graphic Design - we are looking for a motivated volunteer to help to create slides for the Sunday services. If you have the time and the talent to help then we would love to hear from you. Christmas - we need a team to help with design as well as more practical elements of the Christmas services and Christmas play. To find out more please email
Frontline Wavertree
Frontline Central
Frontline Toxteth
Frontline Wavertree events at Frontline
Frontline Central meets at 4pm at
Frontline Toxteth meets at 3pm at
Centre, corner of Lawrence and Wellington Road, Wavertree, L15 0HY
the Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Street, L3 5UL in the city centre
Toxteth Tabernacle, Park Road, Toxteth, Liverpool, L8 8AN