15 2015 feb
Sunday Services Wavertree 9am
Early Service
Family Service
Farsi service
Evening Service
Toxteth 3pm
Family service
City Centre 4pm
Central service
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First time here? Welcome to our services today. Our friendly Stewards (in the bright blue t-shirts) are on hand throughout the service if you need any help. You can find out more about church activities at the Welcome Point or on our website - www.frontline.org.uk
Kids Zone Kids Zone activities start at 10.45am and children for all groups need to register in the foyer before 10.30am • Twinkles (up to age 2) • Explorers (age 2) • Sparklers (ages 3-5) • Transformers (school years 1-2) • All Stars (school years 3-6) Parents Room - this is open at the back of the main hall from 10.30am with a live video feed of the meeting
Youth Church E2 - 11-14 year olds will be meeting at Harthill Youth Centre. They leave as a group from the foyer at 10:45am and return at 12 noon. All youth will need to be checked in with the new registration system by 10.45am in order to be able to go to E2 though they will not have printed labels Youth Communities meet Friday evenings and full details of them and youth plans for the year are available via the Frontline facebook page or the Youth church website www.youthchurch.co.uk
feb nd 22
Prayer Meetings Thursdays, 7am
Baptism Preparation Class
We believe in prayer and that it is where “the heavy lifting is done” Why not start the day with others passionate to see God's kingdom come and join Nic and John Harding on Thursday mornings at 7am at Frontline Wavertree for 30 mins of focused prayer - for the church, the city and the nation(s).
There will be a baptism class during the 10:30am and 6pm services on 22nd Feb for anyone interested in getting baptised on Sunday 8th March. For more information or if you would like to get baptised on the 8th but can’t make the class then please email helenann@frontline.org.uk
10:30am service: steward needed
6pm service Prayer Walk
We currently need a stewarding team leader for the 10:30am service - a friendly team builder who is able to serve one in four weeks. For more info please email helenann@frontline.org.uk
We will be meeting on Tuesday 17th Feb at 7pm to prayer walk round Wavertree. If you are part of the 6pm service then we’d love for you to join us as we pray for our community
feb 17th 2015
Contact Details: 0151 733 3373 | info@frontline.org.uk | www.frontline.org.uk iTunes: Frontline Church Liverpool | Facebook: FrontlineUK | Twitter: FrontlineUK
Youth Kids Zone Xtra Mentoring Wednesdays 4pm
Family News
At Frontline we are blessed with an amazing growing group of young people. Could you meet up with some of our young people on a monthly basis? It could just be catching up over coffee or McDonalds, setting them goals and being an example. There will be a training evening to share our vision and answer questions. Please note as you will be working with young people you will need a DBS check. Please email jonnyp@frontline.org.uk
Birthdays • Ian Ambler • Jamie Burch • Amber Wager
• Rachel Goodsall • Josh Rugen • Jude McMaster
• Premsingh Dix
• Gabriel Agboado
We like to celebrate special occasions as a church family! If you’d like to include something, please pop a note in the
Golden Years: prizes needed
Feedback box or send it to hebe@frontline.org.uk
Golden Years is a weekly coffee morning for older people. They meet each Tuesday morning at 10.15am for tea, coffee and cake. If you have any gift sets or unwanted presents you can bring in for bingo prizes that would be greatly appreciated
A Generous Life In Matthew 6.24, Jesus is quoted as saying: "No one can serve two masters... You cannot serve both God and money." As we give today, let's enjoy having made the right choice in life - to serve God, not money - and celebrate the freedom which we have as a result!
Frontline Wavertree
Frontline Central
Frontline Toxteth
Frontline Wavertree events at Frontline
Frontline Central meets at 4pm at
Frontline Toxteth meets at 3pm at
Centre, corner of Lawrence and Wellington Road, Wavertree, L15 0HY
the Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Street, L3 5UL in the city centre
Toxteth Tabernacle, Park Road, Toxteth, Liverpool, L8 8AN