22 2015
Sunday Services Wavertree 9am
Early Service
Family Service
Farsi service
Evening Service
Toxteth 3pm
Family service
City Centre 4pm
Central service
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First time here? Welcome to our services today. Our friendly Stewards (in the bright blue t-shirts) are on hand throughout the service if you need any help. You can find out more about church activities at the Welcome Point or on our website - www.frontline.org.uk
Kids Zone
Youth Church
Kids Zone activities start at 10.45am and children for all groups need to register in the foyer before 10.30am
E2 - years 6 and 7 will be meeting at Harthill Youth Centre. They leave from the foyer at 10:45am and return at 12pm
• Twinkles (up to age 2) • Explorers (age 2)
E3 - years 8 and 9 will be meeting for bible study in Room 2 during the preach.
• Sparklers (ages 3-5) • Transformers (school years 1-2)
All youth will need to be checked in with the new registration system
• All Stars (school years 3-6)
Youth Communities for different ages meet during the week. For more info see www.youthchurch.co.uk, email jonnyp@frontline.org.uk or ring 0151 733 3373
Parents Room - this is open at the back of the main hall from 10.30am with a live video feed of the meeting
The Gathering - a single Sunday celebration service for our whole church family! It’s a blessing to have so many different services each Sunday but we think it’s really important to gather as a whole church family a couple of times per year. This time we will be holding The Gathering at the usual time of 10:30am, but at Frontline Centre. Children’s groups will start at the beginning of the service with coffee and cake at the end. The service and worship will be led by a team from across the various services with guest speaker Karl Martin, Senior Pastor of Central Church, Edinburgh, who heads up CKN Scotland and Ireland. Let us gather and worship together!
Contact Details: 0151 733 3373 | info@frontline.org.uk | www.frontline.org.uk iTunes: Frontline Church Liverpool | Facebook: FrontlineUK | Twitter: FrontlineUK
Love Congo Gift day
mar 29th 2015
We have a fantastic opportunity to invest in a new medical centre as part of our Love Congo work. Buying the land and the initial buildings will cost around £30k - we already have £10k towards it. Next Sunday we’ll take up a special offering towards this project. With a minimum donation of £1 you can buy a brick. Please ask God this week if he wants you to invest His resources in this way. (Kids Zone are also doing this so please talk to your children about this)
th apr 2015
Alpha Course: helpers needed
We are running an Alpha course from 8th April to 27th May. There will be a light meal followed by a short dvd and discussion about the Christian faith. Please contact paule@frontline.org.uk / 0151 733 3373 ext 211 for more info, if you would like to attend or help out in any way at one or all of the sessions.
Family News Birthdays
• Asher Pawson • Ruth Webster • Sabina Hollywood
• Zoe Edmundson • Paul Edwards • Phoebe Farmer • Anna Stewart
• Pauline Yallop • Leigh Davies • Mike Pendray
• Nathan Daniel • Hezekiah Williams • John Harding
• Wayne Warnock • Maggie Harris • Rich Vickers
• Samuel Leong
We like to celebrate special occasions as a church family! If you’d like to include something, please pop a note in the Feedback box or send it to hebe@frontline.org.uk
A Generous Life Pastor Dave: Surgery
mar 24th 2015
In Matthew 6.25-33, Jesus is quoted as saying: "Do not worry about what you will eat, drink or wear, but seek first his kingdom, & all these things will be given to you as well."
Pastor Dave holds regular surgery days the next one being on 24th March. This is an opportunity for you to come and chat with Pastor Dave, to talk through anything and to ask for prayer. Contact gregs@frontline.org.uk to book a time.
As we give to the work of the kingdom today, let's trust Jesus to provide for our material needs.
Easter service invites: available now!
Youth Mentoring: Information Evening
There are Easter service invites available now - grab some and invite friends and family to the Easter service on April 5th. They match the 4points bus campaign so are great to have with you if you get asked about the 4points on buses and cars.
Parking around Frontline Centre There have recently been some issues concerning parking around Frontline Centre. We would like to bless our neighbours by not parking on corners, double yellow lines or in front of driveways. Rather than parking outside houses you can use the shale car park at the athletics centre and walk down.
mar 23rd 2015
Monday 23rd March, 7.30pm, Frontline Centre - an information evening (i.e. no commitment yet) for all those interested in mentoring some of our youth. A mentor would meet a group of three young people, once a month to encourage, challenge and support them. Please come along for more information, to ask questions and learn what mentoring would entail.
Prayer for the Nations
mar 26th 2015
Come and join us to pray for the nations - Thursday 26th March, 23rd April, 8pm at 45 Wellington Avenue, L15 0EH. Contact paulav@frontline.org.uk for further details
Frontline Wavertree
Frontline Central
Frontline Toxteth
Frontline Wavertree events at Frontline
Frontline Central meets at 4pm at
Frontline Toxteth meets at 3pm at
Centre, corner of Lawrence and Wellington Road, Wavertree, L15 0HY
the Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Street, L3 5UL in the city centre
Toxteth Tabernacle, Park Road, Toxteth, Liverpool, L8 8AN