CALENDAR of events

Sunday December 1
Window Wonderland, entry form at Visitor Center, Answer riddles in the windows of the participating businesses Win prizes entry due Decc 31
Sunday Hike with Rescue Dogs at Old Dominion Humane Society! Meet at 8:40AM, 3602 Lafayette Boulevard..(every Sunday)
Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern, 9a-2 , & bluegrass music from 6-8, 720 Littlepage,
Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tavern 11a-3p
A Wee Christmas Dollhouse & Miniatures Show, Historic Kenmore highlydetailed replica dollhouses - including Kenmore itself & miniatures Crowninshield Museum 10a-4p 1201 Washington Ave. Thru Dec 30
Winter Wine Festival some amazing Virginia Wine. Gates open 11a come early stay late FXBG Fairgrounds, 11-4
Gingerbread House Exhibit Ferry Farms, Enjoy whimsical sights & delicious smells of festive gingerbread creations 10a-4p, thru Dec 30
Monday December 2
Open Mic @Colonial Tavern sign-up:6:45; Music begins &p, 406 Lafayettee Blvd
Tuesday December 3
Indigenous Perspectives, Exibit begins at Howell Branch CRRL, Explore VA Tribal communities from the past. Thru Dec20,
Tap into Trivia Night Red Dragon Brewery 1419 Princess Anne ST, 7p
Wednesday December 4 Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Join Trapper Young @ 6 Bears& Goat Trivia Night 7 pm.
Thursday December 5
Tinsel Town Holiday Craft Market, Sunken Well Tavern, Littlepage, 5-9p Speaker series Dr, Kelly Fanto Deetz, "Bound to the Fire: How Virginia;s enslaved Cooks Helped Invent American Cuisine", CRRL Aud, Fxbg Branch, 10a
Walk with a Doc, Fxbg Food CoOp, 4-5p walk Heritage & Canal Path TRail
Live Music Acoustic Onion, featuring music of the Beatles, Colonial Tavern, 406 Lafayette Blvd
First Friday December 6
Holiday Craft Shsow, FXBG Convention Center, 9a-5p, Show thru Dec 8
Pictures with Santa @FXBG Visitors Center, 601 Caroline ST, 3-7:30p
Grassroots Artisan Collective Holiday Market, unique handmade gifts, 59p, Hurkamp Park
Stage Door Holiday Concert, Come Sing with us , night filled with holiday carols & magical performances, 7:30p Caroline St

Photographs by Priscilla Harper PONSHOP, 712 Caroline St 5-9p
Celebrate Winter, Christina Dixon & Brenda J. Brokaw, FCCA Gallery;
Holiday Show GIVE THE gift Of Art, Members Gallery, 813 Sophia St
“Wonder of Winter” All Member Show Opening reception 6pm to 9pm.
Art First, 824 Caroline St
"Ornamental Magic" Holiday Works by Members Artful Dimensions, 922
Caroline St Opening Reception, 6-9pm
Feature Artist, Mathew Garman, Glassblowin, Canal Quarters, 1517
Princess Anne St Opening Reception,5-8:30p
"Scenes & Sights", Brush Stroke Gallery, Opening reception, 5-9p, 824
Caroline St
Live Music Rocky Guttman @6B&G, 7-9:30p 1140 Internal Pkwy
Live Music Bailey Hayes @Adventure Brewing North,7-9p, 33 Perchwood
Live Music Rick Hollowell @Log Home Brewing, 6p, 5727 Courthouse
Free Music Friday , Red Dragon Brewery 1419 Princess Anne ST, 6:30p
Pours & Pasties Burlesque & Variety Show @Strangeways Brewing FXBG, 8;30p, 350 Lansdowwne
Saturday December 7
Stroll with Rescue Dogs ODHS 8:40AM, 3602 Lafayette Blvd. (everySat)
Walking Group, Fxbg Food CoOp, 9-10 (every Sat)
Sunken Well Saturday: Brunch from 9-2, 720 Littlepage
Richmond Makers Market, 212 W.6th St, 12-6p. Meet local artists & makers while shopping for unique handmade goods
Santa at Braehead waiting for you to visit him from 9:30am-12:30pm and 1:30pm - 4:30pm Dec 7,8,14,15
Nutcracker Ballet, Academey of Ballet (see pg 11 for details)
"A Christmas Carol: The Closk Tolls for All", Stage Door Productions, Caroline St, see website for dates & times thru Dec 22
Christmas Parade Fredericksburg Toyland, Downtown Fxbg, 5:30p
Live Music, Made in USA @ 6B&G, 7-9:30p, 1140 International Pkwy
Live Music Homemade Sin @Log Home Brewing, 6p, 5727 Courhouse
Live Music Walking Napster @Strangeways Brewing FXBG, 7-10p, 350 Lansdowne Rd
Sunday December 8
Nutcracker Ballet, Academey of Ballet (see pg 11 for details)
Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern, 9a-2 & bluegrass music from 6-8,
Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tavern 11a-3p
Nutcracker Tea at Richard Johnston Inn, 711 Caroline ST, 2-4p
King George Christmas Tree Lighting, King George Courthouse, 4-6p

Monday December 9
Open Mic @Colonial Tavern 7p, 406 Lafayettee Blvd
Tuesday December 10
Open Mic w/Green Bean @Adventure Brewing Eagle Village, 7-9:30p
Tap into Trivia Night Red Dragon Brewery , 1419 Princess Anne ST, 7p
Wednesday December 11
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Join Trapper Young at 6 B&G for Trivia Night 7 p. International Pkwy
Thursday December 12
Walk with a Doc, Fxbg Food CoOp, 4-5p walk Heritage & Canal Path Trail
Friday, December 13
Happy "Pawe"lidays, Dorothy Hart Community Center picture taken with Santa! Pups get a paw-fect holiday ornament & treat from Santa. 5-7p
All Member Holiday Show Artists' Alliance at Jarrett Thor Fine Arts
Opening Reception 6-9p 100 Taylor St, Ste 101 Colonial Beach
Ferry Farm Baptist Church Christmas Pageant Living Nativity 7-9p, 1 Westmoreland Dr
Live Music Brisk Duo @6B&G, 7-9:30p 1140 International Pkwy,
Live Music Harlan Simple @Log Home Brewing, 6p, 5727 Courthouse
Free Music Friday , Red Dragon Brewery 1419 Princess Anne ST, 6:30p
Saturday December 14
Sunken Well Saturday: Brunch from 9-2, 720 Littlepage
54th Annual Candlelight Tour,tour homes decorated for the holidays, tkts at Lewis Store, 1200 Caroline St, or at 400 block Fauquier 10a-5p
FAMfaire, historic Market Square, features a spectacular outdoor shopping experience holiday market will include vendors selling traditional crafts and foods. Local musicians 10a-4p
Rappahannock Model Railroaders Annual Christmas Train Show 9a-5p, Fraternal Order of Eagles Lodge #4123, 21 Cool Springs Rd
Live Music Peter Mealy & Laurie Rose Griffith @Wild Hare Cider, 4-7p
Winter Kids Market, Dorothy Hart Community Center, 9a-2p Shoppers can find baked goods and handmade items, made by kids
Chamber Chorale of FXBG, Sounds of the Season, Fxbg Baptist Church, 1019 Princess Anne St, 3p & 7p; Sunday 2 &7
Annual Downtown Cookie Crawl tkts at Visitos Center, 4-8p Second Saturdays @Hanover Place, beer, wine cider & hokiday shopping with local artisinas, 205 Hanover St, 12-7p
Spotsylvanians "A Hometown Holiday Concert", Riverbend HS, 12301
Spotswood Furnance Rd, 7-9p
Ferry Farm Baptist Church Christmas Pageant and Living Nativity 7-9p, 1 Westmoreland Dr

Live MusicAcoustic Onion @6B&G, 7-9:30p, 1140 International Pkwy
Live Music Darcy Dawn @Log Home Brewing, 6p, 5727 Courthouse
Sunday December 15
Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern, 9a-2 & bluegrass music from 6-8,
Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tavern 11a-3p
Candlelight Tour Home Tours, Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, tour nine homes decorated for the holidays, 10a-5p
Pictures with Santa @FXBG Visitors Center, 601 Caroline ST, 10a-3p
FAMfaire, historic Market Square, 10a-4p
Rappahannock Model Railroaders Annual Christmas Train 10a-4p, Fraternal Order of Eagles Lodge #4123, 21 Cool Springs Rd
Spotsylvanians "A Hometown Holiday Concert", Riverbend HS, 12301 Spotswood Furnance Rd, 3p
Richmond Makers Market, Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen, 2880 Mountai Rd, Glen Allen, 12-6p. Meet local artists & makers while shopping for unique handmade goods
Monday December 16
Open Mic @Colonial Tavern sign-up:6:45; Music begins &p, 406 Lafayettee Blvd
Tuesday December 17
Tap into Trivia Night , Red Dragon Brewery 1419 Princess Anne ST, 7p
Wednesday December 18
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Trapper Young at 6 B&G Trivia Night 7 pm. 1140 International Pkwy
Thursday December 19
Live Music Bruce Middle Group, 7:30-10:30p, Colonial Tavern,
Friday December 20
Live Music 3 Exits to Memphis @6B&G, 7-9:30p, 1140 International
Live Music Hokie Joe @Log Home Brewing, 6p 5727 Courthouse
Free Music Friday Red Dragon Brewery , 1419 Princess Anne ST, 6:30p
Saturday December 21
Winter Solstice, 4 am
Fxbg Ballet Centre Nutcraker Ballet (see pg 11 for dates & times)
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party @6B&G all day, 1140 International Pkwy
Standup Comedy @Strangeways Brewing FXBG, 7:30, 350 Landsdowne
Live Music Mark Volten @Wild Hare Cider, 205 William St
Live Mujsic Chris Hanks @Log Home Brewing, 6p 5727 Courthouse
Sunday December 22
Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern, 9a-2 & bluegrass music from 6-8,
Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tavern 11a-3p

Monday December 23
Open Mic @Colonial Tavern 7p, 406 Lafayette Blvd
Tuesday December 24
Tap into Trivia Night , Red Dragon Brewery 1419 Princess Anne ST, 7p
Wednesday Christmas Day December 25 Hanukkah Begins
Thursday December 26
Kawanzaa begins
Live Music FXBG Blues Society Electric Blues Jam, Colonial Tavern, 7-10p
Friday December 27
Live Music Brian Frankle @6B&G, 7-9:30p, 1140 International Pkwy
Live Music Nick & Steve Pollock Duo @Log Home Brewiing, 6p, Courthuse
Free Music Friday Red Dragon Brewery , 1419 Princess Anne ST, 6:30p
Saturday December 28
Nature Walk, Downtown Greens Belman Road Campus, 11a Sunken Well Saturday: Brunch from 9-2, 720 Littlepage
Holiday Lights Night Walk, Enjoy the lights and sights of Fredericksburg with the Fredericksburg Walking Club's 5k/10k Holiday walk! 3-8p
Live Music Sixty Miles South, 7-9:30p, 1140 International Pkwy
Live Music Cheap Whiskey @Log Home Brewing, 6p, 5727 Courthouse
Sunday December 29
Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern, 9a-2 & bluegrass music from 6-8, 720 Littlepage,
Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tavern 11a-3p Woodland Hike at Gerri Melchers Home & Studio 2-3pm.
Monday December 30
Open Mic @Colonial Tavern sign-up:6:45; Music begins &p, 406 Lafayettee Blvd
Tuesday News Year's EveDecember 31 New Years Eve Party @6B&G, all day 1140 International Pkwy Family Fun Night New Year's Eve Celebration live music, entertainment, kids' games, bounce castle, food vendors, raffles & prizes. PLUS, 9pm Countdown and