closeups 5
Porch talk 4
on the porch...life in fredericksburg Messages
growing & crawling: EASTERN BAGWORM
i have a friend: SPECIAL DELIVERY
tidbits...small bites of local news
season’s bounty: COOKIES FOR SANTA
it’s all energy: all time favorites pt 2
emancipated patients:: WRITING COMPULSION
around town...j. bRIAN’S taproom
art in the ’burg ...galleries in december
bowling green scene your just desserts
companions: let it snow
astrology & you poetryman: expansive
fredericksburg sketches
get to know b101.5 jocks
...And More! 3
A season of giving: fso holiday concert
Jim haney a tribute
Calendar of Events
Cover: “Church towers of Fredericksburg” By Beverley Coates
Follow Us on Instagram@hyperion_espresso 2
December 2021
Front porch fredericksburg
Sprelly A local peanut butter store with a lot of heart by ryan cudahay exclusively toward production and consumer-packaged goods, which provided them with a solid foundation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"If you want to get a coffee, where do you go? If you want to get a chicken sandwich, where do you go?" Adrian Silversmith asked these questions when talking about his purpose behind Sprelly. "There's bagel stores, there's ice cream stores, there's all these types of stores. But there isn't a PB&J store." At least not until recently. Sprelly, a small business in Fredericksburg, is devoted to crafting delicious, homemade peanut butter and other items. Silversmith pitched the concept of Sprelly at Fredericksburg's Made in FredVA business plan contest in 2013, and began selling his peanut butter at local farmers markets in 2014. Two years later, Silversmith opened Sprelly on Caroline Street, where he and his wife, Casey, provided patrons with sandwiches and crêpes. They slowly began to pivot
Sprelly has now set up shop at a new location at 1501 Princess Anne St. in Fredericksburg's Canal Quarter District, which Silversmith believes will be a prime spot for business. "The idea is to snackshop," Silversmith said, "But you can also come grab-and-go a picnic, and either go to Old Mill Park, go to [Red Dragon] Brewery, stuff like that." Sprelly has a number of items that include not just peanut butter (of which I can personally recommend the delectable Salted Butterscotch flavor), but many new options as well. Most recently, Sprelly launched a variety of flavored Dipped Milk peanuts, including Double-D Chocolate and Toasted Toffee flavors. They are also currently providing guests with a seasonal Harvest Spice peanut butter through the fall season. Silversmith believes their "flavor-centric" approach will greatly please guests, as they will be provided with as many flavor experiences as possible.
But Sprelly is about more than just selling peanut butter. Silversmith has placed a crucial emphasis on buying products and ingredients from local businesses, from Virginia peanut farms to local printing companies for his mugs. He is also speaking with local farms to harvest fruit for upcoming jellies, which he hopes to begin selling at Sprelly next year. For Silversmith, supporting local businesses is
critical. "You're helping your friend," he said. "You're helping a family member." He highlighted that it is important for
small businesses, particularly in Fredericksburg, to band together and be there for one another. And Sprelly continues to follow through on that action. As they move forward, however, Sprelly has an even larger focus. In addition to the goal of franchising the company's stores, Silversmith hopes to employ people with disabilities at not just the current Sprelly, but every eventual Sprelly as well. The building that houses Sprelly is owned by the disAbility Resource Center, and supporting people with disabilities is essential to both Silversmith and his wife, Casey. Both have been outspoken advocates for employing people with disabilities, and he says that word has caught on, as many people have approached him to thank him for what he and Casey are striving to achieve. "It is so humbling and powerful to hear something like that," Silversmith said. Sprelly, 1501 Princess Anne St. or order products at sprelly.com. Follow them on Facebook for their latest hours. Ryan Cudahy is a local writer
Letters to Santa
For three weeks, a wonder occurs! A mysterious mailbox, bearing the image of Santa Claus himself, appears in downtown Fredericksburg. Legend has it that a child who deposits a letter into the mailbox will receive an answer directly from the North Pole. Santa’s mailbox will appear for the holiday magic through December 19th, located at the corner of George Street & Caroline Street, in front of the Fort-To-Go Store. The Santa Mailbox is overseen by the Fredericksburg Rappahannock Rotary Club. Please remember to include your return address.
front porch fredericksburg
December 2021
ON THE PORCH Laurie Black
Guest Porch Editorial
Contributing Writers & Artists Rita Allan Audra Bielke Sally Cooney Anderson Amy Bayne Laurie Black Dianne Bachman Sonja Cantu Nicole Castaneda Collette Caprara Beverly Coates Ryan Cudahay Janet Douberly Elizabeth Daly Christina Ferber Ken Duckworth Frank Fratoe Bill Freehling David Elphel Jon Gerlach Shirley Grant Lisa Gillen Kathleen Harrigan Anne Hicks Ralph “Tuffy” Hicks David C. Kennedy Ray Mikula Vanessa Moncure Pete Morelewicz Patrick Neustatter Sara Poore Penny A Parrish ML Powers Paula Raudenbush Rob Rudick Mandy Smith Savannah Stebleinj Tina Will Norma Woodward
Front Porch Fredericksburg is a free circulation magazine published monthly by Olde Towne Publishing Co. Virginia Bigenwald Grogan, Publisher.
The mission of Front Porch Fredericksburg is to connect the diverse citizenry of Fredericksburg with lively features and informative columns of interest to our community’s greatest resource, its people. Messages from our readers are welcome. All submissions must be received by e-mail by the 19th of the month preceding publication.
Writers / Artists / Photographers are welcome to request Guidelines and query the Publisher by e-mail. Front Porch Fredericksburg PO Box 9203 Fredericksburg, VA 22403 Ad Sales: E-Mail: frntprch@aol.com Web Site: www.frontporchfredericksburg.com Facebook: @Front Porch Fredericksburg The opinions expressed in Front Porch Fredericksburg are those of the contributing writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Front Porch Fredericksburg or its advertisers. Copyright 2021 Front Porch Fredericksburg Magazine All rights reserved.
December 2021
tRADITIONS by Laurie Black This time last year I was writing for Front Porch Fredericksburg about finding new ways to celebrate and new ways to give gifts. The pandemic had canceled travel plans and drastically altered usual holiday traditions. Traditions are important. They give us a sense of continuity and belonging. Traditions connect generations and help define our family and community culture. Naturally, traditions are valued and safeguarded. When something challenges our traditions, it can be unsettling to say the least. However, not all traditions endure and that's alright. Likewise, not all change is bad. This time last year I was also completing my bachelor's degree. I was definitely what you would call a nontraditional student. I began a university education in a traditional way, taking colleges classes right out of high school like many young students do. In my sophomore year I had a change in my life which necessitated a change in those traditional education plans. Though my educational journey was not what I originally planned, I am grateful for the experiences and new perspectives I gained along the way. Being a non-traditional student actually helped my children see how important education is to me. As a result, the love of learning in its many forms - has become part of our family values and traditions. Traditions are a part of our everyday life though we may not consciously think of them each day. For example, how we dress, how we speak, and how we greet each other are likely based on our traditions. There are sports traditions, college traditions, and birthday traditions. Traditions significantly influence weddings, births, worship/faith, funerals and other major life events. Yet, most conversations about traditions, especially at this time of year, center on which holidays we celebrate and how we celebrate them. This holiday season, unlike the last, our family will be able to gather and enjoy treasured family traditions. I am looking forward to the hugs, laughs, sights, sounds, smells, and flavors that make our home seem to come alive with holiday magic. However, it will not be quite the same and I am actually glad that it will
Front porch fredericksburg
not the be same. This year our family welcomes a new daughter-in-law and a new son-in-law into our holiday celebrations. They come with their own holiday customs and traditions which we are excited to learn and blend into our celebration. As our family grows our traditions become enriched with new ideas and foods and fun. It is family traditions version 2.0 and I love it! As happy as I am for the upcoming holiday season, I acknowledge many others are approaching the season with trepidation. Many friends, neighbors, and people in our community are dealing with chronic illness, loss of employment, loss of a loved one, or a myriad of other challenges. The holiday season is so infused with tradition, it can be hard to know how to move forward when significant circumstances or people in our life have changed. What I am learning from my friends and neighbors is that it is okay to be sad. It is okay to need space. It is okay to invite new people to become part your traditions or start new traditions altogether. Again, traditions are important for us as individuals, families, and communities. There is comfort and security in the sense of belonging and connection they bring. However, as British writer and playwright, W. Somerset Maugham, said, "Tradition is a guide and not a jailer." So, if you need to reinvent how you connect and belong this holiday season, I hope you can let go when you need to and embrace new things when you can.
For all of us, may we find peace and joy in this season and in the connections and traditions that bring us together. May kindness, patience, forgiveness, charity, and integrity be part of our community tradition. And of course, I hope you will make it a tradition to pick up the latest edition of Front Porch Fredericksburg, and read it cover to cover!
Laurie Black is a wife, mother, grandmother, freelance writer, and the Program Coordinator for the Senior Visitors Program at Mental Health America of Fredericksburg.
Wishing You All the Hope, Wonder & Joy that the Season can bring! Happy Holidays from the Front Porch Family
She’ll Love It
John Hennessy A historian’s gifts to our community By Collette Caprara recounting of a scene in 11-year-old John's small sleeping quarters when his mother came to see him one final time after it was announced that she and his siblings would be hired out to work in a distant plantation. With clarity and the power of moral authority, Hennessy recited this heart-wrenching passage in Washington's diary: "She laid down on my bed by me and begged me for her own sake, try and be a good boy, say my prayers every night, remember all she tried to teach me and always think of her. Her tears mingled with mine amid the kisses and heart-felt sorrow. She tucked the bed clothes around me and bade me good night."
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As might be expected of a historian with his depth of passion for his subjects, John Hennessy viewed his retirement after 40 years with the National Park Service not as a period of winding down, but as an opportunity for expanding the breadth of the venues where he could offer his expertise and writing skills (which have the emotive quality of poetry) to an even larger audience of grateful listeners and learners. Fredericksburg Area The Museum's (FAM) walking tour that he guided in November provides an example of the thought-provoking, powerful presentations that he will be providing. The narrative of the tour chronicled the life of John Washington, an enslaved person in Fredericksburg who escaped to freedom during the Civil War. As the tour group walked from historic Market Square behind the FAM to what is now the Foode restaurant, Hennessy revealed the history and life stories that took place more than 160 years ago at sites that are familiar to us today and are part of our daily lives. The restaurant was the site of the former Farmer's Bank, which not only served as a hub where generations of locals did business but became a building of iconic significance when Abraham Lincoln spoke from its steps in May 1862.
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As Hennessy explained, in the decade preceding that historic presidential visit, another figure might have also been spotted in that building, the small form of a light-skinned young black boy named John Washington who was born into slavery and served in the household of Mrs. Taliaferro who lived in the upper story of the bank building. Though John Washington was his mistress's favorite servant, this was not necessarily a good thing and resulted in her keeping a constantly watchful eye on his whereabouts and limiting his time beyond her doors for fear that he would run away.
So that young boy might have often been seen behind the curtains of a window, looking out wistfully on his peers playing in the streets. Though Taliaferro allowed Washington to attend Sunday services at the Baptist church (now known as Shiloh Old Site) she required that he report to her regarding the text of the preacher's service. Young Washington knew an opportunity when it came his way. He stopped by the church just long enough to hear and memorize what the text was, before running down to the river to share the delight with whatever the boys there might be doing. Hennessy explained that such details of Washington's life are available to us today, because his mother Sarah Tucker, who was also a slave, had courageously flouted the law and taught him to spell when he was just four and, later, to read and write. Though John Washington's memoirs may contain a few mistakes in grammar or spelling, they are told with powerful heart and emotion that are perfectly conveyed in Hennessy's empathetic presentations. The epitome of the emotive experience of this walking tour was his
The tour folks walked from the site of that tragic scene to the site where the Shakespeare Hotel once stood (now the site of a Taco restaurant), in which 24year-old Washington was serving as a bartender and steward in 1862 when the Union troops were about to come into Fredericksburg. The city had been abandoned by the Confederate army and was vacated by residents and business owners. After pouring his fellow black servants a celebratory drink at the bar, Washington and his brother and another free black walked to the Rappahannock River at what is now Old Mill Park to listen to the music of the Union band. When the union troops called out asking if anyone wanted to come over, while others hesitated, Washington stepped forward announcing "Yes! I want to come." John Hennessy's tour ended at that site with his hallmark dramatic and thought-provoking comments, as he pondered aloud about how that courageous crossing would precede the subsequent journey to freedom of as many as 10,000 slaves who crossed the river that spring and summer and how it would ultimately impact our lives today. John Hennessy's presentations have been and will continue to be a gift to us all. Collette Caprara is a local writer &artist
907 Princess Anne Street, Downtown Fredericksburg front porch fredericksburg
December 2021
Create a Healthy Home Environment humidifers help fight covid 19 By David Elphee Indoor Humidity Studies have found that low relative humidity increases the risk of transmitting the viruses responsible for COVID-19 and influenza With the winter months well upon us indoor humidity levels have plummeted. Humidifiers are an important step towards creating a healthy environment for your family, but are all humidifiers the same? Which is best for your home and budget? Relative humidity (RH) is the measure of moisture in the air at a given temperature. Warm air can hold more moisture than cool air, which is why humidity is "relative" to temperature. Cool air from outdoors sneaks into your home through doors, around windows, cracks, and vents. The air may be moderately humid. Your home heater warms the air up to what you have your thermostat set on. Because of the change in temperature, relative humidity drops which can be drier than the Sahara Desert. Air this dry sucks up moisture from wherever it can. Skin, houseplants, woodwork, even the glue holding your furniture together. When a person inhales, the air soaks up moisture from inside the lungs. This has an adverse effect on lung function. Portable Humidifiers Portable humidifiers are the cheapest option for adding humidity to a single room or small area of the home. These need to be refilled with water frequently.. Some portable humidifiers have such a low capacity for evaporating water that they barely affect that humidity in the home. If your portable humidifier holds a gallon of water, and you refill it three times a day, that's three gallons per day of moisture evaporated into the home, which isn't much.. Central Humidifiers Central or "whole house" humidifiers installed on your ducted heating system have a number of benefits over the portable type. They humidify the
entire home, and they have a much higher capacity. They don't need refilling, as they are piped into your home's water supply. If they are maintained properly, they can last longer than your furnace or heat pump. Humidifiers can be classified as either evaporative or steam. Evaporative humidifiers use the air and heat from your central heating system to evaporate water as it flows through the humidifier. In decades past, some humidifiers had a tank that held water continuously, but it is rare to see these anymore as holding water induce mold growth, which can spread to your ducts distributing mold spores throughout the home. Evaporative Humidifiers Evaporative humidifiers will require a new pad at least once a year, depending on how many minerals you have in your water. As water evaporates, minerals left behind build up on the pad, and eventually inhibit evaporation. A neglected pad can even cause your humidifier to leak. Changing the pad is fairly simple and does not require tools, so many homeowners do this themselves. Some evaporative humidifiers have a built-in fan to help with evaporation, while others use ducted air and rely on your heating system's fan. Both have similar humidification capacities of 12 to 18 gallons per day, but this can be misleading. The final capacity of any humidifier depends on how it is controlled. A basic setup is a humidifier that runs when the heat is running. A better control system involves running the humidifier any time the humidity drops below the setpoint on the humidistat, regardless of whether the heat is running. For this to work, the central blower needs to come on when the humidifier is running, which requires extra control wiring. It is also helpful if your humidifier is piped to your home's hot water instead of cold. This type of setup is "independent of the heat" and will result in much more
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December 2021
Front porch fredericksburg
humidity production. Evaporative humidifiers are often not enough to raise the relative humidity to desired levels, especially in larger homes. Any humidifier is better than no humidifier, but if you want to maintain a target indoor RH, a steam humidifier is recommended. Steam Humidifiers Steam humidifiers use David Elphee(R) reviewing a job with electricity to evaporate water. Installer Jason Knight While these models feature a tank water out of the air. At an indoor that holds water, the water is sterilized temperature of 70 degrees and 50% RH, every time the humidifier operates, so the dew point will be about 53 degrees. they are not subject to the mold problem Cold windows will fog up, poorly insulated described previously. As a further ceilings or walls can become damp, and precaution, the units are drained when concrete floors can become slippery. Highnot in use. Most steam humidifier end humidistats have an automatic manufacturers now utilize a canister-type feature which can take care of this for you. system, which has simplified maintenance Just like running your humidifier significantly. Older style steam humidifiers independent of the heat, it requires a little required cleaning by a professional, but extra wiring when installed. the new models feature a simple Conclusion disposable container that gets replaced A humidifier is a great periodically. Steam humidifiers must be investment for your home. It can help controlled independent of the heat. protect you family's health as well as your The main benefit of a steam home's woodwork and furniture. If you do humidifier is its high capacity, but this decide to invest, be sure to choose a comes at a price. All humidifiers require reputable, qualified contractor willing to energy to evaporate water. Evaporative discuss your specific needs and budget. humidifiers use the heat from your central heater, so if you heat with gas or oil you Resources probably won't notice the extra energy Ward, Michael. "Low Humidity expenditure. Steam humidifiers, however, Increases COVID-19 Risk." ScienceDaily, use electricity. And not just a little. It is www.sciencedaily.com not uncommon for a steam humidifier to Kudo, Eriko, et al. "Low Ambient raise the electric bill by $80 a month or Humidity Impairs Barrier Function and more. Given the current pandemic, Innate Resistance against Influenza Infection." PNAS, National Academy of however, this may be money well spent. Sciences,www.pnas.org How Much is Too Much? Joseph G. Allen, Akiko Iwasaki. The ideal humidity for "Opinion | This Winter, Fight Covid-19 preventing virus transmission appears to with Humidity." The Washington Post be between 40 and 60% RH, but many Sandoiu, Ana. "How Humidity homes will not support a RH much higher May Affect COVID-19 Outcome." Medical than 45%. The exact number varies by News Today www.medicalnewstoday.com home, but raising humidity also raises the dewpoint temperature, and any surface colder than the dewpoint will condense
David Elphee is a Service & Install Manager at Appleton Campbell
Everything Greens Youth Programs Heating Up at DTG By Savannah Steblein Dean’s Plastering Services Plaster, Stucco, Drywall, Art 540.656.2399 540.419.8878 luckyluckydean@aol.com
December. The advent of those bone-chilling winter months where all you want to do is sip hot tea and binge watch your favorite comfort show. It can feel nearly impossible to get outside into the
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fresh air, when the cozier alternative is curling up next to a crackling fire. But winter is also a time for community. If you're like me, reaching out to people and participating in community programs and events can help defy that innate instinct to hibernate. Luckily, Downtown Greens is starting to roll out even more programs, especially for our local school-aged children. Currently we are featuring our Homeschool Programs, which will have two different options- a class series and an on-site field trip. Our on-site field trips will follow the general outline of a garden tour and then a seasonally appropriate lesson and/or activity, while our class series will integrate science with different aspects of gardening. We are excited to start these programs in early 2022. If you, or anyone you know, is a homeschooling parent and looking for a fun way to expand your educational experiences, please feel free to email me at education@downtowngreens.org We have also officially started our Garden Sprouts Program with the Fredericksburg City preschool program, where we work to increase Food Literacy and outdoor experiences with 3 and 4 year olds at the Walker Grant Early Childhood Center. As we look to the future, come spring, our Youth Farm Program and Youth Garden Club will be starting back up! Our Youth Farm Program works with 3rd through 5th graders from the Hazel Hill low-income housing development. In the program we have weekly meetings, host monthly community dinners, and sell extra produce at a monthly, youth-led farmer's market stand. Our Youth Garden Club is a free, weekly session where children aged 0-8 are welcome to drop by and help tend to a communal vegetable patch in the Upper Garden. While there, they learn valuable skills in both gardening and environmental education that will last them a lifetime. We are a 501(c)(3) and persist because of the generosity of people like
you. If you feel inclined to support us or learn more about our outreach programs, visit our website at downtowngreens.org to see all the ways you can help us, whether that is through donating your money or your time and talent. While you're at it, everyone is welcome in our gardens, so if you need a moment of respite come explore some new paths and see what you can find. Downtown Greens truly is a magical place and I hope to see you there. Savannah Steblein is the Education Coordinator at Downtown Greens. If you want to know more about youth programs at Downtown Greens, visit our website or email Savannah at education@downtowngreens.org. If you are an adult looking to get involved with Downtown Greens, please email programs@downtowngreens.org.
Founded in 1995, Downtown Greens promotes environmental care by preserving two urban garden areas, using sustainable gardening methods, teaching children through a weekly Garden Club, and raising bees with the Urban Bees program. Located at 206 Charles Street downtowngreens.org. Be sure to visit Fredericksburg's Community Greespace open from sunrise to sunset 365 days per year.
front porch fredericksburg
December 2021
In the Garden holiday plants By ray mikula
The winter holidays are upon us with lights and candles, holly and mistletoe, poinsettias and amaryllis, and trees and Yule logs. Whatever your holiday traditions, we associate many plants with the holidays. Bringing evergreen branches and trees indoors has been a human tradition for hundreds of years as a reminder of the life to come again as the days begin to get Mistletoe has a history of longer. medicine and healing stretching back thousands of years. But the kissing and fertility traditions come from the Druids who saw it as something that could bloom even in winter and considered it a symbol of vivacity. Norse mythology had a story that the goddess Frigg declared it a symbol of love and she would kiss anyone that Poinsettias are a walked beneath it. Mexican native. A Mexican legend was told of a girl named Pepita who had nothing to take for the Baby Jesus at her church on Christmas Eve. Her cousin told her any gift would be loved by Jesus. She picked
December 2021
some weeds along the way and left them by the creche. They turned into beautiful red flowers. After that they became known as flowers of the Holy Night. Amaryllis became associated with Christmas because it is a winter bloomer like Christmas cactus. Outside in our gardens we can give wildlife a holiday gift as well. Late flowering plants like Camellia and Encore Azaleas give pollinators some food in December. American Holly, a native of our area, looks great as a decoration indoors but also feeds wildlife outdoors after the berries sweeten up in January. Planting Winterberry and Beauty Berry will feed the birds in winter. Evergreen bushes and
Front porch fredericksburg
shrubs can provide winter shelter and some protection from predators. Leaving Cone flowers and Black Eyed Susans standing in the winter provides seeds for birds and wildlife. If you see Winged Sumac growing on your property, let it grow into a small tree because it is great for wildlife. Winged sumac grow wild near the forest edge and provide food for rabbits, turkey, deer, and birds, and is the host plant for Luna moths. Having a bird bath filled with water helps not only the birds but also small mammals. Some are heated making sure on cold mornings there is a plentiful supply of drinking water for our outside friends.
December is the last month in our area to plant spring bulbs. By now, most retailers are trying to get rid of any leftover stock and you can usually get a deal on them. Although deer and voles decimate tulips in our area, daffodils are usually left alone to flourish. Wreaths are often evergreen. MGACRA (Master Gardeners Association) will have about 15 Boxwood Wreaths for sale this year through RAAI in early December. And if you're already looking forward to Spring perhaps the Annual Seed Swap on January 29th at the Rouser Building in Stafford will get you in the mood. Till next time.
Ray Mikula is a Master Gardener.He has several acres of garden space & has been gardening for 62 years. Before retiring Ray was a Earth Science & Astronomy Teacher photos by Ray
Growing & Crawling Eastern Bagworm: Nature’s Tree Ornament By janet douberly Eastern bagworms are caterpillars that live inside spindle-shaped bags usually covered in small twigs and other organic matter. They are found all over the world, and especially in North America and Africa. While they are not a threat to humans, bagworms can cause notable damage to their host plant. In fact, they can be particularly dangerous to orange trees in Florida, and Acacia shrubs in Africa. They also love many evergreen species which sometimes makes them a surprise guest in some people's homes during the holidays. The life of a bagworm is focused on its main goal, reproduction. They are a solitary insect and the only form of communication they have is a pheromone released by the female when she is ready for her eggs to be fertilized. Hatching from an egg, the bagworm larvae collects bits of organic matter and uses this with the silky residue
they produce to create their sleeping bag-like case. Bagworms then attach themselves to this bag and carry it around with them as they look for foliage to feed on. Once the bagworm has found a host plant, it attaches it's bag and spends it's days gorging on leaves until it is large enough to seal itself into its cocoon where it stays until it emerges as a fully formed adult. Adult males live about two days and the females live about two weeks which gives them time to lay between 5001000 eggs.
Janet Douberly is Program Coordinator at Downtown Greens. learn more about things growing & crawling in Fxbg, check out our Facebook & Instagram.
front porch fredericksburg
December 2021
“I Have A Friend” special delivery By Laurie Black When I sat down to visit with volunteer, Mary Pope, and her senior friend, Hattie, the smiles and laughter were immediate. I asked Hattie what she enjoys about Mary's visits. Hattie responded with a pause and then a chuckle, "Where do I begin? She's good. I'm glad she visits me, talks to me, and tells me about what is going on in her life." I asked Mary the same question to which she replied, "We spend our time talking and listening to each other. We all agreed that both were equally important”. Mary heard about the Senior Visitors Program first through the Front Porch Fredericksburg magazine. "I would read the monthly column about seniors and their volunteers and think, 'I want to do this.' Then my good friend, Dianna Flett, who is the President of Mental Health America's Board of Directors, also encouraged me to volunteer. I never
December 2021
dreamed I would be in one of those articles myself." Mary went on to say, "I love Hattie's sense of humor and I enjoy hearing her stories of yesteryear. I felt a connection to Hattie before I even met her because I heard she had been a mail clerk for many, many years. My Dad was a mail courier and so I thought this would be a special connection for us. I am surprised at how quick our time goes when we are together." I also spoke with Hattie's daughter, Tamara. Tamara works with Healthy Generations Area Agency on Aging's Travel Training program, training seniors to use local transit to help maintain independence after they stop driving their own vehicle. Tamara certainly understands how important it is for seniors to have social contact and connection to their community.
Tamara said of the Senior Program and her mother's
Front porch fredericksburg
volunteer, "Mary is so sweet! My mother loves to visit with her. It gives me peace of mind to know someone else is there for my mother. This program gives her some extra interaction she would not otherwise get. I so appreciate your program."
If you know a senior who could benefit from having a weekly, friendly visit or if you would like to volunteer to visit a senior, call the Senior Visitors Program at (540) 371-2 2704 or visit our website at mhafred.org to download volunteer or senior applications. The Senior Visitors Program is a free community service program of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg.
Laurie Black is the Senior Visitors Program Coordinator.
The Vocabulary of Empowerhouse Fuerza, Paz, Voz
Bring a little sunshine to a senior’s life! Too many seniors feel lonely and isolated.
By Kathy Harrigan
YOU can make a difference by volunteering to visit a senior in the Fredericksburg area. Volunteer training is provided & no special skills are required. The Senior Visitors Program is a FREE community service program of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg. Visit mhafred.org or call 540-371-2704
Strength (Fuerza), Peace (Paz), Voice (Voz). To these, I add Safety (Seguridad) and Hope (Esperanza). These five words resonate throughout my experiences with Empowerhouse. Who has found their voice amidst challenging circumstances? Who has helped you to find your voice? What does it feel like in your gut when you feel safe? Can you flip that around and imagine or remember what it feels like when you don't? -
Where do you find peace?
How much strength does it take to live in an unsafe relationship, to raise a family, to grow and evolve as an individual? How much more strength does it take to leave a relationship, even one that is unsafe. Would you know how to begin that process and plan for your safety? When do you feel safe? Do you feel safe at home? Have you been asked this question by a health care provider? Did you feel safe enough to answer?
Treat your jewelry to the Spa for the Holidays. Your ring cleaned and refinished for $99. Where Fredericksburg Gets Engaged Tues-Fri: 10a-5p; Sat: 10a-4p 606 Caroline Street Old Town Fredericksburg 373-7847 www.gemstonecreations.org facebook
I have heard survivors share their experiences of unhealthy relationships. Some words stick with you. For me, I remember the woman who told me "My broken arm healed, but I still hear his voice in my head." It was one of many "ah-ha" moments. I have also heard about the help and comfort provided by Empowerhouse staff: about the safety planning offered during a hotline call; about a safe place to live in our shelter or as part of our housing program; about advocacy in court proceedings; about training youth across the community about healthy relationships and training local medical and law enforcement personnel about the warning signs and risks of domestic violence (including strangulation). This is a season of reflection. One where I look back on the past year and consider the times I laughed, lent a hand, rejoiced at seeing a dear friend or family member, or grieved over the loss of one. I also look back on a year of service to Empowerhouse and all it has meant. I think of the increased needs that were met across our community as seen in the Empowerhouse hotline calls (up 32%!) and shelter and housing (38,279 bed nights, up 52% this year from pre-p pandemic levels). But mostly, I think of the women I've met and their strength, the peace and safety they are seeking or have found, and I hear the hope and strength in their voices when used to speak up for themselves. You, too, can hear their voices (recorded during the 2021 Candlelight Vigil) and read their words in our YearEnd Appeal to Empower a New Generation. You, too, can make a difference by donating or volunteering to help Empowerhouse. Learn more by visiting empowerhouseva.org, the Get Involved section identifies in-kind donation, volunteer, and employment opportunities.
Kathleen Harrigan has volunteered for Empowerhouse for more than 15 years. In that time, she has mostly worked behind the scenes as a member of the board of directors and supporting fundraising events. In return, she has developed an understanding of domestic violence, knowledge of the services provided by Empowerhouse, and been thankful for this opportunity to work with the Empowerhouse staff helping survivors change their lives. Next up on her calendar of events is the 23rd Annual Empty Bowl on January 30, 2022. Please join her there.
Empowerhouse empowers survivors and their children to believe in themselves and build new lives filled with dignity, respect, safety, and hope. We give victims the time, space, and tools to heal their hearts, restore their connections, rebuild their lives, and renew their spirits. To Volunteer, Donate or to learn more about Empowerhouse visit empowerhouseva.org
Supporting Non-Profits For 25 Years
front porch fredericksburg
December 2021
Become a Member
small bites of local News By Bill Freehling Mural Unveiled A new mural created by local artists Gabriel Pons and Sophia Pineda was recently unveiled at Fredericksburg's Hugh Mercer Elementary School. The outdoor mural is called "In Bloom," Thank you Gabriel and Sophia for sharing your talents with our community!
Fredericksburg’s Hometown Irish Pub & Restaurant Since 1961
ReStore...Great Place To Shop If you don't know about the ReStore at 2378 Plank Road in Fredericksburg, Va., you are missing out on a great shopping experience. With over 30,000 square feet of space for new and used building materials, appliances, cabinets, furniture and plumbing, you can find what you are looking for and also support a great cause. Consider the ReStore for donating things you no longer need. Profits from the ReStore help fund the Greater Fredericksburg Habitat for Humanity programs such as the new homes featured in this "Freehling Finds" edition in the Mayfield neighborhood. For more information about the ReStore, visit fredrestore.org. For more information about Greater Fredericksburg Habitat for Humanity, see fredhab.org.
Mon-Thurs, 11am-9pm Fri & Sat, 11am-10pm Sun, 11am - 9pm Bar open until 2am everyday
200 Hanover St. ~ 373-0738
Serving Up Local “Good” News For a Quarter Century
Front Porch Fredericksburg 12
December 2021
Ike & Rita,s Open A bakery and cafe open inside Canal Quarter Arts at 1517 Princess Anne Street in Fredericksburg. Ike and Rita's Bakery and Cafe will offer baked goods, sandwiches, breakfast items, paninis, local grocery items, charcuterie, cheese, coffee & more. Annual Window Wonderland Contest Solve riddles placed in downtown windows and vote for the most-beautiful displays, is in full swing. Stop by the Visitor Center at 706 Caroline Street for your riddle sheet
Front porch fredericksburg
Former FXBG coffee Roastery Gets New Tenant A Fredericksburg-based office design and furnishing business will be the first tenant at a recently restored former coffee warehouse near the train station. Smith Contract announced today on Facebook that they will move their office and showroom to the former Janney-Marshall Kenmore Coffee Co. roastery and warehouse at 310 Frederick Street. Smith Contract will lease about 2,600 square feet. The former burned-out shell of a building is now beautifully restored office space at the front of The Lofts at Frederick Street project. Hat tip to Jon Van Zandt and Mike Adams for their great work on the renovation project. About 1,750-square-feet of first-floor space remains available for lease; interested parties can call Adams at 540-657-5404.
Santa's Mailbox Rappahannock Fredericksburg Rotary Club "Santa's Mailbox" on the corner of Caroline and George streets downtown, and will offer return letters directly from the North Pole. The red mailbox will be near FORT To-Go through December 19. All letters will receive a note from Santa (be sure to include your return address!). This is yet another reason to come to downtown Fredericksburg during the holiday season. Creative Studio & Flower Shop Opens on Caroline Street Centerpiece Boutique + Studio is now open at 703 Caroline Street. The business offers fashion and gift items, creative services ranging from wedding and event floral design, custom-order
arrangements (both fresh and dried flora), workshops and more - all bundled with film photography and cinema. It's the sister location of a store in La Plata, Md., and is owned by Hannah Keyton. It's a beautiful-looking space, so go check it out! Bill Freehling, Fredericksburg's director of economic development and tourism
The Sunken Well Tavern
Season’s Bounty cookies for santa vanessa moncure
Eat Well Drink Well Live Well 720 Littlepage sunkenwelltavern.com 540-370-0911
The Soup & Taco, Etc. 813 Caroline St. Fredericksburg, VA
Serving Traditional Mexican, Tex-Mex Food and Something More!! Tuesday to Saturday 11am-9pm Sunday 11am-6pm
Phone: 540-899-0969 soupntaco@yahoo.com
What do the Bell Telephone Company, Peanuts, Tom & Jerry, the National Symphony Orchestra, the Power Rangers, Barney, the Muppets, Louis Armstrong, DC Comics “Young Justice”, Perry Como,Garfield, Korn, Pokemon characters, the Eraserheads and the Church of the Intercession in NYC all have in common? (Whew...and there are many more!) Hint 1.0 - has to do with Christmas. Hint 2.0 - Clement Clarke Moore. Have you guessed yet? All have recorded, acted or written about that most traditional poem, “A Visit from St. Nicholas” - better known today as “The Night Before Christmas”. The poem, attributed to Moore and first published in the New York Sentinel in 1823, quickly made the “right jolly old elf”, flying reindeer pulling a sleigh full of “a bundle of toys” and his magical ascent through the chimney after filling Christmas stockings hanging from the mantel, a wonderful part of holiday lore. I have a tattered and well-loved copy of the Thomas Nast illustrated poem - a reading without which our Christmas Eve celebrations just wouldn’t be complete. Long ago, my children’s concerns about Santa’s nighttime visits ranged from the practical “won’t Santa get burned if we’re having a fire in the fireplace?” to the metaphysical “do all reindeer fly and how can they get all around the world in one night?” Also looming large is the perennial menu dilemma for Santa and his reindeer! Happily, a meal for the reindeer consists of several large whole carrots, the ends of which are despatched on a quick trip through the garbage disposal, then replaced on the hearth - “look! Look! Dasher (or alternatively Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen, or possibly Rudolph) ate some carrots! Look, bite marks!!” We have a “Cookies for Santa” special plate and decorated cup for the inevitable Jolly Elf Eve beverage “does Santa like chocolate milk better than plain milk?” - (Santa actually prefers quaffing something from Devils Backbone, but…) The sweet products of my Christmas baking are stacked in ancient tins on my dining room sideboard - black walnut fudge, iced spice bars, fruitcake cookies, raspberry bars, Linzer cookies, mud bars, nut acorns, and so mush more! However, none of these will do for Santa. Santa wants decorated sugar cookie cutouts of himself, pouch of toys on his back, and a complete collection of his eight reindeer along with the eponymous Rudolf, a Red Hot baked on his nose to signal that he is indeed the reindeer guiding Santa’s sleigh
One year I might have gotten carried away and created a candybedecked gingerbread train engine with four cars - the track was made from liquorice laces and crossties of layered sugar bars - snow from swirls of royal icing liberally dusted with crunchy, sparkling sanding sugar, trees of layered frosted star cookies - and the piece de resistance a royal-icing bewhiskered Santa and his decorated reindeer gang, harnessed together with liquorice laces. After Christmas and unable to just discard my holiday masterpiece, I put it on top of my frozen birdbath, dusted it with birdseed, and watched as it disappeared rail wheel by reindeer antler. ROLLED SUGAR COOKIES Sift together 2 ¾ c. flour, 1 tsp. baking powder and ½ tsp. salt. Set aside while you cream ¾ c. softened butter (don’t use whipped, runny or substitute margarine for the butter). Beat in 2 eggs, 1 c. sugar and 2 tsp. flavored extract ( vanilla, almond or lemon) and beat until light and fluffy. Add flour mixture in four additions, blending together until smooth. Roll dough into a ball, cover completely with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least two hours before using. Cut the dough in half, leaving half refrigerated, and roll out on floured sheet of parchment paper to ¼” (sturdy) to ?” (not so sturdy) and cut into desired shapes. If you find dough hard to separate from cookie cutter, spray or wipe edges of cutter with unflavored oil. Place cookies on parchment-covered baking sheet and bake 8-12 minutes in preheated 375F oven. Cool on wire racks. This recipe will make 2-4 dozen cookies, depending on size of cutter and thickness of cookie. Cool completely before decorating. (You can also use this recipe for cookie molds, or for cutting dough after using embossed
or engraved rolling pins - decorating is a bit different, though. I like to make colored icing using the gel colors now available to brush on cookies. Some can almost look like stained glass!) CONFECTIONERS’ SUGAR FROSTING This is great for frosting entire cookies, then using dragees, sprinkles, colored sanding sugars or candies to decorate the cookie. This does not become stiff or dry as when using royal icing. Royal icing is great to simulate snow on gingerbread creations, or as a glue when building houses together - generally used for display purposes, it dries to a rock-hard consistency if made correctly. You can find recipes online for royal icing. Frosting recipe follows: Cream together ¼ c. softened butter and a dash of salt in a mixing bowl. Using paddle attachment, gradually beat in 3-3 ½ c. sifted confectioners’ sugar alternately with 4-6 T. evaporated milk and 1 teaspoon clear vanilla extract. Beat until creamy and of good spreading consistency. Decide which colors you’ll use, then reserve half of the white frosting and divide the rest into 3-4 small bowls. Stir in either gel colors or liquid color, drop by drop, until desired color is obtained. Spread the cookies with a thin layer of white frosting and let it dry until it is hard, then pipe on contrasting colors. Best of holidays to everyone “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night
Vanessa Moncure is a chef for all seasons
front porch fredericksburg
December 2021
Too Good To Go Reducing food waste, without being hard on the old pocketbook bY nicole castaneda
I've recently heard of a business that will help you save money and save the planet. I am not affiliated with this company, but I'm excited by Too Good To Go. It helps stores and restaurants sell surplus food to buyers at a nice discount. Customers choose a restaurant or a store. They can order a surplus bag of food at a reduced price and then pick it up during a
here,Too Good To Go is a great way to build a community of sustainable customers and reach a greater audience. It is a practical and simple addition to combat food waste that is easily managed to a shop's night routine. It is quick to register your business and there is no labeling surplus food. A business can create a surprise bag of surplus food, customers pick it up at a discounted rate, and dig into a bag of goodies. If you're interested in protecting your pockets and our planet, check out too good to go.
ideas for the club to move forward over a zoom call. With a highly anticipated first meeting, the future of how the soon to be club, has yet to unfold. Nicole continues to pursue sustainability in other forms such as this article, her hope is to bring this community together for a greener cause.
Over a third of the food on our planet is wasted and reducing food waste is one of the easiest things we can do to help reverse global warming. I personally have too good to go, however, there is only one farmers market
314 William St..656-2500..fb@vivifyburger..vivifyburger.com
Our Store is Open
320 Patriot Hwy fxbgfoodcoop@gmail.com fredericksburgfoodcoop.com December 2021
Nicole is currently a high school senior that has a passion for the environment, new cultures, and books. She is a member of her school's sustainability club. Currently it is called the sustainability project because it has not been declared an official club. In competition with the many clubs at school, the sustainability project is looking for a place to meet. Their first meeting was November 10th, a late start to the school year. They discussed
set pick up window. Delicious teas, baked goods and groceries, get eaten instead of tossed out and you get to save a bunch of money.
Join Us on the Rooftop for Chill VIbes, Tasty Eats, & Cold Drinks
stand that is on the app. As much as I want the members of our community to join, the local businesses of Fredericksburg need to join to get this off the ground. We are fortunate enough to have plenty of vendors at local farmers markets, and I encourage them to join. The current climate crisis may seem daunting, but as members of this community we have the power to change our impact on a large problem. With the amount of farmers market vendors and local businesses
Front porch fredericksburg
To Learn More About Too Good To Go visit: toogoodtogo.org FB:toogoodtogoUSA
Now Serving Lunch
warm up with mulled wine $6 Weekday Lunch Specials 11am - 2pm Daily
by Rita Allan
540-373-8300 620 Caroline St. FXBG, VA
Olde Towne Butcher Traditional Butchery - Fresh Perspective
Clean, local, sustainable, humane foods prepared fresh. Better for you and your family, better for our planet, better for local economy, better food! 401 William St - Fredericksburg 540-370-4105 - OldeTowneButcher.com
Old Town’s Greatest Tour 35 Monuments, Markers, & Attractions AND the Fredericksburg Battlefields Weddings Reunions Shuttles Parties Group Outings Fredericksburgtrolley.com
There is nothing better in the fall and winter than the aromas of warm baking spices like cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg filling the air. Mulled, or spiced, wine is a delightful warm beverage perfect for those cold winter afternoons or nights in front of a fire, curled up with a warm blanket and a book, or sitting around enjoying the company of good friends. Mulled wine provides warmth not only based on its serving temperature, but also for its alcoholic content from its main ingredient, which is red wine, along with spices that evoke warmth and comfort, and fruit such as raisins, apples, or orange rind. In Homer's Odyssey there are references to Circe, a lascivious goddess, who drugs Odysseus' crew with a blend of spices and wine. Mulled wine also is referenced to Rome, in the second century. As the Romans traveled through Europe, they brought wines and vines with them, including recipes for making spiced warm wines. Mulled wine also appears in an English cookbook called "The Forme of Cury," from 1390, which speaks of grinding together cinnamon, ginger, galangal, cloves, long pepper, nutmeg, marjoram, cardamom, and grains of paradise (from the ginger family). In the Victorian age, adding spices to wine was a way of improving a wine's flavor if wine shipped between countries hadn't been stored quite properly.
Shop Local Welcome to Downtown Fredericksburg’s Main Street District fredericksburgdowntown.org
stroll and shop at Christmas markets. In the Nordic countries, gløgg is served. Warmed mulled wine is also no stranger to European countries, South American countries, and of course, the United States. Recipes for mulled wine vary. Often the spices and dried fruits are wrapped in cheesecloth, or in something like a tea bag, then put in the wine to steep. A tea ball will work well, too. Traditionally, red wine is used, but white wine or hard cider works well too, depending on your personal preference. The longer the spices and fruit stay in the warming wine the deeper the flavors will become. If the thoughts of deciding what spices or fruits to blend to make a mulled wine for your holiday or winter enjoyment are too much, City Vino can help. We have Lt. Blender's Mulled Wine packets in stock. Simply open the bag and pour in a bottle of basic red wine, a bit of water and shake. Then pour it into your crock-pot on warm or into a pot and warm it up on your stove. The beautiful aromas of the cinnamon, clove, and allspice warming up will fill your home.
City Vino is located at 810 Caroline St. You can find owner Rita Allan on-site to provide answers to all your wine questions.
Glühwein, "glowing wine," is popular in many of the German-speaking regions, as well as in the Alsace in France. It is traditionally served at Christmas and quite readily available to enjoy while you front porch fredericksburg
December 2021
CALEND december 2021...Happy Hanaukkah, Christmas & Kwanzaa Too All! Wednesday December 1
FREE, bring your friends and family for selfies in the park! Oversized greeting card frames will be on display in Riverfront Park. Stop by to visit the cards and take a selfie, share with friends, come back and do it again. It's FREE to visit the cards and take all the photos you'd like. Featuring five card designs: FXBG, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and Happy Holidays. Share your pics: #LoveFXBG. For information please call 540-372-1086. thru Dec 27 Trivia on the Patio, Sunken Well at 6:30pm Match wits with the 'Burgs finest minds. Prize! 720 Littlepage
Thursday December 2
Washington Heritage Museums' Speaker Series at the CRRL "Building Materials as a Primary Source": Investigating the Rising Sun Tavern by Michael Spencer, Associate Professor, Historic Preservation Department at UMW lecture will examine how historic building materials can be used in conjunction with archival information to determine construction dates, building chronology, and even paint color. 10a Live Music at the Co-op, 5:30-7:30 pm, 320 Jeff Davis Hwy. Join us for an enjoyable evening with Robert Keelin whose professional and energetic performances span the musical landscape from classic rock to blues, folk and original tunes. All are welcome!
First Friday December 3
Celebrate the Holidays with the Museums With FREE Admission: Rising Sun Tavern 12-7 pm Decor by Chancellor Garden Club. Discounts on most gift shop items! WHM Members will receive 20% off All others will receive 10% off FAM Annual Merry Trees FAM's gallery spaces will be filled with fifteen miniature trees decorated by the second-grade students at Hugh Mercer and Lafayette Elementary Schools.Open House 5pm - 7:30pm, see each class's tree, participate in a family holiday I Spy game, and visit with Santa in the museum's galleries. Each tree is inspired by a children's book the students have read in the classroom. Exhibit thry Dec 28 907 Princess Anne St "Deck the Walls", opening reception 5-9p, Brush Strokes Gallery, 824 Caroline St Holiday Show @FCCA, Give the Gift of Art, 813 Sophia St Artful Dimensions Holiday Show opening reception, 6-9p The area's LARGEST Holiday Craft Show, FXBG Expo Center , thru Dec 5 "The Big Event" Book Written by G.M. "Jim" Haney Book Signing: Darbytown Art Studio, 241 Charles St 5-8:30pm
Become a Friend Advocate ~ Donate ~ Volunteer
540~479~4116 1013 Princess Anne St , FXBG 16
December 2021
Front porch fredericksburg
Live Music, Rec Center , Don't Bitre Your Tongue, The Booty Gum & more, 6:30p, 213 William St
Live Music @the Rec, Lenne, The Im Gingerbread House Exhibit A long-s 35th year! festive creations displ Farm! theme is "Winter Holidays Ar
Live Music @Adventure Brewing North, Brisk Band, 6p
Tuesday December 7
Live Comedy Improv @the Rec, 8pm
"Where the Locals GO" art by Patt Washington Hospital gallery art wi
Pictures with Santa, Bring your own camera for your pictures! Kids will have time to chat with Santa. Courtyard Marriott Downtown.
Wednesday December 8
Holiday Pops "A Season of Giving" Lifepoint Auditorium classic carols and new arrangements. expect a visit from Santa. 7:30-10p
Thursday December 9
Saturday December 4
The Fredericksburg Public Relation Success" 12:30-2 p.m. theater FX
Fxbg Christmas Parade, Downtown, 5:30p, Caroline and Princess Anne Streets in downtown Fredericksburg.
Food Co-op Book Group, 1 pm OR 7 favorite cookbook to the meeting maybe point out a few favorite rec
Breakfest with Santa at Eileens Bakery & Cafe, Reservations
Trivia on the Patio, Sunken Well at
Santa @Billiken's , 2p, 623 caroline
Mistltoe Market, Hurkamp Park Similar to Art in the Park but with Holiday Flair. Shop Small and Local 9a-1p
Live Music @the Rec, Honey Creek,
Stage Door Productions, "A Christmas Carol 810 Caroline St, thru Dec 5
Friday December 10
Deck the Halls Renowned FXBG decorator Jan Williams crafts beautiful holiday arrangements in annual presentation , James Monroe Museum, 908 Cahrles St, 10-12noon
Candlelight Tour This year's tour Charles Street and along Lewis Stre
Santa @Billiken's , 2p, 623 caroline
FXBG Winter Wine Festival, Wine, Hard Cider, Spirits and more!! Craft Vendors and Food Vendors on site. FXBG Agricultural Fair, 11a-4p
Food Waste, 6-7 pm, FXBG Food C challenges and opportunities for so
Live Music @the Rec, Cultfest 3: Already Dead, 5p, 213 William St
After Dark Bowling Green Christma the houses.
Open Mic @Adventure Brewing Eagle Village, 7:30p
Live Music @Adventure Brewing Ea Live Music@Adventure Brewing North, Jon Wiley, 7p
Sunday December 5
Holidays with the Museums With FREE Admission: Mary Washington r 5, 12-7 pm Tour the Mary Washington House by candlelight in the spirit of an 18th century Christmas Carols, Cookies, & Coffee Fellowship ages on 9:45 a.m. in the church yard. donations of hats, mittens, socks, and other cold-weather accessories the hanging of our neighborhood clothes- line! Presbyterian Church, 810 Princess Anne A Wee Christmas Dollhouse & Miniature Show Kenmore exhibit of highly detailed, replica dollhouses 1201 Washington Ave Show thru Dec 31
Live Music @Advneture Brewing No
Stage Door Productions, "A Christm
Saturday December 11
FXBG Celtic Band Moch Pryderi Dragon Brewery on 5 - 7pm. 1419
A Motown Christmas BRENCORE A MOTOWN's greatest Christmas so Smokey Robinson, Gladys Knight Wonder, Diana Ross and The Supr The Jackson 5 and more Get your t FXBG Expo Center, 7:70p
DAR of events
mourity & more, 213 William St, 6p standing holiday tradition, now in it's layed at George Washington's Ferry round the World." Show thru Dec 30
ty O'Brien, solo show by at the Mary ng Exhibit thru March 2022
The Chamber Chorale of FXBG live performance Holiday Concert, "Stars and Light." at 3 PM & 7 PM, at Trinity Episcopal Church 825 College Avenue. features works by Morten Lauridsen, Felix Mendelssohn, Mark Hayes, and many others all focused on light in our world and the beauty and meaning of stars. some traditional holiday selections and the audience favorite, the annual Christmas Carol Sing-Along.
Saturday December 18
Bowling Green Christmas Parade of Lights Businesses reveal their holiday light displays and the town enjoys a light-inspired parade.
Santa's Workshop The Avery Elves have been busy in their studio getting ready for the big night! 7Pm Don't miss out on this opportunity to get out of the cold and join us for Santa's Workshop! The elves personally promise you a grand time. Keep your eyes open Downtown for the Avery elves, dancing dolls, soldiers, and maybe even the elf of the shelf?! Rumors say that they've been spotted downtown recently… they can't wait to see you! 2300 Washington Ave
FAM Faire KrisKringlemart at Market Square
Live Music @Adventure Brewing North, Justin Hubbard, 7p
Rappahannock Model Railroaders 24th Annual Christmas Train Show featuring: Operating Layouts, train vendors, kids activities 9am-5pm at the Eagles Lodge, 21 Cool Springs Road info. at www.rmrailroaders.com
Live Music @Billiken,s Smokehouse, Crowfoot Bottoms Ugly Sweater Party, 7p Wear them ugly sweaters and come drink and hang by the fire ! 623 Caroline ST
Holiday Puppy Yoga SPCA at Adventure Brewing
Live Music@Hioghmark Brewery, Shree An evening of acoustic rock over some great beer ! 6P 390 Kings Hwy
t 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
e St
ns Society networking, Strategies for XBG Branch CRRL 1201 Caroline St.
7 pm. 320 Jeff Davis Hwy. Bring your g. Share what you like about it and cipes. Dev Gajan, 213 William St, 6:30p
r takes place in the 1100 block of eet. Tour thru Dec 12
Saturday December 11
Holiday Drive In Movie FREE family movie night in the park. The movie will be played through your car radio. food truck available for dinner. Old Mill Park, 5p Live Music @Adventure Brewing North, Will DaBaldo
Music at St George's Join us for an afternoon of music guaranteed to get you in the holiday spirit! Featuring the music ensembles of St. George's, this concert benefits our Haiti Mission Partners. Concert is free , 3p 905 Princess Anne St
Sunday, December 12
Wednesday December 22
Rappahannock Model Railroaders 24th Annual Christmas Train Show featuring: Operating Layouts, train vendors, kids activities 10am-4pm at the Eagles Lodge, 21 Cool Springs Road info. www.rmrailroaders.com
e St
Co-op, 320 JeffDavis Hwy. about the olving the problem of food waste.
Sunday December 19
Wednesday December 15
as Lights Drive around and check out
Va Advisory Council on Military Education info on careers, education, scholarships & more, 3-8p, FXBG Expo Center
agle Village, Karen Jonas, 7p
Trivia on the Patio, Sunken Well at 6:30pm Match wits with the 'Burgs finest minds. Prize! 720 Littlepage
orth, Mark Volten, 7p
Thursday December 16
Trivia on the Patio, Sunken Well at 6:30pm Match wits with the 'Burgs finest minds. Prize! 720 Littlepage
Saturday December 25 Merry Christmas too all!
Sunday December 26 Happy Kwanzaa
mas Carol:, 810 Caroline St, thr Dec 12
Christmas Performance at the Red 9 Princess Anne Street.
ALLSTARS Band will perform some of ngs by the Temptations, Four Tops, and The Pips, Marvin Gaye, Stevie remes, Michael Jackson, The Spinners, tickets early for this amazing Tribute.
Live Music at the Co-op, 5:30-7:30 pm, 320 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Get in the holiday spirit with the wonderful music of Sound Fusion. These amazing local musicians will entertain and enchant us with live jazz, including Christmas tunes. All are welcome!
Friday December 17
Holiday Drive In Movie FREE family movie night in the park. The movie will be played through your car radio.food truck available for dinner. Old Mill Park, 5p Live Music @Adventure Brewing North, Darcy Dawn, 7p
Thursday December 30
LIVE Music @the Rec, The Calm before the Storm, 6-10:30p
Friday December 31 News Years Eve
If you are reading this 293rdnd issue of FPF, thank an advertiser as we celebrate our 25th year of continuous publication! List your events email frntprch@aol.com: subject Calendar Deadline for January2022 issue is December 20th.
Live Music @Adventure Eagle Village, Hokie Joe, 7p
December 10th-1 12th
Dog Walking Pet Sitting Companion Play Time & Mini Furies, Too!
540-735-8228 On facebook as “City PetSitting” front porch fredericksburg
December 2021
history’s stories
Christmas Traditions By Ralph “Tuffy” Hicks
It is estimated that over 77 percent of our homes will have a Christmas tree, with less than 20 percent being live cut trees. Trees decorated date back to Germany during the middle-ages a tradition that the German settles brought to America and was popularized in the 19th century. One of the more famous ornaments is still the Green Pickle. The tradition being that the first child that finds it gets a special gift. It is said to be a commercial marketing gimmick of Woolworths in the late 1800's. A favorite of my family for decades is sending Christmas cards. I can recall Mother saying well you will not get a card from Dennis this year since you and he had an argument. The tradition of sending hand made cards is said to have begun about 1843 in England. Over 1.5 billion Christmas cards will be sold in 2021. Our Christmas tree always is decorated with red striped Candy Canes. In the town of Wooster, Ohio in 1847 a German-Swedish immigrant decorated a tree with the red striped canes that go back to Germany around 1670. One job that many of us volunteer to do each year is the Salvation Army Bell Ringers. The many clubs and organizations in the city and county have their members raising funds for many people with needs in the community. This worthwhile activity was started by a Salvation Army member Joseph McFee who wanted to have a dinner for the poor in San Francisco. Today the Salvation Army helps many local people and over four million nationwide.
December 2021
51st Candlelight tour By Elizabeth Daly
Christmas has been my favorite time of the year since I was a toddler. Our most memorable events during the Christmas holiday season are centered on the symbols of the season, wreaths, candy canes, Christmas trees and holiday lights. How many of us who celebrate the season know the origins of these old traditions, many of which date back several hundred years?
Door Wreaths have been around since the Romans decorated their homes, however, the evergreen wreath with holly was used by the early Christians. The shape of the wreath in a circle is a symbol of eternal life and the red holly berries represents Christ's blood. Today most of the wreaths are artificial and made to look like flowers, glass balls and a variety of items. Charlie Brown's Christmas story is a favorite each year for millions of adults and children, first was shown on television in December 1965. The show is still a favorite over 50 years later. Nativity Plays in 1223 Francis of Assisi in Italy started the Nativity plays with live scenes at the church. Today this is a worldwide event at Christmas. Santa Claus is the most popular character during the Christmas season. Saint Nicholas was a bishop famous for his gifts to the needy and poor in Europe. He along with Father Christmas, who dates back to the 1600's in Britain. Saint Nick is in the Charles Dickens story, A Christmas Carol. His look has changed thru the years from a long green coat to the figure we have today of a large man with a red suit and white beard, with a flying sleigh loaded with toys pulled by reindeer from roof top to roof top leaving presents. His home is at the North Pole where he makes toys year around until he leaves on Christmas Eve with his famous reindeer: Blitzen Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and the most famous reindeer of all the leader Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Rudolph was not one of the original reindeer. Rudolph first came to be famous in 1939 in a book that was published by the department store Montgomery Ward and given to the children that came into the store. I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022. Dedicated to:Sheila Reid, Heila Reid, Tom Williams, Joyce Nadeau, and Chris Sullivan Tuffy is Front Porch’s Resident Historian Photo, Tuffy & Santa 1948
Front porch fredericksburg
Last year, for the 50th Tour, Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. (HFFI) did things a little differently. Because of COVID, it was not possible to go into homes, so 140 Fredericksburg residents agreed to decorate the outside of their homes for the month of December. Members of the Candlelight Tour committee were astounded. We had expected perhaps 25 to 35 homeowners to step up. The decorated homes were incorporated into an app that could be viewed from a smart phone, tablet, or computer. Some people chose to drive by, others walked neighborhoods where homes were clustered. It was an interesting experience, but we are looking forward to returning to a traditional house tour this year. Three families in the 1100 block of Charles Street are graciously opening their homes on 10, 11, and 12 December. A fourth house, 307 Lewis, known as the Jane Beale House, will be the subject of an exterior tour focusing on the history of the property and its recent renovations. This year, tour tickets will be timed. Groups of no more than 10 people will be given 20-25 minutes of time in and around each house. 1108 Charles This two-story house, whose distinctive feature is a bell-shaped turret topped with a gold ball (pictured), was built in 1893 for local druggist H. Hoomes Johnston. For most of the next 80 years, the house was used as a tourist home. When new owners bought it in 1986, they did extensive restoration and preserved the original building materials. The house revealed all sorts of treasures that helped document the history of the house. The current owners are committed to maintaining the home and have added their own personal touches. 1112 Charles Half of a mirror-image Folk Victorian, this home and its mate were built in 1893 by Henry Ulman and Benjamin Goldsmith. Goldsmith, a successful businessman and leader in the local Jewish community, built 1110 Charles Street. His daughter, Ida, married Henry Ulman, who built 1112 Charles Street. The ornate architecture is typical of the Folk Victorian style made possible by newly developed machinery that could turn out detailed wooden spindles, porch posts, balustrades, scalloped shingles, and decorative trim. 1114 Charles Once known as the Betty Washington Inn, this two-story structure
was built between 1761 and 1785 and used as a rental or rooming house. Fielding Lewis, who married George Washington's sister, Betty, owned this land and the surrounding property when it was part of what is now known as Kenmore. Miss Frances Mason Williams, who operated the Inn from 1927 to 1960, offered "a high class inn" with "a homelike atmosphere and charm." The current owner bought the house in 2014 and has been hard at work stabilizing, preserving, and restoring. He has made many discoveries; including a Civil War era bullet lodged in the siding. He is enthusiastic about sharing his ambitious project. HFFI's gift shop's location is the auditorium of Fredericksburg Branch of the library, 1201 Caroline on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, the gift shop will be at the Lewis Store, 1200 Caroline. Timed tickets must be reserved in advance and will minimize long lines. A check-in station on Lewis Street is where reserved tickets will be available for pick up after proof of COVID vaccination or a negative COVID test is presented. For complete information please go to the HFFI website at hffi.org/holiday-candlelight-tour/.
Elizabeth Dalyis a member of the HFFI Candlelight Tour Committee Photo by Shirley Grant
HFFI Candlelight Tour December 10-1 12 1100 Block of Charles Street hffi.org
What’s in A Lane? Thornton’s Tavern By jon gerlach
As with so much of historic Fredericksburg, the Rappahannock River plays a vital role. Take Thornton's Tavern, the wonderful old building at 523 Sophia Street, overlooking the river and close to Riverfront Park. Known as the oldest documented structure in Fredericksburg, it was built in 1746 by Thomas Thornton on an earlier foundation of brick and locally quarried sandstone (see photo). The building we see today was built as an "ordinary" (aka tavern), adjacent to the town's first ferry. Alongside the tavern, a dirt lane ran down to a wharf and the ferry landing, operated at one time by the same Thomas Thornton, and later by William Hunter. The ferry remained in use until the 1820s.
Thornton's T a v e r n originally fronted on this lane, as seen in the white r e c e s s e d doorway today (see photo). The main entrance was moved to the street side of the house around 70 years after the ferry ceased operations. One can imagine the foot traffic, wagons, and carts hauling goods and produce, that went up and down this lane. The water's edge here is intriguing in its own right, which once again, ties this story to the river. It saw three types of uses: the wharf and ferry landing, baptisms in the river, and the place for a cruel and unusual form of Colonial humiliation: the ducking stool. A ducking stool was a see-saw device for public punishment of wrongdoers, including criminals and
"shrews" (women who dared to talk back), dating from Medieval times. The victim was bound in a chair attached to the end of a long lever that sat atop a fulcrum. As the shore end of the lever was raised, the other end - including the chair and victim - was pushed down ("ducked") into the water. If the action was not reversed soon enough, drowning could follow. Ducking stools were required equipment of local courts as early as 1661 under Virginia law. Thornton's Tavern saw a lot of different uses through the centuries: residence (upholsterer John Eubank and his wife; taxidermist Michael Genzberger's family), mercantile shop (Hunter's Store; later William H. Owens Toy Store), substance abuse treatment facility (Serenity House), and an office (Charles McDaniel's). The building was extensively rehabilitated in 2013. The costs were defrayed to some extent by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR) preservation tax credit program, Federal tax credits, and the City's tax abatement program. Dovetail Cultural Resources
Group assisted with research and paperwork required for the tax credits. The project earned HFFI's E. Boyd Graves Award for Preservation Excellence in 2014. The HFFI plaque on the building says: "Thornton's Tavern, re-built for merchant William Hunter, wharf and ferry owner." Dovetail used dendrochronology (aka "tree ring dating") on original woodwork to help nail down the time of construction to 1746. This building is a survivor. The major floods of 1937 and 1942 inundated the property to a depth of about 5 feet above the floor, and the high water mark is still visible along interior walls. Which brings us back to the river again! So … what's in a Lane? Here, the oldest surviving structure in town, and a reminder that the river has always played a major role in our history. An attorney and retired archaeologist, Jon Gerlach chairs the Architectural Review Board in Fredericksburg and was elected to City Council, Ward 2 in the Nov. 2021 election. Photo by Jon Gerlach, artwork courtesy Waterford Whispers News.
The Central Rappahannock Heritage Center is a non-profit, all-volunteer archives whose mission is to preserve historically valuable material of the region and make it available to the public for research 900 Barton St #111, Fredericksburg, VA www.crhcarchives.org contact@crhcarchives.org 540-373-3704 Volunteers Wecome! Contact us about donating collections of documents and photographs
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December 2021
Mental Health BPD or Biopolar Disorder By ken duckworth, md example, people can have both bipolar disorder and a substance use disorder diagnoses. Medical problems or medications can influence or even mimic symptoms. Hypothyroidism presents with almost all symptoms of depression for example, and steroids can add risk for mood symptoms. Get informed. Patients who know their symptoms can help in the search for a diagnosis. .
Getting the right diagnosis often isn't easy for psychiatric conditions. In our field, we don't yet have biologic tests that can easily define one condition from another. If your blood pressure is 140 over 90, you have hypertension or high blood pressure. In mental health, we have to rely on a description of patterns or symptoms to makes diagnoses. This model is fraught with challenges. Without a clear biological model to work from, and given the complexity of the human brain, the field has settled upon dividing these descriptions of symptoms into syndromes. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) holds these symptom descriptions in order to help professionals make reliable and consistent diagnoses.. However, the diagnostic process is more complex than just reading symptoms in a DSM. Here are a few thoughts on what I have observed in making diagnoses: Diagnosis is best viewed as a movie, not a snapshot. In a snapshot, people with different diagnoses can appear to have similar symptoms. The key is to step back and develop a view of their history and the pattern of symptoms. People may present different symptoms over time, which can change their diagnosis. A person who has a depressive disorder, for example, could have a manic episode a year later. This would change that person's diagnosis to bipolar disorder. The original diagnosis wasn't a misdiagnosis-rather the movie changed its storyline and the diagnosis needed to change as well. It's common to have more than one diagnosis. For many people, there may not be one simple diagnosis. For
December 2021
Let's focus on the sometimes-confused Bipolar conditions of Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). In a snapshot, they can look similar-both can present with impulsive behavior, intense emotions and suicidal thinking. But this snapshot is not the best way to tell them apart. It's really the movie of the symptom presentation over time that can help make the diagnosis distinct. Classic Bipolar Disorder Type 1 is easier to differentiate from BPD than Bipolar 2. True manic symptoms (often with hallucinations) are the hallmark of Type 1 and these symptoms are not seen in the same way in BPD. Bipolar Type 2 is a more challenging diagnosis to differentiate from BPD, because the classic manic episode is absent. So, on the surface, it can appear more like BPD. Here are a few ways to help tell the difference between bipolar and BPD: How Often Do Moods Change? People with Bipolar Type 1 have cycles that switch from a depressive state to a manic state. Manic symptoms sometimes include flashes of deep depression within the manic episode (called rapid cycling). Between cycles, people often have periods of true symptom-free wellness. This period of wellness can last weeks, months or years depending on the person. People diagnosed with BPD typically have more persistent day-to-day emotional symptoms which can impact everyday life. BPD mood changes are more persistent, short-lived and reactive to environmental factors, like stress at work or home. Is Sleep Normal? Sleep changes are often an early indicator of a bipolar disorder. During a bipolar episode, a person might be awake for days and not experience fatigue or they may sleep for days. Meanwhile, sleep patterns are less commonly impacted in BPD.
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There A Family History? Mood disorders, like bipolar disorder and depression, run in families, but aren't directly passed on through a single, specific gene. A family history of mood disorders increases the chances of mood disorders appearing in relatives. Are Relationships Often Unstable? Intense relationships often fraught with conflict are the hallmark of borderline personality disorder. People with BPD often have intense relationship histories, and many of their experiences with emotional dysregulation (intense reactions and variabilities) are in response to relationship interactions. Is Self-H Harm A Symptom? Self-harm such as cutting one's skin is more common in BPD and is thought to be a way to help with emotional regulation. "I'm not suicidal, I was just trying to change my feelings by cutting," I've been told by individuals with BPD. In fact, 75% of individuals with BPD have cut, burned, hit or injured themselves.
ble at Availa n.com Amazo
Diagnosing a mental illness isn't like diagnosing some physical illnesses-it takes a lot of observation and understanding to find the right diagnosis. If your diagnosis doesn't feel right or isn't clear, it's best to talk to your clinician. Ask about your diagnosis and treatment plan and be engaged in the diagnostic process. If you and your practitioner aren't sure, ask for a second opinion. It's okay not to be sure, and it's smart to keep learning. Both BPD and bipolar have good treatment options, but they are very different options, so putting time into getting a correct diagnosis is essential. These are serious health conditions that need individualized support and care in order to optimize recovery. Ken Duckworth is medical director at National Alliance on Mental Illness To learn more NAMI programs, visit Website namirapp.com.
Astrology for You A language of planetary patterns that connect us with universal energies. We are born with unique configurations that can advise us, guide us, help us grow to our highest potential Consultations by Four Winds Astrology. LLC 540.845.7622 FourwindsastrologyLLC@gmail.com
Have You Tried Acupuncture?
It’s All Energy all time favorites: pt 2 by christina ferber
Call Now to Schedule 540.847.6985 AcupunctureFredericksburg.com
The Front Porch Magazine is part of the bedrock of the Fredericksburg community and I feel more than blessed to have been able to share holistic and integrative ways to achieve good health and wellbeing for the last five years. As I close out this chapter of things, I would like to continue with some of my favorite Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) exercises that have helped me maintain balance in my life. Calming the Triple Warmer Neurovascular Points helps us to relieve stress and worry and is a great way to find a sense of calm throughout your day. Place your thumb, first and middle fingers in a cluster together, called a 3-finger notch, and place those fingers at the "V" at the bottom of your throat above your collarbone. If this feels funny, you can use a flat hand over this spot. Place the other hand on the side of your face with your fingers flat at your temples. Take some deep breaths and then switch sides. Connecting Heaven and Earth makes space in the body for energy to move, can help alleviate joint issues, and grounds us. Rub your hands together vigorously and shake them off. Place them on your thighs with your fingers spread and take a deep breath. On the next inhale, circle your arms out and bring them to a prayer position in front of your heart and exhale. On the next inhale, stretch one hand up and one down, stretching as far apart as you can, and hold your breath. Come back to prayer position on the exhale and repeat on the other side. Do this twice on each side and after the last stretch, bend down as far as you can, letting your arms hang in front of you. Take two deep breaths, and then swing back and forth making sideways figure eights all the way up your body.
body. There is no wrong way to do thisjust trace eights in a way that feels right to you. Heaven Rushing In helps us tap into the bigger picture and bring more inspiration into our lives. Place your hands on your thighs and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Then on an inhale, raise your hands to your sides and over your head, touching your hands above it. On an exhale, bring them down to a prayer position in front of your chest. On the next deep breath, open them wide to the sky above your head and stay there as long as you need to. When you are ready, bring your hands to your heart and breathe a few times. I hope these exercises help you to find a sense of balance and calm. You can always view these and other exercises at www.itsallenergywellness.com. Until next time, may peace and joy be regulars in your life. Christina Ferber is a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner
Holding the Main or Frontal Neurovascular Reflex Points seems very simple, but it can have a profound effect on us when we feel stressed or worried. Simply place your hand on your forehead, being sure to cover the points above your eyebrows. I also like to place the other hand on the back of my head. Take some deep breaths and hold for as long as you would like. Figure Eights are a hallmark of EEM. They are good to do over any part of your body that does not feel well, and they also strengthen our aura and surrounding energy field. Simply move your hands in a large figure eight pattern around your front porch fredericksburg
December 2021
Emancipated Patients writing complusion By Patrick Neustatter, MD I have bent your ear before about how writing is one of two compulsions that runs in my family. I am the fourth generation of doctors. But there seems to be an SNP in the family genome that creates this need to write also most prominently displayed in great aunt Henry, who has become one of Australia's better thought of novelists (but who, at that time and place, had to write under a man's name). You could call Joy O'Toole an enabler. A facilitator of a malady sufficiently common that 199 people were willing to sacrifice a beautiful autumnal Saturday, to either sit in some somber lecture theater or attend virtually, to learn about 'Finding Your Voice,' 'Editing Essentials,' 'Recipe for a Perfect Romance,' 'Writing Memoire' and so much more. She was enabling in her role as head of the conference committee at Fredericksburg library that just put on the fifth Annual Rappahannock Writers Conference at Mary Washington Stafford campus - though she also enables yearround, running the 'Inklings' writers' group, and a memoir journaling class for the Fredericksburg library. She is, however, a victim herself of a psychopathology I have written about previously that I suffer from also - and which seems sufficiently much an illness that it justifies writing about here in The Emancipated Patient. The subject I am dancing around is an almost pathological compulsion to write. The Malady "My fifth grade teacher told me I was going to be a writer" Joy O'Toole told me. And she admits to the fact that she has always had a "need to write something". A problem that presumably afflicts the other attendees at the conference, and that is well recognized by psychologists and professional authors like New York Times writer Denise Webb who notes "it's not so much that we choose to write; it's that we must write." Or writer Julia Cameron puts it on a more spiritual level and claims "writing wants to be written and loves a writer - like God loves a devotee."
December 2021
Medicine and writing are a common comorbidity - Conan Doyle, Somerset Maugham, Atul Gawande, Oliver sacks, Wendell Holmes, William Osler, Deepack Chopra all suffer. But it was Chekov who claimed, "medicine is my lawful wedded wife, and literature is my mistress." Or Is It a Therapy? Perversely, some people see writing not as a disease, but as a therapy. This particularly applies to journaling. Joy admits to being a compulsive journal keeper. "It helps people communicate. Make sense of the world." I am also a strong believer in what I call "write it out" - reinforced by an article in Psyche Central that talks about how one is "talking to another consciousness- 'the reader' is another part of the self." A form of mindfulness - but which allows a romance with words. How can you not be seduced by words like fecundity, salubrious, lugubrious, grommet, disparate, and mellifluous? Enabling a Worthwhile Disease In the same way that I always say a little bit of obsessive-ccompulsive disorder helps people do a good job, Joy O'Toole and the library encouraging people to write is a constructive thing to do - even if it does seem fanning the flames of a compulsion. She would be happy to help "light your fire." And I personally, can't wait for the sixth Annual Rappahannock Writers Conference.
Patrick Neustatter, MD is the Medical Director of the Moss Free Clinic.
Front porch fredericksburg
Lynda Allen grace reflected By Anne Hicks awareness of life's beauty in all its enduring and endearing moments. The Swan on the cover of "Grace Reflected," is a symbol of grace to Allen. There is also a poem titled "Swans". There is another that alludes to walking in the pathways of the world's greatest museums like nature and there is a tribute to Mary Oliver's poems. She writes, "Her poems confirmed for me that nature is on of my greatest teachers, if only I will be still and present within its embrace. It is there that I always find grace reflected."
Lynda Allen is a local author, poet and artist having published several books. She also paints and designs jewelry. I met her at the recent bookfair in Fredericksburg and recently chatted with her about her journey in writing. Although I found her on Facebook through a reference and heard some of her readings, admittedly I had a kindred spiritual feeling about how she writes from her heart. I bought her books and decided to share them as Christmas presents for my family and friends. Her latest book "Grace Reflected", touched me in many heartfelt ways. Words are threads that can reach our hearts deeply. Truly the way the
poems and essays are written are beautifully from the heart. Her way of living as she reveals the meaning of grace, as "Love in Motion, Love in Action”. There is a special introduction to her book that explains what it means. The book is artistically crafted with seven sections of poems and one or two essays with each section as prelude. The book is dedicated to those we've loved and lost so senselessly, to all the sources of grace in her life and to the fierce and healing love that you offer the world. Timely in nature this book, is one for everyone. Sharing and discussing her work as a it speaks to the soul and allows for contemplation, joy, and higher
The collection weaves the real struggles and joys of life with being fully human. It contemplates the world of nature with all its nuance of our human nature. I find it's similarly instructive in ways of noticing present moment awareness and how it unfolds. "Simply let the noise fall away and hear just the one voice singing" quote helps this understanding. Ms. Allen said she found her path to writing through meditation, it just came naturally. "Grace Reflected," is both personal and worldly. There is so much to find in understanding life and issues that touch our heart. She describes her heart as a chalice, and it's felt in her work and in person. She shares an inner world of living with love and dealing with matters of the heart from the perspective of the social challenges facing us from the past to the present and in the now. She captures the complexities of the inner
being and the social issues facing our world with the aesthetic backdrop of special times with nature. It is a painting in words. Other books by Ms. Allen include: "Wild Divinity", "Illumine", "Rest in Knowing", "Sight to See", and "The Rules of Creation”: Please find more from Lynda by visiting her website at www.lyndaallen.net where she shares what living heartfully means and how she's developed this throughout the years. Here you can sign up for weekly emails to find out more about her books. She is now working a novel! Take time to visit LivingHeartfullyShop on Etsy and listen to her reading poetry on Facebook.
Anne Hicks is a contributing writer to the Front Porch and writes essays of poetry. She works at the Department of Veteran Affairs.
Around Town J.Brian’s Taproom
"Come By and Get a Perfect Pour" Open since 1994, J. Brian's is a family-owned gastropub in the heart of Downtown Fredericksburg. They strive to provide a casual and inclusive environment for friends and family to gather to enjoy good company, good drinks, and good food. Not only do they have the perfect pour in a friendly atmosphere, they are deeply involved in the community, giving back whenever they can. raising nearly $50,000.00 for the Wounded Warrior Project and local veteran support organization, Team Red White and Blue - Fredericksburg. Stop by, grab a bite to eat and a pour at 200 Hanover Street, Downtown. Check their menu and events @jbrianstaproom.com or on facebook.
front porch fredericksburg
December 2021
Art in Burg Art Galleries in December
“Goolricks Snowy Evening”, Penny A Parrish @ BSG Winter Market LibertyTown Arts Workshop December 11-1 12 916 Liberty St Festive Outdoor Market, festive music, hot cidar & decorative lights & trimming, & of course lots of art. ~ D.D.Lecky
"Christmas Mail" by Sarah Flinn, and "Empty Branches" by Stacy Gerise. Other artists elicit the uplifting spirit of the season through works that depict the beauty of nature and the warmth of relationship. These include such as Denise Denecke's "River," "Sharing with Friends" by Marianna Smith, Nancy Williams "Lotus Garden," and "Dreaming of Italy" by Medina Roberts
"The Big Event" Book Written by G.M. "Jim" Haney Book Signing: Darbytown Art Studio, 241 Charles St 5-8 8:30pm
“Paris Christmas”, Norma Woodward @Brush Strokes Gallery
~Collette Caprara “Where Locals Go” Patty O'Brien, solo show Dec. 2-M March 2022 Mary Washington Hospital Gallery Wing .
“Deck the Walls” Annual Holiday Exhibit Brush Strokes Gallery Opening , Dec. 3, 6-9 9p, 824 Caroline St. Thursday- Sun 11am - 5 pm. Throughout December, visitors will feel that they've entered an enchanted Christmas Wonderland. The "special feature" wall will exhibit depicting wintery landscapes, snow-covered iconic sites of FXBG, and images that convey the spirit of the season. This year's holiday table seems to be decorated by Mrs. Claus herself and will display small works of art that are ideal gifts of unique creations for that special someone, ranging from jewelry to greeting cards and ornaments that will be cherished for years. The Christmas spirit will also resonate throughout the gallery in the artwork of all our members. Many paintings depict images of the season such as Carol Haynes' "Silent Sentinel," Carol Waite's "Poinsettia," Collette Caprara's Norma "Woodland Snow Shower," Woodward's "Paris Christmas," "Goolrick's Snowy Evening" by Penny A Parrish,
“All Member Show" Opening Reception, First Friday ,December 2, 6-9 9p Art First, 824 Caroline ST Thursday-S Sunday, 11a-5 5p .. ~Lisa Gillen
“2400 Diner”, Patty O’Brian @ MWH Gallery
The Artists' Alliance 100 Taylor St, Suite 101 Colonial Beach Friday - Sunday, 11-5 5. website artgallerycolonialbeach.com, Facebook :cbartistsalliance Members displaying their painting, photography, pottery, sculpture, jewelry, and wood furniture. Carl and Joyce Thor continue to sell their art in the adjoining galleries. ~ Rob Rudick
Come See What We Have On The Walls For You!
Holiday Show @Artful Dimension Canal Quarter Arts w/Red Dragon “Black & White” Juried Show & Sale Thursday, Dec 16-F Friday Dec 17, 4-9 9p All mediums (paintings, photography, pottery, 3D art, jewelry, woodworking, quilt work, mosaic, glass art, repurposed material art, etc). some creative and unique award categories ~Jeannie Ellis Holiday Show One-O Of-A A-K Kind Artful Dimensions, 923 Caroline St ~ Sally Cooney Anderson
“Black & White”, Show & Sale @Red Dragon w/Canal Quarters
December 2021
Winter White Holiday Show FCCA, 813 Sophia ST Th-F Fri, 12-4 4p; Sat 11-4 4, Sun, 14p ~Valerie Lecea
Front porch fredericksburg
“Simles of the Season” Beverley Coates
“Autumn Falls” Lynn Abott
“Red Boat Iceland” Penny A Parrish
All That Jazz Pete Morelewicz his design work pseudonym: Print Jazz
“CellophaneDreams” When Pete Morelewicz's wife Christine took a job at the University of Mary Washington, the two moved from Washington, D.C. to Fredericksburg. That transition prompted Pete to take a gamble on the city with his artistic ambition, selling printwork and freelancing design. Since that day years ago, word about his work set off a whirlwind of local interest.
Using bright, vibrant solid color fields, he depicts various buildings and landscapes around Fredericksburg such as Carl's, Purina Tower, Kenmore and The Farmer's Market..Pete's work has also gained much deserved recognition and admiration across the city of Fredericksburg and nationally. His prints have been featured in national juried exhibits and his work can be found in the permanent collection of the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum.
Reflecting on what it means to be artist, Morelewicz said he finds
Previously an art director in Washington D.C., Pete also went to architecture school before his career in graphic design. No wonder Fredericksburg's towers, spires, and other historic fabric made his creative juices swirl.
Pete's work can be seen at his LibertyTown Arts Workshop studio and on www.printjazz.com . You can see Pete’s latest work at his Solo Show in December where he brings his distinctive graphic canvases to Red Dragon Brewery. "Shadow Casting" includes images interpreting the longshuttered Sylvania cellophane plant. Pete imparts the existing buildings, now quiet and serene, with the energy and vitality they had in their heyday. The art is not so much a catalog of the past, but an interpretation of the spirit of Fredericksburg's industrial heyday.
Pete is a printmaker, illustrator, and designer. He creates paintings, posters, murals, illustrations, greeting cards, packaging, and whatever else may present itself. He is continually inspired by the everyday symphony of shape, color, sound, and texture. His process maintains an element of improvisation so that even he's surprised by the results. He says he starts with a pencil sketch, leaving space to adjust. Pete said he was once given good advice: "When you go from your sketch to your final, be sure to leave room for the jazz." He liked that concept so much that he uses "jazz" as
food, not shelter, not clothing," he said. "People buy art because it brings them joy. The fact that someone is giving themselves the gift of joy-as an artistfeels awesome."
“Production Pride” something beautiful in the making and selling of art. He calls the process of art one of self-love. "It's not a necessity, not
“Shadow Casting” Opening Night, December 2, 6-9 9p December 2 - December 31, 2021 Red Dragon Brewery 1419 Princess Anne St, FXBG
Supporting Local Artists For 25 Years front porch fredericksburg
December 2021
The Bowling Green Scene Happening Hamlet in the Heart of Caroline Co.
By amy bayne Bowling Green residents are familiar with Angela Smith's mouthwatering daily menus posted on social media. Smith is the owner and baker at Your Just Desserts Bowling Green, a delectable eatery that offers fresh light food and desserts during the work week. With just 600 square feet, Smith's shop proves great things can come in small packages.
daily. There are no preservatives, no premade food; everything is made from scratch. The only thing I don't make is the bread for the sandwiches, but I do make the cornbread and quick breads." When asked what her favorite dessert is to bake, Smith says she loves them all. "It's like kids. I can't pick a favorite," she says. "I know certain customers gravitate toward certain things. I will tell you that when I was growing up my father loved French Apple Pie. If you have never had one, there are raisins in it and butter cream frosting on top. As a child, I thought that was strange, but it was a treat for him. Now I like to make them because they remind me of my parents, and they are something you don't find everywhere. He's not the only person in Bowling Green and Caroline that loves them too."
Your Just Desserts Bowling Green is relatively new to the scene (May 2022 will mark three years for the business), but Smith has been a lifelong resident of Bowling Green. "I've lived here all my life," Smith says, "but my career took me out of town for most of it, so I've felt like a visitor at times. Baking cakes, pies, and desserts was a stress-reliever for me, and I started doing the farmer's market in town. When I retired from my full-time job, my side hustle became my hustle." When a prime corner spot on Main Street became available just a year after she retired, Smith contacted the owner. He gave her carte blanche to work her magic in the space. "I went in and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with the space. I knew we couldn't just have desserts, so we started thinking about food. I knew I wanted to make everything like I made my desserts with fresh, healthy ingredients and no added sugars. Everything is made in small quantities
December 2021
Smith says she has customers from Richmond and Fredericksburg who know that Your Just Desserts Bowling Green is the place to go for French Apple Pie. Additionally, Smith sells art made by local artisans and children. She says, "It all started with having children's art. I told the teachers that I would only do it if we could put a price on it. Many children are discouraged from becoming artists because people tell them there is no money in it. I want them to see that art can sell. I did it to encourage them to go after their dreams." Smith echoes many of the new Main Street shops featured in this column when she says she's been supported by the community in Bowling Green and throughout Caroline County. Covid forced her business model to change during 2020, and she moved to the popular curbside pick-up model to keep the community and her employees safe. She's now back to being open daily and says she appreciates the community support that helped her stay open during the peak of the pandemic.
Front porch fredericksburg
"I honestly believe that everyone in the community sees the businesses downtown as theirs too. We don't feel like we're in this by ourselves. That's really special," Smith says. Visit Your Just Desserts, located at 120 N. Main Street, Bowling Green, VA, 22427, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. -3 3 p.m. Follow them on Facebook @YourJustDessertsBowlingGreen to see a daily sandwich board menu of freshly made food ready to pick up for lunch. Amy Bayne is a writer, artist, and educator who lives in Bowling Green with her wife Leah, stepson Atticus, and a menagerie of cuddly four-footed beasts. December Events in Bowling Green Saturday, December 4, 12 p.m.: Make a Holiday Wreath (2hrs; $45), The Painted Horse Gallery, 114 N. Main Street; register@thepaintedhorse.org/workshop -registration.
Friday, December 10, after dark: Bowling Green Christmas Lights Contest - Drive around and check out the houses in the contest on and after this date. Residents within the town limits of Bowling Green are eligible. Register with Susan Sili (susan_sili@msn.com). Saturday, December 11, 5 p.m.: 2021 Bowling Green Christmas Parade of Lights - Businesses reveal their holiday light displays and the town enjoys a light-inspired parade. Sunday, December 12, 2 p.m.: Make a Holiday Table Arrangement (2hrs; $45), The Painted Horse Gallery, 114 N. Main @thepaintedhorse.org/workshopregistration.
Fredericksburg Symphony Orchestra celebrates the holidays by Sara Poore "I wanted to create a symphony that generates both high artistic quality and civic pride," says Bartram. "Our first concert in October was a phenomenal success, and we can't wait for this holiday show."
Join us as we kick off the Holiday season in style with a new sound in town! The Fredericksburg Symphony Orchestra (FSO), in its inaugural season, is a 65-piece semi-professional orchestra comprised of the most talented players in the region. Led by Maestro Dr. Kevin Bartram (left), well-known in town for his musical leadership, the group will perform its first Holiday Pops concert A Season of Giving on Friday, December 3, 7:30 PM, at Lifepoint Auditorium in Central Park.
Austria. To add to the festivities, there will be audience singalongs and perhaps a visit from Santa!
To make the concert more accessible for families in need, several Fredericksburg City School children, faculty, and staff will receive complimentary tickets to the concert provided by The Ron & Mary Jane Branscome, John & Rosemary McKeown, and Howard & Mary Owen Community Partners Sponsorship!
This family-friendly event will feature holiday classics, such as Sleigh Ride, Charlie Brown Christmas, and the Nutcracker, and will also feature soloists from the orchestra. Robyn Bauer (above), concertmaster, will perform a fancy mashup of Carol of the Bells/God Bless Ye Merry Gentlemen, and the FSO's superb pianist, James Pitts, will solo on a modern version of Beethoven's Ode to Joy. If you are a brass fan, the trumpet section will get in on the action with the flashy Bugler's Holiday by Leroy Anderson. The FSO will also play Hanukkah Festival Overture, Christmas at the Movies, and holiday waltzes from Vienna,
Bartram. "We want children to experience the sound of a live symphony orchestra here in Fredericksburg, so I have programmed a special part of the show just for them!"
Sara Poore is the FSO Board Treasurer
Holiday Pops concert A Season of Giving Friday, December 3, 7:30 PM Lifepoint Auditorium in Central Park. Tickets available online at fredericksburgSymphony.org or by calling 540/370-2 2399. Part of the concert will be geared especially for children, says Maestro
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December 2021
Companions Let it snow by gerri reid, dvm older pets in motion. If the weather permits, take your pet for a brief walk each day. Daily walks will help loosen up stiff joints and relieve tight muscles. Even a good throw of the ball has its benefits too. Plus, not only will your pet get some exercise but it can also benefit you as well.
"Oh, the weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful, and since we've no place to go Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!" Well Winter is upon us and the weather sure turned cold fast this year. We all wonder if we will have a White Christmas. Time for building Snowman and having snowball fights. Not only do the pets enjoy the cold weather but some of our pets are crazy about snow! For those who have Siberian Huskies or other cold -loving breeds, this is their kind of weather! For older pets with arthritis, cold weather with ice/snow can be difficult. Here are some tips to help your "Seasoned" pets survive Old Man Winter and Jack Frost! Supplementing your pet with glucosamine/chondroitin is a good place to start. This supplement will help lubricate their joints as joints tend to become stiff in the winter. Many diets have some amount of joint supplement in it. But to help support your pet's joint a bit more, aske your regular Veterinarian about their recommended joint supplement. Joint supplements come in flavorful chews which helps with the ease of your pet taking the supplement more. And for those picky pets, there are joint supplements that can be sprinkled on to food. Lastly, if you find that after implementing these supplements still leaves your pet stiff and painful, consider talking to your Veterinarian about pain medication. Healthy joints don't just happen with joint supplements. During the cold months, we need to remember to keep our
December 2021
As a Mobile Veterinarian, I am able to go into pet owner's homes and see my patients' living conditions. Many homes being built today have mostly hardwood or tile flooring. Gone are the days of carpet! So, when it comes to older pets, this type of flooring is not ideal for them. I have had to make recommendations to owners for pets with arthritis or difficulty walking to provide some form of traction. This includes placing runners or extra rugs in the common walkways to help your pet get around easier. Also, if the walkway outside is wet or slippery, consider putting boots on your pet's feet to prevent any injury/trauma. As you shop for some footwear for your pet, don't forget to get them a warm jacket. Cold weather tends to make joints hurt a bit more. Keeping your pet warm during the winter is essential as they tend to get cold too. Keeping a fire going in your house or just keeping the house warm will also comfort your pet. Self-w warming orthopedic beds are available which help reflect your pet's body heat. It is Christmas time, so why not put these items on the Christmas List for your pet! The Holiday season is here! Time for gatherings around the dinner table with our Family and Friends and "Caroling through the night". We all love to see the first signs of snow but all that flurry stuff can take a toll on our pets. Follow these recommendations for your older pet and they are bound to have a Very Merry Christmas! Wishing All of You a Very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! From Dr. Gerri Reid, Kourtney & Damian .
Dr. Gerri S. Reid is the Owner/Veterinarian of Reid Mobile Veterinary Services. She can be reached at 540-623-3029 or reidmobilevetservices.com or facebook @ReidMobileVetServices
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Astrology & You wrapping up 2021
By Frank Fratoe
By Dianne Bachman
In the beginning was light for light is the beginning going through our universe endless and for an instant everflowing and immediate inseparable as space/time..
when Neptune is stationed retrograde their intuition is enhanced or more easily developed.
When morning arrives again it brings grace to vision and overspreads everything with brilliancy unfathomed since nothing can measure a dawn that always returns. In that moment it’s neither spring nor fall nor winter but the infinity of being and expectation becomes awe acclaiming another Genesis as our island under the sun. Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves.
Neptune has been stationed retrograde since June, 2021 and on December 1 it will station direct at 20 degrees of Pisces, its natural home. This retrograde may have been most significant if any of your planets/aspects are in the late degrees of Pisces or in the signs of Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius. When a planet is in retrograde it slows down, allowing us to pay more attention, focus a little better, and in this case wipe the fog from our eyes. Some may find that
When I think of Neptune, words like dreamy, foggy, and enchanted first come to mind. Certainly, Neptune in Pisces is watery and boundless, the cosmic ocean of our inner lives. This planet was named for the Roman god of the sea. Functioning at its highest purpose, Neptune can invite us to explore the psyche, plumb the depths of imagination, draw us in to feeling the call of our truest spiritual selves. At its lower functioning Neptune may create an emotional climate that distorts reality, makes it difficult to see what is before us, lead us into illusions and delusions. As Joseph Campbell once mused, "The water in which the mystic swims is the same water a madman drowns in." Though he wasn't referring to the nature of planet Neptune, he could have been! To get a flavor for Neptune, try listening to composer Gustav Holst's "Jupiter." He composed a seven-movement orchestral suite titled "The Planets" (circa 1917) and I find it quite powerful. December 4 will bring a New Moon in Sagittarius as well as a total solar eclipse (visible from Antarctica). As this year is ending, this would be an enormously powerful time to look ahead to 2022. Sagittarius is optimistic and expansive, so there will be energy available to consider all the possibilities. Pace yourself, though, because this energetic combination can be a bit overzealous. Plant the seeds and use the winter months to germinate any plans so they can emerge in the Spring, fresh and ready to blossom.
December 19 is a busy astrological day, especially when it comes to relationships: 1) Venus stations retrograde at 26 degrees Capricorn and will stay that way until January 29, 2022. This is an excellent time to take a step back and look at how you set boundaries in your relationships. Also, to look at which relationships nourish you and which ones might feel draining to you. Capricorn can be nonstop and may leave us feeling as if we do too much, work too hard at relationships. 2) Chiron stations direct, so coupled with Venus going into retrograde there could be potential for deep healing. Chiron in Aries gives that extra bit of courage to face the big stuff. Toxic relationships can be given a brave review, and this is also a time that supports healing our relationship with ourselves, promoting radical self-a acceptance and self-ccare. 3) Full Moon in Gemini highlights communication, new thoughts and ideas, and the energy to think things through. Learning and research of any kind is favored. December 21 brings the close of one season and the beginning of another: Winter Solstice. A wonderful time for contemplating the darkness, the quiet, and how we listen (or don't) to what our world is trying to communicate to us. It is nature's time to rest, to pause, to germinate that which is not fully ready to be brought forth. December 30 Jupiter enters the sign of Pisces bringing a loving, unconditional, optimistic vibe, just in time for the New Year. I don't know about you, but I think our world could really use a dose of extra compassion and hope right now. Take time to star gaze, moon bathe or walk a quiet path in the woods. Happy New Year!
On December 14 Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn and Mars will enter Sagittarius. Mercury can feel a bit held back by cautious Capricorn, but it is for the best. Mercury is the thinker and Capricorn provides structure and a plan, so this can be an immensely helpful combination, though it may make some feel held back a bit. Mars in Sagittarius is quite the dynamic combination as both share the element of fire. Optimism, inspiration, and the oomph to get things going. For those of us who have Sagittarius as a prominent sign in our charts, we may feel a call to travel.
Diane Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at FourwindsastrologyLLC@gmail.com
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December 2021
Fredericksburg Sketches A visual Celebration of our community
By Paula Raudenbush
Chavez House There is so much to sketch in our area that I could spend several lifetimes and not capture it all. This month's sketch is of a house in Falmouth just across the river. This one was done rather quickly as the temps were dropping and I was anxious to get inside with a hot cup of tea. Unusual architecture often catches my eye and I've always liked this building. I have recently talked with several visitors from out of town and they all had such wonderful things to say about our town. It makes me realize how often I tend to take things for granted just because they are familiar but sketching allows me to pay attention and to see the area through a different lens. It is said that you never really see something until you have tried to draw it and I find that to be very true. May you and your friends and loved ones enjoy the holidays. Cheers!
Paula Raudenbush is a local artist and organizer of the Fredericksburg Chapter of Urban Sketchers International (on Facebook at Urban Sketchers Fredericksburg.
Give a Child Something to Think About
Books, Games, Amusing Novelties M-Sat. 10am-6pm; Sun. 1pm-4pm
December 2021
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810 Caroline Street (540) 371-5684
Tribute to Jim Haney beloved community member
Glenroy Monroe (G.M.) "Jim" Haney, a lifelong resident of Fredericksburg, passed away at home on October 5, 2021, at the age of 89. . Jim was a graduate of James Monroe High School and the University of Richmond, where he also won the Golden Gloves Boxing Tournament. Upon graduation, he was Commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the US Marine Corps. When he returned home he joined his father as co-owner of Haney Vending, Inc., a well-known music, food, and games business in Fredericksburg. He also earned his small-plane pilots license. In 1970, Jim was elected Treasurer for the City of Fredericksburg, a position he held until his retirement in 2014 at the age of 81. His 44 years in office make him the longest-serving treasurer in Virginia history. After retirement, he continued to own and B-Q Q restaurant with operate Allman's Bar-B his son. Jim devoted many hours of volunteer work as a member, board member, or chair of numerous charitable organizations, including Rappahannock United Way, Food Bank, Hope House, Kiwanis Club, YMCA, Goodwill, and the Chamber of Commerce, from which he received the 1973 Citizenship Award. Jim was blessed with a beautiful tenor voice, and sang in countless numbers of weddings and funerals over the years. He was a founding board member of the Maranatha Touring Choir
and the Fredericksburg Community Chorus, where he often sung the tenor solos in its annual performance of Handel's "Messiah." He directed the Men's Chorus at Fredericksburg Baptist Church and the St. Mathias Methodist Church He also sang for many years with the Historyland Barbershop Chorus . Jim was baptized at Fredericksburg Baptist Church and was ordained a deacon in 1971. He served as chair of the Salvation Army and the Fredericksburg Bible Institute. Jim's faith walk was steady, intense, and of utmost importance in his life. He led several weekly Bible studies in his home. As his health failed, he led the studies by Zoom right up until the last few weeks of his life. Jim was a devoted student of the Bible, and had a remarkable ability to remember Scripture, chapter and verse. For the last few years of his life, he wrote a book entitled "The Big Event," subtitled "Did Christianity Create the Bible or Did the Bible Create Christianity?" The book was published in September, and was a labor of love, designed to encourage readers to spend time thinking about their relationship with God.
The Big Event Book Written by G.M. "Jim" Haney Book Signing: Darbytown Art Studio Friday, December 3, 5-8 8:30pm
Get to Know The... B101.5 weekend kocks By Mandy Smith Adam West: Weekends and Fill-iin Q: What is your favorite song/artist we play and why? A:. I like Dua Lipa's stuff she has out right now. Also, anything The Weekend puts out. Q: What TV show are you obsessed with and why? A: I Cannot wait for the final season of Ozark to come out! Q: What is your biggest/weirdest fear? A: I've had a bat in the house before, not a fan! I hate bats! Great story of how I got him out of the house. Maybe I'll share it on the air one day. Q: What would be your superpower? A: Flying! Think about it, you could go anywhere. I love the beach and could be there with no waiting in TSA lines! Q: What pet would you love to have? A: I grew up with a Boxer (dog). Loved her and would love to get another boxer. If I got a pet, it would be a boxer. Q: Fav ice cream flavor? A: Butter pecan... I know, I'm plain.... Q: What would be a good theme song for your life? A: Life is a Highway... There's always something going on with me, I just hang on for the ride and try to have fun with everything I do!
AJ: Hollywood 101 on The Jeremy Grey Show and Sundays 10am to 3pm Q: . What is your favorite song/artist we play and why? A: I really like anything by P!nk. I watched her documentary. She's an amazing human being, so that really makes me love her music even more. Q: What TV show are you obsessed with and why? A: Only Murders in the Building. I love the comedic genius of Steve Martin and Martin Short. Plus, Selena Gomez is great in it as well! Q: What is your biggest/weirdest fear? A: Moving water. I had a BAD Kayaking accident on the Rappahannock. Luckily, I was wearing my life jacket and it saved my life for sure. Q: . What would be your superpower? A: The Power to Heal. I would love to be able to hear what people are going through and heal their hearts, minds, illnesses, etc. Q: What pet would you love to have? A: I love animals and my dream is to have
a ranch full of them! I think it would be cool to have a llama. They are such beautiful creatures! Q: Fav ice cream flavor? A: I LOVE Ice Cream!! Mint Chocolate Chip or Chocolate Peanut Butter are my top picks! Q: What would be a good theme song for your life? A: Defying Gravity from the Musical Wicked! It's a very empowering song!
Brittany: Weekends and Fill-iin Q: What is your favorite song/artist we play and why? A: Right now I'm really in love with Heat Waves by Glass Animals, it's got chill vibes. I play it on repeat on long runs! Q: What TV show are you obsessed with and why? A: Loki! Honestly, all the Marvel shows on Disney+ but Loki is my favorite! I'm a sucker for sci-fi so it's right up my alley! Q: What is your biggest/weirdest fear? A: I have Trypophobia things with tight patterns make me physically ill. When I was younger, I couldn't touch sponges, it's gotten better but I still prefer to use a brush when washing dishes. Q: What would be your superpower? A: I think I'd like a reverse empathy superpower like "chill vibes." I could walk into a room of people who are stressed out and make them calm down. Q: What pet would you love to have? A: A dragon! No more car payments! Plus no one's going to cut you off in traffic when your ride breathes fire. Q: What would be a good theme song for your life? A: Pistachio!
Mandy Smith is the Promotions & Marketing Director for B101.5. AKA "AJ" Weekend Air Personality
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December 2021