closeups 6
Kristie Kestner b101.5 business & traffic manager
kathy craddock the woman behind kickshaws
lloyd f.moss free clinic the life line for thousands
Porch talk 4
on the porch...life in fredericksburg Messages
everything greens: the giving garden
In the Garden: wintering into spring
hanson ave crepe myrtles saved
i have a friend: friendship & sweet memories
growing & crawling....stink bugs
tidbits...small bites of local news
season’s bounty: the romance of food
vino: maule valley wines
Calendar of Events
history’s stories: battlefield pyramid what’s in a hillside?.....howison mill
history in our backyard...pres harding at wilderness
mental health: tools for managing anxiety
it’s all energy: cm for difficult times
a self reflection...new day dawning experience
art in the ’burg ...galleries in February
bowling green art scene a happening hamlet
appleton campbell celebrates 45!
Companions celebrating black history
astrology & you poetryman: messenger
fredericksburg sketches meet Rob rudick cover artist
...And more! 3
love beneath the brompton oak tree
art to-go.....moss clinic benefit
tribute to william sales & william mercer
14 Cover: “Dark Red Rose”, By Rob RUdick
Follow Us on Instagram@hyperion_espresso 2
February 2021
Front porch fredericksburg
Love Beneath the Brompton Oak Tree alumni couples wed at umw by Lisa Chinn Marvashi Fast forward two years. Bentley had earned a master's degree in geospatial analysis at UMW and begun a career in the field. Deale had dipped into the travel and health industries. From their Charlottesville home, they took a chilly fall daytrip to Mary Washington. At the top of the Willard Hall stairwell, where they shared their first kiss, Bentley proposed.
photo by amanda bentley
It had been seven years since they'd met on this very spot, new Mary Washington first-years eating sherbet and mint chocolate chip on the president's lawn. That day, during the annual ice cream social for freshmen, Caroline Deale '17 made a wish. Last month, it came true. "Your youth may fade away, but your smile will always remind me of the time I first saw you on that sunny day," she promised John Bentley '17, MSGA '19, as they wed beneath the weathered and wise Brompton Oak. The tree that had seen so much Civil War suffering "got to witness pure love and joy," UMW President Troy Paino posted on social media that afternoon. As a rare favor during an unprecedented season, he officiated the socially distanced wedding outside his front door. The event was among two sets of alumni nuptials at Brompton this fall Isabelle Perrin '17 and Nathan Dawes '14, MSGA '17, married on the seldom-available historic site in October. Both ceremonies were reimagined, with shrinking guest lists and pandemic-related gifts. But COVID-19 couldn't stop them.
May these UMW love stories - and all the magical bonds formed at Mary Washington throughout the decades shine a beacon of light on the end of a tumultuous year.
But COVID-19 came along, making their wedding nearly impossible to plan. "We just wanted to get married," said Deale, who finally reached out to Special Assistant to the President for University Events Susan Worrell.
a bachelor's in historic preservation in 2014, was completing master's coursework in geospatial analysis. With graduation looming, they each felt they'd stumbled across something special and "dove in head first with a lot of trust," Perrin said. Now, as a couple, they practiced the iconic Mary Washington activity of "bench-sitting" and explored downtown Fredericksburg. And Perrin brought coffee to Dawes during long study sessions in Monroe Hall. But the budding relationship was about to be put to a long-distance test.
Caroline and John Caroline Deale was fresh from field hockey practice when she found herself eating ice cream at Brompton with Bentley. It was love at first sight. "I remember it to this day," she said, "seeing him and knowing that I couldn't leave his side, because if I did, I was terrified we'd never talk again." To Deale, who hails from Crozet, Virginia, UMW seemed large. To Bentley of Fairfax, it was small. For both, it felt right. She studied business, ran track and traveled the world with Semester at Sea. He was a rower and geography major, with a minor in environmental science and a certificate in GIS. Their Mary Washington journeys instantly merged - study sessions at Simpson Library, coffee at Blackstone. But the two remained "just friends" until a senior-year hug turned into a kiss and "everything fell into place."
photo by ashley peterson
With campus locales like the Heslep Amphitheatre and Jepson Alumni Executive Center off-limits - and with Paino's permission - she offered up Brompton. In front of only immediate family, Deale donned a dress she'd picked up on sale - she's saving the real one for a much larger crowd next November - and brought her first meeting with Bentley full circle. "Having the chance to do an intimate ceremony was the silver lining," Deale said. "Our whole relationship is wrapped around UMW." Isabelle and Nathan No two Mary Washington love stories are written the same. Isabelle Perrin and Nathan Dawes were nearing the end of their UMW journeys when their tale began. They lived just blocks apart on William Street, but it took a dating app to bring them together. Perrin was closing in on a bachelor's degree in psychology. Dawes, who'd earned
With the pandemic raging, the couple planned - and re-planned - their wedding, finally landing on their alma mater as the venue. Perrin messaged Paino on Instagram, requesting use of his yard, and he referred them to Worrell. A month before Deale and Bentley were married at Brompton, Perrin and Dawes said their own vows on the site, beneath that same towering oak. The path to their union was far from straightforward, but it seemed only fitting. "Mary Washington holds so much significance for us," Perrin said. "It was our home for such a long time." "This whole process was unexpected and didn't go the way we planned, but when we reflect on our wedding day, it was everything we could have asked for and more," Perrin said. "So special and intimate." Lisa Chinn Marvashti is the UMW Assistant Director of Media & Public Relations
front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
Guest Porch Editorial
Contributing Writers & Artists Rita Allan Sally Cooney Anderson Laurie Black Dianne Bachman Amy Bayne Sarah Kay Bierle Tracy Blevins Ashley Bentley Mayo Carter Sonja Cantu Beverley Coates Collette Caprara Janet Douberly Christina Ferber Frank Fratoe Bill Freehling Jon Gerlach Lisa Gillen Kathy Godfrey Lou Gramann Ralph “Tuffy” Hicks David C. Kennedy Paulette A. Johnson Lisa Chinn Marshvasti Vanessa Moncure Susie Moore Pete Morelewicz Penny A Parrish Brandi Parrish Patrick Neustatter Gerri Reid Paula Raudenbush Rob Rudick Jeff Say Mandy Smith Tina Will Norma Woodward
Front Porch Fredericksburg is a free circulation magazine published monthly by Olde Towne Publishing Co. Virginia Bigenwald Grogan, Publisher. The mission of Front Porch Fredericksburg is to connect the diverse citizenry of Fredericksburg with lively features and informative columns of interest to our community’s greatest resource, its people. Messages from our readers are welcome. All submissions must be received by e-mail by the 19th of the month preceding publication. Writers / Artists / Photographers are welcome to request Guidelines and query the Publisher by e-mail.
Front Porch Fredericksburg PO Box 9203 Fredericksburg, VA 22403 Ad Sales: E-Mail: frntprch@aol.com Web Site: www.frontporchfredericksburg.com Facebook: @Front Porch Fredericksburg The opinions expressed in Front Porch Fredericksburg are those of the contributing writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Front Porch Fredericksburg or its advertisers. Copyright 2021 Olde Towne Publishing Co. All rights reserved.
February 2021
Fredericksburg id for lovers by amy bayne Middle Age, Long Views, and Taking Leaps Age gives you the long view, but not necessarily a superior view to the one you had at sixteen, twenty-five, or thirty. One bonus that middle age affords you is it's the perfect spot in your life to reflect on what you've been through and to look forward to the possibilities to come. Duh, you might say. Obvious much? It's a bit deeper than that; stick with me. We middle-agers, Gen Xers nowadays, and we who are well into our golden years could learn a lot from our teen and twentysomething selves, especially when it comes to embracing life and love. A benefit of this view is the tendency to jump in and get your feet muddy. Young people are compelled to do this, both for biological reasons and reasons of emotional development. As we age, we are influenced by experience and reasoning, which lead to questioning and sometimes disregarding possible partners. How many of you fell in love easily and openly in your youth? How many followed your libido into the arms of lovers? (Raises hand slowly…) In youth, an urgency for relationship and intimacy often clouds reason; with age, we are clouded by our own experiences and fears. My own view feels long, but I know that if I'm fortunate I'll have an even longer one in years to come. What I have learned is that relationships are constantly changing. I didn't believe that in my early thirties as I wallowed through bouts of heartache. My good friend Bill advised me that relationships ebb and flow; at the time, I still sought love that was as tidy as a storybook. Bill had that keen middle age view when he shared that bit of wisdom, and I came to understand it to be true as I moved closer to middle age myself. So, after years of relationships that ebbed and flowed like the sea itself; and after a six-year personal hiatus from seeking relationships, wherein I plunged into two businesses in publishing while holding a full time teaching job; and wherein I pushed my artistic skills beyond anything prior, experimenting in different media and putting my work out in the public; at the age of 45, much like my
Front porch fredericksburg
youthful self, I was ready to take a leap into love. I clicked yes on a dating app in March of 2019 and met my future wife in May of that year. Dating Leah was different from the beginning. We had our first date at Pimenta in downtown Fredericksburg, and she told me she knew we'd get along because I chose such a tasty restaurant. We have so much in common. Both of us had been young mothers and had had many similar experiences prior to meeting; we both teach English; we are close in age; we enjoy many of the same hobbies like art, travel, cooking, reading and writing, and watching movies. I was nervous because she was gorgeous and funny, full of life with such fire. She said she knew I liked her right away because my glasses kept steaming up throughout the date. We've been inseparable since our third week of dating, both of us taking a leap into the arms of a kindred spirit. Leah felt like home. Leah and I married in July of 2020, a year that was by most accounts one for the books. We had a "pandemic wedding" at the home of our friends Paula and Patrick. We ordered our dresses online on sale and bought our bouquets at the Fredericksburg Farmers Market the day before the wedding. The ceremony was family only with friends in attendance via Zoom. Our friend Pamela was our masked officiant, and we went barefoot and jumped into the pool after the vows. It was perfect. February is the month for love, whether by Pagan fertility rites or Catholic saints, by poets from the Middle Ages or modern card companies. I lived in Fredericksburg for 23 years, and I can assure you that Fredericksburg is for lovers. Whether of the ebb and flow variety, or of the finding home kind, my advice is to jump. Jump into your future; jump into possibilities; jump into imagining the best for yourself. If middle age has shown me anything, it's that taking that youthful leap, that risk, allowing chance into your life will always propel you forward. That's
something the youth have on us older folks. Honor that wisdom as part of your experience, and Happy Valentine's Day to you all.
Amy Bayne is an educator, writer, and artist who lives in Bowling Green with Leah Baskett , Atticus, Sophie, Chonky, Bella Bean, and Sweetpea, some of whom are humans and some who just think they are.
Art-To-GO annual moss clinic fundraiser By lou gramann Perry's donation shows St George's Church. She doesn't preplan the whole piece, she says, but likes the process to stay flexible. "I love a blank canvas and watching it turn into something three-dimensional looking."
"St. George's Church" Barbara Perry Ah, to be three places at once.
Mark Bradshaw of the Fredericksburg Photography Club took "Healing Waters" at Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies. He emailed: "The turquoise water color is caused by suspended ‘rock flour’ which is a very fine silt of granite that is the product of glaciers
A fundraiser for Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic is simultaneously ONLINE, ONWALLS and INTHE-WINDOW at Sammy T's Restaurant, February 3rd to April 5th. Buyers may safely browse online, then pick up and pay "curbside" or "carry-out." Inside customers can "Vertebrates" Meredith Egge examine the show in person. Window shoppers view the 30+ works via photo-poster in the front grinding the mountain as it slowly moves downhill." window. Paintings, photographs, prints, and woven pieces are donated by generous artists like Barbara Perry, who explains, "If I sell a painting, it's not going to change my life, but it could change someone's life. It's more impactful."
Like individual artworks, artists also bring back-stories. Denise Denecke wanted to spend more time with her two teenagers, so all three signed up for painting classes at LibertyTown Arts Workshop. They loved it, she said. Both boys went off to college, but Denecke continued classes and added membership at BrushStrokes G a l l e r y . Classmates and gallery-mates employ "fresh eyes" to advise and encourage each other. "Artists can be very self-critical," she laughs.
"Leesylvania Beach" Odell Smith
Bill Harris, who taught Denecke and her sons, is
one of many artist/instructors offering reduced-sized classes. Pre-COVID, says Denecke, classes filled the room with interesting careers, and conversations among interesting people, including former military men who have been around the world. She sees strong interactive communities here. Galleries like Darbytown Art Studio and Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts share requests with their members. Artists donate, and 100% of proceeds go to the Clinic.
Denise Denecke paints tourists at the U. S. Capitol
"It appeals to me, because it's for a good cause," says Odell Smith, landscape photographer and member at FCCA. "Leesylvania Beach" is one of his local scenes. "It's a good thing to do, to donate," comments Wayne Russell of Art First Gallery. Russell paints at his home studio with his puppy, Gracie, nearby. H e enthusiastically offers to create something new, tossing out ideas: scenes along the canal path, colorful abstracts, Maryland oyster boats, and whimsical cows with space ships. Look for his new work at Sammy T's and
clinical and administrative essential workers, they've had a busy year. "Its amazing how everyone keeps doing what they do," says Development Manager Tricia Wolfrey. "Nurses don't just mask up, they cover head-to-toe, for hours, every day." In spite of the risks, she says, they are doing a fantastic job
"Daffodils" Laurie Kitchin
Online, unfortunately, viewers might miss a work's impact or crucial details. Meredith Egge's paper montage, "Vertebrates," would attract biology teachers or x-ray technicians if the fine skeletons could be seen in person. However, even on the smallest screen there's no escaping the bright beauty of Laurie Kitchin's "Daffodils." Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic's medical staff and medical volunteers provide services to people who are uninsured, lowincome, or on Medicaid. Along with
Lou Gramann admires the masked superheroes at the Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic, and helped organize this show. For more info on Moss Clinic see pg22
Art-T To Go Benefit February 3-A April 5 Sammy T’s Restaurant To View & Purchase View online at www.mossfreeclinic.org & Facebook.
front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
Get to know Kristie Kestner by Mandy Smith
Kristie Kestner (above with husband Terry and son Garrett) grew up right down the road in Warrenton, Virginia. She loved playing soccer and watching her brother play baseball. After graduating from Liberty High School, Kristie enrolled in Community College and then attended George Mason University, where she earned her bachelor's degree in Business Administration. One of her first jobs was working as the assistant Manager at The Vitamin Shoppe. Working at The Vitamin Shoppe made Kristie a big proponent of immune health and natural remedies. 16 days after graduating from college, Kristie married the love of her life, Terry, and 3 months later they bought a home in Fredericksburg, VA.
After moving to Fredericksburg, Kristie found a banking management job, where she worked for almost 12 years. Kristie thought she would work there forever because, "I love to work with people, but that world became very sales driven and not something I was happy with anymore. As my son began his kindergarten year, I knew I needed something else that would give me more time with my family and a life that didn't feel so stressed all of the time." She found a home at B101.5 as a part time receptionist/traffic assistant. Within a year, Kristie was promoted to the Traffic Manager position. Traffic is a very interesting position in radio. Traffic is not the cars on the road
or how long it will take you to get somewhere. Businesses buy commercial packages and those commercials then get scheduled on traffic logs. Kristie said, "scheduling commercials every day is like working a puzzle. It requires being able to work outside of black and white areas‌ and be ok with some gray in your everyday work life. Traffic longs can change on a dime, so I must be ready at a moment's notice to move commercials around or change out a spot if it gets updated. This job has allowed me to learn flexibility and be able to roll with the punches." Kristie has been working at B101.5 for 5 years now and has added to her title. She is not only the Traffic Manager, she is the Business Manager as well. In her Business Manager role, Kristie is responsible for Accounts Payable and receivables, Human Resources, and a variety of other tasks. According to Kristie, her office is a revolving door; people constantly in and out and she wouldn't change it for the world.
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Mark Bass, The Market Manager at B101.5 said, "Kristie is one of the most efficient and effective Business/Traffic Managers I have every worked with. Her attention to detail is unmatched and her ability to anticipate things before they become an issue is needed in her two positions. She's always thinking about our clients, what's best for them, and pays close attention to the traffic logs to ensure their commercials air properly. Kristie is the best partner I could have managing these stations and the crazy people that work here!" Kristie smiled and said, "We have an amazing team that truly cares for one another. We make it our mission to laugh at our crazy selves every day! I have found an amazing work family and the love in this building amazes me on a daily basis. I am truly grateful I made the change from banking to radio!"
Mandy Smith is the Promotions & Marketing Director for B101.5. AKA "AJ" Weekend Air Personality
200 William St Downtown Fredericksburg 540-373-4421 crownjewelersfredericksburg.com
February 2021
Front porch fredericksburg
Everything Greens the giving garden Dean’s Plastering Services Plaster, Stucco, Drywall, Art 540.656.2399 540.419.8878 luckyluckydean@aol.com
By Brandi Parrish This author has been awarded with the singular joy of sharing both the tangible and ineffable beauties of Fredericksburg's 25 year old greenspace, Downtown Greens. My name is Brandi Parrish, and I can't wait to tell you about the garden (and if you'll allow the indulgence, a little about myself). I'm a transplant to Fredericksburg and still my roots found purchase here. Upon my arrival to town, to put it succinctly, I was a total bummer. My father, sick of his sad sack adult child, drove me downtown. He then kicked me out of the car and pressed a crumpled nine dollars into my hand saying, "Go sit somewhere, daughter. Go make some friends."--an act of love. It was hard to mope when the music and laughter poured from store fronts with all their twinkling lights. Everywhere I sat, I was welcomed. I fell in love with Fredericksburg. I found love of my own, had my daughter, and filled my time with
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pursuits grounded in love and devotion to a place that has loved me back. I enjoy off-color jokes with terrible timing, running slowly, playing music and laughing loudly. I also truly love gardening, in particular, the growing of grapes. Well, not the growing insomuch as the consuming of grapes (the well-aged and bottled kind). Yet, Downtown Greens offers something...more. It is loosely cultivated in a wild, wonderful way. If a flower happens to grow where it wasn't planned, it is left to grow; a happy accident. It consists of an upper and lower garden. The Upper Garden is where the food plots are and the lower garden is where the more unique things are grown. There are a half dozen tables, chairs, and benches all inviting you to sit--be still. A low slung branch sags lazily over a stone circle while bees contendly hum. It is the result of a group effort, time and love freely given. I can feel the love there. Can you imagine all the hands that have volunteered there over the course of 25 years? The joint effort? Hundreds of people yoking themselves to the same cause and pulling in the same direction...that's love. (If this moves you, contact programs@downtowngreens.org to find out how you can help.) There is, of course, a benefit; the literal fruits of their labor. If you or your family were hungry, come to the "Take What You Need Garden". It's name infers its exact purpose, which is to increase food security for locals. This year alone, they hope to expand it by approximately 30% (equates to 217 sq ft of grow space). This also implies that it might need extra hands to work the extension and turn it into deliciousness (wink and a nudge to you, dear reader). The produce that one can expect may include zucchini, squash, kale, cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce, which is all very exciting even though there aren't any grapes (aged, or otherwise).
The garden provides thanks to love. Please find us on facebook or at www.downtowngreens.org to see the magic. Brandi Parrish is the Digital Marketing Director for Metro Nova Creative, a dad joke connoisseur, pageant queen, mom to a future astronaut and Downtown Doll.
Founded in 1995, Downtown Greens promotes environmental care by preserving two urban garden areas, using sustainable gardening methods, teaching children through a weekly Garden Club, and raising bees with the Urban Bees program.
In short, if you're hungry, there's room at the table. If you want to volunteer on Saturdays at 9-12, there's room at the table. If you're an artist who wants to create something or a student who needs a place to study--even if all you need is a place to sip your coffee and reflect, there's room at the table.
front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
In the Garden wintering into spring By Tina Will each year. They have delicate flowers, frost hardy foliage (some varieties have foliage that changes color as it emerges), a strong root system that helps stabilize a steep slope, and are tolerant of dry shade. Other great Winter plants include Hellebores with their dark green leaves and winter flowers, Harry Lauder's Walking Stick with its wildly twisted branch form, River Birch's white bark, and self-describing Paperbark Maple.
Winter Show-o offs When all else seems gray or drab, eye catching shrubs and trees in Winter are a refreshing change. Evergreens, with their berries, are some of the finest winter specimens, are a source of food for wildlife, and offer structure and color. Cossey Botanical Park, has some unusual specimens that are not often found in the homeowner's landscape. The paths and benches that have been installed by Fredericksburg Parks are an invitation on warm days to stroll, or sit and enjoy the view. Many people enjoy fishing on the bank there, in the pond by the Fredericksburg Dog Park. Winter interest is not limited to Evergreens. Many MGs have other Kathie Holliday favorites. finds Epimedium's flower and leaf variety to be 'just plain pretty,' and she adds new ones
February 2021
Prune in Winter? 'Winter wonderland' takes on a new meaning when there's no snow to take the credit. Wondering what can be done in Winter on these slightly warmer days? Trees that have lost their leaves will clearly show the limbs that are crossing, growing towards the interior of the tree, or are just too abundant. If the branch is known to be dead, it can be pruned anytime. But if that is not known, it is best to leave it until Spring to determine for sure. The same rules apply, in general, to shrubs. But a very important check is to know when the tree or shrub will flower. Winter pruning will remove flower buds that formed in late summer/early Fall. This applies to Ericaceous plants like Azaleas and Rhododendrons. But it is
Front porch fredericksburg
also true of F o r s y t h i a . Crepe However, Myrtles, and many o t h e r Spring/Summer flowering trees or shrubs flower on new season g r o w t h Hellebore, Photo by Tracy Blevins (Spring/Summer 2021), so pruning these types of plants for structure or size guidelines are there for many trees and is okay before Spring growth begins in shrubs. Don't regret your work; check first, and hire a reputable company if the earnest. Calendars showing the best times task is beyond reach! for pruning shrubs or trees are available at VCE's website: https://ext.vt.edu/searchSpring Symposium Via Zoom results.html?q=winter+pruning. Different on April 10, 2021 Although our Spring Symposium in 2020 had to be canceled, we are happy that our speakers are available via Zoom technology for this year. Registration and schedule information for our 2021 Symposium will be available soon from the link on our website: mgacra.org. Bryce Lane (upper left) will give two talks: Landscaping in Small Spaces and Gardening in Containers. Michael Judd will talk about Edible Landscaping, Peggy Riccio will discuss Herb Gardening, and Leslie Harris's topic will be Year-round Gardening at the Front Door. Join us from the comfort of your own home.
Tina Will has volunteered with MGACRA for 17 years and lives near Ferry Farm
Cossey Park in Winter photo by Tracy Blevins
Crepe Myrtles Saved Bring a little sunshine to a senior’s life! Too many seniors feel lonely and isolated. YOU can make a difference by volunteering to visit a senior in the Fredericksburg area. Volunteer training is provided & no special skills are required. The Senior Visitors Program is a FREE community service program of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg. Visit mhafred.org or call 540-371-2704
hanson avenue will keep cherished trees By mayo carter "Hanson Avenue is a treasure and unique in Fredericksburg. If we truly believe in historic preservation, it needs to go beyond buildings and battlefields to include the heart of a neighborhood." says local photographer Penny A Parrish Hanson Avenue Residents, spreadheaded by Kevin Brown and Mayo Carter, voiced their displeasure with the City of Fredericksburg's plan to replace crepe myrtles after they die and replace them with canopy trees. Fredericksburg City Manager Tim Baroody and other city officials met with residents of Hanson Avenue and other nearby streets. Baroody assured the residents, (the petition was signed by more than 400 people), that the crepe myrtles were safe. The beloved crepe myrtle trees will be saved after all. Baroody said city staff is rejecting the advice of the Clean &
Green Commission's Green Committee to replace the 59 crepe myrtles with canopy trees as they die off. "The City has no intention of taking down crepe myrtles on Hanson Avenue" , he assured. Baroody said he's had discussions with Tree Fredericksburg a volunteer agency with a mission to restore and maintain a vibrant urban forest in Fredericksburg-and informed them the city will maintain the crepe myrtles on Hanson Avenue. He said that will free the group up to explore how it can be useful in other parts of the city.
for the compromised crepe myrtles and for others that show vulnerability. He said the goal is to grow multi-stem bushes from existing rootstock. With preservation in mind, the city has made a commitment to maintain the historic Hanson Avenue crape myrtle median. We look forward to sharing more of the beauty of this avenue in future issues of the Front Porch. Mayo Carter is a Hanson Street Resident and a local preservationist Photo collage by Penny A Parrish
Baroody commented that in addition to the city maintaining the trees, city arborist Diane Beyer will oversee the management of suckers from rootstock
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February 2021
“I Have A Friend� friendship & sweet memories By Laurie Black
This month I reached out to volunteer, Nancy Brown, who is in her 10th year of volunteering with the Senior Visitors Program. I asked Nancy what first brought her to the Senior Visitors Program and what her experience has been for the past 10 years. Nancy explained, "I have always wanted to help seniors. Ever since caring for my mom and being there with her to the end of her life, I have had a passion for seniors. I did not want to see them being alone and helpless. I do not have a medical degree, but I can sit and hold a senior's hand, talk and laugh with them, watch a movie with them and take them
out sometimes so that they will not feel so alone and isolated. Therefore, I decided to reach out to an association/organization that would allow me to volunteer with seniors. I did some computer research and came across Mental Health America of Fredericksburg's website. I completed their volunteer application and training and then was assigned a senior. I did not know what to expect, but I was happy and felt good about my decision. My first senior was the sweetest person in the world. I became attached to her and stayed with her for a long time - going out to eat and grocery shopping were some of the things we did together. I enjoyed her very much and cried when she passed. She always thanked me and I thanked her; she was like a mother to me." Nancy said that the thing she enjoys most about the Senior Visitors Program is "seeing the seniors happy, not being isolated and having the assistance they need to live happy and not be alone." Nancy went on to say that she was initially surprised to learn there was a program like Senior Visitors Program right here in Fredericksburg. "I love the fact that the program is flexible. I can do my visits after work and on weekends. I can select one or more seniors to visit as my time would allow. Mental Health America of Fredericksburg provided me with these opportunities and that is why
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February 2021
Front porch fredericksburg
I have been with [them for ten years]. Throughout the years, I have also enjoyed the numerous activities they have hosted for their seniors and visitors." Nancy is currently visiting senior, Terry. Terry said of Nancy, "She is real nice. She makes me laugh and we can talk about anything. I don't have anyone, so it means a lot to me to have Nancy check on me. I'm glad to be a part of the Senior Visitors Program." Nancy said of Terry, "He chose me even though he did not know what to expect (neither did I). We relate in so many ways. He says that I've made him laugh and he makes me laugh also. He has not laughed in a long time. He always thanks me and appreciates all that the Senior Visitors Program has done for him." Thanks to volunteers like Nancy, the Senior Visitors Program continues to brighten the lives of area seniors. "I would
tell someone considering volunteering to step out and go for it! You will not be left alone as a volunteer, Mental Health America of Fredericksburg will be with you all the way. You will be very much appreciated for the time you spend volunteering! If you volunteer, you will never forget the choice you have made and lives you will touch!"
Laurie Black is the Senior Visitors Assistant Coordinator.
To learn more, call the Senior Visitors Program at (540) 371-2 2704 or visit our website at mhafred.org. Refer a senior or sign up to be a volunteer! The Senior Visitors Program is a free community service program of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg.
Growing & Crawling do you smell what i smell? By janet douberly If you go outside for a walk in February, the chances of seeing anything crawling downtown are slim. It's not until you get back home that you notice not all insects are hibernating. Some are actually in your home causing quite the stink! The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug is a source of disgust to many, and with just cause! Though they do not have the means to sting or bite humans, the smell they emit is enough to make the most stalwart folks recoil at the sight of them.
Donate to a Cancer Organization Let’s Find a Cure!
While, like other creatures, this stink bug enters our homes to escape the winter chill, they are not building nests or causing great damage to indoor plants. In fact, females are incapable of reproducing until early spring. Of course the stink bug gets its name because it emits an odor as a defense mechanism that smells differently from person to person. Some people
describe a scent like that of spoiled apples. Others describe the scent as more of a peppery odor akin to that of cilantro, which makes sense because stink bugs produce a compound that is also found in cilantro. Then there are some lucky folks that are not capable of smelling them at all. Whether or not you can smell a stink bug, they are definitely a nuisance to have in the home. Unfortunately, the best method of getting rid of them is to capture them by hand and flush them or toss them outside. J Janet Douberly is Program Coordinator at Downtown Greens. If you'd like to learn more about things growing and crawling in Fredericksburg, check out Downtown Greens on Facebook and Instagram.
front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
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small bites of local News By Bill Freehling from the University of Mary Washington.
Founded in 1880, the ACA is a national nonprofit organization that provides education related to all aspects of paddling, stewardship support to help protect paddling environments, and sanctioning of programs and events to promote paddlesport competition, exploration and recreation.
New mural coming to Caroline Street A blank white fence at 823 Caroline Street in Downtown Fredericksburg will soon be adorned with five paintings done by a group of local students. Late last year, about 15 students in kindergarten through fifth grade working in two different groups at Art Time for Kids created the paintings for an exhibit to be called "Fredericksburg: Past, Present, Future, Strong."
WELCOME TO OUR GREAT OUTDOORS It’s Beautiful ~ Night and Day!
Claire Ellinger, who owns the business at 101 Hanover Street, said she approached the owner of the white fence, Jim Nikitakis, about hanging the panels there, and he graciously agreed. A sneak peek of what it will look like can be found on the Art Time for Kids Facebook page.
Tourism Corporation's Marketing Leverage Program.
However you choose to have fun in Fredericksburg this year - riding a horse-drawn carriage downtown, dining or taking out from our unique and diverse restaurants, enjoying a drink from our craft breweries, or touring our many historic locations and museums - you can log your adventures on FxbgFun.com to earn points. After earning 2021 points, you are eligible to receive a variety of prizes. If you receive 2021 points by the end of each quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31), you will be entered into a bonus prize drawing. Get started by creating an account on FXBGFun.com.
Locally Owned Irish Pub and Restaurant 200 Hanover St. ~ 373-0738 12
February 2021
FXBG Fun launches The City of Fredericksburg Department of Economic Development and Tourism is proud to announce the launching of FXBG Fun, a new interactive way to experience everything you love in Fredericksburg, VA. FXBG Fun is funded by $20,000 grant awarded to the Fredericksburg Department of Economic Development and Tourism by the Virginia
Front porch fredericksburg
Reclaim Arcade located at 2324 Plank Road in Fredericksburg's Gateway Center shopping center off State Route 3, will feature 50+ old-school arcade games including Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Galaga, Mario Bros., Mortal Kombat, Super Punch Out and Ms. Pac Man.
HFFI launches interactive Marker Map Historic Fredericksburg Foundation Inc. (HFFI) has launched an interactive map on its website that allows people to learn more about historic City properties. HFFI has the information broken down by properties built in the 1700s, 1800s and 1900s. The historic properties are all part of HFFI's marker program. /hffi.org/hffi-marker-map/
Mon-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm Sun 11am - 9pm Bar open until 2am everyday
Reclaim Arcade A business that describes itself as a "unique retro-modern entertainment venue merging popular vintage arcade games and pinball of the 70s, 80s, and 90s with a modern atmosphere" will open Jan. 29 in Fredericksburg.
Gateway Comics&U Toys Expanding Gateway Comics and Toys plans to move in March from its current location at 2368 Plank Road to a significantly larger, 18,000-square-foot space at 2340 Plank Road (the former Tuesday Morning space). Both locations are within the Gateway Center shopping center. American Canoe Association Relocates The American Canoe Association has a new home in the City of Fredericksburg. The organization recently completed a move to 2010 College Avenue near the intersection of U.S. 1 and across
Crown Trophy Crown Trophy has relocated its Fredericksburg store, which offers an array of personalized trophies, medals, plaques, awards, gifts and more. Crown Trophy opened Monday at 1529 Olde William St. next to Mike's Glass & Mirror. The company relocated from the Westwood Office Park, where it had been for nearly 20 years.
Bill Freehling, Fredericksburg's director of economic development and tourism, lives with his wife, Emily, two children, Abby and Andrew, and cockapoo, Chessie, in downtown Fredericksburg.
Season’s Bounty
The Sunken Well Tavern
Romance of food vanessa moncure
Eat Well Drink Well Live Well 720 Littlepage sunkenwelltavern.com 540-370-0911
The Soup & Taco, Etc. 813 Caroline St. Fredericksburg, VA
Serving Traditional Mexican, Tex-Mex Food and Something More!! Tuesday to Saturday 11am-9pm Sunday 11am-6pm
Phone: 540-899-0969 soupntaco@yahoo.com
Flowers and velvet-flocked chocolate boxes; a hand-crafted paper doily Valentine; romantic dinners a deux; poems, gifts of lace, perfume and glints of gold - a shining day in the midst of winter dark meant for love for that special someone. But did you know that February is National Heart Month? And Valentine's Day can be the perfect day to begin (or continue) eating a heart-healthy diet. Plenty of exercise and a continuing diet of moderation will ensure many years with your Valentine. Following is a romantic meal to show your Valentine you care about their healthy heart, and you won't have to sacrifice deliciousness! DILLED SALMON Purchase wild-caught salmon, either in steaks or a 12-oz filet, both with skin on. Mix together 1 tsp. each dried dill weed, tarragon leaves and garlic with 1 tsp. olive oil. Brush top of salmon with mixture and preheat broiler. Broil salmon on metal pan until browned, then reduce oven to 350F and cook through. (Should only be an additional 5-7 min. after browning, but depends on thickness of fish). Remove from heat, squeeze fresh lemon juice (1 tsp) over fish. Serve w/ sauce made from dijon mustard and fresh dill. GRILLED ASPARAGUS Toast ¼ c.pine nuts over medium-low flame in non-stick skillet when they just begin to brown, watch them carefully as they can easily burn. When they color, turn out of pan onto paper towel. Let cool. Wash and cut woody ends of asparagus - use a narrow or medium-stalk. Brush 8 oz. of asparagus with olive oil, place on metal pan and broil along with the salmon, turning if they get too browned (or grill). If they're not yet tender, continue at 350F w/ salmon. Place asparagus on plate, sprinkle w/ pine nuts. WILD RICE Actually not rice, but seeds of a grass plant. Purchase the dark rice and cook in chicken broth as package directs for broth amount and time (usually 45 min.). FLOATING ISLANDS Prepare early in the day. Beat 3 egg whites with ¼c. Splenda until they form very stiff and glossy peaks; fold in 1 tsp. vanilla extract. Place in 2-inch mounds on parchment-covered baking sheet, then place in preheated 300F oven for 1 ½ - 2 hours or until dried and very lightly
browned. Let cool on a rack. When ready to serve, mix 1 ½ c. lowfat raspberry yogurt with enough pure pomegranate juice to make a creamy consistency, like soup. Place yogurt mixture in bottom of cream soup bowls, place 1-3 meringues atop the mixture, then sprinkle with fresh raspberries. This meal is filled with heart nutrients - antioxidants in the fish, olive oil, asparagus, pomegranate juice and nuts - fiber reduces levels of harmful LDL cholesterol, found in rice and nuts electrolytes and phytonutrients, ensuring healthy heart rhythm and having antiinflammatory properties.
the reign of Emperor Claudius. He ruled that unmarried men must serve in his army, and to that end banned all marriages. Valentine performed marriages in secret, but was discovered, jailed and sentenced to death. Young lovers felt the injustice and visited the prison with gifts of flowers and loving notes. After Claudius was put to death February 14, 269AD, the ban was overturned. Since then, poems, notes, flowers and love tokens prove true love is sacred; St. Valentine's sacrifice is memorialized annually.
Happy HeartHealthy Valentine's Day to you!
Vanessa Moncure, a Cupid at heart, combines romance with culinary delights.
PS Perhaps the most romantic of three versions of St. Valentine - the original St. Valentine was a priest during
606 Caroline Street Old Town Fredericksburg 373-7847 www.gemstonecreations.org
Tues-Fri: 11a-4p Sat By Appointment
Where Fredericksburg Gets Engaged front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
Kickshaws Bakery
Join Us on the Rooftop for Chill VIbes, Tasty Eats, & Cold Drinks
Allergy Free Bakery now open goods are vegan, with the exception of a few grain-free goodies. We research our sources very carefully and even mill much our flour on-site." Kickshaws also offers free pickup at two local farmers markets. In the Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania area pickup is available at the Spotsylvania Farmers Market located at the corner of Gordon Rd. and Plank Rd. from 8am-1pm on Saturdays from April- December. (Due to COVID-19, they are awaiting instruction from the Spostylvania Farmers Market regarding season opening) In Stafford pickup is available at The Long Sunday Farmers Market location at at 163 Staffordboro Blvd., the rear commuter lot by the blue tower off of Rt. 610 in in North Stafford. The Stafford market currently is open from 9am-12pm on Sundays.
Kickshaws Gluten-ffree Bakery and Cafe is a 100% dedicated gluten-free facility that was born out of the need to give "our own kids allergy-friendly treats". As a baker, Kathy Craddock whipped up gluten and dairy-free versions of everything her kids asked for. Out of that challenge came a passion to create allergy friendly baked goods that everyone could enjoy.
314 William St..656-2500..fb@vivifyburger..vivifyburger.com
Delivery is available in Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and Stafford. Delivery to the Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania areas (22401, 22405, 22407, 22408) are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and on Saturdays
Serving Up Local “Good” News Since 1997
Orginally starting as a market in Downtown Fredericksburg in 2014, Craddock noted that they had some issues with the downtown location in 2018 and decided to restructure their business. They have now reopened as a bakery and café in Central Park serving bake goods, coffee, espresso and light fare. we delivery to Stafford (22554, 22553). All orders are due by 1pm the day prior to the next delivery day or pickup at the farmers market. Anywhere outside of the delivery area USPS Priority flat-rate 2-day shipping (in most areas) is available. Kickshaws is a dedicated glutenfree bakery providing the best gluten-free and vegan baked goods to the Fredericksburg area and nationwide
They focus on allergy friendly baked goods that are almost completely free of all top 8 allergens (wheat, soy, dairy, shellfish, eggs, nuts, peanuts and fish). "We take this very seriously", says Craddock, "All of our traditional baked
February 2021
Kickshaws Bakery & Cafe 1511 Central Park Blvd, FXBG 540-7 702-1 1112 kickshawsfxbg.com facebook: kickshawsfxbg
Front porch fredericksburg
Front Porch Fredericksburg
Olde Towne Butcher
Traditional Butchery - Fresh Perspective
maule valley wines Clean, local, sustainable, humane foods prepared fresh. Better for you and your family, better for our planet, better for local economy, better food! 401 William St - Fredericksburg 540-370-4105 - OldeTowneButcher.com
Join Us for Breakfast $5 Sunrise Breakfast Special Two Eggs Your Way, Breakfast Potatoes, Choice of Toast Mon./Fri. 6am-10:30am Carry Out Available 540-373-8300 ~ 620 Caroline St. FXBG, VA
Become a Member
fxbgfoodcoop@gmail.com fredericksburgfoodcoop.com
by City Vino The Maule Valley is one of Chile's designated wine producing areas. It is located over 150 miles south of Chile's capital city of Santiago, and is the southern part of a region called the Central Valley. This large region is one of the country's oldest and most diverse wine growing areas, dating back to the original colonization of the area by the Spanish. Vineyards in the Maule Valley are located between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains, which provide cooling to the region, slowing down the ripening of grapes, allowing for retention of acidity and development of flavor. The valley has higher rainfall than other Chilean wine regions, and the Maule River provides some additional moistness to the area, but the vineyards are dryfarmed, therefore not irrigated. Not providing the vines with water, the vines have to develop deep roots to find ground water and this helps produce more concentrated, richer wines. Due to its vast size, the Maule Valley has diverse soils and microclimates that allow both red and white grapes to be grown. The predominant soil types are rich, which means that grapes have ample nutrients, and large volumes of grapes can be produced for bulk wine production. However, since the 1990s, newer technologies and better viticultural knowledge have allowed winemakers to control vine vigor, leading to an improvement in the quality of the wines produced. The Maule Valley is known for producing powerful wines, from Cabernet Sauvignon, and spicy wines, from Carménère. Other notable grapes from the region include Carignan, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Malbec, and Chardonnay. Below are four Maule Valley wines you can treat your special Valentine to. The first wine is the Inu Chardonnay Maule Valley Chile 2016. This wine is 100 percent Chardonnay, aged in stainless steel tanks, with aromas and flavors of grapefruit, lemon zest, lime zest, and pineapple, with a hint of minerality. This wine will pair with light meats and seafood dishes, salads, and a relaxing evening. The second wine is the Las Casas De Vaqueria Corral A18 Reserva Carménère Maule Valley Chile 2019 which is 85 percent Carménère, and 15 percent
Cabernet Sauvignon. Twice this past year, Dave McIntyre of the Washington Post listed this wine in his column including his recent end-of-year Top 20 Bargain Wines of 2020. This wine has notes of dark cherries, tobacco leaves, black olives, and spice. Dave suggests pairing this wine with grilled meats, and we also suggest earthy dishes with mushrooms, or chili. The Oveja Negra Cabernet Franc Carmenere Reserva Estate Bottled Valle del Maule Chile 2019 is our next featured selection. This wine is 60 percent Cabernet Franc, blended with 40 percent Carménère. It has aromas and flavors of black and red fruits, along with touches of coffee, tobacco, and vanilla. Again, pair this wine with meats but don't be afraid to include some spiciness to the dish. Our final offering is the Inu Carménère Maule Valley Chile 2018, which is 100 percent Carménère. Expect some concentrated fruit flavors of both red and black fruit in this wine along with hints of black pepper, coffee, and oak.
City Vino is located at 810 Caroline St. You can find owner Rita Allan on-site to provide answers to all your wine questions
front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
CALEND february 2021... Celebrate Heritages, Hearts & Presidents Monday, February 1 “A Tribute to Adam DeSio”, Art First, 824 Caroline St, Open Thurs-Sun 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. month long exhibit & sale Join us, weather pending, for Colonial Tavern 'Open Mic in the Tavern Tent." 5-7pm. All musicians are welcome, folks playing music at socially distanced tables in our well-ventilated and heated tent. You may also see the show from the heated patio tables too! "Eyes of Our Children",show at The Painted Horse Gallery 114 N. Main Street in Bowling Green. Visit them on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Fridays from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. UpcomingShow 1st and 14th, (540) 273-7048
"Issac Newton", presented by Keith Mellinger, UMW’s annual William B. Crawley Great Lives Lecture Series programs pre-recorded Zoom webinars, with closed-captioning available. Following each lecture will be a question-and-answer section, with the speaker available to answer audience questions.7:30 p.m. & archived UMW website for later viewing. Super Senior Fun & Games, 10:30 a-11:30 a, play drive-in bingo, watch movies and play trivia. During drive-in bingo participants will remain in their vehicles while numbers are called through your car radio. Movie and trivia will be held in the auditorium with spaced out seating. Participants are welcome to bring their own chairs for comfort but we will have chairs available too. Seats are very limited indoors due to Governor's Orders and social distancing requirements. Dorothy Hart Community Center Auditorium/Parking Lot
Wednesday, February 3 Finding Friends Preschool Playgroup , 1-2pm 212 Butler Rd., fun, weekly, playgroup designed for children ages 2 to 5 with special needs and their siblings. room 3 of the Massad Family YMCA from 1 p.m.-2 p.m. Communication, socialization, and play skills are facilitated by the Director of Community Outreach and Education for Paragon Autism Services and the Special Needs Coordinator for the Rappahannack Area YMCA. The event is FREE of charge Trivia on the Patio, Sunken Well at 6:30pm
Thursday, February 4 Spotsylvania 300 Virtual Lecture Series John J. Wright- A Century of African American Education in Spotsylvania County, 6:30-8p, www.facebook.com/crrlnews "Art Buckwald" presented by Michael Hill, UMW”S annual William B.
Become a Friend Advocate ~ Donate ~ Volunteer
540~479~4116 1013 Princess Anne St , FXBG February 2021
Friday, February 5 "Dreamland" New works by Elizabrth "Skeeter" Scheid Artful Dimensions Gallery , 922 Caroline Street.Opening Event, 6-8pm. Show thru Feb 28
Sunday, February 7 Sunday Brunch Sunken Well TAVERN, Dine-In, Take-Out, & Delivery. 720 Littlepage til 1p Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tavern 11:30-3p
Tuesday, February 2
Crawley Great Lives Lecture Series programs pre-recorded Zoom webinars, with closed-captioning available. Following each lecture will be a question-and-answer section, with the speaker available to answer audience questions. 7:30 p.m. & be archived on the UMW website
Front porch fredericksburg
Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm
Saturday February 6 Fredericksburg Snowball Fight Hockey Rink @ Dixon Park, 1300 Dixon St Held snow or shine. We have snowballs that don't require snow!! Come dressed for the weather and bring drinking water. Children must be supervised by an accompanying adult. Teen and adults, bring your group of friends and we'll schedule you for an adults-only match too!
Monday, February 8 Join us, weather pending, for Colonial Tavern 'Open Mic in the Tavern Tent." 5-7pm. folks playing music at socially distanced tables in our wellventilated and heated tent. You may also see the show from the heated patio tables too!
Tuesday, February 9 "Johnny Carson", presented by Stephen Farnsworth, UMW”S annual William B. Crawley Great Lives Lecture Series pre-recorded Zoom webinars, with closed-captioning available. Following each lecture will be a question-and-answer section, with the speaker available to answer audience questions. 7:30 p.m. archived UMW website for later viewing. Super Senior Fun & Games, 10:30 a-11:30 a, play drive-in bingo, watch movies & play trivia. drive-in bingo participants remain in their vehicles while numbers are called through your car radio. Movie and trivia will be held in the auditorium with spaced out seating. Seats are very limited indoors due to Governor's Orders and social distancing requirements. Dorothy Hart Community Center Auditorium/Parking Lot
Wednesday, Feb 10 MWH Home Health Caregivers Support Group, Are you caring for an ill
or homebound loved one? Do you manage caregiver stress? Need info meeting virtually. call ahead to re 1864'www.marywashingtonhea Health.aspx
Finding Friends Preschool Playgro weekly, playgroup children ages 2 siblings. room 3 of the Ma Communication, socialization, and
Drive-In Family Game Night , Dor drive-in bingo, watch movies and p Center Auditorium/Parking Lot 10
Trivia on the Patio, Sunken Well at
Thursday, Februry 11
"I.M.Pei", presented by Susie Kim, Great Lives Lecture Series pre-rec captioning available. 7:30 p.m. and
Sunday February 14 Valentine's Day
Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern Littlepage til 1p
Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tav
Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken We
Monday, February 15 Presidents Day
Join us weather pending, for Colon Tent." 5-7pm.
Tuesday, February16
"Hortio Alger"presented by Jack Ba Great Lives Lecture Series pre-re captioning available. Following ea answer section, with the speaker av 7:30 p.m. and be archived on the U
Wednesday, February 17
Finding Friends Preschool Playgrou children ages 2 to 5 with special ne Massad Family YMCA from 1 p.m. u
DAR of events
u need ways to balance your life and o on resources ? 11-12noon currently egister Margaret Kenerly- 540-741althcare.com/Our-Services/Home-
oup , 1-2pm 212 Butler Rd., a fun, 2 to 5 with special needs and their assad Family YMCA 1-2 p.m. on play skills FREE of charge
rothy Hart Community Center play play trivia. Dorothy Hart Community 0:30a-11:30a
t 6:30pm
Trivia on the Patio, Sunken Well at 6:30pm
Thursday, February 18 "Douglas MacArthur", preseted by Porter Blakemore UMW”S annual William B. Crawley Great Lives Lecture Series pre-recorded Zoom webinars, with closed-captioning available. Following each lecture will be a question-and-answer section, with the speaker available to answer audience questions.7:30 p.m. archived on the UMW website
Friday, February 19 FXBG Regional Black Restaurant Week To-GO, ,www.fxbgbrw.com Drive-In Movie Series , Jumanji, The Next Level ,Come join us for a FREE family movie night in the .movie will be played through your car radio. We will have a food truck available for dinner. , Old Mill Park, 5-7:30pm
Sunday, February 21
, UMW”S annual William B. Crawley corded Zoom webinars, with closedd be archived on the UMW website
Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern, Dine-In, Take-Out, & Delivery. 720 Littlepage til 1p Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tavern 11:30-3p Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm
n, Dine-In, Take-Out, & Delivery. 720
The Big Day Bridal Event, FXBG Expo Center, 10a-5p
Monday, February 22
vern 11:30-3p ll Tavern 6-8pm
nial Tavern 'Open Mic in the Tavern
les ,UMW”Sannual William B. Crawley ecorded Zoom webinars, with closedach lecture will be a question-andvailable to answer audience questions. UMW website for later viewing.
up , 1-2pm 212 Butler Rd.,playgroup eeds and their siblings. room 3 of the until 2 p.m. on FREE of charge
Deadline to Enter: Fredericksburg Fine Art Show and Sale show wide range of artists, styles and mediums. Join us weather pending, for Colonial Tavern 'Open Mic in the Tavern Tent." 5-7pm.
Tuesday, February 23 "Anna Julia Cooper & W.E.B. DuBois" presented by Kristin MarshThe annual William B. Crawley Great Lives Lecture Series pre-recorded Zoom webinars, with closed-captioning available. 7:30 p.m. and be archived on the UMW website for later viewing. Super Senior Fun & Games, 10:30 a-11:30 a, play drive-in bingo, watch movies and play trivia. drive-in bingo participants remain in their vehicles while numbers are called through your car radio. Movie and trivia will be held in the auditorium with spaced out seating. Dorothy Hart Community Center Auditorium/Parking Lot
available for caregivers? 11-12noonSupport groups are currently meeting virtually. Please call ahead to register for the virtual meeting. Our home health social worker is Margaret Kenerly- 540-741-1864 'www.marywashingtonhealthcare.com/Our-Services/Home-Health.aspx Finding Friends Preschool Playgroup , 1-2pm 212 Butler Rd., Falmouth,"Finding Friends Playgroup" is a fun, weekly, playgroup designed specifically for children ages 2 to 5 with special needs and their siblings. room 3 of the Massad Family YMCA from 1 p.m. until 2 p.m. Trivia on the Patio, Sunken Well at 6:30pm
Thursday, February 25 "Goethe" presentee by Sammy Merrill, The University of Mary Washington's annual William B. Crawley Great Lives Lecture Series The programs will be available as pre-recorded Zoom webinars, with closedcaptioning available. Following each lecture will be a question-andanswer section, with the speaker available to answer audience questions. The speakers will all be current and retired UMW faculty. Lectures will begin at 7:30 p.m. and be archived on the UMW website for later viewing.
Saturday, February 27 Germanna 50th Anniversary Virtual Gala. Celebrate with us as we look back over an incredible first 50 years. Be a part of our bright future and make a difference in the lives of future generations of Germanna students.Proceeds support the Germanna Educational Foundation, Gladys P. Todd Academy, Germanna Cares and Germanna Guarantee Funds. Silent Auction, Live Auction, Prizes. 7Pm www.germanna.edu/gala
Sunday, February 28 Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern, Dine-In, Take-Out, & Delivery. 720 Littlepage til 1p Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tavern 11:30-3p Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm
If you are reading this 283rd issue of FPF, thank an advertiser as we celebrate our 24th year of continuous publication! List your events email frntprch@aol.com: subject Calendar Deadline for March 2021 issue is February 20th.
Wednesday February 24 MWH Home Health Caregivers Support Group, Are you caring for an ill or homebound loved one? Could you use information on resources
3706 Fans (& Growing) Want You to Join
Front Porch on
front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
history’s stories
Battlefield Pyramid By Ralph “Tuffy” Hicks
the howison mill By jon gerlach
It stands alone close to the Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac railroad tracks near the end of Lee Drive in the Fredericksburg Battlefield Park. Over twenty feet in height and made of granite stones it is shaped like a pyramid. It has been described as a monument to the Southern Victory at Fredericksburg. It has also been said to be a monument to Union General George Meade at which point his troops broke the Southern lines at the battle on December 13, 1862. Both of these theories are untrue. The Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac Railroad (R F & P) today is in the same location as it was during the Civil War. It had been almost forty-years after the war in, 1897 that the Confederate Memorial Literary Society went to the railroad authorities requesting that signage be placed along the railroad marking significant areas where historic events had taken place, for the rail passengers viewing. Instead of a sign, the R F & P board of directors counter proposed that a Pyramid of granite stones be erected near the tracks near the location of General Meade's attack on General Jackson's troops. The monument was erected in 1898 for the viewing of rail passengers as the train entered the Fredericksburg battlefield. The monument was not intended to be either a Union or Southern monument. Some of the most intense fighting during the battle on that cold winter day was in the area of the Pyramid's location, as the Union troops temporarily over ran the Southern lines, until they were eventually driven back across the railroad. I have original pictures of two Union soldiers (John Adams & John Johnson) that were awarded the Medal of Honor on that portion of the battlefield. The view of the landscape today is much the same as it was during the battle in 1862. There is sufficient parking at the end of Lee Drive and there are walking trails in the area. The view is quiet and beautiful. For those of you that decide to hike over the area, please be extremely careful with your children and pets as there is regular rail traffic at high speed on the tracks. DEDICATED TO: DR. EARL ROME, KATHRYN DURITY, WILLIAM MERCER, & BILL SALE. Tuffy is the Front Porch resident FXBG historian
What’s in a Hillside?
February 2021
Front porch fredericksburg
When you stop and listen closely, you might hear the creaking of an ancient waterwheel echoing across the centuries. Shhhh … it's a little known secret of the VCR Trail. Heading south out of town, the trail takes you underneath Lafayette Boulevard and onto a hairpin turn going up to the road grade before crossing Hazel Run. It's next to that hairpin turn, just there in the woods, where Howison's Mill once stood. Built by William Drummond in 1797, the mill complex consisted of several structures: the mill building, the millrace and millpond, the miller's house, and one or more outbuildings. The two story wood frame mill was buttressed by a stout stone wall at either end, made of Rappahannock Freestone (a local name for Aquia sandstone). The stone was most likely quarried from this same hillside. Remains of the stone quarry are visible today behind the National Cemetery. This quarry also supplied building stone used throughout Fredericksburg from the mid 1700s into the early 1800s. The original Stone Wall along the Sunken Road, on the Fredericksburg battlefield, was presumably built using stones from this quarry. Several historical photographs survive showing the mill complex. One, taken in 1866 shows the mill, the miller's house, and a portion of the millrace, along with Willis Hill in the background. Interestingly, the top of Willis Hill is shown denuded of tree cover, as it was then being regraded and leveled to create the National Cemetery. Today this view is obscured by woods. Remains of the mill, if it they survive at all, are buried under six to ten feet of fill from the construction of State Route 3. What does survive today, however, is just shy of a quarter mile of
the millrace and its embankment (about 80 percent of its original length). Peter Glyer's online blog ("Millrace for Howison's Mill") has maps showing the location of the millrace. As he explains: "the earth removed to create the race was thrown and compacted on the downhill side to bolster the thickness and volume of the embankment." If you visit the millrace, be aware that this land is owned by the National Park Service and the University of Mary Washington. Please leave no trace and pick up any litter you might see. The mill worked on the principle of water power. By capturing water from Hazel Run and diverting it into a millpond which fed a millrace, the outflow of the millrace would cascade over an overshot wheel (aka waterwheel) located on the side of the mill. The rotating waterwheel provided the power, and torque, necessary to move the business end of the mill itself, typically grindstones that crushed grains into flour. Another type of mill, a sawmill, used reciprocating blades to plane tree trunks into planks of uniform dimensions for building construction. Photographs taken in the late 1800s when the mill was up for sale, show a massive crack in the stone front, but the waterwheel appears intact. These photos are found in Peter's Glyer's online blog called "Howison's Mill". Unfortunately, the mill was destroyed by fire in 1894 according to historian Noel Harrison, leaving us to imagine its industrious heyday long ago. So … what's in a Hillside? Here, maybe the creaks of a forgotten waterwheel.
An attorney and retired archaeologist, Jon Gerlach chairs the Architectural Review Board in Fredericksburg
History in Our Backyard President Harding at The Wilderness Battlefield By Sarah Kay Bierle saying, "No commander in chief in the world can have a greater pride nor more affection for an arm of national defense than I for you."
President Harding chats with a Civil War veteran at Wilderness Battlefield in 1921. (Library of Congress) Presidents' Day circles around in February each year, and Fredericksburg has a rich history of hosting presidential visits through the decades. Both U.S. Presidents generally associated with the holiday-Washington and Lincoln-visited the area, and as the holiday has been expanded by some to honor other national executives, here's an opportunity to take a quick look at a unique presidential visit to a nearby Civil War battlefield. The Setting 1921. World War I had ended three years earlier. The nation was emerging from the grip of the Spanish Flu pandemic. General Smedley Butler faced a lot of pressure to justify why needed to keep a large force of Marines enlisted and ready for active duty at all times. To help convince politicians and the public of the importance of military readiness and to conduct extensive training operations for his command, he started hosting "war maneuvers" -large scale training exercises. Appreciating the open land and historic value, General Butler's war maneuvers were hosted at Civil War battlefields. In 1921, he chose The Wilderness.
Four thousand participating Marines marched from the base at Quantico, camped on the historic battlefield and crossroads area of The Wilderness. In the last week of September 1921, they staged mock amphibious landings, planes flew overhead and "bombed" targets on the ground, and participated in other training exercises.
Though the military maneuvers in The Wilderness in 1921 did not have the immediate effects that General Butler wanted, they have become part of the continuing saga of history at that battlefield. Across the fields where Union General Ulysses S. Grant had readied his army around the historic crossroads for the plunge into The Wilderness in 1864, thousands of Marines demonstrated their combat readiness fifty-seven years later. Today, these fields have been preserved, saving the multi-layered story of the Civil War armies and the Marines of 1921. Central Virginia Battlefields Trust has helped to save 174 acres thus far at Wilderness Crossroads, creating sweeping and beautiful greenspace with military and presidential significance. For details about the Marine Maneuvers in The Wilderness in 1921,
please visit http://bit.ly/CVBTMarinesWildernessEBoo k to sign up to receive a free e-book about the historic event and see additional photographs. Central Virginia Battlefields Trust-with community support-has been able to save 174 acres at Wilderness Crossroads. Sarah Kay Bierle serves on staff at Central Virginia Battlefields Trust; when not at work preserving historical sites, she is often reading or hiking.
Central Virginia Battlefield Trust seeks to preserve battlefield land to protect the memory, meaning, sacrifices, and stories of the Civil War soldiers who fought and fell here. To learn more about this grassroots preservation organization and their 24 years in the local community, please visit: www.cvbt.org
On Saturday, October 1, President Warren G. Harding, First Lady Harding, and an entourage of staff and press arrived to witness the maneuvers. Union and Confederate veterans had been invited to attend a luncheon at "Camp Harding," and one former Confederate soldier greeted the president, saying, "The veterans who wore the gray and spilled their blood upon this historic battlefield wish to welcome you, Mr. President." After the meal and visit, Harding went to Ellwood Manor to watch the military maneuvers before spending the night "in the field", sheltering in a specially prepared presidential tent. On Sunday, Harding reviewed the East Coast Expeditionary Force and addressed them,
The Central Rappahannock Heritage Center is a non-profit, all-volunteer archives whose mission is to preserve historically valuable material of the region and make it available to the public for research 900 Barton St #111, Fredericksburg, VA www.crhcarchives.org contact@crhcarchives.org 540-373-3704 Volunteers Wecome! Contact us about donating collections of documents and photographs
front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
Mental Health tools for managing anxiety By susie moore
Anxiety is a universal emotional and physical response to danger, stress, uncertainty or change. Anxiety serves a valuable purpose. It tells us to pay attention, be prepared, use precautions and look out for ourselves. It is a potentially life-preserving force. Even people with the most steady, calm temperaments have the potential to experience anxiety from time to time when faced with a particularly daunting or scary situation. While some people experience anxiety infrequently, others are hardwired to respond anxiously often and in many situations. We might say that people with a higher trait anxiety have anxious predispositions, or are more susceptible to anxiety, the way some people are more susceptible to developing strep throat or ear infections. I have an anxious predisposition and have struggled with chronic anxiety for much of my life, and as a counselor, I have treated people with anxiety disorders. I have spent a great deal of time reading, writing, thinking and talking about anxiety, and a great deal of time experiencing and observing anxiety. One thing that has helped me, both on personal and professional levels, is the use of imagery and language to find ways of describing, envisioning and managing anxiety. Here are four examples. Getting to Know Your Anxiety Think of this not as you would get to know a friend or loved one, but as you would get to know an opponent. Once you get to know your opponent's strategies and signature moves, you can better prepare yourself to put up a good fight and possibly even win or end up ahead. Similarly, when we get to know our own brand of anxiety, we can develop tools and strategies for handling it. We can begin to see that even though symptoms of anxiety - and the situations that cause us to feel anxious - might indeed be unpleasant, scary and overwhelming, we can get through it. Taking a Step Back from Anxiety This involves recognizing when your anxiety response has been triggered,
February 2021
and being able to keep a small part of our awareness separate from the experience. Once we do this, we have the capacity to talk ourselves through it, to remind ourselves that it will pass and to choose how we want to respond or which tool/strategy might help us. Seeing the Two-S Sided Scale It might be helpful to envision a two-sided scale: with you standing on one side of it and anxiety on the other side. First, this image reminds us that although we might have anxiety, anxiety does not define us. Regardless of how often anxiety comes to visit, we are still our own person. Additionally, this image can help us to gauge where we are with our anxiety at any given moment. Once we assess the degree of anxiety, we can adjust our behavior and expectations accordingly. Acknowledging the Layers of SelfImposed Suffering Often, with chronic anxiety, comes feelings of guilt, shame and selfloathing. It is common to hear people with anxiety say things like: "I feel like a burden on others.""I feel weak or like I'm a coward." "I've tried everything and I'm still anxious. I must be doing something wrong." I've come to see these kinds of thoughts and feelings as extra layers of suffering that we put on ourselves. It is normal to feel frustrated and discouraged at times when dealing with a chronic condition like anxiety. But, if we can learn to be gentle and compassionate with ourselves, we are more likely to make progress than if we weigh ourselves down with extra layers of pain and suffering. I encourage anyone who is struggling to use these images and analogies, or to find your own way of using language and imagery as a tool for managing symptoms and relapses. And for those who do not struggle with a specific condition, other than the human condition, these ideas may be helpful to you, too, as you strive to maintain a sense of balance, perspective, purpose and meaning.
Susie Moore is a professional counselor And contributor to National Alliance on Mental Illness
To learn more about our programs, visit our Website namirapp.com
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Have You Tried Acupuncture?
It’s All Energy EM for difficult times by christina ferber
Call Now to Schedule 540.847.6985 AcupunctureFredericksburg.com
Astrology for You A language of planetary patterns that connect us with universal energies. We are born with unique configurations that can advise us, guide us, help us grow to our highest potential Consultations by Dianne Bachman 540.845.7622 dbachmanlcsw@gmail.com diannebachman.com
Donate to a Cancer Organization
ble at Availa n.com Amazo
There is no denying that we all are feeling some added stress these days, but hopefully we are also finding some ways to calm ourselves and relieve any anxiety that pops up. I find ways to cope using a few Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques and thought that this would be a good month to share some of my favorite EEM techniques that help me to find a sense of calm in my life. Taking Down the Flame is an exercise that can help ground us, relieve stress and anxiety, and is great to do before bed for a better night's sleep. Take a deep breath in and out with your hands on your thighs. On the next inhale, raise your hands on either side of your body and connect them above your head so that your fingers and thumbs meet. Bring them down to your head, touching your thumbs to the top of your head, and exhale. Inhale and bring your thumbs to the middle of your forehead, exhale. Inhale and bring your thumbs to your heart, exhale. Inhale and bring your thumbs to your naval, exhale. On the next inhale, flatten your hands on your thighs and move them down your legs, and off your toes. Then trace your hands up the inside of your legs, finishing in the same spot you started. Heaven Rushing In helps us to tap into the bigger picture of the moment and find a sense of gratitude in our lives. Place your hands on your thighs and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Then on an inhale, raise your hands to your sides and over your head, touching your hands above it. On an exhale, bring them down to a prayer position in front of your chest. On the next deep breath, open them wide to the sky above your head and stay there as long as you need to. When you are ready, bring your hands to your heart and breathe a few times feeling a loving, peaceful energy in your heart area
and throughout your entire body. Calming the Triple Warmer Neurovascular Points helps relieve anxiety and worry and is one of my favorite go-to exercises for a quick reset. Place your thumb, first and middle fingers in a cluster together, called a 3-finger notch. Then put those fingers at the "V" at the bottom of your throat above your collarbone. If this feels funny, you can use a flat hand over this spot. Place the other hand on the side of your face with your fingers flat at your temples. Take some deep breaths and then switch sides. When we get overwhelmed, we lose blood from our brain which can make it hard to think straight. Holding points on your forehead, called the Main or Frontal Neurovascular Reflex Points can draw blood and oxygen back into your head so that you can find a sense of calm. You hold these points by placing your hand over your forehead. I like to hold these points with one hand and place my other hand over my heart, at the back of my head, or below the area under my belly button. Hold and breathe deeply for as long as it takes to feel calmer. Try some of these exercises or others at www.itsallenergywellness.com and hopefully you can find a little peace and calm when you need it most.
Christina Ferber is a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner
front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
Emancipated Patients lloyd f. moss free clinic By Patrick Neustatter, MD
I'm reaching for some cheesy double entendre about artwork on the walls supporting the art of medicine. This because, once again, artwork on the walls of Sammy T's is going to help us practice the art of medicine at the Moss Free Clinic where I am medical director. Moss is part of the "the Safety Net" of clinics that provides care for people who otherwise cannot afford it due to lack of health insurance, or income which USA Today reports is 1 in 11 Americans, for a total of about 31 million nationwide. Recently celebrating it's 25th birthday, the clinic was started by Lloyd F. Moss, MD, an internist and philanthropist with the Pratt Medical Center, where I was fortunate enough to briefly be a contemporary when I joined Pratt in 1986. Usually known as Jeppy, he was the patriarch of Fredericksburg's Moss "dynasty" of doctors and dentists. His son, Lloyd F. Moss Jr DDS, is dental director of the clinic. With the expansion of Fredericksburg, the clinic has grown from
February 2021
very limited service two evenings a week through two different incarnations to its' present custom-built home on Mary Washington Hospital campus. It is now open five days and two evenings a week (though evening clinics are currently on hold due to COVID). Patients are seen by our three wonderful and caring employed nurse practitioners (Cathy Duncan, Quintina Foster Jackson and Carol Drever) with the help of a host of dedicated nursing and administrative staff, especially Executive Director Karen Dulaney, who has been at the helm, overseeing the clinics running since 1995. The clinic is also reliant on hundreds of volunteers, which includes about 175 doctors and dentists who donate their time and expertise. And on local hospitals especially Mary Washington Hospital - to provide charitable services such as lab, imaging and in-patient care. Unlike many other safety net clinics Moss has a pharmacy that has its hands full dispensing more than 40,000 prescriptions a year. Though providing essential services with over 10,000 consultations in a year to low-income patients (anyone earning under 200 per cent of Federal Poverty Guidelines, which is an income of under $25,520 for a single person or $52,400 for a family of four, is eligible) the clinic is wholly dependent for funds from voluntary donations from individuals, organizations and businesses and is always struggling to be able to afford the services the patients need. The clinic is proud of its' leverage, managing to provide $30 million worth of service for an annual budget expenditure of about $2.2 million. Or about $15 in care for every $1 donated. A Needy Population Others I think tend to have the
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same misconception as I did before I signed on as medical director just over 10 years ago - that the needy people we see have somehow brought it on themselves. But frequently it seems to be a "there but for the grace of God go I" scenario - like the woman who ran an engineering business with her husband. When he died of a heart attack, she lost her husband, her job/income - and because of the crazy business of health insurance being tied to employment - her health insurance as well. Sammy T's has organized art sales to benefit the clinic for multiple years now. They see that, though Fredericksburg is growing in leaps and bounds and some sectors are thriving, there is still a portion of the population not being lifted by this "rising tide".
People who would literally be dying, if Moss and other Safety Net clinics, were not providing care. Patrick Neustatter (above left) is the Medical Director of the Moss Free Clinic. & Author of Managing Your Doctor The Smart Patient’s Guide to Getting Effective Affordable Healthcare. managingyourdoctor.com You can make a difference this year by donating to the clinic at: mossfreeclinic.org or by volunteering
A Self Reflection new day dawning experience Paulette A. johnson The COVID-19 has posed unimaginable challenges upon us to preserve, one's self-care daily ethic. That is grounded in Resiliency, Self-worth, Peace and Harmony with all that sounds us. I recently observed a Jo-w wooden staff Class hosted outdoors within its open Wooden Pavilion at the Aikido of Fredericksburg Dojo. This world-class Aikido Center was built in Spotsylvania eleven years ago which included a 2400 square foot Pavilion. Having a beginner's mind. Observing this class served as a new day dawning welcoming experience for me. The artistic, graceful movements of each student practicing that day which included my husband, Oliver Johnson, who has practiced the art of Aikido over 40 years. Provided a once of a lifetime experience that drove me to want to share the sights, sounds, feelings, beauty and wonder of that day.
T h e Class held outdoors, and surrounding grounds were graced with the beauty of trees and spectacular greenery. All embraced the Pavilion creating a new home for students of all ages that practiced that day. A home rich with slender of a new day that can dawn in our spirit. If we have the courage to work toward self-care, resiliency, and harmony with the World and one another. I was particularly captivated by the brilliance of the flags that were draped on the top of the Pavilion. I learned by speaking with Chief Instructor Sensi Avid Goldsmith. The flags were Tibetan, which based upon their belief. Bring Peace and Happiness to all who Hang Them.
Instinctively, my beginner's mind was draw to them. Understanding the flags feature the Heart Sutra, a Buddhist prayer that encourages readers to open their hearts and move toward enlightenment.
I questioned the need and role of the flags, Sensi Avid, explained, “the flags typically stay hung until the wind blows the flags and the prayers away." The wind blew off and on and off the day I observed the Class. But the prayers move toward enlightenment remain firm in my Spirit. May all of us actively seek, remember, and celebrate a beginner's mind new day dawning experience like this one was for me. Holding firm its cherished memory forever.
Paulette A Johnson is a retired RN, & Assistant Director Optimal Health Enterprise, LLC
AIKIDO in Fredericksburg 6155 Hickory RIDGE Rd, Spotsy, Va 540-5 582-9 9600; 540-4 455-3 3378 aikidoinfredericksburg.org FB @aikidofredericksburg
front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
Art in Burg Art Galleries in February "Dreamland" New Works by Elizabeth "Skeeter" Scheid February 2-2 28, 2021 Artful Dimensions Gallery 922 Caroline Street
Skeeter Scheid is a fiber artist whose fanciful works are a cross between reality and imagination. Her fiber-sculpted trees and dolls have been featured in many local shows and adorn many homes in our community ~Sally Cooney Anderson
“A Tribute to Adam DeSio” Art First, 824 Caroline ST Open Thurs-S Sun 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Adam's artwork reflected his passion for life - colorful, dynamic. His work morphed his love of modern and abstract art into something that was just pure Adam. His display KINETIC was a series of abstract landscape photography Adam captured over three years. "For me, the images represent a departure from the hyper-realistic, fast moving reality of life… to a more surreal space; where time and surroundings move more slowly and deliberately. The images represent: a seat on the ground beneath a tree, the warm sun on my face on a cold winter day, a long walk off into the woods, or down the road, or around the bend, or off into the unknown." A light extinguished much too soon, we are lucky to still be able to see the world through his eyes in the artwork that he has left behind. To own a piece of Adam DeSio's work is to truly hold a piece of time and of the Fredericksburg region. His son Addison is following in his father's footsteps, and his artwork will also be on display ~Jeff Say
“Tribute to Adam DeSio Show & Sale @Art First
The Artists' Alliance (AA) Gallery at Jarrett Thor Fine Arts, in Colonial Beach, has a wonderful show of abstract art by Kathryn Murray. Kathryn's work is mixed media, done in acrylic and tissue paper. She says, "the tissue paper paintings often come about as a kind of meditation at the end of the day." Also, view an array of painting, photography, pottery, sculpture, jewelry, wood furniture, and basketry from AA artists Additionally, Carl and Joyce Thor, Jarrett Thor Fine Arts, continue to maintain studio space in the adjacent area, suite 102. They display their original paintings, as well as decorative minerals ~ Rob Rudick
Libertytown Arts Workshop 916 Liberty St Mon-T Thurs, 10-6 6; Fri/Sat 10-8 8, Sun 10-5 5 Something going on all month...classes, lots of art & more!
“RED for Love” Brush Strokes Gallery 824 Caroline St. Friday- Sun 11am - 5 pm. & Appointment
“Dreamland”, Skeeter Scheid @Artful Dimensions
FCCA Celebrating Black Artists 813 Sophia ST Th-F Fri, 12-4 4p; Sat 11-4 4, Sun, 1-4 4p
Canal Quarter Arts 1517 Princess Anne Street Darbytown Darbytown Art Studio 241 Charles Street ~Jeannie Ellis
Kathryn Murray , Mixed Media The Artists' Alliance 100 Taylor St, Suite 101 Colonial Beach
“Broken Promises”, Penny A Parrish @BSG
Brush Strokes gallery's artists are highlighting an element of red hue in their artwork this February, in recognition of the month that celebrates Love. In addition, many of the artists' images can harken thoughts of hearts and dreams broken with the loss of loved ones and relationships, as well as a pathway to healing, through love. . Penny A Parrish's photo of a wedding gown in a shop window, " Broken Promise," opens the imagination to a tale of the resale of a dress that was never used ~Collette Caprara
“Mountains Through the Ages” Kathyrn Murray @Artists’ Alliance
Art-T To Go Moss Clinic Benefit Show & Sale February 3-A April 5 Sammy T’s Restaurant To View & Purchase View online at www.mossfreeclinic.org & Facebook. ~Lou Gramann
810 Caroline Street, Downtown 540.371.4099
“Goolricks After Hours”, Penny A Parrish 24
February 2021
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Beverley Coates
“Rappahannock Winter”, Lynn Abbott
Artist on Site Saturdays
The Bowling Green Art Scene Happening Hamlet in the Heart of Caroline County
By amy bayne Situated as the bucolic seat of historic Caroline County, Bowling Green has retained its small-town charm with original storefronts and communityowned shops. Over the past couple of years there has been a definite fervor centered on the arts and food, with a slew of small restaurants opening, plans for a music hall, and three dedicated art galleries. Local visionaries are making this hamlet a hidden gem in the region's arts and culinary landscape. Deborah Howard and Bobbi Croson are two such visionaries. They opened The Painted Horse Gallery in the middle of a pandemic with no expectations of what would happen. Their main goal was to bring local artists together in their gallery space. Howard says, "My passion in the arts changed my life. The people and the energy have given me confidence that I could do this. I've lived in Bowling Green for about 18 years, and I was always trying to figure out if I could bring something here that would uplift the arts. With that said, our success has been cradled in the collaborative efforts from local artists and artisans." Croson stepped up to share the heavy lifting of starting a business, and the two made Howard's dreams a reality. She says, "When Deborah said she wanted help coming up with a name and design, it grew quickly from there." Howard says, "Things in this town have been sleepy for a long time. That has changed over the past two years in the way the street looks and the way things are opening up and being renovated. I decided it was worth a shot, and we would start with paint." The core of The Painted Horse's mission has always been to offer a variety of art classes to the community. The shop would house a retail space and art gallery to offset costs and feature local artists.
COVID caused Howard and Croson to pivot and put a hold on in-person classes, but they kept the gallery/retail space open. Enter room for artisan crafts, textiles, culinary delights, and locally crafted candles and soaps. These sold well through the holidays and have allowed The Painted Horse to remain open through the pandemic. C r o s o n says the delay in Howard's original vision hasn't been entirely bad. "We have been able to incorporate many people in the shop, which was one of the main focuses. We want to showcase local artists and alert people to the talent and possibilities that are here." Croson goes on to note that she and Howard are always looking to expand their reach and bring show work from people around the region and neighboring Fredericksburg. Howard thinks people will be delighted when they visit the gallery, saying, "I feel like we offer a unique shopping experience. People always compliment the way the senses are illuminated by the items we carry." "The word is getting out," Croson adds, "not just through social media, but because we change our storefront so frequently. Things just seem to evolve. We're very fortunate that they are evolving at the right time and in the right place."
Amy Bayne is an educator, writer, and artist who lives in Bowling Green with Leah, Atticus, Sophie, Chonky, Bella Bean, and Sweetpea, some of whom are humans and some who just think they are.
The Painted Horse Gallery 114 N. Main Street, Bowling Green. Visit them on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Fridays from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Upcoming shows include "Eyes of Our Children" between February 1st and 14th, a food themed show for March, and a show featuring flowers for April. Check out their online shop at thepaintedhorse.org and inquire through the gallery to show your work. (540) 273-7 7048
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February 2021
February 2021
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Biz Notes
About Town
Appleton Campbell Celebrates 45 Years by Kathy Godfrey
Delivering Front Porch to your Neighborhoods
Scott Wayland & Mike Appleton Jim Appleton founded the company in 1976 with his son, James, to take care of the bookkeeping while he worked full-time at the phone company and his 16-year-old grandson, Mike, who worked alongside him in the company's single service truck. This family-owned business has flourished over the last four and a half decades with now 4 generations of Appleton's working together. Today, the business has grown to include a fleet of service trucks and approximately 90 employees. When asked about the company's history and evolution, Mike Appleton, now
president of A p p l e t o n C a m p b e l l stated "I remember how m y Grandfather treated his customers. He always went the extra mile and reminded me often that we were guests in other people's homes. Integrity, trust and quality service were important to him. I am proud that during our growth we have been able to maintain those principles for 45 years."
A core belief at Appleton Campbell is taking care of employees who will in turn take great care of its customers. Technicians are continually trained in product knowledge and customer service so that they can provide an exceptional experience. Appleton Campbell is proud to be a trusted residential service company providing plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical repair and installation needs. This comprehensive approach to servicing its customers has contributed to their tremendous growth over the past 45 years that lead to the
company moving into a larger facility in 2020. The new building, located at 285 Alwington Blvd., streamlines communication between the office, technicians, and customers, maximizing response times and dispatch throughout Appleton Campbell's service area. The new facility also enhances their efficiency of the day-to-day operations. Scott Wayland, Vice President, also added that there is excitement to look back at where we have been as we look forward to where our team will exceed customer expectations for many years to come. In addition to providing homeowners with essential home services, Appleton Campbell is dedicated to supporting the surrounding community that has also supported them for the last 45 years.
Kathy Godfrey is Appleton Campbell Public Relations Manager
Appleton Campbell Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, Electrical & Air Conditioning Service 540-3 368-6 6392 appletoncampbell.com fb @appletoncampbell
Give a Child Something to Think About
Books, Games, Amusing Novelties M-Sat. 10am-6pm; Sun. 1pm-4pm
810 Caroline Street (540) 371-5684 front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
Companion celebrating black history month
by Gerri Reid dvm
It's February! This month we celebrate Love with Valentine's Day, we recognize American Heart month for Women to educate them about heart disease and most historically, we celebrate Black History Month. We honor those African-Americans who have impacted society by way of inventions, discoveries and advancements. Black History Month is close to home for me not only because I am African-American but because I had the honor of attending the Historical Black College and University, Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama. I attended Tuskegee University to obtain my Bachelors of Animal Science and my Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine. I am just a girl from Cherry Hill, New Jersey who took a leap and headed to Alabama to begin my educational journey but never realized I would also be getting a history lesson. I have always been fond of learning the history of just about any place, anyone or anything! So, when I arrived at Tuskegee University (TU), I encountered history face-to-face. Tuskegee University was founded in 1881 by Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver and Lewis Adams. Booker T. Washington created Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (the original name) with the purpose of training teachers in Alabama. The main goal was not to produce farmers and tradesmen but teachers of farming/trades. Eventually they would be able to teach blacks in lower schools and colleges across the South. Eventually, Washington asked Carver to head the Agriculture Department. Carver accepted his offer and the rest is History! I arrived at Tuskegee University in 1992 and was met with the rich history of the University. All Freshmen had the task of reading Up from Slavery written by Booker T. Washington in 1901. This autobiography described his personal experiences and struggle as a slave child to rise up and overcome many obstacles in his life. It spoke about his work at Tuskegee Institute to help black people learn useful skills to sustain themselves. I
February 2021
was captivated by the book. I learned abut African-American History in school but being in Tuskegee on the campus of this prestigious college was a much different experience that had an impact on me. Walking on campus down the paths that once were graced by other African-Americans seeking an education like myself was inspirational to me. The Oaks is the home of Booker T. Washington that sits on the campus. The first thing I did with my parents was to take a tour of it. Washington would have the students build sections of the house to earn money towards their tuition. The workmanship and carpentry in the house was simply beautiful. I was amazed how intricate and detailed the floors were and to think this was done way back in the 1900's. You can't find work like this anymore. There are many items still in the house from when the Washingtons lived there. It is definitely a must-see if you ever travel to Tuskegee. There is more history in Tuskegee than one would think. Rosa Parks was born here along with the R&B singer, Lionel Richie. Many people are familiar with the Tuskegee Airman, a group of African-American military pilots who fought in World War II. I have had the pleasure and honor to meet Rosa Parks, Lionel Richie and a few of the Tuskegee Airmen. It was like the history book walked right off the page! I am proud to be an Alumni of Tuskegee University. I enjoyed the 8 years I spent there and cherish the opportunity it gave me to become a Veterinarian. Black History Month is a time to dig thru the history books and discover what African-Americans have contributed to the development of Our Country. It will AMAZE you!
Gerri S. Reid is the Owner/Veterinarian of Reid Mobile Veterinary Services. has been named “2020 Best Veterinarian in the “Burg, 540-623-3029; reidmobilevetservices.com
Front porch fredericksburg
Astrology & You
By Frank Fratoe
By Dianne Bachman
Somehow long ago I began to discover our human caring and wish everyone would learn it too instead of seeing nothing but gloom and ugly acts done by those so morbid hating themselves they cannot accept the good of others. For we are blessed witnessing seasons change year to year crowded with life that is so beautiful as we are right now and will be in turn if our minds open to consider it all and we listen for messages the heart keeps on telling us. Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves.
February 2021 looks to be an interesting and forward directed month. With the Sun and so many planets in Aquarius (Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury) the focus appears to be on the collective, inventiveness, and independence. This period may prepare us for the USA to come full circle as we near our Pluto return in about one year (though we are close enough to feel the pull of change). So, what is a Pluto return? Pluto takes 248 years to make its way around the zodiac wheel. Over those 248 years, Pluto's speed has varied, so on February 23, 2022 it will be at exactly 27 degrees Capricorn, which is where it was on July 4, 1776. When an outer planet makes such a close transit, we feel it on a generational level and many of us feel the impact on a personal level. Pluto is all about transformation, the decaying and clearing away of the old to make way for the new. Pluto can be like the mythical Phoenix: crash, burn and rise as something stronger and more beautiful than before. Capricorn speaks to structures, hard work, and earned wisdom and I do believe that
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this return gives us a wonderful opportunity to reset, refresh, reinvent. Now, in no way do I want to be a negative Nancy or predict doom and gloom, but our world could be in for some growing pains. Consider this: The degree of misery and chaos we experience during a Pluto transit is equal to the degree that we resist the change or refuse to let go of what is no longer useful. If we keep our heads about us, use common sense, incorporate an honest look at what works and what no longer serves us, we can work for the greater good and we should be well positioned to negotiate any changes. We start on February 1st with Mercury in retrograde in the sign of Aquarius. Mercury rules all forms of communication, so there is always the opportunity for wires to get crossed, things to be misunderstood or miscommunicated. Take your time, review, revisit, recheck. This retrograde could be tricky as February progresses because it will be joining the Sun and Jupiter as they are making a square with Mars and Uranus. Tempers could flare, disruptions could come up quickly, unexpectedly, so remember to breathe! Words spoken impulsively can be destructive. As they say, you cannot unring the bell once it is rung. The conjunction with Mars and Uranus is a bit tense because they are in the sign of Taurus. This is always a good time to reexamine finances, personal possessions as well as our own values. If we need to take a risk, Mars can infuse us with the courage and oomph we need to initiate changes, though Mars can feel a bit impatient and edgy with the slow and earthy Taurus energy. Expect the unexpected. The new Moon occurs on February 11 and will be in the sign of Aquarius. Again, the focus is on what is in
our hearts regarding causes, community, forward thinking and planting the seeds of what environments we wish to grow into in the future. Definitely a good time to get involved in good works in the community or to focus on others. On Valentine's Day Venus will be squaring Mars. This Venus is heavily aspected, making a conjunction with Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury. Certainly, a day for being passionate whether you share this with someone else or just spend the day by indulging in things you enjoy. Jupiter brings visions of adventure and gives us permission to follow our true heart's desire. On the 19th, the Sun enters Pisces and highlights dreams, mystical realms, and unconditional love. The Sun will square the Moon (in the sign of Gemini) and this combination can lend itself to dreaminess and sometimes a sense of distorted time. For these few days, the Moon and Sun create this angle, make sure you are well grounded before driving or doing anything of consequence. On the 21st, Mercury will go direct and will spend the rest of the month in Aquarius. The next Mercury retrograde will begin on May 29th. We end the month with a full Moon in Virgo on the 27th. This Moon supports us in getting organized, finishing our chores, and paying attention to our health through diet and exercise routines. This is a great time to discover new, efficient ways of doing old things but be careful not to be too critical or picky. And remember, as February comes to an end, the promise of Spring is just around the corner. Diane Bachman is a psychotherapist & astroger practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at dbachmanlcsw@gmail ..com Artwork "Aquarius" by Johfra Bosschart
Shop Local Welcome to Downtown Fredericksburg’s Main Street District fredericksburgdowntown.org front porch fredericksburg
February 2021
Fredericksburg Sketches
Rob Rudick
A visual Celebration of our community
Cover Artist photography, which I had set aside since college. Initially, I took many photographs of flowers. Yes, they were lovely. But technology, the slow speed of the capture on my first digital camera, dictated a new approach. Flowers didn't move like people did. And digital introduced me to the world of color, that would become a hallmark of my work. The picture of the “Dark Red Rose” was taken during this period. It still remains one of my favorites, evoking passion; that hot red calling out, "Be My Valentine."
My journey as a photographer has taken me from black and white street film photography to digital photography, with an emphasis on color, shape, sheer beauty, and whimsy. I see the world around me, as if it was through the lens of a camera. Pictures leap out at me, crying to be taken. The challenge for me as a photographer is to accurately replicate the feeling I had when I took the photograph and to provide a perspective that attracts the audience's attention repeatedly. I take the same approach when photographing landscapes, architecture, flowers, interiors, exteriors, landscapes, antique cars, or objects that we see every day.
The invention of the digital brought me back to art
I am one of the managers of the Artists' Alliance Art Gallery at Jarrett Thor Fine Arts, in Colonial Beach. It is exciting creating and displaying art, both individually and collectively. My work can be viewed at the gallery, as well as online; website: artgallerycolonialbeach.com; F a c e b o o k / I n s t a g r a m @cbartistsalliance. My time is split between Colonial Beach and Takoma Park, MD., where I am also the coordinator for Photo Salon, a monthly gathering of photographers. My photographs are taken with an Olympus OM-D camera (though I have often resorted to my cell-phone camera) and printed on an Epson 3880 printer, with archival ultrachrome inks. Recently, I'm printing most of my work on textured watercolor paper, and finishing with a cold wax treatment, as a replacement for glass. It gives the work a nice, painterly look, without glare.
Rob Rudick, Digital Photography robrudick@yahoo.com artgallerycolonialbeach.com Facebook/Instagram @cbartistsalliance 301 452 1333
Old Town’s Greatest Tour 35 Monuments, Markers, & Attractions AND the Fredericksburg Battlefields Weddings Reunions Shuttles Parties Group Outings Fredericksburgtrolley.com 30
February 2021
Front porch fredericksburg
By Paula Raudenbush
Chatham Manor Carriage House Sometimes a black and white (and shades of grey) sketch is all that's necessary. I like to look for odd angles, or for the buildings that get dismissed as not being the main attraction. This one is at Chatham Manor and I've drawn it several times, but this time I set aside my watercolors and used just a fountain pen with nonpermanent black ink. The shading happened when I added a bit of water to blur the edges. The dark black of the trees and other details were done with a brush pen (a fountain "pen" with a brush tip instead of a nib). You really don't need a lot of equipment to enjoy sketching. A single pen or pencil will do and even the back of an envelope can be used in a pinch, making it a very inexpensive hobby that can bring you hours of joy.
Paula Raudenbush is a local artist and organizer of the Fredericksburg Chapter of Urban Sketchers International (on Facebook at Urban Sketchers Fredericksburg).
Tribute W. P. SALE, SR & WILLIAM MERCER By Ralph “Tuffy” Hicks having the Jewel Box and Crown Jeweler's stores a family operated business for the last seven decades.
Two of Fredericksburg's senior citizens passed away in December 2020. Mr. William (Bill) Sale Sr. passed on December 30th at the age of 100 and Mr. William (Dick) Mercer passed on December 21st at the age of 102. Both of these gentlemen were in the armed forces during WWII. They both were born in Caroline County and were long time members of the Masonic Lodges, Mr. Sale had just completed his 75th year as a 32degree Mason in Fredericksburg Lodge #4. Mr. Mercer had completed his 61st year in Prince Hall Lodge #61. Mr. Sale was well known for being in business in downtown Fredericksburg
Before enlisting in the Navy, Mr. Sales worked for the Slyania Plant in Fredericksbug and Westinghouse in Pennsylvania. A long time member of the Fredericksburg Methodist Church, he also devoted much energy to the Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, and Riverside Dinner Theater, among others. Mr. Sales was a lifelong baseball fan and was thrilled when the Nats came to Fredericksburg. He is survived by two sons David (Kathy) and Powell (Peggy) along with several grandchildren and great grandchildren. He was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery with Masonic service and Reverend Young, beside his past wife of 73 years Pauline.
“Remember him at the corner of Caroline and William, on the sidewalk smoking a cigar, watching the ebb and flow of the community in which he always believer.” Mr. Mercer was retired from the FMC Plant, then went back to work and retired again from the Fruit Growers Corporation. He was well known for his landscaping, especially flowers....his yard received multiple compliments on its beauty and appearance. He was an active member of the Mayfield Civic Association.He and his wife were faithful member of Shiloh Baptist Church New Site. He was one of the first African American to serve as a Military Policeman (MP). Mr. Mercer is survived by one son, Bobby and two daughters, Jerine and Beverly, and several grandchildren and great grandchildren. He was buried in the Quantico National Cemetery with military honors. He was preceded in death by his wife of 63 years.
Both of these well-respected gentlemen will be missed by the Fredericksburg community. ~Tuffy Hicks
Shop Local Welcome to Downtown Fredericksburg’s Main Street District fredericksburgdowntown.org front porch fredericksburg
February 2021