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THETHE POETRYPOETRY MANMAN lunar eclipse: A beacon for Change

By Frank Fratoe Atmosphere Shared Atmosphere Shared


Air Enveloping our Earth amid darkness and dayfire circles in steady motion above continental prairie, next to the mountaintops, across longitude of ocean, cooling the polar regions, warming all rain-forests. Yet when we think awhile it can help us understand that this air is breathed by a cougar in wilderness, grazing herds of antelope, each dolphin within a sea, bird-flocks crossing sky, and our entire human race.

The atmosphere has mixed Its action of beneficence to re-energize the globe and exhilarate our lives.

Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves. As I am drafting this article a lunar eclipse is about 6 hours away. Lawn chairs are strategically placed, telescope is ready. Now all we need is for the weather to cooperate so we can enjoy some serious moon bathing under this impressive red Moon. But even if we cannot view it through the clouds, we will be graced with her gifts should we choose to receive them.

The Scorpio Moon is illuminated by the Sun in Taurus, bringing to light that which is deep, hidden, unacknowledged, or waiting to be expressed. Scorpio supports us in searching into the deep folds of our subconscious, in seeking our truth. Taurus is all about what we value, our values, possessions, things we buy or own, our physical bodies, how we feed and nurture ourselves in body, mind, and spirit. So, the universe supports us in taking a deeper dive and the eclipse provides a catalyst for any changes we may want to initiate.

In addition to the powerful eclipse energy, there are two other influences that bring together favorable energies for change. Saturn is simultaneously making a square to both the Sun and the Moon. Saturn speaks to structure, plans, constraints, responsibilities, and our practical wisdom. Saturn in Aquarius invites us to look at our social selves, our groups, where we are outwardly connected and where we could be more independent or innovative. Saturn wants to know what the plan is, who is going to pay the bill, how we are going to get there. Add to this Mercury in retrograde making a wide angle to the Sun. Mercury in airy Gemini is stimulating, social, mentally expansive. But Mercury is making its way back to Taurus, slowing things down, giving us an opportunity to ground any ideas and to bounce them off wise old Saturn. Mercury will station direct on June 2, but we will be in the shadow of the retrograde until June 19, giving us extra time to prepare to integrate any insights we have gained moving forward from the May eclipse. This is an excellent time to check in with yourself and reflect on how your current habits, relationships, and environment are supporting you.

June 2 Mercury stations direct at 26 degrees Taurus. Though it is , it back on track, it will take 17 days for Mercury to return to the point where it stationed retrograde. We call this time the "shadow." Though we are tempted to rush ahead with plans, best to double check, review, and take a second look. Movement forward is supported later in the month. June 11 Venus is conjunct Uranus in Taurus, reflecting on the eclipse theme of independence, relationships, creativity, and innovation. There could be some surprises, so try to broaden or quiet your expectations. If you are launching a creative project, this is an excellent time to do so.

June 13 Mercury enters Gemini. What a wonderful time to be social, to entertain, to share ideas with others. A trine with Pluto accents powers of concentration and pursuing research of any kind.

June 14 Full Moon in Sagittarius ignites our love of travel, adventure, and a yearning to expand our horizons. The June Moon is traditionally called the "Strawberry Moon" and is said to bring prosperity.

June 22 the Sun enters watery Cancer, bringing forth a theme of comfort, nurturing, and a focus on family and home. Plan to spend time with loved ones, catching up, taking time to be present with each other. Also, a fantastic time to plan a personal retreat, whether it is an hour, a day, or a week, focus on being present with yourself. This would be especially healing, considering all the energies that are settling from the lunar eclipse in May and the Mercury retrograde.

June 22 Venus enters the sign of Gemini and favors meeting new people, sharing creative ideas, or brainstorming about your own creative ideas for future projects.

June 28 New Moon in Cancer echoes the theme of nurturing, self-care, and looking deeply into understanding what nurtures and supports us in our dayto-day life. Though the sign of Cancer can seek comfort through eating, the true nurturing comes from comforting our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Plant the seed and work with these Cancerian themes to develop an intention regarding how you express love to a most important person; yourself!

P.S. The clouds parted, and I was extremely excited to view a good portion of the eclipse! What a gift.

By Dianne Bachman

Dianne Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at FourwindsastrologyLLC@gmail.com "Black Sun" from Splendor Solis, a German alchemical treatise, 1582

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