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astrology & you
By Frank Fratoe A Writer’s Vow A Writer’s Vow
I would like to reclaim poetry from an obsession with despair recurring since the late 1900’s enhanced by authors, reviewers and academics whose theme bears the dread that is their anguish when they indulge with self-pity.
So I write verse eager to bring the joy of many wonders given us in a constant rehearsal we live as wind blows through our hair and sunshine yet lingers at dusk and grass moves under our feet and a child’s dance is the world!
Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves.

personal impact
With the recent Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in April, I decided to take a deep dive into my own chart to explore the impact of these planets in my life. Though the conjunction in Pisces is a oncein-a-lifetime event, these planets do come together in other signs and with other angles. I have kept journals since 1983, so they come in handy when trying to recollect details about what was happening in my life during specific time periods. I found that for me when Jupiter and Neptune come together there are
By Dianne Bachman
themes of renewal and/or significant spiritual experiences. You may want to try to do research yourselves. It has been through research like this that I came to appreciate the language of astrology and how it works in my life. For me, this quote by Chrissie Blaze, Astrologer, illustrates the big picture: "Astronomy means 'naming the stars' and astrology 'the logic of the stars.' Astronomy represents the glove, while astrology is the living spirit of the hand inside the glove."
May promises to be an energizing month with lots of planetary action, including a lunar eclipse and the dreaded Mercury retrograde (that does not really have to be so dreaded).
May 2 Venus will enter the sign of Aries. Since the first part of April, Venus traveled through Pisces, day-dreamy, romantic, or illusory for some. Well, now she is turning up the heat in Aries! Whether you are running a track race or going on a hot date, this planet is ready for action. Passion and intensity abound.
May 10 Jupiter joins Venus in Aries. Any revelations or spiritual insights you received during the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction can be more easily applied to your life now. There is available energy to operationalize and focus the abstract.
May 16 Full Moon in Scorpio and a full Moon eclipse. With the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio, opportunities for healing and rebirth are favored. Anything that does not support our personal journey regarding self-worth or what we truly value illuminates the path for transformation. This full Moon eclipse makes connections with Mercury, Mars, Pluto, and Neptune, giving the capacity for insight and action. Saturn also forms a strong aspect, which favors taking responsibility for change. This could create a challenge in removing blockages regarding our path toward a deeper honesty with ourselves.
May 18 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces gives us the oomph to fight for our dreams and ideals, to initiate action that gives form to what we can imagine. This is a wonderful time to brainstorm if you feel stuck or need to take initial steps to ready the launch of an idea or a project. May 20 the Sun enters the sign of Gemini. One day after this ingress, Mercury makes an exact conjunction with the Sun, and this is what we call a "cazimi." Mercury rules Gemini, so it feels right at home here and the powers of communication, curiosity, learning, and sociability are highlighted. This is quite intense energy, so there can be the potential for feeling edgy or anxious during the next few days. Take extra care to ground yourself as this energy can become scattered & overwhelmed quickly.
May 22 Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini and will travel back to Taurus until June 3. As always, this is an excellent time to slow down and be more cautious and deliberate. This could be a call to mindfulness for some, as the Mercury retrograde can be associated with errors, miscommunications, and kafuffles regarding Mercurian things (transportation, internet, travel, communication).
May 24 Mars enters its homeplace of Aries. Dynamic energy abounds and if you have been lacking courage, this is a time to get in touch with your inner warrior strength. Be careful not to be too impulsive or rash, though, as this is fiery energy.
May 28 Venus enters the sign of Taurus. Beauty, art, sensual pleasures are highlighted for the next month. If you have been thinking about changing up your living space, now is the time to experiment with color, texture, comfort. There is a strong earth connection so gardening, visiting a lovely garden, or appreciating a walk in the woods is favored.
May 29 Mars joins Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter tends to expand anything it touches, so Mars energy is given a boost of Vitamin C for Confidence. Initiating a project or idea or finishing something is supported, as well as travel or studies and higher learning.
May 30 New Moon in Gemini invites us to set our monthly intentions for self-d development. We can now call to and invite what we want into our world. Communication, social circles, innovative ideas, adventures, research, and curiosity are all areas engaged with Gemini energy.
Diane Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at FourwindsastrologyLLC@gmail.com painting, Zodiac Man circa 1417