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astrology & you


By Frank Fratoe Infinite Broadcast Infinite Broadcast


We hear the universe calling when matter and energy make atoms which join one another in an uproar of the elements to sound a fanfare of stars well beyond our solar system as space reconfigures itself.

But here the universe talks through wind churning spruce, firewood snapping on a hearth, thunder foreknowing the rain, water tumbling over a cliff, songbirds that announce noon, and the heartbeat within us.

Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves.

Scorpio season

Scorpios have historically been misunderstood so during this Scorpio season, 2021, let's do the Scorpionic thing and dig deep into this powerful sign. The Sun left balanced, airy Libra and entered watery Scorpio on October 23 at 12:52 am. The Sun will stay there until November 21 at 9:34 pm, when it will move on to the sign of Sagittarius. In Greek mythology, Orion was a great hunter who Zeus placed among the stars. Orion was so great that he vowed to kill every animal on Earth. Gaia, the protector of animals and goddess of the Earth became angry at Orion and asked a giant scorpion named Scorpio to kill Orion before he could do the animals of the earth harm. Scorpio eventually attacked Orion and stung him to death. Gaia placed Scorpio in the sky to honor him throughout eternity. When you look up into the night sky, that is why in spring it may look as if Scorpio is perpetually following Orion, stinger ready lest he forget!

Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, which speaks to death and decay as part of the natural cycles of life. Scorpio is in the element of water, making it a deeply feeling, intuitive sign that may tend to hold on to emotions, maybe even grudges. Scorpio does go deep, intent on uncovering the truth, can be suspicious, secretive, and controlling at times. You won't find much superficial chit chat with someone who has Scorpio prominent in their chart. But perhaps this is why artists and actors who resonate with this sign are so successful: they can dive deeply into the inner workings of their subjects, whether it be a role in a movie or creating an epic oil painting. Though there are some dark, evil Scorpios (serial killers like Charles Manson, Joseph James DeAngelo and David Parker Ray), these rotten eggs are sprinkled throughout the Zodiac. What makes the Scorpio suspect could be the depth at which their psyches swim. Georgia O'Keefe is a triple Scorpio, and Pablo Picasso, Joaquin Phoenix, and Whoopi Goldberg are a few more who share this sign.

Scorpio season heralds a time when the leaves fall, we go inside, hunker down, and wait for the frozen ground to rest, to germinate future life deep below the surface. When Aries season rolls around, the ground will be well nourished from its winter rest, ready to rise up like the Phoenix, blooming and greening, fresh and vibrant. Until then, we take this month or so to go within, reflect, and prepare for the arrival of winter.

Now, here are some astrological influences to note for November 2021:

The orienting planet (rising just before the Sun) for the first 10 days will be dynamic, impulsive Mars, followed by communicative, information loving Mercury on the 11th. On the last day of the month, Mars will take over again as the orienting planet.

The entire month of November, our love planet, Venus, will be out of bounds. On the sixth, she will enter the sign of Capricorn from Sagittarius. Out of bounds planets do not play by the rules, so Venus may bring an exaggerated focus on relationships, creativity, sensual pleasures, or possessions. Find where transiting Venus is in relation to your natal Venus. This may give a clue re: how it may impact you.

November 4 new Moon in Scorpio. Focus on changes you would like to make in your life and where you get tripped up. What holds you back? Also, a suitable time to look at relationships, boundaries and how you can be with your significant other without losing yourself. November 6 Mercury enters Capricorn, giving us the opportunity to see where our communication or thinking is limited and how we might remove blocks. Or it can bring opportunities to structure and focus.

November 19 partial lunar eclipse in Taurus. The Scorpio Sun/Taurus Moon axis can help us focus on relationships, values, change. This may be especially significant due to Venus being out of bounds and forming a sesquisquare to the Moon, which speaks to feelings vs. values and how you can be honest in your relationship with yourself. November 21 the Moon is out of bounds in the sign of Gemini. This leads up to a Moon wobble on November 23. I could be off, but it certainly looks like an intense few days, as Moon wobbles are known for creating chaos on a large scale. In addition to the Moon wobble, we will experience Venus and the Moon out of bounds where they will be in opposition (Venus Capricorn/Moon Cancer) and the Sun will simultaneously enter the sign of Sagittarius. Phew!!!! However, this ends up manifesting, it should pass by the end of the month.

Small Business Saturday, November 27

By Dianne Bachman

Diane Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. SHe can be reached at dbachmanlscw@gmail.com The artwork “Scorpio” by Giovanni Maria Falconetto, circa 1515-1520

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