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companions: don’t be a turkey
don’t be a turkey
by gerri reid, dvm
Time for Football Games, pumpkin pie and Turkey! All the good things that make you think of Thanksgiving. We gather with our family and friends to feast on an array of comfort foods. Our pets tend to stay inside more curled in their beds. Our morning walks with our pets become far and few. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, it’s no wonder that we tend to forget about their diet/exercise routine. At the beginning of the new year, our pets tend to have gained a bit of weight over the holidays. Maintaining your pet’s health/diet during the wintertime is not as hard as you think. So, here are some tips to keep your pet slim and trim!
We all have that one family member that will feed our pets extras treats and food off the table. During holiday gatherings, let your guests know on arrival not to feed your pets any pieces of food/snacks. Some guests are not aware of what foods are toxic to pets nor may they know if your pet has an allergy to something. You can design a cute little sign for the table setting that says “While We Sit & Eat, Our Pet(s) do not need a Treat!” It will make your guests giggle while ensuring your pets are safe. So, tell Grandma or Grandpa to lay off feeding their Grandpups please! They are not starving!
During the Winter months, we tend to stay inside more, sitting on the couch and enjoying a good Football Game. Walking our pets on most days is simply limited by the weather outside. Most pets find themselves going out to brave the rain or snow to use the bathroom only to run back inside. A solution to their lack of exercise is to consider taking them to Doggie Daycare to cure that Cabin Fever. Many places around town have Play Time designed to get your pet moving! And at times here in Virginia we will have some beautiful days that we can get out there for a walk. So take advantage of it!
When it comes to your pet’s diet during the wintertime, consider these tips. Limit the number of treats given each day. I always tell my Clients to put a cookie jar or treat jar on the counter. Each day, fill it up with the number of treats available for your pet to be given. Let each family member know how many treats each pet gets and when the jar is empty, this means NO MORE TREATS! This is an easy way to regulate treats in your household. In terms of their regular diet, decrease the food by a “small handful” and replace it with green beans or carrots. This is a great way to supplement your pet’s diet while helping them stay slim and trim!
So. let the Holiday Festivities Begin! Our pets tend to have more lazy days nestled by the fire or in the comfort of their favorite bed. Playing catch in the yard and taking the long hike is put on hold. Remember, we all tend to put on a few pounds during the Holiday Season and so do our pets! The tips provided can have your pet on the right track to a healthy weight. Doggy Daycare is a great alternative to beat the Winter Blues. And with a few changes to their diet, at your pet’s next checkup you will be surprised and happy with the results! Happy Thanksgiving to All!
Dr. Gerri S. Reid is the Owner/Veterinarian of Reid Mobile Veterinary Services. 540-623-3029; reidmobilevetservices.com ; facebook eVetServices