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astrology & you
Orienting Planet: Our Celestial Trail Guide
By Frank Fratoe Squirrel Mania Squirrel Mania
At first I hear him crackling The carpet of bone-dry leaves,
then he appears beyond a bush and watches me watching him,
he stands upright on two legs, with an arched-tail twitching,
bounces ahead as squirrels do stopping and running like mad,
to search the are for seeds because winter is coming soon,
and when he has unearthed one holds it in a thankful mouth,
charges under a tree nearby where his lady joins the hunt,
as they dash forward together gathering treasure in motion!
Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves. Our birth charts are like wiring diagrams for our lives. As we grow and change, the wiring gets updated, so we are more in tune with our chart as it progresses through time. One part of the birth chart that I find fascinating is what we call the Orienting Planet. This is the planet that rises over the horizon before the Sun at the time of birth. By studying it we can tap into unique skills or traits that assist us in navigating life.

To find your Orienting Planet you will need a copy of your birth chart. Once in hand, locate the Sun. The Orienting Planet is the planet closest to the Sun going clockwise. For example, if your Sun is at 22 degrees Taurus and Mercury is at 6 degrees Aries and there are not any planets in between, then Mercury is your Orienting Planet.
Let's look at two
celebrities: Janis Joplin's Orienting Planet was Mars in Sagittarius in the 10th house (house of lifetime achievement). When I think of this planet/sign combination, I see a powerhouse of energy, expansive, bold. And she certainly was a dynamic force in the 1960s regarding peace, love, rock and roll. She rose above mundane, small-town Texas like a comet, burning a trail of light that remains to this day. It is significant that Mars was 'out of bounds' when she was born. This means that Mars was outside a typical range of latitude (greater than 23.27 declination). One characteristic of an out of bounds planet is that it does not follow the traditional planetary rules. Need I say more? Walter Cronkite had Mercury in Scorpio as his Orienting Planet, first house. Mercury in Scorpio in his case could be interpreted as communicating on a deep level, digging down and getting to the bottom of things. As a reporter I am sure this served him well. Scorpio seeks the truth, something that is echoed in his catch phrase, "And that's the way it is." It turns out that Walter also was born when Mars was out of bounds, his being in Sagittarius. He rose to international fame, investigating some of the most momentous events in mid-twentieth century history.
For the month of October, we will find three planets rising before the Sun. Like celestial trailblazers, they will provide helpful hints for direction. From October 1 to the 5th, the Moon is orienting, highlighting our sensitivity, intuitive gifts, nurturing energies. On the 6th and 7th, Uranus fills that role with focus on the collective, innovation and technology. From the 8th through the end of the month Mars will be the Orienting Planet, providing a dynamic, courageous influence in the relationship arena. Here are additional planetary transits of interest for October: Four planets will station direct this month, creating forward-moving, powerful influences. October 6 at 7:05 am, the new Moon will be at 13 degrees Libra. Later in the day Pluto will station direct at 24 degrees Capricorn. There is plenty of energy for change, looking at what we want in terms of life-b balance, relationships, and our social selves. Pluto direct allows us to take a deep dive into examining the structure or responsibilities of these areas. We have the opportunity to be honest with ourselves and to discard that which no longer serves us.
October 7 Venus enters Sagittarius, bringing with it an urge for freedom and expansiveness in our relationships. A wonderful time to enjoy friendships and social gatherings, to travel abroad (if it is safe, of course), or to create a retreat that feeds your spirit.
October 10 Saturn stations direct in Aquarius. Join a club, sign up for volunteer work, or perhaps it is time to reevaluate responsibilities and lighten your load by cutting back on social activities and obligations to others.
October 18 Mercury and Jupiter both station direct. Social activities and communication are favored. Consider moving forward with plans or looking toward the future, keeping in mind your hopes and dreams.
October 20 Full Moon in Aries, squaring Pluto, opposing Mars. Strong feelings are likely to surface, challenging the urge to put yourself first. Try to honor feelings, let go of what is beyond your control. Best to avoid potential conflict and wait until the storm blows over to address any conflict. Good selfcare is crucial during this intense time.
October 30 Mars enters the sign of Scorpio, its traditional home. Intuition can be at a high mark, passion is heightened, and for some, obsession. Change is in the air. For some it is a suitable time to engage in therapy or selfhelp, as Mars in Scorpio can churn up old issues. Whatever the case, take particularly good care.

By Dianne Bachman
Diane Bachman is a psychotherapist & astroger practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at dbachmanlcsw@gmail ..com
Painting "The Princess and the Trolls" by John Bauer, circa 1913.