3 minute read
i have a friend: mutual admiration
mutal admiration society
By Laurie Black
In March of this year, Jeffrey and Bill were introduced through the Senior Visitors Program of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg. In that short period of time, they have become great friends, or as Bill puts it, "members of a mutual admiration society." which leads to thinking, which is sometimes not good. It all gets rather old and boring. Being part of the Senior Visitors Program has improved my morale. It is an excellent program. Meeting with Jeffrey has been a great outlet."
Bill goes on to say of Jeffrey, "He is a real blessing. He has changed my outlook. He helps me get beyond a book or tv. We go out into the community to see the changes [in the area]. As we drive around, I show Jeffrey new things he has never seen. He is a fine young man. I can't say enough nice things about him."
Jeffrey says of Bill, "Bill is as genuine as they come. Like most people in the northern Virginia area, I use maps to get from point A to point B. Bill on the other hand, despite not driving for over two years, might as well be a cartographer. Turn here, go .5 miles up the road, get in the left lane, take the second roundabout, turn right…. before I knew it, Bill had me in a location I never knew existed. I've seen countless parts of Fredericksburg and Stafford all because of him."
Jeffrey heard about the Senior Visitors Program from his wife, who attended a presentation about Senior Visitors Program at her women's church group. Jeffrey says, "My wife knows my heart and said, "…I know [Jeffrey] would love to participate.”"

Jeffrey went on to say, "Having been in the military for the last 20+ years, one thing that was never constant for us was "family". Sure, we had our immediate family, but never our extended family, so having an opportunity to give back and receive at the same time was a driving factor to commit time and be part of an amazing program and meet new people. Understanding northern Virginia has a ton of retirees, one of the things I truly wanted was to connect with a senior that previously served in the military. Being that [Senior Visitors Program would be] new for both of us, having a starting point or familiarity with one another regardless of what branch we may have served in was important. Not only was that provided, but the immense joy that Bill has brought to me and my family has created lasting memories and connections I will hold onto for life!" Both Jeffrey and Bill recounted other adventures they've had including trips to the Central Rappahannock Regional Library, the Stafford Airport, and the new Amazon building in Stafford. During their "tours" they enjoy discussing their military service, favorite foods, family, books and more.
If you know a senior who could benefit from having a weekly, friendly visit or if you would like to volunteer to visit a senior, call the Senior Visitors Program at (540) 371-2 2704 or visit our website at mhafred.org to download volunteer or senior applications. The Senior Visitors Program is a free community service


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Bill says of his participation in the Senior Visitors Program, "As you get older, and you can't get out much anymore, what can you do? You watch tv or read or get on the computer. Then that soon leads to having nothing to do, "The conversations are never in short order," says Jeffrey, "and I attribute that to [Bill's] love of reading and maintaining a sharp mind over the years." Finally, Jeffrey shares, "I understood what the program was about after spending a couple of hours in training but had no idea of the impact it would bring to my life. We were able to connect from the moment we met. Sure, it was a bit awkward [at first], but that was fleeting. Before long, I felt as if we were connected and knew one another for years. That typically doesn't happen and when it did, I would say that is the most surprising experience I've had. The reward is immeasurable."
Laurie Black is the Senior Visitors Program Coordinator at Mental Health America of Fredericksburg.