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companions: heart health
fall into your dog’s heart health
by Gerri Reid dvm
We are all familiar with being told to give monthly heartworm prevention to our dogs. This pill is to prevent and protect your dog from heartworm disease. Each month, on a designated day, we give our dog(s) a chewable beef flavored pill. Some dogs think it is the best treat in the world! Do we even realize that that little pill is one of the most important pill/treat we will ever give our dog? But why?
First, what is heartworm disease? Heartworm disease is a serious disease that affects the heart/lungs of canines. It is transmitted by mosquitoes and can cause exercise intolerance, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss and death. The parasite will migrate to the right side of the heart where it will grow into an adult heartworm. The damage to the heart from these parasites can be fatal if left untreated. Virginia has a high population of mosquitoes therefore heartworm disease is frequently seen. Pets that are diagnosed with heartworm disease are those pets that are not receiving monthly heartworm prevention. This may be at the fault of the owner who either does not give monthly prevention or has just forgotten to give it.
I always tell my clients that it is cheaper and easier to prevent heartworm disease than to treat it. Heartworm disease is treatable but expensive. Based on your pet's health, your Veterinarian will determine if your pet can receive treatment. Treatment last for 3 months in which your pet will have to undergo 3 injections to kill the heartworms. Since these worms like to occupy the right side of the heart, during treatment your pet's activity will be restricted. It will be suggested to keep your pet in a kennel during the entire treatment. It can be very stressful not only for clients but for the dog. But if these suggestions are followed, your pet can recover from heartworm treatment.
Prevention is key. I recommend to have your pet tested each year for heartworm disease as part of the Annual exam. Once the test results are negative, the next step is to give monthly heartworm prevention. Here are a few options: Heartgard is a chewable beef tablet that many dogs and clients loke it due to the ease of giving it. Not only does this chew prevent heartworm disease but it also acts as a monthly dewormer for common intestinal parasites. The importance of this dual use is that many parasites your dog contracts can be transmitted to you. Another option is Proheart injection which is given every 6 months or 12 months. Proheart tends to be good for clients that just forget to give the pill or the pet does not like the chew. Lastly, Revolution is a topical solution used for prevention of heartworm disease. Consult with your Veterinarian to decide on which option is best for you and your pet.
In the past, dogs would frequently die from heartworm disease. The advancements of Veterinary Medicine have allowed pets to receive preventative medication for heartworm disease as well as treatment. Each year you take your pet in for a check-up, don't skip having your pet tested for heartworm or to get heartworm prevention. It is an important piece of the puzzle to your pet's health and well-being. So…Have you given your pet heartworm prevention this month?
Dr. Gerri S. Reid is the Owner/Veterinarian of Reid Mobile Veterinary Services. 540-623-3029 or reidmobilevetservices.com or facebook @ReidMobileVetServices