2 minute read
We Believe...
And Empowerhouse Can Help
By Nancy Kelly
We believe - two powerful words that become even more so when you add the word "you." For survivors of domestic violence, the words "We believe you" let these vulnerable community members know that help and support is at hand. At Empowerhouse, we believe that everyone should be treated with dignity, respect, safety and hope. No one should be subjected to violence in any form, physical, emotional, or verbal. There's no reason to suffer in silence or alone. Empowerhouse is here for you.
We empower survivors of domestic violence and their children to believe in themselves and build new lives filled with dignity, respect, safety, and hope. We give victims the time, space, and tools to heal their hearts, restore their connections, rebuild their lives, and renew their spirits.
Empowerhouse breaks the cycle of violence through shelter, housing, advocacy, education, awareness, prevention, and intervention. We address the crisis and domestic violence services needs of the entire family. With our programs and services, we promote healthy and safe relationships, homes, and communities.
We serve the city of Fredericksburg and Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania, and Stafford Counties. Over the past year, Empowerhouse has:
·Continued to sustain high numbers of households, 39 adults and 61 children, in our Housing Program as we did during the worst part of the pandemic.
Served 413 people, the highest number of participants in our history, with Shelter and housing services, up 28% over pre-covid census.
·Assisted our sheltered and housed domestic violence survivors and their children with 33,000 total bed nights, a 33% increase over pre-pandemic levels.
Served a record number of individuals from the Hispanic community, over 280 people, thanks to our four bilingual and bicultural advocates.
·Answered an all-time high of 2,112 calls to our 24-hour, confidential hotline from community members needing help, a 36% higher rate than pre-covid calls.
Delivered our free, age-appropriate Healthy Relationships Classroom Presentations to over 3,400 area elementary, middle, and high school students, which covered topics like bullying, boundaries, equality and respect, and effective communication.

·Launched a new Lethality Assessment Protocol (LAP) program in partnership with the Stafford Sheriff's Office and the Virginia Attorney General's Office. The LAP program identifies survivors of domestic violence (DV) in high danger during law enforcement response and immediately connects victims to one number answered by a dedicated Empowerhouse advocate. In addition to prioritizing time and resources by law enforcement and advocates, the partnership expanded Empowerhouse's reach and services.
Establishing an immediate connection with the DV survivor during this critical phase of the crisis opens a support system that victims otherwise may be unaware of and makes them likely to avail themselves of services that allows safe escape for them and their children. Since the Lethality Assessment Protocal assessment is done while an officer is still on the scene, it also ensures that the survivor is safer, connected with follow up, and can more easily leave the scene if needed.
As of December 31, preliminary data from the LAP pilot program reveals 234 assessments completed by Stafford deputies responding to DV calls. Of these, 135 were assessed as high danger and/or officer concerns. 113 survivors were connected to Empowerhouse with over 70 accepting follow-up services. Over 85% of those receiving follow-up services had never heard of Empowerhouse. These are critical, lifesaving connections. 75% of the highrisk victims had been strangled by their intimate partner. 68% of them had experienced stalking from their partner.
· Helped over 3,700 people in our community find services, safety, and a new start.
We believe you and we can help. If you, or someone you know is experiencing teen dating violence or domestic violence, please call our free, confidential 24-hhour Hotline at (540) 3739373
The Scottish Society of Fredericksburg will get an early start on celebrating National Tartan Day in front of the Hugh Mercer Apothecary Shop, 1020 Caroline St., April 1, from 11 am to 3 pm.

"Holding it before (on Saturday), vice the actual day of (Wednesday) April 6, enables more people to celebrate with us," said SSF Chief Perry Darley
National Tartan Day is a celebration commemorated annually on April 6. The day is used to mark the Declaration of Arbroath, also known as the