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THE THE POETRY MAN POETRY Astrology & You pluto transit
By Frank Fratoe Cormorants Cormorants
Flying toward the Rappahannock not emitting a slightest sound they land upon water midstream and then overcrowd the surface or perch on shore near current spreading dark wings distended to dry-out their wet feathers before each goes stalking fish.
Every April they obey instinct riding a passage far northward there to nest on rock-islands or in trees if a lake is close and they are here just briefly as sojourners migrating onward who can enrapture us once more when a season renews and warms.
When a planet changes signs it can be a big deal, especially an outer planet that takes a lot of time to travel through a sign. On March 23, Pluto entered the sign of Aquarius, which was
By Dianne Bachman
Pluto's first sign shift in about 15 years. Pluto has not visited Aquarius since the year 1778! Due to intermittent retrograde motion, Pluto will be shifting back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius until November 19, 2024, and will then stay in Aquarius until January, 2044. So, what does Pluto in Aquarius mean?
I have heard Pluto referred to as "the Cosmic Roto Rooter." Pluto brings forth the energy of transformation, digging deep, ultimately inviting that which no longer serves a purpose in our society or personal lives to fall away Capricorn, where Pluto has been, is all about structure and rules. Pluto in Aquarius tends to break the rules, innovate, and create a desire for intellectual freedom. With the Aquarian energy and Pluto, we get changes in the collective regarding ideas, social justice, and focus on the greater good. There can be, however, a seemingly dark lining to every silver cloud. Pluto (being the god of the underworld) can also bring power struggles and a deep need for control. What has been hidden or secret is brought to the surface. Pluto energy digs deep. But the seemingly negative aspects assist us in recognizing and examining our darker sides, or shadow-selves, the things that weigh us down, so in the end it is all good.
If you find yourself caught up in the undertow of this Pluto transit, remember this: go with the flow until you can safely get back to shore The harder you struggle, the more exhausted and frustrated you can become . Sound ominous? I don't mean to, but there is an intensity to Pluto and it is easy to forget that this too shall pass!
Now, here is a look at the astrological weather for April: April 1: With the Sun and Chiron (the Wounded Healer) making a wide square to Mars in Cancer, we might choose to reflect on taking the initiative to heal any rifts in our close relationships. Aries Sun lends courage to reach out. If you plan on doing any elaborate April Fools jokes, they are likely to backfire! Mars in Cancer can be a little touchy.
April 3: Mercury enters the sign of Taurus. Slow down, stop to smell the spring flowers. This is a good time to think or talk about things you might create that are intended to last a long time.
April 6: Full Moon in Libra. For the next few days try focusing on balance and harmony in your life. If the sky is clear and the temps are warm, enjoy a lovely moon bath.
April 11: Venus enters Gemini, bringing lighter, social energies. Venus will be making a trine to Pluto, so if you are single the next few weeks is a grand time to attract new relationships. It can also be a very constructive time to examine the patterns in your existing relationships and make changes where necessary.

April 19: New Moon in Aries brings lots of dynamic energy, so fill your cup! For some, this energy can be a bit much, so pace yourself and watch any tendency to give into anger or frustration. If you have stalled or forgotten intentions set previously, this is a great time to focus on how to initiate them.
April 20: Sun enters Taurus. Smell the earth as it warms, soak in the color, listen for the bird song in the morning. Celebrate the Earth as it awakens by enjoying with all your senses.

April 21: Mercury will be in the sign of Taurus and stations retrograde until May 15. Note that Uranus will be conjunct Mercury for a week or so, then will be conjunct again in early June. This energy can be especially disruptive, depending on the personal aspects in your chart to these planets, so be especially mindful of financial or weather related issues popping up. The energy of Uranus is quick!
April 24: Moon Wobble. Astrologically, when the Sun is either conjunct or square a node of the Moon, it is called a Moon wobble. Disruptions, foggy thinking, and more proneness to calamity is possible. Take the last week or so of April and the first two weeks of May s-l-o-w-l-y. Consider making any changes to include a healthy diet, exercise, and getting good sleep.