2 minute read
Everything Greens Thank
You and Farewell
By Janet Douberly
Past favorites are the rain barrel class with Friends of the Rappahannock, cheese workshop with DeLaura, the Ayurveda class, too many to name. Our programs are community driven. If you can dream it, you can do it.
Q: Hopes for the future of DTG?
A: Too many to list but seeing the New Land fill its potential and become an even bigger benefit to the community is definitely one.
Q: Biggest Lesson Learned?
A: Patience. Everything takes time. Now let's hear a few words from the lady herself…
It is with bittersweet feelings that I announce that I will be stepping down from my position as E x e c u t i v e Director of D o w n t o w n Greens in September of this year. Downtown Greens has always been much more than just a job for me, it has been my passion. The people and mission will remain a permanent and very cherished part of my life.

It's been such a joy to witness the positive effects of youth and adult programming thanks to our talented educators bringing people closer to nature and the food that they eat. At its base, though, the garden is a community space and respite, a forever-protected urban oasis for all to enjoy. One sevenyear-old neighbor who I met when I first arrived on the job, reminisced, 10 years later, "I could never forget the one place where I always felt comfortable and free."
I am excited for the future of Downtown Greens. I will forever be grateful for the many volunteers who helped and the 520 donors who came together, even when many thought we couldn't do it, to raise the capital needed to secure Downtown Greens' new 56-acre parcel of land in the City of Fredericksburg. Saving the land from development was a forever accomplishment that will endure for generations to come. The newly acquired land creates a strong foundation into which the organization can grow its mission and vision.
I believe deeply in this organization and its mission. I am confident that the next person who steps into this role will come in with fresh ideas and energy and will be able to take DTG to the next level.
It was an honor to serve as executive director for the past 10 years. I'm proud of how far we've come and I'm excited to see what's next. Thank you to the staff, board of directors-past and present, volunteers, donors, grantors, neighbors and children for support, guidance, company, fun and friendship.
With Gratitude, Sarah Perry
Janet Douberly is excited for the future at Downtown Greens

Publisher’s Note:
It has been a pleasure working with Sarah these past ten yers & we wish her well in her future endeavors We are sure we haven’t heard the last of her!