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Astrology & You
Blue moon over fredericksburg
By Dianne Bachman
enjoy two full Moons in August, both supermoons innovative, even the genius energies. For entrepreneurs, this is an excellent time to brainstorm for the future.
Summer camps wind down, weary sunburnt vacationers return home (praying for clear passage on Interstate 95), and clerks busy themselves down at Wal Mart, stocking shelves with pencils, paper, and necessary implements for the first days of school. Soon, surely summer will recede into the memories we made as we witness the passage of time. Before summer calls it quits, though, the night sky will give us some unique gifts We will
Supermoons appear larger and brighter because the Moon is closer to the Earth in its orbit. Remember the classic picture of Elliott when he and E.T. are cycling high above the pines? Well, it is not likely to be as spectacular as in Spielberg movies, but still a worthwhile Moon to watch out for. We typically experience supermoons three to four times per year The first will be on August first and it is often referred to as the Sturgeon Moon, named due to the abundance of sturgeon caught on the Great Lakes during this time of year. Other names for this moon are Green Corn Moon and the Wheat Moon.
The second supermoon in August is also a blue moon. A blue moon occurs when there are two full moons in one calendar month , or about every 33 months. The term comes from a 16th century expression, meaning something was either impossible or not highly likely. Superstitions related to the blue moon relate to the emergence of werewolves, madness, and increased fertility. The consensus is that there is no added astrological significance to the blue moon and instead we defer to the sign the Moon is stationed in. And, if werewolves bother you, pluck some artemisia from your garden and make an amulet, as it is said to repel any unwanted lycanthropes.

Here is the astrological weather for August:
August 1 Full Moon in Aquarius, exact at 2:32 pm. Reflect on progress toward any goals and celebrate where you have moved forward. Try something new, get involved in groups or social movements Revel in your quirkiness and dance under that Moon to the rhythm of your own heartbeat!
Aug 16 New Moon in Leo, exact 5:37 am. Project your creative visions onto the dark backdrop of the New Moon night sky. Look to where you might add more play to your life. Get silly. The Sun/Moon make an exact square to Uranus, calling in the unexpected, the
Aug 22 Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo, exact at 3:59 pm. The opposition to Neptune may make this retrograde feel a bit more introverted, like you want to lay around and binge on Netflix. Listen to yourself and if you feel like you need a rest, do it. Music would enhance any respite. In addition to the Neptune influence, Mercury will be making a strong trine to Uranus, bringing the unexpected or sudden change Keep an eye out on the bank accounts, as this type of retrograde can enhance the scammer vibe
August 23 Sun enters Virgo, exact at 5:01 am. Analytical energies shine through this month, grounded and laser clear. Remember that life is a balance, a yin and a yang. Too much analysis or too many critical thoughts can leave us stuck. On the other hand, too little can leave us vulnerable to mistakes. Remember to be kind to yourself, breathe, and tune in to your intuition. If grounded, it will never let you down.
Aug 27 Mars enters Libra, exact at 9:20 am. Opposing urges make this a suitable time to bring balance to our relationships, as Mars will fight to attain this. At the same time, it can be challenging to make decisions, as Mars wants to rush ahead, and Libra influences the desire for peace and steadiness.

Aug 28 Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus, exact at 10:39 pm, and will stay in retrograde motion until January 27, 2024. Outer planets like Uranus tend to impact the collective. If any of your personal planets are making aspects to Uranus, this retrograde may obviously impact you more directly. Look to see where Uranus is transiting through your birth chart.
Aug 30 Full Moon in Pisces, the Blue Moon, exact 9:35 pm. Relax, get a massage, write or read poetry, float in a gentle pool, moon bathe, reflect with beautiful music My favorite musical accompaniment for a Pisces Moon is Dean Evanson's Eagle River. Whatever you do, I hope you can focus on gentleness of spirit, welcoming Pisces Moon like a soothing balm to your world.
Dianne Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at dbachmanlcsw@gmail.com

Artwork “Man in the Moon” circa 1902