3Jessie Carney fxbg new beauty expert
23lucia craven caledon park ranger
28bill freehling fond farewell

3Jessie Carney fxbg new beauty expert
23lucia craven caledon park ranger
28bill freehling fond farewell
4 on the porch...life in fredericksburg messages
7everything green: garden sprouts
8In the Garden: hot months gardening
9growing & crawling: pawpaw
10walk around challenge photos
11restaurant week a sizzling culinary experience
12tidbits...small bites of local news
13 season’s bounty: hooray for red, white blue
15vino: founding fathers loved madiera
16-17Calendar of Events
18history’s stories: what 4th of july means to me
19 our heritage: jefferson in fredericksburg
20mental health: dealing with schizophrenia
21 Emancipated patients: insulin resistance diet
22 viva la france
24art in the burg ...galleries in July
25 artist spotlight...
26auto known better: training wheels
27night of 1,000 pies
29astrology & you poetryman: tubing on the rappahannock
30fredericksburg sketches
5 patawomeck tribe ...living history village
14 outdoor dining in fxbg
25 beverley coates ...celebrated watercolorist
By David C. Kennedy
In the world of beauty and aesthetics, few names resonate with as much reverence and respect as Jessie Carney of Indigo Rose PMU . With a remarkable 24 years of experience, Jessie has established herself as a master permanent makeup artist, esthetician, and former massage therapist. Her journey is a testament to artistry, integrity, and unparalleled expertise, making her a sought-after professional in the industry.
Jessie recently brought her extensive skill set to Fredericksburg, where she operates out of the 360 Beauty Lounge, 6308 Five Mile Centre Park, Suite 219. Her new location is already making waves, drawing in clients who seek topnotch beauty care that combines precision, creativity, and a deep understanding of aesthetic principles.
A Master in Permanent Makeup
Permanent makeup (PMU) is an art that requires a keen eye for detail and a steady hand. Jessie excels in this domain, offering services that enhance natural beauty while saving clients time in their daily routines. Her expertise in PMU is not just about applying pigment to skin; it's about understanding the unique features
of each client and creating personalized, natural-looking results.
Beyond permanent makeup, Jessie is adept in paramedical tattooing, a specialized field that addresses scars, stretch marks, scar camouflage and other skin imperfections Notably, she offers areola repigmentation for breast cancer survivors, a compassionate service that helps individuals reclaim their bodies and confidence after mastectomy surgeries. Her work in this area has helped countless individuals regain their confidence and embrace their natural beauty.
Jessie's repertoire extends to advanced skincare treatments, where she employs cutting-edge techniques and products to address various skin concerns. ProCell Microchanneling , a popular treatment she offers, stimulates collagen production and improves skin texture, delivering youthful and rejuvenated skin. Additionally, her services include waxing, lashes, and more, ensuring a comprehensive approach to beauty and self-care.
Integrity and Dedication
What sets Jessie apart in the beauty industry is her unwavering commitment to integrity. Every service she provides is rooted in honesty and a genuine desire to help her clients achieve their beauty goals. Her ethical approach has earned her a loyal clientele who trust her implicitly with their beauty needs. Jessie's dedication to her craft is evident in her continuous pursuit of knowledge and excellence. Despite her extensive experience, she
regularly updates her skills and stays abreast of the latest trends and technologies in the beauty industry. This commitment to lifelong learning ensures that her clients receive the best and most innovative treatments available.
A Personal Journey
By Camille Celestra
Jessie's professional achievements are even more inspiring when viewed alongside her personal journey. A mother of four, Jessie has balanced the demands of her career with the responsibilities of parenthood, demonstrating remarkable resilience and strength.
Her journey is further marked by her battle with cancer, a challenge she faced with the same determination and grace that she brings to her work.
Surviving cancer has given Jessie a unique perspective on life and beauty, deepening her empathy and dedication to helping others feel their best.
Jessie of Indigo Rose PMU brings artistry, integrity, and expertise to Fredericksburg, promising clients an unparalleled beauty experience. With her vast experience, commitment to excellence, and personal resilience, Jessie is more than a beauty professional; she is a true master of her craft. Whether you seek permanent makeup, advanced skincare, or a comprehensive beauty treatment, Jessie is the expert to trust. Visit her and discover the transformative power of her work.
Camille C.elestra is a Graphic Designer, Logo Design, Packaging Design, MedSpa & Aesthetician Digital Marketing Expert She can be reached at celestracamille0@gmail.com.
Indigo Rose 360 Beauty Lounge 6308 Five Mile Centre Park, Suite 219 Fredericksburg, Va 540 522 6141 indigorosepmu com facebook @indigorosepmu; Instagram
Janet Douberly Guest Porch Editorial
Contributing Writers & Artists
Rita AllanMichael Aubrecht
Sally Cooney Anderson
Dianne BachmanSonja Cantu
Collette CapraraCamille Carney
Gary Close
Janet DouberlyJeannie Ellis
Caroline FordFrank Fratoe
Bill FreehlingKathleen Harrigan
Ralph “Tuffy” Hicks
Jason JepsonDavid C. Kennedy
Ray MikulaKristin Moeller
Lenora Kruk-Mullanaphy
Vanessa Moncure Pete Morelewicz
Patrick Neustatter
Paula RaudenbushRob Rudick
Mandy Smith
Craig VaseyRim Vining
Tina WillNorma Woodward
Front Porch Fredericksburg is a free circulation magazine published monthly by Olde Towne Publishing Co.
Virginia Bigenwald Grogan, Publisher.
The mission of Front Porch Fredericksburg is to connect the diverse citizenry of Fredericksburg with lively features and informative columns of interest to our community’s greatest resource, its people.
Messages from our readers are welcome. All article submissions must be received by e-mail by the 16th & calendar items the 19th of the month preceding publication.
Writers / Artists / Photographers are welcome to request Guidelines and query the Publisher by e-mail.
Front Porch Fredericksburg
PO Box 9203 Fredericksburg, VA 22403
Ad Sales: E-Mail: frntprch@aol.com
Web Site: www.frontporchfredericksburg.com
Facebook: @Front Porch Fredericksburg Magazine
Issuu @Front Porch Fredericskburg
The opinions expressed in Front Porch Fredericksburg are those of the contributing writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Front Porch Fredericksburg or its advertisers.
Copyright 2024
Front Porch Fredericksburg Magazine All rights reserved.
By Janet Douberly
I must admit, I was not a community minded person growing up. I am a child of the 80's. Many of us were told how important it was to be selfsufficient individuals who should solve our own problems and pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. I carried this idea with me into adulthood.
Now I am a few decades older (though sometimes it feels like centuries) and have been living in Downtown Fredericksburg a majority of my adult life, I am starting to see that what I was taught was not at all a sustainable way to thrive. What really drove this concept home for me was learning about forest communities. Often, when we think of forests many of us think of one or two things. Trees and ferns. Leaves and squirrels. Bugs and bigger bugs. We can see the individual items in our woods and rarely think of what they may or may not have to do with each other.
As it turns out, a healthy forest can only exist if it has a healthy community. Beyond the two-sided symbiotic relationships some creatures have such as box turtles and mayapples, there is an imperative that ALL of the beings in the forest work together to make it what it is.
From the mighty oak which has over 2,000 species depending on it, to the lowly pill bug that is busily munching on the dead organic matter, sending it back into the earth to become something new, everything in the forest plays an important part in the community. If even one area of this community is removed or crowded out, the whole ecosystem tilts out of whack causing a depletion in species from all kingdoms and can lead to large areas with only one type of plant that only serves one type of insect.
The mycelium in the ground works with the trees who feed the insects who feed the birds. The understory shrubs that rely on that perfect dappled light given by the tree crowns, produce food and housing to the insects that pollinate the smaller plants that come and go quickly enough to steadily feed the soil and the microorganisms.
We humans are still learning the intricate ways forest plants and creatures are communicating with each other. One tree passing nutrients on to another tree
that is deficient is much like our neighbor lending us a cup of sugar.
You will never catch the mighty oak refusing to shade the smaller plants because they are weaker. You will never see the mushrooms in charge of breaking down dead wood, refusing to break down felled branches because those branches need to learn how to do it themselves.
The only bootstraps in the forest are worn by humans. The plants don't bother with hyper-individualism. They know they have the support of the rest of the forest which they support in kind. I bet if you were to speak to any plant in the forest, it wouldn't even mention the word "bootstraps".
Fredericksburg has been around for a long time, in part due to the strength of its community. We have many mighty oaks, some of which provide shelter and food for the more tender and crushable members on our forest floor. It is amazing how our man-made mycelium network gets to work on a problem. Promoting communication, creating actionable ways to help each other, coming together in support
I hope that Fredericksburg finds a way to be the healthiest forest possible. I hope our oaks continue to play their roles. I hope our fruit bearers continue to have the support of the pollinators. (Am I taking this metaphor too far?) I hope our underground mycelium network continues to keep its "fingers" on the pulse of our
community, clearing away the debris to make the room and nutrients new species need to thrive, and supporting all of the life forms that dwell here.
But mostly, I hope our community also joins together to realize that it is impossible to pull oneself up by the bootstraps That when one of our community members needs lifting, we notice, communicate, and organize to make that support happen
Front Porch Magazine is part of the city's mycelium network and I am proud to contribute to its voice as well as reading it cover to cover to stay up-todate on what is happening in my community.
Janet Douberly is a proud FXBG community member who enjoys spreading the word about the natural world.
For some families, discovering that the Patawomeck Tribe of Virginia is hosting a 4th of July celebration will come as a delightful surprise. For others, the event has become an annual tradition, as they have attended the celebration throughout the past decade when it was held at Ferry Farm, before the tribe's Museum and Cultural Center and LivingHistory Village opened last year. For all, this year's festival will be a fun-filled, enriching, and memorable day with family activities, face-painting, games, and contests. "It will be a dynamic educational experience for the whole family," said Price Jett, tribal council treasurer who is coordinating the day's offerings.
In addition to carnival-like activities such as games, contests, facepainting, the 4th of July celebration will include demonstrations that will introduce visitors to a sampling of the culture and customs of the Patawomeck tribe, such as scraping fur from hides and quilting, as well as flint knapping to make arrow points and creating fishnets using cordage-fortified strands of thin rope twisted together. Children will also have an opportunity to craft an arrowheadpendant necklace that they can take home as a memento of their experience
Visitors will learn about what it was like to live in a yehakin--a a long-hhouse that was typically made by constructing a frame of saplings that would be covered with either bark or mats made from marsh reeds--as they tour the three that have been constructed at the site of the Living Village. Guests can test their own bisonhunting skills as they try to throw an atlatl-a a spear-llike weapon that preceded the invention of the bow and arrow The music of a flute will also waft through the
air, adding to the atmosphere of the living history experience, and families can examine the dug-oout canoe that one of the tribal citizens made from a Poplar log Visitors can also stop by the language center to learn some Algonquin words
The fires at the site, which were used for cooking as well as a central gathering place, also provide a glimpse into life at a village of the tribe. Tribal council member Brad Hatch often attends various events in the Fredericksburg area, demonstrating the skill and agility involved in crafting eel pots-traps that he creates by weaving thin strips of wood as his ancestors did. In addition, Brad's hands-on involvement with the Living Village includes gardening. Brad notes that the village has three different types of gardens: a "benevolence" garden, similar to the current day, a pollinator garden designed to grow specific nectar and
By collette caprara
know it's a "big lift." Brad's career focus is archaeology and he brings an aspect of that expertise to the Living Village, where there is a reconstructed trash pit near one of the Yahakins. "It contains typical trash that you would find in a village during the 1600s and 1700s such as oyster shells, projectile points, pottery fragments, beads, and animal bones that represented some of the food that was eaten by Patawomeck ancestors," he said. "All of the objects in the pit provide hints that help us to understand how people lived hundreds and thousands of yeas ago and introduce visitors to the role that artifacts play in creating an archaeological record."
In addition to the demonstrations and displays throughout the site, the exhibits in the Patawomeck Museum and Cultural Center features intriguing and informative objects, the oldest of which is a projectile point that dates back to the early peopling of the area 15,000 years ago. Other fascinating objects include a shawl made of turkey feathers that was used in the film "The New World" and a silver badge that was issued to a Patawomeck chief by the English in the 1660s to ensure safe travel. The day's experience will also be
pollen-producing plants to attract desired insects, and the classic "Three Sisters" garden of beans, squash and corn. In fact, Hatch just recently planted the beans and squash. "It should all be up and nice to see by July 4," he said. "The corn is already up. That's the first that you plant and you let it grow to about four inches high before you plant the beans so they can run up the corn salks." Visitors will see wooden mortars on the site, which would have been used to grind corn meal.
Hatch explains that most of the tribal council members contribute to events such as this celebration, though they also have "outside jobs, because they
augmented by the natural beauty of the scenic 17-aacre site, which is bordered by the Rappahannock River and includes a tree-lined drive that ends with "Gargantua," the largest Ginkgo Biloba tree in Virginia.
Some may find it surprising that an Indian tribe would celebrate America's "birthday" on the Fourth of July, given the history of a spectrum of broken treaties that had been made with native Americans by European settlers, colonists, and early Americans. "It's a complicated relationship for sure," said Hatch. As Chief Charles "Boostsie" Bullock and others have noted, the Patawomecks helped Jamestown
from becoming yet another lost colony At a time when the English settlers were starving and Chief Powhatan had cut off ties to them, the Patawomecks were the only tribe that continued to trade food and kept them alive.
"We are truly a patriotic group of people, despite the fact that the United States government and, prior to that, European Colonial governments didn't do good by us," said Hatch. "Percentage-wise, American Indians serve in the military more than any other group of people. We fought in just about every American war on the side of the United States. We are still very proud of who we are and what we contribute to society. In many ways it's appropriate to put our story out there as a way of giving a different perspective on what it means to be American."
Brad notes that the Museum and Cultural Center and living-history village convey information and elicit appreciation beyond what is offered through other venues. "Visitors will gain a sense of what our culture is like, and also recognize that we are contemporary communities of people. We are neighbors and we go to church and school with you. Some people have the impression that Virginia Indians have vanished. We didn't go away, we just changed with the times."
“I hope people come out and see that we are still maintaining a lot of our traditions, and also that we have new traditions and are very much like a lot of other people. We are citizens of the United States as well as citizens of our tribe. We hope everyone will have a good time, ask any questions they have, and learn something new”.
Collette Caprara is an artist, writer & appreciates & learns from all cultures
July 4th Celebration at the Patawomeck Museum and Cultural Center
Thursday, July 4 10 am to 4 pm 638 Kings Highway Fxbg Free of charge
patawomecktribalcenter@gmail com 540 225-33900
www patawomeckindiantribeofvirginia org /museum-vvillage
Throughout the day shuttle buses will transport visitors to and from 638 Kings Highway to parking locations at the downtown Visitors Center, the Eagles parking lot 21 Cool Springs Road, and Ferry Farm
Summer is here which means our Garden Sprouts Program is over until the kids return to school this fall! Each year it is always so rewarding to see the headstart kids in the program learn so much about growing plants and where their food comes from!
Our Garden Sprouts program is a weekly go-ooutside-aand-gget-yyour-hhandsdirty program taught by our amazing education team, Khalila Brooker and Beth McClain, to 160 pre-school children enrolled in Fredericksburg Head Start, Virginia Preschool Initiative, and Early Childhood Special Ed The children learn where their food comes from, tend the gardens at their school, smell flowers and herbs, and taste fruits and vegetables.
When children are involved in growing vegetables they are far more likely to try AND enjoy vegetables and the numbers we gather from our Garden Sprouts definitely back this data up!
By Janet Douberly
How do we gather those numbers? Every visit we will do a tasting, we bring in a fruit or vegetable and the children are encouraged to try it. We never force the children to taste the item we give them. (As if that has ever worked!) The only requirement is to take the item and explore it in other ways by looking, smelling it and feeling it. Many children will claim they don't like an item or don't like vegetables or fruits at all. Exposing them to these foods expands their pallet and their willingness to try. Although we don't require the children to taste, we will encourage them to take a bunny nibble, small bite, or a dinosaur bite (which means eating the whole thing).
Twice a year, in the fall and spring, we do a tasting party. A tasting party is where we sample all parts of the plant. Apples, cauliflower, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, spinach, or carrots, for example. We collect the data to gauge if the exposure to the vegetables and fruits weekly will encourage them to try more. The end goal is to see the numbers rise in the willingness to try the vegetable or fruit.
So what do the numbers look like? This past school year we saw increases in the children's willingness just to TRY the food by the end of the season. The amount of food they try AND like also increases! And while some foods will always be more popular than others (sorry asparagus) it is with joy that we see these numbers go up.
For example, at the beginning of last school year 31% of the children would not try carrots. They already knew they didn't like them before even tasting them! At the end of the school year, after the children learned about carrots, planted carrots, and harvested carrots, only 9% of the children refused to try them. And of the children who DID try carrots, at the beginning of the year only 51% liked them compared to 82% of the kids who liked them by the end of the school year.
Teaching children to love vegetables is only one part of the Garden Sprouts program By teaching them to garden we are also teaching communication skills, fine tuning motor functions, and setting them up to enjoy a more nutritionally dense diet that will benefit them the rest of their lives
Janet Douberly is honored to work with some amazing people at Downtown Greens.
Downtown Greens, a nonprofit, mission is to enhance the well-bbeing of our community by connecting people with nature through education and the preservation of greenspaces
Office , Lower & Upper Gardens are located at Downtown Campus 206 Charles Street Belman Rd Campus , 56 acre property is 1360 Belman Road FXBG Industrial Park
by ray mikula
Hopefully your garden is where you hoped it would be by now, flowers bloom-ing, vegetables ripening, and pests under control. With July's heat and humidity it is time to garden smart By that I mean to plan for each day you spend outside. Pull weeds after it rains when the ground is more forgiving. Work in the shade as often as possible. Stay hydrated. Keep your goals for the day doable ( not the greatest time to dig out that oak tree stump with a shovel). If you have a tough job to do, getting help may be a good option. Doing easier jobs on hot days like dead-hheading flowers, trimming a couple of roses, or harvesting some of your veggies still gets you out in the yard to enjoy the garden without too much danger. You can keep your gardens hydrated by watering in the morning so their leaves are dry by the time the sun sets to help prevent fungus, mold and mildew from ruining your hard work.
One of the best ways to see your way through the hot months is to plant
native flowers They are used to our climate and have survived here for hundreds of years without our help. If you want to learn about the native plants in your area you can go to
for your area. These guides will give information on the plants like amount of light required, water required, drought tolerance, and plant size. There are also suggestions on where to find native plants for sale. If you want to view some of these plants in person there are native plant demonstration gardens, sponsored by the Master Gardeners in our area, in King George at Cedell Brooks Jr park and in Stafford County in Widewater State Park. Our local nurseries are of-fering more native plants lately and they can be found at plant sales around the area. Planting plants that get along with each other and grow easily in our climate and soil, allows less room for weeds and makes less work for you Drought tolerant plants save water and save you work and worry about watering
org. On this site they have free downloads of Native Plant guides
Gardener Association of the Central Rappahannock. Another cooler activity is the Save the Pollinators Flower Show on 8/20&21 held at the Library on Caroline Street. For more information you can go to MGACRA.org.
So stay cool this month and enjoy gardening.
If you have a job that just has to be done this month, pace yourself and take plenty of breaks. Progress may be a little slower but gardening should bring pleas-ure and satisfaction and not heat stroke. Save the tougher tasks for spring, fall, and winter.
You also might enjoy one of the scheduled talks on gardening at the downtown Fredericksburg library at 10am on July 17 & September 19. These talks are sponsored by Master
RayMikula is a Master Gardener.He has several acres of garden space & has been gardening for 62 years. Before retiring Ray was a Earth Science & Astronomy Teacher
Master Gardener Talks on Gardening CRRL FXBG Branch, 10am July 17 & September 19
Save the Pollinators Flower Show CRRL FXBG Branch August 20 & 21
Fredericksburg Parks & Recreation Bulletin for Master Gardeners Classes: www FXBGparks com/nature/mgacra August 10 at DHCC: Fall/Winter Garden Prep
Where Fredericksburg Gets Engaged
606 Caroline Street Old Town Fredericksburg 373-7847 gemstonecreations.org Tues-Fri: 10a-5p Sat: 10a-4p
Let us create some stunning new jewelry designed just for you!
If you are a huge fan of delicious food, like I am, you may have noticed that our pawpaw trees are starting to bear fruit! And while the fruit won't start ripening until August, it is still a sight that makes us squeal with delight!
The Virginia native pawpaw tree, 'Asimina triloba', is in the Custard Apple or Soursop family. While that means they are distantly related to magnolias and tulip poplars, the other fruit bearing trees in this family are only native to tropical regions, making the pawpaw the only fruit bearing tree of this family in our region and we are honored.
Getting the fruit can take a bit of skill. Mainly because it is popular with many mammals, amphibians, birds, and insects!
A sure way to tell the fruit is ripe is by getting it as soon as it hits the ground. And while it is a bit of a challenge to snag a perfect one, it is well worth the effort, especially when you compare the nutritional content with some of our more
By janet douberly
common store bought fruits. For example, pawpaw fruit has three times as much vitamin C as apple, twice as much as banana, and one third as much as orange Pawpaw has twice as much niacin as a banana, fourteen times more than an apple, and four times as much as an orange. That makes this
banana/mango/custard flavored fruit a nutritional powerhouse!
Janet Douberly is camping under the pawpaws at Downtown Greens.
Fredericksburg is hosting Summer Restaurant Week from July 26thAugust 4th with restaurants participating from all over the city.
Our unique food scene is an integral part of the 'Burg, and Restaurant Week is the perfect opportunity to sample the unique flavors of the city. Our dedicated chefs embrace this opportunity to showcase their talents to both new and returning customers.
Restaurant Week is tailor made to satisfy your taste buds and ignite your summer spirit
Participating estabalishments as of press:
Beautiful ~ Night and Day!
Mon-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm Sun 11am - 9pm Bar open until 2am everyday
Locally Owned Irish Pub and Restaurant
200 Hanover St. ~ 373-0738
Around the Town Free Trolley Service
Every Friday & Saturday Night
The City of Fredericksburg's "Around the Town" free trolley service for locals and tourists runs every Friday and Saturday night throughout the summer from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The service is provided by Trolley Tours of Fredericksburg.
If you are looking for things to do downtown, the free trolley stops are close to a variety of excellent restaurants, coffee shops, art galleries, museums, parks, retail shops and public restrooms.
The trolley makes a 20-mminute loop of downtown and stops at these six locations: Fredericksburg Visitor Center at 706
Caroline Street
Intersection of Caroline & William
Intersection of Princess Anne & Hunter Streets by Carl's Ice Cream and Mason Dixon Café
Canal Quarter near Haley's Honey
Meadery and Red Dragon Brewery
William and Winchester Streets near Harry's Downtown and Mellow Mushroom
William and Charles Streets near
Become a Member
A bridal shop is opening in the former location of Kimman's in downtown Fredericksburg.
True Bride will open at 1004
Caroline Street Here is how owner Katie Houck describes it:
“The foundation of True Bride is providing the brides an experience where they can be true to themselves; from individually curated bridal appointments to 100 percent customizable bridal gowns.. Our bridal collection starts with unmatched designer selection.With
By Bill Freehling
ethically made European couture gowns, fabrics hand chosen from Milan and Paris and the ability to 100 percent curate a gown from scratch allows brides to be True to themselves and have a one of a kind dress!
After an extensive search process, The Community Foundation Board of Governors has appointed Zachary Hatcher as its new Chief Executive Officer, starting in August.
Hatcher will take over the reins from Teri McNally, who has led the Community Foundation for the past 23 years.
Hatcher brings with him a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record in nonprofit leadership and fund development. .
City Vino now open in its new home across from Riverfront Park.
The business, which was formerly at 810 Caroline Street, has moved into the 2,650-square-foot commercial space at Hanover House, the new mixed-use building at 100 Hanover Street.
City Vino Owner Rita Allan said the new, larger space (almost four times bigger than the previous one) will allow her to expand her offerings. In addition to selling wine by the bottle, she will offer glasses of wine and pre-made Tapas-style food. Eventually, she hopes to expand her food offerings, and also to do wine classes.
Fletcher Home Showroom
The new Fletcher Home showroom at 3110 Cowan Blvd. in Central Park Fletcher Home recently consolidated their Stafford County locations and created a large showroom to feature their home-improvement products, including roofing, one-piece bath replacements, decks, patios, siding, windows and doors. For more information, go to fletcherhome.com.
This will be Bill’s last “Tidbits” Please see “A Fond Fairwell on pg 31
The Fourth of July is our country's summer sparkler and fireworks holiday, celebrated by most everyone in America - this year is our 248th Independence Day Colorful painted trailers full of pop-rockets, smoking tanks and snapping firecrackers appear in local parking lots, expensive cellophanewrapped packages looking tremendously appealing to the grandchildren-crowd. And the parades! All over the country, community parades of miniature tophatted versions of Abraham Lincoln and Lady Liberty with torch in hand march next to red, white and blue crepe-paper festooned bicycles, strollers and wagonstelevised versions of America's larger parades feature floats honoring our service members, marching bands play patriotic tunes and of course the day would not be complete without a dazzling nighttime fireworks display. Traditional picnics, cookouts and cook-offs sprout in back yards, parks and communities all over the country - and for many workers, the Fourth of July is an extended three-day weekend. Every year our family combines the Fourth with the Third of July, my husband's birthday - the annual theme and decorations are so easy! Several dozen American flags planted outside around the house, balloons and a trip to the fireworks trailer complete the arrangements. A simple hot-dog and hamburger menu rounds out our backyard food festivalthat and the homemade ice cream alongside the birthday cake! probably the best and easiest dessert to make are bar cookies Easy to bake, easy to transport and exceptionally yummy.
This is a really old family recipe
with an unusual name. I still don't know how this name came about, but they are easy and delicious. Let them sit out overnight to crisp up the top, or the meringue will become soggy. Preheat oven to 350F. Butter a 9"x13" baking pan. Beat together one-half cup softened butter with one cup sugar, then add one egg and two egg yolks (save the whites for the topping), one teaspoon vanilla and two tablespoons half and half. Whisk together one and one-half cup flour with a dash of salt and one teaspoon baking powder along with one and one-half cup chopped pecans and stir into mixture. Spread into baking pan and bake ten minutes. While crust is baking, whisk the remaining two egg whites until foamy, add a pinch of cream of tartar and beat until stiff. Whisk one cup tightly packed light brown sugar until there are no lumps, and gradually fold into the beaten egg whites. Spread over cookie layer and bake an additional twenty to twenty-five minutes or until golden brown. The top will crumble a bit as it cools - wait until the cookies are cool to the touch to cut and serve.
I have a grandson who is severely allergic to tree nuts, so I leave them out and call them six-layer bars for him. Use either regular sweetened condensed milk (NOT evaporated) or the newer chocolate flavor. Either way, cut them into tiny squares to serve as they are SO sweet. Wait for these to cool before cutting as well. Preheat oven to 325F. Melt one-half cup butter in a 9"x9" square baking pan (easy to do in microwave if using a glass or microwave-safe pan). Layer in the following order - one cup of graham cracker crumbs (or if you are a complete
chocoholic, use crushed oreo cookies instead, along with one can of the chocolate condensed milk) - one cup shredded coconutone-half cup butterscotch chipsone-half cup semisweet chocolate chips - one cup chopped pecans. Open the can of condensed milk and pour evenly over the top of the bars, do not try to spread it or you will end up with a very messy bar cookie. Bake for thirty-five minutes, or until golden brown all around the edges and shiny on top. Let cool before cutting.
These are really cool and refreshing - and quite different than lemon bars, although they are based on the same recipe. Preheat oven to 350F. Cut in one cup butter into two cups flour and three-quarter cups confectioner's sugar until the mixture resembles cornmeal and clings together. Spread evenly into bottom of 9"x13" pan and bake for twenty minutes or until lightly browned. While the cookie base is baking, combine four eggs, two cups sugar, onethird cup Key Lime juice (you can find this bottled in most grocery stores, or you can juice regular limes), one tablespoon finely
shredded lime zest, one-half cup flour mixed with one-half teaspoon baking powder. Pour over crust and return to oven for an additional fifteen minutes or so until the filling is set. Sprinkle with one cup shredded coconut and return to oven until coconut is lightly browned. Again, wait until the bars are cool before cutting. (If you like the idea of a greener filling, just add a drop or two of green food coloring to the filling mixture before baking).
Vanessa serves up yummy recipes from all kinds of places & for all seasons
The streets of downtown Fredericksburg are lined with wonderful restaurants that offer outdoor seating. Here are some restaurants where you can enjoy outdoor seating in Fredericksburg (Note: ☺ means that the outdoor seating is dog-friendly):
The Alpine Chef Located right next to FXBG Station, this German restaurant has outdoor seating that overlooks the hustle and bustle of downtown.☺
Agora Downtown Coffee one of the most beloved coffee shops in Fredericksburg, and is complimented by a beautiful patio right out back. ☺
Allman's Bar-BB-QQue has been voted one of the top BBQ joints in Virginia, and is a wonderful spot to gorge outdoors. ☺
Basilico New York Deli - Enjoy a calzone
or deli sandwich, as well as Basilico's outdoor seating.
Bello Manzo This new Italian sandwich shop on Caroline Street has tables available on its front patio.
Benny Vitali's Enjoy a slice of GIANT New York-Style pizza outdoors ☺
Billiken's Smokehouse notorious for its outdoor seating, where you can enjoy a cocktail, delicious barbecue, and wonderful music on weekends. ☺
Brock's Riverside Grill newly renovated outdoor bar offers a gorgeous view of the Rappahannock River .
Castiglia's Italian Restaurant & Sky Bar sip on delicious drinks while overlooking William Street. ☺
Colonial Tavern, Home to the Irish Brigade swing by Colonial Tavern to enjoy
an Irish stout on its patio. ☺
Curio Wine Bar A new addition to downtown Curio now shares a gorgeous courtyard with Wild Hare Cider.
Curitiba Art Cafe - Located on Caroline Street, Curitiba has a gorgeous courtyard behind its cafe. ☺
Deutschland Downtown authentic German restaurant on William Street has a dog-friendly back patio.☺
Eats Burgers prime location for delicious burgers, which you can savor at their outdoor tables. ☺
Eileen's Bakery and Cafe Enjoy a delicious pastry on the stunning courtyard of Eileen's. ☺
Fahrenheit 132 upscale steakhouse on William Street has limited outdoor seating, where you can sip on top-shelf wine and delve into some of the highest quality steak in Virginia.
Foode wonderful restaurant, whose building is deeply rooted in FXBFXBG's vast history, outdoor seating directly out front. Enjoy their rotating menu of southern meals in the brisk weather of fall. ☺
Happy Endings blast of a dive bar in the Canal Quarter District has outdoor seating in front of the building. ☺
Harry's Downtown outdoor seating is located right next to the bar and overlooks William Street. It is a great spot to enjoy Harry's rotating list of premiere draft beer. ☺
J Brian's Tap Room great spot to enjoy fantastic happy hour deals on its back patio, which has recently added multi-colored and white lights. .☺
Maggie's Subs multi-level courtyard of Maggie's is relaxing, intimate, and beautiful.
Mason-DDixon Cafe - This classic cafe in the Canal Quarter District is great for both brunch and an outdoor dining experience. ☺
Miso Asian Grill - This Japanese grill and sushi bar is the perfect spot to enjoy the outdoor weather.
Orofino outdoor seating is in its side alley, providing you with a Europeaninspired dining experience.
Rebellion Bourbon Bar & Kitchen outdoor seating directly in front of the restaurant, perfect to drink first-rate bourbon ☺
Red Dragon Brewery outdoor seating is located to the right of the brewery, and the view of a gorgeous mural. ☺
Rey Azteca Located in Eagle Village, is a beloved Mexican restaurant with outdoor seating in front of the restaurant.
Ristorante Renato One of FXBG's most beloved Italian restaurants recently renovated their outdoor patio into a stateof-the-art location, perfect for outdoor dining. ☺
Sammy T's FXBG staple has not only amazing vegetarian options (as well as meals for carnivores), but outdoor dining that allows you to enjoy the bustle of Caroline Street while also enjoying your food and drinks. ☺
Sedona Taphouse popular chain has both delicious food and a first-rate taplist of craft beer, as well as a beautiful, dogfriendly patio. ☺
Soup & Taco 2 has a couple tables in front of their building, where you can enjoy their delicious food and cervezas.☺
Sunken Well Tavern renovated side patio, which now has a cozy feel to enjoy a delicious brunch. ☺
Tapa Rio One of the greatest views of the Rappahannock River is from the patio of Tapa Rio. Sit on the canopy while enjoying some delicious tapas. ☺
Wild Hare Cider Pub - The revered courtyard of Wild Hare is the perfect spot to taste a flight of Virginia ciders. ☺
NOTE: Due to Virginia law, while some restaurants have outdoor seating, they cannot allow dogs due to the placement of the seating, as dogs would have to walk through the restaurant.
~Courtesy of FXBG Department of Development & Tourism
The founding fathers, to include George Washington, Tomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, were known to have enjoyed Madeira wine, as it was a popular choice of alcohol among the upper class, Colonial Americans in the 18th Century. It was a sophisticated and luxurious drink for the elites of the time. Historical records and letters by these individuals would mention their appreciation for Madeira. Most ironically Madeira was the celebratory drink at the signing of the Declaration of Independence
Madeira is a Portuguese island in the Atlantic Ocean, about 375 miles off the coast of Morocco. And the fortified wine made there is of the same name. The island was discovered in 1419 and was fist colonized by Portuguese merchants. Initially, the island's main production was that of sugar, with smaller amounts of wheat and wine for export. During the 17th and 18th centuries, sugar production fell as the Caribbean Islands became more competitive.
Out of the decline in sugar sales came the growth of the wine industry.
British merchants would arrive in Madeira and take wine to the North American and West Indies colonies. The wine was put into oak barrels that were then loaded on the wooden ships in the hull and used as a ballast for these long journeys. Oak barrels allow for a minor amount of oxygen to seep into the wine causing a slow oxidation of the wine to occur. As ships pitch and roll out to sea, so did the barrels in the hold. As trade would take the British ships to the tropics, the hold would get rather warm, and be held at a warm temperature for significant lengths of time. What was discovered was that when the wine endured this, it actually improved its quality, with a side benefit of making the wine a bit indestructiblemeaning that in most cases you would not hold your wine in an oxidized, constant moving, hot situation without spoilage. The fact that it became more durable meant that it would survive lengthy voyages. The fact that it improves in quality meant the demand for it increased, driving an industry for the Portuguese.
Madeira is a tiny little, mountainous island where the soil is very
fertile, with mostly volcanic sediments. Overall, the island experiences a warm Mediterranean climate. Precipitation mainly comes in the fall and winter months, to the tune of about 3,000mm per year, which is an overabundance in wine-vine terms. This means that elevation is the key for growing grapes for a balanced wine, as the height and slope will 1st drain water quickly away, and 2nd will have a cooler average temperature. Grapes here include Tinta Negra, Sercial, Verdelho (which also grows in Spain), Boal, Malmsey (also known as Malvasia), and Terrantez. Each of which have their own special needs as some grow better at higher altitudes (need the cold) and other at lower (need the heat).
As far as winemaking goes, it starts out in the normal way. The fruit is brought into the winery and checked for weight (amount of juice), health, and sugar brix level (amount of alcohol can be converted), then off to destemming and crushing. Fermentation is done in stainless steel vessels. Like with the world of Sherries, timing of fortification may differ depending on style looking to be accomplished. If looking for a sweet Madeira, fortification may happen early in the fermentation, when the juice reaches say four or five percent ABV, then brandy is added so that the ABV is raised to 17-18 percent, thus killing all the yeast. Some Madera is meant to be dry, and fortification happens at the end of fermentation. But even being dry, these wines will still have a bit of sweetness
The aging process is a big departure from when it was first made in the 17th and 18th century. Apparently, wine is not carried around in wooden ships anymore. So, in order to replicate the hot, oxidative condition, there are two methods available: Estufagem and
by Rita Allan
Canteiro. Estufagem involves heating the wine in stainless steel tanks or heated rooms for a shorter period, typically a few months. This process accelerates the aging and oxidation of the wine. Canteiro, on the other hand, involves aging the wine slowly and naturally, in barrels placed in warm attics for several years or even decades.
Madeira offers multiple ways to enjoy it Sip it straight, relishing its complex flavors and aromas in small tulipshaped glasses. It also serves as a delightful dessert wine, pairing well with cakes, pastries, and chocolates to enhance their flavors. As an aperitif, drier Madeira varieties like Sercial or Verdelho can be chilled and savored before a meal, stimulating the appetite with their crisp acidity and subtle sweetness. Additionally, Madeira can be a valuable ingredient in cocktails, providing depth and complexity akin to fortified wines like sherry or port. Explore mixing Madeira into cocktails or trying recipes specifically featuring this wine. Lastly, Madeira's rich flavors make it versatile in cooking , elevating savory dishes, such as meat or game sauces, and it is frequently utilized in traditional recipes, like Madeira cake or Madeira sauce.
Happy 4th of July!
City Vino at 100 Hanover St (use Sophia St entrance) is were you will find owner Rita Allan to provide you answers to all your wine questions
Monday July 1
Music on the Steps, The Don Brown Project, 6:30-7:30, Fxbg CRRL Branch, Caroline ST
Wednesday July 3
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Open Mic@Katora Coffee, 615 Caroline St, 7-10p
Trapper's Trivia @6B&G 7 pm. 7-9p, 1140 International Pkwy
Independance Day Thursday July 4
Fourth in Fxbg Festival Festival in the streets, Presentation of the Colors 12p, Riverfront Park, Art & Craft Show with many great artists along Sophia, Charlotte & Hanover Streets! Food vendors, live music, kids activities. 10a-4p, Riverfront Park
Celebration at the Patawomeck Museum and Cultural Center, 10 am to 4pm 638 Kings Highway.Free of charge
Family Fun @ the Rising Sun Tavern, Join us on the lawn as costumed interpreters read children's books on the American Revolution and this historic day in our nation's history. 12-3p
Children's Roll N'Stroll, Line up at 9 am in the VRE parking lot B, corner of Caroline St. & Frederick St. Parade Caroline St. from train station to Market Square. Prizes for best adult & child costumes, best decorated bicycle and wagon/stroller.
Fabulous 4th at Ferry Farm George Washington's boyhood home! Play colonial games, tour the House, meet a George Washington reenactor, watch a flag retirement ceremony, talk with archaeologists on active dig site, take a selfie with B101.5's Buzzy the Bee, make crafts, explore historical encamped military units Food trucks on-site. 10a-4p
Reading of Declaration of Independence, 11a, 1p, 3p, Front of Hugh Mercer Apothecary Shop, Caroline St
FredNats Patriotic Palooza 4pm-8pm, Activities: DJ, bounce houses, face painting and lawn games. Free for Season Ticket Holders and $5 per person for everyone else.Parking Fees: $6 pre-paid; $10 for day of event
4th Fireworks Spectacular 6p Pratt Memorial Park opens 6:30pm - live performance by Fxbg Concert Band, 9:30pm- Fireworks, Viweing Areas: Pratt Park, Old Mill Park -City and Stafford residents will be admitted free of charge, with proof of residency. NO tents, alcohol beverages, sparklers, grills. Dogs must be on leash
Fireworks in FXBG, Virginia Credit Union Stadium, Stadium is not open for seating. The firework show begins at 9 pm, and the public can view them from their cars up to two miles away. Please plan to arrive well before the showtime as parking is limited. Fireworks start at 9p
First Friday July 5
VRE Fare Free Fridays in Summer thru 2-Sept1 tickets not required
Sip n'See start your First Friday with a guided tour through the Downtown Greens gardens, Frre Tour,frosty beverages, 5-6p
First Friday Artisan Market, 5-9p, Hurkamp Park
"Old, New, Bold, and Bluish" Works by Elizabeth "Skeeter" Scheid,Artful Dimensions, 922 Caroline St Opening Reception, 6-9pm
20th Anniversary Brush Strokes Gallery featuring founding member Beverley Coates, opening reception 5-9p, 824 Caroline St
Sounds of Summer, Fxbg Big Band, Jazz, Swing, Modern, 6:30-8:30, Market Square
New Works Therisa Bennett, Opening reception 6pm to 9pm. Art First, 824 Caroline St
Canal Quarter Arts Guest Artist Ramon Rosario. meet and greet reception 5-8:30
FCCA "Focus on Color", Frederick Gallery; Tarver Harris, Members Gallery, 813 Sophia St
Saturday July 6
Art in the Park at Farmers Market, Hurkamp Pk, 9a-1p
Sunken Well Saturday: brunch from 9-2, 720 Littlepage
Fxbg Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p, open air markets home grown, homemade, or hand baked goods sold
Live Music @6B&G Big Boib, 7-9:30, 1140 International Pkwy
Live Music @Adventure Brewing N, Michael Green, 7-9p, 33 Perchwood
Live Music @Strangeways, Sidewalk Soul, 350 Landsdown , 7-10p
Live Music Walking Napster @Log Home Brewing Co, 5727 Courthouse Rd, 6-9p
Sunday July 7
Join Old Dominion Humane Society in Hikes with rescue dogs. Volunteers pair dogs with hikers Hikers meet at the ODHS center at 3602 Lafayette Blvd at 8:30 a.m
Sunday: brunch from 9-2 and bluegrass music from 6-8
Monday July 8
Music on the Steps, Halau O'Aulani, CRRL Fxbg Branch 6:30-7_30p
Wednesday July 10
Karen's Line Dancing Learn Hip Hop, Pop, & Rock, Strangeways Brewing, 350 Landsdown, 6:30-8:30p
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Open Mic@Katora Coffee, 615 Caroline St, 7-10p
Trapper's Trivia @6B&G 7 pm. 7-9p, 1140 International Pkwy
Thursday July 11
Art After Hours: Malanna Henderson R&B, contemporary music, beer/wi Home & Studio, 224 Washington St
Walk with a Doc 4-5p FXBG food CoO Heritage and Canal Path Trail
Schitt's Creek Trivia @Strangeways
Fxbg Jazz Jam @Colonial Tavern, 20
Friday July 12
VRE Fare Free Fridays in Summer th
Sounds of Summer, Cassady Concoct
Ghost Walking Tour Fxbg has more other city in America! period attired comfortably-paced, candlelight walki of Wallace Library, 817 Princess Ann Feautured Artist Leanna Taylor Ope Jarrett Thor Fine Arts 100 Taylor St
Live Music @Colonial Tavern, Fall Lin
Saturday July 13
Fxbg Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park
Sunken Well Saturday: brunch from Ghost Walking Tour, see July 12 Live Mjusic @6B&G, Crowded Minds, Live Music @Adventure Brewing N, H
Sunday July 14
National Feed a Pet Rescue Week Beg Sunday: brunch from 9-2 and blueg Old Dominion Humane Society Hik dogs with hikers meet ODHS center Bastille Day Celebration, 5-8:30p, Hu Live Music Jen Howard @Katora singer/songwriter and multi-instrum
Monday July 15
Music on the Steps Spanglish Latin Fxbg Brabch
Wednesday July 17
Master Gardener Talks on Gardening
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm Open Mic@Katora Coffee, 615 Carol Trapper's Trivia @6B&G 7 pm. 7-9p
n The Sounds of Jazz jazz standards, ine tkts, food trucks Gari Melchers Falmouth, 6-8p
OP, 320 Emancipation Hwy PA on the Brewing, 6:45p, 350 Landsdown 6 Lafayette Blvd, 7:30p
hru 2-Sept1 tickets not required
tion , Blues, 6:30-8:30, Mkt Square
history, and more ghosts than any d guides conduct an approx 90 min, ing tour, 8:45p, Pocket Park in front
ne St, $
ening Reception 6-9p Art Alliance at t., Suite 101, Colonial Beach
ne, 6-9p, 406 Lafayette Blvd
k, 7a-2p, 9-2, 720 Littlepage
, 7-9:30-, 1140 International Pkwy
Heavy Metal Night, 6-9p
rass music from 6-8
kes w/ rescue dogs. Volunteers pair
r at 3602 Lafayette Blvd at 8:30 a.m urkamp Park
Coffee, Caroline St American mentalist 7p
n American Band, 6::30-7:30, CRRL
g, CRRL FXBG Branch, 10am
m 720 Littlepage
line St, 7-10p
p, 1140 International Pkwy
Thursday July 18
Walk with a Doc 4-5p FXBG food CoOP, 320 Emancipation Hwy PA on the Heritage and Canal Path Trail
FXBG Main Street presents Downtown Movies in the Park series at Riverfront Park! Bring a blanket or lawn chair and join us community for this fun, family friendly event. "Trolls: Band Together", 6:30
Live Music @6B&G, Sir Rod & The Blue Doctors, 6:30-9:30p, 1140 International Pkwy
"Parks & Rec" Triva @Strangeways Brewing, 350 Lansdown , 6:45p
Live Music @Colonial Blvd, Bruce Middle Group, 406 Lafayett3 Blvd, 8p
Friday July 19
VRE Fare Free Fridays in Summer thru 2-Sept1 tickets not required
Sounds of Summer, A Thought Wave Rescue, Alternative Soul, 6:30-8:30, Market Square
Live Music @Adventure Brewing N, Jason Frye, 7-9p
Saturday July 20
Fxbg Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p, open air markets home grown, homemade, or hand baked goods sold
Sunken Well Saturday: brunch from 9-2, 720 Littlepage
Countdown to Christmas, holiday craft show Fxbg Convention Center
Art in the Park @Fxbg Farmers Market, 9a-1p
Live Music @6B&G, The Cold North, 7-9:30p, 1140 International Pkwy
The Strange Journey, Road To Strangefest@Strangeways Brewing, 350 Landsdown Rd, 3-9p Music, food vendords, flow artists
Live Music@Colonial Tavern, 6-9p, $06 Lafayette Blvd
Sunday July 21
Join Old Dominion Humane Society in Hikes with rescue dogs. Volunteers pair dogs with hikers Hikers meet at the ODHS center at 3602 Lafayette Blvd at 8:30 a.m
Sunday brunch from 9-2 and bluegrass music from 6-8
Monday July 22
Music on the Steps, The Wellbillies, 6:30-7:30p, CRRL Fxbg Branch
Caroline St
Wednesday July 24
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Open Mic@Katora Coffee, 615 Caroline St, 7-10p
Trapper's Trivia @6B&G 7 pm. 7-9p, 1140 International Pkwy
Thursday July 25
Walk with a Doc 4-5p FXBG food CoOP, 320 Emancipation Hwy PA on the Heritage and Canal Path Trail
Friday July 26
VRE Fare Free Fridays in Summer thru 2-Sept1 tickets not required
1st Annual FXBG Tattoo Invitational showcase the vibrant world of tattoo artistry, featuring a diverse lineup of exceptionally talented tattoo artists from around the globe. FXBG Convention Center, 11-10p, thru July 28
FXBG Agricultural Fair Begins, Fxbg Fairgrounds, weekends 12-10p, weekdays 5p-10p, thru August 4 Special feature: Revenge Roughstock Rodeo: Sunday and Monday 7:00 pm
Rappahannock Model Railroaders at the FXBG Agricultural Fair (7/267/31) in the Richard Limerick Homemakers Bldg! - Model trains in operation, talk with members about the hobby and club activities
Stand Up Comedy w/Will Abeles & Nick Deez, @Strangeways Brewing, 7p doors open, show, 8p
Live Music @Log Home Brewing Co, Lowriders Blues Band, 6-9p 5727 Courthouse Rd
Saturday July 27
Fxbg Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p, open air markets home grown, homemade, or hand baked goods sold. Live Music
Sunken Well Saturday: brunch from 9-2, 720 Littlepage
Sunday July 28
Join Old Dominion Humane Society in Hikes with rescue dogs. Volunteers pair dogs with hikers Hikers meet at the ODHS center at 3602 Lafayette Blvd at 8:30 a.m
Sunday brunch from 9-2 and bluegrass music from 6-8
Wednesday July31
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Open Mic@Katora Coffee, 615 Caroline St, 7-10p
Trapper's Trivia @6B&G 7 pm. 7-9p, 1140 International Pkwy
If you are reading this 324th issue of FPF, thank an advertiser now in our 28th year of continuous publication!
List your events email frntprch@aol com: subject Calendar/Events Deadline for August 2024 issue is July 19th.
Helping homeless children and families in City of Fredericksburg, Counties of Caroline, Stafford & Spotsylvania 540 371 0831
By Ralph “Tuffy” Hicks
This will be my 80th July 4th, 2024. I was recently asked by my longtime friend John Wayne Edwards, "what does Independence Day mean to you"? After all these years that is a wonderful question that requires some deep consideration, especially during these times of unrest throughout the world.
Looking back to the early days of childhood, I remember the times of family picnics, playing with friends at the local beaches and the awe of nighttime fireworks after a day of parades on Caroline street viewing the local National Guard troops. At that time we had family members who had served in WW I, WW II and Korea and we always had a flag for Charlie who never returned from WW II. My Grandfather would talk about family members that had been in the armed forces back thru the American Revolution. After the 1950's life became a blur as we graduated from high school and went our separate ways, either working, going on to
college or joining the military. We still had our celebrations of July 4th, sometimes with family but many times away with friends or coworkers. It was never the same as our parents and grandparents passed away, we had our young families that we raised and jobs that took us away from our old friends. I always celebrated July 4th and remembered those past celebrations that seemed so far in the past.
In the year 2001, I was Town Manager of Colonial Beach, as we approached July 4th. It was during this time that I had to plan a large Fireworks display, and those early celebrations came back to my memories as we had a wonderful time.
This year 2024 as I think of years past and of the many good times with friends that are no longer with us, however, I am so very thankful that they were there during those happy times. It has been a journey that only Americans can enjoy the freedoms of today. We may not be perfect as some would say, however, there is not another nation that will allow the freedoms we enjoy.
Independence Day has always been a day of parades, picnics, political events, family barbecues and family reunions. I can recall the last big HICKS family reunion at Fort A.P. Hill, on July
The Central Rappahannock Heritage Center is a non-profit, all-volunteer archives whose mission is to preserve historically valuable material of the region and make it available to the public for research
900 Barton St #111, Fredericksburg, VA www.crhcarchives.org contact@crhcarchives.org 540-373-3704
Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration over seventeen days that he isolated himself in Philadelphia, died along with John Adams on July 4, 1826 , exactly 50 years to the day that both Adams and Jefferson signed the document.
It was not until 1870 that Congress declared July 4th as an unpaid holiday and sixty-eight years later in 1938 it became a paid federal day. One fact that seems to have been lost in time was that the Continental Congress removed Jefferson's stern denunciation of King George III for importing the slave trade into the colonies. Jefferson felt this would cause wuther turmoil within the new country, he never lived to see even to this day the problems of injustice.
On this July 4, 2024, wave the stars and stripes with pride, as you greet your family and friends and hold your children and grandchildren close.
Volunteers Wecome! Contact us about donating collections of documents and photographs 907 Princess Anne Street, Downtown Fredericksburg
Prior to his death Thomas Jefferson left behind specific instructions for the obelisk monument that was to mark his grave. In addition to sketching out the exact size and shape of the stone he requested the following epitaph: Here was buried Thomas Jefferson
Author of the Declaration of American Independence of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom and Father of the University of Virginia
These contributions were in his words the "testimonials that I have lived, I wish most to be remembered." It is curious that with all his contributions, such as the political offices he held, (President of the United States being one), he selected these three specific memories. Author of the Declaration of American Independence is obvious, Father of the University of Virginia is understandable, but the astonishing choice is the author of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom (now commonly referred to as
the "Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom"). Not that this is unimportant. but of all his achievements this one is often overlooked
Jefferson crafted this statute, not in Philadelphia or one of the other busy cities of the day. He wrote it while staying in a small Virginia town on the Rappahannock River named Fredericksburg. Jefferson often passed through the town on his journeys to and from Monticello. Jefferson was a second cousin of Ann Randolph Fitzhugh and a good friend of William Fitzhugh , the builders of one of the town's estates called Chatham
In 1777, Jefferson stayed at Weedon's Tavern in Fredericksburg (known as Smith's at the time) where he penned the actual life-aaltering document It established the right of every man and woman to their own religious beliefs and opinions. The Virginia General Assembly passed the landmark statute in 1786 And in 1789, it became the basis for the First Amendment to the United States Constitution
The event not only had a lasting effect on the country, it more specifically had a permanent effect on the city where the proposition was written. In 1932, the Fredericksburg City Council commissioned St Clair Brooks, a stonemason, to erect a monument commemorating Jefferson's bill. It is built from stones sent from churches across the country. Each year in January, the Religious Freedom Day parade hits the streets of downtown Fredericksburg to commemorate the anniversary of Jefferson drafting the statute.
By Michael Aubrecht
However, the story of Jefferson's experiences in Fredericksburg and drafting the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedomis more than just a memorial and parade.
Jefferson is remembered as the founding father whose writing contributions shaped the United States. His works championing values such as freedom of ideas, speech and religion
inspired the Revolution and led to American independence. As the author of the Declaration of Independence and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which directly influenced the U.S. Constitution, Jefferson has had his words inscribed on the walls of the foundation of the country he helped create.
Viewed historically, the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom is the ultimate expression of enlightenment in the life and work of Thomas Jefferson. The statute was Jefferson's intellectual effort to dismiss "spiritual tyranny." He certainly succeeded in his goal. Nowhere in the world today is there more genuine freedom of conscience and more respect for the separateness of church and state than there is in the United States of America.
First established by the Thomas Jefferson Institute for the Study of Religious Freedom during the 1976 U.S. bicentennial and later assumed by the Knights of Columbus Rappahannock Assembly 1613, the city has come together in January to commemorate the bill and Jefferson's role in preserving religious freedom in a ceremony for all faiths at the Religious Freedom Monument on Washington Avenue.
The event symbolizes the healthy dialogue and relationships that exist between the city's different religious groups. It is a reminder of how citizens from different backgrounds can come together to celebrate their collective freedoms.
Michael Aubrecht, a resident of Fredericksburg, and a author
For more, read Thomas Jefferson and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom: Faith & Liberty in Fredericksburg by Michael Aubrecht Visit www michaelaubrecht wordpress com Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble The History Press also carried at historical locations Mount Vernon, UVA, Fred Battlefield bookstore
By Jason Jepson
When I wake up early for a doctor's appointment, I treat myself to breakfast at a local restaurant. It is a friendly place, and I enjoy the chance to be in public and people watch. Also, this restaurant has a TV, so I can watch sports highlights to tune out the voices and paranoia. Watching TV, I've found, distracts me from the gnawing feeling that people around me are reading my mind. However, having a meal, observing fellow patrons and watching TV is not a simple activity when you live with schizophrenia.
When I people watch, I am careful not to linger on any individual for too long because I know that people will not feel comfortable being stared at. I try to be alert and focused when a server comes to take my order. I want to smile and appear to be a friendly person - I don't want to seem threatening or "unusual," like the many negative depictions of mental illness in media suggest I could be.
Others' perceptions of this mental health condition often dictate how
I can live my life. So, over the years, I've learned that there are some best practices to help me live a normal and full life and keep myself safe and calm.
Because of my schizophrenia diagnosis, I am hyperaware of how my behavior comes across to others, so I take steps to control my behavior, like in the restaurant. This often means distracting myself and resisting the urge to respond to my paranoia.
One time, when I was eating at the restaurant, I thought I heard another customer ask the server if I was stalking her. To avoid reacting to this kind of delusion, I will pull out my phone to distract myself and keep myself busy with another activity.
Surrounding Myself with Familiar People
Because being in a public space or group setting poses many challenges, I have developed several coping mechanisms. If I am out with a group of
people at a restaurant, I make sure there is at least one person with whom I feel comfortable. This helps to ease my social anxieties; having someone who understands my situation allows me to be myself without fixating on how my behavior appears to those around me. I am the most comfortable when I am with family members because they understand my diagnosis, and they know I am not being rude or "odd"; rather, I am dealing with my symptoms.
Practicing Controlled Breathing
Another difficulty of being in a group setting is that I struggle to know if the voices I hear are in my head or coming from the many people around me. This fear often spirals, and then I wonder if those seated at my table or around the restaurant can actually see my anxieties.
However, I have learned that practicing controlled breathing exercises helps to calm me down when I am in this situation. This way, I can reset and focus on the present. I also remind myself that the other customers do not know me, and the people sitting at my table cannot read my thoughts.
Focusing on Listening
I can manage my belief that people are talking about me when I have a real conversation that draws me in. I can tell myself "This is real, and this is what is going on." The server might be standing in front of me asking me what I want to eat. It is hard to concentrate, but when I hear a real voice or a real question, I listen, and it brings me to the reality of the moment.
Giving Myself Grace
I can't put too much pressure on myself to be perfect in every social situation. When I'm in a group setting, I no longer feel like I have to start up a brilliant conversation. I do not have to be profound. I am allowed to rely on small talk and enjoy the company of others.
If I am asked a question, I think about it and repeat the question again in my mind. I am not afraid to answer, "I don't know," but I try to think of a satisfying answer.
Ultimately, despite my anxieties, human contact makes me feel good. Feeling part of the conversation and the world around me makes me smile.
Jason Jepson grew up in Virginia, but he now lives in Myrtle Beach, S.C., where he advocates for those who have received a diagnosis of severe mental illness. Jason was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder while he was enlisted in the U.S. Army. He began his mental health advocacy with NAMI, where he received peer-to-peer certification, and he has since gone on to volunteer helping veterans who have mental health issues. Jason has written two books, and his first-person account of day-to-day life with schizophrenia has appeared in "Schizophrenia Bulletin," an academic journal published by Oxford Press
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for millions of Americans affected by mental illness through education, support and advocacy
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health, suicide or substance use crisis or emotional distress, reach out 24/7 to the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) by dialing or texting 988 or using chat services at suicidepreventionlifeline org to connect to a trained crisis counselor
You can also get crisis text support via the Crisis Text Line by texting NAMI to 741741
It has always intrigued me, those clinical studies that show diet and life-sstyle changes can be more effective in treating diabetes than medicines - and I have always wanted to ask the drug rep's coming to the office peddling their expensive products " why aren't you pushing diet plans and exercise bikes instead of medications?"
Recently the idea that diet can be effective in the management of diabetes was reinforced at a program on food as medicine held by the Fredericksburg Food Coop.* This also was an introduction to the rather heretical idea that the conventional diabetes diet maybe all wrong.
At this presentation, Caroline Miner, a 62 year old insulin dependent diabetic, told us her experience with the "insulin resistance diet." A diet that is finally helping her to lose weight and has about halved her insulin requirement.
"Tried Everything"
"I'd tried everything" in the 26 years since being diagnosed with diabetes she told the audience. Every kind of diets. Diabetes management classes. Intermittent fasting. All primarily focused on the conventional business of counting and reducing carbohydrates.
What precipitated her being turned on to this new insulin resistance diet was the pain she was having in her
knees. "They were so bad, I was walking with crutches and would scoot around my apartment on my chair instead of getting up" she told me. She went to an orthopedic surgeon, but he told her he wouldn't do surgery wouldn't if she didn't lose weight.
This prompted a visit to an endocrinologist who referred her on to a lifestyle coach. This is where she was introduced to the idea of a plant-bbased, whole-ffood anti-iinsulin-rresistance diet
This was a bit of a challenge. Everything had to be whole food, plant based, though she liked that she didn't have to count carb's. It meant breakfast changed from a concoction of eggs and salsa she used to make and eat with buttered toast, to oatmeal and fruit with macadamia nut milk. She stopped eating spaghetti or roasted chicken but ate as much chickpea curry or stewed cabbage as she liked - and unlimited quantities of fruit - despite its natural sugar.
This not only allowed her to consistently lose weight for the first time but halved her insulin requirement in three months. She feels more energetic, she told me, her skin and digestive function are better. She doesn't focus on food all day long, doesn't crave brownies, only wants about half a cup of coffee, whereas previously she would guzzle down the first cup and then want more - and her knees have improved.
"I wouldn't have believed it." She told me.
By Patrick Neustatter, MD
What learning about Caroline's experience has introduced me to, is the idea that the diet that is normally prescribed for diabetics is all wrong - the conventional low carbohydrate diet might reduce the glucose load and improve blood sugars, but it does not fix the underlying problem of insulin resistance - and this may be more of a problem than we realize.
This is a crusade promoted by Cyrus Khambatta, PhD, and Robby Barbaro, MPH, in their New York Times best-selling book, Mastering Diabetes, and on their website, masteringdiabetes org
Getting excited about whether someone is insulin resistant or not may sound a bit nerdy. But it is becoming apparent that insulin resistance is a crucial factor in many inflammatory diseases.
While the conventional diet "may improve short-term blood glucose
control" say Khambatta and Barbaro, "such a diet also increases the long-term risk for chronic diseases like cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chronic kidney disease, and fatty liver disease."
Insulin resistance seems to be associated with inflammation - a pathology that is itself being implicated in ever more diseases. This may be the mechanism that causes the cardiovascular complications like heart attacks, strokes, peripheral vascular disease that makes diabetes such a bad actor.
The improvement in Caroline's knees, is very likely another manifestation of reduction of inflammation - and maybe you can cure your aches and pains with a plant-based, whole food diet?
*The Coop is regularly running wonderful talks on a host of health topics.
Patrick Neustatter, MD is the Medical Director of the Moss Free Clinic
By Kristin Moeller & Craig Vasey
The Fredericksburg Sister City Association (FSCA) is a cultural organization that shares and spreads an appreciation of French culture through a pairing with Fréjus, France Fréjus is a city, similar in size to Fredericksburg, on the Mediterranean coast about 45 minutes west of Nice. Our two cities were first paired in 1980 and have celebrated this relationship ever since. The Sister Cities program was first begun under the Eisenhower administration, as a means to promote peace and cultural understanding after WWII.
Summer plays host to our biggest events, including Bastille Day and the student exchange program
Banner and the French national anthem, La Marseillaise. Several food trucks and vendors will be set up offering wonderful and delicious treats for you to enjoy as you dance along.
Bastille Day, like the 4th of July, commemorates the beginning of the fight for freedom In France, this day is celebrated on the 14th of July with fireworks and friends. Here in Fredericksburg, FSCA shares this moment by hosting a free celebration in Downtown where everyone is welcome to come and enjoy music, drinks, snacks, and a fun time with friends and strangers alike. This year we will kick off festivities in Hurkamp Park on July 14th at 5:30 p.m. Live music will be provided by the Richmond band Premiere in their Fredericksburg debut! Members of FSCA will perform both the Star-Spangled
Just a couple of days before Bastille Day, a dozen area high school students and their families will welcome high school students from Fréjus into their homes for just under two weeks. During their stay here students will get to experience what daily life is like for their American contemporaries and go on weekday outings with the entire group. Students will explore the rich history of the area with a trolley tour of Downtown and visits to both Washington D C (The Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial, museums) a n d W i l l i a m s b u r g Non-historical activities will include water activities in the R a p p a h a n n o c k and Lake Anna, a Fred Nats game on July 13, and a day at King's Dominion. If you see any of our visiting students around town or at the Bastille Day event, make sure to say "Bonjour!"
At the end of their time with us, the French students and their chaperones head to New York City via Amtrak to see what it is all about. These are busy trips for the students and chaperones that leave everyone with new lifelong friends, both French and American. The work on this visit and the development of these bonds has already begun with meetings between the students, their families, and the FSCA Board of Directors. For many of the
students, these bonds go back to last summer's visit, and we are all looking forward to the renewal of those friendships.
We have a few more fun events planned this year, leading up to the celebration of the 200th anniversary of General Lafayette's visit to Fredericksburg in November 1824 -not least of which is the Lafayette Ball on Nov 23 (fxbg com/Lafayette) Be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page for all our events and pictures of each of these fun moments. You can also reach us at FSCA1980@gmail.com
Bastille Day Celebration July !4, 5:50p, Hurkamp Park Enjoy music, drinks, snacks, fo9o9d trucks, live music
To learn more abot FSCA , the exchange student program or events faceebook@fredericiksburgfrejus fredericksburgfrejus com
It's not every day that Lucia Craven, a park ranger/education support specialist at Caledon State Park in King George, falls in love while she's on duty at work. But, that's just what happened when a report of a dog hiding under a car in the parking lot came in on June 13. She responded to the call and met Maliki, a rescue from Old Dominion Humane Society (ODHS)
"I received a report of an aggressive dog under a vehicle in the parking area, and I approached with caution," said Craven, of Fredericksburg. "I could see he had a leash on and wore a bright "Adopt Me" bandana, which is a great signal that all shelter and rescue dogs should wear. I knew right away he probably wasn't aggressive, but a rescue dog who was likely scared and stressed."
Craven proceeded to speak to Maliki in a soothing voice, asking if she could help him and offering some water. She treated the rescue like any park visitor in need-this one just happened to be a canine. It took less than a minute for the dog to stop growling, and he soon started
by lenora kruk-mullanaphy
wiggling excitedly. He came out from under the car, let Craven pick up his leash, lapped up some water and allowed her to scratch his belly. Speaking to him calmly, she told him she knew he was scared and hot, but it was okay and they were going to be friends. The two bonded in the shade for about 20 minutes waiting for the ODHS volunteers and rescue dogs to return from their hike.
By the time the volunteers returned to retrieve Maliki, it was a match made in heaven and Craven was smitten. She said Maliki was super affectionate, grateful and loving. He behaved so well on the leash and became delighted when he saw the volunteers and his dog friends return.
"That cemented it for me," said Craven. "I have three kids and a puppy at home-a six-month-old rescue--and my kids have been begging to get a second dog. Right there while I held onto his leash, a half hour after I met him, I got on my phone and put in an application and adopted him.”
Craven wasted no time in integrating Maliki into a park ranger's life. He attended his first staff meeting and became Caledon State Park's unofficial mascot that day.
Craven said she teaches her children to "adopt, don't shop" and how rescue dogs can suddenly come into your life and bless you when least expected-they have a super power. As in the case of her previous rescue dogs, Craven said it just feels like fate.
Maliki's name was changed to Woody, because Craven felt that was appropriate considering how they met. When the bandana saying "Adopt Me" was taken off, the rescue dog promptly chewed it up like a toy, somehow knowing that it did its job and won him the prize.
It's a win-win situation for all parties. Craven's kids adore Woody, and the puppy at home is excited to have a big brother that models good behavior for him. He doesn't sleep in a kennel anymore, either. Instead, he snuggles on Craven's daughter's bed, where he's content to be part of the family.
"He's brought so much love into our house even though it was already full of love," she said. "He's settling in just perfectly."
Lenora Kruk-Mullanaphy is a Public Relations Professional
20th Anniversary and the Artwork of a Founding Member Beverley Coates
Opening Reception First Fri, July 5, 5--99p Brush Strokes Gallery 824 Caroline Street
.With firsthand knowledge of the challenges and victories that the nascent gallery experienced in 2004, Beverley serves as a virtual historian of BSG. Twenty years ago, art legend Johnny Johnson was with Art First gallery, which was moving to a new venue on Caroline Street. He approached a gathering of members of his longstanding watercolor workshop to see if they might have an interest in exhibiting at Art First's former site on Hanover Street.
Excitement about launching a new gallery emerged, and the group readily embraced the idea, though no one had any prior experience of creating and coordinating a gallery. The endeavor required not only artistic talent, but also a good amount of elbow-grease and willingness to invest in the herculean effort needed to bring the building up to par. . Out came brooms, mops, and scrub brushes and, within hours, the iconic green, black, and cream linoleum floor was shining and the building was deemed ready for a First Friday grand opening.
An electricity of excitement was in the air more than 100 visitors came through the door throughout the evening. Yet the electricity was not only due to the anticipation of the debut of Brush Strokes. Unbeknownst to the hosting artists, a
tornado watch had been issued for the area. Dark, foreboding clouds gathered above and a seemingly endless torrential downpour pounded the roof and lightening flashed, as all inside gaped incredulously through the window to the windblown street. " After about 45 minutes, the storm subsided. As I opened the door and stepped down to the sidewalk, I looked up to see a brilliant double rainbow just above us!" recalled Coates. "All who witnessed that vision believed that there was a good future in store for our gallery!" That prediction proved true, and throughout the last two decades, Brush Strokes has been home to a spectrum of artists creating everything from paintings, watercolors and acrylics, fused glass, ceramics, and jewelry to woodcarvings and photography. Beverley's July exhibit will include both new creations and paintings that are in the collections of private owners. Many feature her hallmark watercolor depictions of pastelhued and brightly accented flowers as well as local, iconic sites.
~-Collette Caprara
"Old, New, Bold, and Bluish"Works by Elizabeth "Skeeter" Scheid Artful Dimensions, 922 Caroline St Opening Reception, First Friday July 5 7 , 6-99pm
Skeeter Scheid began her career as a painter. On a whim, she signed up for a doll-making class and she discovered her true passion. Turning her full attention to her new medium. Now, she combines
painting, sewing, and assemblage to create mythical and mystical masterpieces. She is most-known for her fairies and her trees. Visit the Gallery in July to see her work and to enjoy a magical journey
~ Sally Cooney Anderson
New Works by Therisa Bennett
Opening reception 1st Friday, July 5, 6pm to 9pm Art First, 824 Caroline St New to the Fxbg region, Therisa Bennett is an accomplished artist with a depth of experience and knowledge honed over years of practice. Originally from Alaska, she now lives in the area. Her work is marked by a playful use of color in the
cold wax method. The colors are bold, but the subject matter is often muted, leading to a juxtaposition of the two elements -- in sometimes surprising combinations. As our featured artist her work will fill the large exhibition room
~Gary Close
Canal Quarter Arts
Guest Artist Ramon Rosario A meet and greet reception will take place during First Friday, July 5, 5-88:30 Ramon uses preserved fruits, flowers and other items from nature to create gorgeous jewelry.
~ Jeannie Ellis
Leanna is a self-taught portrait artist that began her artistic journey in 2017 while on a yearlong service trip to southeast Africa. She specializes in highly detailed, black and white depictions of both people and animals, often with pops of color layered into the final work. Additionally, AA artists display an array of painting, sculpture, photography, encaustics, ceramics, jewelry, and wood furniture throughout the gallery ~ Rob Rudick
Beverley often notes that "Unexpected turns along the journey of life can bring such delight!" After creative careers as a high-school teacher, florist and wedding coordinator, Beverley Clare Coates followed the long-ago, but not forgotten, advice of a college art professor - to explore painting.
Encouraged by teachers Johnny Johnson in Fredericksburg and Janet Walsh of Pennsylvania, she explores an eventful adventure of watercolor painting.
Using gentle, yet vivacious colors, she often focuses on flowers and scenes of her home area of Fredericksburg , Stafford and the Northern Neck. If asked why she paints, her quick, honest answer is quite simply, 'I love to paint!'
Beverly's luscious watercolors magically bring nature's beauty to life with fused color and delicate detail
20 Years ago, Beverely was one of the founding members of Brush Stokes Gallery. The gallery will be featuring Beverely this month.
Be sure to stop in and view her mesmerizing canvases.
By Rim Vining
I thought Independence Day was when they took the training wheels off my bike. I may have been a bit premature on that analysis. Other milestone days of independence followed like when you got your driver's license or when you finally got to run your tongue over your teeth without braces!
So innocent, so wonderful to think that one day you'll have your independence and move out of your parent's house and be your own person. It's so simple. Everything will be fine. What's the problem? How could this go wrong?
Well here's the rub. Independence is not the same as freedom Achieving independence is just the start of a slow awakening to the long series of obligations and responsibilities you will have to shoulder for the rest of your days. John Hancock stroked a bold signature on that document in 1776 so that King George would be sure to know it was him but it was only the beginning. Someone in
the back of that room was starting to make a list of all the things they were going to need to pull this off…. money, an army, money, public support across ideological lines, money, and did I mention money?
So when the training wheels came off and you were free to ride to the local market to get some penny candy or an ice cream cone you found out you needed money. Damn! At least there were coke bottles to collect along the way at 2 cents each to get a little pocket change. The driver's license was no different. "What do you mean I have to put gas in it?" "What's insurance?" That takes money and you don't have a job and you're not a congressman so you can't just increase your allowance and think Dad will cover it. He's still paying for the braces.
You really hit the wall as things start to get more complicated. Yes you could drive, and while the old family station wagon was not glamorous it beat walking and remember there were still
Drive-In Theaters so it had obvious merits you were hoping to explore. But this was going to take money because there's "this girl…"
You've got wheels, your teeth are straight and sparkling, your acne is under better control than your hormones and you have summoned the courage to ask "this girl" for a date! And so it begins.
You need a job to afford gas and dinner and a movie and ice cream at Gifford's or the Clover Room (let's see how old the readers are this month) but you also have to keep your grades up or Dad takes the car and he's not going to pay you to cut the grass you used to cut for free. Remember he will always be paying for the braces.
So somehow you survive this awkward transition and get a part time job, graduate from high school, you might
even get into college with those grades they made you keep up and now you really can't ask Dad for more money. (Remember the braces) So your independence has now officially turned into obligation and responsibility. Your independence was given to you by those who came before you but your freedom must constantly be earned
With the 57 words left me by my esteemed editor's strict guidelines (not deadlines or this would never make it into print) here is this month's charge: Celebrate the 4th of July for what it was …. Independence Day! Every day since has seen the struggle to preserve that freedom and create that more perfect Union.
Rim Vining, humorist, friend and a devoted community volunteer.
Sometimes a memory from last year seems ages ago, and sometimes something that happened a dozen years ago is crystal clear. In the spring of 2012, Empowerhouse hosted an event at Read All Over (At Riverby Books, a venue on William Street) showcasing artist Megan Hick's storytelling about Gutsy Broads.
As our press release for the event exclaimed:
"Gutsy Broads are ordinary women. They are your grandma, your mom, sister, aunt, cousin, best friend from high school. They are no more -- or less -remarkable than you. Their stories are our stories. They will make you laugh and make you squirm. Often, simultaneously."
During the evening, Whitney Riley (Empowerhouse Board Member), spoke to the audience about Empowerhouse's needs, small and large: from diapers, car seats, food, toilet paper, to office and housing space, and of course, the need for financial donations, too.
Dr Rosemary O'Grady sat in the audience that night, listening to the characters Megan brought to life in her stories, and listening to stories of the needs in our community. By the end of the night, Rosemary knew that she could "do more than toilet paper" to support survivors of domestic violence.
Within a few weeks, in collaboration with Byron Glaser (Zolo), Cathy Davis (former Board Member), and Kathy Anderson (Executive Director), the Night of 1000 Pies was born: a garden party at Rosemary's (and her husband Dr Mitchell Sojack's) home. The event was started as a fundraiser to support
Moss Free
Needs Our Support! The mission of the Moss Free Clinic is to improve the health and wellness of low-income, underserved people through quality healthcare delivered in an atmosphere of dignity and respect A community where everyone can access quality healthcare means a better quality of life for all
the future of our Clinic requires the continued support of the Frederickburg Community
By Kathleen Harrigan
Empowerhouse and its expanding shelter and housing programs.
What a night! There was (a lot of) pie! And rain! And dancing! And laughter, and maybe even some tears as we heard stories of survivors. But it was all good.
For 12 years, Rosemary and Mitch generously opened their hearts, lovely home and garden for this event, with Rosemary personally baking many delicious savory pies. They also were ambassadors for the programs and services of Empowerhouse. The event grew and we expanded our use of the beautiful gardens, served even more pie (yes, probably more than 1000 slices of pie last year), dealt with the "COVID years", and laughed and shared stories.
This year, we will embark on an historic change, the Night of 1,000 Pies will move to The Silk Mill! Because of our success across the past 12 years, we have outgrown the garden at Rosemary's and Mitch's. With their blessing, we will move our sweet and savory pies across town, and as we dance beneath the fairy lights of The Silk Mill, we will catch up with each
other, laugh and tell each other stories about the Gutsy Broads and share stories of the strength of survivors of domestic violence.
Please join us at The Silk Mill for the 13th annual Empowerhouse Night of 1000 Pies on Saturday, August 24, 7-111 pm! You can learn more about the event and the programs and services offered by Empowerhouse www Empowerhouseva org
You can also help a survivor overcome domestic violence and get back on her feet through a donation on our website (or to Empowerhouse, PO Box 1007, Fredericksburg, VA 22402), or by being an ambassador for Empowerhouse. If you, or someone you know, needs help, remember it is all about that first step. You are not alone. They are not alone. There is help available by calling Empowerhouse's 24/7 confidential Hotline number: 540-373-9373.
Kathleen Harrigan is a member of the Empowerhouse Board of Directors and strongly believes in the kindness, respect, care, support and safety planning offered to survivors of domestic violence by Empowerhouse.
by lenoraKruk-Mullanaphy
Old Dominion Humane Society (ODHS) is celebrating National Feed a Pet Rescue Week from July 23 to 29 An annual event that's now in its seventh year, the week is held to raise money to feed rescue animals. The event was created to provide food to rescues and shelters so these organizations can allocate funds for other necessities in order to keep the animals in their care safe, healthy and comfortable. With the intention of feeding rescue pets in need, the annual event has become a symbol of hope for rescues and animal shelters and is a worldwide movement intended to bring hope to fourlegged friends everywhere.
Feeding the dogs at ODHS is one of the biggest expenses of the nonprofit organization. On average, 120 dogs are rescued and cared for at any given time at ODHS. The cost of food for each dog is approximately $1,642 a year. (That number rises when rescues have food allergies and can only eat certain foods.) The cost of feeding that many dogs per year is nearly $200,000 total.
"Old Dominion Humane Society is a no-kill, nonprofit rescue run entirely
by volunteers," said Chrissy Blake , ODHS founder. "Feeding the dogs is only one of the many expenses needed to maintain the dogs' care. Every food or monetary donation is appreciated and helps to take care of the rescues until they are matched with their forever families. Food donations are a huge help and enable us to focus on the many other needs of the rescue dogs, including veterinary care, vaccines, microchipping, the cost of housing them in a safe, comfortable facility and so much more."
The idea for National Feed a Pet Rescue Week began in 2017 when a pup named Pluto was left on the doorstep of a Florida shelter. Even sadder, Pluto couldn't use his hind legs--he was paralyzed. However, being left at the shelter was a savior for this dog in distress. Volunteers and medical professionals worked with him through rehabilitation programs to help him recover. Fast forward and plenty of hard work on Pluto's and the volunteers' parts, the pup is now able to walk unassisted without external devices. In order to help rescue dogs, including those with disabilities, is costly. National Feed a Pet Rescue Week was created for the community and local businesses to help assist these four-legged friends in the way of monetary or food donations that greatly help to support and care for unfortunate pets in need. This assistance allows rescues to focus on other aspects of care, such as assisting animals in recovery and adoption. The support enables the rescue to provide the dogs with everything they need to flourish.
Consider donating items that greatly help in ODHS's mission of providing well-matched, permanent homes for animals in need through rescue, rehabilitation and education. Food items needed include dog food, chicken broth, bones, canned pumpkin, as well as beds, laundry detergent and more. A full list is on the ODHS website. The items can be shipped or dropped off at 3602 Lafayette Boulevard, Fredericksburg, Va., 22408.
National Feed a Pet
from July 14 to 21.
ODHS is located at 3602 Lafayette Boulevard in Fredericksburg Adoption events are Wednesdays from 5-7 7 p m , Fridays from 6-8 8 p m and Saturdays from 12-4 4 p m Applications in advance are preferred and take priority over walk-iins For more information about the dogs available for adoption and adoption applications, as well as upcoming events, volunteering, fostering and donating items, visit www olddominionhumanesociety org
Old Dominion Humane Society is here to provide well-mmatched, permanent homes for animals in need through rescue, rehabilitation and education
By Frank Fratoe
From far away there seemed to be gold lilies swarming the current unlike the white of that flower but as I got closer they changed clearly to throngs of youngsters who wore life-jackets for safety tubing along joyfully downriver while adults kept intermingling.
All splashed feet in amber hoops which sailed there as a flotilla to advance ringcraft that summer until thirty tubes spread onward where riders adorning each one became aquablooms risen on water.
Frank Fratoe writes poetry from the heart
By Dianne Bachman
Astrology isn't always the best at predictions, but a decent forecast can help us prepare for planetary dynamics and what could come to pass. This is because the nuances that can change the meaning of any combination of signs and planets. In addition, predictions are in the eye of the beholder. Where one person might see doom, another might see bloom. I say all this to point to two significant planetary transits this July and they are Saturn stationing retrograde in Pisces (happened at the end of last month) and the MarsUranus conjunction on July 15.
Saturn stationed retrograde at 19 degrees Pisces on June 29. Saturn is
known as the Lord of Karma and can represent responsibilities, restrictions, and discipline. Saturn can compel us to face responsibilities that we have hidden or ignored in the past. Obstacles are also associated with Saturn, but if we stay the course and learn from delays and restrictions, we come out the other end wiser from the experience. The sign of Pisces is watery, boundless, unconditional, mystical to some. It is the antithesis of Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn. Pisces allows us to swim the waters, go deep, travel back to what we may have intentionally or unintentionally skipped over or left undone. If we have unresolved hurts in our past at the hands of authority, we are invited to immerse ourselves in the Piscean waters for healing. The retrograde gives us the emotional time to reflect, feel, cleanse, release Saturn will station direct on November 15, 2024, so we are given the grace of time to explore this important transit. If Piscean influences find you confused and uncertain, journal, talk it out with someone you trust, find a therapist or trusted counselor.
The other planetary transit of importance in July will be the Mars-Uranus conjunction that is exact on the 15th at 26 degrees Taurus. We may feel the impact for the entire month and hold the potential of sudden bursts of insight, inspiration, or energy that remove the blocks This energy can also manifest as volatile and destructive. These two planets meet each other in conjunction every 2 to 3 years. On February 13, 2019 (exact conjunction between Mars and Uranus), there was a huge snowstorm that left over 4,000 flights cancelled and much calamity ensued. On January 20, 2021, the 46th president was sworn in. I think most of us can remember the destruction and chaos of January 6, when Mars and Uranus were coming up on a conjunction about 5 degrees apart. How will it play out in your life or the world around you? As I explained, this is difficult to predict, but at least we can be mindful of energies and use them to live our best lives
Here is a look at cosmic weather for the rest of the month:
July 2 Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces at 29 degrees and will travel back to 27 degrees Pisces when it finally stations direct on December 7. Look to see where 29 degrees Pisces is in your chart (either birth or progressed) to see where this might influence you.
Mercury enters Leo. This is a fun time for creativity, music, and parties
Drag out the karaoke machine, dust it off, and do your best Elvis. Take advantage of this energy, because by the end of July Mercury will have zipped through Leo and land in Virgo, where it is time to button up a bit and get a little more serious.
July 5 New Moon in Cancer. If you are finding that the world is a bit heavy and really feeling the transits mentioned above, this is a perfect time for self-ccare Schedule a massage or energy work, float in water, dab on geranium oil or your favorite essential oil, light candles in the dark of the moon, write poetry, listen to whatever sounds soothe your soul.
July 11 Venus enters Leo. Passion abounds, whether it is passion for creative efforts or passion for your true love. This transit lasts until early August when Venus will become more practical and grounded. Thinking of proposing to that special someone? The energy is perfect for a dramatic showing of your affections
July 15 Mars conjunct Uranus. See above.
July 20 Mars enters Gemini. This transit can be a mixed bag. Impulsive, impatient, voracious appetite for learning and collecting information OR the energy punch necessary to move ahead with ideas or anything that needs to be communicated.
July 21 Full Moon in Capricorn. If there are things that come up in regard to the Saturn retrograde, you can focus on this full Moon to illuminate, clarify, and manifest any of the insights you have gained. This is a practical moon, which lends itself to looking at life from a grounded, mature perspective.
July 23 Sun enters Leo. Time to let down your hair a bit. Leo is playful, generous, and creative. Dance, paint, sing in the shower, share your creative gifts with the world.
July 25 Mercury enters Virgo. If you have been searching for the right words, this combination lends a hand in finding just the right way to express. Think about health and make a list of any changes you want to incorporate. Mercury leaves Virgo on August 16.
Dianne Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at dbachmanlcsw@gmail.com Graphic “Lion & Crab” byDianne
By Paula Raudenbush
Robin Eggs
Sometimes a sketch is all about the color and this one was tough. Trying to match the Tiffany blue of the robin's eggs with watercolor was daunting and I never quite got it right.
Mixing watercolor has always been fun for me and trying to match the colors of nature is a particular treat, but this blue took a lot of trial and lots of errors. Still, I came close and I learned a lot about robins in the process.
Did you know, for instance, that a robin will lay one egg a day for four days and then stop. She doesn't start keeping them warm until the fourth one so that they all hatch at the same time.
The male doesn't have much of a role while this is going on. He might bring mom a snack now and then but mostly he just stands guard and warns her of danger. He plays a much bigger part when they both have to feed the four hungry babies.
I hope you have the chance to enjoy nature this summer and I challenge you to try your hand at sketching something.
Paula Raudenbush is an admin for the Fredericksburg Chapter of the Urban Sketchers and maintains a studio in Libertytown Arts Workshop.
Expressive Arts 540.845.7622 diannebachman.com dbachmanlcsw@gmail.com 810
Bachman,LCSW Psychotherapist/Astrologer
Now offering psychological astrology & astrological consultations
In addition to Individual, family & marital therapy Hypnosis
Friday (June 21) marks my final day as Fredericksburg's Director of Economic Development and Tourism
I am looking forward to the next chapter of my life, but I will miss many aspects of working for the City of Fredericksburg, where I have spent the last 10 years. It has been my great honor to work alongside such a talented and dedicated group of civil servants.
Before I sail off into the sunset, I wanted to take a minute to thank some of the people who have helped me in the past decade, and reflect some on the City of Fredericksburg
During my time with the City of Fredericksburg (2014-2024), there has been close to a billion dollars' worth of construction activity in the City Among the activity of which I am most proud:
A $40 million, privately funded multi-ppurpose stadium that has become the community jewel we all envisioned during the long negotiations that brought the Fredericksburg Nationals here. Having played a role in this project alongside the Silber family, City Manager Tim Baroody, then City Attorney Kathleen Dooley and others is my proudest achievement while working for the City. More recently, the renovation of the Fredericksburg Convention Center next door has made this into an even-more vibrant campus.
The transformation of the former Free Lance-SStar property downtown into the vibrant mixed-use center that we see today. Kudos to the Vakos and Wack families for putting their time, treasures and talents into these projects. I can't wait to see The Publisher Hotel open this summer.
The sale of the current Visitor Center building, and the relocation of both the Department of Economic Development and Tourism (already moved) and the Visitor Center (will move this Fall) to 601 Caroline Street. My friend and colleague M C Morris will help shepherd the final details of the Visitor Center move in the coming months. I look forward to the grand opening!
The continued improvements in and around our wonderful downtown, and the success of the local Main Street organization to increase the momentum.
The gifting of Mary Washington Lodge & Monument to Washington Heritage Museums, which has been transformed by the acquisition and is a wonderful steward of the property.
The opening of Riverfront Park and the federal grant that brought the restrooms there and that will lead to a portable stage.
Th e success of our department's business-ccommunication strategy, including our "Freehling Finds" video series and our Fred Focus weekly newsletter Special shout-outs to my colleagues Jim Gaston and Amy Peregoy for their work on these projects.
Along the way I have worked with some wonderful people. My predecessor, Karen Hedelt, brought me to the City, and I appreciate the confidence of then City Manager Bev Cameron to bless my hiring. Current City Manager Tim Baroody gave me the chance eight years ago to serve as director of economic development and tourism. I hope I have convinced him he made a good choice. My department is full of terrific people, and I wish to name them all: Amy Peregoy, Danelle Rose, M C
Morris, Victoria Matthews, Jim Gaston, Barbara Doniel, Natalie Ealy, Haley Backlund and all of our great Travel Counselors. The City of Fredericksburg is a wonderful place to work, and my successor has a terrific opportunity in front of him or her.
None of us in local government would succeed in our jobs without our private-sector partners. Among those I worked with most closely during my time with the City were Art Silber, Seth Silber, Lani Weiss, Larry Silver, Marlene Camp, Heidi Bass, Anne Darron, Scott Harris, Christine Kovacs, Mike Adams, Jud Honaker, Jervis Hairston, Sean Haynes, Chris Hornung, Bill Vakos (Jr and Sr ), Collin Vakos, Tom and Cathy Wack, James and Jay Jarrell, Tommy and Hunter Mitchell, Dr Mike McDermott, Summer Hughes, April Peterson, Dr Janet Gullickson, Dr Troy Paino, the Janney family, many dedicated commercial real estate brokers, and a host of terrific members of both City Council and the Economic Development Authority. I am
sure I have left some people out, and I apologize for that.
I firmly believe that Fredericksburg's future could not be brighter. Smack dab in the middle of Washington and Richmond, with a wonderful history and sense of place, people have been drawn to Fredericksburg for hundreds of years and will keep coming. While I am leaving my job with the City, I am not leaving Fredericksburg, and I can't wait to see the continued progress here. With that, I will say farewell and hope to see you soon around the 'Burg.
Publisher’s Note: It has been a pleasure working with Bill over the last 10 years
The City has benefitted greatly from his ten year tenure