UofT Engineering F!rosh Handbook 2T3

Page 1

Jous t ing Matc Match Lord Kaboomington the Shiny

Her Royal Gluteus the Thicc

Featuring... Best Fried Chicken, Big Freaking Clubs, Buff Fine Cocks, and One Loud Boom!

Disclaimer The opinions and views expressed in this Handbook do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Toronto, the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, the University of Toronto Engineering Society, Gandalf, Jon Snow, Merlin, or anyone other elf, wizard, giant, or dragon who was even tangentially involved with the creation of this book. The Editorial team trusts that the content of this handbook will not be deemed inappropriate or offensive to any person, groups of persons, jester, bard, or knight. However, any reader wishing to file a complaint regarding the contents of this publication is free to do so, and should address any correspondence to the office of the SkuleTM President, president@skule.ca The images, logos and trademarks contained herein belong to their respective copyright holders, with whom we have no association whatsoever- so PLEASE don’t sue us. We don’t even have the money to pay for our tuition, as unfortunately the registrar does not accept sacks of gold coins as payment.

Engineering Code of Ethics We, the students of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, by virtue of the privilege of being here, represent SkuleTM to the larger society. We, therefore, have a special duty to exemplify the best qualities of the Faculty and to observe the highest standards of personal and professional conduct. In so doing, we promote ourselves and the merits of the University, the Faculty, and the Engineering Society. In our words and actions: • We embody the respect for truth, integrity, fairness, free inquiry, creativity, and the opinions of others. • We respect all individuals without regard to race, colour, sex, creed, sexual orientation, ethnic or national identity, disability, or age. • We follow the letter and spirit of laws and regulations included in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Ontario Human Rights Code. • We observe these standards and actively encourage our colleagues to join us in supporting the highest standards of conduct.

Letter From The Editor Hello F!rosh! Let me be the first to welcome you to the family we have here at SkuleTM. My team and I put this book together in order to serve as a guide to your first year here at UofT Engineering. From the first day of F!rosh Week, to the moment you walk out of your last exam, you are sure to make tons of memories this upcoming year. I hope you see this as an oppertunity to explore all the things SkuleTM has to offer, and use this time to explore who you are, and who you wish to be. This book was an absolute joy to create, and I hope you find it useful. The SkuleTM Community is absolutely fantastic, and you’re going to love making this place home for the next few years.

The Team:

Parker Johnston ECE 2T2T1 F!rosh Handbook Editor 1T9

Esther He - EngSci 2T2 Weapon of Choice: Super Glue Quote: “Let’s go grab the free food” Nancy Li - ECE 2T2 Weapon of Choice: Benadryl® Quote: “Allergy season is over; I’m back in business” Elena Pappas - Chem 2T2 Weapon of Choice: Yerba Mate Quote: “Wanna see some memes?”

Amanda Plotnik - ECE 2T2 Weapon of Choice: Stack Overflow Quote: “Do I know what I’m doing? No. But does it work? Also no.” Cassey Shao - ECE 2T2 Weapon of Choice: Cliff Bars Quote: “I love this place!” Justine Steven - Chem 2T2T1 Weapon of Choice: Lactaid Quote: “The world is a cruel place... I just poked my straw all the way through my juice pouch.” Mymy Tran - ECE 2T2T1 Weapon of Choice: X-Acto Knife Quote: “Get well soon Chika.”

Table of Contents Orientation: Chair’s Message FAQ’s and Tips Schedule F!Week Events

7 8 10 11

Traditions: SkuleTM History The Cannon Hard Hats Pranks Lady Godiva Godiva Week & Spirit Heads Ultimate F!rosh Armour Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad SkuleTM Songs and Chants

16 18 20 22 25 26 27 28 30 32

Academics: Discipine Descriptions School Supplies Textbooks Awards and Scholarships Engieering Buildings Common Rooms ECF Labs Core-8 Anti-Calendar EngSci Anti-Calendar Timetable Guide Summer School & T-Program Q&A and Protips Resources

37 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 53 59 61 62 65

Community: SkuleTM and the Engineering Society First Year Chair EngSoc President EngSoc Officers First Year Office Business Manager SkuleTM Publications The Pit SUDS Blue and Gold Committee Engineering Stores Skule Nite You’re Next Career Network Project Directors Hard Hat Cafe Discipline Clubs Clubs Dinner Dances

67 68 69 70 72 73 74 77 78 79 80 81 82 84 87 88 92 102

Student Life: Residence Commuting Accessibility Services LGBTQ Health and Wellness UTSU Athletic Facilities Things to do and Explore International Students

104 106 108 109 110 112 114 115 121

Extras: Save the Date Contact Info Notes

124 126 128

Orientation Chair’s Message: I am absolutely thrilled to welcome each and every one of you to U of T Engineering! By joining us here, you are not only getting an opportunity to learn through great academic programs, but are also getting a chance to be a part of an amazing community. For us, F!rosh Week is our chance to show off this community, most commonly referred to as SkuleTM, and welcome you all to it in an unforgettable way! As an incoming student, F!rosh Week is a chance to meet lots of people and make new friends, while exploring every bit of what makes this community so amazing. Whether you are interested in clubs, design teams, a Cannon, or just a group of interesting and passionate people, there’s something here for all of you. Over the next few years you will have the chance to try it all and discover what you are truly passionate about. I’m beyond excited to see what you make of your experience here at SkuleTM - make this place your own, and make it even better. F!rosh Week is a once-in-a-lifetime start of an incredible journey here at UofT Engineering, both inside and outside of the classroom. You’ll have some fantastic times and meet some fantastic people. I hope you all take this chance to step out of your comfort zones and begin this next chapter of your lives with this fun-filled celebration of all that we have at SkuleTM. I can’t wait to meet you all in September! With love, hype, and purple, Ben Mucsi, EngSci 1T9 + PEY Orientation Chair 1T9


F!rosh Week? Skule™? Leedurs?

F!rosh Week is your warm welcome to the SkuleTM community. It is the official student-run orientation week filled with fun events that’ll help you explore the unique tradition and spirit that define SkuleTM for many. You will learn about teams, resources, and clubs, while making friends who will be with you throughout your years at university. As a member of the incoming class in 2019, you are a F!rosh and since you’re graduating in 2023, we also call you 2T3s! Skule™ is all the fun stuff that happens around here, and anything done in engineering spirit. Nothing academic to see here! Leedurs are upper years who will guide you through F!rosh Week. If they aren’t off on another quest, they’ll welcome questions about Skule™. Head Leedurs are the champions of your F!rosh groups (which are named after Greek letters). They will lead your F!rosh groups throughout the week, and help you navigate different locations and events that you encounter on your journey.

F!rosh Week F.A.Q. Why should I register? • The best week of first year! • Make friends and Super Kool Unique Lit Exciting memories! • Engineering traditions, Purple, Hilarious Chants, and access to all FUN F!rosh events! • Join a family (a.k.a. your F!rosh group) of peers and upper years! • F!rosh kit with lots of cool mementos to remember first year! What comes in the F!rosh kit? • HARDHAT! HARDHAT! Yellow! Bright! Beautiful • Water bottle to keep you hydrated! • TWO (that’s right TWO) snazzy t-shirts and TWO SKULETM Bags to hold all of your stuff! • FREE ticket to Skule Nite (comedic Engineering Musical) • FREE Skulebook at the end of the year! • AND MUCH MORE F!ROSH SWAG!!!! What should I bring on the first day? • Health Card/ID (just in case) • Registration receipt • Clothes you don’t mind getting wet (and/or purple) • Don’t bring valuables like laptops or jewelry!


What do I wear? • SUNSCREEN!!! SPF SPF SPF!!!!! • Weather appropriate clothing that you don’t mind turning purple!!! ;) • COMFY shoes!! “These [shoes] are made for walking” • See Dye Station Tips Tips? • Attend all F!rosh week events! #YOFO (You Only F!rosh Once!!!) • Ask as many questions about Skule™, academics, clubs, etc, as you can! That’s what your Leedurs are there for! :) • Protect your hardhat • Go purple!!! Even if just an arm, leg, or pinky!!! #YOFO • Bring very little!! There is nowhere to store your stuff, so whatever you bring, you carry! And there’s lots of walking!! • More details can be found at orientation.skule.ca! Dye Station Tips and Tricks: • Apply clear nail polish to fingernails and toenails to make removal of dye easier. The purple tends to last much longer here. Your Leedurs should bring some just in case. • The sooner you shower, the easier the dye comes off. • Prepare in advance; the dye will transfer to your clothes, bed sheets, and washroom. Use old bed sheets or an old towel! • Wear a pair of underwear or bathing suit that you don’t mind being seen in if you plan regardless whether you plan on going full purple! Highly recommend!


F!rosh Week Schedule Start Time

F!rosh Week Event


September 2nd


September 3rd

External Student Run Event


September 4th


September 5th

Faculty Event


September 6th


September 7th


September 8th

7 am 7:30 8


8:30 9 9:30 10


10:30 11

Community Engagement + Lunch

11:30 12 12:30 1 1:30

Engineering Entrance Seminar

F!rosh Retreat

Academic Orientation


Campus Tours + Dye Station + Lunch

Department Lunches




2:30 3

Clubs Fair

3:30 4 4:30

Skule™Nite 101

Downtown Walkaround Cheer-off

5 5:30 6 6:30


Discipline Club Activities & Dinner






8 8:30 9 9:30 10 LATE


F!rosh Retreat

Blue & Gold Bed Races


Havenger Scunt Nightlife

F!Week Events: Matriculation:

This event is your official welcome into UofT Engineering. In Convocation Hall, you’ll learn the importance of your hard hat via the hard hat oath, and also begin to immerse yourself in the traditions of Skule™. You will hear many Leedurs chant “F!ROSH NO MORE!” but don’t worry; they’re not yelling at you! They’re just officially becoming second years! Yes, that means you are the new F!rosh in town.

Downtown Walkaround: Are your feet sore? Back in pain? Hot, tired, or thirsty? NO! BECAUSE YOU’RE HAVING FUN! March in packs of a hundred or more down roads, through shopping malls, and under bridges, while cheering, chanting, and being generally LOUD! It’s also great training for the Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad!


Dye Station: Dyeing ourselves purple is a longstanding tradition in Engineering Schools across the country and is an excellent way to show off your Engineering Pride (see page 28 for more info)! While no one is forced to dye themselves purple, we strongly encourage everyone to try it, even if you only dye an arm, a leg or a finger. Many of your leedurs will tell you that dyeing purple is among the best parts of F!rosh Week, and it’s an experience you don’t want to miss! Being purple has lead to many amazing friendships and memories, so get step outside your comfort zone and have some fun, you won’t regret it! Whatever you wear while purple will also get stained, so come to day one of F!rosh wearing an extra set of clothes/bathing suit as there will be little time to change. Be prepared to take things off before dyeing (don’t worry, they’ll be safe in your bag). Common attire includes old clothes, sports bra, shorts, underwear, or a bathing suit.


Havenger Scunt:

Nope, you didn’t read that wrong. That is what we call our F!rosh Week scavenger hunt. But watch out! This is not your average scavenger hunt. From eating cloves of raw garlic to getting the mayor of Toronto to officially endorse the Engineering Havenger Scunt, crazy fun tasks of all sorts are on this list (which is hundreds of items long)! These are things you’ll have to see to believe, so don’t miss out!


Nightlife consists of a series of nighttime events during F!rosh Week. The events could range from design projects for you to work on with various UofT clubs (Spark, Blue & Gold) to social events that will help you get to know your classmates. You might be tired after a long day of chanting, but there will be plenty of time for sleep after F!week is over! (Just kidding, sleep well F!rosh. But don’t miss these events either).

Campus Tours:

It’s time to take a look at the beautiful UofT campus that you’ll be calling home for the next few years! Your Leedurs will take you around, pointing out important buildings and monuments. The university has a ton of history, and it’s super interesting to take it all in.

F!rosh Games:

F!rosh Games is an awesome afternoon full of inter-group competition and excitement! Compete for glory with your F!rosh Group in a series of challenges set up by UofT Engineering Clubs, all this comes to a climax with the F!Week Cheer Off!


The Armoury:

If you need a break from the HYPE parts of F!rosh week, there will be a designated room where Frosh and Leedurs can recharge and relax before returning to their Frosh group! There will be many lower energy activities such as bracelet making, hardhat decorating, SkuleTM newspapers, snacks, and the opportunity to chat with upper years in a quieter environment. This is a safe and welcoming space for Frosh who may feel like they need a break from the large group activities. Just ask your Designated Leedurs, who will be there to direct you! Get hyped for Frosh Week!

F!rosh Retreat: F!rosh Retreat is the last and definitely the coolest event of F!rosh week before transitioning into classes. This year’s Retreat will be an overnight stay at Hart House Farm, a 150-acre property featuring an outdoor sauna, two swimming ponds, a fire pit, camping grounds, and a cozy cottage. The orientation committee has planned loads of indoor and outdoor activities and will be bringing lots of amazing food and refreshments for your enjoyment. F!rosh Retreat is the perfect opportunity to wind down after a week of craziness, to get to know your fellow classmates better, and to get ready for Skule™! This is an optional event with an additional charge, so if you would like to attend, make sure you sign up for F!rosh retreat when you buy your F!week ticket!

Orientation Blogs: Over the summer, several groups have put together blogs that will be posting updates and information for you. Check them out! Orientation - https://blog.orientation.skule.ca/ EngSci - https://orientation.engsci.utoronto.ca/ First Year Office - http://engfroshupdates.squarespace.com/


SkuleTM Timeline 1873 – It All Starts: The Ontario School of Practical Science (SPS) - the precursor to the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering (APSC)- is founded and occupies part of the Mechanic’s Institute at the corner of Adelaide and Church Street. 1878 – The Little Red Skulehouse: The SPS joins UofT and relocates to the infamous Little Red Skulehouse, located at the corner of King’s College Road, where the Medical Sciences Building now stands. Construction of the building completed in 1889. 1884 – The Engineering Society Is Born: T.Kennard Thomson (an SPS student) hosts a dinner and professors John Galbraith and W. H. Ellis are invited. Professor Galbraith supports the idea of an engineering society and a constitution is drafted. Elections are held in 1885 with Galbraith as the first president. The original function of the society is to facilitate learning and research. 1889 – Professor Galbraith, feeling that the Engineering Society is capable of running with a student president, steps down. An election is held and H. E. T. Haultain becomes the first student president of the Society. 1891 – The colours for engineering are selected to be blue and gold, and are the colours used by the Engineering Society to this day. 1906 – A New Age: On June 20th, the School of Practical Science formally becomes part of the University of Toronto. It is renamed the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, but the name SPS remains a large part of the engineering identity. 1911 - Toike Oike: The Society creates an election paper known as the Toike Oike. Legend disagrees on the origin of the name, whether it was coined by a student during a late-night chant contest or came from an old Irish janitor, we may never know. The newspaper evolves into the “official” source of news for the society and later, a humorous publication. 1920 – The Catchphrase: “Toike oike, toike oike; Ollum te cholum te chay!” The Skule™ Yell is heard for the first time. 1921 - Skule™Nite: The first “Ngynyrs in SPaSms” is shown at Massey Hall on March 2nd. It later goes through name changes and eventually becomes Skule™Nite, with an (mostly) annual show.


1936 – Ye Olde Mighty Skule™ Cannon: While cannons have been a large part of life at SPS since 1899, it isn’t until 1936 that the Mark I Cannon is unveiled. It is built hours before a School Dinner and is no bigger than Thor’s hammer. The cannon goes on to become The Society’s most guarded mascot. 1948 - LGMB: The Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad is founded by A.J. Paul LaPrairie, and make their first appearance at the Homecoming Parade. U of T President Sidney Smith joins the Bnad on occasion wearing a black moustache. 1966 - End of an Era: The Little Red Skulehouse, with its deep connections to Skule™, is torn down for a new Medical Sciences building. It is the last major link to SPS and the name Skule™ is wholeheartedly accepted. 1977 – FIRE!: On the morning of February 17, a fire starts in the wall of the northeast lecture hall in the Sanford Fleming building (where SF1101 now stands). Undetected it spreads through the building, destroying student space, EngSoc space (including archives) and many offices. 1982 - Waterloo Tool Escapade: Waterloo engineers cry about a large wrench. 2000 – The Famous Queen’s Grease Pole Liberation: A small section of the Pole is cut off and kept before the Pole is returned and is added to the belt worn by the Chief Attiliator, where it remains to this day. The belt is the chain that once protected Waterloo’s Engineering mascot, the Tool. 2008 - Engineers Remember the Wars: On the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I, engineers pay their respects by arranging 628 crosses on Front Campus as a memorial to the students, faculty, alumni and staff who lost their lives. Despite going against University policy of obstructing Front Campus during Convocation, the installation is granted an exception. 2008 - Sword in the Stone: After being removed by the university twice, a major Skule™ symbol (the Sword in the Stone) is finally resurrected in the Galbraith Quad. It stands 10 feet tall and is inscribed with the quote: “For he that is blemist with this brode brande blinne shall he never,” which translates to: “For he who is wounded with this broad sword shall never cease bleeding.” 2012 – York Trident: To celebrate York “University’s” new engineering program, U of T engineers present a 6-foot fork stuck in concrete. As the adage goes: “if you can hold a fork you can go to York.” 2015 – Queen’s Grease Pole Escapade II: Several Skuligans liberate the pole in hopes of giving it a better home. A ransom list is created for engineering schools in Ontario as an open competition. After being in our possession for months, McMaster takes the pole with a promise of its safe return to Queens. 2019 – Class of 2T3: What will you add to the list?


Hard Hats: Hard hats are one of the most recognizable symbols of engineering students on campus. It is your obligation to protect your hard hat from danger (and Artsies) and put its needs above your own, beginning on the first day of F!rosh Week when you take your oath during Matriculation. Yellow: Yellow is for you, froshies! Found in your very own F!rosh Kit (along with other swag), the hard hat is a defining mark of an engineer and should be worn at all times during F!rosh Week. However, you must be wary, as ill-intentioned ArtScis are extremely jealous and may attempt to steal it from you. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, yell “HARD HAT” and the Stolen Hardhat Intelligence Team (S.H.I.T.) will intercept and recover the stolen item. Later on you can personalize your hard hat by decorating it for the Hard Hat Decorating contest during Godiva Week. Legend has it, a young f!rosh once built a fully functioning flamethrower on their hard hat, so the opportunities are BOUNDLESS! White: White is worn by The Engineering Society Officers, Discipline Club Chairs, and the Speaker. They earn their hard hats through dedication to SkuleTM and are responsible for the direction of our society and its general well-being. The EngSoc President is given the revered firefighter’s hard hat. Green: These people (Project Directors) are responsible for the services and initiatives of the Engineering Society. Whether you want to order textbooks or lunches, read a newspaper, yearbook, or handbook (like this one), provide tools, dances, or other events, these people are what make school Skule™ Orange: If you were to gather all orange hard hats in one room, you would have a a representation of the entire SkuleTM community. These are people elected by the student body who sit in boards and groups so students don’t have to.


Black: Black is worn by the cannon Guard, responsible for protecting our beloved SkuleTM mascot. The Chief Atilliator wears the biggest, blackest, hardest hat, so their identity remains confidential. Red: Red is worn by the directors of Skule Nite, SkuleTM’s very own musical sketch comedy show. Just for being a f!rosh, you get a free ticket to see the show! Neon Orange: Leedurs of the Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad can always be seen (and heard) while wearing these bright orange hard hats. Beige: Beige is worn by SUDS managers to represent the colour of the BEvERages they serve. Navy Blue, Light Blue, Silver: These hats don’t exist. In fact, this entire section doesn’t exist. What you have been reading for the past few seconds doesn’t exist. You are clearly overworked and need to relax at Suds... Grey: Grey hard hats are be given to full status affiliated clubs. Purple: Purple hard hats are be given to F!rosh Week Executives to represent the purple dye. Blue and Gold: These hard hats are the crowns that sit on the heads and hearts (or spades) of SkuleTM spirit leaders, Mr. Blue and Gold and Godiva’s Crown. Check out page 26 to find out more about this awesome duo. U!F! This could be you! The U!F! hard hat crowns the Ultimate F!rosh. Check out page 27 for more info on this honour


Prank Culture: While we do spend a lot of time working hard (or hardly working), some students have been found partaking in... let’s call it “questionable” antics. Below is a list of some of the most famous pranks pulled by U of T engineers over the years. While some of the most legendary pranks may have been less than legal... not all pranks are mischievous. What we call a “prank” may be to pay tribute to a tragic event, to make the campus more beautiful, or simply for the entertainment of students. 2008 - Crosses on Front Campus: On the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I, engineers erect 628 wooden crosses on Front Campus in memory of the students, faculty, alumni, and staff who lost their lives. Despite being against University policy, the installation is granted a one day exception. 2008 - Sword in the Stone: After being removed by the university twice, the Sword in the Stone finds its permanent home in the Galbraith Quad. Standing 10 feet tall, it is inscribed with the quote: “For he that is blemistwith this brode brande blinne shall he never,” which translates to: “For he who is wounded with this broad sword shall never cease bleeding.” 2010 - Kelly Library Book Appropriation: In response to St. Michael’s College’s theft of hard hats from the Engineering Society storage room, engineering students retaliated by signing out more than 1500 books from the “Ethics” section of SMC’s Kelly Library. 2011 - Sword in the Stone at McMaster: In retaliation to a “prank” by McMaster, they get their very own Sword in the Stone! Six heroes install the 1600 lb. monument in front of the Mac engineering building and evade campus police by pretending to be a construction company.


2012 - York Trident: To celebrate York “University’s” new engineering program, U of T engineers present a 6-foot fork stuck in concrete. As the adage goes: “if you can hold a fork you can go to York.” 2013 - Second Waterloo Tool Liberation: The “Rigid Tool“ was stolen from Waterloo to reignite the friendly rivalry between our two schools. However, Waterloo never admitted to the existence of the stolen tool! Thus, Waterloo has been protecting a secondary “backup” tool ever since. 2015 - Second Liberation of the Queen’s Grease Pole: The Queen’s Grease Pole is stolen for the second time by U of T engineers and carried into the Pit, coining the term “Grease Pole Maneuver.” A small piece of the pole can still be seen on the Chief’s belt. 2017 - MIT Toque: Skuligans travelled south of the border, constructing and leaving a huge Canada toque “large enough to simultaneously fit as many heads as possible” on MIT’s main campus. The toque was made as a token of respect and appreciation for all that MIT’s pranking culture has done for U of T engineers.


F!rosh Pranks It’s not just the upper years getting in on the pranking business, it’s a yearly tradition that the F!rosh class puts together a prank of their own, usually planned by your First Year Chair. Pranks are a fun break from school work and give you the chance to gain practical skills as well as a chance to use your creativity to design. Here are some examples of previous F!rosh escapades: 1T9: Playing on their Harry Potter F!rosh week theme, the 1T9’s created their own Mirror of Erised (the magic mirror that shows a viewer’s most desperate desires) in the Pit. They also created their own interpretation of a “webwork”. If this doesn’t make sense to you now, it will after your first year! ;) 2T0: Ask any 2T0 about “the trebuchet” and they will respond with something along the lines of “not that f***ing trebuchet!!!”. After a bet gone wrong, the 2T0’s were tasked with launching a 90kg projectile over 300 metres. Unfortunately, the medieval siege weapon could only launch a 0.15kg baseball 20 metres… but at least they tried! 2T1: Working under the alias of “2TWhat”, the frosh presented a trio of pranks. First, the frosh created a pit of balloons, first semester notes, and dancing Tall Bois. They then built an incredible 12ft tall “2T1” on front campus (part of which you can find in the TrackOne common room). To end the year with a bang, they built their very own (mostly) functional skeeball machine.


2T2: F!rosh Week 1T8 welcomed in the class of 2T2, and also created the class of 2TMate, after a metric f***ton of the drink “Yerba Mate” was delivered to the engineering society. In memory of this, the 2T2 class put together a giant hard hat outside Galbraith, topped with cans of Yerba Mate.

Lady Godiva: Lady Godiva was an 11th century English noblewoman who ruled over the town of Coventry alongside her husband Earl Leofric. Legend has it that Leofric would keep imposing higher and higher taxes on the townspeople, causing Lady Godiva to take pity on them. She asked that her husband lower the taxes, but her husband refused, unless Lady Godiva were to ride through the town naked on horseback, with the intention that his wife would never degrade herself by exposing herself to the town. However, Godiva followed through with their agreement, and all the townsfolk averted their eyes out of respect for her. Lady Godiva is considered to be the patron saint of engineers due to her recognition of social responsibility. She is an example of how we as engineers should put the wellbeing of others before ourselves. We celebrate Lady Godiva in many ways here at Skule, from singing the seemingly endless verses of Godiva’s Hymn, to playing in the Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad and partaking in the annual Godiva Week!

Godiva Week: If you think F!rosh Week sounds fun, then you better prepare yourself for Godiva Week! Taking place the first week of second semester, this annual spirit week planned by the Blue and Gold Committee is one of the highlights of a year at Skule™. With events every day and every night Godiva Week will get you excited about another semester in this awesome community. Daytime events include a Charity Car Smash, a spelling bee, and the infamous Chariot Races. Come back at night to see events such as Godiva’s Resurrection, a ceremonial reading of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, a secret Mystery Uhvent just for 2T3s, competitions for Godiva’s Crown, Mr. Blue and Gold, and Ultimate F!rosh, Godiva’s Wake and more. Mark your calendars so you don’t miss ANY of these extraordinary events!


Spirit Heads: Elected every year during Godiva Week, The SKULETM Spirit Heads swear to spread cheer and HYPE all throughout the year. You’ll see them all around campus, in class, in the pit, and especially at events, While F!rosh cannot run for Mr. B&G or Godiva’s Crown, the Ultimate F!rosh position is reserved especially for YOU. They’ll be familiar faces to you pretty soon, and who knows? Maybe you’ll be the next Ultimate F!rosh!

Godiva’s Crown: mike tap check, one, two mike tap can yall hear me? Alright. hey! I’m Lisa Zaher, an ECE2T1, and your Godiva’s Crown for the year 1T9! I like trying to flirt with my computer to get my code to compile, love looking for new churro places downtown, and especially enjoy clicking my heels and saying “Queen of Spades!” every time you call out “Godiva!” (seriously, do it, im trying to get deezed lol) I’m here to bring the HYPE to F!rosh week and all (can you strikethrough all) as many events as I can during the year and help you out in any way I can. I’m super excited to meet you and introduce you to this amazing community I call home. Hopefully we become homies 4 lyfe! Run for Godiva’s Crown 2T0 come out to cheer on the contestants as they compete to represent SkuleTM! yeet mike drop


Mr Blue and Gold: Hey 2T3’s. My name is Jacob (CHEM 2T0), and I have the PLEASURE of being your Mr. Blue & Gold for this year. For those of you who don’t know, that means that for ANY UofT Engineering Student, if you tell me to drop my pants, I will. This can be literally ANYWHERE. On a bus, in the subway, next to a prof, over email, during a hug... Just tell me and I will do it! It’s one of the many crazy, weird, and absolutely amazing traditions we have here at SKULE. Here are some (potentially lol) interesting facts about me: I ADORE the MCU, I am an extremely avid golfer, I have worn two pairs of underwear everyday since January, I love any and all board games, and I LOVE YOU. If you want to come chat about anything, and/or want to see me in my underwear just gimme a shout!

Ultimate F!rosh: Meet Aakash, this year’s Ultimate F!rosh. He completed a series of challenges during Godiva Week 1T9 to win the honour of becoming the Ultimate F!rosh. Tell Aakash, an EngSci 2T2, to “jump up and down!” to your heart’s content, and he will happily oblige. This competition is special because it is for F!rosh only! Yes, just for you! Come out to join in the fun or watch your friends compete. It’s guaranteed to be quite the show.


An Engineer’s Armour: Purple: The colour purple began being associated with Engineering when a purple stripe was added to the uniforms of the British Royal Navy Engineers. Due to the hot and humid conditions of the engine rooms the engineers worked in, the dye from the stripes on their uniforms would often bleed into their skin. The engineers worked tirelessly, making sure everything was always in working order. However, when the ship’s demise was imminent, the engineers would be the ones working to keep the ship afloat for as long as possible in order to save as many people as possible. As a result, many engineers ended up going down with their ship. When their bodies were retrieved from the shipwrecks, the engineers were identified by the purple stripes on their skin. We honor the loyalty and bravery of these engineers every year by dyeing our skin purple on the first day of Frosh week, and to remind ourselves of the duty we have as engineers to serve the people. Covies: A Canadian Engineering tradition, Coveralls (or covies, for short) are your very own set of shining armor! You earn the right to buy your coveralls after completing your first year at SkuleTM, and you can decorate them however you want! Many choose to decorate their covies with their name, discipline and year, but feel free to get creative! You can buy tons of Skule-themed patches at the Engineering Stores, or even visit a friend at another engineering school and trade a sleeve or a collar with them! We’ve left a few pics of some of our favourite coveralls to inspire you, but keep an eye out during frosh week for all the cool covies your leedurs and will be wearing!


Leather Jacket: These jackets come with a hefty 500$ (or more!) price tag, but those who have one claim that they are well worth it! I know they look super cool, but don’t crack open that bank account just yet! These bad boys have to be earned. Only students who have made it through first year can purchase them. Besides, a lot of first year students don’t stay in the discipline they’ve been admitted into, and it would be pretty awkward if you’re wearing an Engsci jacket but end up as a Mech! Why should you cough up all that cash for a leather jacket? A lot of Canadian Engineering universities have them, and they’re an awesome token to carry around with you for decades to come! The style of these jackets is unique to Skule™, can be worn just about anywhere, and make a really cool conversation piece! Iron Ring: The Iron Ring has been a symbol of Canadian Engineering for over 100 years! Anyone who has completed an engineering degree in Canada is eligible to receive one. Legend says that in 1907, a bridge in Quebec collapsed due to the negligence of the engineers who designed it. Seventy-five people were killed, along with hundreds of injuries. Because of this, the Ritual of the Calling of the Engineer was created, (now known as the Iron Ring Ceremony) in which Canadian engineers will subscribe to a code of ethics as engineers, and receive an iron ring meant to remind them of their obligations as engineers. While this ceremony isn’t a secret anymore, it is a private event that only graduating engineering students can attend. Engineers are to wear their iron rings on the pinky finger of their dominant hand, so that when signing papers, the ring scratches along the surface of the paper, reminding us that when we sign something as engineers, we put our seal of approval on it, and that you have been thorough in making sure that nobody will be hurt by your designs. Keep working! One day you’ll have an iron ring of your own!




SkuleTM Songs and Chants: Disclaimer: Skule™ has a very long history that is rich with traditions. As such, many of the songs and chants have lyrics that contain beliefs that are very dated. These lyrics don’t reflect the beliefs, interests, or behaviors of the Engineering Society or engineering students at the University of Toronto. Additionally, many of these songs and cheers can be interpreted to promote drinking culture. This is from a time in which Ontario students graduated high school at the age of nineteen. We want to remind you that you should never feel pressured to drink if you don’t want to or are unable to. The lyrics of these chants are no reason to pressure those around you to drink. Also, the lyrics of these chants should not be used to guide your behavior and instead should be used to promote spirit among your classmates. If you come across a song or cheer during F!rosh week or at any time during your time here at Skule™ that promotes anything you are uncomfortable with, feel free to speak with your Head Leedurs or anyone involved in Orientation.

Godiva’s Hymn: Chorus:

We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the engineers, We can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers. Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, so come along with us, For we don’t give a damn for any damn man, who don’t give a damn for us.

Verse about Godiva (this is the one to learn!): Godiva was a lady who through Coventry did ride, To show to all the villagers her fine and lily-white hide. The most observant villager, an Engineer of course, Was the only one to notice that Godiva rode a horse.

Pubcrawl Verse: We’re lost, we’re lost, we’re lost, we’re lost, we don’t know where we are, We want, we want, we want, we want, we want to find a bar. Don’t come, don’t come, don’t come, don’t come, don’t come along with us, For we don’t know where the hell we are but fuck we’re on a bus!


Verses about Engineering: Professors put demands on us, they say we have to tool, But all we want to do is sleep, we hate this fucking school. You can bitch or tell us off, even abuse us if you please, But we’re all set to graduate, and all we need are C’s! A U. of T. Engineer once found the gates of Hell, Looked the devil in the eye and said, “You’re looking well.” Satan just returned the glare and said, “Why visit me? You’ve been through Hell already, since you went to UofT!” A Comp and an Elec did battle outside Bahen hall, Students gathered round to watch the two great students brawl. The Elec spoke of flux and fields for a minute, two or three, But the Comp kept rambling on and on and on recursively!

Verses about Artsies (students in the Faculty of Arts and Science): An Artsci and an Engineer once found a gallon can, Said the Artsci, “Match me drink for drink as long as you can stand.” They took three drinks, the Artsie fell, his face was turning green, But the Engineer drank on and said, “It’s only gasoline”! An Artsci and an Engineer were stranded on a boat, One man above capacity, the poor thing would not float. The Engineer would flip a coin to settle the dispute, So he flipped it in the water and the Artsci gave pursuit. A wide-eyed Artsci Chemist and a Chemical Engineer, Were formulating molecule equations over beer. Each drank a glass of water, but the Artsci hit the floor, For what he thought was H2O was H2SO4.

Godiva’s Hymn Contest 2017: At F!rosh week does it all begin, with cheers and purple dye And then before we know it we’ve returned from PEY We made it through the many years with blood and sweat and tears Though time may pass we shan’t forget - I am an engineer! Note: There are about 40 more verses to Godiva’s Hymn, which can be found here: http://skulepedia.ca/wiki/Godiva%27s_Hymn, and you are encouraged to make up your own!


Skule™ Yell (sing after firing the Cannon) Toike Oike! Toike Oike! Ollum te chollum te chay! Skule™ of Science! Skule™ of Science! Hourray! Hourray! Hourray! We Are (we are!), We Are (we are!), We Are the Engineers! We Can (we can!), We Can (we can!), Demolish Forty Beers! Drink Rum (straight!) Drink Rum (straight!) And Come Along With Us, For We Don’t Give a Damn For Any Damn Man Who Don’t Give a Damn For Us! Yaaaay Skule™!!

Sesame Street

Sunny days, sweeping the clouds away, On my way to where the air is sweet. Can you tell me how to get, How to get to Sesame Street? How to get to Sesame Street? I don’t know the words to the (HUH!) second verse, I just make ‘em up as I go along, Can you tell me all the words, All the words to Sesame Street? All the words to Sesame Street?


Marching Bnads When marching bnads and policemen fall in line, We’ve got to win the game another time, And for the BLUES I yell, yell, yell, yell, yell, And for the University I yell like hell! We’re going to fight, fight, fight for every yard, Circle the ends and hit the line right hard, And throw the enemy upon the side (HIT ‘EM HARD) RAH! RAH! RAH! When polar bears and penguins fall in line, We’ve got to wing for the Arctic another time, And for the Moose I yell, yell, yell, yell, yell, And for the Albatross I yell I yell like hell! We’re going to fy, fy, fy, for every yard, Circle the ice and hit the tundra hard, And throw the polar bears upon the ice (HIT ‘EM NICE) OOL! OOL! OOL!


Discipline Descriptions: Chemical Engineering (Chem) Strengths: Strong sense of community, Mixing things Weaknesses: Pretending to have no weaknesses Chemical engineering prides itself on being the most genderbalanced discipline (yay chem!) Chems are the masters of all mystical potions (mixing and drinking included!) As first years, chems have a balanced workload with specialized courses like CHE 112 (Physical Chemistry) and CHE113 (Intro to Chem. Eng.), as well as labs. Chems can access well-paying jobs in natural resources and energy fields, but really desire being behind the SUDS counter serving the finest ethanol money can buy. Civil Engineering (Civ) Strengths: Survey camp, Statically determinate structures, Design Weaknesses: Motion sickness, CME 185, Movement Civs are known to be the most stable of the engineers, as they know exactly how to set their life into equilibrium. As the builders and planners of the world, they are essential to all the cool infrastructure you’ll see around town. They’re a very friendly bunch and also all seem to hate CIV 100 for some reason. Computer Engineering (CE) Strengths: Hacking into things, Dropping out of EngSci Weaknesses: Constantly overshadowed by the EEs Look at you, you COMPUTER engineer! Forget those silly ELECTRICAL engineers, you definitely made the right choice! Programming runs through the veins of the CEs and their indispensable talent for all things code make them the backbone of a lot of modern-day industries, especially as we move towards a more digital age. Like I always say, ECE best E (this isn’t biased at all).


Electrical Engineering (EE) Strengths: Overshadowing the CEs, Circuits, ECE 110 Weaknesses: General hygiene, Second year Look at you, you ELECTRICAL engineer! Forget those silly COMPUTER engineers, you definitely made the right choice! Electrical engineers are the kings and queens of electricity, and also have talents in calculus and linear algebra. They also have a reputation for never showering, but no need to worry, as that may just be an old myth (or at least I hope it is!) Engineering Science (Engsci or NΨ) Strengths: Complaining, Switching into CE, Engineering in theory Weaknesses: Engineering in practice, Socializing, Delta epsilon One of U of T’s most well-known programs, EngSci is an actionpacked major that gives you two years full of training (and rigorous proofs) you’ll need to succeed in your quest in 3rd and 4th year. Yes, it’s hard, but you ARE capable of succeeding in EngSci if it is truly what you want to do. Also, you get to build a bridge AND a robot! How neat is that? Industrial Engineering (Indy) Strengths: Making things more efficient, Anything considered a business subject, MATLAB Weaknesses: Dynamics, Circuits, Hard Skills So what really is Indy? Indy is an extremely versatile discipline, so really it’s all up to you! It focuses more on the info-based parts of engineering, as well as on data management and analysis. Lots of Indys are able to find careers in business, finance, as well as in engineering. Some may think of it as a glorified business degree, but if you’re looking for an easy A, keep searching. Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Strengths: Not fracturing under stress, Solid family dynamic, Covalent bonds Weaknesses: Explaining what MSE is, Not sure if they’re a Chem Materials students are nearly as rare as Mins. We don’t know much about them, but we know they exist. While they do tend to stick to themselves (due to strong intermolecular bonds), they’re also always open to cross-linking with other disciplines as well. Materials also make... well... every material. So I guess we have to thank them for that.


Mechanical Engineering (Mech) Strengths: Extra-curricular participation, Building things, Athletics Weaknesses: Pick-up lines, MC building Mechs are some of the coolest people you’ll meet on campus. Mechs love machine parts, moving vehicles, and gears more than most, but they are also an incredibly chill and fun group of people. They boast their participation in the Skule™ community by trying EVERYTHING, whether it be academics, sports, clubs, or downing some BEvERages at SUDS. Mineral Engineering (Min) Strengths: Shiny rocks, Having the smallest graduating class, Getting jobs Weaknesses: Shiny rocks, Being called geologists Mins are the rarest discipline that specialize in finding, extracting, and selling metals, minerals, and rocks. They’re also the only discipline that gets to blow things up, travel to exotic locales, and learn to drive cool vehicles. They only ever appear once in a blue moon, though, so get excited if you ever meet one! While they are the smallest group, they’ll go on to run Canada’s largest industry. Track One (T1) Strengths: Being HYPEEE, Pranks Weaknesses: Making decisions… for anything Composed of entirely first year knights and nobles, TrackOne has a bit of a different atmosphere compared to the other disciplines. T1s are known to be the best partiers and prankers of the first-year class, and they also boast a cool common room full of stolen street signs. Track Ones manage to make friends of every discipline and are known for participating in tons of Skule™ events!


School Supply Checklist: As knights of the 2T3 roundtable, you’ll need some tools to help you start your quest off on the right foot! Here’s our recommendations of gear that might come in handy as you journey through Ye Olde Toronto. • Pens, pencils, and paper - You’ll need something to jot down key points from lectures (and someWHERE to put them too!) • Laptop/PC/Tablet - Mac vs. PC vs. Linux doesn’t matter for most disciplines, just as long as you have a way of accessing the internet and downloading Google Chrome. This will make completing any online homework you may have much more convenient! • T-card, UTORid, UofT email - These items will grant you access to various resources on campus, serve as identification, and provide you a means of communication. For more information, visit http://tcard.utoronto.ca/. • Calendar/Agenda - You’ll need a way to keep track of all your assignments and deadlines; try using the Skule™ Agenda! (or any other form of a calendar). • Transit Pass - For you commuter students, this will be essential in getting to class. For non-commuters, this is also just a handy thing to have! Look into Presto or MetroPass as needed. • A Faculty-Approved Calculator - Ensure that your calculator is permissible for exams: check out undergrad.engineering. utoronto.ca/exams/exam-types-permitted-calculators • Time-table - Keep up to date with your individualized timetable on Acorn to make sure you know where and when to go to class! See page 61 for more information. • Backpack - To carry around your notes, books, and snacks! This also serves as a good pillow in times of desperation. • HYPEEEEE - 2T3’s, get excited for a super memorable time here at Skule™!


Textbooks: No knight is ready for a quest without their armor to keep them prepared and secure. For you, 2T3’s, that’s the role textbooks will take! The usefulness of a textbook varies from course to course. Some may only be supplementary, while others are essential. You will be able to find out about what textbooks you need during the first week of classes from your professors. You may be thinking, “Where can I get these?” Keep reading, fellow F!roshies! U of T Bookstore: To be honest, this is probably the LAST place you want to look for textbooks (unless you have mad cash to spend on some pricey bois). The U of T Bookstore, located in the Koffler Centre next to Bahen, stocks brand-new or second-hand or rental textbooks for almost every course. Engineering Stores: Engineering Stores are a service of EngSoc that’ll sell bundles for each discipline or individual textbooks at a discounted price. The Eng Stores are also where you can pick up some cool Skule™ swag (like patches, coveralls, bucket hats and more!) Keep an eye out at stores.skule.ca! Upper Years: Those who have already begun their journey through Ye Olde Skule™ are always willing to sell their old textbooks (and usually at a big discount!). Discipline clubs also hold ‘book smokers’ where you can buy textbooks from upper years in September. Keep an eye out for more info on these! Toronto University Student’s Book Exchange (TUSBE): TUSBE (tusbe.com) is kind of like Kijiji or Craig’s List for university students in Toronto who are looking to buy and sell textbooks. Exercise caution and proper internet safety when using TUSBE. Always meet with the seller in a public place and make sure you get the right edition! Discount Textbook Store: Located at 229 College St. (across the street from the University Bookstore), you’ll be introduced to this store when the employees come to your first few lectures to hand out their flyers. Their prices are typically just a few cents lower than those listed by the University Bookstore. It technically IS a discount, but just barely. General Tips: • Be cautious and aware of the edition you need. Different ones might have different content and problems. • Don’t rush to buy textbooks early/before classes start! You might be throwing away hundreds of dollars. • Be aware of your own needs and means. If have access to an ebook for free, think about whether you really need to buy a textbook. • Courses may require online homework codes which come with a new textbook.


Awards and Scholarships: There are several awards and scholarships you can apply for to help you pay tuition fees. There are awards and scholarships purely based on academic performance, which everyone is automatically considered for based on their entrance average. Then, there are in-course scholarships which are based on students’ academic performance and ePortfolios, a place for you to report your involvement in extra and co-curricular activities. Make sure you don’t miss out - remember to keep this updated at https://www. apsc.utoronto.ca/ePortfolio/ during the year! The Ontario Student Assistance Program OSAP provides loans to Ontario residents. Loans are interest-free as long as you are enrolled as a full-time university student. University of Toronto Advanced Planning for Students UTAPS is set up for people who have already received maximum assistance from OSAP and still do not have the necessary financial aid. The great thing is that you will be automatically considered, and you don’t have to pay the money back! Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund Awards For admission OSOTF Awards, it is crucial that an incoming students complete a UTAPS application in order to demonstrate financial need. Faculty Grants If you have exhausted all other means of support and still find yourself in financial difficulty, the Faculty can provide assistance in the form of a grant. Applications can be found at https://undergrad. engineering.utoronto.ca/fees-financial-aid/scholarships/. External Scholarships, Awards, and Grants Students should check the website listed above, for information about external scholarships for which they may be eligible. The opportunities are posted by the month their deadline is in, offering students a chance to review all of the opportunities and plan to apply for them advance. Also look into the UTSU Book Bursary Offered by the UTSU and U of T Bookstore; this bursary is a partial reimbursement for the costs associated with purchasing textbooks. If students have questions about scholarships and grants – or even need help with an application – they can email awards@ ecf.utoronto.ca or make an appointment with Pierina Filippone, Assistant Registrar, Scholarships and Financial Aid (GB 157).


Engineering Buildings: BA – Bahen Centre for Information Technology: Bahen is home to many professors’ offices, lecture halls, the ECE study hall, and the (massive) EngSci common room. There are study spots throughout the building and a mathematics library on the 6th floor! Not to mention, it’s open 24/7 with your T-Card! CH – Convocation Hall: Con Hall will likely be the first (Matriculation) and last (Convocation) building of your U of T career. While few Engineering classes are held here, it is home to iron ring ceremonies in your final year. EA – Engineering Annex: EA has a colour printer in its ECF office that you can use. EA also houses various school clubs and design teams! GB – Galbraith Building: Technically attached to Sandford Flemming, the Galbraith Building is home to the CIV common room, CIV labs, ECE labs, ECF labs, and many faculty administrative offices. The Office of the Registrar, the First Year Office, the Admissions Office, and the math aid office are located here. HA – Haultain Building: HA is located in the alley between MC and MB. It is where some of your tutorials and exams may be held! MC – Mechanical Engineering Building: MC is home to lecture halls with comfy seats and left-handed desks! The second-and-a-half floor has a bridge that leads the Mech and Indy engineering students to their common room in MB.


MB – Lassonde Mining Building: Lassonde Mining Building is home to the Min and MIE common rooms, as well as the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame. The bridge on the upper floors is useful in the winter when travelling to MC. RS – Rosebrugh Building: Formerly an ECE building, RS hosts many MIE classes. It’s right beside the MedSci building, which has the closest Tim Hortons and Starbucks to the Engineering buildings! Also, it’s pronounced ROSE-BRUH, not ROSE-BURG. SF – Sandford Fleming Building: SF is the centre of engineering life; the Pit, T1 Common Room, Engineering Stores, Hard Hat Cafe, Suds, EngSoc Office, Bnad room, Blue and Gold Room, and much more are all in SF. It’s also open to students with a T-Card 24/7 all year long! WB – Wallberg Building: Wallberg Building is probably the longest building on the St. George Campus. Walk along College Street, and WB will be with you from St. George to King’s College. WB has the MSE and Chem common rooms, and Windows ECF labs. It’s also connected to SF by a bridge, if you want to avoid the cold weather outside! MY – Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship: MY is the newest engineering building, opening just last year! It is home to the best lecture hall for group-oriented courses, secret study spaces, and a Light Fabrication Facility to realize all your awesome innovations! Between tutorials, lectures, and the Fabrication Facility, ESP and Praxis students will be spending a lot of time here.


Common Rooms: Want a good place to hang with friends? Searching for help on the last little bit of your problem set? Or just need a place to take a quick nap? Common rooms are for YOU! These are spaces for your discipline to hang out pretty much whenever. Whether you’re trying to study or just want to chill out for a bit, your common room can serve all of your time-killing needs. (That is, if all the chairs haven’t been taken yet). Common rooms are a great place to meet people, upper years and F!rosh alike. They’re wonderful for building community! Ask around for help with schoolwork, advice, or people to play Smash with! Learn to love your discipline’s common room, and you’ll be well on your way to creating your own knights of the round table. Honestly, they’re the best place to socialize, sleep, eat, and complain about how ridiculously hard your courses are in between classes, so check ‘em out! Common Room Locations Chemical (Chem) - WB 238 Civil (Civ) - GB 123 Engineering Science (EngSci) - BA 2128 Mineral (Min) - MB 131 Materials Science (MSE) - WB 143 Electrical and Computer (ECE) - SF B650 Mechanical and Industrial (MIE) - MB 225A TrackOne (T1) - SF 1106A (Above the Pit) All Disciplines - The Pit! (see page 77) BONUS: Use the QR code for a video tour of the common rooms!


ECF Labs: These labs will be used only by you, to access any and all documents passed between you and other noble knights. Breach of this policy will result in immediate suspension from the kingdom. Welcome to your new home, comrade. The Engineering Computing Facilities (ECF) house an endless supply of fast, Linux and Windows computing power you can’t get on your mama’s machines. These rooms can be cold (because computers can be hot too) so make sure you cover up. Each lab will show its availability outside of the room on a flat screen TV, as well as online at http://bit.ly/ ecfstats. Labs are only accessible with an engineering T-Card. Each lab comes equipped with state of the art printers and a strict no food policy. You’ll be banned if you get caught, so if you want to watch the Raptors game while doing problem sets with your friends, make sure to eat before you go in! Each engineering student has a printing quota per semester (usually 900 sheets), so don’t worry about paying for printing. This does not carry over from semester to semester, so be sure to use it up if you need it! Locations (for all engineers): SF 1106, 1012, 1013 (Sandford Fleming) GB 144, 150 (Galbraith) WB 255 (Wallberg) EA 212 (Engineering Annex) Locations (department specific): MIE MC 402, MC 325, RS 303 CHEM WB 216A/B MIN MB 130 MSE WB 158 ENGSCI BA 2124 CIV GB 422 For more information, check out https://undergrad.engineering. utoronto.ca/undergrad-resources/engineering-computing-facilityecf/ecf-labs/.


Core 8 AntiCalendar: APS100 - Orientation to Engineering Taken by: Chem, Civ, ECE, Indy, Mech, Min, MSE, T1 Workload: Quote: “Like many of you, I was always seen as the smartest and best-looking” - Prof. Micah Stickel This pass/fail course will equip you with all the training and skills you’ll need to begin your quest here at SkuleTM. Through bi-weekly lectures and weekly tutorials, you can expect to learn all about time management, work and study habits, engineering ethics, and more! Don’t skip lecture and tutorial, as a large chunk of your grade comes just from attendance and participation! APS110 - Engineering Chemistry and Materials Science Taken by: ECE, T1 Workload: Quote: “Oh and here’s a photo of my wife and kids!” - Prof. Scott Ramsay This course gives you an introduction into the world of materials science and engineering. You’ll look at many topics, ranging from atomic structures (fun!) to thermodynamics (less fun). Even if chemistry isn’t your forte, you’ll never be bored in lecture, as this course is taught by the iconic Professor Ramsay. His many exciting demonstrations are bound to keep you interested and engaged. APS105 - Computer Fundamentals Taken by: ECE, T1 Workload: Quote: “Don’t forget the ampersand” (as he proceeds to draw an ampersand the height of the board) - Prof. Baochun Li Ah yes. Programming in C. Whether you’re the king (or queen!) of coding or you’ve never touched a computer before in your life, this class will probably have you working hard. This course starts off pretty simple, establishing basic knowledge of data types and variables, but it quickly increases in complexity as you move on to pointers and data structures. As long as you keep up with lectures and labs, though, you’ll be golden. Be sure to attempt these labs yourself, because practice makes perfect! No, seriously though. DO NOT COPY. You WILL get caught. Protip: Pointers, pointers, pointers!! Learn them, understand them, Trust me.


APS106 - Fundamentals of Computer Programming Taken by: Chem, Civ, Indy, Mech, Min, MSE Workload: Quote: “Okay, here we go.” - Prof. Chirag Variawa, showing his slide titled ‘Homeboy Tips’ This course is really just about practice. In APS106, you’ll learn the programming language, Python (which some of you may already be familiar with). You’ll learn about the syntax, loops, arrays, recursion, and more, which are topics that are applicable to many other languages. Once you have the basics/foundations cleared (and make sure you do, you can’t do the harder stuff if you can’t understand the basics!), do as much practice as you can! It might be your only hope of succeeding in this course. Honestly though, the worst part of taking this course is having to put up with your ECE/ T1 friends complaining about how much harder their programming course is. APS191 - Introduction to Engineering Taken by: T1 Workload: None Quote: “I’ve narrowed it down to 7.” - Every. TrackOne. Ever. Not sure about which discipline you want to go into? Fear not, as this seminar course is designed to help all you indecisive TrackOnes make the choice. Each week, upper year students, professors, and industry professionals from each discipline will give you some insight into the discipline they are a part of and why they chose it. APS111 - Engineering Strategies and Practice I Taken by: Chem, Civ, ECE, Indy, Mech, Min, MSE, T1 Workload: Quote: “There is no entrance ticket today!” - Prof. Jason Bazylak, followed by a round of cheers from the lecture hall Get ready for your first real look into the world of engineering design! In lecture, you’ll learn how to write engineering documents and follow design processes, which you’ll then apply during your tutorial time. In this course, every student is given the same problem and during tutorials, you and a small team of students will work on designing a solution to this problem. This is one of the most important courses of first year, as it teaches you skills you’ll actually be using in the profession!


APS112 - Engineering Strategies and Practice II Taken by: Chem, Civ, ECE, Indy, Mech, Min, MSE, T1 Workload: Quote: “Just a reminder guys that the ALEx entrance ticket quizzes are now open on Quercus until 3:15pm” - Prof. Jason Bazylak Woah, woah, woah! APS111 part two?! Now, your design problem moves to the next level. In this second semester course, you’ll still be working in randomly assigned teams like in APS111, but now you’ll be given a real client with a real problem. Be prepared to put all the skills you learned in first semester to the test, as your solution may even be implemented! There are a few more assignments than last semester, but the final exam is replaced by a presentation, in which you’ll be presenting your final design solution to your colleagues, and maybe even your client! CIV100 - Mechanics Taken by: Chem, Civ, ECE, Indy, Mech, Min, MSE, T1 Workload: Quote: “Where’s the truss?” - every single student after flipping open the midterm examination To sum up CIV100 for you: ΣF = 0. The first half of this physics course focuses on the analysis of static structures, while the latter half focuses on the design of rigid body members. Through weekly problem sets, you’ll soon become a master of all things unmoving. Protip: check out past midterms and finals on courses.skule.ca when studying for your own tests, as they’re generally the same questions, just with different objects. CHE112 - Physical Chemistry Taken by: Chem, Civ, Min, MSE Workload: Quote: “Why isn’t my laptop working? This damned computer..” - Prof. Phil Yaneff This course is an extension of most high school chemistry with the addition of thermodynamics. The math for this course is easy, but the formulas catch up with you very quickly so make sure you pay attention in class and read the textbook carefully! The textbook is your best friend! It’s very helpful and so are the practice questions. Protip: Everything uses the same concept, so ask questions when you’re confused about theory!


CHE113 - Concepts in Chemical Engineering Taken by: Chem Workload: Quote: “Thank God toilets and showers don’t run in series!” Prof. Graeme Norval A mish-mash of various engineering topics all encapsulated into one neat course focused on Chemical Engineering. You get a taste of some chemical engineering equations, a bit of electrical fundamentals and a lot of experience working in a lab. Practice makes perfect in this course and it is easy to do well if you pay attention in class. CME185 - Earth Systems Science Taken by: Civ, Min Workload: Quote: “That’s actually not a diamond. That’s quartz!” - a CME185 students to his friends at the ROM In one word: ROCKS. Licking rocks, identifying rocks, running around Toronto to find rocks… this course has a LOT of rocks. This course introduces concepts of geology that encompasses civil and mineral engineering. Such concepts include ID of rocks and minerals, analysis of topographic maps, differentiation between faults, folds and unconformities, impact of natural and manmade processes on earth’s features and interconnections between its systems. Protip: Attend all the lectures and tutorials because that’s where mapping and problem solving are demonstrated! ECE101 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering Taken by: ECE Workload: None Quote: “Are you going today?” - ECE students to each other on week 10 of this course This seminar course invites new guest speakers each week to talk about their various fields. Don’t try to be sneaky and leave after getting your T-card scanned, as they might check (and have checked!) attendance twice. While this course can be used to catch up on sleep, you’ll find that lots of the seminars are actually quite interesting and can provide some inspiration for your future career goals in ECE! Note: You only have to attend 9 out of 12 of these seminars to receive credit (but it’s always good to go to more).


ECE110 - Electrical Fundamentals Taken by: ECE, Indy, Mech, MSE, T1 Workload: Quote: “There’s no such thing as a perfect system. There is only one perfect thing in this world: my wife.” - Prof. Mo Mojahedi Phasors? Electric flux? Solenoids? Watt? (get it?) The number of topics that you cover will have you in shock. The first half of this course focuses primarily on electromagnetism while the second half looks at basic and complex circuit analysis. Along with lectures, there are also biweekly labs and online homework assignments. The labs are generally not difficult while some of the WileyPlus problems will make you blow a fuse. Lucky for you though, you’re allowed an 8.5 x 11 formula sheet (double-sided!) for all your tests, which will help you get through this with no resistance. Protip: Learn how to switch back and forth between real and imaginary numbers on your calculator; this will save you a TON of time on the final exam. MAT186 - Calculus I Taken by: Chem, Civ, ECE, Indy, Mech, Min, MSE, T1 Workload: Quote: “Remember, you’re not artscis. You’re not here to have fun, you’re here to learn.” - TA, Xiao Jie Did anyone say limits, derivatives, optimization, and more? This introductory calculus course gives you an overview of some fundamental concepts that you’ll use in many of your future courses. For some of you, this may be review from high school, while for others, this might be brand new! As long as you stay on track with the lecture material, though, you’ll be just fine. Protip: Past exams for this course are invaluable!


MAT187 - Calculus II Taken by: Chem, Civ, ECE, Indy, Mech, Min, MSE, T1 Workload: Quote: “Baseball is not a real sport” - Prof. Shai Cohen Calc II picks up right where you left off in first semester, focusing a lot on the applications of calculus. Almost all the material is brand new and this course is much more difficult than Calc I with topics covering everything from Taylor Series to differential equations. Keeping up with weekly problem sets and making the most of office hours is vital for this class, as a deep understanding of the material is required in order to do well. Don’t worry too much if your grades are a little lower than you’re used to, because this class typically has a pretty nice curve. Protip: There’s a group portion to your tests, so be sure to scout out your group early! MAT188 - Linear Algebra Taken by: Chem, Civ, ECE, Indy, Mech, Min, MSE, T1 Workload: Quote: “This gives you this which gives you this!” (while whacking the projector screen with his meter stick) - Prof. Dietrich Burbulla Buckle in kids, because things are about to get real abstract. MAT188 is all about vectors in theoretical spaces in linear sets, a lot of eigenvectors in a lot of eigenspace, and a lot of eigenwhoknowswhats. Solving systems of linear equations will soon become second nature. Burbulla’s true and false questions will soon become the bane of your existence. In all seriousness, this course isn’t actually too bad. Go into it with an open mind and get excited about all the cool concepts (like working in dimensions higher than 3D!) Protip: If you do find yourself struggling, try watching Mary Pugh’s online lecture videos (they *literally* saved my life).


MIE100 - Dynamics Taken by: ECE, Indy, Mech, T1 Workload: Quote: “If you forget that the bottom of a wheel is the instantaneous center of zero velocity, you will surely die.” - Prof. Anthony Sinclair Just like in CIV100, the key to this class is ΣF = ma. Except now, forces don’t sum to zero. Also, everything is moving and there are a ton of different coordinate systems. In this class, you’ll apply concepts from other courses (mainly calculus) to help you solve problems. Be sure to keep up with the weekly problem sets and really absorb lecture material, as it gets easy to fall behind! Protip: A good formula sheet for this class goes a long way! MIE191 - Introduction to Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Taken by: Indy, Mech Workload: None Quote: “Donuts and coffee have been provided by our generous Eng-Soc.” -Prof. Pierre Sullivan This is a seminar course where professors and industry professionals in mechanical and industrial engineering give talks about the work, challenges, and opportunities in their respective fields. It is intended to help MIE students make informed decisions in second year when choosing their stream options, as well as provide them with examples of real, applied engineering work they may encounter within the discipline. The course is pass-or-fail, and credit is obtained from attending lectures. Do try and attend, though, as the topics are actually pretty interesting (and word on the street is that refreshments are sometimes provided!) MSE101- Introduction to Materials Science Taken by: Chem, Civ, Indy, Mech, Min, MSE Workload: Quote: “Professor Ramsay is like a fun uncle” - Student This course introduces the fundamental theory behind materials, their properties, structure, and engineering applications. Topics covered include atomic and crystal structures, phase diagrams, responses to stress and strain, and deformation. Be sure to ask good questions during lecture to get yourself rewarded with sugary treats! Protip: Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of the examples done in class and tutorials. The midterm and final exam questions will build off of the same theory but will be more complex.


EngSci Anti-Calendar: ESC180 – Introduction to Computer Programming Workload: Quote: “Programming is a mechanical task, not an intellectual pursuit” - Prof. Mathai If you have no previous programming experience, do not worry! This course starts from zero, helping you build a foundation in Python and C. CSC180 will reveal to you the similarities between low and high level programming languages, through the exploration of variables, functions, conditions, loops, strings, files, dictionaries, exceptions, and graphs! The labs can be tricky but are very very helpful. Definitely try to complete them all on your own; it will solidify your understanding of the concepts and prepare for midterms and the final! ESC190 – Computer Algorithms and Data Structures Workload: Quote: “Thinking is a good way of avoiding logical errors” - Prof. Mathai This course builds off of ESC180, diving into much more complicated programming concepts. Doing as much of the labs and assignments on your own as possible is the way to ensuring you really understand the course content. Also, ask questions, and use online help sites to confirm your understanding. CSC190 is manageable, as long as your stay on top of it. By the end, you get to code a playable chess game and GIF; I mean...wow! ESC194 – Calculus I Workload: Quote: “Prove riGoRoUsLY” - Prof. Stangeby From delta epsilon proofs to integrals to differential equations, this course is pretty much “0 to 100 real quick.” Try your best to complete as much of the suggested homework problems as possible-the quizzes test those exact questions! The pace is quick and depending on your math background, the content can be quite challenging! Use courses.skule.ca to study from past midterms and exams; trust, it will really help you with passing the course!


ESC195 – Calculus II Workload: Quote: “This is a difficult proof but you all are EngScis! I’m sure you love doing this in your free time.” - Prof. Davis” Similar to Calculus I, there’s never a dull moment in Calculus II. New techniques for integration, series and sequences, polar curves, multivariable calculus...there is so much to learn in this jampacked course! To be successful, you require dedication. Do NOT procrastinate. Do all the homework, past tests, and ask questions. You will need all the time you can get to process all the concepts. ESC101 – Praxis I Workload: Quote: “Pics or it didn’t happen” - Prof. Foster Legend has it that every engineering science alumnus admits that Praxis provides you with the most useful knowledge for real-world engineering. From teaching you how to argue and build wellsupported claims, to challenging your ideas on engineering ethics, this course will help you develop that open engineering mindset. You will gain communication and teamwork skills, as you will be placed into your first team–with your team, you will address oncampus design challenges. Attending the studios is a GREAT idea– you’ll do fun activities that secretly give you hints on how to do well on individual and group assignments! Also, note that your teams are chosen for you. Team bonding activities (e.g. getting bubble tea or doing an escape room) are highly recommended; they’ll make working together a much more pleasant experience. ESC102 – Praxis II Workload: Quote: “Some of your stakeholders may not know or care about Praxis” - Prof. Foster Teamwork makes the dreamwork in Praxis II! You will work in teams to “Effect a verified and validated improvement in the lived experience of a community with directly accessible representation in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).” For this, you will identify opportunities, and provide a justified solution to one of them–later which you will present at Showcase, your first public presentation! Get ready to complete iterations of the design process in these few months. Writing, researching, presenting, prototyping, building, testing...there’s something for everyone!


ESC103 - Engineering Mathematics and Computation Workload: Quote: “I know two people who can visualize the fourth dimension... Neither of them can conduct a normal conversation” -Prof. Shai Cohen There are two parts to ESC103. The first covers basic vector mathematics and linear algebra (dot product! cross product! matrices!!), and the second covers engineering computation, through the use of MATLAB, a very useful engineering tool. This course also has no textbook; taking good notes and keeping up with tutorial problems is a must. Tutorial problems really help you understand how to apply the concepts, and are your only clue as to what to expect on the exam! Also, attend all your tutorials; attendance and participation count for marks! MAT185 – Linear Algebra Workload: Quote: “Proof by destruction, *laughs* I like that” - Prof. D’Eleuterio Ah Linear Algebra, a very theoretical and very useful course. You will become the master of proofs, using various theorems and their corollaries to prove the most seemingly unprovable questions! Vector spaces, subspaces, matrices, determinants, and more... their rules will become your greatest tool. Do all the assignments– although worth very little mark-wise, they will help you learn lots, and prepare you for evaluations! Stay on-top of the concepts because they are tricky. Just ask Lorenzo (you’ll soon understand). ECE159 – Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Workload: Quote: *singing ‘Love Yourself’ by Justin Beiber* - Prof Phang This course dives into circuit analysis, providing you with both the theory behind it, and practical applications of it. Lectures follow the textbook, covering topics such as Kirchoff’s laws, op amps, mesh/nodal analysis, Thevenin and Norton’s theorems, first order circuits, superposition, transformers, and more! Labs are posted before you do them. Do all pre-labs, read up on the concepts discussed, and draw how to build the circuit beforehand; trust us, it will make the practicals go much more smoothly.


PHY180 – Classical Mechanics Workload: Quote: “Thanks for the kind words. Hopefully you’ll feel the same way after the exam” -Prof. Thywissen This course reviews high school concepts such as kinematics and energy, while going into much more depth. Read and prepare for labs beforehand; otherwise, time will run out before you know it! Learn how to write good lab reports, and don’t be afraid to ask the TAs questions. There are also quizzes which take place at the start of some labs; they vary in difficulty from TA to TA, so staying on top of course material is your best bet to doing well! Formulas are given on the exam, so focus on understanding when and how to apply them to a problem, rather than memorize them! CIV102 – Structures and Materials Workload: Quote: “Chalk and talk” - Prof. Collins This course will take you into the world of concrete, bridges, and beams, as you will discover the forces that affect and are exerted by these extraordinary structures. There is no textbook, so in order to be successful, attending lectures is a must. Take good notes (highlight important equations) because you get to bring them to your exam! Problem sets are used to test concepts taught in class. Although they may take a while to complete, they are worth the time–they really help bridge (pun intended) the gap between what you do and don’t know. The TAs are also a treasure in this course; take advantage of their office hours! Oh and at the end of this course, you get to build a matboard bridge then crush it; I mean, how cool is that!? MSE160 – Molecules and Materials Workload: Quote: “I don’t see colours, I see numbers.” -Prof. Warren Chan There are 2 parts to this lovely course! Chemistry followed by materials science. You may have seen a lot of the topics covered in high school, but don’t let that fool you. Like any other course, taking notes early on, doing all the practice questions, and preparing for the quizzes/in-tutorial assignments is a MUST, if you want to be successful!


Grades and Petitioning: Final grades for all courses are released on ACORN (U of T’s online registration system). Here at U of T, grades are reported in 3 different ways: as a percentage, as a letter grade, and as a GPA (Grade Point Average) from 0.0 to 4.0, based on your percentage grade. Your GPA is calculated by taking a weighted average of the grade point values you have earned in your courses. The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering doesn’t use GPAs, but they are shown on your transcript because that’s what grad school (and some employers) might look at. ACORN will calculate your GPA for you once all of your final marks have been released. Also note – your CGPA (cumulative grade point average) is your total combined GPA for all the courses you’ve taken in your university career. A sessional average is your average percentage grade for one term (or semester). Final class averages are reported as letter grades, which indicate an average within a small range of percentages. At the end of every term/semester, your unofficial ranking will be posted in the engineering portal, showing where your GPA sits relative to your discipline class.


While all this information about grades may seem intimidating and a bit overwhelming, remember that your objective is to learn and understand, not to produce a number. You’re all here for a reason, follow your passions and interests and you’ll be golden! In the case that you are struggling with grades, however, there are many resources available to you! One of them is petitioning. A petition is a “formal request for an exception to a Faculty or University rule, regulation or deadline”. You might use this in the case of a serious illness or injury, personal or family crisis, school sanctioned event, etc. You can learn more about the three types of petitions at http://undergrad.engineering.utoronto.ca/ petitions. Of course, we hope that your time at U of T will go smoothly, but just know that there are steps you can take and many people to help you if it doesn’t.

Summer School and the T-Program: Summer school?! T-What?! These terms may seem scary, but rest assured, they are all in place to help you succeed academically, and to give you flexibility and options in your undergrad career.

Core-8: If your sessional average is 60% or above, awesome! You’re promoted with a clean record to the next session. In other words, you passed, and can carry on without a scratch! Bonus: if you have a full course load and average of 80% or above, you earn a place on the Dean’s Honour List (commence oohing and ahhing). If you manage to get a sessional average above 60%, but have failed a course, contact the First Year Office ASAP to enroll in the repeated course. This may be done in the next semester or during the summer. Your first-year schedule will be shifted around a bit to accommodate for an extra course, but this is all part of the plan to get you back on track by the time you begin second year.


Core-8 Cont. So... what if you couldn’t make a 60% average? Don’t worry; it happens to the best of us. If your sessional average is between 55% and 60%, you’re on probation! You can get off probation once you have 1 full course load semester, with no repeated courses, and an overall average of 60% or higher. If your sessional average is between 50% and 55%, you will be asked to repeat your lowest 3 courses in the T-Program (or “Transition Program”), in which you can retake up to 3 failed courses. Students who have dropped courses will also need to take T-Program courses, since you need to pass all of your first-year courses to continue to second year. For more detailed info, you can see any of the friendly counsellors at the First Year Office, located in the Galbraith Building.

EngSci: EngSci F!rosh have it a little bit differently – it’s a minimum average of 55% in the fall semester of first year, and 65% in the winter semester to be clear of probation. For every semester after that, it’s a 60% average like everyone else. EngScis, however, will need to transfer into one of the Core 8 programs if they receive below the required average to be promoted with a clean record. Students transferring out of EngSci may also need to take a few additional courses to catch up. Luckily, the T-Program can also help students who transfer from EngSci into a Core 8 program. And remember, transferring into a Core 8 discipline doesn’t mean that you’ve failed EngSci, it simply means that you’d rather be in a different discipline! Kudos to trying new things and following your intuition!


Timetable Guide: After looking at your timetable on Acorn, you’ll see that you have three types of classes: LEC, TUT, and PRA. What do these all mean? Don’t worry, dear F!rosh. We got your back. LEC - Lecture: Look at your timetable: the blocks appear to start on the hour, but they actually begin 10 minutes after the hour! This is called U of T Time, and it’s designed to give you a few moments to switch buildings and get settled in your seat. In lecture, your course instructors will go over course content for you and 100 to 250 other students, depending on the program and course. Be sure to take concise notes, and review the content that’ll be covered in lecture for five minutes before attending. You can usually find expected content for lecture in the course syllabus. You can ask questions during or after lecture, or you can always email your profs and TAs directly. TUT - Tutorial: Tutorials are run by teaching assistants (TAs) or, in some cases, professors. This is the perfect time to ask your TAs for help on assignments or go over practice problems. Since lectures don’t go through each concept in detail, the TAs are more than happy to assist you in learning these concepts and answering any questions you may have. There may be quizzes during tutorials for some courses, so read your syllabus carefully, and don’t skip tutorial! PRA - Practical: This is where all your learning becomes hands on! Think of a practical as a lab, which all of you are probably familiar with from high school. Many labs have a preparatory component (i.e. a “pre-lab”) to be completed beforehand. Don’t skip doing this, and be sure to read the course materials well in advance to avoid being surprised! The location for these may be subject to change at any time, so watch closely for course announcements.


Q & A: Q: What is Skule™? A: Skule™ is what we call the engineering department here at U of T (playing along with the joke that engineers can’t spell!) However, Skule™ is much more than just a name; it embodies the community and tradition that we hold here! For more on the history of Skule™, check out the Traditions section on page 15! Q: What are the best places to study on campus? A: There are tons of places to study, but some easy places to get to for quick study sessions in between classes are the Sandford Fleming library and Myhal. Other study spots include Robarts or Gerstein library! Q: Will there be lots of tests in first year? A: Each course generally has either one or two midterms, as well as a final exam. Speaking from experience, this works out to be around one midterm per week, starting after about a month into the semester. While this may sound like a lot, it is definitely manageable as long as you set aside enough time to study! Q: How many hours can students typically sleep? A: With proper study habits and planning, it’s unlikely you’ll have to pull any all-nighters this year. Heck, if you manage your time well, you’ll be pulling 8+ hours of sleep per night. Honestly though, nobody is perfect, which probably means less than that. Q: Is it true that the average GPA is around 2.8? A: The GPA will vary based on the year you are in, but a 2.8 average is pretty typical. (However, don’t worry too much about GPA, as in the grand scheme of things, it really isn’t too important!) Q: When does F!rosh start? A: F!rosh week takes place during the first week of September, with the first day of events being on Labour Day. That means for you guys, F!rosh will be starting on September 2nd! For more information on F!rosh week, see page 7. Q: STEINS!? A: Reach Steins faaaammm. Einstein’s Pub is your home away from home (and SUDS), has some killer food, and hosts a ton of events throughout the year, including gigs played by the Skule™ Stageband!


Q: How is Chestnut? A: Chestnut is mostly filled with engineers, so there is a strong sense of community. This is super convenient for making friends or holding group study sessions. Additionally, Chestnut has arguably some of the best residence food (with GREAT double chocolate cookies!) For more information on residence, see page 104. Q: How long will it take to walk to the classrooms from your dorm? A: Depending on which residence you’re staying in, the walk time will vary. If you’re staying in one of the artsci colleges (like Innis, University College, or Trin), the walk will range anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. However, most of you will probably be staying in Chestnut. In this case, the walk to campus is around 15 to 20 minutes. Q: How do you manage to have fun and not hate your life when engineering is so hard? A: Engineering is a tough program for sure, but a great way to not get so caught up with classes is to join clubs or go out to different events around campus! There is a fantastic community at Skule™ full of AMAZING people that will definitely ease the difficulty of your courses and will make your time here some of the funnest you’ve ever had! Q: How can I get help for academic work if the prof isn’t in? A: There are tons of resources available on campus for academic help! If the prof isn’t available, try emailing your TA! Some TA’s will have office hours as well (definitely take advantage of these!) Other resources include GEARS (which are drop-in study sessions run by upper years) and the Math Aid Office. You can also ask any questions you may have on an app called Piazza, where your professors, TA’s, and peers can answer your questions in real time! For more information on these resources, see page 65. Q: What’s the best place to hang out? A: On campus, a go-to place to say hi to friends or just chill out is The Pit, located in the basement of the Sandford Fleming building. When weather permits, Front Campus is also a nice place to just relax. Q: What are the best clubs to join? A: There’s no ‘best’ club; it really depends on your own personal interests! Lucky for you, there are TONS of clubs that you can join, ranging from design teams to musical ensembles to dance crews (there’s really something for everyone!) Be sure to check these out at Clubs Fair during F!rosh Week!


Pro Tips: • Make your timetable your phone wallpaper (at least during the first few weeks). TRUST ME. (Do note that timetables are subject to change within the first week or so, so check Acorn regularly!) • Academics is all about time management. Plan out your workload for the week by the hour for each course based on the difficulty of the course, and weightage of assignments. • Know how to get to your classrooms (or at least the buildings your classes are in) BEFORE your first class starts. Take a walk around during F!rosh Week, and use the handy map in this book! • Take advantage of professor and TA office hours! This is a seriously underutilized resource, but it is SOOOO BENEFICIAL and helps you establish a relationship with your instructors! (which comes especially handy when you’re looking for those fun reference letters in the future *wink wink*) • Seek out assistance as soon as you need. There are ton of resources available to you for both academic help (such as GEARS and academic advisors) and mental and emotional well-being. For more information on health and wellness, see pages 110 and 111. • Sleep and eat well, it makes a huge difference. Falling asleep in a lecture or being distracted by your hunger during a test won’t do you any good. That extra percent on an assignment is NOT worth your (physical or mental) health. • Start assignments the day you get them! Even though it’s WAY more fun to procrastinate, this will come back to haunt you when you have to do the entire thing in one night (believe me, I’ve learned my lesson). • Problem sets and labs may not be worth much individually, but they add up! Always attempt to do these yourself, as they are great practice for midterms and finals. • You only have 4 (or 5) years here, make every moment count! We’re so excited to have you here at Skule™. Welcome to the family, 2T3s. <3


Resources: Making the transition from high school into university can be tough, so we’ve made you lovely F!rosh a list of some resources in order to help make your time at Skule™ go as smoothly as possible. Courses.skule.ca: This website is THE ULTIMATE lifesaver. FIND AND DO PAST TESTS! For courses where the exams are repetitive in content, this is viewed as one of the best places to go to test yourself. First Year Office: Have concerns about courses, academics, your future plans, or some personal matters? Academics advisors are your first point of contact. Make an appointment. Learning Strategists: Want to optimize your learning by taking control of time management, study habits, or problem solving skills? Visit a learning strategist. GEARS: These are drop-in study sessions guided by upper years that excelled in the same courses they want to help you do well in! They aren’t there to give you answers, but rather to guide you to find them yourself. Math Aid Office (GB 149): The name says it all! Complete your problem sets first, and come individually or as a group with areas you had difficulties in during the listed hours to get help with Professor Burbulla. Professor/TA Office Hours: Office hours for professors and TAs give you opportunities to ask questions and clarify questions you have from lectures. You won’t get many other opportunities for one-on-one interactions with these people! Engineering Portal (https://portal.engineering.utoronto.ca): This website is useful for a variety of requests including examination petitions or re-marks, program transfers, and program rankings. This is also where you can update your e-Portfolio.


SkuleTM Community It’s been said before, but it’s worth repeating: Welcome to SkuleTM! (Yes, it’s always spelled with the TM.) The name “Skule”, purposefully spelled “S-K-U-L-E” as you’ll cheer during F!rosh Week, stems from the original name “School of Practical Science” and the long standing joke that engineers can’t spell. SkuleTM is a community that lives up to the awesomeness of its name. There are so many activities, clubs, and social events just waiting for you to join! Especially as F!rosh, you have the opportunity to learn, grow, and begin your adult life among some of the brightest kids out there (including you! You are one of the brightest!) Take advantage of the resources and support around you to make the most of your time here at U of T. (Editor’s note: While I was nervous to begin first year, the SkuleTM community absolutely welcomed me with open arms and in my opinion is the reason what makes UofT Engineering so great. They are 100% my family, and are ready to welcome you when you arrive in September)

University of Toronto Engineering Society: What? The University of Toronto Engineering Society (commonly referred to as “EngSoc”) is the student-led governing body of SkuleTM. Founded in 1885, EngSoc is the oldest (and best) Engineering Society for students in Canada. Why? The Engineering Society exists for your benefit! It provides a variety of services to students, including club funding, professional development, and extracurricular opportunities, some of which you’ll see outlined in the rest of this section. Who? EngSoc is made up of: 5 Officers, 23 Members of the Board of Directors, and 100+ Council Members. Keep reading to meet some of the soonto-be-familiar faces of the Engineering Society, who also happen to be really nice, helpful people. The last and most important part of EngSoc is the Membership. That’s you, fee-paying undergraduate student. It is your responsibility and prerogative to vote on the issues that are important to you!


EngSoc President: Dear 2T3s, My name is Laura Berneaga, and I am honoured to be serving as your Engineering Society President for the 1T9 - 2T0 year! It is my pleasure to officially welcome you to U of T Engineering, but more importantly, to the Skule™ community, your new home away from home. It has been 4 years since I received this handbook in the mail myself, but I still remember how ecstatic I was to have it. I read the whole thing from cover to cover in one sitting and I could not wait to come to school, and also Skule™! However, one thought was omnipresent in the back of my mind: that none of this could be real, that it would be impossible to balance studying engineering with so many extra-curriculars, and that everything I had read was describing a small subset of students. I was prepared to come to U of T in September and study for 4 years straight. And I could not have been more wrong. Instead I walked into the most supportive, passionate and incredible community you will ever encounter, Skule™. Nowhere else would you find students working as tirelessly and passionately to construct a robot for one of their classes, play Smash Bros with their friends as part of a club, build a life-sized chess board to practice with power tools, or make a board shaped like a brain filled with inspirational messages to help students deal with the exam season. And yet, all of that is present here, not only in one community, but under one roof! It’s hard to sum up Skule™ in a few words, but second family gets pretty close. Thanks to these people, I have spent the past 4 years stepping far outside my comfort zone and trying things I never would have imagined. Had anybody told the shy and quiet girl that walked on front campus on day 1 on F!rosh Week that she would be where I am today, she would not have believed you. But that’s the magic of our community, it challenges you and pushes you to grow in ways you never thought would be possible! So I encourage you all to use the limited time you have here (because trust me, it’ll fly by so fast) to get involved in something, anything! Classes are super important and you should focus on your studies, but university is all about finding the balance between academics and extracurriculars. So try something out, and if you don’t like it, try something else! There are so many ways for you to get involved, you just have to find what works for you! A good place to start would be checking out the EngSoc website at skule.ca to find out more about us, and about the clubs, services, and events that we make possible. EngSoc has so much to offer to you as members of this community, so I encourage you to learn more about the programming your fees supports and how it makes our community special. It is my role as president to define the vision for the Engineering Society and to make Skule™ a place that students are happy to call home. So if you have any questions, any ideas for how we can improve our community, or you just want to chat, I am always open to hear your thoughts, so reach out to me in person or shoot me an email at president@ skule.ca. I look forward to seeing the journey that you will go through in your time here! I cannot wait to meet you all in September!


Laura Berneaga Mech 1T9 + PEY

Vice-President Academic: Hello 2T3s, welcome to Skule™! My name is Zahir and I will be serving as the EngSoc VP Academic during your first year here. Thinking about your first year in university can be nervewracking, it’s a new chapter in your life in a new place with new people. However, that’s exactly why you shouldn’t stress over it and instead see it as a great opportunity – it’s a chance for you to start life afresh and be the version of yourself that you truly want to be. There will undoubtedly be many tough challenges along the way, try to embrace them and see them as a chance to better yourself. But most importantly, remember to take care of yourself! Things may get hectic at times but your health (both physical and mental) and wellbeing should be your highest priorities always. As VP Academic, I am primarily responsible for advocating academic concerns of all those at Skule™ to the faculty throughout the year. Tip: you can be a class rep in your first year and be an advocate for your discipline! I also manage a series of academic resources for EngSoc, such as courses.skule.ca. If you have any questions, concerns or just want to chat, feel free to reach out to me at vpacademic@skule.ca! Hope you have a great year ahead! Zahir Firoze Indy 2T1T1

Vice-President Communications: Hello class of 2T3! I am really looking forward to see all of you during F!rosh Week in a few months and be immersed in the fantastic energy that I’m sure you’ll bring to this wonderful community. I can’t wait for all you folks to enjoy everything Skule™ has to offer! I am taking on the role of Vice President of Communications for the Engineering Society for this academic year. You’ll surely be getting loads of emails from me throughout the year, but I’ll do my best to keep them interesting! Other than that, here’s a fun fact about me: I main Pikachu in Smash and Melee is my favourite! During the year, feel free to email me at vpcomm@skule.ca or drop by and say hi in the basement of Sanford Fleming (The Pit as you may hear people refer to it), where the EngSoc office is located. Lastly, I encourage you to keep in mind that Skule™ is more than just academics and getting to class on time. Getting involved in activities that interested me was something that genuinely helped me grow and I’m sure you’ll be able to find something suited to yourself or even develop a club from scratch! Shashwat Panwar EngSci 2T1


Vice-President Finance: Welcome to Skule™, 2T3s! My name is Alex Caton (ECE 1T9T1 + PEY) and I am thrilled to be your new VP Finance! My role is based around overseeing and managing the Engineering Society’s financial situation, including our budget and operations. This covers a variety of facets of the Skule™ community, including design teams, discipline clubs, commercial operations, conferences, dinner dances, and other interesting initiatives. A few of the cool things I get to oversee are the Hard Hat Café, which provides us with great affordable food options right in the Pit, Engineering Stores, which sells essentials for students including textbooks and Skule™ swag, and SUDS, which offers beverages (alcoholic & non-alcoholic) in a friendly and welcoming environment for everybody. As well, I oversee two of the biggest dinner dances of the year, Cannonball and Gradball, which are great opportunities to get fancy with your peers and enjoy fun nights of food, refreshments, dancing and good times! If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to chat finance, feel free to email me at any time at vpfinance@skule.ca, or catch me in the EngSoc office or the Pit! Alex Caton ECE 1T9T1+PEY

Vice-President Student Life: Hey 2T3s! My name is Zach and I am your Vice President Student Life for this school year. Welcome to UofT Engineering and Skule™! I really, really hope you’re ready for the best year of your lives because this one will be a GREAT one. Skule™ is such a fun and exciting community. During F!rosh Week and the rest of the year, you will make amazing friends and memories at Skule™ that will stay with you forever. As the VP Student Life, I manage services for clubs and oversee people like the F!rosh Week team! This year will certainly be a memorable year for all of you, and I really encourage you all to step outside of your comfort zone and to try new things because Engineering and Skule™ have so many amazing opportunities to offer. Many opportunities, like rocket launching, concrete pouring, and choir singing will be showcased at the Clubs Fair during F!rosh Week, so make sure to come see! If you have any questions AT ALL, please feel free to email me vpstudentlife@skule.ca or send me a message on Facebook. I hope you have a LOVELY summer, F!rosh Week, and year! Zachary LaPointe ECE 2T1


First Year Chair Here Ye future knights of the 2T3 roundtable! Hey! How’s it going? I’m Mirjana, and I had the honour of serving as First Year Chair this past year. The FYC is the spirit ambassador for all F!rosh. It’s their responsibility to help keep the passion and pride of Skule™ flowing strong and purple through first year. Along with some amazingly AWESOME fellow students we pulled off a major night of F!rosh pranks, held a F!rosh-run event during Godiva Week, and rode a chariot to second place at the annual (and very dangerous) chariot race around King’s Circle! If I can give you each just ONE piece of advice, it’s to put yourself out there and just go join/tryout/run for that club/design team/sports team/hackathon/committee/elected position/competition/start up/ theatre troupe, because you’d be surprised how easy it is to uncover newfound passions and meet some great people along the way. At times it might seem like the odds are stacked against you, but what you need to remember is that you now have the never-ending support of thousands of fellow engineering students, ready to help you start this next chapter of your life. First year elections kick-off next month, so feel free to hit me up on Facebook anytime if you’re interested in learning more about that, or just want to chat! In a few weeks, you’ll be coronated into our kingdom. You’ll don your yellow armour and march valiantly into the streets of Ye Olde Toronto, chanting our battle cries as you go. It’s going to be a time you’ll truly cherish for years to come. Congratulations, and see you at F!rosh Week Welcome to the family!

Mirjana Mijalkovic EngSci 2T2


First Year Office: Dear F!rosh, Welcome to U of T Engineering! The First Year Team is excited that you’ve decided to join our community and we want you to know that we’re here to help! Our dedicated staff are here to make sure that you have a smooth transition to university, and that you have the information and support you need to have a successful first year. The Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering at the University of Toronto has a number of supports in place that you will have access to. In particular, our team provides the following services: academic advising, a weekly email newsletter (the First Year News Feed) orientation and transition support, study skills programs, referrals to health and wellness counselling, review sessions and study groups, and exam preparation. Our goals are to make your transition into first year as smooth as possible, to help you with any challenges along the way, and to prepare you for success in your upper years. Located in the Galbraith Building, room 170, the First Year Office should be your first stop for any help you might need during your first year. Please visit us early and often. We look forward to meeting you! The First Year Team: • David Bird, Undergraduate Student Advisor, Years 1 and 2 (Engineering Science) (Acting) • Emzhei Chen, Assistant Director, First Year Student Success and Transition (TrackOne Advisor) • JesusMiracle Chiadika, First Year Coordinator • Jennifer Fabro, First Year Advisor (Core 8 Programs) • Leslie Grife, Assistant Director, First Year Academic Services • Sherry Dang, Undergraduate Student Advisor, Years 1 and 2 (Engineering Science) • Professor Micah Stickel, Vice-Dean, First Year www.firstyear.engineering.utoronto.ca/ firstyear@engineering. utoronto.ca / twitter.com/uoft_eng_fyo


Business Manager: As the Business Manager of the Engineering Society, Rhonda Meek manages the day-to-day operation of the EngSoc offices and ensures that they are running efficiently. She is responsible for all processing, recording, maintaining, and monthly reconciling of invoices and payments and the statistical and financial analysis of all funds under the Engineering Society umbrella. These include Engineering Stores, the Hard Hat Café, the Engineering Student Levy Fund, ordering supplies, room and AV bookings, and ensuring capital assets are well maintained. Basically, if you’re ever in need of EngSoc services (e.g. projector rentals, cheque reqs, room rentals, etc.), Rhonda can help you out! Stop by the office to say “hi” or thank her for everything she does to keep SkuleTM running!

Ombudsperson: It’s me, your friendly neighborhood ombuddy! My name is Chinmayee (which means full of joy!), but most people just call me May. I’m a neutral body who listens to any complaints students have about EngSoc, and helps mediate the discussion so we can resolve the conflict together. You can also reach out to me if you have ideas for improvement around SkuleTM, or even if you just want to chat. Hit me up at ombudsperson@skule.ca or message me on Facebook! Chinmayee Gidwani Ombudsperson 1T9-2T0


The SkuleTM Webmaster’s responsibility is to make sure all the digital services offered at SkuleTM stay online and offer the best experience they can. That means keeping courses.skule.ca up, the making sure the main skule.ca website is up to date and look good, and a variety of other tasks! Addis Semagn Webmaster 1T9-2T0


THE CANNON SkuleTM’s Newspaper Since 1978


The Only News in Town! RICK LIU Cannon Editor-in-Chief Hello 2T3’s and welcome to SkuleTM. As the serious newspaper for Skule, we try to cover everything that the typical UofT engineer may have an interest in. Just this past year, we’ve covered such a diverse array of topics including automated vehicles, the sustainability of a coffee cup, how to deal with exam stress, course “microtransactions” and of course, campus news. At The Cannon, we welcome any content or opinions that you may have an interest in, and we’ll work with you to ensure that your content gets published. Not interested in writing? We have equally important roles in other areas of the club, such as in layout photography, graphics and more! And if you want to write, but are worried about your own writing skills, our team of editors will gladly

cannon@skule.ca facebook.com/cannon.news issuu.com/thecannon Our Logo and Social Media Channels CREDIT: THE CANNON

edit your work to make sure its readable by the 5,000 students that make up SkuleTM. Regardless of whether you join the paper or not, your first year will be filled with amazing, new, and fun experiences from making new friends, joining a design team, or finding what you’re passionate in. Remember to savour every second of


Remember to read the F!rosh issue of The Cannon, and come find us at clubs fair, F!rosh, or at our intro meeting. If you have any questions or are interested in joining, feel free to either email or message us. Writefully yours, The Cannon Team

As they always say, the sword is mightier than the pen... that’s what they say right? Anyways, are you a wizard with words or a Lord of the memes? Here at the Toike Oike (“Toy-key Oyk”), we specialize in amazing dad jokes, “absolutely real” news reports, and so much more. Think that you’re destined to create funny and satirical newpaper content? We here at the Toike Oike think that we are exactly the club for you! Also, we have a sword, like a real one. It’s cool. Some examples of our “meticulously fact-checked news reports” from this past year include the tragic death of a young couple who starved while trying to decide on a restaurant to eat at, as well as how to become the President of the United States, for dummies! To read these and other riveting articles, you can pick up copies of the Toike Oike at newsstands all across the UofT campus (and sometimes even at Ryerson oooooh). For example, the newsstands in the Pit often contain up to four different issues for all your reading needs!

The Toike Oike is pretty good at giving all of us engineers a good chuckle (especially during midterms, or, you know, the entire rest of the semester too...), whether we are reading the issues or “Toiking” our friends. What’s Toiking, you ask? Well, dear reader, that’s a mystery to be solved very soon when you get your hands on your first issue of the Toike. In fact, you’ll all get a copy of the September Toike in your F!rosh Kits, much exciting! If the Toike sounds like something you would love to be a part of (or if it doesn’t... that’s okay too), you should check out our website: toike.skule.ca. There, you can read articles and TM old issues, undeniably resulting in many haha’s. Once you’re here at Skule , I highly recommend joining our email list (this can also be found on our website, or by shooting an email to me at toike@skule.ca). As part of our crew, you can come to (hilarious) idea meetings, and send in articles, graphics, comics, or just a meme or something. Anyways, see ya peeps, Joanna Melnyk, EngSci 2T1 Toike Oike Editor-in-Chief 1T9-2T0

F!rosh Handbook: Oh hey, it’s me again! At the end of first year, it’s the job of the Handbook Editor to put together a team to assemble the book you’re currently holding. When I received my copy in the summer, I could not put it down for a second, reading it cover to cover, trying to soak in every ounce of information about SkuleTM and UofT. Even after F!rosh Week ends and classes begin, I hope that this Handbook serves as a useful guide to your first year. Looking for somewhere to study? Wondering who to talk to about the Bnad? This book has all that information and more! On top of the F!rosh Handbook, the following summer the outgoing Handbook Editor prepares the SkuleTM Agenda, an important tool for keeping organized. Last year’s editor, the wonderful Mackenzie Seward is working on it now, ready for you to pick up in September! Have even more questions? Looking to be next year’s editor? Just want to chat? Send me an email at Handbook@skule.ca or just find me somewhere on campus! I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did putting it together!


Parker Johnston, ECE 2T2T1 F!rosh Handbook Editor 1T9

Hey there 2T3s! What can be more classic and traditional than a yearbook, which will strike nostalgia even years after you graduate from university? Here at UofT, Skulebook is the official Engineering yearbook. While you shuffle through the year with your coursework and SkuleTM happenings, we’ll make sure to compile all your memories into the Skulebook. Plus, you get a FREE COPY with your F!rosh kits at the Engineering Stores, in the Pit, at the end of the year! Sadly, there are no elves or gnomes to help craft this precious memorabilia. To make Skulebook possible, we need the expertise of many Skuligans. If you want to flex your experience with your high school yearbooks, photography, and content writing, sign up to be a part of this team! Don’t have experience with any of these? Never heard of a yearbook? Worry not, as we can always help you to learn and explore. Skulebook is a great way to make yourself home at SkuleTM and get exciting new experiences. Don’t forget to pose for the cameras, and welcome to SkuleTM!


Niranjana Babu, Chem 2T1 Skulebook Editor, 1T9-2T0

The Pit: Location: SF Basement The Pit is the hearth at the centre of Skule™ Life. It can be used for studying, catching up on work, eating, and on Fridays as well as every day of F!rosh and Godiva week, consuming BEvERages. The Pit is a home for all engineers, and everyone is welcome. You can join your friends for lunch at Veda, build a skeeball machine, or paint along with Bob Ross! Some days, you might even find people playing the long-cherished sport of Hard-hat Ball. This is the best place to come if you want to take a break from all that school stuff and enjoy some SkuleTM stuff. Fun fact: the Pit used to be filled with batch processors. In the Pit you’ll also find the three Engineering Society commercial operations: SUDS (****), Engineering Stores, and Hard-Hat Café. Stop by for a beer, a pair of covies, or a granola bar (in no particular order) and meet the wonderful people who work there.


After a long week of questing (homework), hunting dragons (midterms), and finding out that your dad is your sister (we haven’t watched Game of Thrones), SUDS is the place to be! Feast your eyes on SUDS, the 100% student operated, all-ages undergraduate engineering pub! Every Friday, when the clock strikes 4:20, the Sandford Fleming atrium transforms into SkuleTM's finest hangout spot. Don't drink? Not a problem! We have an ever growing selection of non-alcoholic beverages alongside our BEvERages. SUDS is the perfect place to connect with upper years as well as your own fellow F!rosh! SUDS is also at the center of Skule activities where you can see Bnad crashings, Cannon Blasting, and . We have tons of special themed nights throughout the semester, ranging from wild nights of karaoke, black lights, and dancing, to more subdued evenings of camp fires, board games, and celebrations of Bob Ross. We even invite other universities to join in on some nights! Check out the SUDS office door in the pit (beside the washrooms) to see what’s coming up next! What's better than SUDS? MORE SUDS!! Not only are we open every Friday, but we'll also be open every day during F!rosh Week and Godiva Week! We just have a couple of rules at SUDS to keep the BEvERages flowing and the managers glowing: • Obey Gravity. • EVERYONE of all ages is welcome at SUDS. We have a zero tolerance policy for discrimination. • CASH ONLY. What is this credit card you speak of? There is an ATM in the pit. • No outside alcohol comes in, no inside alcohol goes out. • To purchase alcohol you must have a wristband. To get a wristband you must be 19+ and be able to prove it with a valid ID. T-Cards, Iron Rings and credit cards won't work! • No pyrotechnics of any type. This includes dragons, trained or otherwise. • F = ma. • No sex in the washrooms. Seriously. Want to suggest an event? Want to change up the music? Looking for someone to talk to about life in Skule or just looking to meet new people? Come say "hi" to either of the managers (look out for our beige hardhats) or any of the servers working cash or behind the bar, we love meeting new friends! Also reach out to us if you are interested in working at SUDS! Serving is a great way to hang out, meet new folks, get involved in SkuleTM and experience ! We can't wait to see you at F!rosh Week! Nich “Beerion” Popowich, ECE 2T0 + PEY Kevin “Middlefinger” Xu, 1 + ECE 1T9 + PEY SUDS Co-Managers 1T9-2T0




Located in the heart of SkuleTMs most beloved dungeon (also known as “the pit”), the Engineering Stores will be your one-stop shop for all things SkuleTM. And venture down to the basement of Myhal and you’ll find a vending machine to fulfill all your after-hours study needs. To help you on your journey through First Year and beyond, we will provide you with all your textbooks, calculators, and other essential stationary at the TM lowest price around! We are also the best source for any other Skule or TM affiliated club swag including t-shirts, toques, and the almighty Skule bucket hat. One you complete this journey through year one, we will bestow upon you your engineering leather cloak and coveralls. And don’t forget to decorate TM them with any of our 40 Skule related patches! You can order your textbooks now at stores.skule.ca to be picked up in September. We even provide discipline specific bundles - you tell us your discipline and we give you exactly what books you will need for the year. And follow us on Instagram and Facebook to be sure never to miss out on exciting new products and deals! Best of luck on your journey, Karen Zhao and Leah McLeod-Demers Engineering Stores Managers 1T9-2T0 @uoftengstores


Skule Nite: Hi SkuleTM, My name is Jenny and I am the Director of Skule Nite 2T0. I’d like to start by welcoming you to UofT and the wonderful community of SkuleTM! You’re about to embark on one of the most memorable journeys of your life! Over the next 4+ years of your Undergrad, SkuleTM will provide you with lots of fun and amazing new lifelong friends. I recommend that you all explore, try new things, and find new passions. UofT has so much to offer and there really is something for everyone. I got involved in Skule Nite in my first year and it has helped to make my undergrad incredibly fulfilling and of course, super fun! What is Skule Nite you ask? Skule Nite is UofT Engineering’s annual sketch comedy and musical revue. Every Skule Nite is a year-long undertaking where engineering students from all years and disciplines come together to sing, dance, act, play music, build sets, make costumes, flash lights and be ninjas (as well as a million other things)! If singing, dancing and acting is your thing, come audition for cast! If you’ve got musical flare with an instrument, audition for the Skule Nite Orchestra! If you like working behind-the-scenes, lighting, sound, SFX, prop making, costume sewing, stage crewing, (or all of the above) we need people like you to join our team! For additional information please visit our website skulenite.skule.ca. To see some fun pictures of us in action check out our instagram @skulenite! If you want to get involved in any capacity, check us out at various events during F!rosh Week! Come join our Skule Nite family! Have an awesome F!rosh Week. Hope to see you around! Jenny Graydon, Indy 1T8 Director, Skule Nite 2T0


WHO ARE WE? You’re Next Career Network is a multi-disciplinary team of over 40 student volunteers. We work to provide opportunities to students through career development programs, as well as corporate and startup career opportunities. Working with over 3000 students and 100 companies a year, we aim to continue bringing exciting opportunities to the students of U of T.

WHAT DO WE DO? YNCN is dedicated to providing students the opportunities to prepare and apply their skills to land their dream careers. We partner with corporate and startup companies to host events such as consulting workshops, interview preps, and company tours. We are always looking for ways to provide better opportunities for students and help them out with their job search.

CAREER FAIRS! We are the business development leaders and operational executers of Canada’s largest student run Career Fairs. We work to empower U of T students to take control of their careers and provide them with professional development opportunities.

Hi-SkuleTM: Are you excited to begin your first year of engineering? Did you have a super fun time at Pre-F!rosh? Do you want to share your passion and excitement for engineering with high school and middle school students? Then Hi-Skule is the club for you! Hi-Skule is an engineering outreach club that promotes and presents engineering as a profession and career path to younger students. While engineering may not be as cool as becoming a sorcerer or a knight in shining armour, it does come pretty close! Joining Hi-Skule is as easy as signing up for our mailing list during the clubs fair at F!rosh Week. Every member of our club is called a HiSkule MENTOR (!!!) because you get the opportunity to act as mentors to younger students and teach them about engineering and other STEM related fields. We run events throughout the year such as Pre-F!rosh, the Mentorship Coffeehouse and the University of Toronto High School Design Competition, and we’d love to have you come out as a Mentor. We also encourage YOU to apply for the Frosh Associate position on our executive team! Come talk to us at our clubs fair booth to find out more. Feel free to email us at hiskule@skule.ca if you have any questions, and check out our facebook (Hi-Skule) and instagram (@ hiskule)!

Community Outreach:

Dana Kokoska Hi-Skule Director 1T9-2T0

Hey there F!rosh, welcome to Skule! During my first year, my favorite part of SkuleTM quickly became the community of diverse and welcoming students. This is why I am so excited to be your Skule Community Outreach Project Director for the 1T9-2T0 academic year. Skule Community Outreach (SCORe) brings a focus of volunteerism, community service, and charity work to the engineering community, while also supporting students’ own initiatives. Getting involved is an amazing opportunity to benefit others but also get connected to other like-minded engineering students and help build that sense of community here at SkuleTM. I hope to see many of you at our events and I am excited that you each have the opportunity to build your own communities and opportunities here at SkuleTM. If you are looking for ways to get involved or just have general questions about SkuleTM, don’t hesitate to contact me! Saskia van Beers Community Outreach Director 1T9-2T0


Archivist: Hi class of 2T3, and welcome to SkuleTM! Joining our community means that you now belong to a group of people with a long and rich history. The Archives is responsible for the preservation of SkuleTM culture, traditions, and memory of the people who made it all possible. The Archives takes great pride that it will have the opportunity to document your battles, your smiles and your shenanigans for long after you have graduated. One of our goals is to connect students to SkuleTM history by creating themed displays, executing historical tours and organize community events for everyone to enjoy and learn about our legacy. It all started with the establishment of School of Practical Science in 1873, progressed to include the creation of the Engineering Society in 1884 and continues today. The Archives are always looking for volunteers to help organize events, organize the ever-expanding collection of artifacts, and conduct research. It is classes like yours, the Class of 2T3, that make SkuleTM such a vibrant, incredible, and special place to be. You can contact me at archivist@g.skule.ca, if you want to get involved or any questions! If you want to learn more about SkuleTM or the Archives, visit: Facebook: facebook.com/skulearchives/ History: skulepedia.ca Photos: photos.skule.ca Videos: youtube.com/user/SkuleTube/ Love, Emily Macdonald-Roach Archivist 1T9-2T0

Engineering Athletics Association: The Engineering Athletics Association (EAA) is a student-run service that organizes all SkuleTM intramural sports teams and clubs. We provide you with relevant information regarding upcoming tryouts, games, and events. EAA supports men’s, women’s, and co-ed sports teams, so EAA has a team for most (if not ALL) of your favourite sports. Follow us on Facebook to stay in the loop! Hani Abu-Jurji EAA President 1T9-2T0


SkuleTM Kup: Hey 2T3s, welcome to Skule™! I’m Harrison, and I’m your Skule™ Kup director for the 1T9-2T0 Skule™ year! Wait, what’s Skule™ Kup, you ask? Glad you asked! Skule™ Kup is the Engineering Society’s annual year-long competition between disciplines, designed to help you knights take a break from school (seriously, please take breaks) and build camaraderie within engineering disciplines. Throughout the year, we host unconventional but fun games and minicompetitions you can (and really should) drop in to, to gain points for your discipline, and the end of the year, the discipline with the most points claims the Skule™ Kup Trophy! Want to know about our events? Find our Facebook page at Skule Kup, follow us on Instagram @skulekup or email me to be added to the mailing list! Hope to see you at our events and good luck with first year! Harrison Chan Skule™ Kup Director 1T9 - 2T0 kup@skule.ca


Hard Hat Cafe: Welcome to SkuleTM 2T3s! You probably don’t feel it yet, but life as an engineering student can get pretty busy. So whether you need a quick snack between classes, or need to binge eat your way through midterms, drop by Hard Hat Café! We are a food and beverage service RUN BY STUDENTS FOR STUDENTS, so your food concerns are our highest priority. At Hard Hat Café, we value quality, affordability, and convenience. Our menu includes a variety of snacks, drinks and meals to accommodate for the diverse palettes of everyone in SkuleTM (including you)! We offer a everything from pizza, sushi, Krispy Kreme donuts, muffins and so much more. We’d love to go on and on about our delicious products but you’re just going to have to drop by and see for yourself! And make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat so you can be the first to know of our many promotions! We are always looking for ways to expand our menu options and to improve. So if there are any products/ideas that you would like to see, please feel free drop by or shoot us quick message on social media. We are located in the basement of Sandford Fleming (a.k.a The PIT) and are so excited to meet you. That’s all for now folks, but be sure to come visit us!

Follow us at: Facebook: Hard Hat Cafe Instagram: thehardhatcafe Snapchat: hardhatcafe Twitter: @HardHatCafe

Nishad Islam Hard Hat Café Manager 1T9-2T0


Discipline Clubs: Civ: Welcome CIV 2T3s! The Civil Engineering Club is your student body representation between the students and the faculty and department. We as a club host social events and provide resources to students, like yourselves, to ensure your university experience is a memorable one. From social to academic events and wellness to career building initiatives, Civ Club provides all undergraduate students with a chance to feel welcome in this great community we have! Whether it be our comfy couches or our great variety of Civil artwork on the walls, you’ll be sure to find our common room a welcoming space to meet many of your classmates and friendly upper years. Come drop by GB 123 anytime! First year can be overwhelming and our fellow upper year civil students get that more than anyone! Civ Club also offers a great mentorship program to first years to help transition into your time here at UofT. You also automatically catch invites to all our other events held throughout the year! Be sure to check us out at facebook.com/civclub or on Twitter/ Instagram @civclub!

Indy: Indy​ Club​ works on saving ​Indy ​​undergrads, many inefficiencies at a time (because we are efficient). Our knights are​ always​ out in the field, working with ​everyone from ​​engineering students ​to department heads​ to optimize everything from ​dinner dance to midterm scheduling​. We’ll keep you updated about everything from course selection to where you’re getting your next free meal from!


MSE: Welcome, weary traveler, to Wallberg's Landing! The lands within these walls have been home to all MSEs (and Chems), from the dawn of time to the present day. Many generations of scholars and scoundrels have walked through our city on their way to attaining scientific and professional achievements, although some are led astray into other Kingdoms from time to time (ECE and Mech, I'm looking at YOU). As one famous graduate of our program once said: "we are not a large house, but we are a proud one!" MSEs are often absent from greater SkuleTM celebrations, so it can be difficult to find us after 1st Year. But that doesn't mean we're not a fun bunch to be around! Come hear us jest, feast, and destroy each other over a game of Smash Bros on ancient CRT televisions in our common room, WB143. As a side note, you can also seek some sage wisdom from our resident old gremlins upper years, who have gone through the exciting journey you are about to embark on, and have survived to tell the tale. Wallberg’s Landing is also home to a Small Council (a.k.a. MSE Club), which exists to protect the interests of scholars and scoundrels in MSE. They are there to defend you if you run into any trouble. Send them your messenger pigeons (a.k.a. emails) at mse@skule.ca if you have anything you want to discuss. Good luck on your journey of obtaining The One Iron Ring!

Mech: Mech Club here, ready to welcome all of you into our community! We are for the students, run by the students, and are here for you every step of the way through your undergrad. Mech Club does a variety of things, from hosting Holiday and social events, hosting the (best dinner dance) MIE Dinner Dance, a Mentorship Program (email miementorship@skule.ca for more info), act as the intermediary between you and the faculty to ensure an excellent school year, and much, much more. Make sure to check out our kick-ass common room or grab some Mech swag on the 2nd floor of MB. Keep your eyes peeled in September, we’ll be hosting a F!rosh discipline event, the infamous Mech BBQ, and a booksmoker, where you can get all your necessary textbooks for cheap. If you want to hear more about us, give ideas or be a part of our team; email us at mechclub@skule.ca or follow our Facebook Page: https://www. facebook.com/MechClub/.


Chem: We are your discipline social club, more commonly called ‘ChemClub”. We provide academic and social events throughout the year to help you get the most out of our chemmunity. We have course packs on our website (below), and when school feels like it’s been cursed by a dark elf, you can always swing by WB238 the CHEM COMMON ROOM! You can always find other Chems in there, and you can play pool, foosball, ping pong, Mario Kart, Catan, N64, etc. And don’t worry, the dragon’s are locked out! We organize several events throughout the year; most notably the fall BBQ (try the Wallburger!), the annual Dinner Dance, a Ski Trip, and SO MUCH MORE! If you are interested in helping out and getting involved with ChemClub you can run for class rep or join the mentorship program we run with upper years. You can email us at chemclub@skule.ca or visit chem.skule.ca.

Min: Min Club is a group designed for Min students of all years to socialize, get help with academic problems and network! Come visit us in the Min common room (MB 1st Floor) and ask questions or dare to challenge us to N64/FIFA. We also have the nicest swag in the school as we are literally gold diggers. Every year, we also have an outrageous MinDin that will guaranteed be a wild night! Get involved by coming by the Mining Building during Frosh Week or any time during the year! Email us at uoftminclub@gmail.com and check us out at https://www.facebook.com/groups/minclub/ for more info!


ECE: It’s ECE best E for a reason, right? RIGHT!? ECE Club represents and runs Academic and Social events for all Electrical and Computer Engineering undergrads - we’re here to make your experience in ECE the best it can be. As an ECE, you have access to our Study Room (BA 1120), where you can study and collaborate with your fellow ECEs, as well as our Common Room (SF B650), where you can play some Gamecube while enjoying the best (and cheapest!) vending machine on campus. Our club room can also be found right beside the Common Room - look out for the giant ECE logo, and feel free to drop by anytime! Watch out for our BBQ/Booksmoker (where you can buy textbooks!), locker sales, and our annual kick off event in September. We have more events throughout the year as well, including our legendary Dinner Dance! Want to get in touch? Email us at ece@skule.ca, or connect with us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ece.club.7/ and http://ece.skule.ca.

EngSci: Hey 2T3’s! We are the Engineering Science Club (also known as EngSci Club) and look forward to some good times this year! All Engineering Science students are a part of EngSci Club, and our goal is to make your experience in EngSci the best that it can be! On one hand, we represent and support you academically, communicating all your concerns and comments regarding courses, facilities, and academic resources to the appropriate parties to improve your learning experience. Meanwhile, we are also your student life coordinators, organizing games nights, dinner dances and talent shows, while keeping the common room stocked with pop, smash controllers, and foosball. Feel free to say hi to request anything you need, ask us about the program, or just start some late night real talks! Welcome to the Engineering Science community, and don’t be afraid: we are here for you and will do everything we can to make life awesome. Come on out to the Engineering Science Common Room, don’t be shy to come and say hi! Check us out on our website or Facebook groups, and come out to our events! Email us at or connect with us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/EngSciGroup/


Design Teams: Blue Sky Solar Racing: Blue Sky Solar Racing is a student-run team that aims to promote sustainability and alternative energy solutions for transportation through the design and creation of innovative solar-powered race cars. This October, our team looks to compete at the 2019 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge in Australia. The competition is a 3000 km race from Darwin to Adelaide, where our car is completely powered through the sun! Our team is a diverse multi-disciplinary group of dedicated students who are working towards a common objective of building the most efficient solar car possible. Get hands-on experience in a variety of fields including aerodynamics, sponsorship relations, electrical systems, and many more. If you are interested in helping build a solar car stop by our shop in EA 104 in the Engineering Annex!


Human-Powered Vehicles Design Team: Have you ever imagined cycling faster than a car on the highway? How about flying through the air, or pedaling a submarine at speeds faster than an Olympic swimmer? At the HumanPowered Vehicles Design Team, we work on all of these. We design high-performance vehicles powered exclusively by the rider, including speedbikes, aircraft, submarines and more. Since our vehicles work with limited power, we are all about maximizing efficiency, optimizing everything from aerodynamics to carbon fibre manufacturing. We set world records, and our vehicles have won many prizes whether on air, land, or sea. New members of HPVDT will have the opportunity to work on a design task all the way from initial concept to manufacturing. You’ll gain invaluable experience in fabrication and simulation techniques. If you have a passion for innovation and want to build the some of the fastest human-powered vehicles in the world, then this is the team for you! We’re always accepting new members, but attending our meetings in early September is the best way to get involved in our upcoming projects. You can contact us by visiting our website http://hpvdt.skule.ca/ or by sending us an email at hpv@hpvdt.skule.ca

Robotics for Space Exploration: Robotics for Space Exploration (RSX) is an amazing robotics design team where you can take part in building space robots and competing around the world! RSX proudly represents the University of Toronto at various international competitions, including the University Rover Challenge and the European Rover Challenge. Our main projects include building a 50 kg rover with a robotic arm and constructing scientific rocket payloads for CanSat. We’re always looking for new members from all disciplines, and we host regular workshops for new members. We hold design meetings every Saturday at the Myhal Center, and everyone is welcome to join regardless of experience level. Check out our website at rsx-uoft.com, or shoot an email to rsx.utoronto@gmail.com!


University of Toronto Aerospace Team: The University of Toronto Aerospace Team (UTAT) a team of over 100 undergraduate students pushing the boundaries of student innovation in aerospace. There are 4 main design divisions on the team. The Rocketry Division designs, builds, and launches high altitude sounding rockets with scientific payloads, and will be breaking the Canadian amateur altitude record later in 2020. The Space Systems Division is building the Heron Mk. II microsatellite, which will be the first student funded satellite going to space by the end of 2019. New members of the division will be designing the next satellite payload going to space! The UAV division builds fixed wing aircraft and competes at international design competitions, and the Aerial Robotic divisions builds small scale quadcopter aircraft with advanced computer vision payloads. The team is active in the community through its outreach and leadership development initiatives, and has a new aerospace policy division researching the effects of aerospace technology on our communities. All of this amazing work is only possible thanks to our dedicated members who all share a passion for aerospace and technology. Come join us today and take part in redefining the limits of student design!

Spark: The Spark Design Club builds interactive electro-mechanical displays around campus! Spark has built arcade style Simon and Snake Games, humanpowered car racing games, Connect 4 Game, a huge soundboard, a Jansen Walker, a giant foot piano, a Connect 4 game board and much more! We aim to make SkuleTM life a little more engaging and fun. We host drop-in work-shops throughout the year, in which all students are invited to come out and help build our displays. During these workshops, you’ll learn hands-on engineering skills (how to use power tools, solder, etc.) and then immediately get to apply those skills to one of our projects. Come out to our F!rosh week event! Sign up for our mailing list on our website to hear about our events and workshops! Email: spark@skule.ca Web: spark.skule.ca


Concrete Toboggan: The UofT Concrete Toboggan Team is a competitive design team that provides engineering students with the unique challenge of designing, manufacturing, and racing a five-person toboggan with a concrete running surface. Each winter, the team competes at the largest engineering design competition in Canada, which draws over 20 schools from across North America for four days of unforgettable events; the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race. The team prides itself on both its incredible social atmosphere and abundant technical opportunities including design, metal and composites manufacturing, creative exhibits, electronics, technical reporting and presentation, professional outreach, graphics, and much more. These diverse aspects of the team make use of skills from every engineering discipline. Visit toboggan.skule.ca to sign up for the mailing list, learn more about the team, and make your dreams come true. The team is excited to welcome you and prepare for GNCTR 2020, being hosted at home this year in Toronto!�

Concrete Canoe: We are a multidisciplinary design team that tests the limits of the design and construction a canoe with concrete! We design concrete, which is typically used for heavy construction, to float on water and be strong enough to endure the harsh loads of canoeing. We optimize canoe hull designs for racing and durability through in-house programs, machine learning, and canoeing experience. We even train to paddle as fast and efficiently as possible to steer our canoes through slaloms and straightaways at our competitions each year. This is all accomplished by students, and we have had success in beating the best of the best universities in Canada by margins of seconds or competition points. Our work, from concrete design, to structural analysis, to programming, to aesthetic design, to project management, spans the work of all engineering disciplines, and we welcome all to join are team. If you are interested in joining us or have any questions, send an email to canoe@skule.ca and join our mailing list. You can also see more of our recent work and events on our Facebook and Instagram pages (@uoftconcretecanoe).


Carbon Cutting Racers (Supermilage): Think it’s impossible to drive to Montreal and back on 1 litre of fuel? We don’t. The University of Toronto Carbon Cutting Racers is a group of dedicated engineering students committed to the design and fabrication of highly energy efficient vehicles. Each year we compete in the international Shell Eco-marathon Americas competition. Our team brings together students BON CUTTIN R G from multiple disciplines to collaborate on a CA design project that focuses on sustainability and fuel efficiency. Members gain hands-on RACERS technical skills in a practical setting and work collaboratively to solve real world problems. They are also given the opportunity to develop management, resource allocation and interpersonal skills through interactions with industry representatives and other members. Visit us at http:// carboncutting.skule.ca/ to learn more about what it takes to design and build a “supermileage” vehicle! All disciplines are welcome and no experience is necessary!

Music: Choir: Skule™ Choir is a 30-member auditioned SATB chorus performing a wide range of music, from Baroque to contemporary, and from world music to folk songs. We rehearse weekly on Thursdays and are open to all members of the university community, regardless of field of study or musical background. We hold a major concert every semester, often in collaboration with groups like Skule™ Music’s Brass Ring and the Royal Conservatory of Music RCS Chorus, and perform at various university events. This year’s highlight was the choir being selected to perform the music of Will Todd at the Lincoln Center in New York with Distinguished Concerts International NY in April. We strive to provide students with a unique community and musical experience while growing their skills. Many of our members are in first year so choir is a wonderful opportunity to get to know your peers and sing! If you are interested in joining, our Open Rehearsal is on September 12th or contact us at choir@g.skule.ca.


Orchestra: Skule™ Orchestra, founded in 2006, is a student-run symphonic orchestra of roughly 60 string, wind, brass, and percussion instrumentalists. The orchestra is a place where students can have fun playing and learning about music ranging from Borodin to The Beatles, and relaxing with friends at weekly rehearsals. The orchestra’s annual events include Pops, our season debut featuring well-known movie themes and other classics, Chamber Night, our February Concert showcasing the talents of our players in small ensembles with repertoire of their choice, and Symphonic Boom, our season finale featuring works such as Brahms Symphony No. 2, Suk’s Fairytale Suite, and Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5. Boom also features our Concerto Competition winners, so check that out if you’re interested in playing a solo! If you play an instrument and are looking to keep up your musical passion, this club is for you. Check out Skule™ Orchestra events and concerts, as well as the rest of Skule™ Music. For additional information, visit www.music.skule.ca

Stage Band & Jazz Combo:

Established in 1983 with the help of Professor Malcom McGrath and the SkuleTM Alumni Association, the SkuleTM Stage Band is the longest running ensemble at SkuleTM, with big bands (Stage Band Gold and Stage Band Blue) and a Jazz combo. The SkuleTM Stage Band shines each year at all of its performances at annual SkuleTM events such as SUDS, Discipline Dinner Dances, Cannonball, Gradball, as well as the annual gigs at Grossman’s Tavern and numerous bars downtown. Whether it’s new and old swing, Latin, ballad, or funk, the group puts music in the air and jazzes up any occasion. The SkuleTM Jazz Combo is a small ensemble of engineering students with a passion for music and improvisation that plays both modern and standard jazz. Throughout the year, you can see Jazz Combo around campus, including bars, formal events, dinner dances, and local venues. Keep an eye out for our open rehearsal in mid-September. For more information, please visit https://jazz. skule.ca or email us at stageband@g.skule.ca. Also, find us on YouTube on the SkuleTM Music channel.


Sports: Iron Dragons: Looking to stay active in uni and make friends? Iron Dragons is the SkuleTM dragonboat team! We’ve been National University champions for 3 years and were recently U24 World Champions in 2018! We teach recruits the fundamentals of gym training as well as dragonboating technique. We have crews for both competitive and recreationally-minded students and we are always looking for new paddlers, no experience necessary! Follow us on Facebook (@irondragons), email us at dragonboat@skule.ca, or visit dragonboat.skule.ca to learn more! We’ll also be holding info sessions for anyone interested.

Badminton: SkuleTM Badminton Club is the official badminton club for students, faculty and alumni at the University of Toronto! We hold regular court hours and organize weekly ladder competitions as well as tournaments throughout the year. You can meet new people who share the same passion for badminton, while promoting high standards of leadership and striving for the spirit of sportsmanship and fellowship among the members. Like us on Facebook for updates or refer to our website https://skulebadminton.weebly.com for more information! If you would like to get involved, you can email us at sbc.uoft@ gmail.com! We are also going to open our sub community application in early September!


Community: National Sociery of Black Engineers: NSBE is an international organization that aims to appropriately represent black students and other minorities within the educational system - serving as a branch to connect students with mentors, a vibrant community and various opportunities within the society. The NSBE UofT Chapter is a dominant chapter as we have and plan to continue building a black presence on campus. The club organizes a variety of events to help connect minority students and expose them to both fun and professional opportunities. Some of our activities include: monthly socials, a weekly Study Hall, NSBEHacks (our annual black hackathon), networking events and the annual NSBE International Convention. The club is open to ALL so please feel free to connect with us via the links listed below or email us directly at nsbeutoronto@gmail.com.

Sustainable Engineers Association: In the words of author Robert Swan-“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.� Why wait on someone else to solve our planet’s pressing issues? Sustainable Engineers Association (SEA) acknowledges the responsibilities that students have in paving the way for a brighter future. With growing concerns of unsustainable development and climate change becoming the norm at discussion tables of even the remotest of cities, the challenge is upon us to deliver solutions that help accomplish our sustainability goals. SEA is a thriving community of thinkers and doers who harbor a special interest in sustainability and strive for greater involvement from students. Through conferences, workshops, seminars, and more, students will find themselves engaged in robust experiences poised towards ensuring a sustainable lifestyle. SEA is excited to expand on our successes and continue building a platform for our like-minded students to make a difference. F!rosh students can find our budding community on social media channels. Please reach out!


Engineers Without Borders: Welcome to Engineers Without Borders (EWB)! Here’s what you need to know: Who: You! What: Our mission is to bring together people and ideas to tackle the most critical causes of poverty and inequality. Where: we address issues around the globe, from water access in Malawi to homelessness in Toronto. When: Now! You can get involved any time throughout the year with different portfolios like Political Advocacy, Youth Engagement, and Indigenous Reconciliation! Why: Because engineering is about more than building cool stuff; it’s about building a better future. We are a tight-knit community looking for leaders who ask tough questions and who strive for continuous growth - what are you looking for?

University of Toronto Emergency First Responders: UTEFR is a campus emergency response team at UofT St George. UTEFR’s mission is to instill confidence in first aid treatment, to make first aid training readily available to the UofT St George Campus student body, and to provide quality pre-hospital first aid treatment on campus. This is done through first aid courses, workshops and providing patrol teams at events. We always look forward to welcoming new members/responders! Check out our website at http://www.utefr.ca/, find us on Facebook, or send us an email at firstaid@ utefr.ca.


CUBE: CUBE (Club for Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering) As the oldest Biomedical Engineering focused club on campus, we strive to promote and educate undergraduate students about the various aspects of biomedical engineering (BME). One of our key objectives is to identify the interfaces between BME and other engineering disciplines and emphasize that students from any discipline can pursue a career in the biomedical field. We host various seminars, competitions and networking events throughout the year to expose our members to the different facets of the field, and foster the growth of a dynamic community of students, professors, and industry alumni interested in the biomedical field. Anyone within the University of Toronto community is invited to join the Toronto chapter at no cost. Simply sign up at any CUBE event or visit us at http://www.cube.skule.ca to be regularly informed of biomedical engineering events such as CUBE’s events throughout the year, events happening across campus held by organizations other than CUBE, upcoming conferences, and other related activities. Email us at cube@g.skule.ca. See you in September!

University of Toronto Machine Intelligence Student Team (UTMIST) What we do: Toronto and UofT is one of the biggest machine learning (ML) centres around the world. It has Geoffrey Hinton’s Machine Learning Group – the first of the three world-leading forces in the field of deep learning. However, undergraduate students, surrounded by this hype of ML, seldom have the opportunity of getting in touch with the scholars from the Machine Learning Group or getting exposure to leading technology in ML. UTMIST aims to create bonding. We invite researchers to demonstrate their work on-site, create introductory ML workshops and gather students to gain practical experiences collaboratively. (website: https://utmist.github.io/) How to get involved: events happen during the school terms, subscribe to UTMIST newsletter to stay tuned: http://eepurl.com/dGMddD. Read our articles on ML: medium.com/@utorontomist Facebook(@UofT.MIST), Twitter(@UTMIST1)


Dinner Dances: Each year, discipline clubs host dinner dances to give students a chance to dress up, dance with their friends, and relax for a night. These are a great opportunity to see your classmates (and maybe a couple profs??) outside of class. Dinner dances are organized by your discipline club (or class rep for T1s), the Cannonball Director, and the Gradball Director. Tickets are usually somewhere around $60, so budget for a couple of these over the course of the year!

Cannonball: You’ve probably heard the words dinner and dance before, but have you ever heard of a Dinner Dance? Held at the end of Godiva Week in January, Cannonball is the annual semi-formal Dinner Dance for all Engineering students! The Cannonball Project Director is in charge of organizing and coordinating this amazingly fun night for you and all your friends! Just sit tight and wait to see what this year’s theme is going to be. The best part (for those 19+)? OPEN BAR!!!


Residence: Moving into residence can be one of the most nerve-wracking (but exciting!) parts of coming to University. No curfews, no eating restrictions (as long as the cafeteria is open), and no chores! You have nearly complete freedom to do whatever you want. But that is not to say you should neglect all responsibilities; res will be your first taste of the being an adult, where your success depends on the effort you put towards helping yourself and others. Once you’ve made yourself comfortable in your new home, get involved in your community - make new friends and get to know the surrounding city! New College, Innis, and Chestnut are the most common residences for engineers, while a few of you may end up at University College, St. Mike’s, Victoria, or Trinity. Regardless of where you live, the following section will give you some tips and tricks to help you make the most of your first year living on campus! New College: New College is home to an all-you-can-eat cafeteria, a bunch of kinesiology majors, varsity athletes, and engineers. It is located on the west side of campus, steps away from the Athletic Centre. 45 Willcocks houses the Engineering floors, featuring both co-ed and single sex bathrooms, as well as two common areas on each floor that include seating, a TV, stove, fridge, and microwave, it is easy to get comfortable and make New College a true (new) home away from home. Innis College: Nestled at the north end of campus, Innis offers suite-style living. F!rosh brave enough to do their own cooking and cleaning get their own single room and a common living area shared with four other students, complete with a full kitchen and two bathrooms. Add in comfy common rooms with TV’s, pool table, ping-pong, a music room, a small gym, and study rooms on every floor, and you’ll never want to leave the building! On the off-chance that you venture outside, you’ll find it’s located right next to Varsity Stadium, Goldring Sports Centre, and Robarts Library. Chestnut Residence: Located in the heart of downtown, the 28-storey Chestnut is home to most first year engineering students. Chestnut has (arguably) the best res food, and it’s one of very few residences that has a bathroom in each suite. The elevators (the ones that are working at least) can be a hassle especially in the morning, so get up early if you want to avoid elevator rush hour! All first years have double rooms so you’ll be living with a roommate. There’s also a weekly cleaning service for your lazy ass but don’t count on it too much; you still gotta be an adult (Who, me? An adult? Yes, you.) Tip: Don’t eat that sketchy looking curry bowl from the cafeteria. DO, however, try the cookies.


Roommate Etiquette: Don’t be an ass. Be actively considerate and don’t forget that being passive aggressive NEVER works. You don’t always get to choose your roommate, but you are stuck with them for the year. Try your best to work with your roommate to make things go as smoothly as possible, if your don doesn’t already organize this, try to take 15 minutes to discuss things like noise level and cleanliness at the beginning of the year. Remember to be patient, and discuss problems before they become HUGE problems. WARNING: It is way too easy to stay in your warm, cozy bed on a cold February morning, so PLEASE get your ass up and go to class. Try giving yourself something to look forward to each morning, like working out, a good cup of coffee, or listening to music with your roommate - do whatever works for you!

Residence Checklist: Survival Essentials: • Bedding (Sheets/Pillows/Duvet/etc.) - Check with your residence on what size bedding to bring, and consider bringing two sets of sheets so you’ll always have a clean set! • Towels - Bring a few so you don’t have to do laundry every other day. • Toiletries and Laundry Detergent - Also check with your residence to learn if you’ll need coins to operate the machines. • Clothes - You can’t go to class naked. (You’ll need clothes in winter too; if you have them, bring boots and a nice warm down jacket. It snows sometimes.) • Chargers/USB Cables for your devices - You don’t want to be stuck buying these at school because you left them at home. • School Supplies - Oh, you will also have to go to class while you’re here. Bring some supplies! See page 39(?). • Patience - this is so important... especially if you’re sharing space with roommates or floormates. Essentials for a Good Time: • Earplugs - Neighbours can get noisy • Eye Mask - In case your sleep schedule and the sunrise disagree (or your roommate is having a late night) • Mini Fridge - For your BEvERages and leftovers from a 3 am study snack. Again, check with your residence for details! • Air Freshener - You never know when you’ll need it. • Snacks - To fill your mini fridge • Bowl/Plate/Utensils - To eat the snacks you keep in your mini fridge • Posters/Pictures/Decorations - To make your room a little more home-y.


Commuting: Even though riding the subway is nothing like having your own private jet, there are a ton of reasons why you should commute! It’s a whole lot cheaper. • Access to home-cooked meals! (Or at least a large kitchen to cook said meals in) • The amount of money you save will be enough to travel the world. • Getting to see your family (and pets) every day! • You’ll have more excuses to buy coffee! (using all that money you saved by commuting!) If you’re commuting, you’re probably going to be using at least one of the following systems: TTC: The fastest and cheapest way to get around Toronto. The TTC is comprised of subways, streetcars and regular buses. You can buy a Metropass that’ll allow you as many TTC rides as your heart desires for $116.75 per month, plus the $5.75 student ID card they “make” you buy (you can usually buy a metropass without that card...) Other payment options include paying cash or using PRESTO (https://www.prestocard. ca). If you’re using the subway to get to campus, Queen’s Park is the closest stop to the engineering buildings. Go Transit: The GO system reaches way outside Toronto, extending across the GTA. It’s comprised of trains and buses. It’s a little more costly, but also slightly more luxurious than the TTC. If you’re travelling into Vaughan, Oakville or Brampton for example, a GO train may end up being your best friend. You use a shiny PRESTO (https://www.prestocard.ca) card to ride GO vehicles. GO trains and buses will end up at Union Station, at which point you can take the TTC up to Queen’s Park or walk (~30 minutes). YRT/VIVA/MiWay/Zum/etc: The city you’re commuting from likely has its own transportation system, which, in some cases, can connect you with the TTC or GO system. UTM Shuttle Bus: If you live close to the U of T Mississauga campus, you can take a shuttle bus between there and SkuleTM. Rides are $6 with a $550 semester pass.


Commuter Tips: Without further ado, here are some commuter tips worthy of the most fearless of knights. • Do your research. Research your locations beforehand to know the correct route to your destination. Using Google Maps on the day of may not be the best option! Learn the streets around campus and around your house, and over time you’ll figure out faster routes. • Pack a solid lunch/dinner and snacks that’ll give you energy during the day. Fruits are key. You’re also gonna want a sandwich or two when that CIV100 tutorial finishes. • You’re gonna do this anyway, but make friends on res, for that late night crashing. I can confirm Chestnut Breakfast is great… (ask your Chestnut friends to use one of their 12 guest meals to get you a $6.75 breakfast, lunch or dinner!) • Arrive at your stop 5-10 minutes before the departure time (whether you’re traveling on a train, bus, or jet) Subways arrive every few minutes, so don’t try to rush to catch one. • In the morning, wake up at the time you need to, and stick to it. Same with the time you go to bed. Our bodies love routine. Yes, getting up at 6AM will suck for the first month or so. But once you get used to it, you’ll be on top of the world. • Lots of classes have lecture captures available. Download them, and play ‘em back during your commute (if you’re into watching videos on the bus) • (Try to) avoid rush hour on public transit, which is around 8:00-9:30 in the mornings and 4:30-6:30 in the evenings. Sometimes being on a more packed bus is more tiring than getting up early, so don’t be afraid to catch an earlier bus, if possible. • Don’t waste your commute time! If your commute is less than 40 mins, you might want to take the time to relax, listen to music, or read. If you have a longer commute you might want to do some work or catch up on sleep. Take the first month of SkuleTM and experiment with things to do on your commute. • If you can, get the Transit app on your mobile device. It’s a little simpler than Google Maps and lists all the bus stops near you. • Since you’re commuting, you may have a little less time available to you. Be proactive and use an agenda/calendar to organize your time so you make the most of it. Don’t be afraid to join SkuleTM clubs/events, by the way! You can always change what clubs you’re a part of down the road if it gets overwhelming. Joining clubs is a fantastic way of staying involved in the SkuleTM community and making friends when you’re not on res.


Accessibility Services: U of T is a top post-secondary institution, and as such, it offers accessibility services to represent cultural, physical, and academic minorities. If you think this may apply to you in any way, you should definitely drop by and chat with your guidance counsellor! Trust me, even if you’re not certain that you are eligible to receive Accessibility Services, it’s worth getting the proper academic accommodations to excel in SkuleTM. Take a look at the following list, and if you identify with one or more of the categories below, you’re encouraged to register with Accessibility Services: • Autism Spectrum Disorder • Learning Disability • Low Vision/Legally Blind • Mobility and Functionality • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity • Temporary Injuries • Chronic Health • Brain Injury and Concussions • Deaf and Hard of Hearing • Mental Health Concerns Some of the services that Accessibility Services offers include: • Alternative testing • Examination arrangements • Authorization of test & exam accommodation coordinated by Test and Exam Services • Note-taking services • Sign language interpreters • Adaptive equipment & assisted devices • Alternative format for printed materials • Information on health conditions & disability related issues • Liaison with academic & units within U of T & with off-campus agencies To register for any of these services, simply submit a Registration Package to the Accessibility Services Office at 455 Spadina Avenue, 4th floor, Suite 400. Don’t hesitate to visit www.accessibility utoronto.ca for more info!



Engineering at U of T prides itself on being an inclusive and diverse community. Every year Blue and Gold committee builds a float for the Toronto Pride Parade, and we have a Village Pub Crawl each year on Godiva week! Still, we have a long way to go, and continue to make efforts to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. So what is the LGBTQ+ Community? LGBTQ+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Queer, but all of these things can be placed under the queer umbrella. If you’re new to these definitions and to the community in general, it’s okay to not understand right away! What matters is that you are willing to listen and learn. Throughout your time at university you will meet an incredibly diverse group of people who come from all different backgrounds. You may have friends who “come out” to you and express a new label or a different name or different pronouns they would prefer you use. This doesn’t make them a different person, and even if it can be difficult to adapt, it is important to try your best to be supportive and understanding. Coming out can involve a wide range of emotions and people will decide whether they are ready to share this information with others. Please allow them to make that decision for themselves! How to be an LGBTQ+ ally: An “ally” is someone who supports the LGBTQ+ community. This encompasses people who do not identify as part of this community, as well as those within the community who support each other. Here are some tips to help you become an ally: • Listen to and respect the experiences of LGBTQ+ people, and acknowledge their validity (even if you don’t fully understand them). • Actively seek out information on topics you don’t understand, being respectful and polite when asking questions. Not all LGBTQ+ people will feel comfortable sharing all their experiences. • Be open to feedback on your behaviour and how it is impacting people in the LGBTQ+ community. • Avoid assuming how people identify. Listen for, or politely ask how someone would like to be identified. • Question the stereotypes and assumptions held by yourself and society. • Use inclusive language to make sure everyone feels welcome and safe. • Intervene when witnessing offensive language or unfair treatment. If you are a part of a college residence, many of them have their own Queer groups, such as VicPride or NewPride! Anyone can be a good ally, and it’s important to do so!


Health and Wellness: Your quest can seem grueling at times – so taking care of yourself is important! Fight that Freshman 15 (or 20, or 25), eat nutritious food, catch those zzz’s and pay attention to your mental health. Here are some tips that may have heard many, many times, but there’s a reason for that! 1. Eat balanced meals – be aware of nutrition and the portions of fruits, veggies, proteins, complex carbs that you consume every day. Healthy body, healthy mind! That being said, you don’t have to eat like you’re punishing yourself, it’s good to treat yourself now and then. 2. BUT treating yourself to unhealthy snacks should be special – don’t make it a regular occurrence. If you tend to stress-eat, keep healthy snacks! 3. Sometimes, lectures schedules are packed. Don’t skip food! If you really need to, and you know your professor doesn’t care, quietly eat in lecture (sitting at the back is better for this). 4. Make exercise a part of your schedule. Whether it’s at the gym, pool, outside, at Hart House in a class or at your own place, pick a plan that works for you. It will do wonders for your mood and overall functioning. 5. SLEEP. ENOUGH. If you need a grades-based reason: you don’t want to burn out by the end of the semester – exams are worth more now than they were in high school, and you need your focus. 1% lost for sleep during the semester might be 3% more on an exam where you were more focused. 6. If you tend to enjoy the occasional BEvERage from time to time, whether at SUDS and other local haunts (Einstein’s Pub hit it up), know your limits and don’t go too far. Be responsible and safe. 7. Know where to go if you get sick. Familiarize yourself with how to access healthcare services on campus and beyond. Plan ahead, know clinics that are open on weekends too. 8. Do NOT hesitate to take a PhD (personal health day) to stay home and care for yourself, whether you’re totally burnt out or have the flu. 9. Your mental health is never something you should sideline. If you ever need to chat about it, reach out without fear to trusted friends, family members, academic advisors, or counsellors who are there for you. The UofT Health and Wellness Centre lists resources available to you: check out http://www.studentlife.utoronto.ca/hwc/feeling. If you would like to talk to a counsellor over the phone, Good-2-Talk is an amazing professional, 24x7, free and confidential service for post-secondary students. Phone number: 1-866-925-5454


SkuleTM Mental Wellness What Is Skule Mental Wellness? SkuleTM Mental Wellness (SMW) is the University of Toronto’s mental wellness directorship for engineering students, which recognizes and addresses the importance and impact of mental health and wellness in everyday life. Our goals involve promoting and educating students on positive mental wellness practices, hosting de-stressing activities throughout the year, being a non-judgemental liaison for obtaining both on and off campus resources, and creating a greater sense of community in SkuleTM. We wish to remind members of the SkuleTM community that they are not alone, and that there are various resources and practices available for help. What Do We Do? • Coordinate de-stress activities throughout the year • Promote positive mental wellness practices • Connect you with mental wellness and health resources • Communicate information to the faculty on behalf of the student body • Educate students on mental health What Are Some Mental Wellness Resources? St. George Health and Wellness Centre 416-978-8030 Community Safety Office 416-978-2323 Good 2 Talk Student Helpline 1-866-925-5454 Gerstein Centre Crisis Line 416-929-5200 Toronto Distress Centre 416-408-HELP (4357) Skylark Children, Youth & Families 416-482-0081 If you are feeling distressed, please consider reaching out to one of these resources. There are, however, many more resources available for students both on and off campus, so don’t be afraid to reach out to us for more information! Connect with us on social media! Facebook: @SkuleMW Instagram: @skulementalwellness Email: mentalwellness@skule.ca


Athletic Facilities: The following facilities are completely free for you with your T-Card! Athletic Centre: The AC is home to three gyms and one 250m track available to U of T students to stay active in. Plus, there’s an Olympic-sized swimming pool! All indoor intramurals and Varsity Blues games will take place in the AC. Moreover, there is a fully equipped “Strength and Conditioning Centre” on the first floor of the AC to get swole in. Still not convinced? Try going to one of AC’s drop-in recreation classes. You might even make a friend. Hart House: At Hart House, there’s three squash courts, one fitness room, one weight room, a 25-yard pool, a Lower Gym (which can be booked for free to play court-sports) and an Upper Gym (with a 150m banked oval track, stationary bikes, and other fitness machines). They have a huge range of activities, from ballet classes to weekend triathlons. Varsity Centre: On Bloor and St. George lies ones of the most noticeable sports facilities to the public of Toronto - the Varsity Centre. Their 5000 seat stadium contains a 400m, eight-lane artificial turf track, and an Olympic sized rink. Varsity Field is where most of the university’s teams train and play, and the track is open to students whenever it isn’t in use. Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport: This swanky new sports complex offers beautiful views of Varsity Centre (when the winter dome is off) and the city of Toronto! Located across from Varsity, the Goldring Centre is a 2,000 seat indoor arena facility. Oh, and the Varsity Blues basketball and volleyball teams live here. Not literally though... we think. Tip: Do you live near the U of T Mississauga or Scarborough campuses? If you answered “yes!” you’re in luck; you can access their athletic facilities as well! To find out more about how you can get active at these facilities, visit https://kpe.utoronto.ca/sports-and-rec.


Things to Do: Food and Beverages: On Campus: The Pit: Hard Hat Cafe (Cash or T-Card only), Veda Bahen: The Cube Med Sci Building: Food Court Sidney Smith: Sid’s Cafe Food Trucks: On St. George St. Gerstein Library: Greenbeets Sit-Down Meal: Fudao Noodle House 358 Spadina Ave. Cost: $10 Perfect winter meal! You get a boiling pot of soup in which you dump your toppings and noodles. Huge, hearty, and delicious. You have to try the Thai Curry flavour soup. Red Room 444 Spadina Ave. Cost: $10 A large meal on a small budget. Serves a variety of Asian fusion food. Fresh 326 Bloor St. W. Cost: $10-20 A healthy and delicious food option, selling interesting dishes from salads to tacos to freshly made fruit smoothies. All menu items are vegan, but you wouldn’t even know. Pizza Libretto 155 University Ave. Cost: $20-25 Stop by for INCREDIBLE pizza with your squad for an OG taste. When you are need of a full meal or a late night snack, check out this delicious place near campus.


Sansotei Ramen 179 Dundas St. W. & 650 Yonge St. Cost: $10-15 The most famous and popular Ramen in Toronto, with its very simple but traditional Ramen with a few desserts. Einstein’s Pub 229 College St. Cost: $2-as much as you drink This bar is the number one place for engineer sightings (after SUDS, of course). Literally steps from your classes, this cheap bar is a great place to hang out and relax with friends. Visit on Tuesdays for $2.00 drinks and appetizers! Note: You will need to show a valid 19+ ID. Fran’s Restaurant 20 College St. Cost: $10-15 This iconic Toronto diner is open 24 hours a day, making it the perfect place for a late night burger, or waffle, or anything else on their huge menu. Enjoy some people watching and the retro ambience at Fran’s on your way home from campus or for a fun brunch with your friends. Picking up Food: Fat Bastard Burrito 187 College St. Cost: $10-15 Pick up a variety of Mexican food, ranging from burritos to quesadillas to plain old chips and guac. The burritos are freaking huge; cost is definitely worth it - you will be full. Clubhouse Sandwich 455 Spadina Ave. Cost: $10 Huge and flavourful sandwiches! This place gets busy at lunchtime, and is not a fast food joint, so be aware that it might take a while to pick up food. The wait is worth it! You can also call ahead to order. The Saj 199 College St. Cost: $10 This Mediterranean place is just steps from the corner of College and St. George. The Chicken Saj wrap is highly recommended!


Sweet Treats: Krispy Kreme 164 McCaul St. Cost: $10 An assortment of all the usual donut flavours and a few gourmet ones, anything from Krispy Kreme is sure to hit the spot after a challenging day. Tsujiri 147 Dundas St. W. Cost: $10 Join in on the matcha mania! This small establishment is always busy, and with good reason. Try delicious matcha drinks and desserts including shaved ice, sundaes, and puffs. Chatime Bubble Tea 132 Dundas St W, 439 Yonge St, 337 Bloor St W Cost: $5 One of the best Bubble Tea places in downtown Toronto. A great place to grab a cup with a friend on your way to the Eaton Centre! Recommend Chatime Roast Bubble Tea. Uncle Tetsu’s 191 Dundas St W Cost: $10 If you’re looking for a delicious cheesecake to share with your friends (or eat on your own ... it happens) look no further! Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese cheesecake is a uniquely light and airy cake that you won’t even notice finishing all by yourself! Off Campus Studying: Coffee Shops: Starbucks 661 University Ave. (and literally everywhere) Second Cup 179 College St. (and literally everywhere) Aroma Espresso Bar 600 University Ave. (and literally almost everywhere)


Tim Hortons 700 University Ave. (and literally everywhere). Tim’s can get loud sometimes, so it’s not the best choice if you need quiet to focus! Jimmy’s Coffee 166 McCaul St. and 191 Baldwin St. Bookstores/Libraries Chapters Indigo 55 Bloor St. West and Eaton Centre Toronto Public Library/Balzac’s 789 Yonge St. Toronto Public Library - Lillian H. Smith 239 College St. Parks Queen’s Park If you’re going to study/read in the park, please do so in the daytime, as it can get dark and creepy in there at night. Safety first! HTO Park It’s pretty far from campus, but if you’re looking for an escape, check out this urban beach on the lakeshore! Grange Park This park may have been a little sketchy back in the day, but it’s undergone huge renovations and looks beautiful! Minutes away from campus, it has plenty of open space as well as an incredible playground. Check it out behind the AGO! Fun Activities Photography Hotspots & City Walkabouts Prowling the streets for yummy food or the perfect background for your~artsy~ profile pics? Check out these Toronto gems! St. Lawrence Market A bustling place full of merchants, farmers and fresh food. Keep your ears open for events and bring cash.


Kensington Market + Graffiti Alley A short walk from school, Kensington has a bunch of places for good eats including dÜner and grilled cheese. The street itself has a lot of character and a ton of thrift shops; just a short walk away Graffiti Alley offers an ever changing backdrop of art. Distillery District This converted old distillery as a bunch of cute shops and cafes. Walk between the buildings and find sculptures and art pieces tucked in all over the place. The Christmas Market is a must-see in winter! The Beaches Walk along the boardwalk, enjoy a nice view of the Lake Ontario, play volleyball in the sand, or search for sea glass; this place will have something for you! Definitely recommend checking out The Nutty Chocolatier (a candy shop). This is a great place to visit when taking a bike tour of the city. Broke But Still Want to Have Fun? Yeah... us too... Here are some ideas! Board Game Cafes Assemble a group of friends and head down to Snakes & Lattes. It has two nearby locations: one at 600 Bloor St. W., and one at 489 College St. For $8 per person, you can stay as long as you want. Eat ahead of time to save money!! Tilt - Arcade Bar Imagine a room full of classic arcade games, pinball machines, and consoles all included under a $5 cover charge ($2 on Tuesdays and 2 for 1 on Mondays!). If you find yourself at 824 Dundas St W after 6 p.m., you don’t have to save it for your imagination any more. After 8 p.m., you have to be 19+ with ID, since this is also a bar. Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) As a full-time student, you get to explore the ROM for free on Tuesdays! Keep your ears open for Friday Night Live events at the ROM full of live music, food and socializing (there is door fee with a student discount). Free Courses at the AC As a U of T student, you have access to a bunch of free courses to keep yourself fit and happy. Pick up a booklet at the Athletic Center to find out the dates for Zumba, Aqua fitness, free swim times at the pool and so much more.


Art Gallery of Ontario Nothing will help you blend in as a normal human being/nonengineer than visiting an art gallery. They now offer free admission to anyone under the age of 25! Think on Your Feet Tired of sitting at your desk studying? Check out these spots where you and your friends can get a little physical activity! Escape rooms Can you escape Detention Block AA? Test your prowess as you and your friends attempt to break out of a puzzle filled chamber. Your goal: get in, get out, and nobody gets hurt. $25 dollars for a one hour game, closest location at 388 Spadina Ave., book in advance. Axe throwing Yes, AXE THROWING is a form of entertainment that can be found right downtown. $20 + tax at BATL axe throwing for a drop-in session (look up the times in advance), nearest location at 33 Villiers St. Group sessions of 6+ can be booked in advance online. Sky Zone TRAMPOLIIIIIIIINES!!!!! DODGEBALL!!! AT THE SAME TIME!!!! Located at 45 Esandar Drive, $15 for an hour. Also, the Amsterdam Brewery is right next door! Archery tag Target practice time, young spy. Essentially paintball with bow and arrows, teams pit their archery skills against each other to figure out who comes out on top. Cost is about $25 per person, book in advance. Bowling The one and only bowling location in Downtown Toronto is Ballroom at 145 John St. It can be expensive to rent a lane though, so make sure you have plenty of friends to pitch in! Laser Quest Head up to Eglinton E and Warden for a night of laser tag with your friends!


International Students: Hello international students! Welcome to SkuleTM, Toronto, and of course Canada! As exciting as it can be to move to a whole new country, it can also be a little scary/intimidating/overwhelming. The following tips are aimed to help you adjust to your home-away-fromhome for the next four(ish) years! • Prices in Canada might be different from what you’re used to! Unless you’re from the UK, Australia, or the US, you may find it more expensive than home. • Get a SIN (Social Insurance Number) as soon as possible. You will absolutely need it, particularly for finding employment and filing your taxes. • Don’t be afraid to ask for help! The Centre for International Experience (CIE) is a great resource. • Branch out and meet locals or other international students. Step outside of your comfort zone, and make friends! • You don’t need to be fluent in French to get by in Canada. In fact, you don’t need to know French at all in Toronto. You don’t even need English for parts of Toronto, lol. • Dressing properly for the winter will improve your experience significantly! Buy quality boots and a down jacket which will last, and if you buy them in the summer they’ll be much cheaper. In my experience, the worst part of the winter was the wind! Make sure your coat and gloves (and layers) will protect you from any particularly frigid gusts. • Do not, under any circumstances, brave the weather without proper protection. I have had international friends who had near death experiences just because they thought they could “get on the bus before the cold sets in”. I know it’s different from areas where the weather is always the same, but the weather changes by the hour in Toronto. Check the weather over and over again! • NEVER feel bad about being uncomfortable, homesick, or frustrated. SkuleTM is always improving to better accommodate different students. Speak up if there’s a way we can support you! • The Canadian stereotype of being polite is very true. Help others whenever possible. It’s considered courteous or even sometimes expected that you hold the door for others and take off your shoes when you enter someone’s house. Ask if you’re not sure!


• Feel free to stop by the Jummah prayers at Hart House and/or the Multi Faith Center. There’s also a place to pray in the Bahen Centre near the CUBE. • Get to know the public transportation system. If you’re confused, you can always ask your friends or the TTC employees for help! • Remember that you’re not alone - half of the population of Toronto was born outside of Canada. It’s a very home-able city, and it’s awesome. • Download the U of T Map mobile app on your cellphone. • Be yourself, and don’t change who you are for others. You’ll find the right kind of people you fit in with. • Kensington Market is a gold mine for good, home-like food. • Research phone plans and get the one which works for you, especially if you’ll be calling/texting internationally. Data in Canada may be more expensive than you’re used to. • Try your best to figure out the healthcare system before you get sick. Get your University Health Insurance Plan card (UHIP card) and figure out what services are available to you. Research doctors’ offices near campus so you have a plan in place. • If you live near campus but don’t have internet, you can totally get by using the (free) Wi-Fi on campus. • Rexall/Shoppers will have most of your daily-need items. Sobey’s and Metro are great places to shop for groceries (and they have discounts)! • Figure out your banking information as soon as you can. You may find it useful to open a student account at a Canadian bank. • Don’t buy into racial stereotypes! Or any stereotypes, for that matter. Canadians in general are not racist but there are always a few exceptions. • You (unfortunately) can’t go to Vancouver and back in the same day. Or anywhere in the west coast. Big shocker if you are from a small nation, I know. • You are awesome just being you. The experience and perspective you bring to the table are special and needed. REMEMBER: You are not lesser than any of the local students. We were all accepted because we deserved a place in here. No one deserves any more or less. Never discriminate against another because of a difference in culture, belief, race or any animosities. Respect and you will be respected.


Save the date! There are dozens of events that happen over the course of the SkuleTM Year. Here are some big ones you’ll want to keep in mind! (Note: Some dates aren’t 100% set yet, but these are the months when they usually occur). September 1T9 Sept 2-8 F!rosh Week Sept 4 Clubs Fair Sept 5 B&G Bed Races Sept 5 Lectures Begin Sept 7-8 F!rosh Retreat October 1T9 Oct 14 Thanksgiving (University Closed) B&G Tools 101 Skule Nite Auditions Halloween SUDS November 1T9 Nov 17 LGMB at the Santa Claus Parade MIE Dinner Dance EngSci Dinner Dance Civ/Min Dinner Dance December 1T9 Dec 4 Last day of Lectures Dec 5 Fall Study Day Dec 6-20 Exam Season Dec 24-Jan 3 University Closed


January 2T0 Jan 6 Lectures Begin Jan 6-11 GODIVA WEEK Jan 11 Cannonball February 2T0 Feb 17-21 Reading Week (no classes) ECE Dinner Dance March 2T0 B&G DUSTED 8-Ball (T1 Dinner Dance) Skule Nite Gradball B&G Tools 102 April 2T0 Apr 9 Last Day of Lectures Apr 10 Good Friday (University Closed) Apr 13 Winter Study Day Apr 14-28 Exam Season Last SUDS :( Spring Elections For more information regarding the academic calendar, check out https://portal.engineering.utoronto.ca/ sites/calendars/current/Sessional_Dates.html


Contact Information: Officers (skule.ca/engsoc) President: Laura Berneaga (president@skule.ca) Vice-President Finance: Alex Caton (vpfinance@skule.ca) Vice-President Communications: Shashwat Panwar (vpcomm@skule.ca) Vice-President Academic: Zahir Firoze (vpacademic@skule.ca) Vice-President Student Life: Zachary Lapointe (vpstudentlife@skule.ca) Speaker: Aleksei Wan (speaker@skule.ca) Project Directors (skule.ca/directorships) Alumni Outreach Director: Amritha Tayalur Jagadeesh (alumnioutreach@skule.ca) Archivist: Emily Macdonald-Roach (archivist@skule.ca) Cannon Editor-in-Chief: Rick Liu (cannon@skule.ca) Cannonball Director: Vacant (cannonball@skule.ca) Community Outreach Director: Saskia Van Beers (community@skule.ca) Computer Systems Administrator: Amanda Plotnik (sysadmin@skule.ca) Design Team Association Director: Katherine Allison (dta@skule.ca) Engineering Stores Managers: Leah Mcleod-Demers & Karen Zhao (stores@skule.ca) Equity and Inclusivity Director: Savanna Blade (equity@skule.ca) F!rosh Handbook Editor: Parker Johnston (handbook@skule.ca) Gradball Director: Kevin Zhang (gradball@skule.ca) Hard Hat CafĂŠ Managers: Nishad Islam (cafeteria@ skule.ca) Hi-SkuleTM Liaison: Dana Kokoska (hiskule@skule.ca) Mental Wellness Director: Katie Vranesic (mentalwellness@skule.ca) Ombudsperson: Chinmayee Gidwani (ombudsperson@skule.ca) Orientation Chair: Ben Musci (orientation@skule.ca) SkuleTM Kup Director: Harrison Chan (kup@skule.ca) Skulebook Director: Niranjana Babu (skulebook@skule.ca) Suds Managers: Nicholas Popowich & Kevin Xu (suds@skule.ca) Toike Oike Editor-in-Chief: Joanna Melnyk (toike@skule.ca) UTEK Director: Atharva Datar (utek@skule.ca) Webmaster: Addis Semagn(webmaster@skule.ca)


Discipline Club Chairs (skule.ca/discipline_clubs) Chemical Engineering Club Chair: Jacob Foster (chemclub@skule.ca) Civil Engineering Club Chair: Simonne Varela (chair@civ.skule.ca) Computer Engineering Club Chair: Vacant (ececlub@skule.ca) Electrical Engineering Club Chair: Vacant (ececlub@skule.ca) Engineering Science Club Chair: Rebekah Kim & David Ma (engsci@skule.ca) Industrial Engineering Club Chair: Blesy Gallardo (indy@skule.ca) Mechanical Engineering Club Chair: Marie Floryan (mechclub@skule.ca) Mineral Engineering Club Chair: Jihad Raya (minclub@skule.ca) Materials Science and Engineering Club Chair: Brittny Carter (mse@skule.ca) Chief Returning Officer (skule.ca/elections) Anubhav Sharma (cro@skule.ca) Associated Entities (skule.ca/associated) Engineering Athletics Association President: Hani Abu Jurji (president@eaa. skule.ca) Seenyur Bnad Leedur: Torin Anderson (lgmb@skule.ca) Chief Attiliator: You wish! (kaboom@skule.ca) (Ex) First Year Chair: Mirjana Mijalkovic (firstyearchair@skule.ca) (Ex) Fourth Year Chair: Molly Gorman (fourthyearchair@skule.ca) Blue and Gold Committee Chairs: Ben Morehead, Michelle Watt (blueandgold@skule.ca) Skule Nite Director: Jenny Graydon (skulenite@skule.ca) Mature Students’ Chair: Vacant (maturestudentschair@skule.ca)

Have questions? Feel free to reach out to any of us!




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Lord Kaboomington the Shiny

Her Royal Gluteus the Thicc

Featuring... Best Fried Chicken, Big Freaking Clubs, Buff Fine Cocks, and One Loud Boom!

Established in 1885, The University of Toronto Engineering Society is the student government for all full and part-time students in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto.

What does the University of Toronto Engineering Society do for you? SkuleTM Publications: The Cannon, The Toike Oike, The Skulebook, The F!rosh Handbook Commercial Operations: The Hard Hat Cafe, Engineering Stores, SUDS, SkuleTM Archives; Skule.ca; SkuleTM Dinner Dances: Cannonball, Gradball; You’re Next Career Fair; Community Outreach: Movember, CN Tower Climb for the United Way; Hi-Skule TM Recruitment events: Designaplooza, University of Toronto High School Design Competition, Skule TM Sisters, Pre-Frosh; F!ROSH WEEK (Orientation); The University of Toronto Engineering Kompetitions (UTEK); Club Funding; Academic Assistance: past exams (courses.skule.ca); tutors database (tutors.skule.ca); Representation to provincial and national Engineering groups: ESSCO, CFES; Representation to the University of Toronto Students’ Union; Representation to the University to the University of Toronto Faculty so that your voice can be heard. And much, much more...



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