The Signature Collection celebrates the individual. Each design stands out as a solo and may be used and enjoyed as such. Nevertheless they may also be combined to form larger individual combinations.
Please see our complete series and collections on www.frostdenmark.com

Wishbone Hall Stand from p06
Wishbone Tables from p14
Rada Shoe Shelf from p20
Camouflage Coat Rack and Hook from p26
Carry Hook from p30
Lulu Hooks from p34
Blossom Hook from p38

The Wishbone Hall Stand is modern and unconventional in its design. The purist replication of a tree trunk with branches acted as inspiration for this design idea resulting in an elegant and functional hall stand. The Wishbone Hall Stand comes in several combinations of powder coated steel and polished stainless steel in a variety of FROST finishes. Altogether, the Wishbone Hall Stand is both versatile and sculptural in its appearance. It adds excitement to modern spaces and can be used in private homes, public spaces, and offices.

Steel / Stainless Steel
Height: 1750 mm

Diameter: Ø350 mm
Design: busk+hertzog
Brushed Stainless / Polished Stainless W1001
Brushed Copper / Polished Copper W1001-BOC
Brushed Gold / Polished Gold W1001-BMG

Brushed Black / Polished Black W1001-BCB
Matt Black / Polished Stainless W1001-B

Matt Black / Polished Copper W1001-CB

Matt Black / Polished Gold W1001-GB

Matt Black / Polished Black W1001-BB
Matt White Polished Stainless W1001-W

Matt White / Polished Copper W1001-CW

Matt White / Polished Gold W1001-GW

Left-hand page: Wishbone Table 1 and Wishbone Table 2.
Right-hand page: Wishbone Hall Stand and Wishbone Table 3.

The Wishbone Table is charismatic and modern in its appearance with a design inspired by a wishbone. The asymmetrical placement of the table leg adds a dynamic momentum to the form of the table and ensures its functionality as a “C table”. The tabletop can be placed over a seating area as support for a laptop or as a side table for a cup of coffee. The Wishbone Table is made of powder coated steel and aluminium. It comes in three sizes and the two Frost finishes: Matt Black and Matt White.

Steel / Aluminium Height: 450 mm Diameter: Ø450 mm Design: busk+hertzog
Matt Black W4045-B Matt White W4045-W
Steel / Aluminium Height: 650 mm Diameter: Ø450 mm Design: busk+hertzog
Matt Black W4065-B Matt White W4065-W

Steel / Aluminium Height: 1030 mm Diameter: Ø550 mm Design: busk+hertzog

Matt Black W4100-B
Matt White W4100-W

Left-hand page: Rada 600 Shoe Rack, Shelf 4121, Mirror 4145 and Candlestick 2007.
Right-hand page: Rada 1000 Shoe Rack, Wishbone Hall Stand and Camouflage Coat Rack.

Rada is a shoe rack with a minimalistic design in polished stainless steel and powder coated steel. The unique design of Rada gives the option to place the shoes in diverse ways. Rada is suitable for high heels as well as trainers and boots. Rada comes in two sizes (600 mm and 1000 mm in length) as well as the two finishes Matt Black and Matt White. The shoe rack’s polished stainless steel parts comes in Polishes Gold, Polished Copper, and Polished Stainless Steel.

RADA 600 shoe rack

Steel / Stainless Steel
Height: 120 mm Width: 600 mm Projection: 164 mm Design: busk+hertzog

Matt Black / Polished Stainless W5001-B
Matt White / Polished Stainless W5001-W
Matt Black / Polished Copper W5001-CB
Matt White / Polished Copper W5001-CW

Matt Black / Polished Gold W5001-GB
Matt White / Polished Gold W5001-GW
RADA 1000 shoe rack
Steel / Stainless Steel Height: 120 mm Width: 1000 mm Projection: 164 mm Design: busk+hertzog

Matt Black / Polished Stainless W5002-B

Matt White / Polished Stainless W5002-W

Matt Black / Polished Copper W5002-CB
Matt White / Polished Copper W5002-CW
Matt Black / Polished Gold W5002-GB
Matt White / Polished Gold W5002-GW

Camouflage is a wall mounted coat rack that can be mounted with 3 different distances from the wall. It comes in a wide range of finishes and can be oriented in countless ways. The infinite possibilities leaves you with the opportunity to create your very own 3-dimensional wall decoration, while giving you plenty of storage for coats, umbrellas, scarves and bags. Unique in thought and function, genius in simplicity.

Steel / Stainless Steel
Height: 240 mm Width: 400 mm Projection: 67 mm
Design: busk+hertzog
Brushed Stainless W3001
Polished Stainless W3001-M
Polished Copper W3001-C
Polished Gold W3001-GO

3 pcs. a set Steel
Height: 240 mm Width: 400 mm Projection: 37 / 52 / 67 mm

Design: busk+hertzog Matt Black / Matt White / Matt Grey W3001-3

Height: 58 mm Width: 80 mm Projection: 24 mm Design: busk+hertzog
Brushed Stainless W3002
Polished Stainless W3002-M
Polished Copper W3002-C
Matt Black W3001-B
Matt White W3001-W

3 pcs. a set
Height: 58 mm Width: 80 mm Projection: 24 mm
Design: busk+hertzog
Brushed Stainless W3002-3
Polished Stainless W3002-M-3
Polished Gold W3002-GO
Matt Black W3002-B
Matt White W3002-W
Polished Copper W3002-C-3
Polished Gold W3002-GO-3
Matt Black W3002-B-3
Matt White W3002-W-3
Left-hand page: Carry Hook, Hanger 1 and Stool 6301.
Right-hand page: Carry Hook, Hanger 4, Bench 6304, Vase 5090 and Vase 5130.

Carry Hooks for a weightless hallway display. The Carry Hooks are made to make an impression with its slim cylinder and weightless look. Henrik Tengler designed the Carry Hooks with a vision to offer a way to create more inspiring hallway designs in all types of foyers and apartment halls. The Carry Hooks polyester string may be adjusted in length to suit your room height and design.

3 pcs. a set
Stainless Steel / Polyester String Height: 100 / 1440 mm Diameter: Ø16 mm

Design: Henrik Tengler
Brushed Stainless CA16-3
Brushed Copper CA16-3-BOC
Brushed Gold CA16-3-BMG

Brushed Black CA16-3-BCB
Polished Stainless CA16-3-P
Polished Copper CA16-3-C

Polished Gold CA16-3-GO
Matt Black CA16-3-B
Please see the mounting instructions on www.frostdenmark.com
Matt White CA16-3-W

Inspired by an open flower Lulu comes to full blossom on your wall. Lulu is a coat hook on which hangers, jackets, umbrellas, bags, scarves etc. can be placed decoratively and practically. Lulu comes in 2 different sizes and can be used as a “flower” bouquet on the wall.... the combination and layout is entirely up to each individual endusers creativity, resulting in every installation being unique.

Stainless Steel
Diameter: Ø60 mm

Projection: 35 mm
Design: busk+hertzog
Brushed Stainless / Polished Stainless L1060
Polished Stainless / Matt Black L1060-M

Brushed Copper / Matt Black L1060-BOC
Brushed Gold / Matt Black L1060-BMG
Brushed Black / Polished Stainless L1060-BCB

Polished Copper / Matt Black L1060-C

Matt Black / Polished Stainless L1060-B
Matt White / Polished Stainless L1060-W
Polished Gold / Matt Black L1060-GO

Stainless Steel
Diameter: Ø80 mm
Projection: 50 mm
Design: busk+hertzog
Brushed Stainless / Polished Stainless L1080
Brushed Copper / Matt Black L1080-BOC
Brushed Gold / Matt Black L1080-BMG
Brushed Black / Polished Stainless L1080-BCB

Polished Stainless / Matt Black L1080-M

Polished Copper / Matt Black L1080-C

Polished Gold / Matt Black L1080-GO
Matt Black / Polished Stainless L1080-B
Matt White / Polished Stainless L1080-W

The Blossom Hook is designed to carry both clothes on hangers and clothes hung on its own strap, both at the same time. The center hook is made from stainless steel and comes in four different Frost finishes.
The outer hook is made from solid aluminium, either black or white.
The Blossom Hook is the robust yet elegant hook.

Aluminium / Stainless Steel
Diameter: Ø55 mm
Projection: 65 mm
Design: Bønnelycke mdd
Matt Black / Polished Stainless B1055-PB
Matt Black / Polished Copper B1055-CB

Matt White / Polished Stainless B1055-PW
Matt White / Polished Copper B1055-CW

Matt Black / Polished Gold B1055-GB
Matt Black B1055-BB

Matt White / Polished Gold B1055-GW
Matt White B1055-WW

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No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission from FROST A/S.
We reserve the right to make alterations to the models without prior notice. Graphic design and 3D renderings: Bønnelycke mdd