Frost Valley YMCA 2017 Vision: 5 Year Strategic Plan

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Grow Confident. Live Well. Build Strong. Frost Valley YMCA

2017 Vision

Five Year Strategic Plan

Message from the CEO Since our founding in 1885 and our independent YMCA charter in 1901, Frost Valley has proved time and time again to be the leader in residential outdoor recreation, education, and camping programs. The five-year plan presented here is a testament to the continuation of the vision of our founders to provide meaningful camping experiences through our staff and volunteers. Through the careful management of our 5,000-plus acres, Frost Valley provides an inspiring setting for outdoor experiences. These experiences allow guests to find a place to reconnect with themselves, their families, and their environment. Carefully planned facilities are modern yet uniquely designed to befit our surroundings. At Frost Valley, campers learn healthy living styles through nutritious meals, meaningful activities, and caring staff, and understand balanced living through exposure to our values-based programming that employs our eight core values of Caring, Community, Diversity, Honesty, Inclusiveness, Respect, Responsibility, and Stewardship. As the worldwide flagship YMCA camp, we continue to impact not only the tri-state area but also people around the world. Frost Valley offers training, advice, and technical assistance to camps in Japan, Armenia, Philippines, Canada, Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine. Our inclusive programming model allows children of all abilities and health conditions to participate equally in our programs. Through partnerships with the Young Adult Institute, Montefiore Hospital, and the National Inclusion Program, Frost Valley models inclusive programming for other YMCAs around the world to follow. These programs offer remarkable life experiences to children as well as providing much needed respite to their caregivers throughout the year. Every year, Frost Valley’s extensive program offerings directly serve more than 30,000 summer campers, children and teachers in school groups, and families and family-oriented groups, like Adventure Guides and Girl Scout groups, through its three major year-round programs: summer resident camp, environmental education and teambuilding for school groups, and wellness and family retreats. Our global impact is not limited to children and family programs. As the host of the largest Model Forest in the United States, we educate foresters from around the world as well as local landowners on best forestry practices. Our green initiative is yet another way we teach children and adults the ease of green energy and at the same time minimize global impact through a reduction in carbon emissions. Whether your interest lies in children’s programs, outdoor experiences, or finding solutions to pressing environmental needs, there is something for everyone at Frost Valley. We invite you to explore us further and become a part of our vision for the future. This plan was created with you in mind. The goal is simple: provide value-based programming in a welcoming, secure environment where our impact on an individual’s camping experience is high and our impact on the environment is minimal. Sincerely,

Jerry Huncosky, CEO

Frost Valley ymca


To put Judeo/Christian principles into practice through year round programs that help build healthy Spirit, Mind and Body for all.

2017 Vision: The Frost Valley YMCA will provide a safe and secure, values-driven experience that includes opportunities for challenging educational programs on and off site for guests of all ages from the local community and beyond. We will achieve a 30% reduction in electric consumption, benchmarked from 2008, and become a leading environmental education center that promotes and teaches socially responsible environmental practices. Our improved facilities will provide outstanding guest experiences for individuals, groups, and families through well maintained, energy-efficient facilities, cared for by a funded preventative maintenance plan that includes carefully planned technology access on campus. Through responsible development practices, contributed income will fund 12.5% of our operating budget. Guest retention and accessibility will remain a priority through attention to quality, variety, experience, and cost. Staff retention and morale will remain a priority by improving staff housing, training, benefits, and recognition.

Innovation These outcomes are the result of plans and measures Frost Valley YMCA has already taken to strengthen our positioning with the YMCA’s three pillars of youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.

our Green Initiative We are committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and the community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to adopt environmentally responsible business practices by conserving energy, water, and other natural resources; recycling and purchasing recycled products; and reducing our use of toxic cleaning products. We are committed to these goals while maintaining our high standards for customer comfort and enjoyment. In July of 2011, Frost Valley YMCA became certified through the HospitalityGreen LLC Green Concierge Eco-Business Certification ™ program.

Our Bullying Prevention Curriculum The Frost Valley YMCA approach to reducing bullying is not to focus on the negative or to target specific behaviors, but to focus on encouraging a lifestyle filled with positive values and doing more for others. Frost Valley YMCA offers hands-on experiential learning where students are given opportunities to diffuse situations, create new skills to combat negative behaviors and work together to create a cohesive community. With our core values of Caring, Community, Diversity, Honesty, Inclusiveness, Respect, Responsibility, and Stewardship, woven into every program we provide at Frost Valley, kids can’t help but bloom in our natural classroom.

Our Approach to Summer Learning Loss Summer learning loss is a decline in academic skills and knowledge over the course of summer vacation. Frost Valley YMCA’s Resident Camp has been addressing Summer Learning Loss for many years through our focus on social skills and stewardship. To continue to address this growing issue, we have implemented several programs including a creative writing class, the encouragement of reading during unstructured and quiet times, and the incorporation of a curriculum from our Environmental Education and School Programs into Summer Camp. Our plan will be annually reviewed by a certified schoolteacher. By 2015 we will have a concise way of measuring Frost Valley YMCA’s impact on campers’ learning loss.

our Model Forest Partnerships The Frost Valley Model Forest provides the opportunity for guests to see active forest management that balances forest production, wildlife management, multiple-use recreation, and water-quality protection. The Model Forest allows students, policy makers, landowners, and water supply users to learn how forest management can take place responsibly in the New York City Watershed. The Model Forest was established in partnership with the Watershed Agriculture Council – Forestry Program, which is a not-for-profit organization funded by New York City. Other partners include SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the New York City DEP.

Solar-thermal array at East Valley Ranch

impact Our ability to affect change on an international, national, and local level is the result of the efforts, contributions, and dedication of the entire Frost Valley community of volunteers, donors, and staff.

INTERNATIONALLY In 2012 Frost Valley hosted summer campers from 9 countries, including China, Russia, South Korea, and numerous European countries. For over 30 years, Frost Valley has partnered with the Tokyo YMCA to provide outstanding opportunities for Japanese nationals as well as Japanese Americans. These culture-based programs have led to numerous opportunities for campers from all walks of life to experience the culture of Japan and make friends with people from all over the world. Using this very successful partnership as a model, Frost Valley has begun collaborations with YMCAs all around the world. In Madagascar we have funded no-interest loans through an agriculturally based YMCA in a partnership with our Educational Farm. We have assisted a YMCA in Armenia by sending staff to train and start a camping program. These are just a few of the many examples of Frost Valley staff reaching around the world to share our expertise.

NATIONALLY In 2012, Frost Valley YMCA served 3,947 children through our Resident Camp, Farm Camp, Adventure Programs, Equestrian Programs and Day Camp. Roughly 65% of our campers come from New York and 30% from New Jersey. Twenty percent of our campers receive some form of scholarship assistance. Our retreats programs served over 10,000 participants and we provided the structure for building stronger family relationships with the 657 families that joined us. Furthermore, 194 groups came to us as YMCA Adventure Guides, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Church Retreats, and Leadership Retreats. And 58% of our participants received some form of scholarship assistance. In 2012, Frost Valley YMCA served a total of 14,389 participants through School Programs. We provided opportunities for teachers, students, and parent chaperones to learn more about themselves, their peers, and the environment. Students from 44 of our schools (over 25%) received financial assistance. Through financial assistance, our new incentives for schools and our seasonal pricing, we continue to assist schools to make us their choice for an experiential education program.

LOCALLY Over the past decade, Frost Valley has expanded its reach to the north and south. In 2012, Frost Valley Day Camp served 486 local children for a total of 1,465 one-week sessions. Over the course of the summer we employed 29 counselors and 2 seasonal directors. Our campers came from Sullivan, Ulster, Delaware, and Greene Counties and ranged in age from 4-16.

Strategic Priorities


• FOCUS ON VALUES Through the intentional implementation of our eight core values, we will inspire and educate our guests, campers, and staff, enhancing their quality of life.

• SUSTAINABILITY PRACTICES Over a 10-year period, starting from 2008, we will achieve a 30% reduction in kilowatt hours and lead the environmental education industry in the education and observation of green practices.

• FUND DEVELOPMENT We will expand our culture of philanthropy and increase contributed annual support to 12.5% total operating revenue within five years, allowing us to serve more children and families.

• TRUSTEE DEVELOPMENT The Frost Valley Board of Trustees will continue to develop, diversify, and strengthen itself by being aware of and employing best practices relating to leadership policies, trustee group assessment, and individual trustee self-assessment mechanisms, trustee recruiting, and conduct of committee and board meetings.

• PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AND EXPANSION Frost Valley YMCA will provide a meaningful guest experience through a variety of relevant programs focusing on building relationships, self-development, and an appreciation for the natural world.

• STAFF DEVELOPMENT We will identify the training needs of all Frost Valley staff and guide the architecture of a short- and long-range plan to ensure the fulfillment of organizational goals and staff development.

• Wellness Frost Valley will continue to be a leader in healthy living practices and education for staff and guests.

• Information and Technology Management We will use technology to create a more effective workplace and better guest experiences by enhancing communications and reliability while maintaining security and creating positive environmental change.

• Security Frost Valley will collaborate with numerous public agencies to provide the safest and most secure facility and program site possible.

Grow Confident These measures and plans will increase the overall stability and sustainability of Frost Valley as a workplace and organization.

FINANCIAL STABILITY Sustain financial viability and improve cash flow and bottom-line gain. •

Increase the annual operating pre-depreciation surplus, including contributed income to $600,000

Reduce long-term debt to less than 2.4 million dollars

Continue to push high-quality, high-volume programming

Continue careful financial analysis

SUSTAINABILITY PRACTICES Over a 10-year period, benchmarked from 2008, we will achieve a 30% reduction in electronic consumption and lead the environmental education industry in the education and observation of green practices. •

Continue to track all of our resource usage and recycling

Use Green Seal certified nontoxic cleaning products in all of our guest rooms

Commit to the purchase of 30% recycled content office paper

Upgrade all of our sinks, shower heads, and toilets to water-conserving models

Recycle all papers, cans, food containers, and universal waste materials

Educate 100% of our staff in “Green” Facility Training

PROPERTY AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Use technology to create a more effective workplace and better guest experiences by enhancing communications and reliability while maintaining security and promoting a positive environmental change. •

Install or improve high-speed network access including Internet access in all critical Frost Valley buildings on main campus

Provide staff training opportunities for new and existing applications as well as technology best practices

Use technology to better monitor and control our environmental impact

Develop a regimen for preventive maintenance and upgrades for hardware as well as software version upkeep. This would include proactive scheduled reviews of license expirations, in-house documentation updates, and standardizing “move/add/change” procedures

Draft and implement an I.T. Business Continuity Plan

Stay current with and fully utilize existing software

Strategically determine guest access based on season, weekday, and individual and group needs

Live Well These measures and plans will improve the overall well-being—Spirit, Mind, and Body—of Frost Valley’s staff, guests, and partners.

WELLNESS Frost Valley will continue to be a leader in healthy living practices and education for staff and guests. •

Provide secure and safe camper experiences

Enhance security

Promote a bully-free environment

Provide healthy spirit, mind, and body education

Consistently offer healthy meal options and education

Maintain a continued focus on staff health and wellness

FOCUS ON VALUES Through the intentional implementation of our eight core values—Caring, Community, Diversity, Honesty, Inclusiveness, Respect, Responsibility, and Stewardship—Frost Valley YMCA will inspire and educate our guests, campers, and staff, thereby enhancing their quality of life. •

Inventory and evaluate how each department currently incorporates the values

Enhance the way we currently incorporate our core values by departmentally reviewing, prioritizing, establishing, and implementing a plan

Create new ways for our staff to incorporate our core values into all aspects of camp

Create and maintain a values-driven staff culture

Create and maintain a bank of values activities and training tools for use with guests and staff

Ensure Frost Valley YMCAs 8 Core Values are effectively communicated to our current and potential guests through internally created documents and external media outlets

PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AND EXPANSION Frost Valley YMCA will provide a meaningful guest experience through a variety of relevant programs focusing on building relationships, self-development and an appreciation for the natural world. •

Explore possible expansions to provide more camping opportunities

Support program expansion based on societal trends and community needs

Hold an annual symposium to review industry trends

Conduct an annual program quality review for all Frost Valley programs

Expand and review all Quality Program Standards

Improve guest retention through careful attention to program expansion and delivery

Build Strong These measures and plans will foster Frost Valley YMCA’s strong foundation as a not-for-profit organization through rigorous financial, volunteer, and staff development practices.

FUND DEVELOPMENT We will expand our culture of philanthropy and increase contributed annual support to 12.5% total operating revenue within five years, allowing us to serve more children and families. •

Focus on volunteer and staff training around participation and campaigning

Increase new donors, renewals, and upgrades by 50%

Double the number of grants/foundations/partnerships

Increased engagement with donors, prospects, and campaigners using online tools

Create greater awareness of the annual campaign for our guests

Focus on donor retention through improved stewardship

Increase Neversink Society membership to 100 members

TRUSTEE DEVELOPMENT The Frost Valley Board of Trustees will continue to develop, diversify, and strengthen itself by being aware of and employing best practices relating to leadership policies, trustee group assessment, and individual trustee self-assessment mechanisms, trustee recruiting, and conduct of committee and board meetings. •

Increase opportunities for fellowship among trustees

Refine performance expectations of trustees

Recruit new trustees with diverse skills, backgrounds, and life experiences

Conduct committee and board meetings with emphasis on fiduciary, strategic, and generative discussions and decision making

Research and employ new assessment mechanisms

STAFF DEVELOPMENT Identify the training needs of all Frost Valley staff and guide the architecture of a short- and long-range plan to ensure the fulfillment of organizational goals and staff development. •

Interview members of different departments to evaluate current staff development needs, methods, and desires for the future

Identify both required and optional training needs for staff

Research, evaluate, and implement a staff development tracking system

All Director/Manager-level staff will be required to complete an appropriate level of certification through the YMCA Leadership Certification Program within 3 years of hire

All non-Director/Manager level staff will have an individualized training and development plan established and implemented by 2017

Evaluate the training plan annually and adjust it according to the staff’s and Frost Valley’s needs

Integrate the annual training and development plan into the operation’s budget cycle

Establish a committee to continue efforts to improve staff training and development

Frost Valley YMCA 2000 Frost Valley Road Claryville, NY 12725 (845) 985-2291

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