Boundless Reach, Individual Impact: Frost Valley YMCA's 2017-2018 Annual Report

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INDIVIDUAL IMPACT FROST FROST VALLEY VALLEY YMCA YMCA •• 2017-2018 2017-2018 Annual Annual Report Report

FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report


OUR MISSION Frost Valley YMCA is a values-driven organization that fosters youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility through outdoor educational and recreational programs for all.

OUR VALUES Caring • Community • Diversity Honesty • Inclusiveness • Respect Responsibility • Stewardship




FROM OUR PRESIDENT & CEO In the late 1950s, growing tourism, increased traffic, and business development in Andover, NJ – Frost Valley’s early home – threatened a once peaceful and idyllic spot for young campers to have a truly significant outdoor experience. About a year and a half after a Christmas Eve agreement with the Forstmann family in 1956, what was then known as “Camp Wawayanda” began the transition to its soon-to-be permanent home alongside a glistening river, amid miles of protected forest and nature. The permanent home of the camp we know today as Frost Valley YMCA was set. During the week of staff training that first Catskill summer in 1958, counselors were tasked with finishing the floors and roofs of 25 newly raised cabins. Campers ate meals in a renovated dairy barn. Program staff were hired by then Camp Director Earl Armstrong on the basis of two qualifications: character first and experience second. Precisely sixty years since that first summer, our property, programming, and community of campers, staff, guests, trustees, and volunteers have all considerably expanded. Today, Frost Valley operates on 5,500 acres with dozens of cabins, lodges, platform tents, and yurts. Staff live onsite in houses they call homes, where they raise their families. What began as a summer camp for boys from New York and New Jersey has radically evolved. Today, Frost Valley serves nearly 40,000 individuals all year long, from all around the world. The move to our current location was intended as an escape from the encroaching crowds, but it proved to be a decision that would allow us to truly serve all. Within the pages of this annual report are stories, photos, names, and numbers that reflect Frost Valley’s vast boundless reach. However, you’ll also meet Nancy, who saw her daughter and her friends through new eyes during a Girl Scout weekend at East Valley Ranch. And Darren discovered a sense of belonging at summer camp that he never felt at school. Luciano and Leandro also came to the Catskills after a site in New Jersey no longer suited their needs. They, too, discovered a welcoming community that celebrates differences and embraces diversity. We can and do measure growth in numbers and acres, but, as you’ll see in this report, the impact also happens on an individual level. We hope that you join us in celebrating the individual triumphs, the sum of which is immeasurable. The impact of this commitment to welcoming all people is only possible through the magnanimous support of a kind and caring donor community. To each and every person who has joined us in our pursuit of both preserving the quintessential camp experience while also growing in our reach, we have a very important message for you: From all of us at Frost Valley YMCA and from every family and child you have positively influenced with your support, thank you.


FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report

CAMP HELPS ONE YOUNG MAN BUILD LASTING FRIENDSHIPS 9,000 people experienced our zipline and found a new sense of courage in 2017-2018.

Stepping out of his comfort zone, a camper builds confidence and sparks a connection with others When Julie dropped off her 13 year-old son Darren for summer camp one clear, bright morning at Frost Valley, she was more than a little nervous. She worried how Darren would adjust to being away from home for the first time. Julie knew that in addition to the challenges most new campers face, Darren would also have to navigate social situations on his own, which had always been difficult for him.


Despite being incredibly smart and getting good grades, Darren often struggled to connect with his classmates because of his ADHD and sensory processing issues. As a result, he spent much of his time at school isolated from his peers. Julie wondered apprehensively, “Would he write home riddled with anxiety? Would he be able to participate in activities with the other campers? Would he talk to his cabinmates at all?” Little did she know that his time at Frost Valley YMCA would do more than break Darren out of his shell. It would profoundly impact both their lives. “The day I got Darren’s letter from camp saying, ‘Mom, I have friends!’ was one of the happiest days of my life,” Julie shares. “As a mom, you never want your child to feel lonely. It’s hard to watch him struggle to talk to kids his own age when you know how much he wants a friend. This was the first time in his life he was able to make friends. I’m not sure which of us was more excited, me or Darren.”

“It’s so rewarding to see the impact that camp has on a child. It can change their entire life trajectory,” says Dan Weir, Director of Camping Services at Frost Valley. It wasn’t even a question in Julie’s mind whether she should send Darren back to Frost Valley. He was so excited to return; missing camp was not an option. However, financial difficulties threatened her ability to send him this summer. Julie contacted the registrar’s office to discuss her financial situation and after a lengthy conversation about various ways that Frost Valley could work with her family on the tuition, Julie felt relieved. Thanks to the generosity of our many donors, Frost Valley was able to ensure that Darren would once again experience the transformative power of summer camp.

When he came back from camp, Julie saw a new side of Darren. He was bursting with excitement and newfound confidence. Now he wants to become a camp counselor when he grows up. “At camp, I was totally me. It was easier to talk to the other boys because nobody knew each other. Even though the guys were from all different places, we had a lot in common. At first it was hard not having my video games, but after a while I was having so much fun I forgot about them,” Darren described. As a boy from New York City, he was fascinated by the serene wilderness at camp, especially how quiet it could get and how much easier it was to pay attention to his counselor who taught him all about the local plant and animal life. Darren tried new things that pushed him out of his comfort zone, and in doing so he discovered new talents and demonstrated his courage. “I really liked making healthy recipes in the Teaching Kitchen. My friends and I made fruit smoothies. I did the zipline even though I was scared, and everyone clapped for me when I got down to the ground,” Darren enthusiastically explained.

“It’s exciting to see the dynamic shift in the perception of summer camp. Now more than ever, parents recognize that camp is about so much more than just keeping children active and offering exciting outdoor adventures. Summer camp gives children a sense of purpose, belonging, self-exploration, and leadership skills that they carry with them for the rest of their lives,” Dan says. Thanks to his newfound sense of belonging, it will be no surprise if Darren becomes a counselor some day. Future campers will find his story inspiring and it might motivate them to overcome their own obstacles. When one person makes a genuine connection with others, it creates a ripple effect and changes the course of countless lives.


FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report

WHEN WORRIES ARE REPLACED WITH WONDER 54,362 eggs were produced by our chickens at the Frost Valley Educational Farm in 2017-2018.

A Scouting weekend that surprised even the troop leader Nancy was worried that driving with an SUV full of girls for three hours would make it difficult to stay focused on the road. In fact, Nancy worried about many things as she triple checked her packing list for her troop’s Horsemanship Weekend at East Valley Ranch. She was at least thankful that another mother, Kim, would be driving half the girls in her vehicle. She was even more grateful that Kim had made this trip before to drop her daughter off for summer camp, so getting lost would be one less thing she needed to worry about. Nevertheless, she did worry about how they would ensure the girls both had fun and had an experience that would

BOUNDLESS REACH • INDIVIDUAL IMPACT stick with them throughout their lives. “At this age, they can be a little petty,” fretted Nancy. “They’re such good girls, but I think all girls their age have so many things that are new and scary for them – fairness is a big issue. And wearing the right thing never used to matter to my daughter, but all of a sudden, she can take hours to get dressed in the morning.” As a former scout herself, Nancy appreciates the lessons scouting teaches, and she recognizes that in a world where she can barely pry the tablets and smartphones away from her kids – those lessons are crucial. As they prepared to leave, she worried the girls wouldn’t connect with one another in the deeper ways that she did with her troop as a child. However, she had heard from other parents that Frost Valley, especially its secluded and private East Valley Ranch, was just the place to create lifelong connections. So as they loaded up the car and the girls argued over who would sit where and how come so-and-so had more room, she now worried that being responsible for a dozen 10 year-old girls for the weekend might be more than she could handle. Once they got on the highway, she was shocked – and a bit skeptical – by how quiet the car was. While relieved not to be distracted by a group of squealing girls, she looked in the rearview mirror to see everyone staring intently at their devices. “I thought of course, this isn’t the same as when I was a kid going on camping trips with my troop,” sighed Nancy. “But I didn’t want to be the grumpy old lady who couldn’t get with the times!” As they drove out of the suburbs of New Jersey and crossed the New York state line, she noted to the girls they were officially in a new state! Her exclamation was met with a few shrugs and nods. About an hour and a half later, the girls started to notice the batteries of their devices were fading and soon even the smart phones lost signal. Suddenly, they were looking up and out the window. “It was still pretty quiet in the car, despite a few complaints about being bored,” said Nancy, “but then we saw a momma dear and her two fawns in a field on the side of the road. I slowed down so everyone could see. We have deer in Jersey, but with so much traffic, you can’t stop and appreciate them.” The girls were completely enchanted by the little family, and from that moment they couldn’t take their eyes off the scenery, as it changed from rural to what felt like true backwoods wilderness. The sun was beginning to set just as they turned onto the driveway of East Valley Ranch. “The sight of the horses grazing with the ranch house in the distance – it just took everyone’s breath away,” Nancy remembered fondly. “Then, we were greeted by

the friendliest staff, and I suddenly realized – wait, I’m not doing this on my own. There’s a team here that’s going to help us have a great weekend!” That evening, after a little bit of squabbling over who would sleep in which bunk bed, the girls all ended up cramming around one lower bunk to tell ghost stories. Nancy and her fellow chaperone, Kim, sat in the room a little while, but then suddenly realized they might as well have been flies on the wall. “Listening to the girls giggle and shriek with excitement is a sound I hadn’t heard from this group in some time,” said Nancy. That night, she realized that all of her worries could be put aside because something special happens when a group of girls gets together to share a new experience as one team. Magic was sparked that first night as they stayed up well past their bedtimes. The following day, they spent a couple hours horseback riding and then learned firsthand about what is involved in caring for horses. They learned about grooming and even about caring for the health of a horse. “When I found out that ‘stewardship’ was a core value at Frost Valley, I thought it was so unique, but I really hadn’t expected much more from the weekend than a few pony rides,” remarked Nancy. “But all of the values were expressed in so many wonderful ways. We shared meals together as a community. We learned to be stewards of our horses and the environment. And I saw a newfound respect start to form among the girls, as personal wants got put aside for what was in the best interest of the group. Choosing activities became more democratic, where it had previously been just about what each individual child wanted to do. Like I said, they are good girls, but they hadn’t ever gotten a chance to coexist as a team. And it made my role a lot easier!” When the troop prepared to leave on Sunday, there were still some disagreements about who would sit where, but Nancy noticed a difference: “This time, the issue wasn’t ‘who would have the most room.’ Everyone wanted to sit next to everyone, and in two SUVs that’s just not possible! Kim and I announced that we’d have to stop halfway home and switch seats just so everyone had a chance to spend a little time with all 12 girls. What a difference from when we left!” However, what impressed Nancy most was when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket once they were back in cell phone range. On the trip back home, she occasionally had to ask the girls to use “indoor voices,” so she could focus on the road and she was happy to do so. The laugher and excitement she heard on that very first night lasted all the way until it was time to drop off the girls back at their respective doorsteps. “One little girl – who is an only child - told me when I arrived at her house that she wished the whole troop were her sisters,” Nancy said. “I told her what my troop leader once told me, ‘We are sisters in scouting.’”


FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report

A PLACE WHERE ALL ARE WELCOME AND ALL ARE SAFE A Retreat Group Finds a New Home Away from Home “We work hard to create a better world for our community,” says Luciano Reberte, LEAD Program Coordinator of the Latino Commission on AIDS in New York, NY. However, when he learned four years ago that the site that formerly hosted their retreats would no longer be an option, he was concerned that a narrow budget would hold them back from finding an appropriate location. “The process of finding another place for our retreat was highly stressful for me. I recognize that our budget is very tight and limited,” says Luciano. “We are a small non-profit organization and as Latinos working in HIV prevention and LGBT wellness, we are a minority inside another minority, which makes it harder.” Originally from Argentina, Luciano says that his work for the Latino Commission on AIDS has given him the opportunity to help, support, and empower others that face the same obstacles he has faced in his life, from language barriers to doors being closed as a result of various forms of discrimination. “We take youth and adults on these retreats to help them overcome issues with self-esteem, and to identify the patterns of internalizing systems of oppression,” says Leandro Rodriguez, Program Director at the organization. “Afterward, they’re able to make healthier decisions in their life to become better leaders through their own empowerment.” The retreats provide vital time for participants to experience the natural world,

but they also have a very set curriculum with specific educational goals. Once group dynamics have been established, smaller groups are created for shared experiential exercises. “We want them to engage in visualization techniques to discuss things in the past that didn’t go well and how they can change their responses in the future,” explains Leandro. “Really confronting what they’re afraid of and doing an exercise that pushes them past the limitations they thought they had helps them to stand up for themselves and take care of their health and well-being and also advocate for others.” When asked about the goal of the retreat, Leandro gives a simple but crucial answer: “better health outcomes.” He tells us, “If people were never aware of their HIV status, they feel confident to go home and get tested and also bring other people into the center and get them to come to the retreats.” The Latino Commission on AIDS has brought four groups of about 40 individuals each to Frost Valley since 2017, and they are eager to bring more as interest in participation continues to increase, creating exponential impact of those critical health outcomes. “We ask clients not to talk about the specific events of the retreats, but they come home and their friends see a change in them and they want to go, too.” Understanding the power of these retreats without experiencing them firsthand is virtually impossible, which is why the Latino Commission on AIDS relies on the results to speak for themselves.

Leandro paints an awe-inspiring picture when describing the experience: “In our April retreat, we were actually able to do the closing exercise on the platform over the lake. People were in tears. It was such beautiful scenery. Seeing nature, all covered in snow and pure. It’s just magical for us.” Beyond the spectacular scenery, Frost Valley’s staff also has a lasting impact on the participants. “A lot of these kids have been mistreated or experienced discrimination. Everywhere they go there’s that fear: ‘Am I going to be treated bad?’ But the staff at Frost Valley just makes them feel comfortable. They come to the tables and ask how everyone is doing and even though some of the kids might not understand the language, they see the smile. They understand – this is a safe place,” says Leandro. That feeling of safety is crucial to achieving the outcomes that are so essential. In an email to Frost Valley after a recent visit, Luciano wrote, “By helping us to fit the retreat in our budget, you are also helping many other people who will receive services with us. On behalf of my community I want to thank you for that.” And from all of us at Frost Valley, we would like to thank our donors who make it possible to financially support groups like the Latino Commission on AIDS, a group that adds so much to the fabric of our community here in the Valley.


Un grupo de retiro encuentra un nuevo hogar lejos del hogar. “Trabajamos duro para crear un mundo major para nuestra communidad”, dice Luciano Reberte, Coordinador del programa LEAD de la comision Latina sobre el SIDA en Nueva York, NY. Sin embargo, cuando supo hace cuatro años que el sitio que anteriormente albergaba sus retiros ya no sería una opción, le preocupaba que un presupuesto limitado los detuviera de encontrar una ubicación adecuada. “El proceso de encontrar otro lugar para nuestro retiro fue muy estresante para mí. Reconozco que nuestro presupuesto es muy ajustado y limitado “, dice Luciano. “Somos una pequeña organización sin fines de lucro y, como latinos que trabajamos en la prevención del VIH y el bienestar LGBT, somos una minoría dentro de otra minoría, lo que hace que sea más difícil”. Originalmente de Argentina, Luciano dice que su trabajo para la Comisión Latina sobre el SIDA le ha dado la oportunidad de ayudar, apoyar y capacitar a otros que enfrentan los mismos obstáculos que ha enfrentado en su vida, desde barreras de lenguaje a puertas que se cierran como resultado de diversas formas de discriminación. “Llevamos a jóvenes y adultos a estos retiros para ayudarlos a superar problemas de autoestima e identificar los patrones de internalización de los sistemas de opresión”, dice Leandro Rodríguez, Director de Programas de la organización. “Después, pueden tomar decisiones más saludables en su vida para convertirse en mejores líderes a través de su propio empoderamiento”. Los retiros brindan un tiempo vital para que los participantes experimenten el mundo natural, pero también tienen un plan de estudios muy definido con objetivos educativos específicos. Una vez que se han establecido las dinámicas grupales, se crean grupos más pequeños para ejercicios experienciales compartidos. “Queremos que participen en técnicas de visualización para analizar cosas del

pasado que no funcionaron bien y cómo pueden cambiar sus respuestas en el futuro”, explica Leandro. “Enfrentando realmente lo que temen y haciendo un ejercicio que los empuja más allá de las limitaciones que pensaban que tenían, los ayuda a defenderse ellos mismos y cuidar de su salud y bienestar, y también abogar por los demás”. Cuando se le preguntó sobre el objetivo del retiro, Leandro brinda una respuesta simple pero crucial: “mejores resultados de salud”. Nos dice: “Si las personas nunca conocieron su estado respecto al VIH, se sienten seguros de ir a sus hogares y hacerse la prueba, y también traiga a otras personas al centro y haga que vayan a los retiros. “La Comisión Latina sobre el SIDA ha traído cuatro grupos de aproximadamente 40 individuos a Frost Valley desde 2017, y están ansiosos por traer más, ya que el interés en la participación continúa aumentando , creando un impacto exponencial de esos resultados críticos de salud. “Les pedimos a los clientes que no hablen sobre los eventos específicos de los retiros, pero vuelven a casa y sus amigos ven un cambio en ellos y también quieren ir”. Comprender el poder de estos retiros sin experimentarlos de primera mano es virtualmente imposible, es por eso que la Comisión Latina sobre el SIDA confía en los resultados para hablar por sí mismos. Leandro pinta una imagen sobrecogedora al describir la experiencia: “En nuestro retiro de abril, pudimos hacer el ejercicio de cierre en la plataforma sobre el lago. La gente estaba llorando. Fue un paisaje tan


hermoso. Ver la naturaleza, todo cubierto de nieve y puro. Es simplemente mágico para nosotros.” Más allá del escenario espectacular, el personal de Frost Valley también tiene un impacto duradero en los participantes. “Muchos de estos niños han sido maltratados o han sufrido discriminación. Donde sea que vayan hay ese temor: ‘¿Me tratarán mal?’, Pero el personal de Frost Valley simplemente los hace sentir cómodos. Llegan a las mesas y preguntan cómo está todo el mundo, y aunque algunos de los niños no entienden el idioma, ven la sonrisa. Ellos entienden que este es un lugar seguro “, dice Leandro. Esa sensación de seguridad es crucial para lograr los resultados que son tan esenciales. En un correo electrónico a Frost Valley después de una visita reciente, Luciano escribió: “Al ayudarnos a adaptar el retiro a nuestro presupuesto, también está ayudando a muchas otras personas que recibirán servicios con nosotros. En nombre de mi comunidad, quiero agradecerles por eso. “Y de todos nosotros en Frost Valley, nos gustaría agradecer a nuestros donantes que hacen posible apoyar financieramente a grupos como la Comisión Latina sobre el SIDA, un grupo que lo suma mucho a la estructura de nuestra comunidad aquí en el Valle.

FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report

SOMETIMES ROCKING THE BOAT IS A GOOD THING 53 individuals participated in the Family Retreats for Healthy Living in 2017-2018.

How Students Experience Challenge as an Opportunity for Growth For many children, Frost Valley is their first experience away from home and family, and for children who come here again and again, every time can be different. That is the case for the children who join us for their educational field trip with Rocking the Boat, a youth development organization that offers boat-based, STEM-oriented programs for high school students in the Bronx. For students in the organization’s after-school program, the trip to Frost Valley may be their first time away from the city, while those who are returning now take on a new role as leaders to the first-time participants.

BOUNDLESS REACH • INDIVIDUAL IMPACT Alumni of the program also participate as part-time staff to help guide the younger students through all the new experiences. And of course mountains of snow like we received this year in the Catskills can mean an entirely new experience for all! “We try to expose students to new experiences and develop connections with the natural world and each other,” says Jamie Renee Smith, Environmental Student Program Director at Rocking the Boat. “It’s a real bonding opportunity while also finding new strengths within themselves.” Rocking the Boat is similar to Frost Valley in its focus of providing outdoor educational and recreational experiences for all children. However, the organization has a much different method of delivery. Now in its 20th year of operation, Rocking the Boat began with an idea: give children from the city the opportunity to build boats from start to finish that they would eventually row and sail on the Bronx River. “We thought, what if we did something unbelievable?” says Joe Bly, Director of Institutional Giving. “We wanted to provide boating experiences for children who may have never even seen a boat before.” Here at Frost Valley, we definitely appreciate that type of thinking when it comes to providing children with unbelievable, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Rocking the Boat is based in Hunts Point, NY – a neighborhood on the peninsula of the South Bronx. Children come to the professional grade boat shop to build traditional wooden boats from start to finish. Then, after months of hard work, they take those boats onto the Bronx River for sailing, rowing, navigation lessons, and environmental science studies. Coming to Frost Valley allows the students in Rocking the Boat’s after-school program to take what they’ve learned in the city and see it firsthand in the Catskill Mountains, which is also home to the New York City Watershed. “We really appreciate that we can plan our curriculum ahead of time,” says Jamie who coordinates the trip’s schedule of classes with Frost Valley’s Group and Family Retreat staff. The science-based classes that students experience include watershed education, orienteering, and winter wildlife ecology. “Those address our specific goals of educating students about where our water comes from and how it’s protected by the forest, as well as broader ecological principles,” Jamie explains. “But those educational activities engage the students in other ways, like relating to each other on a personal level. Whether it’s wayfinding or getting excited about animals or exploration in a seemingly remote and disconnected area and discovering

it’s actually connected to their daily lives, the hands-on experience is what has the biggest impact.” However, Rocking the Boat – much like Frost Valley – also appreciates the importance of recreation and fun. “We love the free-choice activities,” continues Jamie. “They’re less content heavy but more focused on building confidence, trying new things like candle making, archery, and sledding. When they’re hiking and wading through a foot and a half of snow, the students emerge with new interests or a new sense of their strengths.”

Joe adds, “The population we serve go to highly under-resourced schools. They don’t go on school field trips to the mountains. Few are going with their family to the Catskills. For a large number of the participants, this could be the first time they go to a forest or a camp setting where they stay in cabins or go sledding.” Sixty years ago, Frost Valley YMCA moved from New Jersey to this area in the Catskills to give summer campers those outdoor experiences that may be lacking in the cities and suburbs, but today many groups, including Rocking the Boat, appreciate the unique qualities of a wintertime trip. “Especially in a winter setting,” adds Jamie, “Frost Valley is a place where you can embrace what others might fear. In the city, snow might keep you inside, but at Frost Valley you just have to know what to do with it. This year we went snowshoeing and none of the students had ever done that before. It was a totally new way to experience snow and exploration.” When the students return home, they bring with them all they learned both on a personal and educational level. Having learned about the role of the Catskill reservoirs in the New York City Watershed, students can see how the runoff from the streets in the city might impact the water in the Bronx River, which will affect the fish, and so on. After going on a snowshoe hike for the first time, students have a newfound appreciation for trying new things. “They come back with more confidence and courage,” says Jamie. “But they’re also closer to each other. They love making campfires and s’mores by the cabin together. It really bonds them and they return home as a more closely knit community.” “For a lot of the students, the Frost Valley weekend can be really challenging,” says Jamie. “But almost all of the students say it’s their favorite trip. They express that it’s a challenge but that they grew from it. That’s the best possible outcome.”


FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report

CARING CADETS GIVE BACK 169 gallons of maple syrup produced by our Natural Resources Department in 2018.

A volunteer weekend perfectly suited for this special fly fishing club What do trout and maple syrup have in common? They’re the ingredients for a very successful Frost Valley YMCA Volunteer Weekend thanks to the Cadet Fly Fishing Club from the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY. In 2004, Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Hasz visited Frost Valley’s East Valley Ranch for a trip with the club.


They had a phenomenal time fly-fishing on the East Branch of the Neversink River in the scenic Catskill Mountains. So, when it came time to plan a spring fishing trip, LTC Hasz had a vested interest in returning with the cadets. It was as though the stars aligned. Ron was browsing our spring calendar and saw that Frost Valley would be hosting a Volunteer Weekend on April 20-22, 2018, which was a perfect time for a trip. Since they already had a great experience fishing at Frost Valley in the past, they were excited to give back. “The Volunteer Weekend perfectly met all of our needs and goals,” Ron described. As luck would have it, Frost Valley had a very important project that needed to be completed and the cadets were a great fit for the job. Anthony Kordziel, Natural Resource Director, and Dan DeChellis, Environmental Science and Natural Resource Coordinator, knew just how to utilize these exceptionally capable volunteers.

Upon completion of the work, the cadets were able to fish the wonderful waterways at Frost Valley, including Lake Cole, White Pond, Biscuit Brook, and the West Branch of the Neversink River. “Even though the weather and trout didn’t cooperate, we still had a great time,” Ron recalled. “I heard nothing but great feedback from the cadets during the entire trip while we worked, had meals, and later fished. They enjoyed the experience so much we are already talking about coming back to Frost Valley next year,” he said. “It was a great opportunity to give back to Frost Valley because we had enjoyed your resources before and had a great time fishing at East Valley Ranch, so we were happy to help in any way we could.”

“When I told the staff that I had eight physically fit, college-age cadets, along with two club mentors, myself, and my family that could help out, Anthony and Dan came up with a great project for us that didn’t require any technical training,” said Ron. “Our project was to hike through the woods, disconnecting the tubing and metal tension wire for the maple sugar operation. We then carried it down to the parking lot for removal,” he described. Frost Valley has a maple sugaring operation consisting of nearly 1,200 tapped trees, along with all the associated tubing to get the sap from the trees to the sugar house. Frost Valley is currently in the process of updating the 15 year-old gravity based system to a new vacuum pump system. The tubes had become clogged in places, and the layout of the tubing system was outdated for the new vacuum pump technology, making it necessary to replace them. “It would have taken Anthony and myself days to complete the crucial task of taking down and removing all the old tubing,” explained Dan. “The cadets saved us so much time, and we’re so grateful for their help!” Dan and Anthony took the time to not only explain the project, but also the entire maple sugaring process to the cadets, some of whom were from the south and had never heard of maple sugaring before. They found it all fascinating – the tour of the maple sugar house, as well as learning everything about sap collection and producing the finished product, delicious maple syrup.

Thanks to our generous donor community, Frost Valley is able to offer a reduced rate for volunteer weekends, which includes lodging, meals, and use of the amenities. Ron expressed his gratitude saying, “It was wonderful to be able to ensure that all the cadets were able to go, regardless of their ability to pay. Since the club operates on donations, I try my best to be a good steward of those funds and hopefully not pass on any trip costs to the cadets. I would hate to see someone miss out on an opportunity like this because they don’t have the money.” The work they completed will allow countless Frost Valley guests, schoolchildren, and campers to learn how maple syrup is made. Frost Valley is honored to have the help of the USMA Cadet Fly Fishing Club in addition to the many individuals, families, and service groups that help during Volunteer Weekends and throughout the year.


FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report

A BOY’S DREAMS TAKE FLIGHT 5,500 pounds of produce were grown at the Frost Valley Educational Farm in 2017-2018.

As his confidence soared lifelong friendships formed What began as a missed opportunity, has transformed the life of a young boy named Michael, who has autism. Many public schools on Long Island take school trips to places in upstate New York, and Michael’s district schedules their trip to Frost Valley for their 5th grade classes each year. He had been looking forward to the trip for several months, but when the time came Michael was unable to attend with his class. He was extremely sad when he


realized that he was going to miss his chance to go to Frost Valley because he had been hearing about it and thinking about it all year long. Knowing how disappointed he was, Michael’s father, Gary, decided to take him to Frost Valley himself.

The families book adjacent cabins so they can make campfires, roast marshmallows, make s’mores, and enjoy beautiful nights stargazing together while sharing stories of their lives. Michael also made a lifelong friend at Frost Valley who just so happens to live on Long Island as well.

Gary called to make the arrangements. That’s when he learned about Frost Valley’s Autism Support Weekends. Frost Valley offers many of the outdoor activities that Michael enjoys during these weekends, so he was excited to bring him.

Gary explains, “Michael and his new friend see each other at many of the weekend activities and Michael is always eager to talk with his good friend. This is more than a friendship; it’s a milestone for my son because making friends is by no means easy. I could not be more thrilled and I have Frost Valley to thank for it!”

Gary learned about the Flying Squirrel, a high ropes challenge where children are hoisted up into the air and get to “fly” with the support of a harness, pulley system of ropes, and the muscle power of additional kids who help provide the leverage for liftoff. Michael was over-the-moon thrilled at the prospect of “flying” like Super Grover (his favorite Sesame Street character). He had an absolutely incredible, joyous time on the Flying Squirrel. “I can’t tell you how many times children literally get to have their dreams come true, but I can say with certainty that my son’s dream came true that day at Frost Valley,” Gary described in a letter to Frost Valley. After witnessing his son having the time of his life, Michael’s family decided to return for another Autism Support Weekend. When they arrived the following year, they were pleasantly surprised to discover that both of the staff members who facilitated the Flying Squirrel were the same ones from the previous year. Not only did they remember Michael, but they also greeted him by name and told him how much fun they had helping him with the Flying Squirrel the year before. Gary fondly recalls, “I can’t begin to imagine how many guests they interacted with both before and after our first trip to Frost Valley, yet they remembered Michael. To this day (four years later), they still remember him.” Now Autism Support Weekends have become a frequent getaway for Michael’s family. Not only has Michael’s life been positively affected, but his family’s lives have as well. They have formed strong bonds with several other families that they spend time with at these retreats year after year. Caring for a son with Michael’s unique needs can be isolating, but these Autism Weekends allow families to meet others who can relate.

In addition to the numerous activities, many of which emphasize being outside enjoying the beautiful landscape, there are several programmatic features of these weekends that are designed specifically for families affected by autism spectrum disorder. Frost Valley creates exclusive time slots at various activities just for families attending the Autism Support Weekend. This keeps the size of the group manageable and ensures that none of the children wait too long, as this can be extremely challenging for some. Gary raves, “The programs change from year to year, so even though it’s been four years, we still haven’t done everything yet.” Frost Valley provides a sensory room for families who can benefit from having a calming, secluded space. Additionally, Frost Valley designates a quiet room inside the dining hall for families since ambient noise can become an especially challenging distraction for some. Gary was initially concerned about what (and if) his son would eat while staying at Frost Valley because he can be a picky eater, but they were very pleasantly surprised by the many healthy choices offered. A vegan option is always offered at every meal, as well as plenty of kid-friendly choices. Gary knew of other families in their area that could benefit from attending one of Frost Valley’s Autism Support Weekends and he decided to take action. Gary recounted his wife’s advocacy, saying, “She is very involved with a community of families who have a child on the spectrum here on Long Island. She has been busy spreading the word about our family’s great experiences at Frost Valley!” What began with one family’s desire to fulfill their son’s longing to visit Frost Valley, turned his dream of “flying” into reality and created lifelong friendships. Now, one family’s positive experience has spawned a network of families who come together to share laughter, bond over common challenges, celebrate triumphs, and share their dreams for the future.


FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report

2017-2018 FACILITY ENHANCEMENTS The following property and facility enhancements have allowed Frost Valley to serve more people in more sustainable, more innovative, and safer ways. Thank you to all who supported these efforts with your time, talent, and treasure.

Single Entry to Camp for Increased Safety In early 2017, our maintenance team cleared an area for a new, internal road that was completed by June. This road allows for access to all areas of camp without using County Road 47 (Frost Valley Road). Having one main entrance to camp improves the security of our campers, staff, and guests by ensuring that all who enter first check in at the Welcome Center by the main entrance.

New Road Signs The roads that make up Frost Valley have officially been named to reflect our eight core values as well as other prominent traits of character. These new street names are registered with the town, county, and state.

Y-Tower Gets a Face Lift Our beloved Y-Tower has a brighter hue! During Summer 2017, Frost Valley’s hardworking maintenance crew re-painted the Y-Tower, which serves both as a climbing wall and zipline to foster confidence, courage, and perseverance.

Progress Toward a Waste-Free Dining Experience As you may know, Frost Valley composts all food waste and has a robust recycling program throughout camp. Now, thanks to a new agreement with Ronnybrook Farm Dairy, Frost Valley no longer uses milk cartons to supply milk for campers and guests. Plastic condiment packets have also been replaced with more sustainable solutions, often allowing our dining hall to have no need for trash bins during many of our meals! Many thanks to our food service provider, Chartwells, for partnering with us in this pursuit.

Snow Tubing Gets a New Home With the addition of the new road, the former location of our snow tubing hill needed to be moved. Fortunately, Winter 2017-18 provided several feet of snow on numerous weekends for plenty of snow tubing at the new location near Geyer Hall.


New LED Lights in Lodges All of the lights in Bodman, Day, Kellogg, Hyde & Watson, Quirk, Kresge, Scott, Wolf, and snow Lodges now have LED lights installed. These lights cut the wattage used in half, while also providing one third more light. Next, we are working on installing LED lights in the remaining lodges.

Ten New Cabins!

By the start of Summer Camp 2017, construction began on ten new cabins that were completed by June 2018. These cabins replace the former cabins 41-50, which were built over 50 years ago. The new cabins are a part of the R. Fenn Putman Village and the James C. Kellogg Village, made possible by generous donor support.


FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report

In 2008, to commemorate Frost Valley YMCA’s 50th year in the Catskills, the Board of Trustees resolved to begin a tradition of recognizing the outstanding individuals who have been instrumental in service and leadership to our organization. The following individuals have been inducted into our Hall of Fame for their contributions to the founding, continued success, and legacy of Frost Valley.





D. Halbe Brown Woodruff J. “Woody” English Eva Gottscho

Jane Brown Tatsuo & Emiko Honma Charles Scott


Clara Hasbrouck John Ketcham Frank Ketcham Dr. Ira Greifer


Helen Geyer James C. Kellogg

R. Fenn Putman Dr. Jerome Wolff



Walter T. Margetts

Paul B. Guenther David King Howard Quirk

2015 Carl and Marie Hess Henry Hird Robert Ohaus

2016 Bill & Eva Devlin Sumner Dudley Cathy McFarland Harvey




Ted B. Hilton



James “Jim” Marion Former Environmental Education Director

Beverly Gross Sutton Alumni


FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report

PROGRAM PARTNERS ALLIANCE OF NEW YORK STATE YMCAS The Alliance of New York State YMCAs is comprised of 45 independent Ys and more than 120 YMCA branches across the empire state. Making up an extraordinary group of dedicated nonprofits working together to strengthen the communities of NY. BEAR GRYLLS SURVIVAL ACADEMY In partnership with the Bear Grylls Survival Academy, Frost Valley is honored to provide outdoor survival courses and summer camp programs to children, teens, and adults. Through survival expert Bear Grylls’ signature dynamic self-rescue approach, these simulated experiences are safe, engaging ways for individuals and families to challenge themselves in the great outdoors. BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF NEWARK This partnership provides opportunities for Newark youth to experience Frost Valley YMCA camp, empowering them to succeed and excel. LA CASA DE DON PEDRO La Casa de Don Pedro is a community development corporation offering comprehensive social services to Newark and surrounding areas, with particular expertise in serving the Latino community. CATSKILL WATERSHED CORPORATION The CWC is a Local Development Corporation established to protect water quality in the NYC Watershed West of the Hudson River; to preserve and support Watershed communities; and to strengthen the region’s economy. The CWC generously funds schools to come to Frost Valley to learn about and experience firsthand the importance of the Watershed. CHARTWELLS Chartwells is an educational dining service partnering with Frost Valley to promote the goal of providing tasty, wholesome food for every camper and guest. NEW JERSEY PARTNERSHIP FOR HEALTHY KIDS New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids is a statewide program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation with technical assistance and direction provided by the New Jersey YMCA State Alliance. The goal of the program is to convene, connect and empower community partnerships across the state to implement environmental and policy changing strategies that prevent childhood obesity. NEW JERSEY YMCA STATE ALLIANCE The New Jersey YMCA State Alliance is comprised of dozens of corporate YMCA associations and nearly 80 branches from across the garden state. Together, New Jersey YMCAs work together to strengthen the foundations of community to better serve the people of New Jersey.


ORANGE, ULSTER, SUFFOLK AND NASSAU COUNTY BOCES The Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) provide shared educational programs and services to school districts within the state, including partnering with Frost Valley to bring environmental education programs to a variety of school districts. PREP FOR PREP Prep for Prep is an independent school educating leaders and preparing them for the future with a clear sense of social responsibility. RUTH GOTTSCHO KIDNEY FOUNDATION & THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL AT MONTEFIORE These partnerships allow children with kidney disease to attend summer camp at Frost Valley with professional medical support. TOKYO YMCA Our partnership with Tokyo YMCA is a program for Japanese international families in the U.S. on temporary work transfer, providing them the opportunity to join together for language and cultural immersion at camp. USAIMMERSION USAImmersion is a local not-for-profit organization offering fellowships to attend Frost Valley YMCA Day Camp for free to those families interested in participating in their international cultural immersion program. WATERSHED AGRICULTURAL COUNCIL (WAC) WAC works with farm and forest landowners in the NYC Watershed region by partnering with Frost Valley to run and maintain Frost Valley’s model forest. YMCA FRANCE As a member of the Y movement for over 40 years, YMCA France has partnered with Frost Valley for enhanced culture-sharing and professional development for both YMCAs. Frost Valley is grateful to hire volunteers from YMCA France each summer, thus broadening our campers’ worldview in immeasurable ways. YOUNG ADULT INSTITUTE YAI is an organization creating hope and opportunity for people with developmental and learning disabilities through a wide variety of programs, including the Frost Valley experience of “Mainstreaming at Camp.”


RESEARCH PARTNERS EPA: CASTNET (THE CLEAN AIR STATUS AND TRENDS NETWORK) Provides long-term monitoring of air quality in rural areas to determine trends in regional atmospheric nitrogen, sulfur, and ozone concentrations and deposition fluxes of sulfur and nitrogen pollutants in order to evaluate the effectiveness of national and regional air pollution control programs INSTITUTE OF ECOSYSTEM STUDIES Studies Frost Valley’s Model Forest and offering public education and outreach NADP (NATIONAL ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITION PROGRAM) Monitors the Mercury Deposition Network, the Nation Trends Network, and the Ammonia Monitoring Network to provide data on the amounts, trends, and geographic distributions of acids, nutrients, and base cations in precipitation NEW YORK CITY DEP RONDOUT/NEVERSINK STREAM PROGRAM Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) surveys erosion sites along Biscuit Brook and both branches of the Neversink U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Monitors gage station, Biscuit Brook and Neversink Watershed Research, studying forest nutrients WATERSHED AGRICULTURE COUNCIL Monitors Frost Valley’s Model Forest

ANNUAL GIVING Our kind and caring community of donors who support Frost Valley YMCA’s Annual Giving Campaign is crucial to the life-changing experiences that take place here throughout the winter, spring, summer, and fall. Ensuring that all children and families can participate in our programs, the generous support of donors like you provides financial assistance to individuals who otherwise would not have this life-enhancing opportunity. Without this loyal commitment to our mission, thousands would miss out on the joy of exploring the wilderness, laughing with friends in a cabin, or making memories around a campfire.

CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS As a dynamic and growing organization, we regularly upgrade our facilities to meet the needs of our guests. Capital campaigns invite members of the Frost Valley community to help us grow by funding new building projects such as the recently completed Bud Cox Trip Center, new bathhouse, and new cabins, made possible with contributions from individual donors, foundations, and the YMCA of the USA Strategic Initiatives Fund.

ENDOWMENT Endowment funds are vital to endurance and longevity of a non-profit organization. Gifts to our endowment can take many forms. Whether it is an outright gift or a planned bequest, a restricted contribution or unrestricted, donors who commit to our endowment fund help ensure that Frost Valley continues to fulfill its mission well into the future. Individuals are recognized for their legacy gifts by becoming members of the Neversink Society.


FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report

A CHERISHED DONOR DEDICATES HER BIRTHDAY TO FROST VALLEY “I have watched (my grandson) return each summer with more self confidence, a love for nature and respect for others. I am proud to witness his growth as a steward of the earth, respect for humanity, and a budding leader.” Text excerpted from Mimi’s letter below

Birthdays are a special occasion to spend time with loved ones, eat cake, receive gifts, and celebrate the future. Mimi Weaver, however, used her 70th birthday as an opportunity to give rather than receive. Instead of presents, Mimi asked her friends and family members to make donations to Frost Valley YMCA. She explains her motivation, “I think birthdays are a great way to celebrate that we’re here and healthy, but I thought ‘at 70, who needs presents to do that?’ I would rather give to a cause, so I asked my friends and family to make donations to Frost Valley, which is very near and dear to my heart, instead of getting me gifts.” Mimi was first introduced to Frost Valley 40 years ago while working as a social worker for a dialysis clinic in New Jersey. During that time, she was a volunteer for the National Kidney Foundation of NY and NJ. She was also involved in fundraising for the Ruth Gottscho Kidney Foundation, which partners with Frost Valley YMCA and the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore to make the dream of summer camp a reality for children with chronic kidney disease or transplants. Mimi expresses her fondness for this one-of-a-kind camp program, “I really admire Frost Valley’s Kidney Camp because the kids can participate in all the traditional summer camp activities and still receive their dialysis treatments.”

She also witnessed firsthand how Frost Valley’s overnight camp positively influenced her grandson Rivers, who has been a camper for the past five years. Mimi is thrilled with the self-confidence and maturity he’s gained at camp. She witnessed how he came home that very first year, at age 8, more mindful and helpful – volunteering to help his mother do chores around the house. Several years ago, Mimi attended Family Camp with her daughter Yvette and her grandson Rivers. It was then that her personal connection to Frost Valley deepened. “I feel a total warmth in my spirit at Frost Valley,” she says. “There’s something really special about this place.”

As an avid traveler, Mimi knows the importance of spending time outdoors, especially for children. “It really is a gift for children to be able to spend a little time away from home, exploring the world around them and having fun with other kids in nature,” she explains. That’s precisely why Mimi asked her friends and family to donate to Frost Valley in lieu of birthday presents. Because of her desire to give to the organization she holds dear, Mimi’s friends and family came together to generously support our mission, which will have a lasting and meaningful impact in the lives of children who otherwise might not be able to experience summer camp. And summer camp is a gift that will stay with children for a lifetime! Thank you, Mimi, for all your generosity and support.


39,793 TOTAL PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS from June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018

1000+ guests/ campers 500-999 100-499 50-99 10-49 0-9



Traditional Overnight Campers 1,691

Family Members


16,052 School Trip Participants

Day Campers


Girl Scouts


Tokyo Summer Campers


School/University Students


Adventure Campers


Guests from Non-Profit Organizations


Equestrian Campers


Y Adventure Guides


Farm Campers


Boy Scouts


MAC Program Campers


Religious Group Members


Leadership Programs




Outdoor Sporting Participants



Kidney Campers



BGSA Campers




East Valley Ranch



Equestrian Camp (Main Camp)



Farm Camp



Bear Grylls




Kidney Program


Newark Partnership

143 20


Traditional Day Camp



Equestrian Day Camp




53 School-Age Child Care Participants

14% 40%

Summer Camp Scholarships $68,640 $805,197 $288,860




School Break Camp Participants


Adventure Camp

Overnight Camp




Group & Family Retreat Program Scholarships $290,202

$2,010,962 46%

School Subsidies & Scholarships $915,563



FINANCIALS On June 1, 2015, the Board of Trustees voted to change to a June-May fiscal year, as opposed to the calendar year we formerly followed. The information below is representative of the period from June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018.


2017-18 2016-17

Summer Programs






Environmental Education





Tokyo Partnership Other Programs Scholarship Total Program Revenue Other











Contributions - In Kind



Investment Income






Total Revenue

Expenses Salaries & Wages



Taxes & Benefits



Food Services



Supplies & Equipment



Professional Services & Fees



Occupancy/Insurance & R/M





Printing & Promotion Miscellaneous Total Expenses





2017-18 2016-17 Operating Surplus/(Deficit) Before Depreciation






Increase (Decrease) In Net Assets From Operations









Total Changes In Permanently Restricted Net Assets



Change In Total Net Assets



Non Operating Items Total Change In Unrestricted Net Assets Total Changes In Temporarily Restricted Net Assets

The 2017-2018 Financial Information Provided Is Unaudited.

FROST VALLEY YMCA | June 2017 - May 2018 Annual Report

VOLUNTEER AND STAFF AWARDS ELIZABETH KELLOGG AWARD WINNERS John Coombs, Challenge Course Manager Bette Goode, Housekeeper Patricia Grimley, Camp Registrar Sally Hill, Reservations Assistant

D. HALBE BROWN AWARD WINNER Lester Gorr, Maintenance Technician

Pictured from left to right: Patricia Grimley, Bette Goode, Sally Hill, John Coombs, Lester Gorr

“I AM THIRD” AWARD WINNER Diana Larison, Housekeeper



Megan Cheney, East Valley Ranch Coordinator

Sandra Shapiro Bohn

PHASE I OF FACILITY PLAN CONTINUES The new road that eliminates our second entrance to camp is completed in June, improving the security of our campers, staff, and guests, by providing cars with only one point of entry to camp. With the completion this project, construction begins on ten new cabins to be available for summer camp 2018. Replacing cabins 41-50, which were built over 50 years ago, these new four-season cabins are only possible through generous donor support, for which Frost Valley is incredibly grateful.

DIG NETWORK WELCOMES FROST VALLEY After a two-day, all-staff workshop with trainers from YMCA of the USA, Frost Valley is the 76th YMCA and the second camp to join the Diversity, Inclusion and Global (DIG) Network. Active participation in this network strengthens our longstanding core values of diversity and inclusiveness to ensure that we prepare the next generation of global leaders and serve even more individuals and families from all walks of life.






YMCA CAMP MARKETING & DEVELOPMENT SYMPOSIUM On November 6-8, 2017, Frost Valley hosts the YMCA Camp Marketing and Financial Development Symposium, a national conference for camp executives, marketers, and fund development professionals. Joining together to strengthen the mission of Y camping, nearly 130 individuals convene to learn the strategies, tactics, and skills of the most far-reaching and impactful camps in the nation. NEW PARTNERSHIP FOR SUMMER CAMP During the third session of camp, we welcome our very first camper joining us through a new partnership with the Clarke School for Hearing and Speech, a school for children with hearing loss. Through this partnership, an on-site certified teacher of the deaf from Clarke provides support so that all of Frost Valley’s signature programs can be fully experienced by all.

PATRINA FOUNDATION GRANT Frost Valley gratefully receives a generous grant from the Patrina Foundation, an organization with a mission to improve the lives of girls and women. The grant will support tools, supplies, and materials required to maintain and enhance the integrity of our allgirls Equestrian Summer Camp at East Valley Ranch. Many thanks to the Patrina Foundation!

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT LEARNING INSTITUTE (CDLI) GRANT The YMCA of the USA awards East Valley Ranch with a CDLI grant to strengthen the equestrian camp program. The goals of this grant are to enhance hiring quality staff and professional development, delivering excellent programming, and increasing character development. After being awarded this grant last year, Day Camp programming will also continue to benefit from CDLI funding.








On February 26, all members of the Frost Valley staff come together for a day of goal setting and vision planning to formulate the 2023 Vision. The next five years will include big steps toward progress in multiple key areas which include: guest experience, diversity, sustainability, affordability, and more.

In our 2016-17 Annual Report, the story entitled “A Country Without a Camp,” tells how the International YMCA Camp Director Conference (hosted by Frost Valley) raised nearly $17,000 for YMCA Kosovo to launch the nation’s very first summer camp. To follow up on that story, we’re pleased to share that on April 30, 2018, three representatives from Kosovo’s government, the CEO of YMCA Kosovo, and a staff member from the YMCA of the USA all returned to Frost Valley with a mission: witness a traditional American summer camp and learn how to implement one in Kosovo. Shortly after visiting and seeing Frost Valley in action, Kujtim Gash (the Kosovo Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports) agreed to fund a significant portion of the costs to launch the new camp. We’re excited to see where this newly formalized partnership will lead next in our pursuit of boundless reach!

FURTHERING OUR BOUNDLESS REACH Thanks to a $10,000 YMCA of the USA grant, the Diversity, Inclusion, and Global Engagement team helps camps review and strengthen policies and programs for welcoming all youth to camp. The Camp Inclusion Project seeks to establish model overnight camp best practices in dimensions of diversity that are most relevant to the demands of camps and their communities.





Robert B. Haines, Esq.

Peter Andruszkiewicz John S. Butler, Esq. Mahtab Foroughi, Esq. Dr. R. Mark Ghobrial Ted B. Hilton Dr. Frederick J. Kaskel Michael D. Ketcham Kate Lewis John McCabe Amy F. Melican, Esq. Robert Messick John O’Brien Gail Ryan Barbara Spitz Professor Joshua A. Tucker Robin Wachenfeld Mary T. Wheeler

William H. Abbott Andrew Chapman Barton C. English Thomas M. Moriarty Shigeko Woolfalk

VICE CHAIRMAN Catherine M. Harvey

PRESIDENT James S. Vaughan

CEO Jerry Huncosky

TREASURER David B. Bieler

SECRETARY Jerold W. Dorfman, Esq.

VICE PRESIDENTS William E. Baker Professor Al Filreis Dr. Judith L. Pasnik Peter E. Sundman

TRUSTEES EMERITI Thomas W. Berry Hunter Corbin Paul B. Guenther Dr. George J. Hill W. Thomas Margetts

FROST VALLEY YMCA 2000 Frost Valley Road, Claryville, NY 12725 TEL (845) 985-2291 EMAIL WEB

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