Tokyo-Frost Valley YMCA Partnership Celebrates 40 Years

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Trip Center

Program Village

Boat House

Disc Golf Course

1979-2019 40年の歩み

TOKYO-FROST VALLEY YMCA PARTNERSHIP MISSION The Tokyo-Frost Valley YMCA Partnership supports Japanese and Japanese-speaking youth and families living in the tri-state area; promotes understanding between the people of the United States and Japan; and fosters world peace. To this end, the Tokyo-Frost Valley YMCA Partnership incorporates 8 core values into year-round programming that builds/develops strong family relationships, healthy lifestyles, cultural awareness, international cooperation, and individual growth in Spirit, Mind and Body.

東京-フロストバレーYMCA パートナーシップ使命 パートナーシップの使命は、トライステイト地域で 生活する日本語を話す青少年とその家族を援助する こと、アメリカに住む人と日本に住む人の相互 理解を深めること、さらには、世界平和を促進することで す。この使命を成就するために、パートナーシップはキリスト教精神に基づき、強い家族の絆、健康な生活 習慣、異文化理解、国際協力、そして精神・知性・身体、それぞれの成長を支える活動を年間のプログラム を通して実践します。


1979-2019 40年の歩み


CEO, Frost Valley YMCA Frost Valley’s partnership with the Tokyo YMCA has added so much to the fabric of our camp culture that the two organizations have become interwoven in countless ways. It’s inspiring to witness the children and families in the Tokyo programs immerse themselves in their home culture while they’re here. We see the lively conversations in Japanese as campers walk to their activities, we hear their songs and cheers in the dining hall, and everyone can sense the strong bonds that are formed in these programs. The opportunity to feel at home is a gift when home can feel so far away. We’re humbled to know that this partnership provides that vital sense of belonging all humans need. Embarking on global initiatives are vital to Frost Valley’s mission to serve all, and 40 years ago this partnership proved that there are no limits to what can be done when we work together for a common cause. The life-changing magic of the great outdoors knows no language. The wonder and awe that is felt on a hike and the camaraderie and kinship forged around a campfire are universal. Frost Valley’s partnership with the Tokyo YMCA consistently demonstrates this year after year, and we’re so grateful for many more years working together well into the future.


President of the Board of Trustees, Frost Valley YMCA The Tokyo YMCA and Frost Valley YMCA are celebrating our 40-year partnership together, and, as President of the Frost Valley YMCA Board of Trustees, I send you and your colleagues best wishes from the staff and board of trustees of Frost Valley. Moreover, on behalf of the Frost Valley staff and board of trustees, I assure you that we are looking forward to many more decades of productive partnership. The partnership between the Tokyo YMCA and Frost Valley YMCA is so much more than a traditional partnership – it’s a relationship with a meaningful bond that I’ve always valued and respected. Our staff and participants feel so at home when working with either organization that this relationship now goes beyond summer programming and has become an integral piece of the Frost Valley experience. Whenever our Frost Valley staff and trustees meet with our Tokyo YMCA counterparts, our shared values always seem to transcend the time between our visits, and to me, that is the definition of a strong friendship. In 2018, I visited the Tokyo YMCA in Japan, and you and your gracious leaders there welcomed me as we toured the facilities, which left a lasting impression on me. The myriad activities and educational opportunities of the Tokyo YMCA were eye opening, and I could see firsthand why Frost Valley has such an easy bond with the Tokyo YMCA. We want the same thing: to serve youth in innovative ways that positively influence them for the rest of their lives. I look forward to many, many more years of watching this partnership deepen and grow.


1979-2019 40年の歩み


General Secretary, Tokyo YMCA 両YMCAに関わる多くの方々のご支援を受け、40年の長きにわたりパートナーシップの活動が継続し てきたことに感謝いたします。神様の豊かな導きにより、人に寄り添い人を育てるパートナーシップの 活動が一層発展していくことをお祈りします。 I am grateful for the 40-year-long partnership, which has been made possible by the support of many people involved with both YMCAs. I pray that the Partnership, with God’s guidance, will continue to further develop its caring and nurturing programs.





Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Tokyo YMCA 東京ーフロストバレーYMCAパートナーシップの40周年を心からお祝いします。本間夫妻を始め、 パートナーシップを愛する全ての皆さんの働きに感謝するとともに、これからも日米の大切な懸け橋 として発展させていきたいと願います。 Congratulations to the Tokyo-Frost Valley YMCA Partnership on its 40th anniversary. I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Honma and all those who love and have been committed to the Partnership. The Tokyo YMCA hopes to continue supporting the Partnership, which acts as an important bridge between Japan and the U.S.





Director, Tokyo-Frost Valley YMCA Partnership (2015-2019) 「アメリカでも完全に受け入れられることは無く、日本でも外人扱いされ、僕には故郷が無い。でも フロストバレーは、ありのままの自分を受け入れてくれた。」私にとって忘れられないことばです。 どんな人も受け入れるフロストバレーは、多くの人にとって「故郷」です。これからも社会で必要とさ れていることを形にして、公正で平和な社会を作る場であり続けたいと思います。 “I don’t have a hometown as I was never fully accepted in the U.S. and was treated as a foreigner in Japan. But Frost Valley accepted me for who I am.” I will never forget these words. Frost Valley accepts everyone for who they are and many of us consider this place our “hometown.” The Tokyo-Frost Valley Partnership hopes to continue creating a just and peaceful society through our programs.









- 1979

- 1980

- 1981

- 1982

10月24日の署名式で東京-フロストバレーYMCA パートナーシップ(TFYP)が誕生。

1979年2月1日東京-ニューヨークYMCA パートナーシップ開設。初代Executive Directorに本間立夫就任。日本人の会員、 リーダーはゼロだった。

Each August, participants from the Frost Valley Family Camp attend the “Introduction to Japanese Culture” workshop at the Friendship House.

While the camps are in session, the second floor of the Friendship House is used by the directors for their stay.

7月9日、第1回スポーツキャンプをホリデイヒ ルズYMCAで3週間行う。 (参加者33名)

On July 9th, the second summer camp, a two-week “Sports and Study Camp” starts with 82 campers.

7月23日フレンドシップハウス落成式。毎年8月フロ ストバレーのファミリーキャンプで日本文化紹介を フレンドシップハウス1Fの広間を利用して実施され ている。また2Fエリアはキャンプ中のディレクター 住居として用いられる。

7月9日、第2回目は2週間の「学習とスポーツ キャンプ」をスポーツキャンプの後に実施。 (参加者82名)

The first Family Ski Camp is held at the Holiday Hills YMCA with 60 participants.

In the spring, the Y’s Men’s Club of Tokyo donates 40 stocks of Weeping Cherry trees, which were planted around the Friendship House.

第1回ファミリースキーキャンプをホリデイヒ ルズYMCAで実施。 (参加者60名)

春に枝垂桜の苗木40本が東京ワイズメン他有志か ら送られ植樹される。

With the rapid increase of summer camp participants, the TNYP moves to Frost Valley YMCA.

Partnership Advisory Committee, which consists of members outside of the YMCA, is reestablished.

しばらく途絶えていたパートナーシップアドバイザリ ーコミッティーが再発足し、有識者からのサポート体 制が整えられる。


On October 24th, the TNYP formally changes its name to the Tokyo-Frost Valley YMCA Partnership (TFYP) at the signing ceremony.

On July 23rd, the opening ceremony for the Friendship House is held.

パートナーシップ最初の活動 15人で開始した主婦のフィットネスは1年後に287人に発展した。

- 1996

The Women’s Fitness Class becomes so popular that the attendance grows from 15 participants in the first year to 287 participants in the second year.

- 1990

On July 9th, the first summer camp, a three-week summer sports camp, opens at the Holiday Hills YMCA with 33 campers.


On February 1st, 1979, the Tokyo New York YMCA Partnership (TNYP) is formed. Tatsuo Honma becomes the first Executive Director. The Partnership’s first year is a difficult one with zero Japanese members and leaders.

夏のスポーツキャンプは参加者急増のため広 大な自然と北米YMCAでも屈指の施設を誇る フロストバレーYMCAに場所を移転。

- 1997

- 2000




- 2001

- 2002

- 2011

After the terrorist attack of September 11th, the YMCA from both the USA and Japan ask the community for donations. A total of $18,494.40 is raised to help with the recovery efforts. 9.11テロが起こる。ニューヨークテロ被害救 済募金が日米YMCAの呼びかけによって行わ れる。TFYPに$18,494.40の募金が集めら れ、YMCAの被害者救援活動に用いられる。

The TFYP office moves from Montclair, NJ to White Plains, NY.

Programs for middle and high school students and day programs for all ages become increasingly popular.

パートナーシップの事務所がモントクレアから ホワイトプレインズに移る。

中高生活動や日帰りで行うプログラムなどコミ ュニティー活動が盛んになる。

To help with the recovery efforts for the 3.11 earthquake in Japan, a total amount of $18,916.00 is donated from FV YMCA to Tokyo YMCA.

A total amount of $6,818.19 is collected in the US and Japan to help with the recovery of Hurricane Irene at Frost Valley YMCA.

東日本大震災の募金活動が行われ、$18,916.00 をフロストバレーYMCAから東京YMCAに復興 支援募金として送られる。その後も継続的に募金 活動が実施される。

ハリケーンアイリーンの直撃によりFVは甚大な 被害を受ける。直後に日米で募金活動が行われ TFYPの募金活動を通じて$6,818.19 の寄付が 集められる。

- 2011

- 2014

- 2016

- 2019

On August 6th, Tatsuo and Emiko Honma were inducted into the Frost Valley YMCA Hall of Fame.

8月6日、本間立夫、恵美子夫妻がフロストバレ ーYMCA Hall of Fame (殿堂)に名を連ねる 功労者として表彰される。

The Japanese Garden (Garden Bridge) for Friendship House opens.


To help with recovery efforts for the earthquake in Kumamoto, Japan a total amount of $9,670 is donated from Frost Valley YMCA to Kumamoto YMCA through Tokyo YMCA.

熊本地震の募金活動が行われる。$9,670を フロストバレーYMCAから東京YMCAを通して、 熊本YMCAに復興支援募金として送られる。

The TFYP celebrates its 40th Anniversary.

40th Anniversary Celebrations were held in Tokyo and at Frost Valley.

More than 300 participants attend the TFYP summer camp (368 campers & 50 staff members including Jr. Leaders).

東京-フロストバレーYMCAパートナーシップ 40周年を迎える。

東京とフロストバレーで記念式典が開催され る。

サマーキャンプ参加者は毎夏300人を超える。 (2019年参加者368人・スタッフ、ジュニアリー ダー合計は50人)


TOKYO-FROST VALLEY YMCA PARTNERSHIP 777 Westchester Avenue Ste.101, White Plains, NY 10707 TEL (914)705-5434 日本語でどうぞ EMAIL WEB

FROST VALLEY YMCA 2000 Frost Valley Road, Claryville, NY 12725 TEL (845) 985-2291 EMAIL WEB

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